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Proceedings of The 3rd Asian Physics Symposium (APS 2009)

July 22 – 23, Bandung, Indonesia

Contrast of Lunar Crescent Visibility

Eka Puspita Arumaningtyas1, and Moedji Raharto2

Astronomy Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science
Bandung Institute of Technology
Astronomy Research Division, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science
Bandung Institute of Technology
Jl. Ganesha No. 10 Bandung, Indonesia 40132
e-mail address: or

Knowledge on the first visibility of lunar crescents after conjunction is the important for determining the
first date of Hijriah calendar. There are some prediction methods on the first visibility of the lunar crescents. One of
them is calculation of minimum contrast between the brightness of the crescent and the sky required for succesfull
observing of the first visibilty lunar crescent (Hoofman: 2002). The contrast defines a ratio of two components, the
illuminance of the lunar crescent and the brightness of the sky. Using the model derived by B.E Schaefer (1993) we
calculate the value of sky brightness during the crescents visibility. We also present contrast according to
definitions of M. Ilyas (1984) and A.H. Sultan (2006).

The result of the calculation shows that the sky brightness of lunar crescent and the brightness of the sky
proportional to the elevation and the altitude of the Moon and the Sun. However the sky brightness was inversely
proportional to the relative humidity and separation between sky direction and the Moon as well as the Sun. The sky
brightness in winter solstice is higher than in summer solstice.

Keywords: Sky Brightness, contrast, lunar crescent visibility

brightness during the appearance of lunar crescents in
1. Introduction the first visibility. We compare the prediction of
contrast follows definitions of M. Ilyas (1984),
The first thin lunar crescent appear in the
sky after conjunction, which still recognized by Schaefer (1993), and A.H. Sultan (2006).
naked eye observation, named hilal. The hilal will 2. Calculation
appear in the direction on the sky near to the sunset
location. The appearance of hilal if the thin crescent The calculation of sky brightness at the
is brighter enough than evening twilight during the evening twilight using a model developed by
time of naked eye observation. The scattered light of Schaefer (1993) [3]. The input parameters in the
the sun will contribute significantly to the total calculation are; the altitude and the azimuth of the
intensity of sky brightness on the evening twlight. moon and the sun, elongation of the moon, and
The intensity of the evening twilight depends on the ascensiorecta of the sun. The elevation of the sites is
solar depression. The hilal visibility needs a varying from 100 meters to 2900 meters, while the
sufficient contrast between the brightness of lunar relative humidity is varying from 10% to 90 %. We
crescent and the evening sky. calculated the value of sky brightness in two different
The precise prediction on hilal’s visibility is hemispheres, the northern and the southern
important for determining the first date of Hijriah hemispheres, namely: 10 LU and 60LU for the
calendar. The prediction of crescent visibility is very northern part, 10LS and 60LS for the southern part.
difficult, for which astronomers since the Babylonian The value of sky brightness measured in unit
times have invested much effort (Ilyas: 1984). One of of nanoLambert. To make an easy interpretation we
the approach of the prediction of hila’s visibility is transform the unit of nanoLambert to the unit of
multidisciplinary involving astronomy, optics, mag/arc sec2 by using the formulas that derived by
meteorology, and physiology. There are some others S.Nawar (1997). The figures 1 (a) and 1 (b) show that
methods for determining the visibility of the lunar the sky brightness increases as elevation go higher. It
crescents, one of them is a measure of the minimum means in lower location the value of sky brightness
contrast required to observe the thin lunar crescent get lower, in contrary in the higher latitude. We also
(Hoofman: 2002). The contrast is a ratio of two compared the value of sky brightness of summer
components: the illuminance of the Moon and the solstice and winter solstice at different latitude. All
brightness of the sky. Using the model derived by hilal belongs to member of Islamic Lunar Variant
B.E Schaefer (1993), we calculated the value of sky Number (ILVn) ILVn 37, 99, and 235 are identified

222 Eka Puspita Arumaningtyas and Moedji Raharto

in-group of hilal wich appear when the position of the illumination of the lunar crescent and the sky
sun in summer solstice. In the direction of each group brightness. Using the definition of M.Ilyas, Schaefer,
of hilal, the sky brightness decreasing from 10LU, - and A.H. Sultan the calculation of contrast as
10LS, 60LU, to -60LS respectively (figure 1a). The follows:
group of hilal appear in winter solstice are identified 3,0E-01

by ILVn 68, 167, and 204. In the direction of each

group of hilal the sky brightness decreasing from -
10LS, 10LU, -60LS, to 60LU respectively (figure 2,0E-01

1b). During summer solstice, the sun appears in the 1,5E-01
northern sky and during winter solstice, the sun -60LS
appears in the southern sky. It gives a variation to the
distance of the earth to the sun, that imply on the 5,0E-02

variation of the intensity of sunshine. 0,0E+00

0 1 2 3 4
H (km)

25 (a)
(mag/square arc sec)

10LU 3
15 -10LS
B sky

60LU 2,5
10 60LS

5 -10LS
0 1 -60LS

0 1 2 3 4
H (km) 0,5

(a) 0
0 1 2 3 4
H (km)

(mag/square arc sec)

12 -0,7
10LU 0 1 2 3 4
10 -10LS -0,75
B sky

8 60LU -0,8
6 -60LS 10LU

-0,9 60LU
2 -60LS
0 1 2 3 4 -1

H (km) -1,05
H (km)
Figure 1. Sky brightness in the different elevations (c)
and different latitudes in summer solstice (a), and
winter solstice (b). Figure 2. Contrast at different elevations in summer
solstice using the definition of M. Ilyas (a), Schaefer
As the position of the Earth close to (b), and A.H Sultan (c).
perihelion the intensity of the sky brightness roughly
7% brighter than close to aphelion. It is known Contrast using M.Ilyas and A.H. Sultan
regularly that the sun shines for the northern definition is inversely proportional to both the higher
hemisphere longer when then the Earth close to elevation and sky brightness as shown in figure 2(a)
summer solstice in contrary when the earth closed to and 2(b). In contrary using the Schaefer definition the
winter solstice. The sky brightness at the latitude near value of contrast is proportional to both the higher
equator, 10LU and 10LS, is always higher than the elevation and sky brightness as shown in figure 2(c).
sky brightness at high latitude, 60LU and 60LS, both The intensity of sky brightness is influenced
in summer and winter solstice. by relative humidity. The brightness increases when
The variations of sky brightness will the relative humidity goes lower. In a high humidity,
influence the changes of contrast between the total amount of water vapor, which absorbs the
Contrast of Lunar Crescent Visibility 223

sky brightness, will increase. The variation of sky therefore it will lower both when the value of relative
brightness will affect the value of contrast. Therefore, humidity goes lower and the altitude of the Moon or
if the relative humidity changes, then the value of the Sun go higher. In contrary using the definition of
contrast will also change. Schaefer, the contrast is higher when both the relative
humidity goes lower and the Moon or Sun goes
25 The separation between the sky direction
20 and the Moon or Sun, ρ sun and ρ moon , was also
(mag/square arc sec)

contribute to the sky brightness. Figure 6 shows that

B sky

the value of sky brightness in mag/sq. arcsec is

10 higher when the separation is larger. It means the sky
brightness is dimmer when the separation between
the Moon or Sun go larger.
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1
Relative Humidity 20

B sky (mag/square arc sec)

Figure 3. The changes of Sky brightness at different 10
value of relative humidity. 6
The variations of the altitude of the moon and the sun 0
0 5 10 15 20 25
will contribute to the sky brightness. Figures 5 shows Rho (degree)
the changes of sky brightness due to the variation of
the Moon and Sun altitude. The sky brightness is
proportional to the altitude of the Moon and Sun. Figure 5. The dependence of sky brightness to the
variation of the Moon and Sun altitudes.
The gradually changes of sky brightness to
the variation altitude of the Sun is larger than the
Sky Brightness (nL)

gradually changes of the Moon altitude.

1,5E+07 3. Result and Discussion


5,0E+06 The value of sky brightness determined by

0,0E+00 some factors such as the position of the moon and the
0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 sun, the ascensiorecta of the sun, the moon
Moon's altitude (degree)
elongation, the latitude of the observer, the elevation
of the observer, the relative humidity of the location,
(a) and the separation between sky direction with the
moon and the sun, ρ moon and ρ sun .
The variation of sky brightness at latitudes
3,5E+07 in both winter and summer mainly influenced by the
3,0E+07 positions of the earth relatively to the sun, which are
Sky Brightness(nL)

2,5E+07 close to aphelion in summer and that to perihelion in

winter. On the other side, as the elevation of observer
getting higher, the value of extinction as well as
absorption will decrease. This implies to a less sky
0,0E+00 brightness. Relative humidity reflects a total mount
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 of water vapor in the air, acts as absorbing agent of
Sun's altitude(derajat)
sky brightness. Focal orientation, reflected by rho,
will determine the total intensity of rays collected by
(b) detector.
Figure 4. The dependence of sky brightness to the
changes of Moon’s altitude (a) and Sun’s altitude (b).
As the contrast of M.Ilyas and A.H Sultan
are inversely proportional to the sky brightness,
224 Eka Puspita Arumaningtyas and Moedji Raharto

3. Nawar, S., (1997) General Transformation

4. Conclusions Factor from Number of Stars of The Tenth
From the calculation, we can conclude that Visual Magnitude to Reyleigh per Angstrom or
the variation of sky brightness is proportional to the NanoLambert for Different Wavelenght.
elevation and inversely proportional to the relative Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 253,
humidity and rho. In the higher latitudes the sky Issue 1, pp.1-5
brightness will increase. In the other hand the 4. Schaefer, B.E, (1993) Astronomy and The Limits
intensity of sky brightness was also influenced by the of Vision. Vistas in Astronomy. 36: 311-361
changes of the elevation. The intensity of sky 5. Sopwan, N and Raharto, M. (2008)
brightness during winter solstice is higher than the Characteristic Hilal Metonic Cycle Near
sky brightness during summer solstice. Equinox, Perihelion ,Aphelion, and Solstice.
The prediction of contrast using M. Ilyas’s Department of Astronomy. Institute Technology
and A.H. Sultan’s definition was inversely of Bandung
proportional to the sky brightness. However, the 6. Sultan, A.H, (2006) Best Time for the First
prediction of contrast using Schaefer’s definition was Visibility of Lunar Crescent. The Observatory.
proportional to the sky brightness. 126 115S
7. Yallop, B.D, (2004) A Method for Predicting the
References First Sight of the New Crescent Moon. NAO
Technical Note No.69
1. Hoffman, R.E. (2003) Observing the New Moon. 8. Arumaningtyas E.P. and Raharto M. (2008). A
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 340:1039-1051 Study of the Impact of Sky Brightness on Hilal
2. Ilyas, Mohammad, (1984) A Modern Guide to Visibility. ICMNS 2008.
Astronomical Calculations of Islamic Lunar
Calendar, Times, & Qibla. Berita. Kuala Lumpur

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