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Heart and neck vessels Structure and function Cardiovascular syste o Is a highly complex system that includes the

e heart and a closed system o f blood vesselsHeart is a hollow, muscular, four chambered organ located in the middle of the thoracic cavity between the lungs in the space called the mediastinum 2 type of circulation o Pulmonary circulation o Systemic circulation Great vessels large veins annd arteries leading directly to and away from the heart. Superior and inferior vena cava return blood to the right atrium. Pulmonary artery exist the right ventricle, bifurcates and carries blood to the lungs Pulmonary veins return oxygenated blood to the left atrium Aorta trasport oxygenated blood from the left ventricle to the body 4 chamber or cavities o 2 upper chambers, the right and left atria o 2lower chamber, the right and left ventricles Interventricular septum separates the right and left sides of the heart. Atrioventricular(AV) valve located at the entrance into the ventricles o 2 AV Valve Tricuspid valve composed of three cups or flaps and is loceted between the right atrium and right ventricle Bicusbid (mitral) valve composed of two cups or flaps and is located between the atrium and left ventricle. Semilunar valve located at the exit of each ventricles at the beginning of the great vessels o 2 semilunar valve Pulmonic valve located at the entrance of the pulmonary artery as it exits the right ventricle Aortic valve located at the beginning of the ascending aorta as it exits the left ventricle.

Heart covering and walls Pericardium tough inextensible, loose-fitting, fibroserous sack that attaches to the great vessels and these by sorround the heart. Epicardium serous membranes covers the outer surface of the heart Myocardium thickest layer of the heart and is made up of contractable cardiac muscles cells Endocardium thin layer of endothilial tissues that forms the innermost layer of the heart.

The cardiac cycle Cardiac cycle refers to the filling and emptying of the heart chambers 2phases of cardiac cycle o Diastole relaxation of the ventricles, known as filling. o Systole contracting of the ventricles, known as emtying. Cardiac output Cardiac output (CO) amout of blood pumped by the ventricles during a given period of time (usually in 1 minuet) Stroke Volume Stroke volume amount of blood pumped from the heart with each contraction. Neck vessels Assessment of the cardiovascular system includes evaluation of the neck; the carotid artery and the jugular veins. Carotid atery pulse Right and left common carotid arteries extended from the branhiocephalic trunk and the aortic arch are located in the groove between the trachea and the roght and left sternocleidomastoid muscles Carotid artery pulse centrally located arterial pulse Jugular venous pulse and pressure 2 sets of jugular veins o Internal jugular veins lie deep and medial to the sternocleidomastoid muscle o External jugular veins superficial: they lie lateral to the sternocleidomastoid muscle and above the clavicle.

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