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This lab tested four different materials, including A-36 hot rolled steel, 6061-T6 Aluminum, polycarbonate, and

polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA ! "ach material #as tested three times using an $nstron load frame and the %lue&ill data ac'uisition soft#are! The data from each test #as used to determine (aluable material properties such as ultimate tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, and yield strength! )ther calculated properties included true fracture strength, percent reduction of area, and percent elongation! These material properties #ere used for comparing the materials to each other, and to define the material as brittle or ductile! The true stress and true strain #ere calculated for one sample of 6061-T6 aluminum to sho# the difference bet#een the engineering stress and strain, and the true (alues! The engineering stress is an assumption that uses the initial area of the cross section, ignoring the effects of trans(erse strain and the changing cross section! This assumption results in the drop of the engineering stress-strain cur(e after the ultimate tensile strength, #here nec*ing occurs! The results of the tensile tests sho#ed that the A-36 hot rolled steel #as the strongest material! $t had the highest ultimate tensile strength (+,-!. MPa , the greatest modulus of toughness (1-/!6 MPa , and the largest true fracture strength (10/- MPa ! The 6061-T6 aluminum had a higher yield (3+6!3 MPa than the steel (3++!6 , but a lo#er ultimate tensile strength (3-/!. MPa and true fracture strength (+-1!0 MPa due to tempering and precipitation hardening! All of the materials besides the PMMA pro(ed to be ductile, especially the polycarbonate, #hich had a percent elongation of 0,!,1 The PMMA samples a(eraged a percent elongation of only 0!-3331! The samples #ere cylindrical in cross section, #ith a reduced gage section! The reduced gage section ensured that the highest stresses occurred #ithin the gage, and not near the grips of the $nstron load frame, pre(enting strain and fracture of the specimen near or in the grips! The reduced gage section of each specimen #as about 1,!- mm (0!+ inches ! The data #as used to calculate (arious properties of each material, including the elastic modulus, yield strength, ultimate tensile strength! The data #as then plotted on engineering stress-strain cur(es to compare the samples! The purpose of this e2periment #as to gather information about each material so that important mechanical properties could be determined

6061 aluminium alloy- Magnesium minimum 0.8%, maximum 1.2% Silicon minimum 0.4%, maximum 0.8% by weight Remain e! "luminium #$%.8%%&$8.%6%'

(MM" is a t!ans)a!ent the!mo)lastic, o*ten use as a lightweight o! shatte!!esistant

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