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Concrete Mix Design Conference Abu Dhabi May 18-19, 2010

Future trends in Concrete For Abu Ab Dhabi 2030

Prof. Abdul Rahim Sabouni BSc (Hons), MSc (GWU), PhD (Cornell), PEng, FASCE, FACI Vice Chancellor and CEO ALHOSN UNIVERSITY

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010

Future trends in Concrete For Abu Dhabi 2030

Prof. Abdul-Rahim Sabouni
BSc (Hons), (Hons) MSc (GWU), (GWU) PhD (Cornell), (Cornell) PEng, PEng FASCE, FASCE FACI

Professor Abdul Rahim Sabouni is the Vice Chancellor and CEO of ALHOSN University. He holds a PhD degree from Cornell University in Structural Engineering, a Masters Degree from the George Washington University, and a Bachelors degree from Damascus University, and has more than 30 years of academic and professional experience in the US, Canada and the Middle East. In addition to being a Professor at ALHOSN University, he is an adjunct Professor in three Canadian Universities, Carleton University, the University of Western Ontario and Ryerson University. As a professional Engineer Dr. Sabouni worked as a buildings design consultant, and technical advisor in the government of Abu Dhabi, Dhabi and was involved in many prestigious projects, projects including the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque and the Emirates Palace projects. Dr. Sabouni is a Professional Engineer in Ontario, Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Fellow of the American Concrete Institute, the founding president of the ACI-UAE Chapter, and the first recipient of the George Winter Fellowship Award in Cornell University. Prof. Sabouni publications include articles in reinforced concrete materials, and in expert systems for concrete mixes, and deteriorated concrete structures.
Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010 2

Future trends in Concrete For Abu Dhabi 2030

Introduction Expert Speculations Governing Factors Trends Abu Dhabi 2030 Conclusions

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010

Historical Background

Concrete is very old in history, but reinvented by in its modern form in the 19th century. century

Early concretes were used by Syrians around 6500 BC and spread through Egypt and ancient Greece, but it was the Romans who refined the mixture's use. Even the word "concrete" is derived from the Latin "concretus," meaning "to grow together."[Keim 2005]
While lower grades were used in everyday construction, the gems of Roman engineering - the Appian Way (which linked Rome to the East), the Coliseum, the Pantheon, and aqueducts - used a highperformance concrete that derived its strength from ashes emitted by Mt.Vesuvius.

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010

Historical Background

"This substance, when mixed with lime and rubble," wrote Vitruvius master engineer and architect to the Emperor Augustus, Vitruvius, Augustus "not only lends strength to buildings of other kinds, but even when piers of it are constructed in the sea, they set hard underwater. As the Dark Ages descended, Roman concrete mastery was lost, for nearly 1500 years, till concrete was rediscovered in the 19th century and became so popular that it is now the most used construction material in the world. Modern Concrete owes much to France's Joseph-Louis Lambot who was the first to submit a patent for "ferro-cement". This original reinforced concrete was used in various applications: boats, apartment t t bl blocks, k works k of f art, t etc. t
Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010 6


There is just no question about it: Concrete is the world's most important material. Each year, billions of tons of concrete become the stuff of buildings, highways, dams, sidewalks, and even artworks. Concrete is probably used more widely than any other substance except water. More than a ton of concrete is produced each year for every man, woman, and child on Earth. [Keim 2005] Yet concrete is one of the simplest materials. A typical mix of concrete simply consists of 60 to 75 percent sand and gravel or crushed stone, 15 to 20 percent water, and 10 to 15 percent cement, which is prepared by roasting limestone, clay, and other i ingredients. di t
Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010 7

Expert Speculations
Concrete Construction invited several industry leaders to speculate upon what might be in store for the concrete construction industry in its next 50 years. Here is what they say [1]:

Robert A. Garbini: They will use high technology to adjust for raw material variations without slowing the process of construction. construction Robotics in a wide variety of situations will speed construction while reducing energy costs. William F. Baker: Nanotechnology is allowing scientists and engineers to analyze how and d why h materials l behave b h as they h do....The d Th mixing and d production d technology h l may be b similar to current practice, but the product will be quite different. Ken Hover: The reality y of f g global warming g will settle in, and with energy gy costs, will compel more efficient cement use. Further, sustainability demands that we stop building expensive temporary structures out of wood (the formwork). Sustainability will also be enhanced as we double or triple service life by using sound design details and materials and construction practice.

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010

Expert Speculations

Mike Shydlowski: Nanotechnology used in the research and development of chemical admixtures will bring new flexibility and opportunities opportunities One of the most significant changes for the concrete industry will be the widespread acceptance of the Prescription-toPerformance (P2P)., The use of byproducts and recycled concrete, pervious concrete, .. (for) a green building product. Bev Garnant: Green will be the flavor of the day. .. Concrete will also have a larger market share in response to issues like global warming, terrorism, seismic concerns, and our shrinking planetrobotic trowel machines, with pressure-sensitive devices to read the concrete; other robotics for rebar placing and field bending and auto welding; Peter H. Emmons: Castable materials will have sufficient tensile and compressive p p ti eliminating properties, li i ti separate p t reinforcement. i f t .. Concrete C t will ill be b a very green material t i l reducing effects on the environment, mostly driven by the reduced volumes needed to build.

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010

Expert Speculations

James A. Repman: The cement industry will continue to strive to meet market demands while using environmentally responsible practices that minimize emissions, emissions waste, energy consumption, and the use of raw materials Howard Kanare: Buildings will be smarter and will monitor themselves from right after concrete placement placement he most important mission .. is to bring all design professionals and workers to a high level of knowledge about the materials and

methods they use

Ed Sauter: Durability, Durability energy performance, performance speed of construction, construction and aesthetics s

properties that all of us in the industry have been promoting for yearswill help fuel the growth SCC and its derivatives will be the norm, not the exception.
James M. M Shilstone, Shilstone Sr.: Sr : Mixture designs will be recognized as different from mixture proportions following Abrams' 1918 position Proportions of concrete mixtures will be automatically adjusted in the batch plant to replicate the mix design.

Portland cement concrete made 50 years from now will be a more sophisticated product than it is today.

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


Expert Speculations

Gerald G ld F. F Voigt: V i t Sustainability S i bili is i coming, i b but not well ll understood. d d The Th transportation community must adopt and balance environmental stewardship, business requirements, and the needs of society. Concrete pavement provides an excellent platform because it does not require rehabilitation or reconstruction as often, consuming fewer raw materials. Concrete pavements also offer better light reflectance, recyclability, use of co-generated materials, and the ability to help urban areas stay cooler. Michael Miller: Concrete mix design will continue to advance. Selfconsolidating concrete will be more widely used. Ready-mix innovation might reduce the high form pressures that limit placing rates in tall walls and columns. ..Smart components will notify users if pressures or loads are approaching or exceeding design limits. Smart systems might even alert users to connections or critical components that are missing or improperly installed.

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


Governing Factors

Concrete the king of the Construction, materials has recently b become under d attack k for f being b i not friendly f i dl enough h to the h environment. New factors have been introduced to drive the research and d l development of f concrete material l that h had h d never been b considered d d in the past. After decades of concentrating almost exclusively on improving concrete strength, ductility, durability, and workability as being the objective most research and developments, factors like sustainability, carbon gas emission, greening, and other environmental i t l considerations id ti will ill t take k th the l lead di in f future t developments not only in use of concrete as a construction material, but in the re-evaluation of the processes of manufacturing, mixing transporting mixing, transporting, casting, casting and maintaining of concrete. concrete
Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010 12

Governing Factors
Such S h trends d are spurred d by b two globally l b ll dominant d i factors:

Newly ew y introduced t o uce e environmental v o e ta regulations, egu at o s, due ue to t the e increasing awareness of environmental and sustainability concerns. Realization of applicability of the high high-tech tech advancements in science and technology to the traditional low-tech concreting Industry. Nanotechnology, Intelligent Strcutures, Smart Materials, Materials Biomimicry, Bi mimicr etc.. etc

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


But, But what are the alternatives?

Steel Timber Masonry ?

First: How do alternatives relate to the new growing Environmental Concerns?

How friendly they are to the Environment?

Second: How do they respond to the New growing and potential Environmental Hazards?
How sustainable they are against the not-so-friendly Environment How to withstand the grave Natural and Man-made hazards (Hurricanes, Tsunamis, Earthquakes,Terrorism, Biological and Chemical, Atomic ) Hazards,, )

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


So before Concrete is put on the defensive end, think about the alternatives!

Photos show the only surviving home in an area that was completely destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. Foundations are all that remain of most of the neighboring home, October 4, 2005 .

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


So before Concrete is put on the defensive end, think about the alternatives!

The Greenville KS tornado, despite being the biggest target in the town, the reinforced concrete farm supply silo survived the tornado.

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010



Beichuan Qiang County, in Sichuan, China was one of the worst-affected regions during the h Great G S Sichuan h E h k Earthquake of May 12, 2008. The townships of Qushan and Leigu were hit particularly hard, concrete structures crumbling to rubble under their own weight, weight or being crushed by landslides.

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010



Although concrete collapses under sever earthquakes, if it well-designed and constructed d it is relatively l l earthquake resistant to moderate quakes.

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


Chernobyl Disaster 26 April 1986:

Engineers g finally y poured p 20,000 tons of concrete and lead onto the reactor to contain the radiation in December 1986. The resulting concrete sarcophagus exists to this day, but questions of its stability and lifespan remain.

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


Although Concrete Industry shall be responsive positively to the new Environmental trends, trends

Shall not accept the King of materials, Concrete to become the Criminal of Materials!

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


What is the common factor among those structures throughout history?

The Coliseum

It is Concrete!
Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010 21

What is the common factor among those structures throughout history?

The Pantheon

It is Concrete!
Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010 22

What is the common factor among those structures t t throughout th h t history? hi t ?

The Aqueducts q

It is Concrete!
Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010 23

What is the common factor among those structures t t throughout th h t history? hi t ?

Sydney y y Opera p House

It is Concrete!
Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010 24

What is the common factor among those structures t t throughout th h t history? hi t ?

Abu Dhabi Exhibition Center Tower ADNEC

It is Concrete!
Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010 25

What is the common factor among those structures t t throughout th h t history? hi t ?

Burj Khalifa

It is Concrete!
Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010 26

Concrete is the ..

But which Concrete?

Concrete that is:
More responsive p to environmental concerns More Sustainable More efficient More Economical Adaptable to modern technological advances Modern and Innovative Shifting from rules-of-thumb to rules of science Relying on more theories than empirical findings Building Expert Systems from Human Experts
Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010 27

Which Concrete?
Giving up the Traditional LowT hi Tech image to become b at the h for-front of material High-Tech More responsive to environmental l concerns More Economical, to meet the new challenges of the societal changes.

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


Which Concrete?
Giving up the slum test to computerized i d smart monitoring of mixes.

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010



Rule 1: ADDING ONE GALLON OF WATER TO ONE CUBIC YARD OF FRESHLY MIXED CONCRETE WILL: Increase slump about one inch Decrease compressive strength about 200 to 300 psi Increase shrinkage potential about 10% Waste as much as 1/4 bag of cement

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010




About 1 gallon of water per cubic yard maintains equal slump Air content decreases about 1% Compressive strength decreases about 150 to 200 psi i
Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010 31


Rule 3:

If air content of fresh concrete ...


compressive strength decreases about 3% yield decreases about 1/4 cubic foot per cubic yard



slump decreases about 1 inch


durability decreases about 10%

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010



Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


The US Green Building Council has developed a rating system for the Federal Government as a guide for green and sustainable design. This system called Leadership system, Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design Design(LEED) (LEED), has become a standard adopted by several governmental agencies in its original form or some modified versions of it. It assigns points in five different categories: 1 Sustainable 1. S bl Sites, S 14 possible bl points 2.Water Efficiency, 5 possible points 3. Energy & Atmosphere, 17 possible points 4. Materials & Resources, 13 possible points 5 Indoor 5. I d E Environmentall Quality, Q l 15 possible bl points 6. Innovation & Design Process, 5 possible points Project j Rating: g 1. Projects require at least 26 out of the total of 69 points to become Certified 2. Projects with 33 points are Silver-rated 3. Projects with 39 points are Gold-rated j with 52 p points are Platinum-rated,, which is the highest g rating g. 4. Projects

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


Four Challenges:
Concrete industry has become a victim of its own success and d therefore h f is i now faced f d with ih the following tremendous challenges:
1. Reduction of required natural resources; 2. Reduction of energy consumption; 3. Reduction of CO2 emissions; 4. Reduction of water consumption.

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


Five Strategies:
1. Increased reliance on recycled materials. 2 Improved 2. Impro ed durability., d rabilit by b doubling do blin the service ser ice life of o our r structures. str ct res 3. Improved mechanical properties which leads to a reduction of materials needed. 4. Increased use of f supplementary pp y cementitious material,, especially p y those that are byproducts of industrial processes, such as fly ash and slag.. 5. Reuse of wash water.

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


I Innovation i
Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010 37

More Innovative, t thi to think k out t of f th the t traditional diti l concrete t b box.

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


SelfSelf -Healing Concrete

Civil engineer Prof.Victor Li designed a bendable concrete that repairs its own cracks. . Li's self-healing concrete is based on a material he came up with in 1990 called ll d engineered i d cementitious composite. It has some of the same ingredients as portland cement, except the coarser bits bi of f the h mix i are replaced by microfibers. When the composite is stressed, it bends without fracturing. If it d does crack, k the h cracks k tend d to b be less than 50 microns wide-thinner than a human hair. These tiny cracks have the ability to heal themselves.
Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010 39

SelfSelf -Healing Concrete

When Li's concrete develops hairline cracks, k the h dry d composite i is i exposed d to the moisture in the air, which it absorbs. As it does, it "grows" new concrete, filling in the cracks. Meanwhile, calcium ions inside the cracked concrete mix with moisture and carbon dioxide from the air, creating a calcium carbonate material, which enables the concrete to regain its initial degree of strength.

Its like if you get a small cut on your hand, h d your body b d can heal h l iitself. lf But if you have a large wound, your body needs help.You might need stitches We stitches. Weve ve created a material with such tiny crack widths that it takes care of the healing by itself. Even if fy you overload it,, the cracks stay small,

Victor Li .

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


SelfSelf -Healing Concrete

Civil Engineer: Henk Jonkers. 2009. DELFT University Bio-Concrete: Bio Concrete:

It possible with help of special bacteria (called extremophiles) to live in extreme conditions In dry concrete for example they conditions. will not only live, but they will actively produce copious amounts of limestone. With this calcium carbonate-based material the li l construction little i workers k can actively i l repair occurring cracks in a concrete structure. Instead of building against nature, nature biological materials and processes will be integrated into traditional engineering materials and processes. Type of Bio-mimicry.
Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010 41

SelfSelf -Cleaning Concrete

Photocatalyzing Cement
Titanium dioxidedioxide-based additive

SmogSmog -eating Cement

In laboratory conditions, the additive, under the influence fl of f sunlight, l h b binds d the h nitrogen oxide d particles emitted by car exhausts and turns them into harmless nitrates. Nitrogen oxides, produced by industry and motor vehicles, are among the main air pollutants that lead t acid to id rain i and d smog. With one rain shower everything is washed clean.

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


SelfSelf -Cleaning Concrete

Photocatalyzing Cement
Titanium dioxidedioxide-based additive

SmogSmog -eating Cement

Parts of the concrete walls and d grounds d built b il with ih cement containing an active agent that, in presence of light, breaks air pollutants such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, benzene, and others through a natural chemical process called photocatalysis.

Rome: Meier's Dives in Misericordia Church in includes three concrete selfbearing white sails, topping out at 26 meters. The whiteness of the sails is durable through the application of the active principle, which basically "selfcleans" the surfaces cleans surfaces. Paris: The new Air France headquarters inside the Charles de Gaulle airport in, a place with high concentrations of hydrocarbons and where, needless to say, a standard white facade would not remain white for long.

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


SelfSelf -Cleaning Concrete

Photocatalyzing Cement
Titanium dioxidedioxide-based additive

SmogSmog -eating Cement

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


SelfSelf -Cleaning Concrete

Photocatalyzing Cement
Titanium dioxidedioxide-based additive

SmogSmog -eating Cement

Richard Meier

Richard Meier , 1934-, American architect, b. Newark, N.J., educated at Cornell Univ. During the 1960s, he was a member of the New York "Five" or "white" architects, a group that emulated the early International style . In such projects as the Smith House in Darien, Conn. (1965-67), Meier paid homage to the villas of Le Corbusier while at the same time carefully integrating his buildings into their natural environments. He has successfully adapted his characteristic design aesthetic to the larger scale of public buildings in such works as the extremely sculptural High Museum of Art, Atlanta, Ga. (1983). The international and public bli character h t of f his hi work ki is evident id t i in many of f hi his later l t commissions: the Canal Plus building, Paris (1993); the Museum of Contemporary Art, Barcelona (1995); the Paley Center for Media, Beverly Hills (1996); the Getty Center , Brentwood, Calif. ( (1997), ) a six-building g arts complex p often called his masterpiece; the Courthouse and Federal Building, Central Islip, N.Y. (2000); and the "Jubilee" Church, Rome (2003). Meier is also a sculptor and has created works of cast and welded metal.

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


Translucent Concrete
Invented by Hungarian architect Aron Losonczi in 2001

When someone stands in front of it and light is shone from behind behind, the person's person s shadow can be seen clearly on the other side. The translucent blocks are made by mixing glass fibers into the combination of crushed stone, cement and water. Is being used now in projects like the Japanese Embassy in Washington, DC

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


Translucent Concrete

Light-transmitting concrete, known also as translucent concrete concrete, is literally the brightest concrete development in recent years. Strands of optical fibers are cast by the thousands into concrete to transmit light either natural or artificial, light, artificial into all spaces surrounding the resulting translucent panels. The material can be used in a variety of architectural hi l and di interior i d design i applications, such as wall cladding and dividers. light-transmitting concrete is produced by adding 4% to 5% optical fibers (by volume) into the concrete mixture

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010



Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


Th NANO , what The h d does i it mean? ? Nano is Greek for dwarf It refers ro manipulation of matter on <100nm 100 Scale: S l

1 nanometer = 10-9 meter 1 nanometer = a row of 10 hydrogen atoms Much smaller than a living cell 1/10,000th the size of a bacterium A human hair is 80,000 nanometers wide.
Ref: Perumalsamy Balaguru and Ken Chong, National Science Foundation, USA, Proceedings of ACI Session on Nanotechnology of Concrete: Recent Developments and Future Perspectives, November 7, 2006, Denver, USA., 0RESEARCH%20OPPORTUNITIES/aHR0cHM6Ly9wYW50aGVyZmlsZS51d20uZWR1L3NvY m9sZXYvd3d3L0FDSS8yLUJhbGFndXJ1LUFDSS1GLnBkZg 9 ZXY d3d3L0FDSS8 LUJhbGF dXJ1LUFDSS1GL BkZ

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


Nanotechnology, Why?

Makes it possible to study the properties of cementitious materials at micro/nano-scale. Study the hydration process, alkalisilicate reaction (ASR), and fly ash reactivity i i using i nanotechnology h l The better understanding of the structure and behavior of concrete at micro/nano-scale could help to improve concrete properties and prevent the illness. Addition of nanoscale materials into cement could improve its performance. Adding even a small amount of carbon nanotube (1%) by weight could ld increase i b both th compressive i and d flexural strength.
Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010 50

Nanotechnology, gy, Nanoconcrete



is defined as a concrete made with Portland cement particles that are less than 500 nano-meters nano meters as the cementing agent. Currently cement particle sizes g from a few nano-meters to range a maximum of about100 micro meters. In the case of micro-cement the average particle ti l size i i is reduced d d to 5 micro meters. An order of magnitude reduction is needed to produce nano-cement.

Ref: Perumalsamy Balaguru and Ken Chong, National Science Foundation, USA, Proceedings of ACI Session on Nanotechnology of Concrete: Recent Developments and Future Perspectives, November 7, 2006, Denver, USA., NCRETE:%20RESEARCH%20OPPORTUNITIES/aHR0cHM6Ly9wYW50aGVyZmls ZS51d20uZWR1L3NvYm9sZXYvd3d3L0FDSS8yLUJhbGFndXJ1LUFDSS1GLnBkZg

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


Nanotechnology, Nanotechnology , StateState-of of-thethe-Art

One can claim that concrete utilizes nanotechnology because it contains nanoparticles as ingredients including nano-water particles and nano-air voids. However, we should be able to control the amount and the locations of these nanog inside the final ingredients products. The scales of various constituent materials of concrete are shown in Figure. We need to create chemical or mechanical tools to control nano-scale pores and the placement of calcium-silicate y products p . hydration

Ref: Perumalsamy Balaguru and Ken Chong, National Science Foundation, USA, Proceedings of ACI Session on Nanotechnology of Concrete: Recent Developments and Future Perspectives, November 7, 2006, Denver, USA., NCRETE:%20RESEARCH%20OPPORTUNITIES/aHR0cHM6Ly9wYW50aGVyZmls ZS51d20uZWR1L3NvYm9sZXYvd3d3L0FDSS8yLUJhbGFndXJ1LUFDSS1GLnBkZg

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


Nanotechnology, Active Research Trends

Nano-Scale Silica Fume

Ultra-fine amorphous colloidal silica was found to be much more efficient than micron sized silica for improving p g the performance p such as permeability, p y, and subsequently, q y, durability. y

Cement Hydration Kinetics

Conventional analytical methods are unable to provide an accurate model for the rate of cement's reaction with water as a function of temperature, water/cement ratio, and grain size b because the h reactions occur in the h nano-scale l pores of f the h cement gel. l Research R h using neutron scattering methods to measure motions and reactions of water at a nano-scale.

Carbon Nano-Tubes
Carbon nano nano-tubes tubes have excellent potential for use in cement composites.

Nano Sensors for Concrete Structures

The feasibility of Cyberliths, or Smart Aggregates, as wireless sensors embedded in concrete is being evaluated. In the future these micro sensors might be reduced to dust-particle size, with the ability to coat an entire bridge with Smart Dust for optimum monitoring capabilities via a smart sensor net. These sensors can be used to remotely monitor the condition of the concrete and reinforcement without damaging the structures.
Ref: Perumalsamy Balaguru and Ken Chong, Chong National Science Foundation Foundation, USA USA, Proceedings of ACI Session on Nanotechnology of Concrete: Recent Developments and Future Perspectives, November 7, 2006, Denver, USA., IES/aHR0cHM6Ly9wYW50aGVyZmlsZS51d20uZWR1L3NvYm9sZXYvd3d3L0FDSS8yLUJhbGFndXJ1LUFDSS1GLnBkZg

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


Nanotechnology, Nano Nano-tubes

General Description

The most Th t popular l nano-tubes t b are carbon nano-tubes, discovered by the Japanese Scientist Sumio Iijima in 1991. The equivalent diameter of the tubes i i is in the h range of f 10 to 50 nm. The Th typical length varies from 100 to 1000nm. The elastic modulus values range from 2 0 to 3600 GPa. 270 G Theoretical predictions indicate that the modulus can be as high as 5000 GPa. In tension mode, the reported p strain at failure is as high as 12% and the strengths vary from 10 to 63 GPa.

Ref: Perumalsamy Balaguru and Ken Chong, National Science Foundation, USA, Proceedings of ACI Session on Nanotechnology of Concrete: Recent Developments and Future Perspectives, November 7, 2006, Denver, USA., /aHR0cHM6Ly9wYW50aGVyZmlsZS51d20uZWR1L3NvYm9sZXYvd3d3L0FDSS8yLUJhbGFndXJ1LUFDSS1GLnBkZg

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


Nanotechnology, Nano Nano-tubes

Lead to a new generation of concrete that is stronger, more durable and attractive as well smarter. CNTs could p potentially y be 100 times stronger than structural steel whilst being much lighter and adaptable to varying structural and architectural applications pp (Gasman ( 2006; ; Poole et al. 2003). Possible development of sensors that act as part of the substrate, thereby providing feedback about internal stresses and early warnings of potential problems in concrete structures

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


Nanotechnology, Nono Nono-tubes

Mixing Nanomaterials In Concrete
A major disadvantage of nanosize powder and materials, though, is the tendency to form agglomerates during wetting and mixing mixing. Unless the individual particles are well dispersed, agglomeration reduces the exposed particle surface leading to inferior concrete properties. properties

Ultrasonic Mixing Of Nanomaterials

Ultrasonication is a very effective means for the mixing, dispersing and deagglomeration. The picture below shows a typical result of ultrasonic dispersing of fumed silica in water.
Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010 56

Nanotechnology, Nano Nano-tubes

Ultrasonic Mixing At Any Scale
Hielscher offers ultrasonic mixing devices for use in research and full scale processing.

Laboratory Research And Development

Hielscher ultrasonic laboratory devices produce lab devices athat re typically used for the ultrasonic mixing i i of f small ll b batches. h This makes it easy to mix different formulations and determine the impact of ultrasonication intensity and duration of sonication.

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


Nanotechnology, Nano Nano-tubes

Ultrasonic Mixing In Production

The ultrasonic mixing equipment needed for scale up can be determined exactly based on the laboratory test. test

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


Concrete in Abu Dhabi 2030

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council (ADUPC):

- Urban Structure Framework Plan, Abu Dhabu 2030 - ESTIDAMA, Sustainable Buildings and Communities and Buildings Program for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Design Guidelines for New Residential and Commercial Buildings, Working Documents, 133 pp.
Concrete is a key player in the Abu Dhabi 2030, but which Concrete?

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


Concrete in Abu Dhabi 2030

Concrete is a key player in the Abu Dhabi 2030, but which Concrete?
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Concrete in Abu Dhabi 2030

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


Concrete in Abu Dhabi 2030 (Items (It most t pertinent ti tt to concrete t future) f t )
E6 Pursue green building standards for design and construction that p to the local climate and is based on sustainable building g responds practices (e.g. solar orientation, xeriscaping, life cycle materials) and create an Abu Dhabi Green Building Council to this end, in cooperation with the Environmental Agency. E7 Pursue sustainable infrastructure technologies for managing energy waste, energy, waste and water. water Develop a Sustainable Waste and Resources Strategy. E8 Pursue green practices in all industrial activities. E9 Promote Abu Dhabi as a model environmentally responsible community, including its research, application of evolving best practices, eco-tourism, eco-business and education, and to this end, support and expand the Masdar Initiative. E10 Create and enforce a Smog Certification program for all boat g in waterways y around Abu Dhabi Islands and the traffic traveling National Park System. E11 Establish a network of environmental education programs and facilities throughout Abu Dhabi (e.g. education centers, school programs, island and desert eco-adventure activities, sustainable building and living demonstrations, demonstrations incentives for green living choices such as public transit or photovoltaic installation). E10 Create and enforce a Smog Certification program for all boat Nanotechnology Self-cleaning Concrete E11 Establish a network of environmental education programs and Sustainable concrete Concrete Research E6 Pursue green building standards for design and construction that Concrete life cycle y materials Concrete Production Concrete Mix Nonotechology E7 Pursue sustainable infrastructure technologies for managing From Low-tech to high-tech concreting R Recycled l d gravel, l sand d and d concrete t E8 Pursue green practices in all industrial activities. E9 Promote Abu Dhabi as a model environmentally responsible Innovative Concrete Translucent concrete Self healing Concrete Self-healing

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


Concrete in Abu Dhabi 2030

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


Estidama Guidelines Credit System Chapter 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 11. 12. Water Energy Indoor Environmental Quality Ecology Management Transport Pollution Materials W t Management Waste M t Land Use Criterion Credits attainable 30 20 15 7.5 5 5 5 5 5 2.5 100


Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010



Concrete in Abu Dhabi 2030

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010



Concrete in Abu Dhabi 2030

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010



Concrete in Abu Dhabi 2030

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010



Concrete Industry is still largely working with 19th19th century methods. It has to find alternatives to reduce the g and energy gy weight consumption and improve efficiency of large structures of the Future. The future is with Nanotechnology!

Because of nanotechnology we will see more change in our civilization in the next thirty years than we did g all of the 20t century y during
National Science Foundation

Nanotechnology gy has given g us the tools to play with, the ultimate toy box of nature -atoms and molecules. The possibilities to create new things appear limitless.
Horst Stormer, Nobel laureate in physics

Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010


Concrete Mix Design Conference Abu Dhabi May 18-19, 2010

Future trends in Concrete For Abu Ab Dhabi 2030

Prof. Abdul Rahim Sabouni BSc (Hons), MSc (GWU), PhD (Cornell), PEng, FASCE, FACI Vice Chancellor and CEO ALHOSN UNIVERSITY


Th k You! Thank Y !
Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18th May 2010 70

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