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A Guide to Dynasty Warriors 5

Dynasty Warriors 5 Walkthrough

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Dynasty Warriors 5
All Encompassing FAQ and Walkthrough
By DarkArchAngel646:
Dynasty Warriors 5/Shin Sangoku Musou 4
Written April 12, 2005
Version 2.5
Table of Contents
Welcome to Dynasty Warriors 5
nforming You of... Well, updates.
How to Direct your Dynasty Warrior
-Main Screen Options
Where to Go
-Challenge Mode
Are You a True Warrior?
-nitial Characters
Who's Who and What They Do
Who's Got Your Back?
-Dim Sum And Musou Wine
Drinking Age 21 (Damn America)
Unleash New Warriors
-Other Characters
The Rest of Your Ass-Kicking Ensemble
-Rare tems and Orbs
The Finest Jewelry in All the Land
-Tips and Tricks
Get Ahead of the Game
Ask All of Your Dynastic Questions
-Contact nformation
How to Get n Touch
Who's Helped Along The Way
-Future Updates
Planning the Dynasty Ahead
-Copyright nformation
Touch My Stuff And 'll Kill You.
ntroduction - Welcome to Dynasty Warriors 5
"My Kingdom. My Life."
"The place is the vast lands of China. The time is the turn of the 2nd
Century. This is the story of the Three Kingdoms, which has been passed down
for generations. A story of Peace, and Chaos. Prosperity, and Decline. A
story of brave Heroes, and Treacherous Villains. Witness the tales of these
warriors, for the stories of yesterday are the history of tomorrow."
Welcome all new players, both to the series and to the game itself. f you're
new to the series, the main menu can be quite intimidating, know it was to
me when first got DW4 (good game recommend this as well for new players.)
This game, although not all too different from those in the past, brings in a
lot of new elements from Koei. New characters, which is brought into almost
all of their newest games, new arsenal of weapons, new attacks, longer
attacks, stronger attacks, redesigned levels and battlefields, unique
storylines for each character as well as new items, bodyguard system and much
would also like to take this moment to show a legend for later in the game:
S (S1 - S6) are Square attacks
Charge is Triangle
True Musou is the stronger Musou, (Musou used with bodyguard, tem, Musou Rage
or Almost dead.
Note: All Walkthroughs for Musou Modes, unless otherwise stated, were
completed in Normal difficulty. All Fourth weapons were attained in Free mode.
nforming You of... Well, updates.
4/12/2005 - Guide created, blah.
4/14/2005 - Dim Sum locations and bodyguard information provided.
4/15/2005 - FAQ, first character stages and bodyguard info undated.
4/19/2005 - More first character stages, as well as Dim sum and Musou
4/20/2005 - Added Bios for the rest of the characters in the game, except for
Zuo Ci, some 4th weapon information as well.
4/21/2005 - More 4th weapon info, more Musou info, and some walkthrough
5/9/2005 - Finally have my computer back up, after two weeks of fighting with
the damn thing. Updating all the characters played as, doing 4th weapon,
and the rare item section is up and running. Sorry it's so far behind. Soon
will be changing this entire FAQ around.
5/11/2005 - finished most of rare item section, and added more of the
characters walkthroughs and move sets. FAQ overhaul coming soon.
5/12/2005 - not too much today, been busy, but did get a few character guides
5/17/2005 - More character walkthroughs and 4th weapons. Enjoy.
5/19/2005 - Created the tems section, and added most of them.
5/21/2005 - More Chars and Walkthroughs, been adding for a while, just haven't
been updating the update section. Heh.
5/23/2005 - Updated tems section, and fourth weapons (along with characters).
5/24/2005 - Updating more items and 4th weapons and character nfo.
6/16/2005 - Haven't updated the "update" section in a while, lol, anyways,
been doing a lot, all of the rare items (saddles, items and orbs) are
completed, have unlocked every character, and have completed Zuo Ci, and
have to say, he's worth it all. Numerous amounts of characters have been
updated as well. This is now version 2.5. think 'll still wait awhile to
revamp this thing, it's the end of school now, have regents to take, and a
summer job, but 'll be working on this when can.
Controls - How to Operate your Dynasty Warrior
The controls are easy, and probably have a 5-minute learning curve, if that.
X button - Jump, mount and dismount horse or elephant,
Jump attack (X + S) OR (X + /\)
S (Square) button - Standard attack button, can be used up to nine times, also
can be paired with /\
(S+/\) (SS+/\) Etc.
(P.S. keep hitting /\ till attack stops, some attacks require multiple /\ taps)
O (Circle) button - Musou Attack and Charge Musou Gauge
Use with Musou Rage for stronger attack
Use when close to death (life is in the red)
Use when close to bodyguard with charged Musou (lightning bolt will appear
between character and bodyguard)
/\ (Triangle) button - Charge Attack, Charged Horse attack
Press repeatedly, multiple attacks occur with certain characters
Start button - Pause Game, Skip movie, Display nformation
Don't recommend skipping movies unless you've viewed them already
Select Button - Change bodyguard orders
Sword is attack
Shield is defend
Hand is remain stationary
L1 - Guard, shift camera front, parry
Press button to guard in front of you, or to counter attack
L2 - display life and name of generals and enemies
L3 - Nothing
R1 - Bow attack (hold button down)
S Attack
/\ ncreased strength attack
O Volley (only with full Musou gauge)
R2 - toggle map
Zoomed or entire map visual
R3 - Musou rage
Must acquire Musou Rage token first (more powerful Musou attack and faster
Left Analog Stick - Use stick to move character
Directional Pad -Same as Left Analog Stick
Right Analog Stick - Nothing
Main Screen -Where to go
Camp - Check Officer, tem and Bodyguard stats
Free Mode - Play and map that you've already played or unlocked again, with
any character you wish.
Musou Mode - Play the Characters individualized storylines.
Options - Set visual, sound and other controls, Duh.
Encyclopedia - Read up on the story of the Three Kingdoms, officer backgrounds
and stories inside.
Challenge Mode - Complete various challenges with any officer
Challenge Mode - Are You a True Warrior?
Challenge Mode is quite simple, choose a challenge, pick an officer, and bash
Time Attack - Defeat 100 enemies as fast as possible
nitial Record - Zhao Yun - 3'30''00
How to beat? - Easy, Ling Tong, just bash away, one hit usually kills, Watch
out for Lu Bu though, he can take a big chunk of your time.
Site Record - Zuo Ci - 1'16''93
Rampage - Defeat as Many Enemies as Possible
nitial Record - Zhen Ji - 1000 KO's
How to beat? - This one is possibly the easiest challenge, pick a character,
and kill. used Zhen Ji and Cao Pi, excellent crowd clearers, Use their
charge attack, its wonderful.
Site Record - Zuo Ci - 3838
Sudden Death - Defeat as many enemies as possible without being hit.
nitial Record - Huang Zhong - 300 KO's
How to beat? - Use Huang Zhong or Xiahou Yuan's charge attack, the arrows
attack from a distance and no need to get up close, AKA in range of a sword.
Site Record - Meng Huo - 1032
Bridge Melee - Knock off as many enemies as possible in the time given.
nitial Record - Zhuge Liang - 100 knocked off
How to beat? - Enemies don't die, and if you fall off time ends. Zhao Yun is
great at this, especially his charge attack, watch out you don't fall over if
you use it though.
Site Record - Sima Yi - 448
All ratings can be posted online at < >
nitial Characters- Who's Who and What Do They Do?
The game starts off with 18 warriors to choose from, 6 in all Wu, Shu and Wei.
There are no officers in unaligned forces, they all must be unlocked. Each
includes 5 warriors from games past, and one new officer to play as. All
officers' weapons start with 4 consecutive attacks.
Wu - "Warriors who fought for family..."
"Blessed with rich and fertile lands, the Kingdom of Wu strives to bring peace
to the chaotic land. Descendants of the legendary strategist Sun Tzu
(historically impossible to prove though) the strength of their family bond
remains strong in the face of adversity. Will this family of warriors from
Jiang Dong be able to realize their burning ambition? Only time will tell."
-Zhou Yu
Brilliant strategist, responsible for Chi Bi, and skilled in literature and
music. Has been friends with Sun Ce since he was a young, and sometimes
becomes frustrated and loses his cool.
Musou Mode:
First battle - Battle of Si Shui Gate - don't recommend doing Zhou Yu first,
especially if you're new to the Dynasty Warriors Series, Lu Bu is here, and
boy is he pissed. But, if your stubborn like me, and want to do it,
recommend a good bodyguard, one with the slightly higher attack power, and a
close range weapon. Knock Lu Bu down, get behind him and when he stands up,
hack away. Kill as many troops as possible, as always, and when fighting Lu
Bu, if your Health gets dangerously low, run, there is a pot to the left of
the gate with a full heal, but don't stay away too long, or those bastards you
call allies will take your kill.
Second Battle - Battle of Jing Province - You start off just below the center,
in the main base, Soon a cut scene will show, even if you know the history
here, it cannot be prevented, tried. Go in the center, take out the base,
kill all who get in your way. This map is easy, no way to really die, if you
get close to Sun Ce, another cut scene will show. Just kill here, try to get
as many kills as you can, it's a fun map.
Third Battle - Battle of the Wu Territory - You start the battle with a cut
scene, then you start to kick some ass. There is a set of two crates, (weapon
and item) in front of you, grab them. Kill enemies, and defeat the officer
guarding the gate, kill the officer controlling the fort in front of you, and
rush off to kill Yan Baihu. When that's done, Sun Quan should be asking for
help, go kill all officers and units inside the base he was ambushed in. Then
go kill Taishi Ci. This map is also easy, kill as many as possible.
Fourth Battle - Battle of Xia Kou - Payback on Huang Zu. The battle starts
with a cut scene, once again obsessing over Sun Ce's death. You start off by
killing anyone in front of you, rush through enemy lines. Kill off officers,
then go after Cai Mao, take him out to prevent ships from sailing. Then fight
your way out of that area, Xiao Qiao should be following you this mission,
she'll keep saying stuff like "your so awesome!" its very annoying. Attack
your way through; kill Gan Ning, yadda yadda. You can also get a high number
of kills here.
Fifth Battle - Battle of Chi Bi - really no strategy here, just kill. When
someone needs help, go save him or her. Get a lot of kills. Fight all
officers, and clear the two bridges.
Charge: Shoots out a ball of red energy that explodes after a few seconds, a
couple in succession are a good crowd clearer.
Jumping Charge: Jumps, kicks off a circle thing, and slams into ground,
knocking enemies down.
S: Swings sword.
S2: Swings Sword, then swings upward.
S3: Swings Sword, swings upward, then swings horizontally once more
S4: Swings Sword, swings upward, swings horizontally once more, and then
swings upward again.
S5: Swings Sword, swings upward, swings horizontally once more, swings upward
again, then does a spin attack.
S6: Swings Sword, swings upward, swings horizontally once more, swings upward
again, does a spin attack then swings once more. (More attacks can be
triggered if attacking enemy.
C1: Swings sword, then charges sword and swings upwards.
C2: Swings sword, swings upwards, then dances around, spinning and attacking
back and forth about 5-6 times.
C3: Swings Sword, swings upward, swings horizontally once more, then jumps in
the air, does a 360 attack in the air.
C4: Swings Sword, swings upward, swings horizontally once more, swings upward
again, and then jumps up, creating a whirlwind.
C5: Swings Sword, swings upward, swings horizontally once more, swings upward
again, does a spin attack then does a charged swing, taking out the 180 in
front of him.
Musou: flails sword around in front of him, finishes with a twirling whirlwind.
True Musou: flails sword around in front of him, finishes with a twirling
whirlwind, sending out an attack taking a nice amount of damage out of all
around him.
Starting Weapon - Bronze Sword - 3 power
2nd Weapon - ron Sword - 7 power
3rd Weapon - Elder Sword - 11 power
4th Weapon - Ancients Sword - 34 power -
(17 charge, 16 bow, 15 defense, 16 attack, 18 Musou)
How to Get 4th weapon: (Battle for Wu Territory) extremely easy, just kill
Wang Yan Baihu and Wang Lang, thus taking the fortresses. When you're done, a
note saying "Valuable tem Discovered" will appear. The weapon is just atop
the stairs of the wall on the fortress at the bottom, by the checkpoint inside
the castle, to the left.
-Lu Xun
- Another brilliant mind of Wu, his strategy brought the initial downfall of
Shu, and was revered by many, including Zhou Yu and Lu Meng. Started in the
military at a young age, seeks for a land under a single rule.
The nvasion of Nan Zhong - Charge forward, taking out the enemy attack base.
When that's done, had after Jinhuan Sanjie's sub generals, Ahui Nan and Dong
Tu Na. Then, charge Zhu Rong and Jinhuan Sanjie in the bottom. Take Zhu
Rong's elephant, and march north, through the defense base, and take over the
neutral attack base in the north. When that's done, march back south, and
take over the attack base, next to where you killed Zhu Rong and Jinhuan.
When that's done, march forward, triggering Meng Huo's "the moron fell for
it!" decree. Kill Meng You, then Rush back to the allied main base, and
destroy the beast masters, which appeared where the barricades next to the
base once were. When that's done, rush through the enemy camp, past Meng Huo,
and kill King Duosi, and the two bases you come across in their camp. Take
out any gate, and enemy you come across as well. When that's done, then go
after Meng Huo.
Battle of Fan Castle - Head forward, and take the supply base ahead of you.
When that's done, head past to the second supply base, killing Liao Hua on the
way. Destroy the gate to the east of the second supply base, and move west,
killing the defense base, and Guan Xing. Move down, back to the main camp
(taking down Guan Suo on the way), then clear out the designated gate, to
allow Wei reinforcements to come. Then head west, destroy the defense base,
and assault Fu Shi Ren and Mi Fang. When Meng Da arrives, kill him and Liu
Feng as well. Mi Fang should have defected to your side by now, so head up and
kill Guan Ping, AND THOSE ANNOYNG ARCHERS. Zhang Fei shows up, you know what
to do, and if you even think of saying you don't, will spend all my money
just to hunt you down and beat you senseless. (P.S. don't forget his Sub-
general, Zhang Bao.) Now, take out the last defense base in the middle, head
for Zhou Cang, Ma Liang and the other three bases on the top left. Then head
for Fan Castle, where Guan Yu should have already rushed. Slay him, and
congrats you win.
Battle of Yi Ling - Charge forward to the supply base ahead of you, and just
have fun killing until Zhu Ran is ready to initiate the fire attack. When Wu
Lan, Guan Suo, Ma Dai, Guan Xing and Li Yan get in your way, slay them. The
death of Li Yan will trigger Liao Hua to attack you, take him out as well.
Hurry up to Zhu Ran when the bridge layers activate, to protect him, and make
sure the fire attack is carried out. Keep fighting, and charge through the
maze, (cut scene triggers) and seek out Liu Bei's main base. Now, you can do
one of two things, just kill Liu and get it over with, or have fun and slay
the rest of the officers and troops on the screen. choose, and recommend
the latter, as because Zhuge Liang is a major pain in the ass. Have fun.
(Note: easy way through the maze, follow the enemy troops, if you keep running
into fresh troops, your doing good.)
Battle of He Fei Castle - Head forward, and attack the gate captain, opening
He Fei's west gate. Head inside (if you have a bodyguard, instruct him to
stay right now), around the castle to behind the inner front gate. Kill any
officer (Cao Xiu, Cao Zhang, Xiahou Hui and Cao Zhen.) Destroy the first
defense guard, taking out the catapults, then the Cao Ren, then the next
defense guard. Then jump over the wall, (even if you have a horse, just leave
it for now) and protect the ram. The gate should open soon, and then you may
get your horse back, if you left it. Charge Xu Zhu in the center, then go
after Cao Hong, (Sub-Gen: Xiahou Shang) and Wang Lang (Sub-Gen: Wen Pin) if
the units that take the path opened by the rock slide advance to far, take
them out as well (that's why instructed you to make your bodyguard stay, he
should help take out some of them.) Now, when Sima Yi says "the wind is just
right" go to the top ships of the fleet to the right of the map, and kill the
task force. Now, kill Cao Rui, Sima Zhao, Sima Yi (cut scene), and finally,
Cao Pi.
(Side Note: Zhen Ji's "save the princess" comment is triggered when any Wu
soldier getting close to Xu Zhu. f you can get inside the chamber that Cao
Pi and Sima Yi are in soon after that, a cut scene and ambush will trigger.)
Battle of Bai Di Castle - Starts out with an awesome movie, then you head
forward, killing enemy peasants, and attempting to surround the castle. Move
up to Wang Ping, killing him and his officer, Huang Zhong (you may also want
to kill Yan Yan before heading to Wang Ping, seeing as how he's another of
Huang Zhong's Sub-gens). Charge past up, up to the supply base up top,
tramping it. Then head back down, taking over that supply base, and the
attack base too. Take out Ma Chao (watch out, he's super charged) when he
shows up, and any other officers on the way (Guan Suo, Ma Dai and Guan Xing).
Then take the attack base in the bottom right corner, moving up to the supply
base in the middle right, and kill Yang Yi to open the eastern gate of Bai Di
castle, and storm in (P.S. Watch out for the arbalests in the castle, they are
a real pain in the ass!!!!!!). Take out the two gates on top and bottom,
along with Jiang Wei, Xing Cai, and if you feel like it, Zhang Bao and Zhang
Yi. gnore Liu Chan till the very end (watch out enemy reinforcements will
show up a few minutes after you enter the castle). Congrats, you win.
Charge: Shoots out a ball of red energy that explodes after a few seconds, a
couple in succession are a good crowd clearer.
Jumping Charge: Jumps, and kicks out a circle of energy in front of him.
S: Slashes with left saber.
S2: Slashes with left saber, then with right saber.
S3: Slashes with left saber, then with right saber, then stabs forward.
S4: Slashes with left saber, then with right saber, stabs forward, then
slashes in an X shape.
S5: Slashes with left saber, then with right saber, stabs forward, slashes in
an X shape, then still in the stance after the X slash, slashes forward.
S6: Slashes with left saber, then with right saber, stabs forward, slashes in
an X shape, then still in the stance after the X slash, slashes forward, and
then stabs forward once more.
(Evolution attack triggered now, if acquired.)
C1: Slashes with left saber, then slashes both sabers into the air.
C2: Slashes with left saber, then with right saber, then spins, jumping into
air in mid spin, then does a forward spring, slashing, and finishes off by
slashing both blades in front of him while landing.
C3: Slashes with left saber, then with right saber, stabs forward, then does a
backward flip while slashing, and finishes by landing, and slashing forward.
C4: Slashes with left saber, then with right saber, stabs forward, slashes in
an X shape, then spins, slashes, creating a whirlwind.
C5: Slashes with left saber, then with right saber, stabs forward, slashes in
an X shape, then spins a couple times while slashing.
Musou: spins, slashing upwards to the left, and finishes by slashing downwards
to the left.
True Musou: spins, slashing upwards to the left, and finishes by doing one
more slash while jumping into the air, and shooting a fireball forward.
Starting Weapon - Twin Sabers - 3 power
2nd Weapon - Wing Sabers - 7 power
3rd Weapon - Eagle - 11 power
4th Weapon - Falcon - 34 power
(Fill 15, Luck 18, Speed 20, Attack 15, Musou 19)
How to get fourth weapon - Battle of Bai Di Castle - Ok, main thing here,
until you receive the weapon, stay the hell out of Bai Di Castle, and stay the
hell away from Xing Cai. Start off by charging after Huang Zhong, to save
Huang Gai from any embarrassment that the old man will try to deal to him.
When that's done, just slay the little peon peasants until Ma Chao shows up,
kill him, and rush through the maze (move around to the center, take out the
golden statue, then kill all the enemies that appear), and slay Jiang Wei.
The Valuable item will show up in the top right corner of the stone sentinel
maze. After this, go after Liu Chan, beat him, Xing Cai will now rush you and
if you stay in the castle too long, Yue Ying's reinforcements will appear,
(after she appears, if the valuable item has not yet shown up, it won't appear
at all).
-Taishi Ci
- Extremely loyal and powerful, will fight off anyone who tries to disrupt
Wu. Developed strong ties with Sun Ce, and fought on with Wu, even after Sun
Ce's death.
Musou Mode:
1. Battle of the Wu Territory - start off killing every officer, troops and
base you can. Take over bases, When Sun Quan is trapped, kill him, and if you
see Zhou Tai, kill him on the way. Take out Zhou Yu, hes a major pain in the
ass. So, just kill off troops, get a high KO rate, and kill Sun Ce when you
feel like it. When you encounter him, a cutscene will play.
2. Battle of Xia Kou - Kill Huang Zu. Start off the battle, by rushing to Cai
Mao, Killing any officer on the way. f you brought a body guard, leave him
behind, as he can take alot of your kills. Kill Cai Mao, and the other
officer near him, and fight your way out. You can rack up alot of kills here,
so have fun.
3. Battle of He Fei - start off by taking over the defense base in front of
you, and the supply base beyond that. When Zhang Liao shows up, rush to Sun
Quan to save him. Kill off Xu Huang when he shows up, to make sure he doesn't
flank the bottom. Kill Zhang Liao when he appears again. Take out Pang De on
the way, to or from the bottom, and any bases in the way. Kill Zhang Liao when
he appears again, then rush up top, and slay Cao Cao.
4. The nvasion of Nan Zhong - Kill Dong Tu Na, Ahui Nan and Jinhuan Sanjie
right off the bat, and slay any pesky peon that gets in your way. Kill Zhu
Rong, and take her elephant, take out the defense base on the left of the map,
and capture the attack base up top. March into the allied base with the
elephant, knocking down the walls on both sides. When the task force shows
up, take him out, don't let him knock out the bridge, and kill the beast
masters. Then march through the enemy camp, recommend long way, as to kill
more troops, and kill Meng Huo. Don't let anyone too close to Meng Huo, until
the beast master and task force have been taken care of, or he'll appear close
to the main camp.
5. Battle of He Fei Castle - Whoo, don't like this one. Start off by
eliminating Xu Huang, and those annoying troops in your way. When Lu Xun
gives the command, rush around the left side, killing Cao Zhang and
Cao Xiu on the way. Of course, attack soldiers on the way. Kill the defense
captains manning the catapults, (have a little fun flying down the stairs with
your jump charge attack) and kill the gate captain, letting everyone in! When
the task force appears on the ships, kill them before they set the ship on
fire, also don't forget, kill all officers you come across. Wrap it up by
killing as many soldiers as possible, then go after Cao Pi.
Triangle (charge) - stamps the ground, knocking enemies down.
Jump + Triangle - flies at ground, stabbing ground and slamming enemies around.
Musou - stabs repeatingly with left and right rod. Finishes with attacking in
two X shaped motions, and finishing with stabbing forward with both rods at
same time.
True Musou - Same as Musou, except stronger, and finishes with a swipe up, and
jumps down, slamming ground.
Square - Swings right rod.
Square X2 - Swings right rod, and stabs with left rod.
Square X3 - Swings right rod, stabs with left rod, then attacks while before a
spin around, and swipes with right rod again.
Square X4 - Swings right rod, stabs with left rod, then attacks while before a
spin around and swipes with right rod again.
Square X5 - Swings right rod, stabs with left rod, then attacks while before a
spin around and swipes with right rod again, then swings with left.
Square X6 - Swings right rod, stabs with left rod, then attacks while before a
spin around and swipes with right rod again, then swings with left, then with
right once more.
(Evolution attack is now triggered, if acquired)
C1 - Swings right rod, then spins and charged attack upwards.
C2 - Swings right rod, stabs with left rod, then stomps around, slamming rods
down at ground repeatedly, finishes with a spin and attack.
C3 - Swings right rod, stabs with left rod, then attacks while before a spin
around, And swipes with right rod again, then spin and charged double stab.
C4 - Swings right rod, stabs with left rod, then attacks while before a spin
around and swipes with right rod again, then stabs ground with both rods,
clearing entire area around him.
C5 - Swings right rod, stabs with left rod, then attacks while before a spin
around and swipes with right rod again, then swings with left, stabs with
right rod twice, then spins rods around and attacks from both sides.
Starting Weapon - Twin Rods - 5 power
2nd Weapon - Spiral Rods - 10 power
3rd Weapon - Wolf Slayer - 16 power
4th Weapon - Tiger Slayer - 38 power
(Charge 15, Horse 15, Bow 15, Defense 18, Life 18)
How to Get 4th weapon:
(Battle for the Wu Territory)
This one is EXTREMELY easy. Start out just killing troops, wait for Sun Quan
to get trapped and kill him off before Zhou Tai saves him. Once he's dead
just kill off Zhou Tai, and the valuable item will appear up top, to the left
of Sun Ce, in front of the gate on the ship. From there on, just kill and
maim until you feel like taking on Sun Ce. Watch out if the enemy infiltrates
the main camp. Kill Zhou Yu off, that's a major help.
-Sun Shang Xiang
- Daughter of Sun Jian, sister of Sun Ce and Sun Quan, and very talented in
martial arts. She was so interested in war that even her chambermaids knew
how to fight.
Musou Mode:
1.Battle of Jing Province - start off by taking the two attack bases in the
center, don't kill a lot of soldiers, and just take them. f your strong,
feeling brave, and on red hare, you can attempt to take out Huang Zu, and save
your father, but it takes speed. Once that's done, take out the defense base
to the east, and clear out the outer castle courtyard, move back out to the
area before the main gate, if they're still fighting. Then just move your way
inward, killing any officer that gets in your way.
2.Escape from Chi Bi - recommend you have a horse for this battle,
preferably Red Hare. Chase after Cao Cao, that's it. Take out any officer
that gets in your way, not any ON your way, any that gets in your way. The
main ones there are Xiahou Yuan, Cheng Yu, Xun Yu, and sometimes Liu Yan,
Xiahou Dun and Zhang Liao. Cao Cao will stop his marches sometimes, nail him
when he stops. Also watch out for the bridge collapsing in the beginning,
which takes a lot of time off of catching Cao Cao.
3.Battle of He Fei - Start out by taking the gate and the supply base in front
of you. Start moving upwards, taking out the defense base, and when Xu Huang
shows up, quickly route him, to prevent him from flanking the main base. Work
to the center, and take out Zhang Liao when he appears. Move up to the top
right corner, and destroy the defense and supply base, and kill Zhang Liao
when he appears once more. Move towards the castle, taking out that supply
base in the middle top, and move down to the supply//defense combo just below
that. When Zhang Liao shows up once more, kill him, and move up, take the
supply base if it already hasn't been. f you feel like it, kill Zhang Liao
for the last time, but didn't, he got on my nerves. Take out Cao Cao and
you win.
4.nvasion of Nan Zhong - Kill Ahui Nan and Dong Tu Ne, and go after Dailai
Dongzhu. When He's dead, go after Zhu Rong (Take her elephant), take out the
attack base next to her, and go capture the attack base in the north. Take
out the supply base on the way. Destroy the walls that are enclosing the main
camp, and march down at Meng Huo the long way, through his camp.
5.Battle of Yi Ling - Start off by making your bodyguard stay, unless your
severely underpowered. Defeating enemies here should be a snap. Defeat
enemies, officers and gate captains while waiting for the fire attack. Once
that's done, go around the field, eliminating any rogue officers that pose a
threat, kill off enemies, and close gates. Finish it by killing off her love,
Liu Bei. A cutscene will show once you meet with him.
Triangle (charge) - does three cartwheels, attacking anything she hits.
Jump + Triangle - jumps, throws chakrams at the ground, and gets them back,
like a boomerang.
Musou - throws chakrams around in front of her, finishing off with a couple
True Musou - same as Musou, except finishes off with one large beam emanating
round house.
Square - Swings chakram left.
Square X2 - Swings chakram left then right.
Square X3 - Swings chakram left, right, then squats and attacks from behind.
Square X4 - Swings chakram left, right, squats and attacks from behind, then
spins back around, doing a 180 attack.
Square X5 - Swings chakram left, right, then squats and attacks from behind,
spins back around, doing a 180 attack, then uses both chakrams and does a full
180 swipe.
Square X6 - Swings chakram left, right, then squats and attacks from behind,
spins back around, doing a 180 attack, uses both chakrams and does a full 180
swipe, then kicks high into air.
(Evolution attack can be triggered, if acquired)
C1 - Swings chakram left, then charges and attacks in an uppercut motion.
C2 - Swings chakram left, right, then a couple of roundhouse attacks.
C3 - Swings chakram left, right, squats and attacks from behind, then throws
chakrams in front of her, and they spin in somewhat of a figure 8.
C4 - Swings chakram left, right, squats and attacks from behind, spins back
around, doing a 180 attack, then kicks into air, creating rose petal whirlwind.
C5 - Swings chakram left, right, then squats and attacks from behind, spins
back around, doing a 180 attack, uses both chakrams and does a full 180 swipe,
then throws chakrams, and they spin circles around her. Excellent Crowd
Starting Weapon -Chakram - 2 power
2nd Weapon - Moon Chakram - 6 power
3rd Weapon - Luna Chakram - 10 power
4th Weapon - Sol Chakram - 32 power
(Luck 19, Bow 15, Speed 19, Defense 17, Life 15)
Warning, this thing is a Heavy Weight. Bastards.
How to get 4th weapon:
4th Weapon Requirement- Kill all Officers and Sub Generals.
(The nvasion of Nan Zhong)
- Start off by taking the attack base in the top left. Then head down to
Meng Huo, triggering an ambush, and let the bridge get knocked down, then head
to Sun Quan, and a scene is triggered, with a message Sun Quan Has Been
Rescued! Then kill Mang Yachang and King Mulu; they should be inside the
allied base. Kill Zhu Rong and Dailai Dongzhu, as they get in the way. Head
to Jinhuan Sanjies sub-generals, Ahui Nan and Dong Tu Na, and once their
incapacitated, kill Dailai. Head around the Nanman camp, killing Meng You,
King Duosi and finishing off with Yang Feng. The valuable item appears to the
bottom left of the attack base you were supposed to occupy in the beginning.
Finish Meng Huo and you've won.
-Sun Quan
- Son of Sun Jian, ruled after the death of both his father and brother, the
fate of Wu rests on his shoulders. Has a remarkable leadership skills.
Battle of Xia Kou - head forward, destroy the attack base, Zhang Hu, Chen
Sheng, Lu Gong, the supply base, then head to the southwest, defeating the
defense base. As soon as you are in the base, rush past everyone, to Cai Mao,
and kill him, defending the main base from his fleet. Now, go after Wen Pin,
the supply base inside the enemy's base, and the defense base to the left. Go
after Gan Ning and the attack base on the far left, then head up after Huang
Battle of Chi Bi - head forward, and take out the gate right ahead of you.
Head forward even more, and defeat Wang Lang, taking down the east bridge,
right as the announcement goes out. Then go after Yu Jin and keep on fighting
in that little area for a while. When Zhen Ji comes down, kill her and Xu
Shu, then head west, to 'help' the overpopulation of enemy troops. On the
way, kill of Xun You, Wen Pin and Man Chong. Next, go after Zhang Liao, who
is probably trying to raid Zhuge Liang's prayer by now. Now, go back easy,
and kill off Xiahou Yuan, who ventured a little far into your territory, and
for that he must pay. Now, the ships are probably set aflame by now, head up
through the western bridge (the one you were supposed to destroy, but didn't
for a good reason, this) to go after Cao Hong in a hurry. After Hong, Go
after Cao Zhen, Cao Xiu and Cao Pi. Finish off with Jia Xu and finally, Cao
Battle of He Fei - start off by rushing the defense base in the center of the
map (straight ahead of you). Man Chong should be inside the base, so take him
out as well. When you're done, head outside the base and take care of Niu Jin
and Pang De (Niu Jin first, cause he'll run when Pang De is defeated). While
fighting them, Cao Zhang should show up with reinforcements, so feel free to
take him out as well. Now, take out the gates that are right below the
defense base. Zhang Liao's ambush should have shown up by now, so rush over
there and take him out, the arrogant bastard. Next, head for the supply base
above the defense base you defeated, then go for the next defense base to the
left of the defeated defense base you conquered, the one right above where Xu
Huang's ambush. Now, go south, and take out the supply base, Xu Huang and Yue
Jin, along with the gate and soldiers, of course. By now, Xiahou Dun and Cao
Hong's reinforcement units have shown up, along with the annoying Zhang Liao,
take them out, along with Li Dian and Yu Jin who up there as well, and don't
forget the defense base and two supply bases up top, along with taking out the
supply base below He Fei Castle on the way. Head back to the southwest, and
defeat Zhang Liao who appeared once more to the bottom, and head to the top.
Take Zhang Liao out one last time, and defeat Cao Cao.
Battle of He Fei Castle - start off by charging ahead and defeating the gate
captain, watch out, troops appear from behind and may attack you by surprise.
Storm into the castle, and kill Wen Pin, and go north, taking out Wang Lang.
Go around the castle, to the inner castle, and take out Xiahou Shang and Cao
Hong on the way. n the castle, kill Cao Zhen, Cao Ren and if you feel like
venturing farther north, Xu Zhu. But, first, take out the catapult's Defense
captains (who are on top of the castle walls, on each side of the inner
castles front gate). f you accidentally jump, fall or are knocked over the
wall (for example, you knock Cao Zhen over the wall on accident and jump over
cause you are not letting that bastard escape O=) Ahem,) just wait at the
front gate, by the ram, and wait for the door to open, it shouldn't take too
long. Next, fight through the western indirect route into the castle (where
Cao Zhang is//was), and route the troops over there, and when you see Zhen Ji,
get rid of her. Now, leave out of the side of the castle, and go down, and
right, past the outer castle's main gate, over to the ships, and seek out Cao
Rui, Man Chong and the Task Leaders. Next, head up to Sima Yi and Cao Pi, and
kill them.
Battle of Bai Di Castle - Head forward, killing anything in your way, in an
attempt to surround the castle. Go after Yan Yan, and trample the attack base
above him. Now, attack Wang Ping, killing him and his officer, Huang Zhong.
Charge up to the northern most supply base, and trample it. Then head back
down, taking over that supply base (f Huang Gai already hasn't). Now, go
back to your main base, and attack any troops there, and wait for Ma Chao.
Take out Ma Chao (watch out, he's super charged, and he's looking for you)
when he shows up, and then head for the other officers, Guan Suo, Ma Dai and
Guan Xing. Then take the attack base in the bottom right corner, moving up to
the supply base in the middle right, and kill Yang Yi to open the eastern gate
of Bai Di castle, and storm in (P.S. Watch out for the arbalests in the
castle, they are a real pain in the ass!!!!!!). Take out the two gates on top
and bottom, along with Jiang Wei, Xing Cai, and if you feel like it, Zhang Bao
and Zhang Yi. gnore Liu Chan till the very end (watch out enemy
reinforcements they show up a few minutes after you enter the castle).
Charge: Stamps the ground, knocking enemies down. t does not do good damage
at all, but it is useful for making escapes, and getting ready to nail the
Jumping Charge: jumps, flips, and slams sword into ground.
S: Swings sword left.
S2: Swings sword left, then right.
S3: Swings sword left, and then right, then left again.
S4: Swings sword left, then right, then left again, then upwards in an
uppercut motion.
S5: Swings sword left, then right, then left again, upwards in an uppercut
motion, and then right once more.
S6: Swings sword left, then right, then left again, upwards in an uppercut
motion, and then right once more, and then a 360-spin attack.
(Evolution attack triggered, if acquired.)
C1: Swings sword left, then upward in an uppercut motion.
C2: Swings sword left, and then right, then swings back and forth, in a
diagonal slash, finishing with a slash right, then downwards. Keep hitting
triangle for a longer attack.
C3: Swings sword left, then right, then left again, then downwards, brings
sword right, making a loop and slashing.
C4: Swings sword left, then right, then left again, upwards in an uppercut
motion, and then spins, and hits sword up through ground, making a huge red
explosion. Great crowd clearer.
C5: Swings sword left, then right, then left again, upwards in an uppercut
motion, and then right once more, and then a couple 360 spin attacks.
Musou: Swings sword back and forth continuously, finishing by slashing in
front of him with force.
True Musou: Swings sword back and forth continuously, finishing by raising his
sword into the air and lightning floods the area, devastating everyone around
Starting Weapon - Wolf Sword - 3 power
2nd Weapon - Wolf Claw - 7 power
3rd Weapon - King Wolf - 11 power
4th Weapon - Master Wolf - 34 power
(Charge 17, Fill 15, Bow 15, Attack 16, Musou 18)
How to get 4th Weapon - Battle of Chi Bi - Go forward, and take out the gate,
and the bridge straight ahead (by killing Wang Lang), when that's done go take
out the western bridge (By killing Cai Mao). f Pang Tong starts to struggle,
watch out, at least until his cut scene shows, which is soon after the
collapse of both bridges. Now, go over to the land on the left side of the
map, and kill anyone that gets close to Zhuge Liang (Mainly Xun You and Wen
Pin). Also make sure to close the gate just above Zhuge's position. Go up;
take out Zhang Liao, and probably Xiahou Yuan who will get in your way and any
minions in your way. When Huang Gai is summoned, make sure nothing major is
in his way. f you go through all three of the cut scenes (Zhuge's "there is
no magic here" speech, Huang's "flames of Wu" speech and Pang Tongs genius
gloating) then the valuable item will appear on the large ship right below Cao
Cao's large ship, to the left of the gate. Now, go take out Zhen Ji, who has
been causing trouble on the right side of the map, move up to the rest of the
officers, and finish off Cao Cao. As always, don't forget your weapon.
-Ling Tong
- Son of Ling Cao, Ling Tong is an excellent fighter always raring to go.
Although a little bit cynical, his bravery carries him long distances. When
his father was killed by the pirate Gan Ning, he grew indifferent towards him,
constantly competing with him, on and off the battlefield.
(*Recommended Wu Starter)
recommend you start any Musou Mode with him, because he is pretty easy. He's
extremely fast, he is pretty strong and is easy to learn the game with.
Charge attack isn't too useful, but his (SSS+/\) attack is a great crowd
clearer. Another reason recommend him, is to get the Tiger Amulet, that is
possibly the best item in the game, it is extremely useful. Side Note:
strengthen up, the battle of He Fei is quite annoying and tried many times
before defeating, just a warning.
Battle of the Wu Territory - His first battle is easy, just hack, slash and
kill, no real way to lose. Use your (SSS+/\) as mentioned above, and have fun
with it. When Sun Quan is ambushed, go help him. Watch out for Taishi Ci, he
killed me first try cause was careless. Save a Musou rage to deal with him,
that'll fix his ass.
Battle of Xia Kou - This one can be quite annoying. Your father will die
here, make no mistake about that. When he does, Ling Tong becomes enraged,
this is when you go after Gan Ning, kill him, and just keep killing officers.
Fight your way to the center, and take out Cai Mao before he launches the
fleet, and any other officer on your way. then fight up to Huang Zu. Kill a
lot here, battle of He Fei, as stated earlier, is quite hard.
Battle of Chi Bi - royally screwed this up the first time, Zhuge Liang never
called the wind, but Huang Gai did set their ships on fire however, that was
good. Anyway, if Zhou Yu is defeated here, he dies, and Sun Quan lets off
some speech saying to avenge him, yadda yadda yadda. Either way, don't let
Wei get too far. Start off by eliminating all officers near to you. That is
about two or three. Then go clear off those bridges, kill Xiahou Yuan on the
other side of bridge one, it's easy. When this is all done, just slay until
the fire attack proceeds. Kill Cao Cao when the times right, and you win.
Battle of He Fei - this one isn't too easy, but it can be done first try, but
wouldn't know, died like 5 times. First, head for Pang De, kill him, and
take out the officer on the way. Then, after him, take out Cao Zhang (he
appears behind him) and if you want, the base just above him. Then head
towards Sun Quan, taking out Man Chong and the base. When you get to Sun
Quan, chances are Zhang Liao is there, Rape him. Jump and hit him off the
horse, and kick his ass. Don't let a soldier or your bodyguard kill him, it
was your kill rightfully. Then head north, kill soldiers. Wait for Zhang Liao
to appear, and kill him once more. Head to the bottom left, and kill soldiers
there, and wait for Zhang Liao to show up, and kill him, once more. When this
is finished (you should probably have a Musou rage by now) and wait to the
right of the fort, and wait, Zhang Liao will show up once last time, Musou
rage him, and kill him off. Head into the fortress, and kill units and work
your way over to Cao Cao.
Battle of Yi Ling - Pshaw, what a joke. Only a few pointers for here, make
sure Zhu Ran doesn't die, and kill Liu Bei. Easy. f you go near Gan Ning,
you'll trigger a cut scene. When your inside the sentinel maze, your map will
disappear, just follow the trail of soldiers to kill. t's easy to get over
1000 kills here. Have fun here, take out all the enemy officers, not that
Charge: Running kick at an enemy, don't recommend this, it sucks.
Jumping Charge: Kicks an enery disk at the enemy. Good for knocking people
off of horses, and clearing enemies in front of you.
S: Swings Nunchaku.
S2: Swings Nunchaku, then in opposite direction.
S3: Swings Nunchaku, then in opposite direction, then in opposite direction
S4: Swings Nunchaku, then in opposite direction, then in opposite direction
again, then opposite direction once more.
S5: Swings Nunchaku, then in opposite direction, then in opposite direction
again, then opposite direction once more, then spins around, flailing Nunchaku.
S6: Swings Nunchaku, then in opposite direction, then in opposite direction
again, then opposite direction once more, spins around, flailing Nunchaku,
then charges and swings it at dead in front of him.
(Can trigger an evolution attack.)
C1: Swings Nunchaku, then charges and kicks with both feet upwards, doing a
C2: Swings Nunchaku, then in opposite direction, then does three roundhouse
C3: Swings Nunchaku, then in opposite direction, then in opposite direction
again, then does a front flip, slamming into ground. Good crown clearer.
C4: Swings Nunchaku, then in opposite direction, then in opposite direction
again, then opposite direction once more, then swings it in front of him,
causing a whirlwind.
C5: Swings Nunchaku, then in opposite direction, then in opposite direction
again, then opposite direction once more, then spins around, flailing
Nunchaku, then causes a fire whirlwind, turns around, and turns back.
Musou: flails the Nunchaku in front of him, finishes off by doing a 360.
True Musou: Flails the Nunchaku in front of him, and finishes a few more
stronger hits in front of him, finishes with an emitted beam.
Starting Weapon - Wood Nunchaku - 4 power
2nd Weapon - ron Nunchaku - 8 power
3rd Weapon - Rising Phoenix - 12 power
4th Weapon - Dragon Fury - 36 power -
(Charge 16, Luck 16, Speed 19, Attack 17, Life 15)
How to Get 4th weapon: (Battle of He Fei) this one isn't too easy, but it can
be done first try, did. First, head for Pang De, kill him, and take out the
officer on the way. Then, after him, take out Cao Zhang (he appears behind
him) and if you want, the base just above him. Then head towards Sun Quan,
taking out Man Chong and the base. When you get to Sun Quan, chances are
Zhang Liao is there, Rape him. Jump and hit him off the horse, and kick his
ass (Make sure its YOU that kills him, not your bodyguard, or another
soldier.) Then head north, kill soldiers. Wait for Zhang Liao to appear, and
kill him once more (Again, make sure its YOU that kills him) Head to the
bottom left, and kill soldiers there, and wait for Zhang Liao to show up, YOU
kill him, once more. When this is finished (you should probably have a Musou
rage by now) and wait to the right of the fort, and wait, Zhang Liao will show
up once last time, Musou rage him, and kill him off. The fourth weapon will
appear on top of the bottom wall of the fortress Cao Cao is in, once you have
it, kill off Cao Cao.
Wei - "Warriors who sought to conquer..."
"With the rise of the Hero of Chaos, Cao Cao, a new era had been ushered in.
Will the land come to know peace under his ambitious rule? Or will their
oppressive rule simply increase the feelings of unrest throughout the land?
The Kingdom of Wei strives to prove that its brand of government is what's
best for the people."
-Xiahou Dun
- A man of intense fury, virtue and emotion, and a capable warrior on the
battlefield as well. Cousin to Cao Cao, he fights to unite China under Wei.
Battle of Xia Pi - Head forward, and take out the defense base ahead. Then
head up, don't cross the bridge to your north, go around, you should run into
Zang Ba, who you'll kill, on the way. After Zang Ba, head east, and kill the
supply base that you'll eventually run into, along with Cao Xing and Zhang
Liao. Then head to Gao Shun, and the Flood gate is right ahead of him, you'll
notice it by the giant churning wheel, well, to capture it, kill Gao Shun.
Now, Hou Cheng and Song Xian will defect, so move into the castle, when the
upper gate opens, slay, kill and maim, and fight to Lu Bu.
Battle of Guan Du - Head forth, and defeat the attack base. Lu Wei Kuang
should be there, so take him out as well. Now, head out of the base, going
north, and take out Wen Chou, and the defense base right above him. Chances
are, Lu Xiang will charge you here too, so kill him. Not hard. When Wu Chao
opens up, charge in and kill every one in your way, excluding Zhang He, he
defects after Wu Chao is set aflame. But, if you wish to kill him, it's always
good to get extra points at the end of the battle. Take out Yuan Shang, and
finally, Chunyu Qiong, he triggers the base being set on fire. Now, head
after the four remaining officers (Zhen Ji, Liu Bei (sub: Jian Yong), Yuan Tan
(sub: Xun Chen), and Yuan Xi (sub: Lu Kuang). When everything's safe, and all
enemies are done, go after Yuan Shao, who should have charged by now, and you
(Note: DO NOT LET GUAN DU CASTLE FALL!!!!! f a distress signal is sent out,
haul ass down there, pronto!)
Guan Yu's Escape - This one is not a real good battle for attaining KOs. Rush
forward, and attack any one and anything that gets in your way. The order
enemies appear in should be: Liao Hua, Zhou Cang, Zhao Yun, Guan Ping, Zhang
Fei, and finally, Liu Bei. Defeat all them, then finally go after Guan Yu,
and you win. Defeat the carriage before you go after Guan Yu though, as
because its escape means your loss. P.S. if you run across Guan Yu, and you
haven't defeated them all yet, just charge past him.
Battle of Chang Ban - charge forward, attack the peasants if you wish, they do
no harm to you. Head forward, and kill Zhang Fei, the toll for passage is
death, His. f you don't defeat him in time, and Zhao Yun shows up, ignore
Zhang Fei for now, and charge Zhao Yun, but as soon as your done, go back
after that arrogant Zhang Fei. Now, go over, take out Song Qian and Mi Fang,
and the gate up top as well. Now, head down, taking out the supply base on
the lower route, and head down the enemy defense base next. Rush over to the
Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei and Guan Yu trio, to attack them, and finish the game.
f you start to feel uneasy here, rush over to the neutral defense base at the
end, to help cut them off.
Battle of He Fei - Go forth, and take over the supply base and defense base
ahead of you (Use Red Hare here!!!). When that's done, kill Zhu Ran, (and
Chen Wu) who is outside of your defense base, and pissed off cause his slow
ass couldn't get to it. Ha ha, loser. Anyways, kill him and defend the base.
Now, kill Taishi Ci who is up there as well. Now, when that's done, charge to
the southeast, and help over take that base that Wu quickly acquired. killed
Ma Zhong, Pan Zhang and Ding Fend on the way down, but that's only cause the
bastard Ma Zhong knocked me off of my horse, and killing him for revenge just
wasn't good enough, so recommend you do this too. Once that defense base is
taken down, and Lu Meng (if he's there) has been taken down, rush north to
protect Cao Cao from Gan Ning. When that's all done and over with, charge the
succession of Defense bases in the middle, go to the top defense base, and
charge down, to the supply base, ending at Sun Quan. Take his head, and you
have won.
Battle of Fan Castle - go forth, and kill the two supply bases, in succession
over to Guan Ping. Kill him to end the water attack ploy. Right outside of
the dam, should be Meng Da, take him out too. Just to the south of the dam,
is a defense base, you know what to do. After that, chase down Liu Feng, who
should have gone to the dam. Now charge the defense base in the center of the
map, then to the supply bases on in the bottom right. Then head for Ma Liang
and the defense base in the middle of the south, then after Mi Fang and Fu Shi
Ren if they haven't defected. Then head after Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.
Charge: charges ahead with sword at his side, and then swings left, then
right. Keep hitting triangle to make attack longer.
Jumping Charge: jumps, flips, swings sword while hes still upside down, knocks
enemies into air, and swings. f he misses enemies, he'll swing twice then
S: slashes left.
S2: slashes left then right.
S3: slashes left, then right, then downwards.
S4: slashes left, and then right, then downwards, then does a 360-spin attack.
S5: slashes left, then right, then downwards, does a 360 attack, then another
360-spin attack.
S6: slashes left, then right, then downwards, does a 360 attack, then another
360-spin attack, then a slash left.
(Evolution attack now triggered, if acquired.)
C1: slashes left then swings in an uppercut motion.
C2: slashes left, then right, then does circular swings to his upper right,
finishing with a jump and circular swing. Keep hitting triangle to make attack
C3: slashes left, and then right, then downwards, then a charged slash.
C4: slashes left, then right, then downwards, does a 360 attack, then slams
scimitar into ground, creating a giant blue and purple explosion, sending
enemies flying.
C5: slashes left, then right, then downwards, does a 360 attack, then another
360-spin attack, then does a circular swing over head, and finishes with a 360
spin attack.
Musou: continuous full bodied X swings while stepping forward, finished by a
powerful swing forwards.
True Musou: continuous full bodied X swings while stepping forward, finished
by emitting blue shockwaves, and doing an extremely powerful swing of the
Starting Weapon - Scimitar - 4 power
2nd Weapon - Great Scimitar - 8 power
3rd Weapon - Kirin Blade - 12 power
4th Weapon - Kirin Fang - 36 power
(Charge 17, Horse 16, Defense 17, Attack 17, Musou 16)
How to get fourth weapon - Battle of Fan Castle - go forth, and right away,
kill Guan Ping, he can get his Musou rage going, so watch it. Then, if you
wish to, just rush down to Guan Yu, cause the valuable item appears in his
base anyway, and defeat him then. recommend bringing a bodyguard that can
heal you. But, if you're going to finish the rest of the battle:
f you are going to beat the entire battle, Defeat the two supply bases that
are next to each other outside the dam, then go back to the dam. Right
outside of the dam, should be Meng Da, take him out too. Just to the south of
the dam, is a defense base, you know what to do. After that, chase down Liu
Feng, who should have gone to the dam. Now charge the defense base in the
center of the map, then to the supply bases on in the bottom right. Then head
for Ma Liang and the defense base in the middle of the south, then after Mi
Fang and Fu Shi Ren if they haven't defected. Then head up Zhang Fei, don't
forget the valuable weapon and go after Guan Yu.
-Dian Wei
- Nicknamed 'The Coming Evil' for his almost super human strength,
Dian Wei is Cao Cao's most trusted bodyguard.
Starting Weapon - Hand Axe - 5 power
Jumping Charge:
True Musou:
-Xu Zhu
- ncredibly strong, he has been compared to Dian Wei with his strength on the
battlefield. He is slightly dull, but an excellent fighter.
~*~*--ncredibly, incredibly, NCREDBLY slow, caution when using.--*~*~
Starting Weapon - Club - 5 power
Jumping Charge:
True Musou:
-Zhang Liao
- A former officer of Lu Bu, Zhang Liao constantly strives to perfect his
might, now serves under Cao Cao.
Starting Weapon - Pole Blade - 4 power
Jumping Charge:
True Musou:
-Zhen Ji
- Enchanting wife of Cao Pi, this beauty will hates being left behind, and
proves herself on the battlefield quite often.
-She is an ok game starter, her Charge attack is strong, but her weapon
range is short, watch out!
First Battle - Battle of Guan Du - Easy, use your charge attack to clear
enemies out. Save attack bases and generals if you can, and take out Guan
Yu. When the siege towers appear, protect them if possible. Search out Cao
Pi for a cutscene.
Second Battle - Battle of Chi Bi - Kill Huang Gai! You can kill Zhuge Liang
as well, but if you kill Huang Gai first, there is no need. They are the main
perpetrators of the fire, after that, just kill, maim and murder your way
through the masses to beat Sun Quan.
Third Battle - Battle of Jie Ting - So easy, battle your way up to Ma Su, kill
him and take the base, (a cutscene should appear, telling you when to attack,
till then, just kill anyone in the center.) Then battle your way through other
enemies to get to anyone who comes close to Cao Pi, and kill Zhuge Liang.
Take out Ma Chao when he shows up, he can become quite a pest.
Fourth Battle - Battle of Wu Zhang Plains - f you haven't beefed her up by
now, this will be hard. Head to the right side of the map, to the bottom of
the three passages there, and kill the defense guard, or w/e the hell his name
is, that will end all supplies getting to the middle. Once that's finished,
take out the two attack bases in the middle, and defend all defense bases till
Zhuge Croaks (cutscene), then go to the bottom center place, take out the
arbalests (cutscene,) and advance with the rest of the army to kill Jiang
Wei. Watch out for explosions; take out the task team on the bottom right.
Fifth Battle - Battle of He Fei Castle - Medium difficulty, just kill your way
till the army attacks Sun Quan's Boat. Save Sima Yi if he starts struggling,
and watch Cao Pi. Lu Xun usually attacks you, so be wary of him. Also take
out Ram's, they are annoying as well. When that's all done and over with, go
after Sun Quan, killing Zhou Tai on the way.
Charge: plays flute, the note explodes after a few seconds.
(Note: recommend this for the first battle, three of these in succession
will clear the large groups of enemies that surround you.)
Jump and attack: Plays flute in air (great for knocking enemies off horse)
Musou: Plays flute, attacking anything in range
True Musou: Same as Musou, except stronger, and she plays 4 flute notes at
end, finishing off any normal enemy.
Square: swings flute
S2: attacks, then 360-spin attack
S3: attacks, then 360-spin attack, then attacks downwards
S4: attacks, then 360-spin attack, then attacks downwards, then 360 kick
S5: attacks, then 360 spin attack, and then attacks downwards, then 360 kick,
then another 360 kick
S6: attacks, then 360 spin attack, then attacks downwards, then 360 kick, then
another 360 kick, then charged flute swing a (a few times if evolution attack
C1: attack, then strong slash upwards.
C2: attacks, then 360-spin attack, then slaps back and forth about 4-5 times.
C3: attacks, then 360 spin attack, then attacks downwards, then kicks
C4: attacks, then 360 spin attack, then attacks downward, then 360 kick, then
whirlwind in front of her, knocking enemies into air
C5: attacks, then 360 spin attack, then attacks downwards, then 360 kick, then
another 360 kick, then plays flute note, (one note of her Musou attack)
Starting Weapon - Flute - 2 power
2nd Weapon - ron Flute - 6 power
3rd Weapon - Moon Flute - 10 power
4th Weapon - Dark Moon Flute - 32 power
(Fill 20, Horse 17, Bow 18, Def 18, Life 17)
How to Get 4th weapon: (Battle of He Fei Castle) Oh god, if this were any
easier... Just kill at least 300 (hell, got over 1100) people and go by Cao
Pi, you'll get an intermission movie, where Zhen Ji is killing troops with her
Musou. To do this, just run through the castle killing, simple as that, kill
troops, officers, whatever, there are more then enough. Watch out for
ambushes and whatnot, kill rams when they show up, and destroy any officer who
gets close to an important general. tem appears just past Zhou Tai on Sun
Quan's ship. When Lu Xun shows up, use a Musou rage, when your done killing
his little squad, another Musou rage token should show, use that on Sun Quan.
-Cao Pi
- Son of Cao Cao, extremely intelligent and level headed, future of Wei is in
his hands. Began his legacy at the battle of Guan Du.
(*Recommended Wei Starter)
----- recommend you start the Wei Musou Mode with him, he's strong, fast, and
his first battle is quite easy.
First Battle - Battle of Guan Du - Just destroys the towers when Cao Cao tells
you to (if this event occurs). cannot emphasize this enough, USE YOUR
CHARGE ATTACK, it's an effective crowd clearer, and when your Musou gauge is
filled, it freezes enemies. Kill as many as possible, map is extremely simple.
Second Battle - Battle of Chi Bi - KLL HUANG GA! f you have Red Hare by
now, after you kill Huang Gai, haul ass over to Zhuge Liang, and kill him as
he retreats, triggering a special item. Other then that, just kill here, if
you take down Huang, that definitely swings the tide of battle in your favor.
Kill officers for extra points, and just slay, slay, slay.
Third Battle - Battle of Jie Ting - head to the center, just at the foot of
the mountain, and kill people, take out officers and whatnot, and just have
fun. When Zhen Ji says to head to the mountain and slay Ma Su, do so. Kill
him, and Zhuge Liang will show up. Make your way through the area, killing
officers for the extra points, kill units, try to get over 1000, know it's
damn well possible.
Fourth Battle - Battle Of Wu Zhang Plains - Goddamn does this game like this
battle, don't know how many people have this battle as one of their Musou
battles, but know that two orbs, and countless 4th weapons are attained
here. Anyway, start the battle off by taking out the two attack bases in the
center, boy are their catapults annoying. Then rush over to the right side of
the map and take out the defense captain, quelling supplies being delivered to
the center. Kill any Wood Ox on the way. Till Zhuge Liang dies, and they
retreat, kill enemies. When they do retreat, chase after them, and when the
Arbalests show, go up there and kill them, watch out for the juggernauts.
Take the left way to Jiang Wei, killing the task guards out, thus taking out
the explosives as well. Use the Musou rage that KNOW you attained during
the battle (because know of at least two on the battlefield) on Jiang Wei,
and voila, the battles your bitch.
Fifth Battle - Battle of He Fei Castle - Slay all who have entered your
castle! Damn them Wu Bastards, rush through the castle courtyard slaying
troops and officers, as well as getting items and weapons in the crates that
you see. t is so easy to get over 1000 kills here. Kill the rams when they
show, and kill Lu Xun as soon as he enters the castle. Watch out for the
Ambush that appears in the top left, and middle right. Then just go down and
take out Zhou Tai and Sun Quan.
Charge: Shoots out a ball of blue energy that explodes after a few seconds, a
couple in succession are a good crowd clearer. When Musou gauge is full, it
can also freeze enemies.
Jump attack: swipes at ground, bringing enemies into air. f misses, he hits
twice and falls, if he hits an enemy (or two, or hell, five) he keeps swinging
back and forth. Does significant damage, especially to officers.
Musou: Disconnects his blades and swings back and forth consecutively.
Finishes off with connecting the blades and doing a powerful spin attack.
True Musou: Disconnects his blades and swings back and forth consecutively.
Finishes off with connecting the blades, doing two powerful lunging attacks,
and emits a pulse wave.
S: Swings downward.
S2: Swings downward, then horizontally.
S3: Swings downward, horizontally, then horizontally in the opposite direction.
S4: Swings downward, horizontally, horizontally in the opposite direction,
then horizontally in the other direction again.
S5: Swings downward, horizontally, horizontally in the opposite direction,
horizontally in the other direction again, then spin attack.
S6: Swings downward, horizontally, horizontally in the opposite direction,
horizontally in the other direction again, spin attack, then attacks upward.
(Can trigger evolution attack, after nine attacks, and count nine attacks,
press triangle to release a red ball of energy, explodes in black smoke, does
great damage.)
C1: Swings downward, charges then swings up.
C2: Swings downward, then horizontally, then disconnects weapon, and does a
lunging attack forward about 5 times. Attack is similar to the ending of True
C3: Swings downward, horizontally, horizontally in the opposite direction,
then jumps to the side, charges, and lunges diagonally forward, attacking.
C4: Swings downward, horizontally, horizontally in the opposite direction,
horizontally in the other direction again, then stabs disconnected swords into
ground, sending out blue waves of energy all around, throwing enemies away.
C5: Swings downward, horizontally, horizontally in the opposite direction,
horizontally in the other direction again, spin attack, then charged spin
Starting Weapon - Twin Blade - 3 power
2nd Weapon - Dual Fang - 7 power
3rd Weapon - Pure Havoc - 11 power
4th Weapon - Chaos - 34 power
(Fill 15, Speed 19, Def 15, Attack 15, Musou 19)
How to Get 4th weapon: (Battle of Wu Zhang Plains) Holy hell is this hard,
must have tried at least 4 times to get this (yes, know that's not a high
number for most of you, but considering only tried once on the rest of them
so far, that's bad for me. To get this, you must kill 3 generals, NOT SUB
GENERALS, right off the bat. This is easily done, seeing as how there are
four generals right below the middle. Don't go for the Wang Lang, Liao Hua
special, for the first two kills, tried that, it don't work, cause Ma Dai
and Wei Yan just head for the middle, making the kill time shorter. nstead,
go for Wei Yan and Ma Dai, killing them, and then head on to Liao Hua. Once
this is done, Zhuge Liang will croak, and you just have to wait for the
Arbalest ambush to appear. During this time, suggest killing the Supply
Line's Defense Guard, and maybe take down an attack base. When the ambush
does show up, kill all the Arbalests, then the weapon will show up in the
center of the area you just killed the Arbalests. (P.S. if either Sima Yi or
Cao Ren dies in this battle, the weapon will NOT show up.)
Shu - "Warriors who fought to preserve virtue..."
"The way of the master and servant, the affection of the people, a peaceful
life. These important virtues have been forgotten in the chaos of war. Liu
Bei and his followers will keep fighting in order to restore the glory of the
Han and return peace to the land. Even if there are some who scoff at their
desires, they believe in a future after the fighting is finished."
-Zhao Yun
- Brave young soldier who once traveled the land, Zhao Yun now serves under
Liu Bei, and seeks to end the chaos and unite the land. Once saved Liu Bei's
son, Liu Chan, from death, when he was left behind at an abandoned castle
overrun with enemy forces.
(*Recommended Shu Starter)
----- recommend starting the Shu Musou mode with him, his Charge attack is an
effective crowd clearer, his attack is long range, and he's quite powerful.
Musou Stages:
Battle of Ji Province - Kill Zhang Bao, Zhang Liang then kill Pei Yuan Shao,
and follow the message to the precious item at the bottom, easy way to acquire
Fire arrows in the beginning. On your way to these enemies, slay as many
troops as possible, got well over 1000 kills here, and you can too. Don't
worry about the tornado's, they don't affect you none. Zhang Jiao can be
quite annoying, watch out.
Battle of Hu Lao Gate - A word of advice for the battle ahead: STAY THE HELL
AWAY FROM LU BU!! He is souped up good, and a pain to beat, so just avoid him
all together. Just fight your way through, that's all can say, its not too
hard if you avoid Lu Bu. Zhang Liao is annoying, but easy. When your
fighting Dong Zhuo, however, Lu Bu may rush to his aid.
Battle of Chang Ban - Don't rush, it's easy. Casually fight your way out,
killing everyone in the way, but make sure you get to Liu Bei to trigger a
cutscene that raises allied morale. When that's done, rush back up top and
kill kill kill. ts OK, Liu Bei will make it to the escape point safely. When
Cao Cao appears, kill him to end the battle. Extremely easy to get over 1000
Battle of Cheng Du - Start off and charge the gate ahead of you, kill Lei Tong
to open it. Once inside, kill Fei Guan and Deng Xian, and finally Liu Xun.
To the north of the castle is the gate captain, open the castle's northern
gates. Now, move out of the left castle gate, to Li Yan, kill him and the
soldiers in that little area, and then move into Cheng Du castle. Once Cheng
Du is cleared out, head north, and kill Zhang Ren, if Pang Tong hasn't already
died, you just saved him. Now, go in front of Cheng Du, to clear out Yan Yan
and Wu Lan. Eventually, the inner gates of Cheng Du Castle will open, go
inside, clear the gate in there, and finally defeat Liu Zhang. Ends with a
cut scene.
Battle of Yi Ling - one major thing in this battle: KLL ZHU RAN. DO NOT LET
territory, don't risk waiting till the bridge drops, you may be too far away.
Kill Ling Tong and Gan Ning on the way, piece of cake. From there on, just
slay, kill and mutilate till you win. Take care of Lu Xun, he's a major pain.
Triangle (charge) - lunges forward, stabbing with spear.
Jump + Triangle - jumps and swipes, if he misses he swipes twice, but if he
hits, he swipes continuously. Does considerable damage.
Musou - spins around, and finishes off with a swipe covering a good percentage
of the area around him.
True Musou - like normal Musou, except stronger, and finishes with a jump in
the air, and an air pocket driving enemies into air.
Square - Swipes with spear.
Square X2 - Swipes then stabs.
Square X3 - Swipes, stabs then 360 attack.
Square X4 - Swipes, stabs, 360 attack, then slashes downward.
Square X5 - Swipes, Stabs, 360 attack, slashes downward, then another 360
Square X6 - Swipes, Stabs, 360 attack, slashes downward, another 360, then a
strong frontward slash.
(Evolution attack can be triggered, if acquired)
C1 - Swipes, then uses butt of spear to nail upwards.
C2 - Swipes, Stabs then strong slashes upwards and downwards, finishing with a
360 attack.
C3 - swipes, stabs, 360 then charged 360.
C4 - Swipes, Stabs, 360 attack, downward slash, then spins around and a
charged downwards slash, slamming ground.
C5 - Swipes, Stabs, 360 attack, slashes downward, another 360 attack, then
jumps, spins and swipes.
Starting Weapon - Bronze Spear - 4 power
2nd Weapons - Great Spear - 8 power
3rd Weapon - Dragon Spear - 12 power
4th Weapon - Fierce Dragon - 36 power
(Charge 16, Defense 17, Attack 17, Musou 17, Life 17)
How to get 4th Weapon: (Battle of Cheng Du) - Extremely simple, just take the
entire southern base. Kill Lei Tong, Fei Guan and then Deng Xian, not
necessarily in that order, (except for Lei Tong) but you need them dead before
Liu Xun. When they are dead, kill the gate captain at the to, and the guard
captain at the bottom of the base. Then go after Liu Xun, and kill the gate
captain too. t will give you a notice "Luo Castle has been captured!" and
the valuable item will appear right in the center of the castle.
Note: excellent starter, hes strong, he kicks ass, and his first Musou mission
gets you a rare item! Start it off with the (SSSS) attack, that's his best
crowd clearer, but test out the rest, his charge is wonderful too.
-Guan Yu
- The God of War, he embodies virtue, justice and loyalty. Sworn brother of
Zhang Fei and Liu Bei, this warrior made a name for himself during the Yellow
Turban Rebellion.
Musou Stages:
Battle of Si Shui Gate - start off moving upwards, take out the gate all the
way to the top east, defeating Hu Zhen on the way. P.S. the pot nearby the
gate contains a Musou wine. Move west, and take down the defense base, watch
out for Niu Fu inside. Once this is done, head to the middle, taking down
Dong Min, Jia Xu, Guo Si and the attack base. f you feel fast, you may also
wish to take the defense base at the bottom, the one Sun Jian is heading
towards. When that's done, head to Si Shui gate, killing Li Jue, and if your
fast enough you can open the gate up, instead of going around, here's where it
(A) f you hurry up, and the gate opens, a cut scene showing Lu Bu will show,
and you have to defeat him. Don't worry, he's not that hard here, unlike the
next part, but it does take some time to get him, recommend a bodyguard here.
(B) f you have to go around, watch out for the ambush that will appear, kill
them all, and the officers, usually Liu Bei, Sun Jian and Gongsun Zan are
there to help.
By now, you will have reached Huang Zu, when you reach him, a cut scene will
play, and you have to defeat him. Finished.
Battle of Hu Lao Gate - Red Hare is a big help here. Charge forward, only
killing a couple of that huge group there, and head up to Xu Rong, kill him
and take the gate which he's by. From there on, take the attack base, killing
anyone in your way, and head to the supply base. Head to Hu Lao Gate, killing
Hu Zhen, when you see him. Take out the gate that you pass when you first
come into the opening, and clear out a ton of units, including officers: Guo
Si, Zhao Cen, Li Jue, Wang Fang, Li Meng and Gao Shun when he come out. DO
the gate on the other side of the clearing, where Li Jue is, which can give
you quite a bit of kills. When Lu Bu finally is unleashed, if your feeling a
little brave, charge him. Wait for the cut scene, and flee, go help Cao Cao
defeat Li Ru, and let your brothers take care of Lu Bu for awhile. When you
come back, he should have a sizable portion of his health taken out. Help
them take him on, til your close to death, then just don't risk it, take off.
HE ATTACKS, EVEN FROM JUST ONE!!!! f you didn't kill him, head up through
Zhang Liao, kill him, listen to the little conversation, and head for Dong
Zhuo. Watch it, he will call for help from Lu Bu, so eliminate him fast.
Battle of Guan Du - Watch out here, this battle is easy to start screwing up
in. Start off by pushing forward through the castle, and heading towards Yan
Liang. Leaving your STRONG bodyguard at the top gate of the castle, to
protect from invaders, head towards him, slaughtering him as you get near.
You may also want to stop off to the left of the castle first, to kill his sub-
general, Han Meng (f your going to go this way, get rid of that damn attack
base above you, as its extremely annoying). Once this is done, just continue
fighting, and Liu Bei shall move towards you. When you get close enough, a
cut scene will play, showing Liu Bei fighting, and Guan Yu rejoicing, having
found his brother. Head after him and defeat him and Jian Yong. What? t's
an officer kill, worth good points. Any who, head to Yuan Tan, and slaughter
him, and work your way west, and take down the attack base. Kill Yuan Shang,
but during the battle, try to ignore Zhang He, as he will defect later on,
making a good ally. From here on, just go after Zhen Ji, defeat her, destroy
the rams and arrow towers, and protect Cao Cao.
Guan Yu's Escape - This is quite possible the EASEST stage ever. Unless you
suck at life, and can't play worth shit, you'll win. Just eliminate anyone
that comes near to the carriage, and take down the officers that stand in your
way. At the end, when the carriage stops and Xiahou Dun challenges you, ride
back and take him down.
Escape from Chi Bi - Well, this is why Guan Yu is known as the God of War, his
extreme loyalty, and codes of virtue. He owed Cao Cao big, so he let him live
after this. f he had killed Cao Cao, history would have been SOOO
different. Anyway. recommend you have a horse for this battle, preferably
Red Hare. Chase after Cao Cao, that's it. Take out any officer that gets in
your way, not any ON your way, any that gets in your way. The main ones there
are Xiahou Yuan, Cheng Yu, Xun Yu, and sometimes Liu Yan, Xiahou Dun and Zhang
Liao. Cao Cao will stop his marches sometimes, nail him when he stops. Also
watch out for the bridge collapsing in the beginning, which takes a lot of
time off of catching Cao Cao.
Battle of Fan Castle - This Battle can be Quite Difficult. Start off by
rushing forwards and taking out the base in front of you, then rush up top,
kill Yue Jin and Niu Jin, and protect the site of the water attack, until
about 4 minutes in, when the attack commences. When this is complete, go kill
Pang De, to stop him from preventing the allied fleets preparations, kill Yu
Jin, Dong Heng and Dong Zhao, and take out the supply and defense bases on the
way. Xu Huang will have arrived by now, and a cut scene will play, kill him
before you go on the bridge. When you proceed to the bridge, move in and kill
Cao Ren. Now, kill Lu Xun and Lu Meng, when they come up top watch out for
them, they are annoying. Also, watch out, a couple of your officers will
defect to Wu when they show up, if they affect you too much. And if you hold
out long enough, Zhang Fei will show up with reinforcements. (P.S. You can
lead Pang De into the ditch around Fan Castle just before the water attack
commences, so you wont have to deal with him)
Charge: Lunges forward, swirling his blade.
Jumping Charge: Jumps, slashes and slams ground.
S: Slashes.
S2: Slashes, then again in the opposite direction.
S3: Slashes, slashes in opposite direction, then stabs forward.
S4: Slashes, slashes in opposite direction, stabs forward, then slashes again.
S5: Slashes, slashes in opposite direction, stabs forward, slashes again, then
slashes downwards.
S6: Slashes, slashes in opposite direction, stabs forward, slashes again,
slashes downwards, then a charged slash.
(Can trigger an evolution attack.)
C1: Slashes, then charges uppercut slash.
C2: Slashes, then in opposite direction, then charged uppercut slashes from
both sides, finishing off with a strong normal slash. Keep pressing triangle
to prolong attack.
C3: Slashes, slashes in opposite direction, then stabs forward, then a 360
C4: Slashes, slashes in opposite direction, stabs forward, then slashes again,
then finishes with a whirlwind.
C5: Slashes, slashes in opposite direction, stabs forward, slashes again, then
slashes downwards, then finishes by stamping the ground, emitting a blue beam,
that stuns enemies temporarily.
Musou: Spins continuously, finishing with a stronger spin.
True Musou: Spins continuously, finishing by raising spear into the air, and
knocking all enemies into air with a teal whirlwind.
Starting Weapon - Crescent Blade - 5 power
2nd Weapon - Moon Blade - 10 power
3rd Weapon - Blue Dragon - 16 power
4th Weapon - Blue Moon Dragon - 38 power
(Charge 16, Horse 16, Defense 17, Attack 18, Life 18)
How to get 4th Weapon - (Battle of Fan Castle) - Start off by Rushing towards
Yue Jin and Niu Jin (Cao Ren's sub-generals) and killing them. You must kill
them before the river overflows. Watch out for Yue Jin, his movements can be
a little tricky, but he tends to move below the defense base in the top
middle. When the report "the river is getting too high// the Wei Army is
moving to Higher Ground" watch out, you don't have much time left, maybe 20
seconds. The water attack sets off Around 4 minutes ( had 4'03"73.) f you
finished early, haul ass over to pang de, and lure him into the drooping land
around the castle, when there are only a few seconds left, (hopefully you have
red hare) haul ass to higher ground, and the cutscene will play, and surprise,
you don't have to deal with Pang De! The Valuable item will appear on one of
the building in Fan Castle, lead to by the bridges within. The cutscene with
all the ships appearing will play, and just go get your weapon and kill Cao
f you didn't have enough time, or you didn't succeed in killing Pang De with
the water, then when the water attack commences, Finish the battle by killing,
maiming and hurting until the Shu Navy gets into position. Kill Pang De and
Yu Jin [especially Pang De], as they can become a nuisance. gnore Xu Huang,
unless he comes after you. Move in, kill Cao Ren, then Lu Meng. Don't forget
to get your Weapon before the battle is up. Congrats.
-Zhang Fei
- Originally a meat butcher, Zhang Fei made a name for himself during the
Yellow Turban Rebellion, which is where he met his future "brothers" (they
never actually made an oath), he went on to create the kingdom of Shu with
them. His major feat, is when he held off Cao Cao's army at the battle of
Chang Ban, so that Liu Bei, may escape:
"At the sound of this thunderous voice, a terrible quaking fear seized upon
Cao Cao, and he bade them take the umbrella away. Turning to his followers, he
said, "Guan Yu had said that his brother Zhang Fei was the sort of man to go
through an army of a hundred legions and take the head of its commander-in-
chief, and do it easily. Now here is this terror in front of us and we must be
careful." As he finished speaking, again that terrible voice was heard, ' am
Zhang Fei of Yan; who dares fight with me?'"
Although depicted as a violent alcoholic, Zhang Fei was actually an extremely
intelligent man, and showed great respect for his superiors, but the same
cannot be said about his inferiors. He later became one of Shu's five tiger
Battle of Hu Lao Gate - Red Hare is a big help here. Charge forward, only
killing a couple of that huge group there, and head up to Xu Rong, kill him
and take the gate which he's by. From there on, take the attack base, killing
anyone in your way, and head to the supply base. Head to Hu Lao Gate, killing
Hu Zhen, when you see him. Take out the gate that you pass when you first
come into the opening, and clear out a ton of units, including officers: Guo
Si, Zhao Cen, Li Jue, Wang Fang, Li Meng and Gao Shun when he come out. DO
the gate on the other side of the clearing, where Li Jue is, which can give
you quite a bit of kills. When Lu Bu finally is unleashed, if you're feeling
a little brave, charge him. Wait for the cut scene, and flee, go help Cao Cao
defeat Li Ru, and let your brothers take care of Lu Bu for a while. When you
come back, he should have a sizable portion of his health taken out. Help
them take him on, till your close to death, then just don't risk it, take
YOU F HE ATTACKS, EVEN FROM JUST ONE!!!! f you didn't kill him, head up
through Zhang Liao, kill him, listen to the little conversation, and head for
Dong Zhuo. Watch it, he will call for help from Lu Bu, so eliminate him fast.
Battle of Xia Pi - go forward, and attack the Defense, base, then the attack
base above that (make sure you don't keep your bodyguard around the attack
base, or they'll eventually die, in fact, suggest that you command your
bodyguard to stay before you go down the flight of stairs). By the attack base
is Yin Li, so kill him too. Now, head back up the stairs, and kill off Wei Xu,
and head into the castle, closing the gate and killing Diao Chan. Now, as
you'll notice, those damn doors won't open. Damn, so head around the castle,
over to the defense base that Cao Hong is struggling to defeat, and destroy
all those pesky bases in that area, including Song Xian and Hou Cheng, who are
to the left of the defense base. Now, head north, and kill Zang Ba, and the
gate up by him. Next, head east, and kill Cao Xing then Zhang Liao, along
with the supply base. Next, head to Gao Shun, and along with his defeat, is
the collapse of the dam. Now, just head into the castle, slay the soldiers,
and kill (or capture) Lu Bu.
P.S: f you fail to take the dam in time, and Yuan Shu's reinforcements show
up, don't worry, they're in the southeast corner, just go and kill him.
Battle of Chang Ban - Here is the stuff of Zhang Fei's legends. You start off
on a very historical bridge, the one whose toll for passage, is death. Kill
anyone who attempts to pass the bridge, just stay n' slay, your one stop shop
for carnage and death. After the advancements from the west stop, if you're
feeling brave, you may advance on the gate above you, and destroy that. Next,
move westward, and kill the attack base, WHLE BENG CAUTOUS, DO NOT LET ANY
TROOPS PAST THAT BRDGE!!! Watch out, Cao Zhang arrives with reinforcements,
right above the bridges position. When that area is safe from invasion, head
farther west, and take out the gate and Yu Jin, finishing off with the left-
most gate. Now, the north should be safe for a while, so head south, to Xu
Huang's unit and the supply base, to defeat them. Head farther south to the
defense and attack bases, and destroy them, along with Cao Hong and Jia Xu
(sub-generals: Jia Kui and Yue Jin are there as well). Now, you have two
-A.) Help Liu Bei escape, in which case, just kill till he reaches the end, Or
-B.) Go up and kill Cao Cao, ending the battle right there.
Battle of Cheng Du - Start off and charge the gate ahead of you, kill Lei Tong
to open it. Once inside, kill Fei Guan and Deng Xian, and finally Liu Xun.
To the north of the castle is the gate captain, open the castle's northern
gates. Now, move out of the left castle gate, to Li Yan, kill him and the
soldiers in that little area, and then move into Cheng Du castle. Once Cheng
Du is cleared out, head north, and kill Zhang Ren, if Pang Tong hasn't already
died, you just saved him. Now, go in front of Cheng Du, to clear out Yan Yan
and Wu Lan. Eventually, the inner gates of Cheng Du Castle will open, go
inside, clear the gate in there, and finally defeat Liu Zhang. Ends with a
cut scene.
Battle of Fan Castle - This Battle can be Quite Difficult. Begins with a cut
scene. Start off by charging forward, and taking out the defense base,
continue heading forward and take out the supply base, defeating the gate
captain and Sun Li on the way. Now, head forward more, and kill Jiang Ji, and
the gate ahead even more, there is another one just below Jiang Ji's position,
so destroy that too. Head north, and destroy the two supply bases that are in
succession, and head left, destroying that final one. f the last two defense
bases are still standing, take them out as well. Now, go kill Yu Jin and
finally, Pang De (and with his death, you may now enter Fan Castle). Xu Huang
will eventually show up, so slay him as well. Lu Meng (along with Xu Sheng)
will show up when you meet up with Cao Ren, so now Kill Cao Ren (sub-generals:
Yue Jin and Niu Jin). f you wish, you may ignore Cao Ren, so that you may
head for Lu Meng (Sub-generals: Lu Xun and Jiang Qin).
Charge: Stamps the ground, knocking enemies down. t does not do good damage
at all, but it is useful for making escapes, and getting ready to nail the
Jumping Charge: jumps, flips, and then falls down, stabbing the ground with
spear and creating a huge explosion.
S: slashes right.
S2: Slashes right, then attacks left with butt of the spear.
S3: Slashes right, then attacks left with butt of the spear, then slashes
right again.
S4: Slashes right, then attacks left with butt of the spear, slashes right
again, and then slashes left with the blade.
S5: Slashes right, then attacks left with butt of the spear, slashes right
again, slashes left with the blade, and then slashes right with blade once
S6: Slashes right, then attacks left with butt of the spear, slashes right
again, slashes left with the blade, slashes right with blade once more, and
then spins and stabs forward with blade.
(Evolution attack now triggered, if acquired.)
C1: Slashes right, then attacks upwards in an uppercut fashion.
C2: Slashes right, then attacks left with butt of the spear, then slashes in
an X pattern repeatedly, finishing by slamming butt of the spear on the
ground, emitting a blue energy wave. Attack is longer if you keep pressing
C3: Slashes right, then attacks left with butt of the spear, slashes right
again, and then does a 360-spin attack.
C4: Slashes right, then attacks left with butt of the spear, slashes right
again, slashes left with the blade, and then jumps and slams ground, making an
C5: Slashes right, then attacks left with butt of the spear, slashes right
again, slashes left with the blade, slashes right with blade once more, and
then stamps ground, making an explosion.
Musou: slashes in an x pattern continuously, finishing by jumping, spinning
and slashing forward.
True Musou: slashes in an x pattern continuously, finishing by jumping,
spinning and slashing forward, then stamping the ground as the enemies fall to
the ground, creating an explosion.
Starting Weapon - Bronze Pike - 5 power
2nd Weapon - ron Pike - 11 power
3rd Weapon - Serpent Blade - 17 power
4th Weapon - Viper Blade - 39 power
(Fill 16, Horse 16, Defense 15, Attack 19, Musou 17)
How to get 4th weapon - Battle of Chang Ban - Bring a STRONG bodyguard to this
battle, and command them to Stay at the bridge. Now, successfully defend your
bridge, don't let anyone across. Kill anyone who attempts to pass the bridge,
just stay n' slay, your one stop shop for carnage and death. After the
advancements from the west stop, you may advance on the gate above you, and
destroy that. As Xiahou Dun and Wen Pin come, slay them. Once Cao Zhang's
reinforcements have arrived, and you've defeated them (of course), and Liu Bei
is safe from any troops that feel like advancing on him from behind go after
Xiahou En, Yu Jin's sub-general. When the three generals are dead, the
valuable item will appear right on the bridge that you defended. Now, just
protect Liu Bei until he escapes, or Kill Cao Cao when he appears.
-Ma Chao
- Eldest son of Ma Teng, he travels the land seeking revenge against
Cao Cao for the death of his father. One of the five tiger generals of Shu.
Note: He is EXCELLENT on a steed; his moves are fantastic for killing and
charging through enemy lines.
Battle of Liang Province - Oh My God is this easy. Just kill enemies. Simple
as that. Get a lot of kills, as many as you can, follow the orders and
whatnot at the bottom of the screen, and you'll win easily. Just fight your
way to Dong Zhuo in the bottom of the screen, and you'll win easily.
Battle of Tong Gate - Like said for the previous battle, you need a sizable
amount of kills and upgrades for him here. t helps if you have a horse here.
Where you start, tell your bodyguard to stay, that is a major help to the gate
right there. Start killing the enemies in front of the gate, kill Cao Hong,
and take out that attack base. Once that's done, rush up top and take over
those the three bases, (supply, defense and attack.) As you rush past Cao
Cao, just ignore that cut scene. Once the bases are taken over, kill Jia Xu
and Xu Huang, which ends any future trouble right there. When that's all done
and over with, take the path through the main area where the enemy started,
back to tong gate. Take over the supply base, and kill off Xiahou Yuan, Zhu
Ling, Zhang He and Xu Zhu on your way. When it's all safe, just have fun
overtaking gates, till you work back to Cao Cao.
Battle of Yi Ling - one major thing in this battle: KLL ZHU RAN. DO NOT LET
territory, don't risk waiting till the bridge drops, you may be too far away.
Kill Ling Tong and Gan Ning on the way, piece of cake. From there on, just
slay, kill and mutilate till you win. Take care of Lu Xun; he's a major pain.
Watch out for Zhao Yun, as he has a tendency to get killed here. Another
thing, watch out how far out you get, died a lot in this battle, and you
will too if you don't watch it, so when you go out after Zhu Ran, try to have
a full Musou gauge, a full life bar, and a Musou rage. Try to have the 3rd or
4th weapon by now, you can get it from the previous battle. Not too hard.
Battle of Jie Ting - start off by going after Deng Ai, and fight to Cao Hong,
killing Zhen Ji at the same time, and take out the supply base to the east.
Fight into the middle of the map, killing Fei Yao and Wang Lang. f Sima Yi
gets too annoying for you, just charge him and kill him, but take off fast,
cause Ma Su needs help. Fight up to Ma Su, Kill Cao Zhen and his two sub
generals, Zhang Hu and Xin Pi (Zhang Hu starts on the path that you should
take to Ma Su.) and save Ma Su. When that's over with, fight to Zhang He, and
then go kill Cao Pi.
Battle of Bai Di Castle - Start off by charging to Zhou Tai, he becomes a
major pain in the ass, and yes, shouldn't have to say this by now, but kill
Xu Sheng (PUT HM N THE NEXT DW KOE) on the way. When the peasants appear,
go and save them, that's a major boost for ally morale. Make sure Jiang Wei
doesn't die, and when Gan Ning shows up, take care of him, so he doesn't take
care of Bai Di Castle. Other then that, have fun killing and saving generals
and troops.
Charge: Spins on his spear, finishes by leaping into air and landing.
Jumping Charge: Jumps, and flies forward, twirling, and spinning his spear
with him. (Good for knocking people off of horses.)
S: Slashes forward.
S2: Slashes forward, then spins and attacks with butt of spear.
S3: Slashes forward, spins and attacks with butt of spear, then turns back
around and slashes again.
S4: Slashes forward, spins and attacks with butt of spear, turns back around
and slashes again, then slashes once more.
S5: Slashes forward, spins and attacks with butt of spear, turns back around
and slashes again, slashes once more then slashes downwards.
S6: Slashes forward, spins and attacks with butt of spear, turns back around
and slashes again, slashes once more, slashes downwards, then stabs forwards.
(Can trigger an evolution attack.)
C1: Slashes, spins and does an uppercut slash.
C2: Slashes forward, spins and attacks with butt of spear, then stabs a couple
time, doing multiple combo attacks with each stab, and finishes with a 360
C3: Slashes forward, spins and attacks with butt of spear, turns back around
and slashes again then finishes with one stab.
C4: Slashes forward, spins and attacks with butt of spear, turns back around
and slashes again, slashes once more then finishes with whirlwind.
C5: Slashes forward, spins and attacks with butt of spear, turns back around
and slashes again, slashes once more slashes downwards then spins, emitting a
blue beam, which stuns enemies.
Musou: continuously stamps forward, twirling spear, then switching arms.
Finishes with a spin on the spear (like the Musou) jumps down and slashes
forward with spear.
True Musou: Same as Musou, except finishes by falling to ground, and jumping
back up, creating a teal whirlwind, knocking enemies into air.
Starting Weapon - ron Spear - 5 power
2nd Weapon - Stallion Spear - 10 power
3rd Weapon - Silver Stallion - 16 power
4th Weapon - Stallion Fury - 38 power
(20 Horse, Speed 15, Defense 16, Attack 17, Life 15)
How to get 4th weapon - Battle of Tong Gate - This is pretty easy, and fast.
Just run over to Cao Cao, knock him off the horse, (you'll run into a cut
scene with Xu Zhu stopping you) and hit him a few times. When this is done, a
valuable item will appear up top, near a base. On your way, take the two
unoccupied bases, and watch out for Xu Huang. Attack Cao Cao as he comes up,
and if he starts to run, chase him down and kill him. Extremely easy.
-Huang Zhong
- A master archer, this old man one served Hua Xuan. Now serving under Liu
Bei, he is one of Shu's five tiger generals. He is the reason of Xiahou
Yuan's death, and lived to a ripe old age.
Battle of Cheng Du - Rush into the forest, and kill any ambushes, should the
get in your way. Rush over to Zhang Ren (an ambush appears as you ride up),
and kill him, to prevent Pang Tong's death (Hell, if you do it before he dies,
you get a valuable item! [The Hex Mark Saddle]). Now, you may go back into the
forest, and kill the rest of the ambushes that appear (Liu Hans, Leng Bao's
and Zhang Yi's ambush), and clear the three gates within the forest. Next,
move to the eastern gate of Cheng Du castle, and slay everyone in the area
outside of it, then move inside the castle, slaying everyone within. By now,
Zhang Fei and//or Zhao Yun should have reached and opened the southern gate,
so wait for the inner castle gate to open, move in, kill the gate up top, then
take care of Liu Zhang.
Battle of Mt. Ding Jun - Head forward, and kill the gate captain (a pot with a
Musou wine is next to the gate) and Xiahou Shang. Now, take out the supply
base, and Xiahou De, who is right next to the base. Now, that Mount Tian Dang
has been captured, a cut scene will play, (which seems familiar if you played
this battle with a Wei officer) and march north, to where Zhao Yun is, and
take the defense base ahead of him. Cao Xiu is right on the other side of it,
so kill him as well. Li Dian is next, and then head for Zhang He (rush past
Xiahou Yuan to kill Zhang He first, because Zhang He will interfere in that
fight sometimes), then kill off Xiahou Yuan, and finally, the attack base. f
Yue Jin hasn't been defeated, go after him too. Now, (if Cao Zhang hasn't
been killed, take him out as well) head up to the enemy main camp, and kill
Guo Huai, and wait for Cao Cao, and his "Liu Bei you Bastard" Comment, and
slay Cao Cao. Sweet, huh?
Conquest of Nan Zhong - Head forward, and take out the defense base and go to
the center of the attack//defense base, and kill King Mulu. Now, if the attack
base hasn't been conquered yet, go help with that. Kill Meng Huo when he
appears again, and head down to Ahui Nan and Dong Tu Na, kill them, and then
to the (Right on the map, Left coming from the top) there is a secretive path,
its noticeable by a hole in the wall covered by a tree. Now, head over there,
past Wei Yan, and take down the attack base ahead of him, making the swamp
travelable, kill Meng Huo as he reappears. Kill king Duosi, Jinhuan Sanjie,
and move into the next large area. To the top of the large area, is another
secret path, take that to kill Meng Huo, who has raided Ma Su. Now take down
the attack base, hit pots to make them explode and to make killing those armor
troops easier. To end the Armor Troop assault, kill Wu Tugu, and if you feel
like it, his sub-officer, Mang Yachang. Kill Meng Huo, as he reappears...
again... Now, kill Zhu Rong as she rushes the area, and Dalai Dongzhu and
Yang Feng's reinforcements, and take the next hidden path (in the bottom of
that same area) to the bottom path, and pincer the Defense base. Now, move
onto the Supply base, take Meng Huo out for last time(s), and move onto the
main camp, Take him out one last time, and you beat the stage.
Battle of Chen Cang - Charge forward into the field, and kill all of the sub
officers, whom are: Wang Shuang, Fei Yao and Zhang Hu. Just keep on clearing
enemies out here for a little while, and then head over to Xiahou Wei, who is
in front of the gate with the spinning defense on the left side of the map.
Stay over there, and kill off the rest of the troops on that side, then head
back to the center, and kill them off for awhile. Xiahou Ba should be in the
center by now and Xiahou Hui will eventually show up too, so you can kill him
off. Reinforcements (Cao Xiu) will appear in the bottom left, so go rush to
them, and rescue the troops there. A fire arrow unit will appear, so quickly
dispose of them as well. Cao Hong will appear in the southeast with
reinforcements, so kill him, and them, off quickly. From there, charge north
through the mountain path, watching out for the ambush (multiple ambushes if
the units there haven't made it too far). When you get to the top of the
mountain, another ambush should appear in the bottom left. On your way down
the mountain, to save them, Guo Huai should show up on the bottom right, so
kill him, then rush over to the right, (killing Xu Zhu's reinforcements, who
appear in the center) and kill off Cao Zhen to save them, again. On the way
there, if Zhang He (who is now in the center) hasn't been killed, take him
out. Charge into the castle in the now destroyed gate, and kill Hao Zhao, Cao
Ren, Wang Lang and finally, Sima Yi (and his sub officers, Jia Kui and Sima
Battle of Bai Di Castle - Head forward, and attack the gate ahead of you. Now
move on to the enemy supply base (Defeating Zhu Huan and Quan Zong on the way)
to the south. Huang Gai should rush there, so kill him, and the gate at the
very tip of the southeast corner. Move on to the attack base to the left,
behind Huang Gai's starting position. Now, move on to Sun Shao, taking out
the gate on the way. Now, move up to Ma Chao, and help him save the Peasant
Militia, kill Jiang Qin when you see him. Zhou Tai will eventually work his
way down to you, so kill him as well, and that saves the militia. Now, move
over the the attack base on the right (Han Dang is there, kill him), then go
back after Ding Feng. Take out Zhuge Luo and the base in the bottom left
corner, then move up to Lu Xun, who is at the top, and has probably worn off
the effects of the Stone Sentinel Maze by now. Kill Lu Xun, and head back
down the way you came up, killing Pan Zhang on the way. Go after Gan Ning's
troops, who have appeared at the bottom right, and prevent him from entering
the castle. Now, go after the supply bases on top (if they haven't already
been), Sun Quan reappears on bottom, so go after him, kill him, and you win.
Charge: Shoots multiple arrows from a crossbow multiple times. Keep pressing
triangle to make attack longer. This move is spectacular, a great crowd
clearer, and just screams abuse me.
Jumping Charge: Jumps, and flips forward, and while upside down in the air,
shoots arrows from crossbow at the ground.
S: Slashes left.
S2: Slashes left, then slashes right.
S3: Slashes left, slashes right, and then stabs forward.
S4: Slashes left, slashes right, stabs forward, then slashes diagonally
S5: Slashes left, slashes right, stabs forward, slashes diagonally, then
slashes left once more.
S6: Slashes left, slashes right, stabs forward, slashes diagonally, slashes
left once more, then spins and stabs forward.
(Evolution attack triggered, if acquired.
C1: slashes left, spins and slashes in an uppercut fashion.
C2: Slashes left, slashes right, and then shoots out arrows, similar to normal
charge, ending with a set of arrows with yellow energy surrounding them. Keep
pressing triangle to make attack longer.
C3: Slashes left, slashes right, stabs forward, then does a 360-spin attack,
usually triggering Musou.
C4: Slashes left, slashes right, stabs forward, slashes diagonally, then hauls
off and slams ground with weapon, creating an explosion.
C5: Slashes left, slashes right, stabs forward, slashes diagonally, slashes
left once more, and then does two 360-spin attacks.
Musou: spins around and around in a 360 spin attack fashion continuously, and
finishes by one final slash forward, stumbling forward when that's done.
True Musou: spins around and around, in a 360 spin attack fashion
continuously, and finishes by knocking enemy into the air, shooting an arrow
about 2 feet in front of him, and the arrow explodes just as the enemy
(enemies) hit the ground, sending them flying.
Starting Weapon - War Sword - 4 power
2nd Weapon - Veteran Sword - 8 power
3rd Weapon - Sage Sword - 12 power
4th Weapon - Oracle Sword - 36 power
(Fill 18, Horse 15, Bow 20, Defense 15, Musou 15)
How to get fourth weapon - Battle of Mt. Ding Jun - Hurry up and kill Xiahou
De (kill a lot of the units around him, a Musou Rage appears), and rush down
the mountains upper right side path, to Xiahou Yuan. Watch out for him, he's
super charged, and quite annoying, and you need to kill him within three
minutes of the capture of Mt. Ding Jun (kill a lot of units around him as
well, two Musou rages should appear). Now, after Xiahou Yuan dies, a valuable
item will appear near Zhao Yun, ignore that, it's an item (Way of the Musou),
not a weapon. Go on to kill Zhang He before Cao Cao arrives. When Cao Cao
finally arrives, the valuable item will appear at the bottom of the hill that
you rode down on, after Xiahou Yuan. Now, just get your weapon, and ride up to
Cao Cao, and kill him.
-Xing Cai
- Daughter of Zhang Fei, she carries on the family's excellent legacy of
warriors. She is calm under pressure, and skilled in battle (ha, yeah, Ok).
Starting Weapon - Long Fork - 4 power
Jumping Charge:
True Musou:
Bodyguards - Who's Got Your Back?
Bodyguards are an essential part of the Dynasty Warriors Series. On countless
occasions, this game and past, they have saved my ass from ruin, as well as
saved the map.
You start the game with 4 bodyguards, Liu Ren, Cao Wu, Sun Chun and Lu Hua,
all C rated officers, and yes, they suck. But, have no fear, there are more
to recruit. Notice that there are 8 slots for potential bodyguards, and you
can fire those awful officers later on.
Now bodyguards fall under 4 categories:
Veteran - Starts strong, but their stat growth is restricted
Remarkable - Starts average, and growth is average
Brilliant - Starts low, and growth is significant
Superior - Starts high, and growth is significant (the best, obviously)
And these categories fall under another 4 categories, this guarantees growth
in four attributes, Attack, Musou, Defense and Life:
C - One of the four attributes grow rapidly (known in one kingdom)
B - Two of the four attributes grow rapidly (known in two kingdoms)
A - Three of the four attributes grow rapidly (Known in three kingdoms)
S - Four of the four attributes grow rapidly (Known throughout the land)
Bodyguards can have a total of 6 weapons, Spears, Swords, Bows, Crossbows,
Fans and Staffs (magic rod, these units are also spectacular defense) this has
a lot to do with your fighting type, for people like Lu Bu, it might be better
to get someone with a sword, or spear, so when the combined Musou is set off,
they both attack the same circle. Huang Zhong or Xiahou Yuan might use a
crossbow or Bow unit, so their long-range attack nails in numbers. 'll get
more into this later.
The bodyguard also differs from DW4 by its level up system. Kills no longer
mean the only experience, yes they still do count with experience, but even if
they get none they gain some. Yes, confusing, know, but this is how it is.
But, there is good news; Officers can now obtain skills and attributes!
Another list here people:
-Fire (causes more damage when hit)
-ce (freezes enemy, so you can hit)
-Ying (Light Attacks)
-Yang (Dark Attacks, uses Musou for chance of automatic death)
-Heal (Can be Obtained when general reaches level 3) (*One of three*~!)
The bodyguard will heal them self, and you if in distance, when health is low.
-Rage (Can be Obtained when general reaches level 3) (*One of three*~!)
When health is low, their attack power will double.
-Wall (Can be Obtained when general reaches level 3) (*One of three*~!)
When health is low, defense will double.
-Fame (Can be Obtained when general reaches level 5) (*One of three*~~#)
Players army's morale is less likely to decrease.
-Link (Can be Obtained when general reaches level 5) (*One of three*~~#)
Less powerful attacks can wield more powerful weapons.
-Hire (Can be Obtained when general reaches level 5) (*One of three*~~#)
After battle, bodyguard is guaranteed to join.
-tem (Can be Obtained when general reaches level 6, can be rare, if stat
growth is incomplete by this time, this will not be learned) (*One of
two*~~~@) One extra item is guaranteed when battle is over.
-Find (Can be Obtained when general reaches level 6, can be rare, if stat
growth is incomplete by this time, this will not be learned) (*One of
two*~~~@) One extra weapon is guaranteed when battle is over.
Levels are increased with, as you guessed it, experience! Here's another fun
little information session.
Level increasing:
Level Two - 1000exp
Level Three - 2000exp
Level Four - 4000exp
Level Five - 7000exp
Level Six - 10000exp
The select button, as mentioned in the Controls - How to Direct Your Dynasty
Warrior section above. The sword is attack, attack any and all troops near
you, the shield is defend, kill anyone who touches you or touched you, and the
hand is stay, they remain in one area, and kill anyone in range.
The last one, stay, is extremely helpful. When was playing Cao Pi's Musou,
mission 4, Battle of Wu Zhang Plains, commanded the officer to stay at the
right hand defense station at the peak of enemy attacks, (she was strong by
the way) she staved off the entire force for a long time, she lived the entire
battle as well, even called her down to help me take care of Jiang Wei.
As mentioned before as well, a Musou teeming bodyguard can also boost your
Musou power, instead of normal, you now use your True Musou (True Musou: only
usable with an item, or when your life is in the red, and Musou is
automatically filling.)
Extra tidbit of information:
The bodyguard's color depends on your affiliation.
Wu officers: Red
Wei officers: Blue
Shu officers: Green
Unaligned officer colors are all different as well.
Lu Bu: White
Diao Chan, Dong Zhuo, Zhu Rong, Meng Huo: Purple
Yuan Shao, Zhang Jiao: Yellow
Zuo Ci: Green
P.S. didn't think of anywhere above to put this, but bodyguards are gained
randomly, every time you beat a battle, there is a chance of obtaining one, no
set way to get one, or a certain leveled one.
Dim Sum And Musou Wine - Drinking Age 21 (Damn America)
n almost every battle, there are two Dim Sums, and one Musou Wine. Missions
sorted alphabetically.
(f you find one not mentioned here, please notify me.
Battle of Bai Di Castle
Dim Sum (Shu): Dropped by Huang Gai.
Dim Sum (Wu): Dropped by Jian Yong.
Musou Wine: Southwest part of map, by the hump, your right coming from the
Battle of Chang Ban
Dim Sum (Shu): Dropped by Yu Jin.
Dim Sum (Wei): Dropped by Guan Yu.
Musou Wine: Near the southeastern gate captain.
Battle of Chang Shan (Chang Mountain)
Dim Sum (Yuan Shao): Dropped by Yu Du.
Musou Wine: Southwest corner of map, by Zuozi Zhangba's starting place.
Battle of Chang Shen
Dim Sum (Dong Zhuo): Dropped by Yu Du.
Dim Sum (Yuan Shao): Gongsun Yue.
Musou Wine: Southeast corner of map.
Battle of Chen Cang
Dim Sum (Shu): Dropped by Cao Ren.
Dim Sum (Wei): Dropped by Jiang Wei.
Musou Wine: Southeast corner, inside the castle's outer wall.
Battle of Cheng Du
Dim Sum (Shu): Dropped by Meng Da.
Musou Wine: n front of the gate captain, in the top middle of the
northwestern castle, at Liu Zhang's starting place.
Battle of Chi Bi
Dim Sum (Allied): Dropped by Cai Mao.
Dim Sum (Wei Forces): Dropped by Dong Xi.
Musou Wine: the left most of Cao Cao's fleets largest boats, go down one.
Battle of Fan Castle
Dim Sum (Shu): Dropped by Pang De.
Dim Sum (Wei): Dropped by Guan Ping.
Dim Sum (Wu): Dropped by Guan Xing.
Musou Wine: Northeast corner of map, where Cao Ren starts.
Battle of Guan Du
Dim Sum (Yuan Shao): dropped by Liu Yan.
Dim Sum (Wei): Dropped by Chunyu Qiong.
Musou Wine: Just above the horizontal path just above the river in the center
of the map.
Battle of He Fei
Dim Sum (Wu): Dropped by Cao Hong.
Dim Sum (Wei): Dropped by Sun Shao.
Musou Wine: to the right of the base just below Cao Cao's fortress.
Battle of He Fei Castle
Dim Sum (Wu): Defeat Sun Li.
Dim Sum (Wei Forces): Dropped by Taishi Ci.
Musou Wine: Near the guard captain guarding the southwestern entry point.
Battle of Hu Lao Gate
Dim Sum (Allied): Dropped by Fan Chou.
Dim Sum (Dong Zhuo): Dropped by Jian Yong.
Musou Wine: Southeastern gate by the center north base.
Battle of Ji Province
Dim Sum (Allied): Dropped by Zhang Bao.
Dim Sum (Yellow Turbans): Dropped by Yuan Xi.
Musou Wine: to the right of the altar.
Battle of Jie Ting
Dim Sum (Shu): Dropped by Cao Zhen.
Dim Sum (Wei): Dropped by Wang Ping.
Musou Wine: n front of the guard captain, who is just northwest of the
figure '8' shaped road in the middle of the map.
Battle of Jing Province
Dim Sum (Liu Biao): Unknown.
Dim Sum (Wu): Dropped by Huang Zu.
Musou Wine: left (west) of the center attack base.
Battle of Liang Province
Dim Sum (Allied): Dropped by Hua Xiong.
Dim Sum (Dong Zhuo): Unknown.
Musou Wine: just below the northern center of the map, by a small tent.
Battle of Mt. Ding Jun
Dim Sum (Shu Forces): Dropped by Xiahou De.
Dim Sum (Wei Forces): Dropped by Huang Zhong.
Musou Wine: Near the guard captain at the center of the map.
Battle of Nan Zhong
Dim Sum (Nanman Forces): Dropped by Bo Zhang.
Dim Sum (Yellow Turbans): Dropped by Ahui Nan.
Musou Wine: west of the center base.
Battle of Si Shui Gate
Dim Sum (Allied Forces): Dropped by Niu Fu.
Dim Sum (Dong Zhuo's Forces): Dropped by Yuan Shu.
Musou Wine: End of the valley in the upper northeastern part of the map, near
the gate captain.
Musou Wine (Allied Forces): dropped by Hu Zhen
Battle of Tian Shui
Dim Sum (Wei Forces): Dropped by Zhao Yun.
Dim Sum (Shu Forces): Dropped by Liang Xu.
Musou Wine: nside An Ding Castle, close to the southeastern entry point.
Battle of Tong Gate
Dim Sum (Allied Forces): Dropped by Xu Zhu.
Dim Sum (Wei Forces): Dropped by Ma Dai.
Musou Wine: Southern area of map, near an entry point to the left.
Battle of Wan Cheng
Dim Sum (Wei Forces): Dropped by Zhang Xiu.
Musou Wine: Northeast corner of the map.
Battle for Wu Territory
Dim Sum (Allied Forces): Dropped by Sun Quan.
Dim Sum (Sun Ce's Forces): Dropped by Yu Mi.
Musou Wine: nside the fort Wang Lang starts in, toward the southwest corner.
Battle of Wu Zhang Plains
Dim Sum (Wei Forces): Dropped by Wei Yan.
Dim Sum (Shu Forces): Dropped by Xu Zhu.
Musou Wine: Next to the 2nd attack base inwards, to the bottom left of the
Battle of Xi Liang
Dim Sum (Dong Zhuo's Forces): Dropped by Zhuge Liang.
Musou Wine: Northeast corner of the map.
Battle of Xia Pi
Dim Sum (Wei Forces): Dropped by Cao Xing.
Dim Sum (Lu Bu's Forces): Dropped by Xiahou Yuan.
Musou Wine: Northwest from the guard captain at the southern center of the
map, within close view of the gate and before the road.
Battle of Xia Kou
Dim Sum (Huang Zu's Forces): Unknown.
Dim Sum (Wu Forces): Dropped by Gan Ning.
Musou Wine: Right center gate.
Battle of Yi Ling
Dim Sum (Shu Forces): Dropped by Gan Ning.
Dim Sum (Wu Forces): Dropped by Zhuge Liang.
Musou Wine: nside the stone maze, in a pot to the east.
Escape from Chi Bi
Dim Sum (Allied Forces): Dropped by Xiahou Dun.
Dim Sum (Wei Forces): Dropped by Sun Quan.
Musou Wine: Just above the bottom foot of the curving valley in the middle of
the map, at the end of the road.
Final Engagement on Nan Zhong
Dim Sum (Nanman Forces): Dropped by Wei Yan.
Dim Sum (Shu Forces): Dropped by Wu Tugu.
Musou Wine: Along eastern side of map, second entry point down from the top.
Guan Yu's Escape
Dim Sum (Guan Yu's Forces): Dropped by Xiahou Dun.
Dim Sum (Wei Forces): Dropped by Zhou Cang.
Musou Wine: South of the stretch of wall on the right side of the third gate
(Southeast of the third gate door).
nvasion of Nan Zhong
Dim Sum (Nanman Forces): Dropped by Zhu Ran.
Dim Sum (Wu Forces): Dropped by Zhu Rong.
Musou Wine: Near the gate captain west from the fort in the center of the map.
Struggle for Nan Zhong
Dim Sum: Dropped by Yong Kai. (?)
Musou Wine: Pot next to the gate in the northwest.
Sun Ce's Conquest
Musou Wine: Central eastern area of the map.
Yellow Turban Rebellion
Dim Sum (Allied): Dropped by Zhuge Liang.
Dim Sum (Yellow Turban): None.
Musou Wine: Northern part of the map, in the dead end trail.
Unlocking - Unleash New Warriors
There are 48 characters total in this game, and you only start out with 18,
what a gyp, right? Well, other characters are unlocked through various
completed Musou modes and what not. Want to know how to unlock them? Too bad.
Ha, Just kidding, here is the information.
Wu Officers:
Da Qiao complete Sun Ce Musou mode
Gan Ning complete Ling Tong Musou mode
Huang Gai complete any 3 Wu Musou modes
Lu Meng complete any 2 Wu Musou modes
Sun Ce complete Sun Quan Musou mode
Sun Jian complete any 4 Wu Musou modes
Xiao Qiao complete Zhuo Yu Musou mode
Zhuo Tai complete any 1 Wu Musou mode
Wei Officers:
Cao Cao complete any 4 Wei Musou modes
Cao Ren complete Cao Pi Musou mode
Pang De complete Ma Chao Musou mode
Sima Yi complete any 1 Wei Musou mode
Xiahou Yuan complete Xiahou Dun's Musou mode
Xu Huang complete any 3 Wei Musou modes
Zhang He complete any 2 Wei Musou modes
Shu Officers:
Guan Ping complete Guan Yu Musou mode
Jiang Wei complete any 2 Shu Musou modes
Pang Tong complete any 3 Shu Musou modes
Liu Bei complete any 4 Shu Musou modes
Wei Yan complete Huang Zhong Musou mode
Yue Ying complete Zhuge Liang Musou mode
Zhuge Liang complete any 1 Shu Musou mode
Unaligned Officers:
Diao Chan complete Lu Bu Musou mode
Dong Zhuo complete Diao Chan Musou mode
Lu Bu complete 1 Wei, 1 Shu, and 1 Wu Musou modes
Zhang Jiao Complete Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and Sun Jian's Musou
Meng Huo complete Zhuge Liang and Lu Xun's Musou
Yuan Shao complete Cao Cao Musou mode
Zhu Rong complete Meng Huo's Musou
Zuo Ci Complete:
Zhou Yu, Lu Xun, Sun Quan, Sun Ce, Sun Jian, Ling Tong
Xiahou Dun, Cao Pi, any other two Wei officers, Cao Cao
Guan Yu, Zhuge Liang, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong, Liu Bei
Lu Bu, Diao Chan, Meng Huo
(n other words, just UNLOCK, not complete, everyone's Musou, above are the
orders in each kingdom, and the fastest way to do so. recommend starting
with the first of those in each kingdom, (1 Shu, 1 Wu, 1 Wei, to unlock Lu Bu,
then beat him to unlock the edit movie) then finishing off one kingdom at a
time, but no matter what, finish off with Other Forces.
Other Characters - The Rest of Your Ass-Kicking Ensemble
Above, only mentioned 18 characters in this game, but there are a total of
48 warriors. Where did the rest go? How the hell should know? But 'll be
nice and bring them back here.
Wu's Officers: The Warriors in Red
-Zhuo Tai
- Former pirate captain received an admirable scar on his face when he rescued
Sun Quan from danger. As Sun Quan's bodyguard, he has saved his life numerous
Jumping Charge:
True Musou:
-Lu Meng
- A steadfast warrior and scholar, Lu Meng was fair and righteous, and
enforced his policy firmly.
Jumping Charge:
True Musou:
-Huang Gai
- One of the deciding factors behind Chi Bi, Huang Gai served the Sun family
all the way back to Sun Jian.
Jumping Charge:
True Musou:
-Sun Ce
- Son of Sun Jian, became ruler of Wu at 17 after his father died.
Nicknamed "Little Conqueror" for the success on expanding the territory of
Wu. Sworn brother of Zhou Yu.
The Yellow Turban Rebellion - Head forward, and kill Yan Zheng, and even
farther ahead, Zhang Man Cheng. Take the path to the left, and kill Zhang Bao,
go down, and take out the attack base (if it already hasn't been.) Now, head
back to the area that you killed Zhang Man Cheng and Yan Zheng in, and take
the right path, to Zhang Liang, (to avoid the tornados) and kill him. f you
feel like it, go after He Yi as well, by taking the path on the left of the
castle. Now, inside the castle, and on top of the altar, are four weird
looking torches, with energy emanating from then, destroy them all, to find
the true one, which will stop the phantom troops. Now, seek and kill Zhang
Battle of Si Shui Gate - go forward and kill Fan Chou, and all of the soldiers
in the area before the defense base, which is well over 100, because got 100
kills in less then a minute. Now, take over the defense base, and head into
the middle, and kill all of the officers in there, which are Guo Si (sub
officers: Xu Rong and Li Meng), Jia Xu and Dong Min. Ji Jue's sub officer, Li
Su is also at the top left of that area, so kill him too, and don't forget the
attack base in the center. When the call goes out to defeat the Defense base
up top, stop whatever you are doing, and go defeat the base fast, then rush
back to what you were doing. Zhao Cen will show up as your fighting your way
to the Si Shui Gate, so kill him off as well. Lu Bu will show up from the
gate too, and he's strong, but not unbeatable, just take your time and slowly
take him out, but watch out, when he turns yellow, two swipes can take you
out. f you don't defeat him in time, and your allies are forced to go around
the gate, then head down and take care of the supply base, and Li Ru. When Lu
Bu is finally dead, (and the second route is clear) go into the base, take out
enemies at leisure, and finally kill Hua Xiong.
Battle of Jing Province - Note: To follow my walkthrough here, you need Red
Hare. Right off the bat, charge Huang Zu, don't let him get close to Sun
Jian, and f he does, then kill him before he gets close to the castle. Now
that Sun Jian has been saved, go into the center, and decimate the attack and
supply base, and kill Cai Mao. Now that the bases have been taken down, and
the main door has opened, move inside and crush Kuai Liang, move over to Lu
Gong (who's death triggers the opening of the outer eastern gate) leave the
castle, killing many soldiers as you can. By now, the reinforcements have
arrived, and you SHOULD be on the right side of the map, so head for Chen
Sheng, and kill him and his troops. Head out Shang Xiang if she hasn't broken
through the defense base by now as well. Now, move back on to the inner
castle, and eventually the inner sanctum (where Liu Biao is) kill off the
soldiers, and finally, Biao himself.
Battle for the Wu Territory - Head forward, and capture the neutral base.
Continue heading forward, charging through the area, to the next neutral base,
procuring that as well. Then head back, to where Chen Heng and Wang Lang (sub
officer: Zhou Xin) are, and slay them, capturing that area. Now that all of
them have been killed, chances are that Sun Quan has been caught in the trap
already, so rush over to his aid, save him, by killing all of the officers in
that base, which are: Fan Neng and Yu Mi. As your wrapping that up, Zhou Yu
should have finished of Yan Baihu and Xue Li up top, allowing you to move on
to the bottom base, from which Liu Yong has fled from, and Taishi Ci holds the
key to battle. Move on to the defense base in the southeast corner, and move
on to the castle, kill Taishi Ci (a cut scene occurs) and finish the battle.
Side Note: watch out, Taishi Ci is a pain in the ass.
The Trials of Sun Ce - Charge ahead, attack Yu Ji, and kill the phantom. Some
dialogue, and four phantom Yu Ji's appear, kill them as well. Phantom soldiers
appear, and since you can't do anything about them, ignore them on your quest
to continue killing all of the Yu Ji's that appear. After about the sixth
phantom you kill, the phantom soldiers disappear, but now your own soldiers
have been turned against you, so regretfully, kill them. after about 50 KO's,
four MORE phantoms appear, this bastard's really starting to get old. He now
makes your wife (Da Qiao) and your father (Sun Jian) and they aren't here to
help you. Kill them two off, and watch the cut scene. A lot more Yu Ji
phantoms appear (8, think), so slay them all, and watch out, he's making
them stronger. To deal with them, attack groups of soldiers to get your Musou
up, and keep using it on him, a couple Musou rage tokens appear, so use them
up as they come. He keeps getting stronger, the pain in the ass. Yu Ji finally
appears! You can tell the real one by the extra long health bar, and the
lightning that is emitted from his body. When you finally kill him, the battle
ends, Phew. t's a tiny battle, and relatively easy, but it sure is annoying.
Battle of Xia Kou - Starts with a cut scene, then head forward, destroy the
attack base, Zhang Hu, Chen Sheng, Lu Gong, the supply base, then head to the
southwest, defeating the defense base. As soon as you are in the base, rush
past everyone, to Cai Mao, and kill him, defending the main base from his
fleet. Now, go after Wen Pin, the supply base inside the enemy's base, and
the defense base to the left. Go after Gan Ning and the attack base on the
far left, then head up after Huang Zu.
Charge: Stamps the ground, knocking enemies down. t does not do good damage
at all, but it is useful for making escapes, and getting ready to nail the
Jumping Charge: jumps air, stays in one spot while flips, and slams his tonfas
into the ground, making a shock around him.
S: Swings tonfa right.
S2: Swings tonfa right, then left.
S3: Swings tonfa right, then left, then stabs both forward.
S4: Swings tonfa right, then left, stabs both forward, and then does a
roundhouse kick.
S5: Swings tonfa right, then left, stabs both forward, performs a roundhouse
kick, and then a diagonal slash (left to right) with the tonfa.
S6: Swings tonfa right, then left, stabs both forward, performs a roundhouse
kick, then a slashes diagonally (left to right) with the tonfa, and then leaps
into the air and kicks forward.
(Evolution attack triggered, if acquired)
C1: Swings tonfa right, then does a backward flip with a kick.
C2: Swings tonfa right, then left, then repeating smacks with the tonfa,
finishing by leaping forward with a roundhouse kick. Keep pressing triangle
to make attack longer.
C3: Swings tonfa right, then left, stabs both forward, and then spins, charges
tonfa, and spins again, this time attacking with tonfa.
C4: Swings tonfa right, then left, stabs both forward, performs a roundhouse
kick, and then throws body and arm forward, making an explosion. Great crowd
C5: Swings tonfa right, then left, stabs both forward, performs a roundhouse
kick, then a slashes diagonally (left to right) with the tonfa, then stabs
continuously with tonfa's, left then right, and finishes with one final
charged stab forward. Keep pressing triangle for a longer attack.
Musou: Spins tonfa in his hand, spins around, then spins tonfa around in his
hand with opposite hand continuously, finishes by spinning the tonfas around
in his hands, and jumps into the air, spinning around.
True Musou: Spins tonfa in his hand, spins around, then spins tonfa around in
his hand with opposite hand continuously, finishes by jumping back, emitting a
blue shock wave, and then leaping forward, creating a giant explosion.
Starting Weapon - Tonfa - 4 power
2nd Weapon - Studded Tonfa - 8 power
3rd Weapon - Conqueror - 12 power
4th Weapon - Overlord - 36 power
(Charge 15, Speed 18, Attack 18, Musou 15, Life 15)
How to get fourth weapon - The Trials of Sun Ce - Head forward, and defeat the
Yu Ji. Now, attack the phantoms Yu Ji's, until you find the real one, and the
Phantom Soldiers are summoned. Keep fighting the phantom Yu Ji's, ignoring
the soldiers, and they will eventually disappear, but your soldiers will
appear, and they are against your. Now, Kill 50 of your soldiers, and more Yu
Ji's will appear. When they are defeated, Sun Jian and Da Qiao will appear,
and on Yu Ji's side, even worse. Kill them, and continue to fight the
phantoms. f you aren't that good of a fighter, save now, and continue saving
from now on, every time you defeat a Yu Ji. Multiple Phantom Yu Ji's will now
appear, and you must kill them all, and watch out, he makes them progressively
stronger, but Musou Rage tokens appear a couple of times. BE CAREFUL! Don't
kill the real Yu Ji; you'll know him by the near 2 bars of health. f you
killed all of these within 10 minutes of the stages beginning, the valuable
item will appear in the north quadrant, on the left side of the gate.
-Sun Jian
- Nicknamed "The Tiger of Jiang Dong," Sun Jian first gained recognition when
he outsmarted a band of pirates at age 17. Gaining even more recognition in
The Yellow Turban Rebellion and in the campaign against Dong Zhuo, he set in
motion the power of the Sun family, which would later become one of the Three
The Yellow Turban Rebellion - hope you have, and are on red hare by now.
Charge up, past Sun Ce, Huang Gai and Han Dang, and kill Yan Zheng, and even
farther ahead, Zhang Man Cheng. Take the path to the left, and kill Zhang Bao,
go down, and take out the attack base (if it already hasn't been.) Now, head
back to the area that you killed Zhang Man Cheng and Yan Zheng in, and take
the right path, to Zhang Liang, (to avoid the tornados) and kill him. f you
feel like it, go after He Yi as well, by taking the path on the left of the
castle. Now, inside the castle, and on top of the altar, are four weird
looking torches, with energy emanating from then, destroy them all, to find
the true one, which will stop the phantom troops. Now, seek and kill Zhang
Battle of Si Shui Gate - go forward and kill Fan Chou, and all of the soldiers
in the area before the defense base, which is well over 100, because got 100
kills in less then a minute. Now, take over the defense base, and head into
the middle, and kill all of the officers in there, which are Guo Si (sub
officers: Xu Rong and Li Meng), Jia Xu and Dong Min. Ji Jue's sub officer, Li
Su is also at the top left of that area, so kill him too, and don't forget the
attack base in the center. When the call goes out to defeat the Defense base
up top, stop whatever you are doing, and go defeat the base fast, then rush
back to what you were doing. Zhao Cen will show up as your fighting your way
to the Si Shui Gate, so kill him off as well. Lu Bu will show up from the
gate too, and he's strong, but not unbeatable, just take your time and slowly
take him out, but watch out, when he turns yellow, two swipes can take you
out. f you don't defeat him in time, and your allies are forced to go around
the gate, then head down and take care of the supply base, and Li Ru. When Lu
Bu is finally dead, (and the second route is clear) go into the base, take out
enemies at leisure, and finally kill Hua Xiong.
(side note: if you employ the gate KO trick, you can get a lot of KO's from
this battle, from the gates at the bottom left, and the top right, no A
officers bother to take these out.)
Battle of Jing Province - Head forth, and kill Huang Zu, that bastard normally
kills you, but not this time. Kill him before he gets to the western gate of
the castle, then just attack till get to that western gate, then turn away,
and go and help in the middle. Destroy the attack and supply base, and kill
Cai Mao. Now that the bases have been taken down, and the main door has
opened, move inside and crush Kuai Liang, move over to Lu Gong (who's death
triggers the opening of the outer eastern gate) leave the castle, killing many
soldiers as you can. By now, the reinforcements have arrived, and you SHOULD
be on the right side of the map, so head for Chen Sheng, and kill him and his
troops. Head out Shang Xiang if she hasn't broken through the defense base by
now as well. Now, move back on to the inner castle, and eventually the inner
sanctum (where Liu Biao is) kill off the soldiers, and finally, Biao himself.
Battle of Chi Bi - head forward, and take out the gate and defeat Wen Pin a
Xun You. You started off near an entry point to the ships, so take that, and
go right two ships, up one, and right one more, above that is a bridge, kill
Cai Mao, to destroy the bridge. Next, fight your way over to Wang Lang (Cao
Hong's sub general), and kill him, destroying the other bridge. Now, just
fight your way around, protecting Zhuge Liang and Huang Gai most of all, and
wait until the fire attack proceeds. Until then, you might want to take out
Xiahou Yuan and Zhang Liao, possibly even Zhen Ji. When the fire attack
commences, go up the left side of the map, and fight your way around,
finishing off Cao Pi, and any other officers who haven't been defeated yet,
finally finishing off with Cao Cao.
Battle of He Fei - start off by rushing the defense base in the center of the
map (straight ahead of you). Man Chong should be inside the base, so take him
out as well. When you're done, head outside the base and take care of Niu Jin
and Pang De (Niu Jin first, cause he'll run when Pang De is defeated). While
fighting them, Cao Zhang should show up with reinforcements, so feel free to
take him out as well. Now, take out the gates that are right below the
defense base. Zhang Liao's ambush should have shown up by now, so rush over
there and take him out, and save Sun Quan from the arrogant bastard. Next,
head for the supply base above the defense base you defeated, then go for the
next defense base to the left of the defeated defense base you conquered, the
one right above where Xu Huang's ambush. Now, go south, and take out the
supply base, Xu Huang and Yue Jin, along with the gate and soldiers, of
course. By now, Xiahou Dun and Cao Hong's reinforcement units have shown up,
along with the annoying Zhang Liao, take them out, along with Li Dian and Yu
Jin who up there as well, and don't forget the defense base and two supply
bases up top, along with taking out the supply base below He Fei Castle on the
way. Head back to the southwest, and defeat Zhang Liao who appeared once more
to the bottom, and head to the top. Take Zhang Liao out one last time, and
defeat Cao Cao.
Battle of Yi Ling - Charge forward to the supply base ahead of you, and just
have fun killing until Zhu Ran is ready to initiate the fire attack. When Wu
Lan, Guan Suo, Ma Dai, Guan Xing and Li Yan get in your way, slay them. The
death of Li Yan will trigger Liao Hua to attack you, take him out as well.
Hurry up to Zhu Ran when the bridge layers activate, to protect him, and make
sure the fire attack is carried out. Keep fighting, and charge through the
stone sentinel maze*, and seek out Liu Bei's main base. Now, you can do one
of two things, just kill Liu Bei (Cut scene occurs when you get within range
of him) and get it over with, or have fun and slay the rest of the officers
and troops on the screen. choose, and recommend the latter, as because
Zhuge Liang is a major pain in the ass. Have fun.
(*Note: easy way through the maze, follow the enemy troops, if you keep
running into fresh troops, your doing good.)
Battle of He Fei Castle - Go down a little bit, and to the left, and charge
ahead and defeating the gate captain, watch out, troops appear from behind and
may attack you by surprise. Storm into the castle, and kill Wen Pin, and go
north, taking out Wang Lang. Go around the castle, to the inner castle, and
take out Xiahou Shang and Cao Hong on the way. n the castle, kill Cao Zhen,
Cao Ren and if you feel like venturing farther north, Xu Zhu. But, first,
take out the catapult's Defense captains (who are on top of the castle walls,
on each side of the inner castles front gate). f you accidentally jump, fall
or are knocked over the wall (for example, you knock Cao Zhen over the wall on
accident and jump over cause you are not letting that bastard escape O=)
Ahem,) just wait at the front gate, by the ram, and wait for the door to open,
it shouldn't take too long. Next, fight through the western indirect route
into the castle (where Cao Zhang is//was), and route the troops over there,
and if you see Zhen Ji, get rid of her. Now, leave out of the side of the
castle, and go down, and right, past the outer castle's main gate, over to the
ships, and seek out Cao Rui, Man Chong and the Task Leaders. Next, head up to
Sima Yi and (Zhen Ji if she wasn't down below) Cao Pi, and kill them.
Battle of Bai Di Castle - Go ahead, up towards Huang Zhong (taking out a few
of those pesky Peasant militia's on the way, easy kills), killing his two sub-
officers (Yan Yan and Wang Ping) before finally killing him. After killing
Huang Zhong, take the path to the right of his location (before he died), down
to the Attack base and Gate. Take those out, and kill troops for a little
while, don't venture out too far, stay away from Xing Cai for now. Now, when
Ma Chao shows up, head back to the allied main camp, and kick his ass, but
watch out he's pissed off and super charged. When that's done, head north,
and take out the stone sentinel maze (do this by going around the map,
clockwise (top to right to bottom then up into the middle) and smashing the
golden statue. This will trigger "maze guardians" to appear, kill them and
the maze will bust wide open. Now, head back down to the ally base, and head
east, destroying the Supply base, Attack base, Liao Hua, Guan Suo and Guan
Xing, not forgetting the gate in the bottom right of the map. Allied
reinforcements will show up (Gan Ning) and you may head north, entering the
castle from the east. Destroy the Supply base directly behind, and head into
the castle, watch out for the arbalests. f Jiang Wei hasn't been defeated
yet, take him out, and watch for Yue Ying's reinforcements, and Xing Cai
storms into the castle, extremely pissed off. Kill them, along with Liu Chan,
and you win.
Charge: Lunges forward, spins and slashes.
Jumping Charge: jumps, slashes left, then right, then flips and does a
downward slash during the flip, then lands.
S: Slashes right.
S2: Slashes right, then slashes left.
S3: Slashes right, slashes left, then right once more.
S4: Slashes right, slashes left, slashes right once more, and then left once
S5: Slashes right, slashes left, slashes right once more, left once more, and
then slashes diagonally from upper left to lower right.
S6: Slashes right, slashes left, slashes right once more, left once more, and
then slashes diagonally from upper left to lower right, and then spins around
and slashes horizontally.
C1: Slashes right, then slashes in an uppercut motion, jumping slightly into
the air as well.
C2: Slashes right, slashes left, then swiftly slashes left and right,
finishing with a horizontal slash and a dash forward. Keep pressing triangle
to make attack longer.
C3: Slashes right, slashes left, slashes right once more, and then turns
around, and attacks backwards, stabbing the sword between his arm and body.
C4: Slashes right, slashes left, slashes right once more, left once more, and
then steps forward, and makes a stance, creating a huge explosion. Great
crowd clearer.
C5: Slashes right, slashes left, slashes right once more, left once more, and
then slashes diagonally from upper left to lower right, and then slashes from
right to left, charged.
Musou: slashes left and right continuously, finishing by lunging forward, with
one giant sword slash.
True Musou: slashes left and right continuously, finishing by hauling off, and
stamping ground, creating a giant explosion.
Starting Weapon - Tiger Sword - 4 power
2nd Weapon - Tiger Claw - 8 power
3rd Weapon - Lone Tiger - 12 power
4th Weapon - Savage Tiger - 34 power
(Fill 18, Horse 16, Defense 16, Musou 15, Life 15)
How to obtain fourth weapon - Battle of Si Shui Gate - Charge ahead, and get
through the defense base ahead of you, and go up to the defense base on the
left, in the upper right hand corner. Defeat that, and fight your way over to
Si Shui Gate. When Lu Bu appears, kill him within five minutes of his
appearance. Pointers, since this is one of the latter people you get, you
should have high leveled Peacock amulets, tiger amulets and turtoise amulets,
use them. When obtained this, only had three item slots, seeing as only
played two battles with Sun Jian. Make sure you have a Musou rage token, try
to get the defense//attack X2's, and watch out for when he turns yellow.
There is a Full Heal on the left side of the bridges, heading down to the long
way around Si Shui, so if you need it, use it, and once you have Lu Bu's
health down to one bar, save. When that's done, the valuable item will appear
right in front of the Si Shui Gate. When that's done, you can choose to
either slay, kill and maim, or just head straight for Hua Xiong.
-Da Qiao
- Wife of Sun Ce, her and her sister, Xiao Qiao were called "The Two Qiaos"
for their astounding beauty. The older sister of Xiao.
Jumping Charge:
True Musou:
-Xiao Qiao
- Wife of Zhou Yu, she and her sister were sought after by Wei ruler Cao Cao.
Younger sister of Da.
-Gan Ning
- "Gan Ning of the Bells," former pirate of Ling Jiang, once successfully lead
a nighttime raid of Cao Cao's camp with only a 100 men, and didn't sustain a
single casualty. Died years later from an arrow to the head, and as he lie
dying under a tree, hundreds of crows surrounded his body, as if protecting it.
Jumping Charge:
True Musou:
Wei's Officers: The Soldiers in Blue
-Sima Yi
- Wei's tactical genius, his strategy knew no bounds. Said to rival that of
Zhuge Liang, his son and grandson lead on Wei, defeating Shu and even
convincing Cao Cao's descendent to give up the throne.
Battle of Fan Castle - Start by heading left, and taking out the enemy supply
base. Keep fighting left, and et to the dam and kill Guan Ping in a hurry,
and Guan Suo on the way. When the water attack has been thwarted, just head
south, defeating the supply base next to the damn first, then on to the
defense base. Fight to the right, all the way through the defense base, and
two supply bases, killing Meng Da on the way, if he hasn't already charged at
you. Cut scene shows, Wu reinforcements show up, just keep going. Basically
from the water attack on, it's extremely simple, just fight and kill. Finish
Guan Yu to end the battle.
Battle of Jie Ting - Head to the center, and take out Zhang Bao, Gao Xiang and
Liao Hua, and any other troops in your way. Use your Charge attack, as it's
an effective crowd clearer. When that's all over with, if you have the time,
and feel like killing a lot more, head through the top way to Ma Su, and if
not, just kill Ma Su right there, taking out Jian Yong on the way. When
they're dead, just use a pincer attack on the troops up top. When the summit
has been taken, ride the bridge down to where Wang Ping is stationed, and take
him, and his sub general Guan Xing out. Eliminate the gate as well. Jiang
Wei should have charged you by now, so defeat him, then rush over to help
defeat Wei Yan and Ma Dai (ignore Xing Cai, shes useless anyway), as per the
instructions. On your way back (Zhuge Liangs shown up by now) defeat Ma Chao,
and if you feel like it, kill Xing Cai. Defeat Zhuge, and you win.
Battle of Chen Cang - Rush forward out of the base, and take down the enemy's
gate, and kill Zhang Yi and Liao Hua. After fighting enemies on the wall for
about 20 seconds, jump down, and make quick work of Zhang Bao and Guan Xing.
Be careful not to get overwhelmed too fast. When they're dead, quickly head
to the top right of the castle, where Fei Yao is getting overwhelmed by enemy
forces, and eliminate all those peons. Gao Xiang should be there, kill him,
and fight your way out of the gate, and over to Wang Ping. Kill him.
Continue fighting your way down the mountain path destroying any rams on the
way, and you'll run across Ma Dai and Wei Yan, kill them, and head down to the
Defense base on the bottom right. Defeat that and it will end all those
annoying damn siege weapons. Watch out for the enemy reinforcements, it's not
a large force; they're mostly just annoying. Fight your way through the
defense base in the middle (that will stop siege ramps), to help defend the
main gate of the castle, from Huang Zhong and Yan Yan. Kill Yue Ying and Chen
Shi on the way. But, by the time you get to Huang Zhong, Zhuge Liang should
have showed up already, so just kill him, and you win.
Battle of Wu Zhang Plains - Start off by charging the two attack bases in the
center, and eliminating as many troops as possible (might be smarter to defeat
the right one first, seeing as how you have to go left next). Listen to Sima
Yi's instructions, and rush over to help Zhong Hui into the castle, those
catapults are a major help, do not let them slip away. After his safety has
been assured, rush to the middle gate on the right side of the map, and defeat
any of the wood ox you see on the way. Kill the defense captain, and take
over the base while you're at it. Fight your way up, taking over the defense
base and the gate up top, and move out middle, helping any base that might
need it. Kill Ma Dai and Wei Yan. Go after Wang Ping, and kill any troops
that might have made it past an attack base. When the cut scene plays, rush
the center, but watch out, another cut scene will play, and you'll have to
destroy the arbalests. Once they're gone, victory is almost assured, only way
to lose, is die. Go after Yue Ying, destroy the Task Force, and then kill
Jiang Wei.
Battle of He Fei Castle - to start off, go around the castle walls, take
either left or right, it doesn't matter, just get to the front main gate.
When there, the ram should have appeared by now, destroy it. f not, have
patience; kill some troops whilst you wait. Once it's gone, go on a killing
spree, you're free to do so for a while, kill Taishi Ci or Cheng Pu. Now, a
New Ram and the Wu navy will have showed up by now, Take down the ram first
(which is on the enemy ship), then attack the Wu navy, which consists of Pan
Zhang (Dong Xi) and Jiang Qin (Chen Wu). When the enemy on the hill attacks,
the Wei army mobilizes, as the army gets pissed off and rushes at Sun Quan. Go
after Lu Xun, he has entered the castle's left wing by now, and the army is
heading at him (cut scene), so pincer him, and kill him. Then go after Sun
Quan. Kill Zhou Tai, take over the gate on his ship, go after Sun Quan and
you've won.
Charge: Shoots a blue energy ball, capable of freezing enemy. Excellent crowd
Jumping Charge: jumps, and slams ground, emitting blue beams.
S: Swings fan.
S2: Swings fan then swings fan upwards.
S3: Swings fan, swings fan upwards, then swings opposite way.
S4: Swings fan, swings fan upwards, swings opposite way, then a 360 attack.
S5: Swings fan, swings fan upwards, swings opposite way, and then swings
S6: Swings fan, swings fan upwards, swings opposite way, swings horizontally,
and then swings upwards once more.
(Can trigger an evolution attack.)
C1: Swings and then directs fan into the air, knocking enemy into air.
C2: Swings fan, swings fan upwards, then shoots blue beam.
C3: Swings fan, swings fan upwards, swings opposite way, then sends long white
slash out, dives back, and then flies forward, with fan encircling him.
C4: Swings fan, swings fan upwards, swings opposite way, a 360 attack, then
creates a giant black ball in air, sending any enemies in way up into air.
C5: Swings fan, swings fan upwards, swings opposite way, a swing horizontally,
then shoots out tons of blue beams in many different directions.
Musou: sends out lots of strong blue beams in many directions, and finishes
with a few being sent out in front of him, clearing all enemies ahead.
True Musou: sends out lots of strong blue beams in many directions, and
finishes by jumping into the air, and a giant Yin-Yang appears below him,
knocking anyone in the way into the air.
Starting Weapon - Strategist's Fan - 2 power
2nd Weapon - Command Fan - 6 power
3rd Weapon - Black Feather - 10 power
4th Weapon - Dark Feather - 32 power
(Charge 15, Fill 15, Defense 16, Attack 15, Musou 19)
How to get fourth weapon - Battle of Chen Cang - Rush down to the defense base
all the way on the bottom right. While defeating the gate guard for that
base, Wei Yan gets in the way, so just kill him, that'll save a lot. Now,
take that base. Move to the middle base, while taking that out, Jiang Wei
gets in the way; dispose of him as you did Wei Yan. When that base is out of
the way, take care of that last base, on the bottom left, Huang Zhong is in
the way of that one, so, just let Dj vu set in, and you'll be set. The
valuable item will appear in the castle, around where you started. Don't
forget to grab the weapon before you kill Zhuge.
-Zhang He
- Narcissistic officer, he originally followed Yuan Shao, until his defection
right before the Battle of Guan Du. He aided Sima Yi in capturing Jie Ting
from Ma Su.
Battle of Guan Du - Begins with cut scene. Start off by going forward, and
toppling the defense base ahead of you, along with Cao Zhang inside of it, and
Xiahou Dun right behind it. When Xiahou Dun is dead, turn around, and protect
the stores at Wu Chao, make sure no enemies breach the gates. When it's safe,
take the route below the river to the right, over to where Liu Yan (sub
general Xun You) and Cao Hong (sub general Han Hao) are, and wipe those
enemies out. When you've taken that castle out, head down, and over to Guan Du
castle, defeating the gate on the way. There should be about 4 officers
there, Cao Pi, Li Dian, Yue Jin and Cao Cao (Sub Generals: Guo Jia, Cheng Yu
and Jia Xu). Defeat the three officers, plus the sub generals, invade castle,
and kill Cao Cao.
Battle of Tong Gate - charge forward, and defeat the defense base. When
that's taken down, keep going, and defeat Liang Xing, the next defense base,
Ma Dai and Pang De. When that area is cleared out, head north, to the two
supply bases, Han Sui, Cheng Yin and Hou Xuan, and of course, defeat them all.
When that's all done and over with, all that should be left is Ma Chao, and
maybe a gate or two, so defeat them, and you win. Congratulations.
Battle of Mt. Ding Jun - Begins with cut scene. Head forward, and kill Wu Lan,
along with his sub general, Chen Shi. Stay in the same area for a little
while, fighting, killing any general who may stray too close to you, and keep
the main camp safe. Eventually, the enemy army shall advance upon you, so keep
watch, and kill all of the generals who advance on you. Move up the mountain,
until Huang Zhong's unit moves, then retreat back down, and let him attack
you, once he does, slaughter him, but watch out, he's pissed off. Usually Guan
Ping and Yan Yan come down with him, so prepare for them as well. When Huang
Zhong is defeated, beat Wei Yan, and then attack base just past him. Now,
move down to the defense base on the bottom right of the map, and defeat it.
Move up, defeating Zhao Yun and the supply base atop the mountain, and
finally, move to Liu Bei, take him out, and you win.
Battle of Mt. Jie Ting - Charge forward, and kill Gao Xiang, his sub general
Liao Hua, and the gate near him (Musou wine here), when your done with that, a
cut scene will play. Keep killing enemies there for a little while, and then
move on to Zhang Bao. Next, is Wang Ping, his sub general Guan Xing, and the
gate near him. Jiang Wei will charge up at you, so kill him when he reaches
you. Move up the mountain, and destroy the supply base, and kill Ma Su. Stay
atop the mountain, until everything has been killed, then move back down, and
destroy anything that may be left. Wait for Xing Cai's reinforcements,
(bottom left corner) Wei Yan's reinforcements, (bottom right corner), Ma
Chao's reinforcements (bottom middle) and finally, Zhuge Liang shows up,
(bottom left corner). Kill Zhuge to end battle.
Battle of Chen Cang - Head forward, and fight your way to the gate, destroying
the enemy ram on the way. Keep fighting all those soldiers up top there, and
when you find him, kill Wang Ping. Continue fighting your way down the
mountain path, destroying any rams on the way, and you'll run across Ma Dai
and Wei Yan, kill them, and head down to the Defense base on the bottom
right. With the defeat of that, a cut scene will play, and it will end all of
those annoying siege rams. Fight your way through the defense base in the
middle (that will stop siege ramps), to help defend the main gate of the
castle. Now, rush into the center, and kill Yue Ying and Chen Shi on the way.
When that's all done, reinforcements should have appeared in the bottom right
corner, kill them fast, then rush to the bottom left corner, destroy that
base, Huang Zhong, and finally, Zhuge Liang.
Charge: Does a back flip, flips while in air, and then does more back flips
while attacking with claws. Keep hitting triangle for a longer attack.
Jumping Charge: jumps, turns upside down and spins continuously with claws
facing towards ground. Great for knocking enemies off of horses.
S: Slashes left.
S2: Slashes left, then right.
S3: Slashes left, then right, and then stabs with left claw.
S4: Slashes left, and then right, stabs with left claw, and then slashes in an
uppercut fashion.
S5: Slashes left, and then right, stabs with left claw, slashes in an uppercut
fashion, then spins and slashes.
S6: Slashes left, and then right, stabs with left claw, slashes in an uppercut
fashion, spins and slashes, then spins and slashes again.
C1: Slashes left, then kicks enemy into the air.
C2: Slashes left, then right, and then slashes back and forth with each claw,
in an X pattern, and finishes by lunging forward. Keep hitting triangle for a
longer attack.
C3: Slashes left, and then right, stabs with left claw, and then slashes,
jumps into the air and spins as he's careening forward, finishes with a few
slashes at the end.
C4: Slashes left, and then right, stabs with left claw, slashes in an uppercut
fashion, then kicks into the air, creating a whirlwind with butterflies.
C5: Slashes left, and then right, stabs with left claw, slashes in an uppercut
fashion, spins and slashes, then goes side to side attacking. Keep hitting
triangle for a longer attack.
Musou: Skates forward while slashing with claws, finishes by skating forward
and slashing with both claws simultaneously.
True Musou: Skates forward while slashing with claws, finishes by jumping into
the air, does a few spins while staying still, gets all fiery, then flies into
the ground, creating an explosion.
Starting Weapon - ron Claw - 4 power
2nd Weapon - Strike Claw - 8 power
3rd Weapon - Peacock Talon - 12 power
4th Weapon - Pheonix Talon - 36 power
(Charge 15, Fill 15, Speed 19, Attack 16, Musou 19)
How to get fourth weapon - Battle of Jie Ting - Quite simple really, But bring
a STRONG bodyguard, (My strong bodyguard is a Brilliant/S female bodyguard
with the fan, who has heal, so its extremely hard to kill her). Charge
forward, and kill Gao Xiang, his sub general Liao Hua, and the gate near him
(Musou wine here), when your done with that, a cut scene will play. When this
is done kill Wang Ping, his sub general Guan Xing, and the gate near him, and
command your STRONG bodyguard to stay here. When your done with that, you
will get a message that Ma Su has stopped attacking, now rush up the
mountainside, and quickly defeat the Supply base that Ma Su is holed up in,
BUT DON'T KLL HM, just fall back. While waiting, kill Jiang Wei or
something, don't know, don't care, just have fun. When Ma Su announces
that he's falling back to the prime minister, go after him and kill him. The
valuable item will appear in the northwest corner of the map, on the path
between the Wei main camp, and the mountain top. Now, just kill until Zhuge
Liang shows up, and kill him.
-Xu Huang
- A cautious and careful general, he relied on discipline to fight. Defected
to Cao Cao from Yang Feng, after being convinced by Man Chong, an old friend.
Battle of Guan Du - Head forward, and take out the defense base directly ahead
of you (killing Han Meng on the way), then turn right, and head north out of
the castle. Start off by pushing forward through the castle, and head towards
Liu Bei. Leaving your bodyguard at the top gate of the castle (still inside
the gate), to protect from invaders, head towards Liu Bei, slaughtering him as
you get near. You may also want to stop off to the left of him first, to kill
his sub-general, Jian Yong, but hurry up, as they start to retreat back north
once they see Guan Yu. Once this is done, just continue fighting. Next, head
to Yuan Tan, and slaughter him, and work your way west, and take down the
attack base. Kill Yuan Shang, but during the battle, try to ignore Zhang He,
as he will defect later on, making a good ally. From here on, just go after
Zhen Ji, defeat her, destroy the rams and arrow towers, and protect Cao Cao.
Destroy the rest of the bases on the map, try not to die, and eventually kill
Yuan Shao.
Jumping Charge:
True Musou:
Starting Weapon - Battle Axe - 4 power
2nd Weapon -
3rd Weapon -
4th Weapon -
How to get fourth weapon -
-Cao Cao
- Ruler of Wei, nicknamed "The Hero of Chaos" Cao Cao led many successful
campaigns against leaders and rulers. He gained most of his recognition in
the Yellow Turban Rebellion and the campaign against Dong Zhuo. Usurped the
power of the imperial court to his advantage, and had a weak spot for
beautiful women.
The Yellow Turban Rebellion - You should have red hare by now. Turn around,
and head upwards, the path that Sun Jian is pointed towards. Charge up, past
Sun Ce, Sun Jian, Huang Gai and Han Dang, and kill Yan Zheng, and even farther
ahead, Zhang Man Cheng. Take the path to the right, over to Zhang Liang and
kill him (do this to avoid the tornado's). Now, if the supply base between
Zhang Liang and your starting postion hasn't been captured yet, take that out,
them move up, towards the castle. From here out, kill every general and base
and troop outside the castle, there is prime chance to get a lot of kills
here, go over to the gate on the outside of the castle, to the left of it, and
kill all the troops over there, that's a great kill zone. Once you move
inside the castle, on top of the altar there are four weird looking torches,
with energy emanating from them. Destroy them all and that will stop the
phantom troops. Now, seek and kill Zhang Jiao, (taking out the gates and
troops inside, as well).
Battle of Hu Lao Gate - The beginning is hard here, seeing as how you're the
only troops there. Head forward, and take out the Defense base ahead of you,
and keep fighting up to the attack base and Li Ru. As your working your way
up, Li Su will appear in the area between the defense base and Li Ru with an
ambush, take that out too. Soon, Liu Bei, Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao will
appear to help, but strangely have yet to see Sun Jian. Keep fighting
upwards, to the Hu Lao Gate, and kill as many soldiers as you can, GNORE THE
destroy that, then try to take him, (To take Lu Bu: knock him down, and get
behind him and continuously attack him from there. recommend having a Musou
Rage, save when he's at the end of the first bar of health, and when he glows
yellow, Get tf out of there. There is also a Full Heal next to the gate just
below the Hu Lao Gate, use it if needed.) Now, when he's dead, and the second
gate opens, ignore it, take the indirect route, this way you get more kills
^^. Now, head into the gate, kill Zhang Liao and Jia Xu on the way, and finish
off Dong Zhuo.
Battle of Xia Pi - Read the 4th weapon guide, it's easy to get, and if you do
it, you'll know what's going on here. Move forward, and take out the enemy
defense base. Move even farther ahead, to the bridge that takes you to an
attack base, and Song Xian, and of course, kill them. Head back across the
river, and move up, to Zang Ba, and the gate and troops up there. Kill them,
and move over to Zhang Liao and the supply base, then go kill Gao Shun. Move
into the castle, and save the the defected Wei Xu and Yin Li, and kill Diao
Chan. Finally, move on to Lu Bu, recommend killing him, so you get extra
points, but if he runs, it provides an extra cut scene at the end, your choice
Battle of Guan Du - Watch out here, this battle is easy to start screwing up
in. Start off by pushing forward through the castle, and heading towards Yan
Liang. Leaving your STRONG bodyguard at the top gate of Bai Ma Castle, to
protect from invaders, head towards him, slaughtering him as you get near
him. You may also want to stop off to the left of the castle first, to kill
his sub-general, Han Meng (f your going to go this way, get rid of that damn
attack base above you, as its extremely annoying). Once this is done, just
continue fighting, and Liu Bei shall move towards you, Head after him and
defeat him and Jian Yong, so that Guan Yu doesn't find him. What? t's an
officer kill, worth good points, and the prick probably withdraws anyway. Any
who, head to Yuan Tan, and slaughter him, and work you're way west, and take
down the attack base. Kill Yuan Shang, but during the battle, try to ignore
Zhang He, as he will defect later on, making a good ally. From here on, just
go after Zhen Ji, defeat her, destroy the rams and arrow towers, and kill as
many troops as you can. Yuan Shao might charge into the battlefield, but if
not, just head up top to him and kill him.
(Watch out that you don't get overwhelmed here easily, the battle does tend to
do that sometimes.)
Escape from Chi Bi - Oh boy, your life is at stake here. Head out, and an
ambush appears, with Cheng Pu leading the assault, kill Dong Xi, and by then
enemy reinforcements should show up. The enemy reinforcements (Han Dang) also
appear behind you, using a pincer attack on you, so turn around, and kill him
too, then go after Cheng Pu. Charge forwards, and head up, into the dead end
peninsula, and destroy the pot at the beginning, which contains a Musou Wine.
Now, its not surprising, there's another ambush, and this one consists of Zhu
Zhi, and his sub officer Chen Wu, kill them and march forward. Now, Zhang Liao
shows up, right next to Zhu Zhi, so you can take the choice to charce ahead,
taking the upper path, or kill Zhu Zhi yourself. Now, Zhao Yun shows up with
his sub officer, Mi Zhu, making life more of a hassle for you, kill him as
well. Once again, Xiahou Dun arrives, and you have the choice of Fight or
Flight. Now, Zhang Fei's ambush arrives, kill him and Jian Yong. Wen Pin
arrives, and again, fight or flight. Now, guess who? Give up? Guan Ping and
his lovely assistant, Zhou Cang! Kill em. Xu Zhu shows up next to help, but
Guan Ping should be dead, or almost dead, by now. Sun Quan shows up at the
BOTTOM now, with sub officers Zhuge Jin, Lu Su and Jiang Qin. Go down, and
slay him. n a couple of minutes, Liu Bei will appear at the top with sub
officers Sun Qian and Mi Fang. Kill him, and you win. But, as you make you way
up, you run into Guan Yu, he'll let you escape, but screw that, kill him and
get some extra points at the end.
Battle of He Fei - go forward and kill Ma Zhong, and take down that defense
base. Pan Zhang and Ding Feng are close by too, so take them down as well.
Now, Yue Jin is probably in trouble, so go help him out, kill of the troops
and whatnot. Xu Huang should show up soon, and help you take that whole area
in the bottom, so just go along with it. f Gan Ning's reinforcement unit
hasn't yet shown up, wait for him, and when they do, they show up right next
to the castle in the northwest, so go kill Gan Ning. Next, move over to the
right (taking out Chen Wu and Zhu Ran on the way), and take out Taishi Ci's
group, Zhu Zhi's group and the two defense bases up top. Now, head down, take
out the supply base, Zhuge Jin and Jiang Qin on the way. Kill Taishi Ci, and
head on to Sun Quan, eliminating him.
Battle of Wu Zhang Plains - Start off by destroying the gate below you, and
the defense base below that. Now, Zuo Ci will show up, kill him, then charge
the two attack bases in the center (right one first, then left), and
eliminating as many troops as possible. Now, quickly, go defeat the Guard
Captain on the right side of the map, he's right below the defense base in the
middle, and next to the middle gate on the right side of the map, defeat any
wood oxen you see on the way. Now, listen to Sima Yi's instructions, and rush
over to help Zhong Hui into the castle, those catapults are a major help, do
not let them slip away. After the catapult's safety has been assured, take
over the defense base no the right, along with the other two gates on the
right side (above the river). Fight your way up, taking over the defense base
and the gate up top, and move out middle, helping any base that might need
it. Kill Ma Dai and Wei Yan. Go after Wang Ping, and kill any troops that
might have made it past an attack base. When the cut scene plays, rush the
center, but watch out, another cut scene will play, and you'll have to destroy
the arbalests. Once they're gone, victory is almost assured, only way to
lose, is to die. Go after Yue Ying, destroy the Task Force, and then kill
Jiang Wei.
Battle of He Fei Castle - To start off, fight your way around the castle
walls, take either the left or right path, it doesn't matter, just get to the
inner main (front) gate. When there, the ram should have appeared by now,
destroy it. f not, have patience; kill some troops whilst you wait. Once
it's gone, go on a killing spree, you're free to do so for a while, kill
Taishi Ci or Cheng Pu. Now, a New Ram and the Wu navy will have showed up by
now, Take down the ram first (which is on the enemy ship), then attack the Wu
navy, which consists of Pan Zhang (Dong Xi) and Jiang Qin (Chen Wu). When the
enemy on the hill attacks, the Wei army mobilizes, as the army gets pissed off
and rushes at Sun Quan. Go after Lu Xun, he has entered the castle's left wing
by now, and the army is heading at him, so pincer him, and kill him. Then go
after Sun Quan. Kill Zhou Tai, take over the gate on his ship, go after Sun
Quan and you've won.
Charge: Shoots out a ball of red energy that explodes after a few seconds, a
couple in succession are a good crowd clearer.
Jumping Charge: jumps and slashes right, then left, then floats higher into
the air, and slashes, sending out air attack disks.
S: Slashes left.
S2: Slashes left, then slashes right.
S3: Slashes left, slashes right, then slashes upward.
S4: Slashes left, slashes right, slashes upwards, then slashes right again.
S5: Slashes left, a slash right, slashes upward, slashes right again, and then
slashes left again.
S6: Slashes left, slashes right, slashes upwards, then slashes right again,
then slashes left again, and then spins and slashes.
(Evolution attack now triggered, if acquired)
C1: Slashes left, then slashes upward.
C2: Slashes left, slashes right, then charges left and right, slashing with
each charge continuously, finishing by slashing diagonally downwards. Keep
pressing triangle for a longer attack.
C3: Slashes left, slashes right, slashes upwards, then powerfully slashes
C4: Slashes left, a slash right, slashes upward, slashes right again, and then
steps forward, and slams sword into the ground, creating a giant black and
blue explosion, great crowd clearer.
C5: Slashes left, slashes right, slashes upwards, then slashes right again,
then slashes left again, and then an extremely powerful slash to the right.
Steps forward while performing the charge.
Musou: spins and slashes twice, then spins and slashes twice again repeatedly,
finishes with one slash forward.
True Musou: spins and slashes twice, then spins and slashes twice again
repeatedly, finishes by slashing forward and stamping ground, creating an
Starting Weapon - Broad Sword - 3 power
2nd Weapon - General's Sword - 7 power
3rd Weapon - Sword of Heaven - 11 power
4th Weapon - Wrath of Heaven - 34 power
(Charge 17, Horse 17, Bow 15, Attack 17, Life 17)
How to get fourth Weapon - Battle of Xia Pi - As soon as you start out on your
red hare, charge at Gao Shun, for which you'll need to encompass the lake at
the top. Get to him, and kill him before he says something about defending
the dam, and you're still in the running (A message will appear that he is
heading for them and reinforcing them and whatnot, but that is not the
message). Now, go after, and kill Zhang Liao, and the valuable item will
appear below Wei Xu's unit, to the left, just outside the castle wall. Now,
just seek out Lu Bu, he's supercharged, watch out, and you win. got this
after the 2nd Musou mission, not hard.
-Cao Ren
- Strong in Archery and Cavalry skills, Cao Ren (Cao Cao's cousin) was long
time faithful servant of Wei. Few could match his skills on the battlefield.
Jumping Charge:
True Musou:
-Pang De
- Friends with Ma Chao, helped him quell Dong Zhuo and Cao Cao, in protection
of their homeland. Later joining Cao Cao, he proved to be a powerful ally.
Pang De prefers no frills; he just wants to finish the job.
Battle of Liang Province -
Battle of Tong Gate -
Battle of He Fei -
Battle of Mt. Ding Jun -
Battle of Fan Castle -
Charge: Stamps the ground, knocking enemies down. t does not do good damage
at all, but it is useful for making escapes, and getting ready to nail the
Jumping Charge: jumps and does a flip while swinging his halberds.
S: Swings right halberd.
S2: Swings right halberd, then left halberd.
S3: Swings right halberd, left halberd, then swings both halberds left.
S4: Swings right halberd, left halberd, swings both halberds left, then swings
both halberds right.
S5: Swings right halberd, left halberd, swings both halberds left, swings both
halberds right, and then does a 360 attack.
S6: Swings right halberd, left halberd, swings both halberds left, swings both
halberds right, does a 360 attack, and then finishes off by slashing both
halberds forward, making an X shape.
(Evolution attack can be triggered here, if weapon has it)
C1: Swings right halberd, then swings one halberd up, and the other to the
C2: Swings right halberd, left halberd, then alternates swinging the halberds
down, continuously, and finishes by swinging both halberds left. Keep hitting
triangle to make attack longer.
C3: Swings right halberd, left halberd, and swings both halberds left, then
swings both halberds right again.
C4: Swings right halberd, left halberd, swings both halberds left, swings both
halberds right, and then slams both halberds into ground, creating a giant
green and white explosion, with rocks flying out of it.
C5: Swings right halberd, left halberd, swings both halberds right, swings
both halberds left, does a 360 attack, and then swings halberds to side, and
charges forward, clotheslining enemies with halberds.
Musou: swings both halberds back and forth in front of him, finishing by
swinging both halberds one more time, and lunging forward.
True Musou: swings both halberds back and forth in front of him, finishing by
jumping into air, and slamming halberds into ground, emitting shockwaves.
Starting Weapon - War Pick - 4 power
2nd Weapon - Sturdy Halberd - 8 power
3rd Weapon - Pole Ax - 12 power
4th Weapon - Heavenly Halberd - 36 power
(Luck 15, Horse 17, Defense 15, Attack 16, Life 18)
How to get 4th weapon - Battle of Mt. Ding Jun - Ok, going to need a horse
here, and a foreword, died A LOT here, trying to get this, damn old bastard
gets in my way too many times. From the start, charge Wu Lan and his sub
general, Chen Shi. After him, go down to Zhao Yun defeating them, and the sub
officers Liu Feng and Zhang Yi. After that, go after Wei Yan and Meng Da, but
do NOT cut through the hill, go back the way you came, or Huang Zhong will go
after Xiahou Yuan. You should run into Lei Tong and Li Yan on the way back,
so kill them too. When Wei Yan and Meng Da are dead, charge back to the bottom
of the hill, where you killed Chen Shi, and kill Guan Ping and Yan Yan. Then,
when they are dead, go after Huang Zhong, but be wary, he's a nasty ol'
bastard (when he says "'m prepared to fight to the death", and starts to glow
yellow, get the hell away from him.) While fighting him, his damn archer
units get extremely annoying, so take them out while still on your horse.
After Huang Zhong's death, Cao Cao will show up, and so will the Valuable
tem, which appears on the bottom, where you defeated Zhao Yun. When that's
all done, charge the rest of the bases on the map, if you wish, take it easy,
and kill Liu Bei.
-Xiahou Yuan
- Xiahou Duns brother, and Cao Cao's cousin, Xiahou Yuan was an excellent
archer. He had a quick temper and was a fierce warrior.
Jumping Charge:
True Musou:
Shu's Officers: The Fighters in Green
-Zhuge Liang
- One of the most brilliant minds in the history of China, Zhuge Liang
(a.k.a. Kong Ming, Sleeping Dragon) orchestrated the rise of Shu, and directed
its warriors to the greatest heights. Orphaned as a young child, he was raised
by his uncle, a governor in southern china. Soon hid himself away as a
hermit, until Liu Bei visited him to recruit him. t was not until the third
visit, that he joined Shu.
Battle of Chang Ban - Rush forward, and take the neutral base ahead of you.
f you're on a horse, which recommend at all times, conquer the next two
defense bases going down, then haul ass back up to the first one you
conquered, and help kill, to prepare for the fire attack. Kill Li Dian and
Zhu Ling. Cut scene. f you did as told you, Liu Bei will do fine the rest
of the battle, now it's your turn to get kills. Don't forget, his charge
attack is invaluable; it's an excellent crown clearer. Head to the top of the
map and clear out enemies till either Liu Bei escapes, or Cao Cao shows up and
you kill him. You can get way over 1000, did.
Conquest of Nan Zhong - rush forward and take out the attack base. Cut scene,
and then go take out that defense base, take out Meng Huo. Keep fighting down
and you'll find a path behind a tree, there are four of these in this map.
You'll run into Meng Huo a couple of times, so just keep fighting him. Take
out all the officers on the way, and clear out defense base in the middle of
the map, on the right, that will make a way for your bridge, but even if your
on a horse, the poison affects you. Keep riding, when you get to the armored
troops part, keep the task leaders alive, and kill Zhu Rong when she shows
up. Take out the attack base in the center of there, and keep riding (there
is a hidden path in that giant area, near bottom right.) keep fighting, take
out supply base, and just head into the enemy base. Easy.
Battle of Tian Shui - Capture Nan An Castle by capturing Xiahou Mao, once
that's complete, rush over to An Ding Castle, and kill Cui Liang to capture
it. When Jiang Wei starts to complain about Tian Shui (cut scene), just rush
behind enemy lines to kick his ass. Then rush over to An Ding Castle, kill
the reinforcements, and wait for Ma Zun to come out of his castle, PREVENT HM
FROM GETTNG TO THE ESCAPE PONT!!! Stop him at any means necessary. You
Battle of Chen Cang - start off by rushing forwards and killing Fei Yao, Zhang
Hu and Wang Shuang, and tons of units. When the ambush in Huang Zhongs area
comes, go and help, then rush to the mountain path to go in the side entrance
of the castle, watch out for 3 ambushes. Get inside the castle, and slay,
kill and maim everyone there, help Huang Zhong when another Ambush comes, and
just keep on truckin'. Watch out for the ambush on the bottom right, it can
take out that attack base, crippling your siege weapon usage. When everyone
and everything has been taken care of, go after Sima Yi.
Battle of Wu Zhang Plains - As long as your decent with Zhuge Liang, his
attack and defense are strong, and you can handle him, you can win this! Look
at the defeat conditions "Zhuge Liang is defeated." Oh, that's you! So, to
start off, go forward and take out the two attack bases front and center. Take
the gates on either side as well. Keep attacking, and slay any officer that
comes out of the gate. Now, recommend a horse for this battle, as cause your
going to need him for here, enter the base, and Deng Ai is going to show up,
KLL HM FAST, for if he's allowed to get just behind the center supply base,
he will set up catapults, major problem for the Shu army's march, but if you
kill him after its set up, it goes away (kill him before to avoid a lowering
of morale, and an annoying cut scene) now, back out of the gate, and keep
slaughtering till Zhuge says back off, let the arbalests go, then go in for
the kill. Bye Bye Sima Yi.
Charge: Shoots a brown energy ball. An Excellent crowd clearer.
Jumping Charge: jumps in air, and shoots the 180 in front of him with beams.
S: Swings fan.
S2: Swings fan then swings fan upwards.
S3: Swings fan, swings fan upwards, then swings opposite way.
S4: Swings fan, swings fan upwards, swings opposite way, and then smacks left.
S5: Swings fan, swings fan upwards, swings opposite way, smacks left, and then
smacks right.
S6: Swings fan, swings fan upwards, swings opposite way, smacks left, smacks
right, and then does a 360.
(Can trigger an evolution attack.)
C1: Swings and then directs fan into the air, knocking enemy into air.
C2: Swings fan, swings fan upwards, then shoots a circle surrounded by eight
Chinese characters, that inches forward, temporarily stunning anything it hits.
C3: Swings fan, swings fan upwards, swings opposite way, and then throws his
fan, and it circles him 3 times, attacking anything nearby.
C4: Swings fan, swings fan upwards, swings opposite way, smacks left, then
creates a giant white ball surrounded by electricity in air, sending any
enemies in way up into air.
C5: Swings fan, swings fan upwards, swings opposite way, smacks left, and then
smacks right, then releases a couple energy bombs (like his charge attack)
that explode extremely fast.
Musou: Levitates in air, slowly moving forward, and shooting out laser beams,
finishes by shooting far back, and shooting large strong beams.
True Musou: Levitates in air, slowly moving forward, and shooting out laser
beams, finishes by shooting back, creating the 8 character circle (From C2)
that shoots one large strong beam.
Starting Weapon - War Fan - 2 power
2nd Weapon - Warlord Fan - 6 power
3rd Weapon - White Feather - 10 power
4th Weapon - Peacock Feather - 32 power
(Charge 18, Fill 15, Bow 15, Defense 18, Musou 20)
How to get Fourth Weapon - Battle of Tian Shui - This one is a little bit of a
challenge, but not too hard. Start out by taking An Ding and the other
fortress, (name escapes me right now), when that's done, rush over to
Jiang Wei, and kill him when he starts to retreat, follow after him, don't cut
through enemy territory to intercept. When that's done, hurry up and get your
valuable item in the first base you took, time is of the essence. When that's
all done chase down Ma Zun, and kill him. Good job, you've won.
-Jiang Wei
- Zhuge Liang's successor, Jiang Wei was a strategic and martial arts genius.
He was recruited to Shu after Zhuge Liang tricked Wei into thinking Jiang Wei
had defected.
Jumping Charge:
True Musou:
-Pang Tong
- Classmate and friend of Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong was a genius as well. Also
known, as the "Fledgling Phoenix" Pang Tong's genius was never truly
recognized, due to his premature death in a storm of arrows, being mistaken as
Liu Bei.
Battle of Chi Bi - The battle starts just after Pang Tong has linked Wei's
ships together. Go forward, taking down anyone in your path, of course, and
take out the gate (go up two ships, left one, and down one) then go after the
next (go up, right four ships and down one). From there, its simple, save
anyone in danger, seek out officers, and have fun. killed over 1000 units
here, it's simple.
Battle of Cheng Du - Rush forward, into the forest, killing any and all
ambushes that get in your way. Take out all of the gates in the forest, and
rush up to Zhang Ren, be wary of his ambush, that's what killed Pang Tong in
real life. Take out the arrows, and march downwards, into Cheng Du. Open up
the upper gate, and if the other two haven't been opened, open them as well.
When the castle is surrounded, the inner gates shall open, destroy the gate
inside, and defeat Liu Zhang.
Battle of Mount Ding Jun - go forward and attack the attack base (wow), and
keep on going to the other attack base, killing Yue Jin on the way, and Zhang
He just after the 2nd. Destroy the gate behind Zhang He's starting point.
Head over to the supply base, and open a can of whoop ass on Xiahou Shang,
Xiahou De, and the base. Head up, defeating all the officers, and when Cao
Cao shows up, slay him as well.
The Conquest of Nan Zhong - start off by heading forward and defeating the
defense base ahead of you. When this is finished, head back up, past where
you started, and go to the left, there is a hidden path there. Follow it
through, taking the lower path and kill Ahui Nan and Dong Tu Ne; Meng Huo will
get in the way. Head to the attack bases on the top, and defeat them. When
that's finished, keep fighting down, (kill Meng Huo a couple of times,
including once in a hidden path, once when he raids Ma Su think it is, once
in the armor troop area, and once in the second largest area from the end)
until the Armor Troops show up, when they appear, kill Wu Tugu before Zhuge
Liang's task force is defeated, hit the pots to make them explode, don't worry
they wont hurt you. Zhu Rong will show up, all pissed off, so just kick her
off, she'll run off with her little " see you have some fire in you as well"
speech. Bitch. Keep charging into the enemy main base. Easy to get over
1000 kills.
Battle of Bai Di Castle - This battle is different in Musou mode and free
mode, in Musou you start off in the cave above the castle, in free you start
off next to Liu Chan. And way, head forward; kill Chen Wu and Zhou Fang, then
Xu Sheng and Zhou Tai. When the peasant militia shows up, save them. Rush
around, killing any enemy, saving any ally. When Gan Ning shows up, KLL HM,
he is a major strain on castle defenses. When you go near Sun Quan up top,
he'll disappear, and reappear at the bottom of the map. The enemies here can
be overwhelming at times, and quite annoying, so make sure you're strong when
you start. Kill Sun Quan to end the map, and win the Musou.
Charge: Shoots a green energy ball. An Excellent crowd clearer.
Jumping Charge: Jumps into the air, and onto his staff, and surfs along the
air on it. Excellent for moving short distances, getting the hell out of a
situation, getting back to a horse you strayed to far away from and just
playing with. know did.
S: 360-spin attack.
S2: 360-spin attack, then turns around and attacks with butt of staff through
his arm.
S3: 360-spin attack, turns around and attacks with butt of staff through his
arm, then smacks down with staff over his head.
S4: 360-spin attack, turns around and attacks with butt of staff through his
arm, smacks down with staff over his head, then falls on his head kicks over
his body falling backwards.
S5: 360-spin attack, turns around and attacks with butt of staff through his
arm, smacks down with staff over his head, falls on his head kicks over his
body falling backwards, then turns staff horizontally and pushes it forward.
S6: 360-spin attack, turns around and attacks with butt of staff through his
arm, smacks down with staff over his head, falls on his head kicks over his
body falling backwards, turns staff horizontally and pushes it forward, then
jumps forward into air spinning and attacks anything in way.
(Can trigger an evolution attack.)
C1: 360-spin attack, then throws the staff (which is rotating) into the air
above him.
C2: 360-spin attack, turns around and attacks with butt of staff through his
arm, then does a back flip, and spins using his staff, ending on top of it.
C3: 360-spin attack, turns around and attacks with butt of staff through his
arm, smacks down with staff over his head, then does headstand lifts into air
while the staff below him encircles him a few times.
C4: 360-spin attack, turns around and attacks with butt of staff through his
arm, smacks down with staff over his head, falls on his head kicks over his
body falling backwards, then makes a green explosion in front of him sending
enemies into air.
C5: 360-spin attack, turns around and attacks with butt of staff through his
arm, smacks down with staff over his head, falls on his head kicks over his
body falling backwards, turns staff horizontally and pushes it forward, then
finishes by twirling on head and creating a whirlwind.
Musou: sits, levitating in air, spinning while holding staff over his head and
spinning around, creating a whirlwind. Finishes with one final stronger one.
True Musou: sits, levitating in air, spinning while holding staff over his
head and spinning around, creating a whirlwind. Finishes by levitating higher
into the air, stomach down, and one final strong whirlwind.
Starting Weapon - Vision Staff - 2 power
2nd Weapon - Mirage Staff - 6 power
3rd Weapon - Wind Staff - 10 power
4th Weapon - Tornado Staff - 32 power
(Fill 18, Luck 15, Bow 16, Def 17, Life 15)
How to get fourth weapon - Conquest of Nan Zhong - start off by heading
forward and defeating the defense base ahead of you. When this is finished,
head back up, past where you started, and go to the left, there is a hidden
path there. Follow it through, taking the lower path and kill Ahui Nan and
Dong Tu Ne, and head to the attack base on the top right, Defeat it. When
that's finished, keep fighting down, (kill Meng Huo a couple of times) until
the Armor Troops show up, when they appear, kill Wu Tugu before Zhuge Liang's
task force is defeated. When this is complete, the valuable item appears
right below the secret path told you about. To finish, just fight your way,
defeating Meng Huo various times, Zhu Rong and whatnot, and you'll do fine.
-Liu Bei
- Virtuous leader of Shu, his sole mission was the happiness of his people.
Sworn brother of Zhang Fei and Guan Yu, he made an oath with them to unite
china in the interest of the people. Distant relative of the emperor, and was
married to Sun Jian's Daughter, Sun Shang Xiang.
The Yellow Turban Rebellion - You should have red hare by now. Turn around,
and head upwards, the path that Sun Jian is pointed towards. Charge up, past
Sun Ce, Sun Jian, Huang Gai and Han Dang, and kill Yan Zheng, and even farther
ahead, Zhang Man Cheng. Take the path to the left, and kill Zhang Bao, go
down, and take out the attack base (if it already hasn't been.) you did all of
this to avoid the rockslides that Zhang Bao summons. Now, head upwards, and
go straight across that path, to Huang Shao and Zhang Yan, and when they are
dead, turn around and head for He Yi, who is probably in the bend that defers
from the straight path. Now, if Zhang Liang hasn't been defeated by now, head
south and kill him off, stopping the tornados. Head back north, destroy the
four torches in each of the four corners of the altar, then go after Zhang
Jiao, (kill his Sub Officers, Zhang Bao and Guan Hai, as well).
Battle of Hu Lao Gate - Red Hare is a big help here. Charge forward, only
killing a couple of that huge group there, and head up to Xu Rong, kill him
and take the gate which he's by. From there on, take the attack base, killing
anyone in your way, and head to the supply base. Head to Hu Lao Gate, killing
Hu Zhen, when you see him. Take out the gate that you pass when you first
come into the opening, and clear out a ton of units, including officers: Guo
Si, Zhao Cen, Li Jue, Wang Fang, Li Meng and Gao Shun when he come out. DO
the gate on the other side of the clearing, where Li Jue is, which can give
you quite a bit of kills. When Lu Bu finally is unleashed, if you're feeling
a little brave, charge him. Wait for the cut scene, and flee, go help Cao Cao
defeat Li Ru, and let your brothers take care of Lu Bu for a while. When you
come back, he should have a sizable portion of his health taken out. Help
them take him on, till your close to death, then just don't risk it, take
YOU F HE ATTACKS, EVEN FROM JUST ONE!!!! f you didn't kill him, head up
through Zhang Liao, kill him, listen to the little conversation, and head for
Dong Zhuo. Watch it, he will call for help from Lu Bu, so eliminate him fast.
Battle of Chang Ban - Start off, (On RED HARE, you SHOULD have him by now) by
charging, and capturing every neutral base that you can. f you move fast
enough, the enemy should only capture one base, don't worry about the one
Zhuge Liang talks about, he'll capture that one easily. When that's done, head
up the hard way, killing the defense base the enemy captured, and Cao Hong.
Continue heading up, killing Li Dian as well, and move into the enemy camp.
Just stay there awhile, killing and maiming, you can get quite a boat load of
KO's in this battle. Don't forget to meet up with Zhao Yun, and defeat the
Supply base near the defense base Zhuge captured too. Defeat the
reinforcements when they show up (Xu Huang and Cao Zhang), and finally, Cao
Cao when he shows up.
Escape from Chi Bi - Charge after Cao Cao, that's as easy as can put it.
Watch out for collapsing bridges, enemy reinforcements, and Xiahou Yuan (he
tends to have been the biggest problem for me). Xun You and Cheng Yu are
annoying too, so you might have to take them out as well. This battle easy,
finished rather quickly (a little over two and a half minutes).
Battle of Cheng Du - Rush into the forest, and kill any ambushes, should the
get in your way. Rush over to Zhang Ren (an ambush appears as you ride up),
and kill him, to prevent Pang Tong's death (Hell, if you do it before he dies,
you get a valuable item! [The Hex Mark Saddle]). Now, you may go back into the
forest, and kill the rest of the ambushes that appear (Liu Hans, Leng Bao's
and Zhang Yi's ambush), and clear the three gates within the forest. Next,
move to the eastern gate of Cheng Du castle, and slay everyone in the area
outside of it, then move inside the castle, slaying everyone within. By now,
Zhang Fei and//or Zhao Yun should have reached and opened the southern gate,
so wait for the inner castle gate to open, move in, kill the gate up top, then
take care of Liu Zhang.
Battle of Yi Ling - Charge forward and take out the attack base ahead of you.
When that's taken care of, turn around, and look on your map, slightly to the
right of that supply base, is a road that breaks at a river, then starts again
at the other side, you'll notice it by looking across and seeing a bridge
that's ready to fall down, leave your bodyguard there, it's a help (You WLL
need Red Hare here later). Now, head farther west, to where Ma Zhong (Ding
Feng's sub-general) is, and go down, killing him and defeating the supply base
below him. Now, move over to Han Dang, and kill him, then moving up to Ding
Feng and the Supply Base. When you cross the bridge to the right of the
supply base, bridge layers will lay down that bridge where told you to leave
your bodyguard, rush over there and KLL Zhu Ran. Do not let him set your
camp on fire, do not let him collect 200$. Next on your list is Ling Tong and
Gan Ning. Now, move to the force in the east, that is attacking upwards
toward Sun Quan. You'll run into Sun Shiang Xiang, (Cut Scene) kill her, and
keep moving up, towards the supply base, Lu Xun, and if the supply base to the
west of the enemy main base hasn't been taken, take it. Now, go to Sun Quan,
and defeat him. f you feel like, you can also take out Zhang Cheng and Zhou
Fang, at the bottom right (reinforcements).
Battle of Bai Di Castle - Head out of the castle, taking the eastern gate, and
move down, past Huang Zhong and attack the gate ahead of him.
Now move on to the enemy supply base (Defeating Zhu Huan and Quan Zong on the
way) to the south. Huang Gai should rush there, so kill him, and the gate at
the very tip of the southeast corner. Move on to the attack base to the left,
behind Huang Gai's starting position. Now, move on to Sun Shao, taking out
the gate on the way. Now, move up to Ma Chao, and help him save the Peasant
Militia, kill Jiang Qin when you see him. When you meet up with Ma Chao, the
militia will be saved. Zhou Tai will now work his way down to you, so kill
him as well. Now, take out the entire bottom left, gates, troops and all (
even left my Bodyguard down there). Now, kill Gan Ning, His reinforcements
have arrived in the bottom right, where you killed Huang Gai, take him out and
then move on to the upper left. Up there, take out the Supply bases and
troops, and clearing out the sentinel base of any intruders. After Lu Xun,
Chen Wu, and any other troops are killed, go after Sun Quan. You'll have
noticed, Sun Quan isn't up top anymore; he's down where instructed you to
make your area! He's screwed now, because he has gates attack him, and your
charging him too! Kill him and win.
Battle of Wu Zhang Plains - Go forward and defeat the attack base on the right
side of the map, in the middle. Next, move on to the attack base in the
middle, on the left side of the map, Wang Lang and Xiahou Mao should be close
to this one, so kill them. Next, defeat the Gate Captain to the left of the
left attack base, and clear out any troops on the way. Open up a path for the
Supply line, and kill Cao Rui, who is going to try to destroy it. Before Zhong
Hui gets too far, kill him, and then go after Cao Xiu, who is trying to do the
same that Cao Rui did. Now, charge past enemy lines, and kill Deng Ai, then
kill Cao Ren. Cut scene when Zhuge dies, then everyone gets pissed off and
charges, so take out the three Supply bases that line the enemy base, and
charge and kill each of the officers inside. Defeating the last two supply
bases inside as well. Finish off by killing Sima Yi. Side note: watch out for
the rockslide (left side) and the ambush (right side) leading up to Sima Yi.
Charge: turns and falls back, then charges forward, slashing.
Jumping Charge: jumps and slashes twice, sending out airwaves, which slash
away at the enemies ahead of you.
S: Slashes right.
S2: Slashes right, then left.
S3: Slashes right, then left, then right once more.
S4: Slashes right, then left, slashes right once more, then stabs forward.
S5: Slashes right, then left, slashes right once more, stabs forward, then
slashes right again.
S6: Slashes right, then left, slashes right once more, stabs forward, slashes
right again, and then spins and slashes right again.
(Evolution attack now triggered, if acquired.
C1: Slashes right, then slashes upwards, in an uppercut fashion.
C2: Slashes right, then left, then dances forward slashing diagonally each way
continuously, finishes by slashing horizontally from left to right. Keep
pressing triangle to make attack longer.
C3: Slashes right, then left, slashes right once more, then slashes downward.
C4: Slashes right, then left, slashes right once more, stabs forward, then
raises sword and arms into the air, creating a yellow explosion.
C5: Slashes right, then left, slashes right once more, stabs forward, slashes
right again, and then spins and emits a blue energy wave.
Musou: Slashes back and forth continuously, and finishes by slashing a few
more times, more powerfully ahead of you.
True Musou: Slashes back and forth continuously, and finishes by slashing four
times, and stabbing sword into the ground, creating an explosion.
Starting Weapon - Long Sword - 3 power
2nd Weapon - mperial Sword - 7 power
3rd Weapon - Gold Dragon - 11 power
4th Weapon - Gold Moon Dragon - 34 power
(Luck 20, Horse 15, Speed 18, Defense 18, Musou 15)
How to get 4th Weapon - Battle of Yi Ling - Start off by charging east (on the
map) and going over to Cheng Pu. gnore him and head up, find and kill Sun
Shiang Xiang (Cut scene). She will run, so catch and kill her. When that's
done, rush back to base, and kill Ling Tong and Gan Ning, who have invaded by
now, but watch out, they are next to each other, and more powerful then usual.
Now, Lu Xun is moving towards your base, so rush past the rest of the
officers, towards him, and slay him. The valuable item will appear just below
the bridge on the right side of the map, below where you found Sun Shiang
Xiang. Now, just kill people, or go kill Sun Quan. This mission was
extremely easy, got this after only played Yellow Turban Rebellion and Hu
Lao Gate. Didn't even reach the mission in Musou.
-Guan Ping
- Adopted son of Guan Yu, Guan Xing is pure at heart, and wishes to be as good
as his father on the battlefield. Died protecting his father in Fan
Jumping Charge:
True Musou:
-Wei Yan
- Once served Liu Biao and Han Xuan, but defected to shu after killing Han
(Han ignored Wei Yan.) Zhuge Liang never liked him, despite being the
unofficial 6th tiger general. He saw arrogance and ambition, and knew that he
would one day betray Shu.
Jumping Charge:
True Musou:
-Yue Ying
-Yue Ying, daughter of Huang Chen Yan. Brilliant in martial arts and
academics, known for her spectacular inventions, which marveled anyone who saw
them. She was said to be extremely unattractive, but Zhuge Liang saw beyond
this ploy, which it was. t was used to drive off anyone who wanted her for
beauty, and not for anything else. Her father considered Zhuge Liang a
wonderful match for her, and quickly set up the marriage. When Zhuge Liang
joined, so did she, helping Zhuge Liang with her inventions, and strategies.
She died soon after her husband's death at Wu Zhang Plains; her last words
were to her son, "Be loyal, and filial."
1. Battle of Chang Ban - Extremely easy, as soon as you start, head for the
unoccupied base ahead. Take that over, head on through, and slaughter the
enemy before you. Go ahead, test out her deadly skills, they're fun! Stay at
the top of the map, go meet with Zhuge Liang once, swoop around that loop at
the top left, and kill all reinforcements. got over 1000 kills here, well
worth the strategy.
2. Conquest of Nan Zhong - another simple stage, just not as much kills.
Watch walls for secret passages, there are hidden passages behind trees here,
and they help a lot. Kill off all troops and officers that get in your way,
take down Zhu Rong when she appears, and just keep kicking Meng Huo's ass.
He'll eventually give in.
3. Battle of Tian Shui - When you start, automatically head to the base ahead
of you, and kill the officer inside. All units in the base will flee, and
head to the other base Zhuge told you to conquer. When that's all done, take
run through enemy territory to kill Jiang Wei, use a Musou rage, you'll have
gotten one by now. When finished, retreat to allied territory, heal up, and
kill what's-his-name when he tries to flee. Use a Musou rage that you'll
probably find by then, he'll crumble at your feet.
4. Battle of Chen Cang - kill all officers and alot of troops in front of the
castle defense wall. When the ambush on the bottom left side is enacted, rush
in and help, then take the mountain path on the right side of map, (watch out
for ambush's) Kill off enemies there, help the 2nd ambush on bottom left, and
then swoop in for the kill. ( got 3475 kills here, Wow.)
5. Battle of Wu Zhang Plains - Got a little close for comfort here, but did
it. First, start off by killing Guo Huai, and rushing into the center to take
out the attack bases, killing Wang Lang, Xiahou Wei, Cao Rui and as many
troops as you wish, on the way. When that's done, rush down to help Zhuge
Liang against Zhong Hui. Go back up, and enter the supply base, preferably
the middle on the gate, so you can quickly take out Deng Ai when he shows up.
After that, just help take out the rest of the bases, kill officers, listen to
Zhuge whenever he talks, and you win.
Charge: Throws her spear, twirling it around about two feet in front of her.
Keep pressing triangle to continue the assault for a few seconds longer.
Jump Charge: Jumps up and swings any enemies in range, if it misses, she
swings twice and falls, if she hits an enemy, she keeps swinging for about 5-6
swings. Does significant damage.
Musou: Swings her spear around extremely fast, finishes off with an upwards
True Musou: Same as Musou, except stronger, and she finishes with an upward
slash, that triggers a quite large whirlwind.
S: Single slash with spear.
S2: Single slash with spear, then slashes back.
S3: Single slash with spear, slashes back, and then slashes upwards.
S4: Single slash with spear, slashes back, slashes upwards, and then does
somewhat of an uppercut of weapons.
S5: Single slash with spear, slashes back, slashes upwards, uppercuts with her
spear, and then does uppercut opposite way.
S6: - Single slash with spear, slashes back, slashes upward, uppercuts with
her spear, does uppercut opposite way, then slashes normally again,
(Can go into Evolution attack, hitting the same way again, only charged.)
C1: Single slash, then turns, and hits enemy with the bottom of spear, nailing
them into the air.
C2: Single slash with spear, slashes back, and then stabs at enemy, three
times, doing multiple swirl hits each stab.
C3: Single slash with spear, slashes back, slashes upwards, and then does a
360 slash.
C4: Single slash with spear, slashes back, slashes upwards, does somewhat of
an uppercut of weapons, then attacks up, creating whirlwind.
C5: Single slash with spear, slashes back, slashes upwards, uppercuts with her
spear, does uppercut opposite way, then does multiple 360 attacks, just like
her Musou attack.
Starting Weapon - War Spear - 3 power
2nd Weapon - Martial Spear - 7 power
3rd Weapon - Horizon - 11 power
4th Weapon - Oblivion - 36 power
(Charge 15, Mounted 15, Bow 16, Defense 17, Life 16)
How to Get 4th weapon - Battle of Wu Zhang Plains - had problems here, died
a few times, but did it! What you need to do is rush your way to the
middle, killing all officers on the way. When that's done, rush down to help
Zhuge Liang from Zhong Hui, then rush all the way back up to kill Deng Ai.
like normal, killing everything in your way, saving generals, and keeping
Zhuge alive. For help, refer to my Musou Mode walkthrough of this battle.
(P.S. if you keep dying here, like did, go to another battle, like Hu Lao
Gate [Dong Zhuo's Forces] and kill a lot of people, just make sure you have
the Serpent Earrings equipped)
Unaligned Officers - The Purple, White and Yellow Combatants
-Lu Bu
- Adopted son of the tyrant, Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu vigorously trained himself in
martial arts and weapons. Along with his friend, Zhang Liao, they constantly
trained themselves, and were always up for a challenge. Fell in love with the
songstress Diao Chan, and murdered Dong Zhuo out of jealousy.
Battle of Si Shui Gate - rush to the center, and take out the attack base, and
all the little officers that are invading from there. Head over to Yuan Shu's
location, and take him, and Ji Ling out as well, along with the defense base
and the gate next door. There is a Musou wine in the jar next to the gate.
Head down, eliminating the defense base below Yuan Shu's starting location,
and the gate below that. f Gongsun Zan hasn't already moved to the middle,
eliminate him too. When Cao Cao's ambush appears below Si Shui gate, move in
and save Hua Xiong, by killing that usurping bastard. Go after Sun Jian, Liu
Bei and finally kill Yuan Shao.
Battle of Hu Lao Gate - Ooh boy, is this one fun ^^. You start off right
outside of Hu Lao Gate. All the advice that can give you for this one is to
kill. You can get well over 1000 KO's here, and its fun too! On thing here
though, is that Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei gang up on you here, which
triggers a cut scene. Oh yeah, Wen Chou and Yan Liang show up as
Battle of Chang Shan - You've joined Yuan Shao! Head forward, killing Zuozi
Zhangba, and all the troops you feel like, there is a Musou wine ahead of you
in a jar. Head upwards, and an ambush will appear, some talking and whatnot.
Head forward, destroy attack base, and kill Zhang Yan to end the ambush, gain
Yuan Shao's trust back, and to get some reinforcements. Head forward on that
path, and open the doors, go past Liu Bei, kill Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and
then head for Liu Bei. Kill Zhao Yun as well, he's quite annoying. Fight all
the little peons that think they can take you, and then head up to Gongsun
Zan. f you killed Liu Bei, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu fast enough, the Red Hare
Harness will appear.
Battle of Xia Pi - Oh god, is this pretty damn annoying, but since you're the
enemy commander here, you don't loose unless you die. Go forward, killing
Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, Liu Bei, Xiahou Yuan and Xiahou Dun (and all the little
supply base on the way). Not necessarily in that order, but if you follow a
path, that's who you run into first. That will save all of your troops, and
Cao Cao will have shown up by now. Rush over; kill him and all his dumb
little troops that he has the audacity to call 'reinforcements', and you win.
Also, if you last out long enough, Yuan Shu will come to assist you, but watch
out, if you're losing horribly, he'll leave quickly. n order to allow them
to come, take the two gates in the southeast.
Charge: Two long, strong fiery slashes, finished by a slam on the ground with
foot, emitting blue energy.
Jumping Charge: Jumps, flips and slams the ground, finishing with a slash.
S: Slashes.
S2: Slashes, then slashes the opposite way.
S3: Slashes, slashes the opposite way, and then slashes vertically.
S4: Slashes, slashes the opposite way, slashes vertically, and then another
S5: Slashes, slashes the opposite way, slashes vertically, another slash, and
then a 360 attack.
S6: Slashes, slashes the opposite way, slashes vertically, another slash, a
360 attack, and finishes with a charged slash leftward.
(Evolution attack can be triggered.)
C1: Slashes, then runs forward a bit, and slams butt of spear into air.
C2: slashes, slashes the opposite way, and then does continuous 360 attacks
finished with stopping attack when spear is at his left, slashing right, and
stamping ground, emitting blue shock waves. Excellent crowd clearer, and the
attack can go longer if triangle is continually pressed.
C3: Slashes, slashes the opposite way, slashes vertically, and then lunges
forward slashing.
C4: Slashes, slashes the opposite way, slashes vertically, another slash,
finishes by slamming ground and brining up spear, the slam causes the earth to
rumble, and a large red circle appears around him, with the earth flying
C5: Slashes, slashes the opposite way, slashes vertically, another slash, a
360 attack, and then slashes continually in front of him in a figure eight
pattern, finishing by stamping ground. Continually hit triangle to make
attack longer.
Musou: Twirls spear in front of him, then spins around, flailing spear.
Finishes by sticking spear in ground breaking the earth and sending enemies
True Musou: Twirls spear in front of him, then spins around, flailing spear.
Finishes by sticking spear in ground breaking the earth and then slashing in
front of him, emitting shock waves.
Starting Weapon - Halberd- 6 power
2nd Weapon - Great Halberd - 12 power
3rd Weapon - Sky Piercer - 18 power
4th Weapon - Sky Scorcher- 40 power -
(Mountain 20, Defense 20, Attack 20, Musou 19, Life 19)
How to Get 4th weapon - Battle of Chang Shan [Chang mountain] - this one is
easy, just kill 1000 troops. Rush beyond Zhang Yan, to the gate, taking out
the attack base on the way. Be careful to stay away from the gate captain,
and just kill all enemies that come at you. The archers can get quite
annoying, so destroy them, try to have it come crashing down on the enemies,
that's a major help. When the weapon finally does appear, it is right inside
the courtyard, to the right of the gate that leads to Gongsun Zan.
-Diao Chan
- Adopted daughter of Wang Yun, she helped him with a plot to overthrow the
tyrant. She infiltrated her way into his army's ranks, and convinced Lu Bu to
murder him. When it was over with, she ran off with Lu Bu.
Battle of Si Shui Gate - rush to the center, and take out the attack base, and
all the little officers that are invading from there. Head over to Yuan Shu's
location, and take him, and Ji Ling out as well, along with the defense base
and the gate next door. There is a Musou wine in the jar next to the gate.
Head down, eliminating the defense base below Yuan Shu's starting location,
and the gate below that. f Gongsun Zan hasn't already moved to the middle,
eliminate him too. When Cao Cao's ambush appears below Si Shui gate, move in
and save Hua Xiong, by killing that commandeering bastard. Go after Sun Jian,
Liu Bei and finally kill Yuan Shao.
Battle of Hu Lao Gate - This one is EXTREMELY simple, and very fun. You start
off right outside of Hu Lao Gate; there is some bickering between Lu Bu and
Dong Zhuo. Kill, that's the easiest advice for here. When enemies start
taking the indirect route, you can go up and help Zhang Liao, kill off a lot
of troops, its fun! You can get well over 1000 KO's here, and its fun too!
Fight downwards, kill off Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Sun Jian, Gongsun Zan, the
reinforcements Yan Liang and Wen Chou, and finally kill Yuan Shao.
Battle of Chang Shan - Guess what? You have joined Yuan Shao! Head forward,
killing Zuozi Zhangba, and all the troops you feel like, there is a Musou wine
ahead of you in a jar. Head upwards, and an ambush will appear, there is some
talking and whatnot, between Lu Bu and Yuan Shao. Head forward, destroy
attack base, and kill Zhang Yan to end the ambush, gain Yuan Shao's trust
back, save Lu Bu, and to get some reinforcements. Head forward on that path,
and open the doors, go past Liu Bei, kill Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and then head
for Liu Bei. Kill Zhao Yun as well, he's quite annoying. Fight all the little
peons that think they can take you, and then head up to Gongsun Zan. f you
killed Liu Bei, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu fast enough, the Red Hare Harness will
Battle of Xia Pi - This is annoying, and even harder for Diao Chan, seeing as
she has to protect Lu Bu as well. Well, Go forward, killing Zhang Fei, Guan
Yu, Liu Bei, Xiahou Yuan and Xiahou Dun (and all the little supply base on the
way). Not necessarily in that order, but if you follow a path, that's who you
run into first. That will save all of your troops, and Cao Cao will have
shown up by now. Go help the rest of the troops on the map, killing soldiers
and whatnot, go kill Cao Hong, and save Lu Bu. Then, go over; kill him and all
his dumb little troops that he has the audacity to call 'reinforcements', and
you win. Also, if you last out long enough, Yuan Shu will come to assist you,
but watch out, if you're losing horribly, he'll leave quickly. n order to
allow them to come, take the two gates in the southeast.
Charge: leg sweeps across the floor. Does ok damage, and is great for making
a quick getaway from an enemy facing you.
Jumping Charge: jumps up, flips, charges maces while in air, then slams ground.
S: Swings mace.
S2: Swings mace then stabs forward.
S3: Swings mace, stabs forward, and then spins and swings mace.
S4: Swings mace, stabs forward, spins and swings mace, and then does a
roundhouse kick.
S5: Swings mace, stabs forward, spins and swings mace, does a roundhouse kick,
and then does a 360 attack.
S6: Swings mace, stabs forward, spins and swings mace, does a roundhouse kick,
does a 360 attack, and then finishes with another swing of the mace.
(Evolution attack is now triggered, if acquired)
C1: Swings mace, then does an uppercut motion with her weapon.
C2: Swings mace, stabs forward, and then does continuous spins and
aeronautical spins diagonally, finishes by doing a back flip and a 360 spin
C3: Swings mace, stabs forward, spins and swings mace, and then does a 360
spin attack with both maces, and a roundhouse kick.
C4: Swings mace, stabs forward, spins and swings mace, does a roundhouse kick,
and then finishes with a petal blossom whirlwind.
C5: Swings mace, stabs forward, spins and swings mace, does a roundhouse kick,
does a 360 attack, and then finishes by hurling two spinning wind disks in
front of her.
Musou: starts with a cartwheel kick, does continuous roundhouse kicks, and
finishes by smacking in front of her with her maces furiously.
True Musou: starts with a cartwheel kick, does continuous roundhouse kicks,
and finishes by lifting her right leg behind her to get leverage to do a flip
and lands, creating shockwaves.
Starting Weapon - Mace - 2 power
2nd Weapon - Great Mace - 6 power
3rd Weapon - Enchantress - 10 power
4th Weapon - Diva - 32 power
(Fill 18, Luck 18, Speed 19, Defense 16, Musou 18)
Note: This weapon is heavy, eliminating basically one of her only advantages.
How To Get 4th Weapon - Battle of Xia Pi - Go forward, and kill Zhang Fei.
When he is dead, go around the castle's top path, and kill the sub generals,
Li Dian and Yu Jin. After that, go after Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Liu Bei then
Guan Yu. Not necessarily in that order, but if you do it right, that's who you
run into first (Unless Xiahou Dun's unit moves, then he's last). Do all this
before Cao Cao and make sure that all of your allies survive, and you will get
the weapon. When this is done, the valuable item will appear just above the
supply base in the southwest. Just head in (you should have gotten a Musou
rage by now) and kill Cao Cao. Congratulations.
-Dong Zhuo
- Evil, extremely selfish and ambitious. Tried usurping over the mperial
court, until Yuan Shao led a coalition to overthrow him. Died at the hands of
his adopted son, Lu Bu.
Battle of Xi Liang - Head forward; eliminate the attack base, and Deng Mao.
When that's finished, go up the hill (dodging the tumbling rocks, they can be
destroyed, but it takes precision timing). Cheng Yuanzhi is up there, acting
all cocky, so just kill him and end his annoying cackling, and his rockslide.
Take out the gate up there and head towards the next defense base, and kill
Zhang Liang, ending his sorcery, and opening up the central bridge. Next, go
after the supply base, ignoring the phantom troops (which have to say, they
did a much better job on in this game), the death of Zhang Bao will deal with
that. Ma Chao and Pang De will show up as reinforcements by now, so... yeah.
Go after Zhang Bao, and eliminate him and the phantom troops all in one shot.
Now, just head forward and wipe out Zhang Jiao.
Battle of Liang Province - Start off by destroying the base in the top right
corner, kill Ma Chao on the way. Then go for the attack base to the right of
the enemy main camp, the attack base below that, the defense base to the left
of that and the defense base below that. By the time your done with the first
two bases, your base at the bottom will need help, kill Yang Qiu, and defeat
the attack base on your way. When this is done, resume your march on the other
2 bases. Now @&#^ Pang De up! He has his army around him, so watch out.
From now on, just charge through enemy forces, killing any left over officers,
and go after Ma Teng.
Battle of Si Shui Gate - rush to the center, and take out the attack base, and
all the little officers that are invading from there. Head over to Yuan Shu's
location, and take him, and Ji Ling out as well, along with the defense base
and the gate next door. There is a Musou wine in the jar next to the gate.
Head down, eliminating the defense base below Yuan Shu's starting location,
and the gate below that. f Gongsun Zan hasn't already moved to the middle,
eliminate him too. When Cao Cao's ambush appears below Si Shui gate, move in
and save Hua Xiong, by killing that commandeering bastard. Go after Sun Jian,
Liu Bei and finally kill Yuan Shao.
Battle of Hu Lao Gate - start off by eliminating all enemies and officers
before the Hu Lao Gate. Charge the gate between the indirect route, to
eliminate all the little bastards that the thing spews forth. Now, take down
the attack base on the left bottom of the map, and go after the defense to its
right next, by now, Lu Bu and Diao Chan should have defected. Bastard, kill
the backstabbers, and finish the battle by killing the rest of the infidels
that dare attack your dream of paradise, (they would be Sun Jian, Liu Bei,
Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao.)
Charge: Stomps ground, stunning or knocking down enemies. Extremely weak,
only useful to stop enemy attacks, or to make a quick getaway.
Jumping Charge: jumps, flips and stomps ground.
S: Slashes right.
S2: Slashes right then slashes left.
S3: Slashes right, slashes left and then slashes right again.
S4: slashes right, slashes left, slashes right, and then slashes left.
S5: Slashes right, slashes left, slashes right, slashes left, and then slashes
right once more.
S6: Slashes right, slashes left, slashes right, slashes left, slashes right
once more, and then does a 360 attack.
(Evolution attack triggered, if weapon has it.)
C1: Slashes right, then slashes in an uppercut motion.
C2: Slashes right, a slash left and then slashes continually in an X motion,
finished by two slightly stronger X shaped slashes.
C3: slashes right, slashes left, slashes right, and then turns around,
reverses sword in hand, and stabs backwards, through his arm.
C4: Slashes right, slashes left, slashes right, slashes left, and then stomps
C5: Slashes right, slashes left, slashes right, slashes left, slashes right
once more, and then stomps ground, slamming down with sword as well.
Musou: slashes left and right continuously, then jumps, flips and falls on
ground on back, making shockwaves.
True Musou: slashes left and right continuously, then finishes by throwing a
bomb in the air, and doing a backwards somersault.
Starting Weapon - Tyrant Sword - 4 power
2nd Weapon - Great Tyrant - 8 power
3rd Weapon - Fear - 12 power
4th Weapon - Horror - 36 power
(Luck 17, Horse 17, Defense 15, Attack 18, Life 15)
How to get 4th weapon: (Battle of Liang Province) Start off by destroying the
base in the top right corner, ignore Ma Chao. Then go for the attack base to
the right of the enemy main camp, the attack base below that, the defense base
to the left of that and the defense base below that. By the time your done
with the first two bases, your base at the bottom will need help, kill Yang
Qiu, and defeat the attack base on your way. When this is done, resume your
march on the other 2 bases. When this is done, go after Ma Chao, and screw
him up, he should be surrounded by allies, so he wont be hard. Now &@#^ Pang
De up! He has his army around him, so watch out. The valuable item appears
in the lower left quadrant of the cross roads on the left side of the map.
When this is done, just charge Ma Teng.
-Meng Huo
- King of the Nanman to the south. A large man, he defended the south against
the campaign of Zhuge Liang many times. But when he finally did lose, he
realized Zhuge was not trying to take his land, but trying to ally with the
south, he agreed.
Struggle for Nan Zhong - start off by going forth, and attacking enemies
trying to head into your base. Then head forward, attacking Dong Tu Na and the
supply base. When they're taken care of, take over Ahui Nan, and take out the
charging King Mulu. Now, move over to the attack base up north, and Jinhuan
Sanjie's unit, taking them both down, now attack the charging Wu Tugu. When
the south has finally united, Yong Kai, Gao Ding and Zhu Bao will come, kill
them off to successfully defend your territory! First head to Zhu Bao, as he's
closest to your base, and presents a huge threat. Next, Yong Kai, because Zhu
Rong should be taking him head on by now, then Gao Ding.
Battle of Nan Zhong - Start off by rushing north, and taking the attack base,
ignore Zhang Jiao and Pei Yuan Shao, on the way there, but take him out on the
way back. Now, take the neutral (if it already hasn't been) base in the
bottom middle. Now, go save your base, by attacking the 'converted' (bastards
defected) soldiers. Now, when more get converted, and respect drops, you just
can't take that, so head north, and slay Zhang Bao, then head to the
southeast, and slay Zhang Liang. Head through the enemy camp, and kill Bo
Zhang on the way. Kill Zhang Man Cheng and He Yi on the way as well. Now,
head back through the allied main camp, and take out Guan Hai. All you have to
do now, is take out Zhang Jiao, and you win.
The nvasion of Nan Zhong - Start off by taking over the gate right ahead of
you. Now, take over the attack base ahead of you, and rose to the aid of Zhu
Rong's troops in the center battlefield, taking over the attack base, killing
Lu Xun, Zhou Tai, Xu Sheng and Zhu Ran. When they are all dead, the bridge
shall be destroyed, now rush in from the left side of the map, and take over
the enemy camp. Start off by killing Ding Feng, going up to Pan Zhang, and
then taking out their leader, Sun Shiang Xiang. The beast unit shall take out
the walls up top, so take out the defense base, the supply base, then Lu Meng,
and finally Sun Quan. f you wish, you may also take out the reinforcements,
which are made up of Gan Ning and Jiang Qin.
Conquest of Nan Zhong - March forward, and take the attack base, and the gate
on the way. Now, Wei Yan will charge you, so take care of him and Ma Dai,
while protecting your main camp. Now, head to the attack base the next
section up, and take that over, and kill the task leaders (4), Zhang Yi and
Wang Ping. Keep moving, take out Huang Zhong and Yan Yan, and the attack base
next to them, by the time you reach there, Guan Suo may also be there. Now,
head up to the designated gate, and defeat it, allowing reinforcements. Head
up top, and as soon as the "enemy reinforcements" log shows up, take out that
gate!! gnore everything except that gate; you can take out the enemies on the
way back. Now, go take the attack base to the right, Yue Ying, Liao Hua, Zhang
Bao and Guan Xing in the center, and the supply base to the right. When
that's done, chase down Zhuge Liang, and you've won.
Charge: Gets down on all fours and charges forward, finishing with a body
slam. Keep pressing triangle to make attack longer.
Jumping Charge: Jumps on, and flips and stomps ground, then stomps ground once
S: Slams with left gauntlet.
S2: Slams with left gauntlet, then right gauntlet.
S3: Slams with left gauntlet, right gauntlet, then left again.
S4: Slams with left gauntlet, right gauntlet, left again, then backhands with
left gauntlet.
S5: Slams with left gauntlet, right gauntlet, left again, a backhand with left
gauntlet, then slams both gauntlets together in front of him.
S6: Slams with left gauntlet, right gauntlet, left again, a backhand with left
gauntlet, slams both gauntlets together in front of him, and then an uppercut
motion with left gauntlet.
(Evolution attack can be triggered, if acquired)
C1: Slams with left gauntlet, then an uppercut with right gauntlet.
C2: Slams with left gauntlet, right gauntlet, then spins while attacking with
left gauntlet, finishes by one last punch. Keep pressing triangle to make
attack longer.
C3: Slams with left gauntlet, right gauntlet, left again, then body slams
ground, attacking anyone in front of him, flops a few times.
C4: Slams with left gauntlet, right gauntlet, left again, a backhand with left
gauntlet, then slams both gauntlets into ground, creating shock waves.
C5: Slams with left gauntlet, right gauntlet, left again, a backhand with left
gauntlet, slams both gauntlets together in front of him, and then
Musou: stays still, slamming ground with each gauntlet, rotating
continuously. Finishes by slamming ground with both.
True Musou: stays still, slamming ground with each gauntlet, rotating
continuously. Finishes by slamming ground with both gauntlets repeatedly
extremely fast, about 5 or 6 times in 1 or 2 seconds. Powerful.
Starting Weapon - Nanman Gauntlet - 4 power
2nd Weapon - Beast Gauntlet - 8 power
3rd Weapon - Beast Master - 12 power
4th Weapon - King of Beasts
(Charge 15, Fill 15, Horse 15, Attack 18, Life 19)
How to get fourth Weapon - Conquest of Nan Zhong - suggest Red Hare here.
Head forth; ignore everything, except for Wei Yan. Kill him, then head up,
slaying anything on your way, over to Huang Zhong. Use the hidden path to get
up to him. Kill him, and then when the task force appears, kill all four of
them. Then head up to Yue Ying, killing the designated gate on the way, to
allow reinforcements (you can most likely ignore this, and Zhu Rong will take
care of it). f you need a full heal, kill a supply base, preferably the one
in the area with the exploding pots. Now, head up north, using the secret
path, and kill Yue Ying fast,(this isn't required, but hurry up and kill the
gate on the top left, to prevent reinforcements). Now, (assuming no one
defected) the valuable item will appear in the bottom most secret path. Run
down, grab it, then head back up, and finish off the rest of the soldiers,
attack bases and Zhuge Liang.
-Zhu Rong
- Wife of Nanman ruler, Meng Huo, she was a fierce woman who always enjoyed a
fight. Said to be a descendent of the fire goddess, her fiery intimidation on
the battlefield helped the defense of her homeland.
Jumping Charge:
True Musou:
-Yuan Shao
- Ruler of a prestigious and noble family, Yuan Shao's only motivation was
upholding the honor of his family's name. Gained quite a large army, and took
over nearly all of northern China, until Cao Cao defeated him at the Battle of
Guan Du.
Jumping Charge:
True Musou:
-Zhang Jiao
- Leader of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, he educated people on the "Way of
Peace" to end all the chaos and fighting in China, which was also how he
gained his power.
Battle of Xi Liang - Begins with a cut scene. Ok, charge ahead, and kill off
Dong Min, Niu Fu and Hu Zhen, taking over the neutral attack base on the way.
Now, Zhang Liang has been isolated, and is in trouble! Oh no! Ok, so now we
rush over there, kick Xu Rong and Li Ru's ass, along with the defense base,
and as your doing that, Zhang Liang will be hauling ass back to the attack
base you conquered. A giant rolling log will now be in effect, helping you
tremendously. Now, Ma Chao will appear, and way to close to your main base.
Go kill him and his pesky little troops, and do not let him kill Zhang Liang!
When that area is certified Ma Chao free, head for Hua Xiong, and slay that
bastard, along with clearing out that entire northwestern area. Now, take the
eastern most path down (that path that DOESN'T have the giant log rolling back
and forth) and kill Li Jue, the supply base and finally, kill off Dong Zhuo.
Battle of Ji Province - Wow, now Yuan Shao is starting with you. Anyways,
just one more arrogant idiot to take down. Start off by heading left, and
clearing out the area of that altar, but watch out, those infidels have put a
defense unit there, so kill the defense captain and capture the altar. Head
further left, and defeat Yuan Shang and the attack base in the northwest. Now,
go back right (defeating Tian Feng, and anyone else by the altar on the way,
so that Zhang Bao may perform another ceremony), all the way to where you
started, and head down, and take out Yuan Xi, the defense base, and Ju Shou.
When at the bottom, head left (when you get all the way left, near Yuan Shao,
Zhao Yun's reinforcement unit shall appear), and you now have two choice, head
north, and defeat the defense and supply base, along with Wen Chou and Gou Tu
then go after Yuan Shao, or just plain kill Yuan Shao.
Battle of Nan Zhong - Ok, head out into the swamp, and kill Ahui Nan and King
Duosi, there is an island close to where they are, so fight them on there, at
least the poison will no longer hurt you. Watch out for the poisonous marsh,
that deals a major blow to your health, but that will all be dealt with soon
enough. Now, head to the southeast, and take out King Mulu and his sub
general, Dong Tu Na. When that area has been "converted," head back up north,
and save Zhang Bao from Zhu Rong (and Jinhuan Sanjie, who's probably appeared
down there). Now, head to the northwest, and kill that pesky Wu Tugu. A
phantom army shall appear to help you with the armor troops. When that area
has been cleared, head south, and the converted Nanman, plus the rest of the
officers shall help you take the main base. Kill off Dailai Dongzhu, Meng
You, and finally kill Meng Huo.
The Yellow Turban Rebellion - Start off, by heading forward, and killing
Gongsun Yue. Now that the rockslide has been initiated, charge down to Zhang
Bao's altar (killing Gongsun Zan and Zhu Jun on the way), and help him
brainwash Cao Cao, don't kill any sub generals, if possible, cause once Cao
Cao is yours, they are too. Next, go over to Zhang Liang's Altar, and help
him brainwash Sun Jian, same thing here, kill no sub generals. Now, head back
north, and kill Huangfu Song, who is right outside your castle. Head west, and
kill off Guan Yu, Jian Yong and Liu Bei, then go south and take out the
defense base and gate. Head to He Jin, and kill him, and once he's dead, head
up to Dong Zhuo, and once he's taken care of, you win.
Charge: Raises his hands in the air, and the people around him are hit and
fall to the ground. This attack doesn't do a lot of damage, its only good for
quick escapes, or stopping an officers Musou attack.
Jumping Charge: jumps and throws his staff, and him and his staff spin, as the
staff spews fire.
S: Performs a 360-spin attack with staff.
S2: Performs a 360-spin attack with staff, then attacks with butt of staff
through his arms.
S3: Performs a 360-spin attack with staff, attacks with butt of staff through
his arms, and then turns around and attacks in an uppercut motion.
S4: Performs a 360-spin attack with staff, attacks with butt of staff through
his arms, turns around and attacks in an uppercut motion, then smacks down the
S5: Performs a 360-spin attack with staff, attacks with butt of staff through
his arms, turns around and attacks in an uppercut motion, smacks down the
staff, and then smacks down in the same motion again.
S6: Performs a 360-spin attack with staff, attacks with butt of staff through
his arms, turns around and attacks in an uppercut motion, smacks down the
staff, and then smacks down in the same motion again, and then swings it
diagonally, from upper left to bottom right.
(Evolution attack now triggered, if acquired.)
C1: Performs a 360-spin attack with staff, knocking the enemy into the air
behind him, then he turns around and hits the enemy with his staff.
C2: Performs a 360-spin attack with staff, attacks with butt of staff through
his arms, and then walks forward, while commanding the staff to attack upward
and downward, finishes by emitting a blue wave. Keep pressing triangle to
make attack longer. This is probably the best crowd clearing attack he has,
when you can get it to work without enemies attacking you.
C3: Performs a 360-spin attack with staff, attacks with butt of staff through
his arms, turns around and attacks in an uppercut motion, then stands still
and shoots fire from the end of his staff.
C4: Performs a 360-spin attack with staff, attacks with butt of staff through
his arms, turns around and attacks in an uppercut motion, smacks down the
staff, and then raises his staff into the air, creating four diamonds with
calligraphy appear in front of him, attacking enemies.
C5: Performs a 360-spin attack with staff, attacks with butt of staff through
his arms, turns around and attacks in an uppercut motion, smacks down the
staff, and then smacks down in the same motion again, and then spins his arm
around his body a few times, spraying fire.
Musou: Jabs staff forwards shooting fire continuously, finishes by waving the
staff ahead of him and spraying fire.
True Musou: Jabs staff forwards shooting fire continuously, finishes by spins
his arm around his body a few times, and spraying fire.
Starting Weapon - Magic Staff - 2 power
2nd Weapon - Mystic Staff - 6 power
3rd Weapon - Fire Staff - 10 power
4th Weapon - Volcano Staff - 32 power
(Charge 16, Fill 9, Luck 15, Attack 15, Musou 17)
How to get fourth Weapon - The Yellow Turban Rebellion - This one is hard,
because Zhang Jiao Sucks. Ok, basically, Kill Gongsun Yue quickly, (he is in
northwestern corner, Gongsun Zan's sub-general), and allow the rockslide to
occur, there will be no cut scene, just a message in battle. Now, head to
Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang's altars, and stay at the altars, waiting for the
prayer to be finished, and cut scenes to occur. When Both Sun Jian and Cao Cao
have been brainwashed, the valuable item will appear right below Zhang Bao's
altar. f any of your allies have been defeated, the item will not show up.
Now, just charge He Jin, kill him, and you win, but watch out for Dong Zhuo's
reinforcements, he's royally pissed off. Since he showed up, now you have to
kick his fat, arrogant, and annoying ass.
-Zuo Ci
- He was a virtuous man, who believed Cao Cao would save the land, but ended
up provoking him too much, and was finally captured, and executed. But when
he escaped the execution, he foretold of Cao Cao's death, and disappeared. He
then turned to Liu Bei, and helped Shu, until Liu Bei fell ill and died. Zuo
Ci finally turned to Zhuge Liang, and when he died, supposedly Zuo Ci turned
into a dove and flew away. Some say he still exists even today, waiting for a
noble and virtuous person to come and save the land.
Now, have to say, Zuo Ci rekindled my interest in this game. After Liu Bei,
Sun Jian and Cao Cao's long ass 8 leveled Musou missions, started to get a
little tired of everything, but have to say, ZUO C KCKS ASS!!!! Oh my god
he pwns everything and everyone. He is DEFNTELY worth unlocking. t's also
nice to see someone else without the extreme drama, and goofy @#$*ing lines.
The Yellow Turban Rebellion - You should damn well have red hare by now. Turn
around, and head upwards, the path that Sun Jian is pointed towards. Charge
up, past Sun Ce, Sun Jian, Huang Gai and Han Dang, and kill Yan Zheng, and
even farther ahead, Zhang Man Cheng. Take the path to the right, over to Zhang
Liang and kill him (do this to avoid the tornado's). Now, if the supply base
between Zhang Liang and your starting postion hasn't been captured yet, take
that out, them move up, towards the castle. From here out, kill every general
and base and troop outside the castle, there is prime chance to get a lot of
kills here, go over to the gate on the outside of the castle, to the left of
it, and kill all the troops over there, that's a great kill zone. Once you
move inside the castle, on top of the altar there are four weird looking
torches, with energy emanating from them. Destroy them all and that will stop
the phantom troops. Now, seek and kill Zhang Jiao, (taking out the gates and
troops inside, as well).
The Battle of Hu Lao Gate - Wow, this is easy. Ok charge ahead, leave the
attack//defense base ahead of you alone, just get in front of the Hu Lao
Gate. Stay there, as the rest of the units press forward, fighting enemies,
and slaying mass quantities. You should have the 4th weapon by now (if you
read my guide on how to do that) so if Lu Bu shows up, you know how to handle
him. Just kill everyone, close all gates, kill all troops on the battlefield
and whatnot, and have fun. Kill Dong Zhuo to end the battle.
Battle of Guan Du - Go forward, and kill all enemies ahead of you. You'll
eventually run into Han Hao and Cao Hong, and finally head into the castle
there. Hurry off to the left, and kill Guan Yu (a cut scene occurs, but kill
him anyway, it's good points) in a hurry. Now, head into the castle, and kill
off all the troops in the castle, including Xun You and Liu Yan. Now, you may
defeat the two bases in the center, head on to the far left, or just move to
Guan Du Castle, just have fun kicking ass, and rack up some KO's.
Battle of Chang Ban - Begins with a cut scene. Start off, (On RED HARE, you
SHOULD have him by now) by charging, and capturing every neutral base that you
can. f you move fast enough, the enemy should only capture one base, don't
worry about the one Zhuge Liang talks about; he'll capture that one easily.
When that's done, head up the hard way, killing the defense base the enemy
captured, and Cao Hong. Continue heading up, killing Li Dian as well, and move
into the enemy camp. Just stay there awhile, killing and maiming, you can get
quite a boatload of KO's in this battle. Don't forget to meet up with Zhao
Yun, and defeat the Supply base near the defense base Zhuge captured too.
Defeat the reinforcements when they show up (Xu Huang and Cao Zhang), and
finally, Cao Cao when he shows up.
Escape from Chi Bi - Begins with a cut scene. t's really quite simple here,
just hunt Cao Cao down, this really isn't a battle to rack up K.O's. Watch out
for his sub generals, they are a pain in the ass, and a collapsing bridge.
Also beware of enemy reinforcements. kicked this mission's ass in a matter
of 2'03''40. also got 130 kills.
Battle of He Fei - Start off by rushing the defense base in the center of the
map (straight ahead of you). Man Chong should be inside the base, so take him
out as well. When you're done, head outside the base and take care of Niu Jin
and Pang De (Niu Jin first, cause he'll run when Pang De is defeated). While
fighting them, Cao Zhang should show up with reinforcements, so feel free to
take him out as well. Now, take out the gates that are right below the
defense base. Zhang Liao's ambush should have shown up by now, so rush over
there and take him out, and save Sun Quan from the arrogant bastard. Next,
head for the supply base above the defense base you defeated, then go for the
next defense base to the left of the defeated defense base you conquered, the
one right above where Xu Huang's ambush. Now, go south, and take out the
supply base, Xu Huang and Yue Jin, along with the gate and soldiers, of
course. By now, Xiahou Dun and Cao Hong's reinforcement units have shown up,
along with the annoying Zhang Liao, take them out, along with Li Dian and Yu
Jin who up there as well, and don't forget the defense base and two supply
bases up top, along with taking out the supply base below He Fei Castle on the
way. Head back to the southwest, and defeat Zhang Liao who appeared once more
to the bottom, and head to the top. Take Zhang Liao out one last time, and
defeat Cao Cao.
Battle of Yi Ling - Begins with a cut scene. Charge forward and take out the
attack base ahead of you. When that's taken care of, turn around, and look on
your map, slightly to the right of that supply base, is a road that breaks at
a river, then starts again at the other side, you'll notice it by looking
across and seeing a bridge that's ready to fall down, leave your bodyguard
there, it's a help (You WLL need Red Hare here later). Now, head farther
west, to where Ma Zhong (Ding Feng's sub-general) is, and go down, killing him
and defeating the supply base below him. Now, move over to Han Dang, and kill
him, then moving up to Ding Feng and the Supply Base. When you cross the
bridge to the right of the supply base, bridge layers will lay down that
bridge where told you to leave your bodyguard, rush over there and KLL Zhu
Ran. Do not let him set your camp on fire, do not let him collect 200$. Next
on your list is Ling Tong and Gan Ning. Now, move to the force in the east,
that is attacking upwards toward Sun Quan. Head to the supply base, killing
Sun Shiang Xiang on the way, and keep moving up, towards Lu Xun, and if the
supply base to the west of the enemy main base hasn't been taken, take it.
Now, go to Sun Quan, and defeat him. f you feel like, you can also take out
Zhang Cheng and Zhou Fang, at the bottom right (reinforcements).
Battle of Wu Zhang Plains - Begins with a cut scene. Go forward and defeat the
attack base on the right side of the map, in the middle. Next, move on to the
attack base in the middle, on the left side of the map, Wang Lang and Xiahou
Mao should be close to this one, so kill them. Next, defeat the Gate Captain
to the left of the left attack base, and clear out any troops on the way.
Open up a path for the Supply line, and kill Cao Rui, who is going to try to
destroy it. Before Zhong Hui gets too far, kill him, and then go after Cao
Xiu, who is trying to do the same that Cao Rui did. Now, charge past enemy
lines, and kill Deng Ai, then kill Cao Ren. Cut scene when Zhuge dies, then
everyone gets pissed off and charges, so take out the three Supply bases that
line the enemy base, and charge and kill each of the officers inside.
Defeating the last two supply bases inside as well. Finish off by killing
Sima Yi. Side note: watch out for the rockslide (left side) and the ambush
(right side) leading up to Sima Yi.
Charge: Shoots out a ball of energy that explodes after a few seconds, a
couple in succession are a good crowd clearer. Press charge once for a red
(fire) energy ball, and more then once for a blue (ice) energy ball.
Jumping Charge: jumps in the air, and glides down while a card (which he is
holding in front of him) is spewing fire.
S: swipes cards to the right.
S2: Swipes cards to the right, then stabs multiple cards forward at the same
S3: Swipes cards to the right, then stabs multiple cards forward at the same
time, and then swipes cards diagonally from lower left to upper right.
S4: Swipes cards to the right, then stabs multiple cards forward at the same
time, then swipes cards diagonally from lower left to upper right, then swipes
cards to the left.
S5: Swipes cards to the right, then stabs multiple cards forward at the same
time, then swipes cards diagonally from lower left to upper right, then swipes
cards to the left, and then swings the cards to the right, and they do a 360
around his body.
S6: Swipes cards to the right, then stabs multiple cards forward at the same
time, then swipes cards diagonally from lower left to upper right, then swipes
cards to the left, then swings the cards to the right, and they do a 360
around his body, and then spins and swipes to the right.
(Evolution attack now triggered, if acquired.)
C1: Swipes cards to the right, then the cards circle his body a few times
while moving upwards, knocking multiple enemies into the air.
C2: Swipes cards to the right, then stabs multiple cards forward at the same
time, and then he commands the cards to converge and slice back and forth on a
single spot ahead of him, finishes by sending them flying forward. Keep
pressing triangle to make attack longer.
C3: Swipes cards to the right, then stabs multiple cards forward at the same
time, then swipes cards diagonally from lower left to upper right, then stamps
the ground, and the cards surround his body, and blue beams shoot out from
them. Excellent crowd clearer.
C4: Swipes cards to the right, then stabs multiple cards forward at the same
time, then swipes cards diagonally from lower left to upper right, then swipes
cards to the left, and then sends a black vortex with cards swirling forward.
Great for clearing enemies in a gate that you can't get to, this almost always
does a 1 HT KO, the move just screams "ABUSE ME!"
C5: Swipes cards to the right, then stabs multiple cards forward at the same
time, then swipes cards diagonally from lower left to upper right, then swipes
cards to the left, then swings the cards to the right, and they do a 360
around his body, and then steps forward and slams the ground, making a fiery
explosion, keep hitting triangle and he gathers energy (a la dragon ball z)
and makes a blue and black explosion.
Musou: He walks forwards, as the cards encircle his body, slicing anyone that
gets near. He finishes by summoning purple lighting that attacks everyone
True Musou: He walks forwards, as the cards encircle his body, slicing anyone
that gets near. He finishes by sending out blasts of Fire ahead, then blasts
of ice, then jumping into the air and summoning purple lightning, which
attacks everyone nearby.
Starting Weapon - Cursed Deck - 6 power
2nd Weapon - Mystic Deck - 23 power
3rd Weapon - Crane Deck - 18 power
4th Weapon - Trump Deck - 40 power
(Charge 15, Fill 20, Bow 15, Defense 15, Musou 20)
How to get fourth Weapon - Battle of Hu Lao Gate - Oh My God, this is so easy,
only completed his first Musou mission and got this. He is so
unbelievably powerful, he can easily complete this, and absolutely fell in
love with his move set. Any ways, this is easy, rush to the Hu Lao Gate, open
the gate, and kill Lu Bu. Simple as that, just watch out for Lu Bu when he
turns yellow, save when you get him pretty low, and abuse your C3, C2
techniques and your Musou. The Valuable item appears on top of the wall, just
take the stairs to the left as you enter the Hu Lao Gate. Now then, just kill
Dong Zhuo, and the battle ends.
Rare tems and Orbs - The Finest Jewelry in All the Land
All of the items acquired, obtained in Free Mode, on Easy Difficulty, and
found that jacked up warriors with Spears on Horses (preferably Red Hare)
worked best. So, my system here is [Name of the item - Battle Name//Force -
Warrior used - strategy] and below it, put its description, and what it
does. None of the items require a certain person to obtain it, so with that:
|Saddles |
Red Hare - Battle of Chang Shan (Yuan Shao's Forces) - Zhao Yun - Start off by
fighting your way through the gate to the north, fight all the officers in
your way, and fight over to the front gate of the castle. f you wish, you
may save Lu Bu; he is quite helpful in the battle. Anyways, kill all officers
in the front gate until you reach Guan Yu (Mainly Zhao Yun, he's a pain while
your trying to fulfill the requirement), when you meet with him, turn around,
and run to the Right Gate of the castle, rush in, bring Zhang Fei's health
down as low as possible, then lure his as far towards Guan Yu as you can, then
slay him, slay Guan Yu, then slay Liu Bei. f you kill all three of the
brothers within 3 minutes, the valuable item will show up on the left path,
leading to the castle, right outside of the gate. Kill Gongsun Zan to finish
the battle.
Description: Begin Stage mounted on Red Hare
Effects: Red Hare is insanely fast, the fastest means of transportation in the
Storm Harness - Battle of Guan Du (Cao Cao's forces) - Ma Chao - You start the
battle off in the castle on the right side of the map, so charge ahead, and
kill Yan Liang as fast as you possibly can. As soon as he's dead, run left,
and slay Wen Chou. Kill them all within 5 minutes of the stages beginning,
and the valuable item will appear in the path to the right of Yuan Shao's main
camp. Grab it, and slay Yuan Shao, congrats you have Storm Runner.
Description: Begin Stage mounted on Storm Runner
Effects: Gives a bonus on the points earned during stage
Hex Mark Harness - Battle of Cheng Du (Shu Forces) - Lu Bu - Ok, you start
near Pang Tong, as soon as you start, rush forward into the forest. Head up
to the northwest, and kill Zhang Ren, if you kill him before he can kill Pang
Tong, the Valuable tem will appear in the middle of the forest. When that's
done, just head to the castle that Liu Zhang is holed up in, open all the
doors, and keep killing until the doors open. When they do, kill him and it's
all over.
Description: Begin stage mounted on Hex Mark
Effects: Raises your luck
Shadow Harness - Battle of Liang Province (Allied Forces) - Lu Bu - This one
is hard, due to its time requirements. Now, to do this, you MUST have red
hare, and an insanely strong officer, hence Lu Bu. As soon as the battle
starts, rush to the southwest corner supply base, and clear it out, rush to
the southeast gate, close it, then the eastern gate, then at the northeast
gate, do the same, then STAY AT THE NORTHEAST BASE (have some patience, this
WLL take awhile.) After Dong Zhuo shows up, and calls in reinforcements (he
will say "Ha, you think come without a plan?!), Hu Zhen and Zhang Ji, kill
them within 50 seconds of their appearance. Yes, you read that right, 50
seconds, ten seconds less then a minute. So, kill one, and rush STRAGHT to
the other. f you need to, use a Musou rage, or along the way if you see an
attack x2 grab it, so you can get a 1hit kill. After this is all done, the
valuable item will appear in the center of the stage, just grab it and
play "kill the tyrant."
Description: Begin stage mounted on Shadow Runner
Effects: You cannot be knocked off of this horse
Elephant Harness - Battle of Nan Zhong (Nanman Forces) - Zhao Yun - Rush
forward, and defeat Zhang Jiao and Pei Yuan Shao. When they are out of the
way, lots of crazy ****'s going to be going down, so you had better be ready.
You should be on red hare, as with all of these missions, so head forward and
occupy the attack base, then head back to the main base and kill as many
soldiers that have been "converted" as you can, occupy the defense base on
bottom while in the process. When Zhang Bao up top starts stirring things up,
go and kill him, to save Wu Tugu. Next, ride down to Zhang Liang, who's
starting his crap in the southeast, kill him to save King Mulu, and on the
way, kill Bo Zhang, to save King Duosi. When all three have been saved, and
if no enemies get inside the main camp, the valuable item will appear inside
of the poisonous marsh, to the northeast of the gate on the right side. Now,
just charge north, taking out the supply base, and kill Zhang Jiao.
Description: Begin stage mounted on Elephant
Effects: No weapon attacks on the elephant, it charges, stomps and causes some
pretty good damage to enemy troops
| Orbs |
[Note: These MUST be done on Hard or Chaos mode.]
Fire Orb - Battle of Si Shui Gate (Allied Forces) - Lu Bu - Simple, especially
with Lu Bu, just kill 200 enemies within 2 minutes, now, if you got his 4th
weapon, you know how simple it is. Rush to the center, slay, kill, maim,
murder, commit genocide, ETC. The Valuable tem appears up top where Hu Zhen
and Yuan Shu start out. When your finished, just rush to Hua Xiong, and kick
his butt.
Description: Add fire damage to attacks
Effects: With certain attacks, the enemy will burn at the end, causing more
ce Orb - Battle of Guan Du (Yuan Shao's Forces) - Lu Bu - Go forward, and
rush through enemy lines, all the way to Guan Du Castle. Seek out Cao Pi, and
kill him. When he's defeated (if you beat him within 5 minutes of the stages
beginning) the valuable item will appear in the middle of the stage, inside of
Wu Chao, in front of Chunyu Qiong. Now, if you feel like it, just slay all the
officers on the battlefield, and finish off Cao Cao.
Description: Enemies may be temporarily frozen
Effects: Enemies that are frozen stay absolutely still for a few seconds,
covered in ice, so that you may beat the crap out of them. f they die while
encapsulated, ice breaks and they fall.
Yang (Light) Orb - Battle of Wu Zhang Plains (Shu Forces) - Lu Bu - Bah, this
one is annoying. You start off to the left of the plateau that later houses
the Arbalests, so what do you do? Rush to the middle Supply base, in the
sequence of three protecting the Wei main camp. First, you will meet Cao Ren,
kill him and go left slightly, you'll bump into Xu Zhu, kill him. gnore
everyone on your way to them, and going from each to each, especially Deng Ai,
he's just a pain in the but. Go right all the way, to the gate, and find and
slay Zhen Ji. The valuable item will appear on a plateau, left of your
starting place. But, on your way out, don't forget to payback Deng Ai for his
interference, and kick his fat ass. Rush back into the enemy camp and kill
Sima Yi.
Description: Attacks break through the enemy's guard.
Effects: Breaks enemy guard while doing charge attacks.
Yin (Shadow) Orb - Battle of Wu Zhang Plains (Wei Forces) - Lu Bu - Easy,
start off by taking the two attack bases in the center, and cutting off the
supply line to the east, rush through the enemy lines, slaying Yue Ying along
the way, and kill Jiang Wei, recommend finding a Musou Rage first, that can
be annoying. The tem appears in the middle of the field. f you want to end
it fast, just seek out Zhuge Liang by going back the way that you killed Jiang
Wei. Kill Zhuge and its over.
Description: Empties Musou Gauge and enemies may be defeated in one blow.
Effects: One Hit Kills baby. Uses Musou.
|Rare tems |
Serpent Earrings - Battle of He Fei (Wu Forces) - Ma Chao - Start off hauling
ass to the south western corner of the map, killing all officers in the way,
Xu Huang eventually shows up there, kill him within one minute of his
appearance. Keep Fighting your way up top, and attack the second supply base
in from the top right, and wait there for a little bit, Yu Jin will show up,
kill him within a minute. Soon Zhang Liao will show up, take him on, and then
head back up top and he will appear once more. Kill him and head to the gate
in the northeast corner and kill off Xiahou Dun within a minute. The valuable
item appears just below the defense base in the center of the map, by the
gate. Now just charge Cao Cao (At least one of the gates to He Fei castle has
take the base over as you wait, boring but this battle is all about waiting.
Description: Attack increases for every 100 enemies defeated
Effects: after every 100 kills, your attack is permanently increased (+2
Arm Guards - Battle of Si Shui Gate (Dong Zhuo's Forces) -Lu Bu - got this
on accident! was playing, and completed the requirements without
noticing. What you do is defeat Sun Jian before Cao Cao's reinforcements
arrive. Pretty damn easy! Charge down to Sun Jian, kill him, and it's
yours! The item (which found on accident as well, never noticed the
message) appears on top of the map, right ahead of Guo Si's starting
position. Just rush, slay Yuan Shao and it's yours!
Description: No Damage taken during charge attacks
Effects: While using a charge attack, nothing can knock you down.
Fire Arrows - Battle of Ji Province (Yuan Shao's Forces) - Zhao Yun - got
this on accident as well, it seems that all you have to do is Zhang Bao, Zhang
Liang and Pei Yuan Shao (in that order) and it appears about where you
started. Just rush to Zhang Jiao, and kill him. Don't worry about the
tornados, they don't affect you personally.
Description: Can use fire arrows
Effects: The strength of arrows are increased, you can also see the fire on
the tip of the arrow when shot.
Art of War - Battle of Chi Bi (Cao Cao's Forces) - Ma Chao - MAKE SURE YOU
HAVE RED HARE HERE. Rush down to Zhou Tai, killing any officer on your way.
Wait there, and Huang Gai will show up, kill him before he gets to the ship.
As soon as he's dead, rush over to Zhuge Liang's position (right below) and
wait for him to retreat, when he says there's no need for him on the
battlefield anymore, kill him. The Valuable item will appear on the fifth
ship in, 2nd row of Wu Ships, left side, close to where Ma Chao began. Wait
for Sun Quan and then kill him. Have fun killing Zhou Yu while you wait. (P.S.
recommend reading this, it's a great book.)
Description: Ability boost items have longer effect
Effects: As stated, temporary items last longer.
Bodyguard Manual - Guan Yu's Escape (Guan Yu's forces) - Lu Bu - Don't be Guan
Yu here, be someone else, that way you get one extra character. Defeat Zhang
Liao and Xu Huang. That simple, you have to do it anyway! Just don't let
someone else kill them. The item appears right before the first gate. Make
sure the carriage isn't destroyed.
Description: Bodyguards become stronger
Effects: Bodyguards become stronger
Green Scroll - Battle of Jie Ting (Shu Forces) - Lu Bu - Kill Zhang He, Cao
Zhen, Xin Pi, Xiahou Wei and Sima Zhao. That will capture the foot of the
mountain, saving Ma Su. When he shows up, seek out Xu Zhu, and defeat him.
When he is dead, quickly go after Sima Yi, and kill him within three minutes
of Xu Zhu's death. Don't stop to kill anyone on the way; don't kill anything
unless you're on your horse and charging through. The valuable item appears
in the bottom, at the end of the path going east from the Shu main camp, close
to Deng Ai. When you're done, just finish off Cao Pi. Easy, just make sure
you kill Xu Zhu first, then Sima Yi within 3 minutes.
Description: Attack increases but defense decreases.
Effects: Attack is stronger, but as a result, defense is weaker.
Survival Guide - Battle of Hu Lao Gate (Dong Zhuo's Forces) - Lu Bu - Got this
on accident as well, but for you, lets make it easy. Seek out, and kill
Gongsun Zan, Sun Jian, Liu Bei and Cao Cao. The item will appear between Liu
Bei and Sun Jian's starting point. Kill Yuan Shao to end the battle.
Description: Attack doubles when knocked down and health is low
Effects: when close to death, attack is increased by two.
Musou Armor - Conquest of Nan Zhong (Nanman Forces) - Pang De - Rush up north,
killing anything in your way, and find the juggernauts (the giant yellow
machines with tiger faces that spit fire and fire balls) and kill all (There
are seven throughout the area) within 5 minutes. The valuable item will
appear below the supply base in the lower left corner of the map, by the
opening of the secret path. Now, just seek out and kill Zhuge Liang and you
Description: Wearer not stunned by bow attacks
Effects: Just that, when an arrow hits you, you don't flinch, its just a tiny
bit of damage, neat eh? No more of my days of HATNG arrow men ^^ .
Tiger Collar - Struggle for Nan Zhong (Meng Huo's forces) - Lu Bu - this can
be a little intimidating, but you can do it (HAVE RED HARE!!! CANNOT
EMPHASZE THAT ENOUGH) now, turn around, and head toward the supply base and
go towards King Mulu, and kill all of the beast masters you see. There are
three of them in there, and you have to kill all three within 1 minute (60
seconds) of the stages beginning. The valuable item will appear right in the
allied main base, next to Meng You's unit. Before you rush back to get the
item, kill King Mulu. Grab the item, kill King Duosi and Wu Tugu. Now, the
three northerners will show up, kill them (Yong Kai, upper left corner, Gao
Ding, upper right corner and Zhu Bao, lower right corner), and the battle
Description: Begin stage accompanied by a tiger
Effects: You start the stage with a tiger at your side, you cannot control
him, and he attacks whatever he likes. He has a variety of attacks, from a
simple swipe, to a charged leap with flames shooting out.
Tribal Remedy - Battle of He Fei Castle (Wei Forces) - Ma Chao - ts simple
here, kill all of the ambushes and the rams. The ambushes consist of three
people, Sun Shao (ambush next to Cao Pi's position, in top left corner) Pan
Zhong and Jiang Qin (The ambushes on the ships to the right of He Fei
Castle). When the battle starts, go kill Taishi Ci, and wait for the Wu Navy
to show up. Go and kill Pan Zhong and Jiang Qin, and rush back to the inner
castle main gate, and destroy the ram that has shown up. When that is clear,
go up top, where Sun Shao's ambush has appeared on the hill, and take him out.
By now, another ram has appeared (this time on the Wu Navy's Ships to the
right), so go take that out. The valuable item will appear on top of the
castle walls, on the right side, right by the end of the indirect route
inside. Now just rush to Sun Quan, killing Zhou Tai on the way, and you've
achieved this wonderful item.
Description: Health recovers for every 100 enemies defeated
Effects: a meat bun appears with every 100 enemies killed, recovers 50 life.
Way of Musou - Battle of Mt. Ding Jun (Shu Forces) - Lu Bu or Pang De - Simple
here, rush forwards and kill Xiahou Yuan. Slay him soon (and if your good,
this won't even matter, but kill him before Cao Cao's arrival) and the
valuable item will appear near Zhao Yun's unit. Just kill Xiahou De, Cao Cao
arrives, and kill him, this is probably the easiest valuable item to get.
Description: Can use True Musou regardless of health
Effects: Even if your life is full, and your not using a Musou rage, you can
use your strongest Musou.
Wind Scroll - Battle of He Fei Castle (Wu Forces) - Lu Bu - Go forward, and
kill the Gate Captain. When that's done, rush over to Cao Zhang, kill him and
rush through the indirect route into the castle, and chase down Cao Ren, and
kill him as fast as you can. Do this within 5 minutes, and the item will
appear in the inner sanctum of the castle, on the right side of the area just
before the stairs that lead down to a lower level, and near Sima Zhao. Kill
Xu Zhu to open the doors to the inner sanctum, and when it's obtained, go kill
Cao Pi. Congrats.
Description: Attack range increases
Effects: Your weapons attack range is longer.
Demon Band - Battle of Xi Liang (Yellow Turban Forces) - Zuo Ci - know, he
doesn't have a spear, but his cards have the attack length of one, and his
charge on a horse kicks ass. Any way, Charge forward, and kill anyone in your
way. Take over the attack base, and go save Zhang Liang (just meet up with
him). Now, Ma Chao will appear in the northeast, way to close to your base
might add, kill him within 3 minutes of his appearance, and the valuable
item will appear right ahead of Zhang Bao's unit, on the altar. Now, just
head to Dong Zhuo, and kill him.
Description: Extends the length of Musou Rage.
Effects: Makes the Musou Rage Token's effect last longer.
Tips and Tricks - Get Ahead of the Game
-Before battle, always check Preparations, (Weapons, tems, Bodyguards)
-f a bodyguard is nearby, and you see Musou wine (the thing that fully
restores all Musou) get him as close as possible when you touch it, then you
both get full Musou, same goes for meat buns and full elixir.
-Battles do not end until YOU kill the enemy general, no one else can kill
him, even if he has no life and something else slashes him.
-Find a characters best crowd clearing technique, and use it often, best for
killing hundreds of those pesky soldiers.
-When an officer has a video introduction (Zhang Liao in the battle of He Fei,
Sun Quan in the battle of He Fei Castle, Lu Bu in the battle of Hu Lao Gate)
if you run away from them, they will taunt you, and allied morale will go down.
-Have a new officer? Want to test out his skills? Go to Free Musou and choose
the 'Battle of Liang Province' (181 A.D.), the map is easy, simple, and lots
of enemies to kill.
-Try all of your Combo attacks (S+/\) (SS +/\) (SSS+/\) and later on with
other weapons, even more (S+/\) techniques!!
-Having trouble with a tough enemy? Use your Musou. When he's on the ground,
run behind him, and attack as soon as he stands up, keep doing this until
you've eliminated him. t's a bit cheap, but it gets the job done.
-Strategist type generic officers tend to drop shields.
-Warrior type generic officers tend to drop swords.
-Officers with high morale emit energy, which doubles their strength and
defense. The same goes for enemy commanders (regardless of their morale)
-Tired of dying, and doing the same map over and over? Protect the main focus
point. f your leader keeps dying, rush to his aid, and beat down some enemy
ass. The same goes for preventing a castle from falling or any other
-Each different type of base has different weapons, Supply base warriors have
pikes, Attack base warriors have double sabers, and Defense base warriors have
shields and fork spears.
-When anyone says any mission, even if its not directed to you, help out.
Clear off a bridge, destroy a siege ramp, empty out an attack base, whatever!
-This one is a bit personal. Whatever you do, no matter how bad the game
pisses you off, no matter how much the enemy cheats, don't hit your PS2, don't
slam your controller, and don't break the game. Take the anger out on
something else... Don't ask...
-Don't take up useless space for Musou saves, only make 4/5 save spaces on
your memory card. 1 for Wu, 1 for Shu, 1 for Wei and 1 or 2 for the unaligned
forces, it saves space that way.
-Try and use your charge attack often, they are useful attacks.
-Want to become a true warrior of the three kingdoms? (Achieved by killing
1000 troops) then stand at a checkpoint, just out of range for the guard to
attack you, masses upon masses of unit will attack, and the base wont close,
due to the guardian staying!
-Save Musou Rages, don't use them as soon as you get them, they DO last till
the end of the mission. Save it for a tight spot, or the enemy commander, and
if you can have your Musou filled bodyguard nearby for maximum damage.
-Bodyguards do help a lot; choose the one right for your fighting style. Are
you an up close and personal fighter? Choose someone who will get right in
there with you. Are you a cautious player? Choose a long-range attacker.
-Are you completely new at Dynasty Warriors? Build your skills in Challenge
mode first, granted it's a fully upgraded warrior, but its great for teaching
how to attack, kill, block and use other combos.
-Need health? Every map contains two Dim Sums (increases health by ten) and
one Musou wine (increases Musou gauge by ten). Officers drop them, and random
vases contain them.
FAQs - Ask All of Your Dynastic Questions
s there a CAW (Create a Warrior) Section of this game?
No. Everyone Stop Asking. There is no CAW function, and bitching about it
won't help.
just started playing, is this all real?
The game is based on historical events, yes. t's based on a book called
'Romance of the Three Kingdoms', also known as 'San Guo Yan Yi,' written by
Luo Guanzhong, about the civil war period after the crumble of the Han
Dynasty, (Approximately 180 A.D. to 280 A.D.)
My weapon has a blue circle next to the name, what is this?
That symbol means that the weapon is capable of an evolution attack. An
evolution attack is triggered by continually hitting the attack button (it
will trigger after S6, you'll know because S6 is a charged attack).
Does the bodyguards HEAL skill heal your general as well?
'm sorry for jumping the gun on this too fast, yes, they do heal you.
Recently noticed a bodyguard, (has a stave) using heal, and it healed my
officer 50 HP, so yes, it does. They tend to heal you when you get
dangerously low, or if you've been damaged a lot recently. Gotta love 'em.
When choose an officer, his stats are high, but when go to the preparation
screen in battle, his stats are lower. Why is this? And how do fix this?
Quite honestly, never noticed this. But some people have complained, so
went to the GameFAQs board, and got some information (P.S. sorry for not
adding credit to you, forgot your SN, if you read this, please email me and
give me your name so can give you credit.)
~"The stats on the select character screen are for maxing the character with
items attained in battle such as Attack+1, Defense+8, ECT. The stats bars on
the item screen is for the stats bar with the character select plus the stats
added with items. So if you put on a weapon with 20 life with a 20 peacock
charm on someone with full life, you would max out the item stats bar."~
Why should we listen to this FAQ?
Because said so, any questions? Good.
Contact nformation - How to Get n Touch
Email -
GameFAQs D - DarkArchAngel64
GN D - DarkArchAngel646
Aim SN - LOSTDarkArkAngel
Feel Free to contact me, but only if you have a question that have not yet
covered in here, or if there is something you would like added to the FAQ.
Also, the walkthrough's are what did to finish, and obtain the objective. f
you don't like it, too back, screw off. can take constructive criticism, so
if there is something you don't like, or its not explained well enough, please
let me know. But if your just going to be a bitch about it, once again, screw
f there is something that have covered in my FAQ, and you still inquire
about it, be it updated FAQ or not, will not respond.
Thanks - Who's Helped Along The Way
-Echangs 4th weapon guide for telling me the requirements.
-Ultrace <> for sending me an email, informing me of the
Lu Bu glitch on Hu Lao gate.
- Alex Chua <> for giving me the weapon power on
Zhen's second weapon.
-The GameFAQs Dynasty Warriors 5 board, and all of its people, for the help
they've provided.
-Everyone who's sent me AN NTELLGENT email; about a subject 've not yet
Future Updates - Planning the Dynasty Ahead
plan to give a walkthrough and hints for the first Musou mission of each
character as get on in the game, and play more. also plan to give the
history of each character, NAME each character, and give which of their moves
are the best crowd clearers.
also plan on finding all the Musou wine and Dim Sum locations.
Would like to give a brief way of obtaining 4th weapons for each character.
-Would like to overhaul this whole thing, so it makes more sense.
Copyright nformation - Touch My Stuff And 'll Kill You
This FAQ may not be reproduced under any circumstances, except for personal or
private use, unless otherwise state so.
This FAQ may not appear on ANY website other then GameFAQS and GN without
permission from me, and Cheat CC, under no circumstances ever, is to use this
This FAQ may not be reproduced publicly, or sold without permission from me.
Dynasty Warriors 5 is a registered trademark of the Koei Corporation, and
they hold rights to any characters or names used in this FAQ.
Do not claim this FAQ as your own, or do any of the above, thus it will result
in a violation of the copyright, and legal action will be pursued.
Any breach of copyright will constitute me hunting you down.
(Copyright 2005 Christopher M. H. C.)
Submitted by darkarchangel646 - Created 4/12/05 (Last Modified 6/20/05)
See All Dynasty Warriors 5 Walkthroughs and FAQs

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