Mtech Syllabus0405

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Environmental Engg. Transportation Engg. Water Resource Engg. Power System Engg. Electronics & Communication Engg. Manufacturing Systems Engg. Non- errous Metallurgy C!" in Structural Engg.


Contact Hours/ ee! CRE#IT Su)*ect Area E"am. #uration $Hrs.% Practica& Theor-

Teaching Scheme


eightage $(%

S. No.

Su)*ect Co+e M!-#$%! M!-#$%M!-#$%C M!-#$%" M!-#$%E M!-#$% M!-#$%( 1C-#$+ P3-#$% 3S-#$% MT-#%)


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!&vance Mat'ematics !&vance Mat'ematics !&vance Mat'ematics !&vance Mat'ematics !&vance Mat'ematics !&vance Mat'ematics "esign of E/periments Simulation an& Mo&eling Soli& Surfaces an& 1nterfaces Tec'nical Communication 1n&ustrial 3eat Treatment

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Course Tit&e

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MA123.A A+'ance+ Course in Mathematics 4,1.T13S/ 5 cre+its

Statistics an+ Pro)a)i&it-4 Pro5a5ility t'eory6 -aye7s t'eorem6 -inomial6 Poisson an& normal &istri5utions6 testing of 'ypot'esis6 C'i s8uare test- goo&ness of fit6 in&epen&ence of two varia5les6 stu&ent7s t-test6 analysis of variance4 -test6 correlation an& regression6 coefficient of correlation6 ran9 correlation6 lines of regression. Stochastic Process6 Poisson process for &iscrete parameters6 Mar9ov c'ains6 8ueing t'eory. Numerica& Ana&-sis6 1nterpolation6 finite &ifferences-forwar&6 5ac9war& an& central &ifferences6 Newton7s formulae for forwar& &ifferences an& 5ac9war& &ifferences: Stirling7s formula for central &ifferences6 Numerical &ifferentiation an& integration- Simpsons one-t'ir&6 Simpsons t'ree- eig't' rules an& trape;oi&al rule6 Numerical solution of <"E of 1 or&er4 Euler7s met'o&6 mo&ifie& Euler7s met'o& an& Runga =utta )t' or&er met'o&6 Milne7s met'o&. Com7&e" 8aria)&es6 !nalytic functions6 conformal mapping6 Sc'war;- C'ristoffel transformation. MA123.0 A+'ance+ Course in Mathematics 4,1.T13S/ 5 cre+its

Statistics an+ Pro)a)i&it-6 Pro5a5ility t'eory 6 -aye7s t'eorem6 -inomial6 Poisson an& normal &istri5utions6 testing of 'ypot'esis6 C'i s8uare test- goo&ness of fit6 in&epen&ence of two varia5les6 Stu&ent7s t-test6 analysis of variance6 -test6 correlation an& regression6 coefficient of correlation6 ran9 correlation 6lines of regression. Numerica& Metho+s6 Solution of linear system of e8uations- (auss elimination met'o&6 (ausssei&el met'o&6 Solution of ot'er e8uations4 Newton- Rap'son met'o&6 Regula- alsi met'o&. Numerica& Ana&-sis6 1nterpolation6 finite &ifferences-forwar&6 5ac9war& an& central &ifferences6 Newton7s formulae for forwar& &ifferences an& 5ac9war& &ifferences: Stirling7s formula for central &ifferences6 Numerical &ifferentiation an& integration- Simpsons one-t'ir&6 Simpsons t'ree- eig't' an& trape;oi&al rules6 Numerical solution of <"E of 1 or&er4 Euler7s 6mo&ifie& Euler7s an& Runga =utta )t' or&er6 Milne7s met'o&s. Numerica& so&ution o9 P#E6 >aplace e8uation in two &imensions6 'eat e8uation in one &imension6 wave e8uation in one &imension6 using finite &ifference met'o&s. Matrices6 Ran9 of a matri/6 solution of linear simultaneous e8uations6 inverse of a matri/ 5y elementary transformations6 eigen values6 eigen vectors6 Cayley-3amilton T'eorem ?wit'out proof@. MA123.C A+'ance+ Course in Mathematics 4,1.T13S/ 5 cre+its

Numerica& Metho+s6 Solution of linear system of e8uations- (auss elimination 6(auss-sei&el met'o&s6 Solution of ot'er e8uations6 Newton- rap'son met'o&6 Regula- falsi met'o&. Numerica& Ana&-sis6 1nterpolation6 finite &ifferences-forwar&6 5ac9war& an& central &ifferences6 Newton7s formulae for forwar& &ifferences an& 5ac9war& &ifferences: Stirling7s formula for central &ifferences6 Numerical &ifferentiation an& integration- Simpsons one-t'ir&6 Simpsons t'ree- eig't' an& trape;oi&al rules6 Numerical solution of <"E of 1 or&er4 Euler7s 6mo&ifie& Euler7s an& Runga =utta )t' or&er an& Milne7s met'o&s.

Numerica& so&ution o9 P#E6 >aplace e8uation in two &imensions6 'eat e8uation in one &imension6 wave e8uation in one &imension6 using finite &ifference met'o&s. Solution of t'ese P"E 5y separation of varia5le met'o& . Trans9orms6 >aplace transforms of elementary functions6 S'ifting t'eorems6 transforms of &erivatives. "ifferentiation an& 1ntegration of transforms. 3eavisi&es7 unit step an& "irac "elta functions6 Solution of or&inary linear &ifferential e8uations6 !pplications6 ourier transform. ourier sine an& cosine transforms6 ourier integral formula. Ca&cu&us o9 8ariations6 unctionals6 Euler e8uations for one an& several varia5les: isoperemetric pro5lems: !pplications. MA123.# A+'ance+ Course in Mathematics 4,1.T13S/ 5 cre+its

Statistics an+ Pro)a)i&it-4 Pro5a5ility t'eory 6 -aye7s t'eorem6 -inomial6 Poisson an& normal &istri5utions6 testing of 'ypot'esis6 C'i s8uare test- goo&ness of fit6 in&epen&ence of two varia5les6 stu&ent t-test6 analysis of variance6 -test6 correlation an& regression6 coefficient of correlation6 ran9 correlation 6lines of regression. Stochastic Process6 Poisson process for &iscrete parameters6 Mar9ov c'ains6 8ueing t'eory. Ca&cu&us o9 8ariations6 unctionals6 Euler e8uations for one an& several varia5les: isoperimetric pro5lems: !pplications. <ptimi;ation Tec'ni8ues4 Anconstraine& optimi;ation6 optimi;ation of functions of two varia5les6 >agrange7s multipliers6 >inear programming-simple/ met'o&6 Transportation pro5lems6 !ssignment pro5lems6 MA123.E A+'ance+ Course in Mathematics 4,1.T13S/ 5 cre+its

Numerica& so&ution o9 P#E6 >aplace e8uation in two &imensions6 'eat e8uation in one &imension6 wave e8uation in one &imension6 using finite &ifference met'o&s. Solution of t'ese P"E 5y separation of varia5le met'o& . A&ge)ra6 (roups6 Semi-groups6 Su5groups an& cosets. Congruence relations on groups. Morp'isms6 Normal su5 groups. Structure of cyclic groups6 permutation groups6 &i'e&ral groups. Ring6 1ntegral &omain6 iel&6 S9ew fiel&6 su5 Ring 1&eals6 Buotient Ring6 Eucli&ean "omain. Ran+om Process6 Classification of Ran&om Process6 Mar9ov c'ains6 Poisson process6 -irt' &eat' processes. Estimating t'e transition pro5a5ilities of Mar9ov c'ains6 Bueueing Mo&els. Testing o9 h-7othesis6 Null-'ypot'esis6 >arge an& small Samples. C'i s8uare test- goo&ness of fit6 in&epen&ence of two varia5les6 stu&ent t-test6 -test. Ca&cu&us o9 8ariations6 unctionals6 Euler e8uations for one an& several varia5les: isoperemetric pro5lems: !pplications. MA123.F6 A+'ance+ Mathematics 4,1.T13S/ 5 cre+its

<ptimi;ation Tec'ni8ues4 >inear Porgramming6 -oun&e& an& un5oun&e& solutions6 grap'ical met'o&6 simple/ met'o& ?-ig-M an& two-p'ase met'o&s@6 &egeneracy6 &uality ?relations'ip

5etween primall an& &ual an& t'eir o5Cective functions@6 post-optimal or sensitivity analysis6 >agrange Multipliers6 =u'n-Tuc9cr con&itions. Bua&ratic Programming4 WolfeDs met'o&6 -ea9Ds met'o&. Anconstraine& Nonlinear !lgorit'ms 4 "irect searc' met'o&6 gra&ient met'o&. Constraine& Nonlinear Programming4 penalty met'o&. Numerical "ifferentiation4 Numerical &ifferentiation using NewtonDs forwar&6 5ac9war& an& SailingDs interpolation formulae. Numerical 1ntegration4 (eneral 8ua&rature formula. Trape;oi&al rule6 SimpsonDs rule6 SimpsonDs t'ree eig't rule6 Rom5erg integration. Solution of "ifferential E8uations4 EulerDs met'o&6 improve& EulerDs met'o&6 Runge-=utta met'o& of secon& or&er. Runge-=utta Met'o& of fourt' or&er. MA 23. G6 #esign o9 E"7eriments 4,1.T13S/ 5 cre+its

Estimation4 Criteria for t'e 5est estimator6 Point estimation6 1nterval estimation6 Confi&ence interval of mean an& variance6 ma/imum error of estimates. Testing of 'ypot'esis4 Comparison of sample mean an& proportion for large samples. Testing of 'ypot'esis for small samples 5ase& on stu&ents EtF test6 paire& EtF test6 test an& G + c'i-s8uare test. Testing of in&epen&ents of attri5utes using G+ test. !nalysis of Hariance ?!N<H!@4 Concept of e/periments6 <ne-Way classification6 Mat'ematical !nalysis of Mo&el. Two-way classification. Terminology of e/perimental &esign. Completely ran&omi;e& &esigns. actorial an& split-Plot &esigns6 1ncomplete -loc9s &esign >atin s8uare &esign6 analysis of covariance. Sums of pro&ucts6 analysis of covariance ta5le. Two factor e/periments. Multi-factor e/periments. +n& factor e/periments. ractional replication. IC 23: Simu&ation An+ Mo+e&ing :,1.T1:S/ 5 cre+its

"efinition of a system6 System concepts6 type of system6 continuous & &iscrete systems6 mo&eling process verification & vali&ation. 1ntro&uction of Pro5a5ility "istri5utions an& ran&om processes6 Central limit t'eorem. Estimation of mean an& variance6 Confi&ence interval6 3ypot'esis testing6 Normal &istri5ution6 t-test6 !N<H!- an 1ntro&uction Mar9ov c'ains4 CTMC an& "TMC Bueuing mo&els4 -asic 8ueuing mo&els. >ittle7s T'eorem an& networ9 of 8ueues. 1ntro&uction6 classification of simulation mo&els6 a&vantages an& &isa&vantages of simulation. Concept of simulation time an& real time. "iscrete system simulation. Monte Carlo met'o&6 Ran&om num5er generators. Simulation of inventory systems 1ntro&uction to simulation environment an& software tools. Te/tIReferences4 %. Principles of <perations Researc'6 Wagner6 P'1. %. Simulation mo&eling an& analysis6 >aw an& =elton6 Mc(raw 3ill. +. Pro5a5ility an& Statistics wit' Relia5ility6 Bueuing an& Computer Science !pplication6 =is'ore S Trive&i6 Wiley. *. System simulation6 (or&en (.6 Prentice 3all of 1n&ia.

Institute E&ecti'e $Inter1#e7artmenta&% PH123. So&i+ Sur9aces an+ Inter9aces 4,1.T13S/ 5 cre+its

Morp'logy an& structure of surface an& interfaces6 surface energy6 rela/ation6 reconstruction an& &efects on surfaces6 two-&imensional lattices6 superstructure6 structural mo&els of surfaces6 nucleation an& growt' of t'in films6 epita/ial films. Met'o&s of preparing clean surfaces6 Altra-'ig' vacuum? A3H@ . Pro&uction an& measurement6 cleavage6 ion 5om5ar&ment an& annealing in A3H6 molecular 5eam epita/y ?M-E@ !&sorption on surface4 P'ysisorption6 c'emi-sorption6 space-c'arge layers at semi-con&uctor interfaces6 Sc'ott9y 5arrier6 surface mo&ification an& engineering C'aracterisation of surfaces6 analytical tec'ni8ues4 SEMI>EE"IGPSI!ES S1MS ISTM I! M IWor9 function measurements ?=elvin pro5e@ 0oo!s recommen+e+6 3ans >ut'6 Surface an& 1nterface of Soli&s6 Spinger-Herlag6 -erlin M.C. "esCon8uenes an& ". SpanCaar&6 Concepts in Surface P'ysics6 Springer Ser. Surf. Sci. Hol. *$ ?Springer -erlin %22*@ !. Jangiull6 P'ysics at Surfaces ?Cam5ri&ge Aniv. Press@ Cam5ri&ge %200 1nter-"epartmental electicve for M.Tec'4 for Metallurgy6 Electronics an& Communication Engg. HS123. Technica& Communication 4,13T13/ : cre+its

%. >etters & Resume Writing4 Memos >etters of en8uiry6 cover6 complaints6 a&Custments6 sales Resume6 writing along wit' letter of application. +. Presentation S9ills4 Types of presentation6 au&ience recognition preparing presentations4 &eveloping presentation6 s9ills for seminar6 t'esis presentations an& report presentation. *. 1nterview S9ills4 Types of interviews preparing for interviews6 a5out t'e organi;ation etc. !Bs: Moc9 interview &rills. ). (roup "iscussion4 "eveloping group communication s9ills t'roug' ("6 case stu&ies an& roleplay. #. Hoca5ulary -uil&ing4 Asage an& origin of wor&s. Re9erence 0oo!6 (erson6 K. S'arori4 Tec'nical writing6 process an& pro&uct6 Pearson E&ucation Reprint +$$) -etty =ir9patric94 T'e concise </for& T'esaurus. <AP6 +)t' 1mpression +$$*. MT12.5 In+ustria& Heat Treatment 4,1.T13P/Cr.5

1mportant 'eat treatment operations given to alloys. Effect of 'eat treatment on microstructure an& properties. T'ermomec'anical 'eat treatment. 3eat treatment furnaces6 urance atmosp'eres an& t'eir control. 3eat treatment &efects6 specific 'eat treatments for specific applications suc' as wear6 magnetic6 'ig' temerature applications for specific alloys.

Re9erences6 Wear Resistance of Metals an& !lloys4 (.R. =ings5uley6 !merican Sciety of Metals. T'e Super !lloys4 C.T. Sims an& W.C.3agel >ig't !lloys 4 Metallurgy of >ig't Metals L 1.K.Polmsur


Pro7ose+ scheme o9 M. Tech. Programme $En'ironmenta& Engg.% Fu&& Time ACA#EMIC CURRICU,UM Teaching Scheme
Contact Hours/;ee! CRE"1T E"am. #uration $Hrs.% Practical T'eory CWS Re&ati'e eightage $(%

S. No

Su5Cect Co&e


Su5Cect area


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I SEMESTER P(-%% ) * P(-%) ) * P(-%# P(-%# P(-%# P(-%, ::1:5 ,ist o9 Ma*or E&ecti'es %. CE-#%+ "esign of Env. Structures P(-%# ) * +. CE-#$# !ir an& Noise Pollution P(-%# ) * *. CE#$. Env. >a5. -% P(-%# + ). CE#$) E1! P(-%# ) * #. CE#$, 1n&ustrial Waste Treatment P(-%# ) * ,ist o9 Minor E&ecti'es %. !ny course from ot'er P(-%, M. Tec'. Programme +. !ny course from ot'er P(-%, M. Tec'. Programme II SEMESTER %. 1C-#$+I Simulation & Mo&elling P(-%+ ) + CE#$% +. MaCor Elective-1H P(-%# *. MaCor Elective-H P(-%# ). MaCor Elective-H1 P(-%# # MaCor Elective-H11 P(-%# , Minor Elective-11 P(-%, SA- T<T!> ::1:5 ,ist o9 Ma*or E&ecti'es %. CE-#$0 Soli& an& 3a;ar&ous Waste P(-%# ) * Mgt. +. CE-#$2 Env. >a5.-+ P(-%# + *. CE-#$+ !ir an& Water Buality P(-%# ) * Mo&eling ). CE-#%$ Environment an& 3ealt' P(-%# ) * %. +. *. ). #. ,. M!#$%! !&vance& Mat'ematics CE-#$* Anit Processes ?"ept. Core@ MaCor Elective-1 MaCor Elective-11 MaCor Elective-111 Minor Elective-1 SA- T<T!>

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Management in W!TS!N Sector !ny course from ot'er M.Tec'. programme !ny course from ot'er M. Tec'. programme





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III SEMESTER %. CE-,$+ Seminar +. CE-,$% ProCect *. CE-,$* "issertation Continue& upto ourt' Semester SU0 TOTA, I8 SEMESTER %. !&&itional 1nter&epartmental Course +. "issertation SU0 TOTA,

Pro7ose+ scheme o9 M. Tech. Programme $En'ironmenta& Engg.% Part Time ACA#EMIC CURRICU,UM
Teaching Scheme Contact Hours/;ee! CRE"1T E"am. #uratio n $Hrs.% Practical T'eory CWS Re&ati'e eightage $(%

S. No

Su5Cect Co&e


Su5Cect area


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I SEMESTER %. M!#$%! +. *. ). CE-#$*

!&vance& Mat'ematics Anit Processes MaCor Elective-1 MaCor Elective-11 SU0 TOTA, !ir an& Noise Pollution Env. >a5. -% "esign of Env. Structures

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Simulation & Mo&elling MaCor Elective-111 MaCor Elective-1H MaCor Elective-H SU0 TOTA, Soli& an& 3a;ar&ous Waste Mgt. Env. >a5.-+ Management in W!TS!N Sector MaCor Elective-H1 Minor Elective-1 SU0 TOTA, !ny course from ot'er M. Tec'. Programme !ny course from ot'er M. Tec'. Programme

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MaCor Elective-H11 Minor Elective-11 SU0 TOTA, Environment an& 3ealt' !BM !ny course from ot'er M. Tec'. Programme !ny course from ot'er M. Tec'. Programme

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!&&itional 1nter&epartmental Course "issertation SU0 TOTA,

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#etai&e+ S-&&a)i o9 8arious Su)*ects

CE 23. O7timi>ation Techni?ues an+ Com7uter A77&ication Cr. 56 $41.13% Classification an& formulation of optimi;ation pro5lems6 classical optimi;ation met'o&s4 "ifferential calculus6 >angrangian t'eory6 ='un Tuc9en con&itions6 unconstraine& minimi;ation6 fi5annacci. (ol&en section an& 8ua&ratic interpolation met'o&s. Multi&imensional minimi;ation. Anivariate6 conCugate &irection an& gra&ient met'o&s. Constraine& minimi;ation tec'ni8ues. Penally function met'o&s6 feasi5le &irection an& gra&ient proCection met'o&s an& simulation 1ntro&uction to genetic algorit'm6 goal programming an& simulation. CE 23: Air an+ ater @ua&it- Management Cr. 56 $41.13%

Water 8uality criteria: o5Cectives an& steps in water 8uality management: analysis of water 8uality system: Mo&eling approac'es to water 8uality system: Planning sampling networ9s an& sc'e&ules for monitoring of water 8uality: Sample collection an& analysis. !ir Buality Mo&els4 "iffusion mo&el6 (aussian &ispersion mo&el6 evaluation of sta5ility parameters6 mo&el for line sources6 area sources6 plum rise e8uations6 &ry &eposition mo&els6 evaluation an& e/perimental verification of plume mo&els. !ir monitoring survey networ9s6 siting criteria: Principles an& tec'ni8ues for am5ient an& stac9 sampling: Principles & Met'o&s of monitoring particulate an& gaseous air pollutants: C'emical an& si;e analysis of particulates6 (ui&elines for setting of in&ustries6 Stac9 emission stan&ar&s6 am5ient air 8uality stan&ar&s. CE 234 Unit Processes Cr. 56 $41.13%

(eneral C'emistry- 3enry7s law6 activity & activity coefficient6 Solu5ility pro&uct6 common ion effect6 "iverse ion effect6 Coagulation: locculation: Settling: iltration: "isinfection: !eration an& gas transfer process: !&sorption -asics of 5ioc'emistry- EMP & TC! cycles6 Electron transport mec'anism: En;yme-su5strate reactions6 Continuous flow stirre& tan9 reactor6 Plug flow reactor: un&amental of Micro5iology6 Nutritional re8uirements6 Environmental effects on micro5ial growt'6 Wastewater c'aracteristics6 P'ysical6 c'emical an& 5iological c'aracteristics of sewage: =inetic relations'ips from micro5iology applie& for process &esign: !ctivate& slu&ge Process an& its mo&ifications: !eration an& aeration systems: Treatment pon&s an& aerate& lagoons: Tric9ling filters: Rotating 5iological contactors: !naero5ic &igestion: Nitrification & "e-nitrification. CE 235 En'ironmenta& Im7act Assessment Cr. 56 $41.13%

-asic Concept of E1!6 E1S an& EMP: Pre&iction an& assessment of impacts on air6 water6 5iota6 noise6 cultural an& socioeconomic environment: Rapi& an& compre'ensive E1!s. Case stu&ies. CE 232 Air an+ Noise Po&&ution Cr. 56 $41.13%

Sources of air pollution: Classification of aerosols6 (ases vapors6 natural pollutants: Properties of air pollutants: Meteorological factors influencing &ispersion of air pollutants: (aussian plume mo&el for &ispersion of air pollutants an& its applications: Effects on man6 material6 vegetation6 art treasure: !ir pollution &isasters: Economic Effects of air pollution: (lo5al Effects of !ir pollution: !ir pollution

"ue to !utomo5iles an& emission control: (eneral concept of transport planning for prevention of air pollution: Control tec'nology for particulate an& gaseous pollutants. -asics of noise Pollution: Measurement of noise: permissi5le noise levels in &ifferent ;ones: Effects of noise. CE 23< In+ustria& aste Treatment Cr. 56 $41.13%

Pro5lems of in&ustrial wastewater in 1n&ia: Effects of "isc'arges of 1n&ustrial Waste on Receiving -o&ies of water6 lan& an& Sewer: Effluent an& stream stan&ar&s: Environmental legislation an& stan&ar&s relate& to in&ustrial waste: 1n&ustrial treatment Processes: 1nventori;ation an& treatment of 1n&ustrial Wastewater generate& from Te/tile ?cotton an& Synt'etic@ Tannery6 Pulp an& Paper6 "airy6 metal Plating ?C'romium an& Cyani&e pro5lem@6 Slaug'ter 3ouse6 "istillery6 &ying an& Printing6 fertili;er6 Copper & cement 1n&ustry: Potentials for Wastewater Recycle an& Reuse in in&ustries: Concept of Common effluent treatment plants. CE 23A En'ironmenta& ,a) 1 . Cr. :6 $3131:%

ater ?ua&it-6 principles of measurement an& testing of water for parameters li9e p36 T"S6 N< * 6 P<)-P6 3ar&ness6 Tur5i&ity6 resi&ual c'lorine6 5rea9point c'lorination6 "<6 C'lori&es6 Kar test for coagulant &osing. aste ;ater ?ua&it-6 C<"6-<"6T<C6SS6HSS6 'eavy metals using !!S6 Color Measurement an& its removal using <* 6 Microscopy. CE 23= So&i+ an+ Ha>ar+ous aste Management Cr. 56 $41.13%

Pro5lems !ssociate& wit' Soli& Waste "isposal: (eneration of Soli& Wastes: Classification of Soli&: C'aracteristics of Soli& Waste: !nalysis of Soli& Waste: <nsite 3an&ling6 Storage an& Processing of soli& waste: Soli& Waste collection Systems: <ptions for Transfer an& Transport Systems: Processing an& "isposal Met'o&s: Recovery of Resources6 Conversion Pro&ucts an& Energy generation from soli& waste. 3a;ar&ous waste &efinition: Environmental >egislation: Ris9 associate& wit' 'a;ar&ous waste & its !ssessment: Waste Minimi;ation: Priorities in 'a;ar&ous waste management: 'a;ar&ous waste treatment. CE 23B En'ironmenta& ,a) C : Cr. :6 $3131:% using

Air ?ua&it-6 !ir for SPM6RSPM6 N<+ & S<+ using 3ig' volume sampler6 C<6 N<G 6 S<+ continuous analysers.Noise measurement using S>M Use o9 so9t;ares li9e ><<P6SEWER6C!>1NE etc. CE 2.3 En'ironment D Hea&th Cr. 56 $41.13%

Contamination of &rin9ing water an& its effect on 'uman 'ealt': Concept of in&icator organism: Pro5lems of water 8uality in RaCast'an: Water 8uality stan&ar&s: Water 8uality in&ices: !m5ient air 8uality an& its effect on 'uman 'ealt': Sources of air pollution: &ifferent air pollutants an& t'eir impact on respiratory system: !ir 8uality stan&ar&s: !ir 8uality in&ices: 1n&oor air 8uality an& its effect on 'uman 'ealt': Sources of in&oor air pollution: W3< gui&eline values for in&oor air 8uality: Noise pollution an& its impact on 'uman 'ealt': Stan&ar&s for am5ient an& occupational noise: Noise

pollution in&ices: Soli& waste &isposal an& its effects on 'uman 'ealt': Soli& waste an& ro&ent control: art'ropo&-5orne &iseases: "esign of stu&ies to esta5lis' cause-effect relations'ip 5etween environmental 8uality an& 'ealt': Management of environmental 8uality to re&uce impact on 'ealt' CE 2.. Management in ater an+ Sanitation $ ATSAN% Sector Cr. 56 $41.13%

Management an& t'e 1n&ian W!TS!N Sector: 1nstitutional analysis & "evelopment6 some case stu&ies: Tec'ni8ues for Capital -u&geting an& 1nvestment !nalysis: inancial !ccounting: inancial Ratios an& Tariff Calculation6 C! M principle: >ogical ramewor9: SW<T !nalysis: Customer services an& Mar9eting: Private Sector Participation: 3uman Resources Management in W!TS!N Sector: C'ange Management: Services for t'e Ar5an Poor: Managing unaccounte& for water: 1ntro&uction to environmental economics. CE2.: #esign o9 En'ironmenta& Structures Cr. 56 $41.13%

Con&uit4 Stresses in pipes6 strengt' of con&uits6 &esign of concrete an& steel pipe for internal an& e/ternal loa&s6 anc'or 5loc9s. Tan9s 4 An&ergroun& tan9s6 retaining wall an& floor Cunction Rectangular an& circular tan9s in R.C.C an& steel int; tan9s. Steel an& concrete staging. Treatment Anits : Clarifiers6 flocculator6 ilter 'ouse6 3opper 5ottom tan9s6 "igesters. CE125. A+'ance+ H-+ro&ogCr. 56 $41.13%

1. Meteorology4 !tmosp'ere as a ve'icle for transfer of water6 'umi&ity6 precipitation6 evaporation. Weat'er forecasting. Principles of 3y&ro-meteorology6 Clou& see&ing6 2. Measurement of surface flow4 Met'o&s of measurement an& instruments. Helocity-area6 c'emical &ilution6 gauging structures. Stage-&isc'arge relation. 3. Evaporation an& infiltration4 measurement an& estimation of evaporation from lan& an& water surfaces. Water-5u&get6 energy-5u&get an& mass-transfer met'o&s. Re&uction of evaporation. Transpiration an& its estimation. Evapo-transpiration. 1nfiltration6 factors affecting infiltration an& infiltration in&ices. 4. 3y&rograp' analyses4 surface runoff. <verlan& flow. actors affecting runoff. Rational formula. 3y&rograp' analyses6 Anit 'y&rograp'6 S-curve 'y&rograp'6 1nstantaneous Anit 3y&rograp'. C'annel & storage routing6 loo& estimation. Estimation of yiel&. Synt'etic unit 'y&rograp'. 5. Statistical met'o&s in 'y&rology4 analyses of &iscrete & continuous &ata6 3armonic analyses. re8uency analysis. Normal6 >og-normal6 Pearson7s &istri5utions. Correlation an& regression analysis. Multi-variate analysis. Time-area &iagrams6 >umpe&6 "istri5ute& an& "ynamic wave routing6 Conceptual mat'ematical mo&els. 3y&rologic systems analyses6 Non-linear systems. Stoc'astic 3y&rology. Time-series analyses. 6. 3y&rology of floo&s an& &roug'ts. Statistical t'eory of e/treme values. (um5els asymptotic &istri5utions for floo&s an& &roug't.

CE122< Contaminant Trans7ort groun&water6 general flow e8uations6 "upuit e8uation

Cr. 56 $41.13%

Intro+uction6 3y&rologic cycle6 Movement & occurrence of groun&water6 properties of Sources & type of groun&water contamination6 Contaminant transport mec'anisms4 !&vection6 "iffusion & &ispersion6 Mass transport e8uations6 one & two-&imensional mo&eling Sor7tion D other chemica& reactions6 factors affecting sorption6 Sorption isot'erms6 Sorption effect on fate & transport of pollutants6 Estimation of sorption -io&egra&ation reactions & 9inetics4 5iological transformations6 micro5ial &ynamics6 9inetics of 5io&egra&ation Nona?ueous17hase &i?ui+s4 Types of N!P>s6 general processes6 N!P> transport computational met'o&s (roun&water reme&iation an& &esign4 Reme&ial alternatives6 source control6 'y&raulic controls6 5ioreme&iation6 soil vapor e/traction systems6 reme&iating N!P> sites6 emerging tec'nologies CE1252 Ur)an Storm ater #rainage Cr. 56 $41.13%

1ntro&uction to &rainage pro5lems in &ifferent climates4 Ar5anisation6 its effects an& conse8uences for &rainage-interaction 5etween ur5an an& peri-ur5an areas Planning concepts an& system planning4 <5Cectives of ur5an &rainage an& planning criteria6 &rainage an& system layout. Planning tools an& &ata re8uirement6 &rainage master plan6 e/amples for &rainage structures. Review of 3y&rologic an& 'y&raulic principles4 Ar5an 'y&rologic cycle6 'y&rologic principles6 rainfall analysis an& &esign storm6 'y&raulic principles6 'y&ro&ynamic principles. Calculation met'o&s an& mat'ematical tools4 Rational met'o& an& SCS met'o&6 time area &iagram6 'y&rologic mo&els6 'y&ro&ynamic mo&els6 mo&elling options6 constant concentration6 sprea&s'eets6 regression rating curve approac'es6 ur5an runoff an& water 8uality mo&els. "esign of &rainage system elements4 3y&raulic fun&amentals6 infiltration an& on-site &etention of stormwater6 &esign of sewerage an& &rainage c'annels6 &esign of appurtenances6 roa& &rainage6 &esign of pumping stations. Control of stormwater pollution4 Pollution 5uil&-up an& was'off process wit' reference to ur5an &rainage systems. Source control in commercial an& in&ustrial comple/es6 storage options - &ry an& wet pon&s6 5iological treatment of wastewater6 c'emical treatment of stormwater6 erosion control measures. -est Management practices. <peration an& maintenance of ur5an &rainage systems4 Maintenance re8uirement for &ifferent structures6 maintenance planning6 cleaning of sewers an& &rains6 inventory of &amages6 repair options. Note4 !&vance& 3y&raulics & Computer >a5 4 1n t'is course t'e stress will 5e given on Computational 3y&raulics an& !&vance& instrumentation for flow measurement. CE12:: Tra99ic Engineering An+ Fie&+ Stu+ies Cr. 56 $41.13%

1ntro&uction "efinitions an& normal scope of stu&y wit'in traffic engineering. Traffic c'aracteristic4 Review or roa& user c'aracteristics an& ve'icular c'aracteristics. Harious traffic stu&ies4 i@ Spot spee& stu&ies-&ata analysis an& interpretations

ii@ iii@ iv@ v@ vi@ vii@

Spee& an& &elay stu&ies- Purpose6 course of &elay6 various met'o&s of spee& an& &elay stu&ies. Traffic volume stu&ies an& c'aracteristics <rigin an& &estination stu&ies4 Harious met'o&s of < an& " stu&ies an& sampling. Traffic capacity stu&ies- Holume an& &ensity relations'ips6 critical &ensity6 5asic6 possi5le an& practical capacities. actors affecting possi5le an& practical capacities. Par9ing stu&ies an& c'aracteristics L Pu5lic interest in par9ing stu&ies6 cor&on count6 space inventory6 par9ing practices. Evaluation of par9ing controls. !cci&ent stu&ies an& c'aracteristics L Course of acci&ents6 acci&ent stu&ies an& recor&s6 reports6 application of acci&ent stu&ies6 preventive measures.

Traffic controls an& operations a@ Traffic regulations an& various means of traffic control6 traffic islan&s6 rotaries & singles. 5@ Traffic management- Tec'ni8ues an& applications. c@ Roa&way >ig'ting-"esign an& layout.


Pro7ose+ scheme o9 M. Tech. Programme $ ater Resources Engineering% Regu&ar ACA#EMIC CURRICU,UM
Teaching Scheme Su5Cect area CRE"1T Contact Hours/;ee! E"am. #uration $Hrs.% Practical T'eory CWS Re&ati'e eightage $(% MTE ETE #$ #$ #$ -#$ #$ #$ #$ %$$ #$ #$ $ #$ #$ #$ PRE $ $ $ #$ $ $ $ $ $ $ #$ $ $ $ PRS $ $ *$ $ $ $ $ +$ $ $ *$ $ $ $

S. No

Su5Cect Co&e



I SEMESTER %. M!#$%! !&vance& Mat'ematics P(-%% ) + CE-##) (roun& Water 3y&rology ?"ept. P(-%) ) Core@ *. MaCor Electives P(-%# %+ ). Minor Electives P(-%, ) Su) Tota& :5 ,ist o9 Ma*or E&ecti'es %. CE-#)% !&vance 3y&rology P(-%# ) +. CE-#)+ !&vance 3y&raulics an& P(-%# ) Computer >a5 *. CE-#)* un&amentals of Remote sensing P(-%# ) an& (1S ). CE-#)) !&vance& lui& Mec'anics P(-%# ) #. CE-#)# Ar5an Storm Water "rainage P(-%# ) ,. CE-#), Engineering Economics an& P(-%# ) Water Resources Systems II SEMESTER %. 1C-#$+ Course on Mo&eling6 P(%+ ) Simulation6 etc. + 1nstitute core ?Tec'nical P(%* + communication-<ptional@ *. MaCor Electives P(-%# %+ ). Minor Electives P(-%, ) Su) Tota& :31:: ,ist o9 Ma*or E&ecti'es %. CE-##% Waters'e& an& Wetlan& 3y&rology P(-%# ) +. CE-##+ ree Surface low P(-%# ) *. CE-##* Mo&elling an& (1S >a5 P(-%# ) ). CE-### Water Resource "evelopment an& P(-%# ) Management #. CE-##, Contaminant Transport P(-%# ) ,. CE-##. "esign of 1rrigation structures P(-%# )

* *

% %

$ $

* *

$ $

+# +#

+# +#

* % * * * * + +

% % % % % % % $

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% % % % % %

$ $ * $ $ $

* * $ * * *

$ $ * $ $ $

+# +# +$ +# +# +#

+# +# $ +# +# +#

,ist o9 Minor E&ecti'es 9or I D II SEMESTER !ny course from M. Tec'. Transportation %. III SEMESTER %. CE-,$% ProCect +. CE,$+ Seminar *. CE,$* "issertation Su) Tota& I8 SEMESTER % CE-,$* "issertation

Engineering I Environmental Engineering I C!" in Structural EngineeringI 1nter&epartmental

P(-%0 P(-%2 P(-+$

) ) %) :: +$ ) :5

,$ ,$

)$ )$

P(-+$ P(-%. Su) Tota&



Pro7ose+ scheme o9 M. Tech. Programme $ ater Resources Engineering% Part Time ACA#EMIC CURRICU,UM
Teaching Scheme CRE"1T Contact Hours/;ee! Su5Cect area E"am. #uration $Hrs.% Practical T'eory CWS Re&ati'e eightage $(% MTE ETE #$ #$ #$ $ #$ #$ $ #$ #$ #$ #$ #$ PRE $ $ $ #$ $ $ #$ $ $ $ $ $ PRS $ $ *$ $ $ *$ $ $ $ $ $

S. No

Su5Cect Co&e



I SEMESTER %. M!#$%! !&vance& Mat'ematics P(-%% ) + CE-##) (roun& Water 3y&rology ?"ept. P(-%) ) Core@ MaCor Elective P(-%# ) Su) Tota& .: ,ist o9 Ma*or E&ecti'es %. CE-#)% !&vance 3y&rology P(-%# ) +. CE-#)+ !&vance 3y&raulics an& Computer P(-%# ) >a5 II SEMESTER %. CS#$%I <ptimi;ation Tec'ni8ues an& P(%+ ) CE#$% Computer applications + MaCor Electives P(-%# 0 Su) Tota& .: ,ist o9 Ma*or E&ecti'es %. CE-##+ ree Surface low P(-%# ) +. CE-##* Mo&elling an& (1S >a5 P(-%# ) *. CE-##. "esign of 1rrigation structures P(-%# ) III SEMESTER MaCor Elective P(-%# 0 1nstitute core ?Tec'nical P(%* +
communication-<ptional@ Minor Elective

* *

% %

$ $

* *

$ $

+# +#

+# +#

* % *

% % %

$ * $

* $ *

* $

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P(-%, P(-%# P(-%# P(-%# P(-%# P(-%# P(-%,

Su) Tota& ,ist o9 Ma*or E&ecti'es *. CE-#)* un&amentals of Remote sensing an& (1S ). CE-#)) !&vance& lui& Mec'anics #. CE-#)# Ar5an Storm Water "rainage ,. CE-#), Engineering Economics an& Water Resources Systems I8 SEMESTER %. MaCor Electives +. Minor Electives Su) Tota&

) .:1.5 ) ) ) ) 0 ) .: * * * * % % % % $ $ $ $ * * * * $ $ $ $ +# +# +# +# +# +# +# +#

,ist o9 Ma*or E&ecti'es %. CE-##% Waters'e& an& Wetlan& 3y&rology +. CE-### Water Resource "evelopment an& Management *. CE-##, Contaminant Transport ,ist o9 Minor E&ecti'es !ny course from M. Tec'. %.
Transportation Engineering I Environmental Engineering I C!" in Structural EngineeringI 1nter&epartmental

P(-%# P(-%# P(-%#

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* * *

% % %

$ $ $

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$ $ $

+# +# +#

$ $ $

+# +# +#

#$ #$ #$

$ $ $

8 SEMESTER %. CE-,$% ProCect Seminar +. CE,$+ "issertation *. CE,$* Su) Tota& 8I SEMESTER % CE-,$* "issertation

P(-%0 P(-%2 P(-+$ P(-+$ P(-%. Su) Tota&

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,$ ,$

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CE125. A+'ance+ H-+ro&og7. Meteorology4 !tmosp'ere as a ve'icle for transfer of water6 'umi&ity6 precipitation6 evaporation. Weat'er forecasting. Principles of 3y&ro-meteorology6 Clou& see&ing6 8. Measurement of surface flow4 Met'o&s of measurement an& instruments. Helocity-area6 c'emical &ilution6 gauging structures. Stage-&isc'arge relation. 9. Evaporation an& infiltration4 measurement an& estimation of evaporation from lan& an& water surfaces. Water-5u&get6 energy-5u&get an& mass-transfer met'o&s. Re&uction of evaporation. Transpiration an& its estimation. Evapo-transpiration. 1nfiltration6 factors affecting infiltration an& infiltration in&ices. 10. 3y&rograp' analyses4 surface runoff. <verlan& flow. actors affecting runoff. Rational formula. 3y&rograp' analyses6 Anit 'y&rograp'6 S-curve 'y&rograp'6 1nstantaneous Anit 3y&rograp'. C'annel & storage routing6 loo& estimation. Estimation of yiel&. Synt'etic unit 'y&rograp'. 11. Statistical met'o&s in 'y&rology4 analyses of &iscrete & continuous &ata6 3armonic analyses. re8uency analysis. Normal6 >og-normal6 Pearson7s &istri5utions. Correlation an& regression analysis. Multi-variate analysis. Time-area &iagrams6 >umpe&6 "istri5ute& an& "ynamic wave routing6 Conceptual mat'ematical mo&els. 3y&rologic systems analyses6 Non-linear systems. Stoc'astic 3y&rology. Time-series analyses. 12. 3y&rology of floo&s an& &roug'ts. Statistical t'eory of e/treme values. (um5els asymptotic &istri5utions for floo&s an& &roug't. Re9erences )oo!s6 1. Computer Simulation in 3y&rology 5y lemming6 (. 2. Scientific allocation of Water Resources 5y -uras6 N 3. 3y&rology 5y Heissman6 =napp 4. !pplie& 3y&rology -y Mai&ment6 Mays & C'ow. 5. 3an&5oo9 of 3y&rology 5y C'ow6 H.T.. 6. Engg. 3y&rology4 >insley6 =o'ler & Paul'us CE125: A+'ance H-+rau&ics an+ Com7uter ,a) Cr. 56 $.1314%

3y&raulics4 3y&raulic Kump wit' lengt' of Cump6 San& L Tan9 mo&el6 Win& Tunnel6 (PS Computers4 Ase of Microsoft E/cel for engineering applications suc' as &esign of canals6 CPM: 3y&raulics & 'y&rology software6 culvert &esign etc. CE1254 Fun+amenta&s O9 Remote Sensing D GIS Remote Sensing4 -asic concepts. Elements of visual 1mage interpretation6 Multi-spectral Remote Sensing Systems6 1ntro&uction to T'ermal 1nfrare& Remote Sensing6 Platforms & Sensors4 >!N"S!T-TM6 1RS an& SP<T. (eometric & Ra&iometric Corrections an& (roun& trut'. "igital 1mage Processing6 (eograp'ical 1nformation Systems an& its applications. "igital Representation of (eograp'ic &ata 6 Raster an& Hector -ase& (1S &ata6 Spatial analysis. Re9erence 0oo!s6 1. Principles of Remote Sensing4 Curran6 P.K. 2. Remote Sensing & "1P4 >illesan& & =eifer 3. Manual of Remote Sensing 1 & 11

CE1255 A+'ance+ F&ui+ Mechanics Mat'ematical foun&ations of lui& Mec'anics. 3istorical &evelopment. 1&eal flui& t'eory. oun&ations of flow analysis. -asic laws for systems an& control volumes. Continuity e8uation. Euler7s e8uations6 -ernoulli7s e8uation. >inear momentum e8uation an& its application. Hector notation. 1ncompressi5le irrotational flow. Circulation6 Horticity6 Helocity potential6 Stream function an& low-nets. Superposition of flows. Pressure &istri5ution aroun& su5merge& 5o&ies. >ift & Magnus effect. "7!lem5ert7s Para&o/. Real flui&s6 Hiscosity an& its significance. Sto9es7 viscosity laws6 Navier-Sto9es7 e8uations. Couette flow. low in a circular pipe. Creeping motion. Parallel flow past a sp'ere. Sto9es law for terminal settling velocity an& <seen7s correction. -oun&ary layer t'eory4 >aminar 5oun&ary layers. Two-&imensional -oun&ary layer e8uations. -lasius7 solution for flat plate 5oun&ary layer. Momentum 1ntegral e8uation an& its applications. "isplacement an& momentum t'ic9ness. Separation. Horte/ trail. -oun&ary layer control 5y various met'o&s. 1ntro&uction to Tur5ulent flow. E&&y viscosity6 Reynol&s7 stresses an& significance. Mi/ing lengt' t'eory. Tur5ulent -oun&ary >ayer6 Helocity &istri5ution. Pressure &istri5ution aroun& immerse& 5o&ies. Calculation of "rag an& >ift. orm "rag6 s9in friction &rag6 total &rag. Re9erence 0oo!s6 1. oun&ations of lui& Mec'anics4 S. W. Nuan 2. !&vance& lui& Mec'anics4 3. Rouse. 3. -oun&ary >ayer T'eory4 Sc'lic'ting CE1252 Ur)an Storm ater #rainage 1ntro&uction to &rainage pro5lems in &ifferent climates4 Ar5anisation6 its effects an& conse8uences for &rainage-interaction 5etween ur5an an& peri-ur5an areas Planning concepts an& system planning4 <5Cectives of ur5an &rainage an& planning criteria6 &rainage an& system layout. Planning tools an& &ata re8uirement6 &rainage master plan6 e/amples for &rainage structures. Review of 3y&rologic an& 'y&raulic principles4 Ar5an 'y&rologic cycle6 'y&rologic principles6 rainfall analysis an& &esign storm6 'y&raulic principles6 'y&ro&ynamic principles. Calculation met'o&s an& mat'ematical tools4 Rational met'o& an& SCS met'o&6 time area &iagram6 'y&rologic mo&els6 'y&ro&ynamic mo&els6 mo&elling options6 constant concentration6 sprea&s'eets6 regression rating curve approac'es6 ur5an runoff an& water 8uality mo&els. "esign of &rainage system elements4 3y&raulic fun&amentals6 infiltration an& on-site &etention of stormwater6 &esign of sewerage an& &rainage c'annels6 &esign of appurtenances6 roa& &rainage6 &esign of pumping stations. Control of stormwater pollution4 Pollution 5uil&-up an& was'off process wit' reference to ur5an &rainage systems. Source control in commercial an& in&ustrial comple/es6 storage options - &ry an& wet pon&s6 5iological treatment of wastewater6 c'emical treatment of stormwater6 erosion control measures. -est Management practices. <peration an& maintenance of ur5an &rainage systems4 Maintenance re8uirement for &ifferent structures6 maintenance planning6 cleaning of sewers an& &rains6 inventory of &amages6 repair options. Note4 !&vance& 3y&raulics & Computer >a5 4 1n t'is course t'e stress will 5e given on Computational 3y&raulics an& !&vance& instrumentation for flow measurement. Re9erence 0oo!s 6

1. Ar5an 3y&rology 4 3all6 M.K. +. 3y&rology 4 Hiesmann & =napp CE125< Engineering Economics D ater Resources S-stems

$a% Engineering Economics <5Cectives & scope of Engineering Economics6 Managerial Economics6 1nterest an& time-value of money6 "epreciation6 Economic life. "eman& analysis an& forecasting. Cost concept6 !nnual cost comparison6 Present wort'6 Pro&uction unctions6 Pricing policies6 pricing met'o&s6 price forecasting. Profit6 measurement of profit6 profit planning & forecasting6 -rea9-even analysis6 Return on investment6 Rate of return. Capital 5u&geting6 cost of capital6 proCect appraisal6 cost allocation. $)% ater Resources S-stems 1ntro&uction to t'e fun&amental of water resource system analysis6 involving t'e &etermination of t'e optimal &imensions6 outputs an& operating policies of water resource proCects. <verview of met'o&ologies of analysis. Ase of optimisation an& simulation tec'ni8ues for solving water resources pro5lems. E/amples in water &istri5ution systems6 floo& management6 river 5asin planning for irrigation an& 'y&roelectric power. T'e storage yiel& relations'ip. Re9erence 0oo!s6 %. Water Resources Systems6 Planning & "evelopment 4 C'aturve&i +. Water Resources Systems 4 3all & "racup *. Economic !nalysis 4 -aris' N. Norman ). Managerial Economics 4 Hars'ney6 R.>. & Ma'es'wari6 =.>. CE122. atershe+ D et&an+ H-+ro&ogCr. 56 $41.13%

?!@ W!TERS3E" 3N"R<><(N 3y&rologic Mo&elling of Waters'e&6 Stoc'astic Mo&els6 3y&rologic rainfall mo&els6 Waters'e& mo&eling approac'es6 component conceptuali;ation6 Evapo-transpiration6 Potential ET met'o&s6 !ctual ET met'o&s6 Su5surface flow systems. Mo&eling Erosion Processes6 uplan& erosion6 inter-rill processes6 rill erosion6 c'annel erosion processes etc. Buality of water from agricultural lan&. Waters'e& yiel&4 water yiel& & se&iment yiel&6 3y&rological conse8uences of waters'e& mo&ifications. ?-@ WET>!N" 3N"R<><(N !. ormation of wetlan&s - 'y&rologic con&itions -. 3y&rologic function of wetlan&s4 3y&rologic processes6 Surface- groun&water interactions6 3y&rologic lin9ages 5etween uplan&s an& wetlan&s6 3y&rologic role of wetlan&s. a. 3y&rologic Effects of Wetlan& "istur5ance & Wetlan& >oss4 %. Peat lan& &evelopment O effects of &itc'ing an& mining6 +. Cumulative effects of wetlan& &rainage in agricultural systems.

CE122: Free Sur9ace F&o;

Cr. 4: (3-1-0)

%. Energy an& Momentum principles in open c'annel flow6 Principles of varie& flow. +. Non-uniform low4 "irect integration met'o&6 step met'o&s6 computer met'o&s. spatially varie& flow. *. C'annel controls 4 S'arp creste& an& 5roa&-creste& weirs6 overflow spillway6 free overfall an& energy &issipaters. ). C'annel transitions4 e/pansions an& contractions. C'anges of &irections6 culverts6 5ri&ge piers6 lateral inflow an& outflow6 transition &esign. #. Anstea&y flow4 E8uation of motion. S'allow water e8uations an& t'eir solutions. Met'o& of c'aracteristics. "am-5rea9 pro5lems. =inetic wave t'eory. loo& wave movement in long rivers. ,. Waves 4 Stan&ing waves. Waves in a moving stream. inite amplitu&e wave t'eory. .. Mo&els an& Similitu&e 4 -asic principles. 1ncomplete & appro/imate similitu&e. i/e&-5e&6 Moving5e& river mo&els an& structural mo&els. Re9erence 0oo!s 1. <pen C'annel 3y&raulics 4 H. T. C'ow 2. <pen C'annel 3y&raulics 4 =. (. Ranga RaCu 3. <pen C'annel 3y&raulics 4 =. Su5ramanya. CE1224 Mo+e&&ing an+ GIS ,a) Cr. 56 $.1314% (roun& Water mo&elling systems?(MS@ conceptual &esign an& Mo&flow6 Mo&pat'6 MT*" concepts Waters'e& mo&elling systems ?WMS@ !utoca& lan& "evelopment "es9top (1S softwares CE1225 Groun+ ater H-+ro&ogCr. 56 $41.13% %. un&amentals of (roun&water low 4Occurrence o9 Groun+ aterE 8ertica& "istri5ution of (.W.6 "arcy7s >aw6 Permea5ility6 Porosity6 !nisotropic !8uifers6 "ifferential e8uations of (.W. flow. +. Potential low4 lownets6 -oun&ary con&itions6 low-net construction for confine& & unconfine& flow systems. *. Mec'anics of Well low4 Stea&y & unstea&y flow in confine& & unconfine& a8uifers6 >ea9y a8uifers6 Partial penetration of wells6 Multiple well systems6 -oun&ary effects & met'o& of images. C'aracteristics Well >oses. ). (roun& Water Mo&elling4 San& Tan96 3eles'aw6 Electrical analogous mo&els6 inite ElementI"ifference mo&els. 4. (roun& Water "evelopment an& Management4"esign of wells6 construction of wells6 Well "evelopment6 !rtificial rec'arge6 ConCunctive use6 Salinity of (.W.6 (roun& water pollution. Re9erence 0oo!s6 %. (roun&water 3y&rology 4 ".=. To&& +. (roun&water an& Seepage 4 M.E. 3arr CE1222 ater Resource #e'e&o7ment an+ Management Cr. 56 $41.13%

%. Society an& natural resources: 'olistic framewor9 for Water Resources &evelopment an& management. +. Concepts6 Principles an& Tools a. 1ntegrate& Water Resources Management ?1WRM@ 5. Principles6 Concept of 1ntegration

c. Socio-economic an& Environmental Consi&eration &. 1nstitutional !rrangement6 Management 1nstruments e. Participatory !pproac' an& "ecentrali;ation Pu5lic participation for sustaina5le water resource &evelopment an& management6 process of pu5lic participation. *. Status of t'e Water Resources a. Surface Water an& (roun&water Supplies 5. Catc'ment Management c. ClimateI3y&rological C'anges d. Water Pollution and Health ). Management of t'e Water Resources a. Water "eman& orecasting an& Management 5. Water Ase Efficiency c. Water Conservation6 Treatment an& Reuse &. Ris9 Management e. 1nternational Waters #. Mat'ematical Mo&els for 1WRM a. River -asin Management an& Mo&eling 5. !nalysis of t'e -e'avior of t'e P'ysical System c. "evelopment of Scenarios an& 1mpact !ssessment &. Resource !llocation an& Management ,. Economics of Water Resources a. Economic !nalysis of Water ProCects 5. T'e Halue of Water c. Pricing of Water Services an& Cost Recovery &. Economic 1nstruments .. Policies6 (oals an& Strategies a. Water Policy an& National (oals 5. Water an& Pu5lic !&ministration Policies c. Water >aw6 Water Rig'ts an& <wners'ip &. Pu5lic !wareness an& E&ucation e. 1mpacts of population growt' on Water Resources f. National Strategies for 1WRM 0. 1nstitutional !rrangement a. Water Relate& >egislation an& Regulation 5. Pu5lic Sector 1nstitutions c. 1nter-!gency Coor&ination &. Empowerment an& Participation of Sta9e'ol&ers e. "ata an& 1nformation System >ocal institutions for waters'e& &evelopment an& management4 strategies for strengt'ening local institutions. CE122< Contaminant Trans7ort Cr. 56 $41.13% Intro+uction6 3y&rologic cycle6 Movement & occurrence of groun&water6 properties of groun&water6 general flow e8uations6 "upuit e8uation Sources & type of groun&water contamination6 Contaminant transport mec'anisms4 !&vection6 "iffusion & &ispersion6 Mass transport e8uations6 one & two-&imensional mo&eling

Sor7tion D other chemica& reactions6 factors affecting sorption6 Sorption isot'erms6 Sorption effect on fate & transport of pollutants6 Estimation of sorption -io&egra&ation reactions & 9inetics4 5iological transformations6 micro5ial &ynamics6 9inetics of 5io&egra&ation Nona?ueous17hase &i?ui+s4 Types of N!P>s6 general processes6 N!P> transport computational met'o&s (roun&water reme&iation an& &esign4 Reme&ial alternatives6 source control6 'y&raulic controls6 5ioreme&iation6 soil vapor e/traction systems6 reme&iating N!P> sites6 emerging tec'nologies Re9erences6 %. (roun& Water Contamination6 Transport an& Reme&iation 5y -e&ient6 Rifai & Newell6 PTR Prentice 3all +. (roun&water 3y&rology 5y ".=. To&&6 Ko'n Wiley & Sons CE122A #esign o9 Irrigation Structures Cr. 4: (3-1-0)

#ams4 "ifferent 9in&s of &ams an& t'e c'oice criteria6 Environmental consi&erations Gra'it- #ams4 various forces acting an& t'eir analysis an& representation6 sta5ility re8uirements6 two&imensional analysis6 &istri5ution of normal an& s'ear stress6 principal stresses6 Coints an& t'eir treatment. Foun+ation treatment4 grouting6 &rainage wells6 &rainage galleries6 types of galleries6 &esign concepts of galleries6 stress concentration. Em)an!ment +ams4 'omogeneous an& ;one& eart'en em5an9ments6 foun&ation re8uirements6 typical cross-sections. Sta)i&it- ana&-sis o9 earthen +ams6 slip circle met'o&6 we&ge met'o&6 seepage t'roug' an& 5eneat' &ams6 Casagran&e7s 5ase para5ola an& &etermination of top flow line6 calculation of seepage rate6 flow net &uring stea&y seepage an& &uring su&&en &raw&owns6 pore pressures an& t'eir significance6 &esign of filters an& roc9 toes6 slope protection6 oun&ation pro5lems of various soil strata of eart'en &ams an& t'eir reme&ies. Roc!9i&& +ams an+ earth roc! +ams4 construction tec'ni8ues of em5an9ment &ams. mo&es of failure. S7i&&;a-s4 "ifferent types of spillways an& t'eir &esign criteria6 &esign of crest profile6 reinforcement6 selection criteria for &ownstream arrangement6 traCectories an& 5uc9et arrangements6 5uc9ets: &esign of stilling 5asins6 Spillway aerators. Gates 6 Harious types of gates an& t'eir merits an& &emerits: &esign re8uirements of ra&ial6 vertical6 low 'ea& gates an& automatic gates. "esign of vertical lift an& sector gates6 flow in&uce& vi5rations an& &ownpull forces. gate seals. "esign of outlet sluices t'roug' &ams. Cana&s 6 -asic concepts of various canal &esign t'eories an& t'eir limitations. "esign of weirs an& canal structures on permea5le foun&ations6 ='osla t'eory an& applications. "esign of canal falls an& regulators6 cross &rainage wor9s6 canal outlets an& river training wor9s. "esign of silt e/clu&ers6 silt e/tractors. layout an& &esign of watercourses. Canal lining. Re9erences6
%. +. *. ).

1rrigation Engineering 4 (.>. !sawa 1rrigation & Water Power Engineering 4 Mo&i6 P.N. "esign of "ams 4 Creager6 Kustin & 3in&s "esign of Eart'en "ams 4 S'erar&


Pro7ose+ scheme o9 M. Tech. Programme $Trans7ortation Engineering% Regu&ar ACA#EMIC CURRICU,UM

Teaching Scheme Su5Cect area CRE"1T Contact Hours/;ee! E"am. #uration $Hrs.% Practical T'eory CWS Re&ati'e eightage $(% MTE ETE #$ ,$ $ )$ PRE )$ )$ PRS $ %$ +$ ,$ ,$

S. No

Su5Cect Co&e



I SEMESTER %. M!#$%! !&vance& Course in Mat'ematics + CE-#+% 3ig'way Materials *. MaCor Elective Minor Elective II SEMESTER %. 1C-#$+ Courses on Mo&elling6 Simulation & Computer !pplications +. MaCor Elective *. Minor Elective III SEMESTER %. CE-,$% ProCect Seminar +. CE,$+ "issertation *. CE,$* I8 SEMESTER % CE-,$* "issertation

P(%% P(%) P(%# P(%,

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Su)*ect area




S. No.

Su)*ect Co+e



Course Tit&e

% + * )

CE-#++ CE-#+* CE-#+#


Traffic Engg. & iel& Stu&ies 3ig'way Construction Pavement !nalysis & "esign
1ntersection "esign an& !nalysis

# # )

* * *

% % %

+ + -

* * *

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% + * ) CE-#+. CE-#+0 CE-#+2 CE-#*$ Pavement Maintenance Management System ) ) ) * * * % % % * * * * +# +# +# +# +# +# +# +# #$ #$ #$ #$ -

>ow Cost Roa&

3ig'way Su5 gra&e & foun&ation analysis Transportation Planning


!ny course from M. Tec'. Water Resources Engineering I Environmental Engineering I C!" in Structural EngineeringIinter&isciplinary





Pro7ose+ scheme o9 M. Tech. Programme $Trans7ortation Engineering% Part Time ACA#EMIC CURRICU,UM
Teaching Scheme CRE"1T Contact Hours/;ee! Su5Cect area E"am. #uration $Hrs.% Practical T'eory CWS Re&ati'e eightage $(% MTE ETE #$ ,$ PRE PRS %$ ,$

S. No

Su5Cect Co&e



I SEMESTER %. M!#$%! !&vance& Course in Mat'ematics + CE-#+% 3ig'way Materials MaCor Elective Su) Tota& II SEMESTER % 1C-#$+ Courses on Mo&elling6 Simulation & Computer !pplications + MaCor Electives * Minor Elective-1 Su) Tota& III SEMESTER MaCor Elective
1nstitute core ?Tec'nical communication-<ptional@

P(%% P(%) P(-%# P(%+ P(-%#

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+. *.

CE-,$% CE,$+

!ny course from M. Tec'. Water Resources Engineering I Environmental Engineering I C!" in Structural EngineeringIinter&isciplinary SEM1N!R "1SSERT!T1<N

P(-%2 P(-+$ P(-+$ P(-%0

Su) Tota& 8I SEMESTER % CE-,$+ "1SSERT!T1<N + ProCect

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MAFOR E,ECTI8E Su)*ect area Practica&



S. No.

Su)*ect Co+e



Course Tit&e


% + * )

CE-#++ Traffic Engg. & iel& Stu&ies CE-#+* 3ig'way Construction CE-#+# Pavement !nalysis & "esign 1ntersection "esign an& CE-#+, !nalysis Pavement Maintenance Management System

# # )

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% + * ) CE-#+.
) ) ) ) * * * * % % % % * * * * +# +# +# +# +# +# +# +# #$ #$ #$ #$ -

CE-#+0 >ow Cost Roa& 3ig'way Su5 gra&e & foun&ation analysis CE-#*$ Transportation Planning CE-#+2



CE12:. High;a- Materia&s !ggregate6 -len&ing of aggregate 5y Rot'futc'6 Triangular c'art6 trial an& error an& mat'ematical proportioning met'o&s. Classification6 nomenclature6 8uality manufacture of aggregates wit' respect to W-M6 -ituminous an& concrete roa&s. -ituminous materials classification an& various terms use& relate& to tar an& 5itumen6 uses an& application of &ifferent 5ituminous material in 'ig'way construction. <rigin an& preparation of &ifferent gra&es of 5itumen an& tar use& for roa& construction. T'e R'eology of 5ituminous 5in&ers6 !&'esion6 failures6 weat'ering of 5ituminous roa& materials. -ituminous mi/es6 re8uirements of 5ituminous mi/es. Met'o&s of 5ituminous mi/ &esign an& t'eir suita5ility6 a&vantages an& &isa&vantages. "esign of 5ituminous mi/es 5y Mars'all6 3u55ar& iel&6 3veem met'o&s. Materials for low cost roa&s4 Sta5ili;e& soil6 lime6 fly as'6 Soil L Cement an& soil-5itumen sta5ili;ation. Soft aggregates6 >ow cement concrete. CE12:: Tra99ic Engineering An+ Fie&+ Stu+ies 1ntro&uction "efinitions an& normal scope of stu&y wit'in traffic engineering. Traffic c'aracteristic4 Review or roa& user c'aracteristics an& ve'icular c'aracteristics. Harious traffic stu&ies4 viii@ Spot spee& stu&ies-&ata analysis an& interpretations i/@ Spee& an& &elay stu&ies- Purpose6 course of &elay6 various met'o&s of spee& an& &elay stu&ies. /@ Traffic volume stu&ies an& c'aracteristics /i@ <rigin an& &estination stu&ies4 Harious met'o&s of < an& " stu&ies an& sampling. /ii@ Traffic capacity stu&ies- Holume an& &ensity relations'ips6 critical &ensity6 5asic6 possi5le an& practical capacities. actors affecting possi5le an& practical capacities. /iii@ Par9ing stu&ies an& c'aracteristics L Pu5lic interest in par9ing stu&ies6 cor&on count6 space inventory6 par9ing practices. Evaluation of par9ing controls. /iv@ !cci&ent stu&ies an& c'aracteristics L Course of acci&ents6 acci&ent stu&ies an& recor&s6 reports6 application of acci&ent stu&ies6 preventive measures. Traffic controls an& operations a@ Traffic regulations an& various means of traffic control6 traffic islan&s6 rotaries & singles. 5@ Traffic management- Tec'ni8ues an& applications. c@ Roa&way >ig'ting-"esign an& layout. CE12:4 High;a- Construction Cr. 26 $41.1:%

Classification of types of 'ig'way construction6 Suita5ility of eac' type un&er 1n&ian con&itions6 selection of 5ase course an& surface course. Eart' wor9 & Soiling4 Selection of soils6 construction of em5an9ments6 e/cavation an& compaction e8uipments. iel& an& la5oratory tests for 8uality control. Stone soiling6 5ric9 soiling6 current practices. Construction of eart' roa&s6 gravel roa&s6 soil sta5ili;e& roa&s6 water 5oun& maca&am6 pave& roa&s6 5ric9s6 stones. -ituminous construction4 properties6 re8uirements an& specifications of materials6 e8uipments an& plants. "etaile& construction proce&ure of eac' type. iel& an& la5oratory tests for 8uality control. C'oice of 5in&ers un&er &ifferent con&itions. 1RC6 an& M<RT3 specifications. Recommen&ations un&er 1n&ian con&itions4 -ituminous surface treatments6 interface treatments L primecoat an& tac9-coat6 surface &ressing an& seal-coat6 groute& or penetration maca&am6 5ituminous 5oun& maca&am6 5ituminous concrete6 mastic asp'alt.

Cement Concrete Roa& Construction4 Necessity of provi&ing a 5ase course un&er cement concrete roa&. Selection of materials6 Construction met'o&s6 &etaile& construction proce&ure6 Buality control tests ?la5. an& fiel&@. Construction e8uipments. Koints in Cement Concrete Pavements4 Classification of various types of Coints6 necessity of provi&ing eac' type6 met'o& of construction of Coints6 loa& transfer &evices6 &owel 5ars6 tie 5ars. Koint filler an& sealer materials6 1RC specifications. Reinforce& Cement Concrete Roa& Construction4 CE12:2 Pa'ement Ana&-sis An+ #esign Components of pavement structure6 importance of Su5-(ra&e soil properties on pavement performance. unctions of Su5-(ra&e6 su5-5ase6 5ase course an& wearing course. Stresses in fle/i5le pavements4 Stresses in 'omogeneous masses an& layere& system6 &eflections6 s'ear failures6 e8uivalent w'eel an& a/le loa&s. Elements in &esign of fle/i5le pavement4 >oa&ing c'aracteristics-Static6 impact an& repeate& loa&s6 affects of &ual w'eels an& tan&em a/les6 area of contact an& tyre pressure6 mo&ulus6 C-R value of &ifferent layers6 e8uivalent single w'eel loa&6 e8uivalent stress e8uivalent &eflection criterion6 e8uivalent w'eel loa& factors6 climatic an& environmental factors. Types of &istress4 Structural an& functional6 servicea5ility6 fatigue crac9ing6 pavement &eformation an& low temperature s'rin9age crac9ing. actors affecting performance. Relation 5etween performance & &istress. "esign met'o&s for fle/i5le pavement4 (roup 1n&e/ met'o&6 California 5earing ratio ?C-R@6 Tria/ial met'o&6 Mcleo& Met'o&6 -en9elman -eam met'o&. -oussius87s an& -urmister7s analysis an& &esign met'o&. "esign of fle/i5le airport pavements. Elements in &esign of Rigi& pavements4 W'eel loa&6 stresses6 Westergaar&7s analysis. -asic properties of concrete elasticity6 s'rin9age & creep6 &ura5ility of concrete6 rigi& pavement &esign6 concrete mi/ &esign. Temperature stresses4 T'ermal properties of aggregates an& concrete. Effect of temperature variations on concrete pavements6 Westergaar&Qs an& Tomlinson7s analysis of warping stresses. Com5ination of stresses &ue to &ifferent causes. Pavement overlays6 le/i5le overlays an& Rigi& overlays. CE12:< Intersection #esign An+ Ana&-sis Cr. 5 $41.13%

Type of intersection6 general consi&erations for t'e location of various intersection types6 principles of intersection &esign6 types of maneuvers6 relative spee&6 conflict points an& areas6 &esign surveys for intersection6 intersection geometrics for various types inclu&ing approac' an& e/it &etails. Capacity an& performance analysis of various types of intersections for various types of operation-capacity level of service6 intersection &elay6 uncontrolle& priority controlle& an& roun&a5out intersection-t'eir capacity an& &elay analysis6 an& overall &esign. "esign an& operational evaluation of weaving sections. "esign of spee& c'ange lanes an& me&ian lanes. (ra&e separate& intersection an& interc'anges-types6 suita5ility an& economic Custifications. "esign of intersection controls-signali;ation &esign an& analysis6 turn control6 general traffic control 5y islan&s6 pe&estrian control6 signs6 mar9ings6 intersections lig'ting etc. CE12:A Pa'ement Maintenance Management S-stem Cr. 56 $41.13%

1ntro&uction to Pavement Maintenance Management System6 Components of Pavement Management Maintenance Measures PMMS o5Cectives.

Structural re8uirements an& Evaluation of fle/i5le pavements L "esign re8uirements6 factors affecting structural con&ition of fle/i5le pavements6 structural 5e'avior an& evaluation of structural con&ition of pavements. "esign met'o&s for fle/i5le pavements6 &esign of overlays 5y -en9elman -eam Re5oun& "eflection Tec'ni8ue. Pavement Servicea5ility concepts6 Evaluation of ri&ing 8uality 5y psyc'o- p'ysical met'o&. Pavement Maintenance Measures6 1mplementation of Maintenance management programs. CE12:= ,o; Cost Roa+s Cr. 5 $41.13%

1ntro&uction4 Concept <5Cective6 Scope an& coverage of low cost an& rural roa&s. Significance of low cost roa&s for &eveloping countries6 wit' special reference to 1n&ia. Rural Roa& Planning an& 1nvestment4 State of art6 review of e/isting practices an& t'eir &eficiencies in rural roa& planning Socio-economic aspects in planning. Preparation of rural roa& master plans an& t'eir evaluation. Stage construction6 planning6 an& utili;ation of successive investments. (eometrics4 Traffic an& &esign spee&6 'ori;ontal alignment6 vertical alignment6 an& cross section elements. Pavement "esign !spects for >ow Cost Rural Roa&s4 Minimum level of servicea5ility concept. Ase of strengt' in&e/ as a su5stitute to 1RC &esign met'o&. Materials4 Sta5ili;e& soils6 "esign of soil-lime6 soil-cement6 soil-5itumen an& soil-lime-fly as' mi/es6 Ase of soft aggregates. Construction6 <peration an& Plants4 Surveying an& setting6 e/cavation6 'auling6 S'aping an& compaction6 Sta5ili;e& soils-sprea&ing6 mi/ing an& compaction. !ppropriate tec'nologies6 tools6 plants an& e8uipments for construction as per 1RC practices. Roa& "rainage4 "rainage of roa& surface6 pavement layers an& cross &rainage wor9s. Harious low cost &rainage alternatives. Maintenance4 S'ort term routine maintenance6 long term maintenance6 organi;ational an& financial aspects of maintenance wor9s. CE12:B High;a- Su)1Gra+e An+ Foun+ation Ana&-sis Su5-(ra&e4 1mportance6 properties & unctions. Soil survey4 Soil Survey proce&ure for 'ig'ways an& groun& water investigations6 1&entifications an& Significance of soil c'aracteristics. Soil Classification for 'ig'way engineering purpose L Casagran&e6 A.S.P.R.!.6 Anifie&6 C!!6 -urmister6 3R-6 !! an& Compaction classifications an& t'eir limitations6 C'emical test for soils. Effects of water in soil L swelling s'rin9age6 co'esion an& plasticity in soil. Soil4 Moisture6 Movement L(roun& water6 gravitational water6 'el& water6 soil suction. Su5 soil &rainage4 (eneral principles6 elementary groun&water 'y&rology6 control of 'ig' water ta5le an& seepage flow6 &rainage of fine graine& soils. rost action in soils6 evaluation an& &esign of Su5-(ra&e la5oratory strengt' elevations6 settlement analysis. Stress-strain relations'ip in soils. Compaction of soil6 fiel& an& la5oratory met'o&s6 e8uipments6 fiel& control6 Su5-(ra&e an& em5an9ment compaction. oun&ation4 Met'o&s of re&ucing settlements6 Consoli&ation of compressi5le soils estimation of rate of settlement &ue to consoli&ation in foun&ation of roa& em5an9ments. Construction of 'ig' em5an9ments over wea9 foun&ations. Harious met'o&s of e/cavation &isplacement of soft an& swampy soil for t'e construction of em5an9ments. Hertical San& "rains4 "esign criteria6 construction an& uses: R Cr. 56 $41.13%

CE1243 Trans7ortation P&anning

Cr. 26 $41.1:%

Transportation planning met'o&ology6 'ierarc'ical levels of planning-statewi&e6 regional6 ur5an passenger an& goo&s transportation. (eneral concept an& process of transportation planning. Ar5an transportation planning6 ur5an travel c'aracteristics4 private an& pu5lic6 travel 5e'avior analysis. Travel &eman& estimation an& forecasting. Trip classification an& Socio-economic varia5le in trip ma9ing6 trip generation: multiple regression analysis6 category analysis6 comparative stu&y. Mo&al split analysistra&itional analysis6 5e'avioral approac' to mo&e c'oice6 two-stage mo&al split mo&els. Trip &istri5ution4 (rowt' factor met'o&6 gravity mo&el. 1ntervening opportunity an& competing opportunity mo&els6 comparative stu&y. Traffic assignment networ9 assignment6 capacity restraine&. >an&-use transport planning4 >an&-use transport intersections6 transport relate& lan& use mo&els6 t'eir use in transportation planning.

M. Tech. E&ectrica& $Po;er S-stems%


Teac'ing Sc'eme !reaSu5Cect CRE"1T S. No.

Contact 3oursIWee9

E/am. "uration ?3rs.@ Practical T'eory

Realtive Weig'tage S

Su5Cect Co&e



ETE ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ )$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ----,$ -

Course Title


%. % +. *. ). #. ,.

M!#$% EE-#$%

!&vance Mat'ematics "epartmental Core Course ?Power System !nalysis@ MaCor Elective ?MK%@ MaCor Elective ?MK+@ MaCor Elective ?MK*@ Minor Elective Su) Tota& Simulation &Mo&eling 1nstitute Core ?Tec'nical Communication@ <ptional MaCor Elective ?MK)@ MaCor Elective ?MK#@ MaCor Elective ?MK,@ Minor Elective-11 Su) Tota& ProCect Seminar "issertation Su) Tota& !&&itional Course ?1@ 1nter-"epartmental "issertation ?Continue& from 111 Semester@ Su) Tota&

I Semester P(%% $) * P(%) P(%# P(%# P(%# P(%, $) *

% % % % % % < %

$ $ $ $ $ $

* * * * * *

$ $ $ $ $ $

+$ +$ +$ +$ +$ +$

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$) * $) * $) * $) * :5 .= II Semester P(%+ $) + P(%* $+ P(%# P(%# P(%# P(%, $) * $) * $) * $) * :: .< III Semester P(%0 $) -P(%2 $) -P(+$ %+ -:3 11 I8 Semester P(%. $) * P(+$ +$ :5 4




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$ $ $ $ 3 ---11 $ 3

* * * * .2 ----* -

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EE-,$% EE-,$+ EE-,$*

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,$ ,$ --$ -

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%. +. EE-,$*


Tota& Cre+its o9 A&& Semesters G B3



Ma*or E&ecti'e %. EE-#)% Power System Sta5ility. +. EE-#)+ Computer Met'o&s in Power Systems. *. EE-#)* <peration an& Control of Power System. ). EE-#)) !&vance& Power System Protection. #. EE-#)# E3H !CI"C Transmission System. ,. EE-#), Power System Planning & Relia5ility. .. EE-#). Power System transient an& 3.H. Engineering. 0. EE-#)0 Economics & Planning of Energy Systems. 2. EE-#)2 le/i5le !C Transmission Systems. %$. EE-##$ 1ntegrate& Energy Systems. Minor E&ecti'e %. EE-#,% Power Electronics. +. EE-#,+ !&vance& Circuit !nalysis an& "esign. *. EE-#,* Mo&ern Control T'eory. ). EE-#,) Power System & 1nstrumentation. #. EE-#,# !&vance T'eory an& !nalysis of !C Mac'ines. ,. EE-#,, E/citation of sync'ronous mac'ines an& t'eir control. .. EE-#,. Electric "rives an& t'eir Control. 0. EE-#,0 Power (eneration Sources. 2. EE-#,2 !1 !pplication to Power Systems.

EE123.6 PO ER S/STEM ANA,/SIS ault !nalysis 4 Positive. Negative an& Jero Se8uence e8uivalent circuits of lines6 two an& t'ree win&ing transformers6 in&uction mac'ines an& sync'ronous mac'ines. !nalysis of s'unt an& series faults6 effect of neutral groun&ing. An5alance& <peration of *-p'ase 1n&uction Motors 4 C'aracteristics wit' application of un5alance& voltage to a 5alance& motor an& wit' application of 5alance& voltage to a motor 'aving un5alance& impe&ances in t'e rotor circuit. Sync'ronous Mac'ines 4 S'ort circuit currents an& reactances of sync'ronous mac'ine. Mo&elling of sync'ronous mac'ine at no loa& an& symmetrical loa& un&er stea&y state con&itions6 Se8uence impe&ance of sync'ronous mac'ines. >inear (rap' T'eory 4 Stu&y of linear grap' t'eory6 Networ9 topology6 inci&ence6 Cut-set an& Tie-set matrices an& t'eir interpretation. Calculation of J-5us6 N-5us6 J-5ranc' an& N loop matrices 5y singular an& non-singular transformations. !lgorit'm for t'e calculation of N-5us an& J-5us. ault calculations using J-5us. >oa& low Stu&ies 4 ormulation of loa& flow pro5lem. Harious types of 5uses. (ause-Sie&el6 NewtonRap'son an& ast "ecouple& !lgorit'ms. Calculation of reactive power at voltage controlle& 5uses in t'e (auses-Sei&el iterative met'o& using N-5us6 Representation of transformers - i/e& tap setting transformer6 Tap c'anging un&er loa& transformers6 P'ase s'ifting transformers6 Tie line control6 Comparison of met'o&s for loa& flow.

EE125.6 PO ER S/STEM STA0I,IT/ Mo&elling of cylin&rical rotor salient pole sync'ronous mac'ines6 flu/ lin9age e8uations6 voltage e8uations6 Par9Ds transformation6 various in&ucatances an& time constraints of sync'ronous mac'ines6 vector &iagrams for stea&y state an& transient con&itions6 power angle curves. Stea&y state an& transient sta5ilities6 t'eir &efinitions an& met'o&s of &etermination. "evelopment of Swing e8uation. Stea&y state sta5ility of single mac'ine connecte& to an infinite 5us 5y t'e met'o& of small oscillations. Two mac'ine systems. Co'erent an& non-co'erent mac'ines. E8ual area criterion of &etermining transient sta5ility6 fault clearing time an& critical clearing angle. Solution of Swing e8uation 5y step 5y step met'o&. EulerDs Met'o& an& Runga-=utta Met'o&6 !pplication of Computers in t'e stu&y of transient sta5ility using t'ese met'o&s. 1ntro&uction to stea&y state an& transient Sta5ility using t'ese met'o&s. 1ntro&uction to stea&y state an& transient sta5ilities of multi-mac'ine system wit'out controller. actors affecting stea&y state an& transient sta5ilities6 met'o&s of improving stea&y state an& transient sta5ilities6 'ig' spee& circuit 5rea9ers6 auto-reclosing circuit 5rea9er6 single pole operation6 e/citation control6 an& 5ypass valving. EE125:6 COMPUTER METHO#S IN PO ER S/STEMS

T'ree-P'ase Networ9s4 1ntro&uction6 T'ree-p'ase networ9 elements6 T'ree-p'ase 5alance& networ9 elements. Transformation Matrices6 T'ree-p'ase un5alance& networ9 elements6 inci&ence an& networ9 matrices for t'ree-p'ase networ9s. !lgorit'm for formation of t'ree-p'ase 5us-impe&ance matri/. Mo&ification of t'e t'ree-p'ase 5us impe&ance matri/ for c'anges in t'e networ9. S'ort Circuit Stu&ies4 S'ort circuit calculations using -us 1mpe&ance matri/6 S'ort circuit calculations for 5alance& t'ree- p'ase networ9 using -us 1mpe&ance matri/6 S'ort circuit calculations using >oop 1mpe&ance matri/. Sensitivity !nalysis an& <ptimal >oa& low4 Classification of System varia5les6 Sensitivity !nalysisSensitivity Matri/6 "evelopment of (/ an& (u6 <ptimal >oa& low6 <ptimisation Tec'ni8ue6 (ra&ient met'o&. ormulation of <ptimal >oa&-flow Pro5lem an& its Solutions6 Consi&eration of 1ne8uality Constraints. Comparison wit' Classic Economic "ispatc' Met'o&. Security Concept an& Contingency Evaluation4 <perating States of a Power System6 Concept of security Monitoring. Tec'ni8ues for Contingency Evaluation "C >oa& low6 ast "ecouple& >oa&-flow6 Preventive an& corrective Measures. >oa& orecasting & State Estimation4 Estimation of average6 perio&ic6 stoc'astic components of loa&6 5asic i&ea of state estimation of power system. EE12546 OPERATION D CONTRO, OF PO ER S/STEMS <ptimal Power System <peration4 <ptimal <peration of generators on a 5us 5ar6 <ptimal Anit Commitment6 Constraints in unit commitment6 Spinning reserve6 T'ermal Anit Constraints6 <t'er constraints6 3y&ro constraints6 Must Run6 uel constraints6 Anit commitment Solution met'o&s 4 Priority>ist met'o&s6 "ynamic Programming solution. -ac9war& "P !pproac'6 orwar& "P !pproac'6 Restricte& Searc' Ranges6 Strategies. Relia5ility Consi&erations6 PattonDs Security unction6 Security constraine& <ptimal Anit Commitment6 Start-up consi&erations6 <ptimal (eneration Sc'e&uling6 Representation of Transmission >oss 5y -coefficients6 "erivation of Transmission >oss formula. Representation of Transmission >oss 5y Power low e8uations6 <ptimal >oa& low solution. 1ne8uality constraints6 <ptimal Sc'e&uling of 3y&rot'ermal System. 1ntro&uction to Power System Security. System State Classification6 Security !nalysis6 Mo&elling for contingency !nalysis. !utomatic generation an& Holtage Control4 1ntro&uction >oa& re8uency Control6 Tur5ine Spee& (overning System6 Mo&el of Spee& governing system. Tur5ine Mo&el6 (enerator >oa& Mo&el6 -loc9 &iagram representation of >oa& re8uency Control an& an 1solate& System6 Stea&y State !nalysis6 "ynamic Response6 Control !rea6 >oa& fre8uency control an& Economic "ispatc' Control6 Two-area loa& fre8uency control6 <ptimal >oa& re8uency Control ?two- area@6 !utomatic Holtage Control6 1ntro&uction to "igital > Controllers6 "ecentrali;e& Control. EE12556 A#8ANCE# PO ER S/STEM PROTECTION Relaying4 Review of Relay c'aracteristics6 Classification of Relays6 c'aracteristics an& operating e8uation. Protective Current & Potential Transformers4 Types6 Rating6 !ccuracy6 5ur&en6 Polarity6 connections an& Transient Response.

Static Relays4 1ntro&uction6 a&vantages of static relays over electromagnetic relays. >imitation of static relays6 Relia5ility an& Security of static realys6 Recent "evelopments of static relays. Comparators an& >evel "etectors4 Static Relay unctional circuits6 !mplitu&e an& P'ase comparators6 level &etectors. Static <ver current Relays4 1ntro&uction to static overcurrent relays6 single actuating an& "ou5le actuating 8uantity relays6 -asic principle of static overcurrent relays6 time c'aracteristics6 timing circuit6 "irectional overcurrent relay6 static time lag overcurrent relays. Static "irectional relays. Static "ifferential Protection to Power Transformers6 Static -us5ar protection 5ase& on "irectional comparison. Static "istance Relays an& "istance Protection of E3H >ines. 1nfluence of power swings on "istance protection. "irectional wave Relays for fault protection an& protection of over'ea& lines. Relay setting coor&ination6 transient over voltages in static relay6 protection of static relay circuit. "igital Relays6 Microprocessor 5ase& protective relays. Switc'gear4 Types of circuit 5rea9ers an& t'eir constructional features6 operating mec'anism !pplication of Circuit 5rea9ers6 spee& of circuit 5rea9ers6 !utreclosing6 selection of circuit 5rea9ers6 Rating of circuit 5rea9ers6 Testing of circuit 5rea9ers6 S , 1nsulate& Metal cla& Switc'gear ?C1S@6 !&vantages6 "emerits6 "esign aspects6 -us5ar mo&ules6 S , 1nsulate& E3H Transmission Ca5les ?(1C@. EE1252 6 EH8 AC/#C TRANSMISSION E3H !C Transmission -ul9 power transmission over long &istance6 nee& for E3H transmission pro5lems of E3H transmission6 Power 3an&ling capacity an& surge impe&ance loa&ing. Current carrying capacity of con&uctor. C'oice of economic voltage6 stan&ar& transmission voltages. -un&le& Con&uctors4 Properties of 5un&le& con&uctors6 geometric mean ra&ius of 5un&le6 in&uctance an& capacitance6 Holtage gra&ients of con&uctors6 ma/imum surface voltage gra&ients of 5un&le& con&uctors6 ma/imum surface electric fiel&s for 5un&le& an& single con&uctor lines. Electrostatic fiel&s of E3H lines. Effect of E.S. fiel& on 3umans6 !nimals an& Plants. Series an& S'unt compensation 4 Effect of series capacitors6 location of series capacitors. Su5-sync'ronous resonance in series-capacitor compensate& lines an& counter measures. S'unt compensation - Hariation of no loa& receiving en& voltage6 Static H!R Systems 4 TCR- C6 TCR6 TSC-TCR an& MSC-TCR Sc'emes. H8#C Transmission Rectification4 T'e *-p'ase -ri&ge rectifier or (raet; circuit6 1nversion6 =in&s of ".C lin9s6 Parallele& an& Series connection of t'yristors6 Power flow in 3H"C transmission system. Converter Station4 MaCor components of a converter station-converter unit6 filters6 reactive power source. (roun& return an& groun& electro&e. -asic principles of "C lin9 control4 Converter control c'aracteristics6 firing angle control an& e/tinction angle control. Parallel operation of ".C. lin9 wit' !.C. transmission line. 1ntro&uction to Multiterminal 3H"C Systems an& 3H"C Circuit -rea9ers6 Comparison 5etween !C an& "C transmissions6 5rea9 even &istance for over'ea& transmission lines an& un&ergroun& ca5les. !pplication of 3H"C transmission. EE125<6 PO ER S/STEM P,ANNING D RE,IA0I,IT/

>oa& forecasting4 Classification an& c'aracteristics of loa&s. !pproac'es to loa& forecasting. orecasting met'o&ology. Energy forecasting. -asic Relia5ility Concepts4 (eneral relia5ility function6 Mar9ov C'ains an& processes an& t'eir applications6 simple series an& parallel system mo&els. Static (enerating Capacity Relia5ility Evaluation4 <utage &efinitions6 loss of loa& pro5a5ility met'o&s6 loss of energy pro5a5ility met'o&. re8uency an& &uration met'o&s6 loa& forecasting uncertainty. Spinning (enerating Capacity Relia5ility Evaluation4 Spinning capacity evaluation6 loa& forecast uncertainty. Transmission System Relia5ility Evaluation4 !verage interruption rate met'o&. T'e fre8uency an& &uration met'o& . Stormy an& normal weat'er effects. 1nter-connecte& Systems (enerating Capacity Relia5ility Evaluation4 1ntro&uction6 T'e loss of toa& approac'. Relia5ility evaluation in two an& more t'an two interconnecte& systems. 1nterconnection 5enefits. EE125A6 PO ER S/STEM TRANSIENTS AN# HIGH 8O,TAGE ENGINEERING Wave terminology6 &evelopment of wave e8uations6 terminal pro5lems6 lattice &iagrams. <rigin an& nature of power system surges6 wave s'apes6 attenuation6 effect of s'iel&ing 5y groun& wires an& masts6 tower footing-resistance. Traveling waves6 multi-velocity waves6 met'o&s of measuring tower footing resistance6 voltages across insulator strings. "ynamic overvoltages &uring surges an& system faults6 system recovery voltage c'aracteristics. Met'o&s of neutral groun&ing an& t'eir effect on system 5e'aviour. 1nsulation coor&ination6 re8uirement in surge protection of lines an& e8uipment. 1mpulse generator &evelopment. 1mpulse testing tec'ni8ue. Power fre8uency '.v. transformers6 casca&e connection. 3.H.".C. generators6 tests wit' power fre8uency an& &.c. voltages. >arge current generating an& measurement tec'ni8ues. Partial &isc'arge testing. 3ig' voltage an& 'ig' current testing of power e8uipment. iel& investigations. Magnetic lin9s t'eir cali5ration an& mounting6 9ly&enograp's6 potential &ivi&ers an& cat'o&es ray oscillorgrap'. EE125=6 ECONOMICS D P,ANNING OF ENERG/ S/STEMS System Economics4 -asic concepts6 National accounting framewor9. Criteria for economic growt'. Mo&el types an& p'ilosop'y. Pro&uction functions. 1nput-output economics6 macro-economic growt' mo&els. TEconometricT mo&els6 policy options an& 5u&getary 1mplication6 some illustrations of economic researc' for i&entifying &eman& functions6 supply functions6 cost functions6 pro&uction functions6 utility functions an& Engel curves. "ynamic mo&els of t'e economy an& TSimpleT t'eory of 5usiness fluctuations. Multiple linear an& non-linear regression analysis6 energy per unit monetary value of consumer nee&s an& services. Energy efficiency6 Cost-5enefit ris9 analysis. Environmental repercussions an& t'e economic structure. Conflict 5etween energy consumption an& pollution. Systems "esign an& 8uantitative economic policy wit' particular references to energy. Econometric in t'e conte/t of multiple o5Cectives6 conflicting goals an& &ecisions un&er uncertainty.

EE125B6 F,EHI0,E AC TRANSMISSION S/STEM Conventional reactive power compensation6 T'eory of Power Transmission Control6 -asic principle of !CTS ? le/i5le !C Transmission System@6 Principle of Static Har compensation ?SHC@. -asic Principle of T'yristor Controlle& Series Compensation ?TCSC@ -asic series an& s'unt !CTS &evices. !&vance new generation !CTS &evices6 Control an& coor&ination of !CTS &evices6 >ocations of !CTS "evices. EE1223 6 INTEGRATE# ENERG/ S/STEMS Pattern of fuel consumption4 !gricultural6 &omestic6 in&ustrial an& community nee&s. ProCection of Energy "eman&s6 su5stitution of conventional sources 5y alternative sources an& more efficient mo&ern tec'nologies. Potential of Solar6 Win&6 -iogas6 Natural (as6 orest pro&uce6 Ti&al6 (eot'ermal6 Mini'y&ro an& ot'er mo&ern applications. 3y5ri& an& 1ntegrate& Energy Systems. Total Energy concept an& Waste 'eat utili;ation.

EE12<. 6 PO ER E,ECTRONICS Soli& State Power Semi-con&ucting "evices4 Review of t'e t'yristors6 traic6 (T<6 transistor M<S ET an& ot'er mo&em power &evices ?ig5t6 S1T6 S1TC36 MCT@6 c'aracteristics ratings6 commutation met'o&s6 protection an& re8uirement of firing circuits. P'ase Controlle& Converters4 Single an& t'ree-p'ase controlle& converters6 power factor improvement tec'ni8ues. "ual Converter mo&e of operation6 iring Circuits. C'oppers4 Review of c'oppers6 commutation circuits6 firing circuits. 1ntro&uction to multi8uar&ant an& multi p'ase c'oppers. 1nverters an& Cyclo-converters ? re8uency Conversion@4 >ine commutate&6 voltage source6 an& current source inverters: Commutation tec'ni8ues6 Holtage control an& 'armonic re&uction tec'ni8ues. PWM rectifiers an& inverters. Single p'ase an& t'ree p'ases cyclo-converters. Power Electronics Controller for Win& Energy Electric Conversion Systems6 P'oto Holtaic !rrays6 energy Saving in !C an& "C "rives. Power actor 1mprovements6 E/tinction !ngle6 Symmetrical !ngle. PWM Control an& Sinusoi&al PWM Control power tec'ni8ues. EE12<:6 A#8ANCE# CIRCUIT ANA,/SIS D #ESIGN Networ9 Topology4 Networ9 geometry6 inci&ence matri/6 tie-set matri/ an& loop currents6 cut-set matri/6 an& no&e pair potentials. Properties of cut-set an& tie-set matrices6 fLcutset !nalysis6 f-circuit !nalysis6 No&e-pair !nalysis. "uality6 planner an& non-planner networ9s. -ranc' parameters matrices. =irc''offDs e8uili5rium e8uations on loop 5asic. E8uili5rium e8uations on t'e no&e 5asis. Networ9 unctions 4 Networ9 functions 6 evaluation of networ9 function from ?%@ a given magnitu&e ?+@ a given angle an& ?*@ a given real part: integral relations'ip 5etween real an& imaginary parts. Elements of Reali;a5ility 4 "riving point functions6 -runeDs positive real functions6 properties of positive real functions. Testing &riving point functions !n application of t'e ma/imum mo&ulus t'eorem6 properties of 'urwit; polynomials6 t'e computation of resi&ues6 even & o&& functions6 SturmDs t'eorem6 !n

alternative test for positive real c'aracter. "riving point synt'esis wit' >C elements4 Elementary synt'esis operations6 >C Networ9 Syunt'esis. RC an& R> Networ9s4 Properties of RC networ9 functions6 foster form of RC networ9s6 faster form of R> networ9s. T'e caur form of RC an& R> networ9s6 R>C one Terminal-Pairs4 Minimum positive real functions. -rune7s met'o& of R>C synt'esis. !ttenuators an& E8uali;ers 4 Symmetrical -ri&ge-Tan& lattice attenuators6 asymmetrical T an& attenuators. E8uali;er configuration6 four terminal e8uali;ers6 full -series6 s'unt an& 5ri&ge-T an& lattice e8uali;ers. !ctive RC filters 4 Realisa5le appro/imation to 1&eal filter6 constant time &elay & T'ompson filter6 fre8uency transformation6 !ctive RC filter6 Multi amplifier -i8ua& reali;ation. i/e& capacitor filter. Computer !pplication4 Networ9 solution 5y matri/ 1nversion- (auss Elimination Met'o&6 Computer Programme for plotting transient response6 Computer Programme for fin&ing roots of polynomial e8uations. EE12<46 MO#ERN CONTRO, THEOR/ "iscrete Time Systems an& t'e J-Transform Met'o&4 Sample& "ata Control Systems6 "igital Controller6 Sample & 3ol& <peration6 re8uency consi&eration in Sampling an& Reconstruction. J-transformation6 Solution of "ifferential & State E8uations 5y DJD Transform Met'o&6 T'e 1nverse J-Transform6 Pulse Transfer unction an& Sta5ility in J-plane. Transform "esign of "igital Controls & State Space Concepts4 "esign Specifications6 "esign on t'e DWDplane6 DW plane & DJD plane. T'e C!N>EN 3!M1>T<N T'eorem6 Concepts of Controlla5ility & <5serva5ility. Stoc'astic <ptimal State Estimation & Stoc'astic Processes. Sta5ility4 (enerali;e& Sta5ility Creterion ?&-partition tec'ni8ue@6 Pole !ssignment met'o&6 >1!PAN<HDs met'o&6 >AREDs transformation6 P<P<HDs criterion. Microprocessor -ase& Control Systems4 "igital Buanti;ation6 Positional Control System6 Temperature Control System6 Stepper Motor "rive circuits an& Control of a Manipulator !rm. <ptimi;ation4 Time <ptimal System ?wit'out proof of control law@6 Calculation of Switc'ing TraCectories for secon& or&er systems. <ptimal Control System 5ase& on Bua&ratic performance 1n&ices ?proof t'roug' >iapunovDs function@6 -asic concepts of Mo&el Reference Control System an& !&aptive System. PontryaginDs ma/imum principle6 constraine& an& unconstraine& input6 "ynamic Programming-optimality principle6 "iscrete an& Continuous "ynamic Programming. EE12<56 PO ER S/STEM INSTRUMENTATION Trans&ucer 1nstrumentation4 Primary sensors6 voltage an& current generating analogue Trans&ucers6 varia5le parameter analogue Trans&ucers6 re8uency generating an& "igital Trans&ucers6 trans&ucer selection factors. "igital 1nstrumentation4 1ntro&uction6 -asic measurement system. "igital voltage measurement6 re8uency measurement6 Time measurement6 "igital p'asemeter6 &igital multimeter. "igital &isplays. Telemetry System4 1ntro&uction to 1nformation Transmission. -asic i&eas. Point to Point Telemetering4 -asic principles6 pneumatic an& electrical system6 voltage an& current telemetry6 impulse co&al telemetry. Ra&io Telemetering4 -asic principles of !M- M systems.

1nstrumentation !ssociate& wit' Power Plant4 Centrali;e& Control an& Measurement in T'ermal6 3y&ro an& Nuclear Power Plants. Power >ine Carrier Principles. EE12<26 A#8ANCE# THEOR/ AN# ANA,/SIS OF AC MACHINES P'ysical mo&el6 "ifferent reference frame6 Transformations6 Primitive Mac'ine6 "ynamic varia5le6 ormulation of &ynamic e8uations of a generali;e& mac'ine6 Ma/well e8uations: Electric fiel& of Transformers6 S'aft voltages an& flu/es6 5earing currents6 in&uction motor mo&eling6 oscillations 1n 1n&uction mac'ines6 !symmetries in stator an& rotor win&ings6 !sync'ronous-sync'ronous <peration of sync'ronous mac'ine: Mo&eling6 <perational 1mpe&ances6 Time constants6 Sta5ility6 Power angle c'aracteristics6 Symmetrical an& !symmetrical s'ort circuit analysis6 Measurement of Reactance6 Power Systems. EE12<<6 EHCITATION OF S/NCHRONOUS MACHINES AN# THEIR CONTRO, E/citation Systems4 Principal Controls of a generating unit. !rrangement of e/citation components6 voltage response-ratio. E/citation specifications. Ceiling voltage6 time constant an& response of e/citation systems. Re8uirements of e/citation systems4 Classification of e/citation systems. ".C. E/citation Systems4 configuration of "C e/citation system wit' main an& pilot e/citers. !mpli&yne an& magnetic amplifier. !utomatic voltage regulator wit' magnetic amplifier an& !mpli&yne. >imitation an& pro5lems of "C e/citation systems. 1mprovement in "C e/citation system. !C S'unt E/citation Systems ?Static Rectifier E/citation Systems@4 Static t'yristor rectifier sc'emes. Transient Response &uring fault con&ition. Ase of 5ooster transformer. !pplication for s'unt e/citation systems. !C Separately E/citation Systems. ?!lternator- Rectifier E/citation System@4 Sc'eme of alternator-rectifier e/citation system wit' ?i@ &io&e rectifier an& ?ii@ t'yristor rectifier. Comparison an& !pplication of t'ese sc'emes. 3armful effects of static e/citation systems or system mac'ine components6 means of prevention. -rus'less E/citation Systems4 -rus'-slip ring pro5lem. Sc'eme of -rus'less e/citation system wit' rotating &io&e. Control6 protection an& monitoring of -rus'less e/citation system. 1ntro&uction to 5rus'less e/citation system wit' rotating t'yristors. 1ntro&uction to Supercon&ucting E/citer. !utomatic Holtage Regulator ?!HR@4 Soli& state automatic voltage regulator sc'eme. !uto an& manual follow-up. T'yristor converter an& !HR protection. 1ntro&uction to "igital !HR. E/citation Control4 1ntro&uction to power sta5ili;ing signal-spee&6 fre8uency an& power signals. Rotor current limiter6 MH!R limiter. Effect of e/citation on generator power limits6 "ynamic an& Transient sta5ilities. EE12<A6 E,ECTRIC #RI8ES AN# THEIR CONTRO, C'aracteristics of Electric Motors 4 C'aracteristics of "C motors6 *-p'ase 1n&uction motors an& Sync'ronous motors. Starting an& -rea9ing of Electric motors. Status of "C an& !C "rives. "ynamics of Electric "rives 4 Parts of electric &rives electric motors6 power mo&ulators6 sources6 control unit6 an& mec'anical system. un&amental tor8ue e8uations. Multi8ua&rant operation. E8uivalent values of &rive parameters-loa&s wit' rotational motion an& translational motion6 components of loa& tor8ue6 nature an& classification of loa& tor8ues. "ynamic con&itions of a &rive system. Energy loss in transient operations6 loa& e8uali;ation.

Motor Power Rating 4 Power losses of motors6 'eating an& cooling of electric motors. T'ermal mo&el of motor for 'eating an& cooling6 classes of motor &uty6 "etermination of motor rating 4 continuos &uty6 s'ort time &uty an& intermittent perio&ic &uty. E8uivalent current6 tor8ue an& power for fluctuating an& intermittent loa&s. Control of electric "rives 4 Mo&es of operation. Close&-loop control of &rives. Current-limit control. Close&-loop tor8ue6 an& spee& control . Close&-loop control of multi motor &rives. Spee& an& current sensing. P'ase-loc9e&-loop control. "C Motor "rives 4 Starting6 -ra9ing6 an& spee& control Transient !nalysis of separately e/cite& motor wit' armature an& fiel& control6 energy losses &uring transient operation. P'ase controlle& converter "C &rives6 &ual-converter control of "C &rive6 power factor6 supply 'armonics an& ripple in motor current. C'opper control "C &rives. Source Current 'armonics. *-P'ase 1n&uction Motor "rives4 Starting6 -rea9ing an& Transient !nalysis. Calculation of energy losses. Spee& Control6 Staler Holtage control. Haria5le re8uency control from voltage an& current sources6 Slip power recovery-Static Sc'er5ius an& Cramer "rives. Sync'ronous Motor "rives 4 Starting6 Pull in an& -ra9ing of Sync'ronous motor. Spee& control-varia5le fre8uency control6 cycloconverter control. -rus'less "C Motor6 >inear 1n&uction Motor6 Stepper Motor an& Switc'e& Reluctance Motor "rives4 1mportant eatures an& applications. Energy Conservation in Electrical "rives 4 >osses in electrical &rive system. Measures for energy conservation in electric &rives. Ase of efficient motor. Energy efficient operation of &rives. 1mprovement of power factor an& 8uality of supply. EE12<=6 PO ER GENERATION SOURCES (eneration of Electricity an& Sources of Energy 4 MaCor sources of energy-Salient features6 selection of site6 5asic sc'emes an& constituents of Steam6 3y&ro6 Nuclear6 "iesel an& (as Tur5ine Power Stations. Co-generation6 3y&ro-t'ermal Energy co- or&ination. Steam Power Plants4 T'ermo&ynamic cycles an& use of 'ig' steam pressure an& temperature. Super 'eating of steam. Re'eat cycle. Regenerative cycle. -inary vapour cycle. Coal Classification6 use of 'ig' as' coal6 1n&ian Coal6 supply6 storage an& 'an&ling of coal6 !s' 'an&ling an& &ust collectors. Steam (enerators4 ire tu5e an& water tu5e 5oilers. Mo&ern 5oilers. Economiser an& air pre'eate&6 con&enser6 supply of cooling water to con&enser6 cooling towers. Steam Primovers4 1mpulse an& reaction types. 3eat 5alance an& efficiency. Station !u/iliaries4 Types of au/iliaries6 power supply sc'eme for au/iliaries. Mo&ern &evelopment in steam power plants. 3y&ro Electric Plants4 Selection of site6 classification an& 5asic sc'emes. Types of tur5ines6 capacity calculation. Pump storage proCects. Nuclear Power Plant4 Types of fuels. Classification of reactors6 met'o&s of cooling: mo&erators6 met'o&s of control6 safety measures6 -asic sc'emes of nuclear power stations4 -oiling water reactor6 pressuri;e& 'eavy water reactor6 fast 5rea&er reactor6 Cost of Nuclear Energy. Nuclear Power Stations of 1n&ia.

(as Tur5ine Power Plants4 <peration of gas tur5ine power plant6 open cycle plant6 close& cycle plant6 Com5ine& gas tur5ine an& steam tur5ine cycle. Comparative stu&y of t'ermal6 'y&ro6 an& nuclear power stations4 Economic comparison of power stations6 1nter connections. -ase an& pea9 loa& power stations. 1mpact of t'ermal6 'y&ro an& nuclear stations on environment. New Energy Sources4 Principle of M3" power generation6 open cycle M3" system an& close& cycle M3" system. Win& power generation. Solar power generation4 Solar power plant6 p'oto voltaic cell6 p'oto voltaic power generation. Ti&al power generation. (eo-t'ermal power generation. EE12<B6 AI APP,ICATIONS TO PO ER S/STEMS 1ntro&uction to !14 "efinition6 !pplications6 Components of an !1 program: pro&uction system. Pro5lem C'aracteristics. <verview of searc'ing tec'ni8ues. =nowle&ge representation 4 =nowle&ge representation issues: an& overview. Representing 9nowle&ge using rules: proce&ural versus &eclarative 9nowle&ge. >ogic programming6 forwar& versus 5ac9war& reasoning6 matc'ing. Control 9nowle&ge. Statistical Reasoning4 Pro5a5ility an& "ayeDs t'eorem. Certainty factor an& rule 5ase& systems. -aysian Networ9s6 "ampster S'afer t'eorem. Semantic nets an& frames6 Scripts. E/amples of 9nowle&ge 5ase& systems. Pattern Recognition4 1ntro&uction6 automatic pattern recognition sc'eme. "esign Concepts6 Met'o&ologies6 Concepts of Classifier6 concept of feature selection. eature selection 5ase& on means an& covariances. Statistical classifier &esign algorit'ms: increment-correction an& >MSE algorit'ms. !pplications. !rtificial Neural Networ9s4 -iological Neuron6 Neural Net6 use of neural Dnets6 applications6 Perception6 i&ea of single layer an& multilayer neural nets6 5ac9propagation6 3opfiel& nets6 supervise& an& unsupervise& learning. E/pert Systems 4 1ntro&uction. Stu&y of some popular e/pert systems6 E/pert System 5uil&ing tools an& S'ells6 "esign of E/pert Systems. MA123.$EE%6 A#8ANCE# MATHEMATICS <ptimi;ation Tec'ni8ues 4 >inear Porgramming6 -oun&e& an& un5oun&e& solutions6 grap'ical met'o&6 simple/ met'o& ?-ig-M an& two-p'ase met'o&s@6 &egeneracy6 &uality ?relations'ip 5etween primall an& &ual an& t'eir o5Cective functions@6 post-optimal or sensitivity analysis6 >agrange Multipliers6 =u'n-Tuc9cr con&itions. Bua&ratic Programming 4 WolfeDs met'o&6 -ea9Ds met'o&. Anconstraine& Nonlinear !lgorit'ms 4 "irect searc' met'o&6 gra&ient met'o&. Constraine& Nonlinear Programming4 penalty met'o&. Numerical "ifferentiation4 Numerical &ifferentiation using NewtonDs forwar&6 5ac9war& an& SailingDs interpolation formulae. Numerical 1ntegration4 (eneral 8ua&rature formula. Trape;oi&al rule6 SimpsonDs rule6 SimpsonDs t'ree eig't rule6 Rom5erg integration. Solution of "ifferential E8uations4 EulerDs met'o&6 improve& EulerDs met'o&6 Runge-=utta met'o& of secon& or&er. Runge-=utta Met'o& of fourt' or&er.



M. Tech. $Communication Stream%

Teaching Scheme CRE"1T Su5Cect area Co&e Contact Hours/;ee! E"am. #uration $Hrs.% Practical T'eory CWS Re&ati'e eightage $(% MTE ETE PRE PRS

S. No

Su5Cect Co&e



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!&vance& P(-%% ) E Mat'ematics EC#$% "igital P(-%) ) Communication System MaCor elective-1 MaCor elective-11 MaCor elective-111 List of elective subjects for Major elective I, II,III EC#$* 1nformation & P(-%# ) Communication T'eory EC#$# Computer P(-%# ) Communication EC#$. Cryptograp'y P(-%# ) EC#$2 Satellite P(-%# ) Communication EC#%% "esign of P(-%# ) Microstrip !ntennas EC#%* Signals & Systems P(-%# ) Minor elective-1
>ist of su5Cects for Minor elective-1

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Su) Tota&

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Mo&eling an& Simulation ?1nstitute Core@ MaCor elective-1H MaCor Elective LH MaCor Elective LH1 MaCor Elective L H11






>ist of su5Cects for MaCor Electives- 1H6 H6 H16H11

i@ EC#%$ ii@ EC#%+ iii@ EC#%) iv@ EC#%, v@ EC#%0 vi@ EC#+$ vi@ EC#++ vii@ EC#+) #. i@ ii@
EC##$ EC##+

"igital Signal an& 1mage Processing Mo5ile & Cellular Communication Telecom Tec'nology & Management !&vance& <ptical Communication Systems Micro-ElectroMec'anical Systems ?MEMS@ Wireless Communication Tec'nology Microelectronic "evices an& Circuits "esign of M1C7s & MM1C7s Minor Elective L 11 H>S1 Tec'nology !nalog an& Mi/e& Signal 1Cs
Su) Tota&

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>ist of su5Cects for Minor Elective-11

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Seminar ProCect "issertation

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1nter&epartmental Elective "issertation

Su) Tota&




Tota& Cre+its


EC123. #igita& Communication S-stems6

Cr. 56 $4131:%

Principles of &ata transmission4 -inary communication systems ?!S=. PS=6 S=6 BPS= etc.@ 6 SNR error rates6 comparison of various system6 carrier an& cloc9 sync'roni;ation6 Matc'e& filter. -ase& pulse& Transmission6 Ny8uist criterion6 Partial response signaling6 C'annel c'aracteri;ation6 Effect of 1nter sym5ol 1nterference6 E8uali;ation6 >inear E8uali;ation & &ecision fee&5ac9 e8uali;ation. Sprea& Spectrum signals6 "irect se8uence sprea& spectrum signsls an& t'eir applications6 (eneraton of PN se8uence re8uency 'oppe& sprea& spectrum signals6 sync'roni;ation of sprea& spectrum signals. EC1234 In9ormation D Communication Theor-6 Cr. 56 $41.13%

Concept of 1nformation an& Entropy6 S'anon7s t'eorms6 C'annel capacity Self information6 "iscrete an& Continuous entropy6 Mutual an& Coint information6 Re&un&ancy. Source enco&ing &c'annel enco&ing6 Error &etection & Correction6 Harious co&es for c'annel co&ing6 Rate "istortion functions. >inear 5loc9 co&es6 systematic linear co&es& optimum co&ing for -inary symmetric c'annel6 T'e (enerator & parity c'ec9 matrices6 Syn&rome &eco&ing & Symmetric c'annels6 3amming co&es6 Weig't enumerator6 Perfect co&es6 -C3 co&es 6 1&empotent &Mattson Solomon polynomials6 Ree& solomon co&es6 Custeen co&es6M"S co&es &generalise& -C3 co&es 6Convolution co&es &Hiter5i &eco&ing algorit'm. Performence of linear 5loc9 co&es &convolution co&es6co&e incura5le error pro5a5lity Apper &lower 5oun&s. Ref: %.-la'ut R.E. 6 T'eory an& practic of errer control co&es6 !W>%20*. EC1232 Com7uter Communications Cr. 56 $4131:%

1ntro&uction to &ata communication. Concept of analog an& &igital signals. -an&wi&t'. Networ9 arc'itecture. -asics of <S1 an& TCPI1P reference mo&els. E/ample arc'itecture of ot'er reference mo&els. Transmission me&ia. Wire& an& wireless connectivity. "M6 T"M an& C"M!. Circuit an& pac9et switc'ing. rame relay an& !TM switc'ing. 1S"N. >ocal area networ9 protocols. 1EEE stan&ar&s for >!N. i5re optic networ9s. Satellite networ9s. "ata lin9 layer &esign issues4 its functions an& protocols. 1nternet protocol. Routing algorit'ms. Congestion control algorit'ms. 1P a&&ressing sc'emes. 1nternetwor9ing an& su5-netting. Transport an& application layer &esign issues. Connection management. Transport protocol on top of G.+#. ile transfer an& access management. Tra&itional cryptograp'y. T'e "ata Encryption Stan&ar&. =ey &istri5ution pro5lem. Pu5lic cryptograp'y. !ut'entication an& &igital signatures. Mo&elling an& !nalysis of Computer Communication Networ9s4 Pure -irt' an& -irt'-"eat' Process. -ernoulli Trials-Mar9ov C'ains. Poisson Process. Calculation of "elay->ittleDs ormula6 -ur9eDs T'eorem. Bueueing Mo&els4 MIMI%6 MIMI%IN6 MIMIS6 MIMISIN 8ueues. 1m5e&&e& Mar9ov C'ains-MI(I% 8ueue. Networ9 layout an& relia5ility consi&erations. References4

Stallings4 "ata communication & Networ9ing Tanen5aum4 Computer Networ9s -la9e4 Keremia' . 3ayes4 Mo&elling an& !nalysis of Computer Communication Networ9s EC123A Cr-7togra7hCr. 56 $41.13%

1ntro&uction4 1ssues in Networ9 Security6 T'reats to Networ9 Security6 Security Services6 5asic Concepts of Encryption an& "ecryption6 Su5stitution Cip'ers6 Transposition Cip'ers. Electronic Mail Security6 1P Security6 WE- Security6 1ntru&ers6 Hiruses an& Worms6 irewalls. Cy5er >aws4 Cy5er laws for Cy5erspace- >egal 1&entity an& Private 1nternational >aws in Cy5erspace. 1T !ct +$$$. 1T !ct +$$$ in reference to Email6 E-Commerce6 1ssues of Privacy. 1T !ct +$$$6 E-Contracts an& 1T Tec'nology. E-!greements an& t'e We5 Surfing6 Terms of Service Contracts6 Terms of Service !greement for We5 Site <wners. Tips to rame a Private Policy for an E-commerce Site. Cy5er Pirates - Copyrig't6 "igital Content rig't. Steps to Protect t'e Contents on WWW6 Software Patents6 "omain Name System an& Tra&emar9s6 1C!NNDs unctions6 Cy5er Tra&emar9s >aws. 1T !ct an& 1ssues of Copyrig't6 Patent an& Tra&emar9. Crimes- Cy5er Crimes an& uture 1mperfect6 Strategy to Com5at Cy5er Crimes6 1T !ct +$$$ an& Cy5er Crimes. Cryptograp'y4 -asic Terms an& Concepts6 -rief 3istory of Cryptograp'y an& Cryptanalysis. Ases an& misuses. -asic Num5er T'eory - "ivisi5ility6 Primality6 -ases6 Congruences6 Mo&ular !rit'metic6 (C"DS6 Eucli&ian algorit'm6 ermat an& Euler T'eorms6 in&ing large primes6 Po'lig-3ellman6 RS!. Elementary an& 3istorical Cip'ers - Caesar cip'er6 Transposition an& Su5stitution6 Poly- alp'a5etic cip'ers6 Pro&uct cip'ers6 "ES6 1"E! an& E/ponentiation cip'ers. Cip'er Mo&es - -loc9 cip'ers6 Stream cip'ers6 Pu5lic vs. Private 9eys6 Meet-in-t'e-mi&&le6 > SRS. !ut'entication met'o&s - <ne-way cip'ers6 !ut'entication functions6 Message &igests6 M"S6 S3!6 Tripwire6 =er5eros. Privacy-en'ance& communication - Privacy6 non-repu&iation6 "igital signatures6 Certificate 'ierarc'ies6 G.#$26 P(P6 P=1. 1ntro&uction to secure transaction stan&ar&s. =ey Management - T'res'ol& sc'emes6 Ran&om num5er generation6 =ey escrow6 =ey recovery. !pplications - Mental Po9er6 Bua&ratic resi&ues6 <5livious transfer an& Jer-9nowle&ge proofs. "igital cas'6 "igital voting an& Contract signing. References 4 Williain Stallings TCryptograp'y an& Networ9 Security4 Principles an& PracticeT6 Pearson E&ucation6 +$$$. =ernal Te/palan6 T Communication networ9 Management46 P316 %22+. ".E. Cormer6T Computer Networ9s an& 1nternetT6 +n& E&ition6 !&&ison Wesley Pu5lication6 +$$$. S'arma6 Ha9ul6 T3an&5oo9 of cy5er >awsT6 Macmillan 1n&ia >t&6 +$$+. EC123B Sate&&ite Communication6 Cr. 56 $41.13%

<r5ital parameters launc'ing systems6 Su5system of stellite6 Transpon&er an& utili;ation6 Satellite lin9 &esign6 re8uency Reuse an& polari;ation. Eart' station &esign an& relay lin9s6 Multiple/ing an& multiple !ccess tec'ni8ues. 1ntro&uction to sprea& spectrum6 >ower Eart' <r5it satellites EC12.. #esign o9 Microstri7 Antennas Cr. 56 $4131:%

Microstrip ra&iators6 printe& &ipole6 slot6 travelling wave6 aperture couple& microstrip antennas6 various microstrip antenna configurations

Rectangular6 Circular &is96 ring6 Triangular patc' antennas an& t'eir &esign. ee& networ9s for microstrip antennas an& arrays. !nalytical mo&els for microstrip antennas. Transmission line mo&el6 Cavity Mo&el6 Multiport Networ9 Mo&el6 Mo&el for Coa/ial pro5e in microstrip antenna. ull wave analysis of microstrip antennas !ctive an& smart microstrip antennas6 "esign an& analysis of microstrip antenna arrays. Reference4 Microstrip !ntenna &esign 3an&5oo9 5y R. (arg6 P. -'ar'ia6 1. -a'l6 an& !. 1ttipi5oo Pu5. !rtec' 3ouse. Microstrip !ntennas4 T'eory & "esign 5y K. R. Kames6 P.S. 3all an& C. woo& Pu5. Peter Peregrinns 6 A= Microstrip antennas for wireless application !rtec' 3ouse EC12.4 Signa&s an+ S-stems Cr. 56 $41.13%

J-Transforms6 &iscrete an& continuous ran&om varia5les6 Coint pro5a5ility6 stationarity & ergo&icity6 laws of large num5ers6 central limit t'eorem6 various &istri5ution functions ?(aussian6 Normal6 Poisson6 etc.@ an& t'eir properties6 stoc'astic processes6 intro&uction to estimation & &etection t'eory6 Matc'e& ilters6 !&aptive ilters ?optimum filters@. Re9. Ko'n (.Proa9is6 "igital Signal Processing6 Prentice-3all of 1n&ia6 %220. !t'anasios Papoulis6 Pro5a5ility6 Ran&om Haria5les an& Stoc'astic Processes6 Mc(raw-3ill6 1nc6 %22%. "elores M.Etter6 Engineering Pro5lem Solving wit' M!T>!-6 secon& E&ition6 Prentice 3all6 %22.. EC12.3 #igita& Signa& D Image Processing Cr. 56 $4131:%

"iscrete an& ast ourier Transform4 1ntro&uction. Properties of " T & " S. Sampling t'e J-transform. >inear convolution using t'e " T. (oert;el !lgorit'm. "ecimation in time & fre8uency T !lgorit'ms. Representation of "igital ilters4 1ntro&uction. Signal flow grap' representation of &igital networ9s. Matri/ representation of &igital networ9s. -asic structure for 11R & 1R systems. Tellegens t'eorem an& its applications. C!" of ilters6 "SP !rc'itectures ?!nalog "evices & Te/as 1nstruments@ 1mage Processing4 !c8uiring of 1mages using Hi&eo Camera. "igital Representation of -inary & (ray Scale 1mages6 >inear operations on pictures. Two &imensional "iscrete ourier transform an& 3a&amar& transforms & t'eir applications to image processing. Sampling of pictures using an !rray of points6 !liasing pro5lem & its solution. 1mage En'ancement Tec'ni8ues4- (ray scale mo&ification (ray level correction6 (ray scale transformation6 3istogram mo&ification6 s'arpening of 1mages using &ifferentiation6 t'e laplaciam6 3ig' Emp'asis filtering6 so5el & 9irsc' operators. Smoot'ening4- Noise Removal6 !veragins6 Me&ian6 MinIMa/. iltering 1mage Segmentation & T'res'ol&ing4- T'res'ol&ing6 Multi5an& T'res'ol&ing6 T'res'ol&ing from Te/tures6 Selective 'istogram Tec'ni8ue6 -oun&ry >ines & Contours. 1mage Compression4- Compression Tec'ni8ues using =-> Transform6 -loc9 Truncation Compression. Error free Comprerssion using 3uffman co&ing & 3uffman s'ift co&ing. Re9erence6 Signals an& Systems- <ppen'eim !.H.6 Wills9y !.S. an& Noung 1.K. P3E. "igital Signal Processing- <ppen'eim !.H. & Sc'afer R.W. P31. "igital Signal Processing- 5y >N<NS6 ?Pearson E&ucation@ "igital Signal Processing-5y Mitra- ?T!T! Mc(raw 3ill@ Pu5lications. "igital 1mage Processing- 5y (on;ale; I Woo&s6 ?Pearson E&ucation@

"igital 1mage Processing- 5y !.=. Kain "igital Picture Processing- 5y Rosenfiel& & =a9 EC12.: Mo)i&e an+ Ce&&u&ar Communication Cr. 56 $41.13%

1ntro&uction4 Components of Mo5ile Communication systems6 <peration of cellular system6 Trun9ing Efficiency6 Concept of re8uency reuse6 Multipat' propagation6 S'ort term an& >ong term fa&ing6 re8uency selective fa&ing6 Signal Propagation Mo&els. Co-C'annel 1nterference6 Tec'ni8ues for re&ucing Co-C'annel 1nterference6 "iversity Tec'ni8ues6 <t'er 1nterferences-!&Cacent C'annel 1nterference6 Near En& ar En& 1nterference6 Cross tal96 1nterference 5etween systems6 3an& off Tec'ni8ues6 !ntennas for -ase Station an& Mo5ile Anits !nalog cellular Mo5ile System4 C'annel structures6 R power level6 Mo&ulation6 Spectrum & c'annel "esignation6 Networ9 control activity6 System operation 6 Principal functions6 Mo5ile scanning6 registration6 Call origination6 Call receipt6 3an&off6 call termination6 security & 1&entification6 Supervisory !u&io Tone ?S!T@ Signalling Tone ?ST@6 Signalling ormat. "igital Cellular Mo5ile Systems4 "igital vIs !nalog cellular systems6 Mo&ulation6 !RB Tec'ni8ue6 "igital Speec' co&ing6 "igital Mo5ile Telep'ony6 c'annel E8uali;ation6 Multiple !ccess Sc'emes- "M!6 T"M!6 C"M!. 1ntro&uction to !nalog & "igial M!RR6 W>> system6 *-( Systems6 Mo5ile Computing. E/ample systems4 !MPS6 M!TS-"6 C"-2$$6 (SM6 Re9erences6 Mo5ile & Cellular Telecommunication 5y W.C.N >ee. Mc(raw'ill Wireless Communications 5y T. S Rappaport6 1EEE Press Wireless & Mo5ile Communication Systems 5y ".P !garwal & Bing !n;en6 T'omson Press EC12.5 Te&ecommunication Techno&og- an+ Management Cr. 56 $41.13%

1ntro&uction to e/isting telecommunication tec'nologies (SM6 W>>6 C"M!6 Circuit6 pac9et6 frame relay an& !TM switc'ing6 -roa&5an& 1S"N6 Evolution of 1S-2# an& t'ir& generation systems6 Microcell networ9s planning in C"M!6 1n&oor planning6 Sectori;ation an& smart antenna6 Tariff rules an& gui&elines6 Comparison of &ifferent wireless tec'nologies. 0oo!s6 W. Stalling6 "ata Comm. & Networ9ing6 EC12.< A+'ance+ O7tica& Communication S-stems Cr. 56 $4131:%

<ptical fi5ers4 review of fun&amentals6 ull EM analysis of cylin&rical optical fi5ers6 stu&y of PM"6 profile &ispersion6 &ispersion lattene& an& &ispersion compensate& fi5ers. W"M6 "W"M6 <ptical passive components an& t'eir &esign. Stu&y of optical couplers6 1solators6 Circulators6 filters6 Polari;ers. <ptical fi5er measurements an& testing6 >in9 certification6 1ntro. to time &omain reflectometer tec'ni8ues. <ptical networ9ing an& &esign issues6 ""16 i5er in local loop6 su5scri5er loop6 i5er optic >!N6 S"3 & S<NET6 networ9ing topologies an& access control protocols. !&vance& optical sources & &etectors6 amplifiers6 t'eir relia5ility issues6 new materials an& process tec'nologies for optical &evice fa5rication. <ptical integrate& circuits6 'y5ri& & monolit'ic systems6 optical inter-connects6 materials an& processing for <E1C.

<ptical sensors intrinsic & e/trinsic6 principles of pressure6 temperature6 &isplacement an& velocity measurements. Reference4 i5er <ptic Communication 5y Palais6 Pearson E&ucation i5er <ptic Communication Tec'nology 5y Myn5aev & Sc'einer6 Pearson E&ucation <ptical i5er Communication 5y Senior6 Prentice 3all EC12.= Micro E&ectro Mechanica& S-stem $Mems% Cr. 56 $41.13%

Micro Electro Mec'anical System ?MEMS@ <rigins. MEMS 1mpetus I Motivation. Material for MEMS. T'e tool5o/4 Processes for Micro mac'ining. MEMS a5rication Tec'nologies. un&amental MEMS "evice P'ysics4 !ctuation. un&amental MEMS "evices4 T'e Cantilever -eam. Microwave MEMS !pplications4 MEM Switc' "esign Consi&erations. T'e Micromac'ine& Transmission >ine. MEMS--ase& Microwave Circuit an& System. 0oo!s6 Microelectromec'anical ?MEM@ Microwave Systems 5y 3ector K."e >os Santos6 !rtec''ouse !n 1ntro&uction to Microelectromec'anical System 5y Na&im Maluf6 !rtec''ouse EC12:3 ire&ess Communication Techno&ogCr. 56 $4131:%

-asic principles of C"M!6 Ra&io operating environment6 He'icular Ra&io environment6 out&oor to in&oor an& pe&estrian ra&io environment6 1n&oor office Ra&io environment6 Mo5ility Mo&els an& impact on system &esign6 C"M! interface &esign6 P'ysical C'annels6 Sprea&ing Co&es6 Mo&ulation6 Error Control Sc'eme6 Multi Rate Sc'eme6 Power Control6 W!P an& ot'er protocols for 1nternet access6 "ata transmission in (SM an& AMTS6 TCP in wireless environments6 multi-user &etection an& its performance analysis6 WC"M! Simulators6 ast Power Control6 Spectrum efficiency6 Coverage -luetoot' an& ot'er wireless networ9s6 system comparison. Re9erence6 Prasa& R. C"M! for wireless personal Communication6 -oston >on&on6 !rteec' 3ouse %22, Manfre& Taferner an& Ernst -one96 Wireless internet access over (SM an& AMTS Pu5-Springer EC12:: Microe&ectronic #e'ices D Circuits Cr. 56 $41.13%

-rief recapitulation- 5an& t'eory6 " statistics6 recom5ination effects an& 5ipolar Cunction &evices. M<S &evices-M<S capacitance6 interface effects an& c'aracteri;ation. M<S ET principles an& c'aracteristics6 su5t'res'ol& region. Harious M<S structures-HM<S6 "M<S etc. Parasitic effects in M<S ET an& 5ipolar circuits. CC"s. 3ig' fre8uency &evices-metal semicon&uctor contacts. MES ETS. 3etero-Cunction &evices-3EMTs6 3-Ts. "evice mo&eling4 -ipolar &evices-(ummel LPoon mo&el an& RC "istri5ute& mo&el. M<S &evice mo&eling-long c'annel effects s'ort c'annel structures scale& &own &evice mo&els6 su5t'res'ol& con&uction.

Reference4 S.M.S;e6 Physics of semiconductor devices, Wiley Eastern6 %20%. ". Nagc'ou&'uri6 Microelectronic "evices6 Pearson E&ucation 1n&ia. N.P.Tsivi&is6 Operation and modeling of MOS transistor, Mc(raw-3ill6 %20.. M.S. Tyagi6 1ntro&uction to Semicon&uctor material an& &evices6 Ko'n . !ntognetti an& Masso5rio6 Device modeling with SPICE, Mc(raw-3ill. Clifton (. onsta&6 Microelectronic devices and Circuits, Mc(raw-3ill 1nternational E&ition6 %22). E&war& S.Nang6 Microelectronic devices, Mc(raw-3ill. Streetman6 Solid State Electronic Devices, P31. EC12:5 #esign o9 MICs D MMICs Cr. 56 $41.13%

Review of fun&amentals of electronic con&uction in compoun& semicon&uctors. Stu&y of semicon&uctors li9e (a!s6 1nP. un&amentals of 5an& gap engineering. New materials an& t'eir growt' tec'ni8ues. "ielectric material an& t'eir properties6 t'ic9 film an& t'in film tec'ni8ues6 loss tangent6 effective &ielectric constant. Effect of &ielectric 'eig't6 metal t'ic9ness6 wi&t' an& fre8. on &ielectric constant. Two an& t'ree terminal &evices for M1C an& MM1C applications. Stu&y of MES ET an& 3EMT performance analysis an& 5iasing arrangements. Review of planar transmission lines6 t'eir applications as &istri5ute& components. "evice an& circuit integration tec'ni8ues6 multi-layere& structures6 pro5ing an& coupling tec'ni8ues6 5on&ing tec'ni8ues. C!" for M1C an& MM1C6 1ntr. to nonlinear analysis6 synt'esis an& optimi;ation. !pplication of foun&ry &esign rules6 mo&els an& &esign rule c'ec9s6 layout tec'ni8ues6 process tolerances. Met'o&s of measurements an& testing of M1C an& MM1C. 1ntr. to scalar an& networ9 measurements6 full nonlinear6 'armonic an& noise c'aracteri;ation. !pplications of M1C an& MM1C as6 passive components6 switc'es6 mi/ers6 oscillators6 amplifiers. 1ntro. to Buasi-optical systems. Re9erence6 Microwave Material an& fa5rication tec'ni8ues 5y >averg'etta6 !rtec' 3ouse Microstrip >ine an& Slot >ines6 =C (upta6 R garg6 1 -a'l6 P -'artia6 !rtec' 3ouse Computer !i&e& !nalysis of Nonlinear Microwave Circuits6 Paulo KC Ro&rigues6 !rtec' 3ouse T'e R an& Microwave Circuit &esign Coo95oo96 S! Mass6 !rtec' 3ouse



M. Tech. $Microe&ectronic%
Teaching Scheme CRE"1T Su5Cect area Co&e Contact Hours/;ee! E"am. #uration $Hrs.% Practical T'eory CWS Re&ati'e eightage $(% MTE ETE PRE PRS

S. No

Su5Cect Co&e



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!&vance& P(-%% ) Mat'ematics ?1nstitute Core@ EC##% CM<S H>S1 P(-%) ) "esign ?"epartment core@ MaCor elective L1 MaCor elective -11 MaCor Elective-111 ,ist o9 Ma*or e&ecti'es $IE IIE III% EC##* "igital System P(-%# ) "esign EC### H>S1 P'ysical P(-%# ) &esign EC##. Synt'esis of &igital P(-%# ) systems EC##2 C!" of 1Cs P(-%# ) EC#,% Com5inatorial P(-%# ) optimi;ation EC#,* H>S1 Testing & P(-%# ) Testa5ility Minor elective-1 U1nter&epartmentalV ,ist o9 minor e&ecti'e EC#$# Computer P(-%, ) communication EC#%* Signals & Systems P(-%, )
Su) Tota& 1C#$+

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MaCor elective -H1 MaCor elective -H11 ,ist o9 ma*or e&ecti'es $I8E8E8I% H>S1 Tec'nology P(-%# ) !nalog an& Mi/e& P(-%# ) Signal 1Cs 3ig' level &esign P(-%# ) an& mo&eling of "igital system Em5e&&e& P(-%# ) systems- 3W an& SW "esign !&vance& P(-%# ) computer arc'itecture Memory &esign & P(-%# ) testing "esign of P(-%# ) !sync'ronous Se8uential Circuit P(! 5ase& P(-%# ) "esign Minor Elective-11 U1nter&epartmentalV "igital Signal & 1mage Processing MEMS
Su) Tota&

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1nter&epartmental Elective "issertation

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M. Tech. $Microe&ectronics Stream%

.. EC122. CMOS 8,SI #esign

Cr. 56 $4131:%

Process flow an& mas9ing steps for M<S an& CM<S tec'nologies6 >am5&a 5ase& &esign rules. ?%@ Electrical 5e'avior of M<S transistors ?+@ >atc' up in CM<S tec'nology >ayer properties of various con&ucting layers in M<S tec'nology ?&iffusion6 poly-silicon an& metal@4 S'eet resistance6 relative capacitance. un&amental time constant ?@ for a tec'nology. "esign an& analysis of NM<S ?en'ancement an& &epletion@ an& CM<S inverters: rationing of transistor si;e6 logic t'res'ol&6 logic low voltage level6 rise an& fall of &elays. "esign of 5asic gates in NM<S tec'nology. CM<S logic &esign styles4 static CM<S logic?!N"6 N<R gates@6 comple/ gates6 &omino logic6 pseu&o NM<S logic 6cloc9e& CM<S?C+ M<S@ logic. Structure& logic &esign4 programma5le arrays. "esign of latc'es an& flip-flops6 static memory cell an& &ynamic memory cell. M<S scaling t'eory an& scaling of interconnection. Re96 %. +. *. ). #. ,. .. Sung-Mo =ang & Nusuf >e5le5ici6 CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits Analysis and Design, Mc(raw-3ill6 %220. Neil 3.E.Weste an& =amran Es'rag'ian6 Principles of CMOS !SI Design, !&&ison Wesley6 %220. Ra5aey et al.6 "igital 1ntegrate& Circuits6 Pearson 1n&ia6 +$$+. =. Martin6 "igital 1ntegrate& circuit &esign6 </for& Aniversity press6 +$$%. !.Mu9'erCi6 Introduction to nMOS and CMOS !SI system design, Prentice 3all 1nc.6 %20,. C.Mea& an& >.Conway6 Introduction to !SI systems, !&&ison Wesley6 %20,. (lasser an& "o55erpu'l6 Design and analysis of !SI circuits, !&&ison Wesley6 %20#. Cr. 56 $41.13%

:. EC1224 #igita& S-stem +esign6

Se8uential >ogic "esign- 1ntro&uction6 -asic -ista5le Memory "evices6a&&itional 5ista5le &evices6 re&uce& c'aracteristics an& e/citation ta5le for 5ista5le &evices. Sync'ronous Se8uential >ogic Circuit "esign4 1ntro&uction6 Moore6 Mealy an& Mi/e& type Sync'ronous State Mac'ines. Sync'ronous se8uential &esign of Moore6 Melay Mac'ines6 Sync'ronous Counter "esign.

"ata pat' an& Control &esign. !lgorit'mic State Mac'ine4 !n !lgorit'm wit' inputs6 &igital solution6 1mplementation of traffic lig't controller6 !SM c'arts6 "esign Proce&ure for !SMs. 1ntro&uction to programma5le logic &evices" P!>s6 P>"s6 CP>"s an& P(!s. 1ntro&uction to H3">" "ata types6 Concurrent statements6 se8uential statements6 5e'avioral mo&eling. Re96 %. +. *. ). #. 4. "igital System "esign6 Ercegovic6 Wiley. Ric'ar& S. San&ige6 Modern Digital Design, Mc(raw-3ill6 %22$. Jvi =o'avi6 Switc'ing an& inite !utomata T'eory6 Tata Mc(raw-3ill. Nava5i. !nalysis an& mo&eling of &igital systems. Mc(raw 3ill6 %220. Perry. Mo&eling wit' H3">. Mc(raw 3ill6 %22). Cr. 56 $4131:%

EC1222 8,SI Ph-sica& +esign6 Circuit partitioning placement an& routing algorit'ms. "esign Rule-verification6 Circuit Compaction: Circuit E/traction an& post layout simulation. "eep su5-micron interconnects mo&eling an& synt'esis.

Re96 %. Sarraf;a&e'6 M. an& Wong6 C. =. !n intro&uction to H>S1 p'ysical &esign6 Mc (raw 3ill6 %22,. +. Sait6 S. M. an& Noussef6 3. H>S1 p'ysical &esign automation. 1EEE press6 %22#. *. S'erwani6 N. H>S1 p'ysical &esign automation. =luwer6 %222. ). Preas an& >oren;etti. P'ysical "esign !utomation of H>S1 Systems. -enCamin-Cummings6 %200. #. T. 3. Cormen6 C. E. >eiserson an& R. >. Rivest6 E1ntro&uction to !lgorit'ms6F Mc(raw-3ill6 %22$ 5. EC122A S-nthesis o9 #igita& s-stems4 Cr. 56 $4131:%

Role of C!" in &igital system &esign6 levels of &esign an& &escription suc' as 5e'avioral6 structural an& p'ysical: Tec'nological alternatives: languages for &esign &escription an& mo&eling at various levels: C!" tools for synt'esis6 optimi;ation6 simulation an& verification of &esign at various levels as well as for special reali;ations an& structures suc' as microprogrammes6 P>!s6 gate arrays etc. Re96 %. (. ". Mic'eli. Synt'esis an& optimi;ation of &igital systems. +. "utt6 N. ". an& (aCs9i6 ". ". 3ig' level synt'esis6 =luwer6 +$$$. *. T. 3. Cormen6 C. E. >eiserson an& R. >. Rivest6 E1ntro&uction to !lgorit'ms6F Mc(raw-3ill6 %22$. ). N. "eo6 (rap' T'eory6 P3 1n&ia.

2. EC122B CA# o9 ICs6

Cr. 56 $4131:%

1ntro&uction to concept of &esign6 &esign met'o&ologies6 semi-custom an& custom &esign approac'es. "ata pat' & control &esign. Elements of &evice an& circuit simulation6 logic simulation. Stic9 &iagram an& representation6 layout of 1Cs6 lam5&a 5ase& &esign rules. "eep su5micron interconnects mo&eling an& synt'esis. Topics in &esign-yiel& an& re&un&ancy6 low power &esign tec'ni8ues. Re96 %. Raguram6 R. Mo&eling an& Simulation of Electronic circuits. P31n&ia6 %22,. +. Weste an& Es'rag'ian. Principles of CM<S H>S1 &esign. !&&ison Wesley6 %220. *. =ang6 S. M. an& >e5le5ici6 N. CM<S "igital 1ntegrate& Circuits4 !nalysis an& "esign. Mc (raw 3ill6 +$$$. ). C'an&ra9asan6 !. P. >ow-power &esign met'o&ologies. 1EEE Press6 %220. #. !. Mu9'erCi. 1ntro&uction to nWM<S an& CM<S H>S1 system &esign. Prentice 3all 1nc.6 %20, ,. C. Mea& an& >. Conway. 1ntro&uction to H>S1 systems. !&&ison Wesley6 %20#. <. EC12<. Com)inatoria& O7timi>ation6 Cr. 56 $41.13%

<ptmi;ation pro5lem- Conve/ sets an& functions. T'e S1MP>EG algorit'm- forms of linear programming pro5lem6 geometry of >P6 organi;ation of Ta5leau. Computational consi&erations for simple/ algorit'm "uality- &ual of >P6 &ual simple/ pro5lem. Primal-&ual algorit'm. !lgorit'ms & comple/ity- s'ortest pat'6 ma/-flow6 "iC9s'tra7s algorit'm6 min-cost flow6 algorit'm for grap' searc' an& matc'ing: spanning trees an& matroi&s: 1nteger >inear programming6 (ree&y algorit'm6 appro/imation algorit'ms: 5ranc'-an&-5oun&: &ynamic programming. Ref: %. Papa&imitriou an& Steiglit;6 Com5inatorial optimi;ation6 P3 1n&ia6 +$$%. +. Nem'auser an& Wolsey6 1nteger an& Com5inatorial optimi;ation6 Wiley 1nter-science %222. A. EC12<4 8,SI Testing DTesta)i&it-6 Cr. 56 $41.13%

P'ysical aults an& t'eir mo&eling: Stuc9 at aults6 -ri&ging aults: ault collapsing: ault Simulation4 "e&uctive6 Parallel6 an& Concurrent ault Simulation. Critical Pat' Tracing: !TP( for Com5inational Circuits4 "-!lgorit'm6 -oolean "ifferences6 P<"EM Ran&om6 "eterministic an& Weig'te& Ran&om Test Pattern (eneration: !liasing an& its effect on ault Coverage. P>! Testing6 Cross Point ault Mo&el an& Test (eneration. Memory Testing Permanent 1ntermittent an& Pattern Sensitive aults6 Marc'ing Tests: "elay aults. !TP( for Se8uential Circuits 4 Time rame E/pansion : Controlla5ility an& <5serva5ility Scan "esign6 -1>-< 6 -oun&ary Scan for -oar& >evel Testing : -1ST an& Totally self c'ec9ing circuits.

System >evel "iagnosis4 1ntro&uction: Concept of Re&un&ancy6 Spatial Re&un&ancy6 Time Re&un&ancy6 Error Correction Co&es. Reconfiguration Tec'ni8ues: Niel& Mo&eling6 Relia5ility an& effective area utili;ation. Re96 %. !5ramovici6 M.6 -reuer6 M. !. an& rie&man6 !. ". "igital systems testing an& testa5le &esign. 1EEE press ?1n&ian e&ition availa5le t'roug' Kayco Pu5lis'ing 'ouse@6 +$$%. +. -us'nell an& !garwal6 H. ". H>S1 Testing. =luwer. *. !garwal6 H. ". an& Set'6 S. C. Test generation for H>S1 c'ips. 1EEE computer society press. ). 3urst6 S. >. H>Si testing4 "igital an& mi/e& analogI&igital tec'ni8ues. 1NSPECI1EE6 %222. =. EC12.4 Signa&s D S-stems6 Cr. 56 $41.13%

"iscrete an& continuous ran&om varia5les6 Coint pro5a5ility. Stoc'astic processes6 stationarity & ergo&icity6 laws of large num5ers6 central limit t'eorem6 various &istri5ution functions ?(aussian6 Normal6 Poisson6 etc.@ an& t'eir properties. 1ntro&uction to estimation & &etection t'eory6 Matc'e& ilters6 !&aptive ilters ?optimum filters@. B. EC1223 8,SI Techno&og-6 -asic 1C processing steps. Crystal growt' an& wafer preparation. Epita/y-5asics of vacuum &eposition6 M-E. CH"- low an& 'ig' tempIpressure &epositions. "iffusion L9inetics6 ic9s law6 s'eet resistivity met'o&s of &iffusion. </i&ation Lproperties of o/i&es6 t'eory of o/i&ation6 o/i&ation un&er &ifferent am5ients. 1on implantation. Etc'ing tec'ni8ues. CH" of polysilicon6 o/i&es an& nitri&es. 1ntegrate& circuit structures in 5ipolar an& M<S. 1ntro&uction to process simulation6 SAPREM. Re96 %. S. M. S;e6 !SI #echnology, Mc(R!W-31>>6 %200. +. ". Nagc'ou&'uri6 Principles Of Microelectronic #echnology, W'eeler Pu5lis'ing6 %220. *. Step'en !. Camp5ell6 #he Science and Engineering of Microelectronic $a%rication, </for& Aniversity Press6 %22,. ). 3ong Giao6 Introduction to Semiconductor Manufacturing, Prentice 3all6 +$$%. #. S= (an&'i6 H>S1 fa5rication principles6 Ko'n Wiley %20*. ,. !- (laser6 (E Su5a9-S'arpe6 1ntegrate& circuit engineering6 Rea&ing M!6 !&&ison Wesley %2.. EC122: Ana&og an+ Mi"e+ Signa& ICs6 Cr. 56 $4131:% Review of M<S Transistor operation mo&els an& e8uivalent circuits. Single-Stage !mplifiers6 "ifferential !mplifiers. Passive an& !ctive Current Mirrors4 Casco&e Current mirror6 Wilson Current mirror. T'eory an& &esign of M<S <perational !mplifier6 Complete CM<S operational amplifier inclu&ing fre8uency compensation. Cr. 56 $41.13%


Comparators an& Holtage Reference Sources. Switc'e& Capacitor Circuits4 Principles of operation of Switc'e& Capacitor Circuits6 Switc'e& Capacitor ilters. "I! an& !I" converters. Nonlinear !nalog circuits4 Timers6 unction generators6 Multipliers an& P>> Re96 %. P. R. (ray an& R. (. Meyer. !nalysis an& "esign of !nalog 1ntegrate& Circuits. Mc(raw 3ill6 NN6 %22). +. !. -. (re5ene6 -ipolar an& M<S analog integrate& circuits &esign. Ko'n Wiley6 %20). *. S. Soclof. !nalog 1ntegrate& Circuits. Prentice 3all 1nc. 6 %20#. ... EC1225 High ,e'e& #esign D Mo+e&ing o9 +igita& s-stems6 Cr. 56 $4131:%

System level &esign6 &escription languages- S">6 SpecC'art etc. !rc'itectural synt'esis for "SP applications. ormal Herification of &igital systems- -"" 5ase& approac'es6 functional e8uivalence6 finite state automata6 -automata6 SM verification. 3ar&ware-software partitioning6 interface synt'esis6 case stu&ies. Re96 %. (aCs9i6 (upta an& Ha'i&6 Specifications an& &esign of Em5e&&e& systems +. Topics on formal verification to 5e covere& using topics from literature. .:. EC122< Em)e++e+ S-stems1 H DS #esign6 Cr. 56 $4131:%

Em5e&&e& computing- Microprocessors6 em5e&&e& &esign process6 system &escription formalisms. 1nstruction sets- C1SC an& R1SC: CPA fun&amentals- programming 1I<s6 co-processors6 supervisor mo&e6 e/ceptions6 memory management units an& a&&ress translation6 pipelining6 super scalar e/ecution6 cac'ing6 CPA power consumption. Em5e&&e& computing platform- CPA 5us6 memory &evices6 1I< &evices6 interfacing6 &esigning wit' microprocessors6 &e5ugging tec'ni8ues. Program &esign an& analysis- mo&els of program6 assem5ly an& lin9ing6 compilation tec'ni8ues6 analysis an& optimi;ation of e/ecution time6 energy6 power an& si;e. Processes an& operating systems- multiple tas9s an& multiple processes6 conte/t switc'ing6 sc'e&uling policies6 inter-process communication mec'anisms. 3ar&ware accelerators- CPAs an& accelerators6 accelerator system &esign. Networ9s- &istri5ute& em5e&&e& arc'itectures6 networ9s for em5e&&e& systems6 networ9-5ase& &esign6 1nternet-ena5le& systems. System &esign tec'ni8ues- &esign met'o&ologies6 re8uirements analysis6 system analysis an& arc'itecture &esign6 8uality assurance. Re94 Wolf6 W. Computers as components- Principles of em5e&&e& computing system &esign. !ca&emic Press ?1n&ian e&ition availa5le from 3arcourt 1n&ia Pvt. >t&.6 +.M -loc9 mar9et6 (reater =ailas' 116 New "el'i-%%$ $)0.@ .4. EC122= A+'ance Com7uter Architecture6 Cr. 56 $41.13%

Motivation for parallel processing6 classification of Parallel !rc'itectures4 S1M"IM1M"6 ControlI "ata low6 "istri5ute&IS'are& Memory !rc'itectures. Mapping !lgorit'ms onto regular !rrays4 "ata &epen&encies6 >inear6 Rectangular Mes' an& 3e/agonal !rrays an& !lgorit'ms for t'ese !rc'itectures. S1M" !lgorit'ms4 "esign Consi&erations6 Mas9ing Hector instruction an& "ata structures. Memory !llocation Tec'ni8ues. 1nterconnection Networ9s. Sorting an& "ata -roa&casting. Massively Parallel S1M" computing. M1M" !lgorit'ms ?S'are& Memory@4 Sync'roni;ation6 Mutual E/clusion 6 3ot spots. 1nterconnection networ9s. !lgorit'ms for SMIS1M" Mac'ines. Performance issues. M1M" !lgorit'ms ? "istri5ute& Memory @ 4 Sync'ronous an& !sync'ronous <peration. Message routing Sc'emes. 1nterconnection Networ9s. Pac9et an& Circuit Switc'ing. Networ9 !rc'itectures. "istri5ute& !lgorit'ms. .5. EC12<3 Memor- #esign D Testing6 Cr. 56 $41.13%

Review of M<S Structure6 Scale& "own M<S ET an& CM<S Processing. Processing for Memories4 Multipoly loating (ate an& Control (ate6 Trenc' Capacitors an& t'in </i&e. 1nverter "esign4 C'oice of WI> an& Noise Margin Calculation6 Casco&e an& "ifferential 1nverters. SR!M an& "R!M Cell "esign4 -asic Cell Structures6 mo&eling an& &esign E8uations. Sense !mplifiers4 Necessity for Sense !mplifiers6 Holtage an& Current Sense !mplifiers6 Reference Holtage (eneration6 1nfluence of Sense !mplifier on cell !rc'itecture. Perip'eral Circuits. Memory Testing4 Mo&eling6 1ntro&uction to unctional Testing an& -uilt in Self-Test. .2. EC12<: #esign o9 As-nchronus Se?uentia& Circuits 6 Cr. 56 $41.13%

1ntro&uction4 Summary of sync'ronous tec'ni8ues - &isa&vantages in to&ayDs tec'nology. !&vantages of async'rononous tec'ni8ues - low power6 performance6 mo&ularity. 3istoric &ifficulties wit' async'ronous &esign. low Ta5le Re&uction6 T'e state-assignment Pro5lem6 "elays6 3a;ar&s6 an& !nalysis6 ee&5ac96 ot'er Mo&es of operation6 Counters. Circuit Classification" -oun&e& "elay6 spee& in&epen&ent6 an& &elay in&epen&ent. "ata mo&els ?single-rail6 &ual-rail@. 3an&s'a9ing protocols ?+ p'ase6 ) p'ase@ Micropipeline Circuits4 -asic 5uil&ing 5loc9s. Pipelines6 wit' an& wit'out &ata processing elements. T'e &esign of t'e !mulet processors. NC> >ogic4 T'e NA>> convention logic approac'. Preserving &elay insensitivity6 t'res'ol& gates wit' 'ysteresis. ormal !spects of !sync'ronous4 T'e Rain5ow approac'. (reen &escriptions of micro-pipelines. <verview of formal 5asis to async'ronous &escriptions Re9 6 !sync'ronous se8uential circuits 5y Step'en 3. Anger6 Ko'n Wiley & Sons Switc'ing an& inite !utomota T'eory. =o'avi6 Tata Mc(raw 3ill .<. EC12<5 FPGAs )ase+ +esign4 1ntro&uction to P(! !rc'itectures. P(! &esign flow6 partitioning6 placement an& routing algorit'ms. Tec'nology mapping for P(!s6 case stu&ies. Cr. 56 $4131:%

Re96 %. -rown6 S. ".6 rancis6 R. K.6 Rose6 K. an& Hranesic6 J (. iel& programma5le (ate arrays. =luwer6 %22+. +. -et;6 H.6 Rose6 K. an& Mar8uar&t6 !. !rc'itecture an& C!" for "eep-su5micron P(!s. =luwer6 %222. *. Trim5erger6 S. M. P(! Tec'nology. =luwer6 %22+. ). <l&fiel&6 K. H. an& "orf6 R. C. P(!s4 Reconfigura5le logic for rapi& prototyping an& implementation of &igital systems. Ko'n Wiley6 %22# EC12.3 #igita& Signa& D Image Processing Cr. 56 $4131:%

"iscrete an& ast ourier Transform4 1ntro&uction. Properties of " T & " S. Sampling t'e J-transform. >inear convolution using t'e " T. (oert;el !lgorit'm. "ecimation in time & fre8uency T !lgorit'ms. Representation of "igital ilters4 1ntro&uction. Signal flow grap' representation of &igital networ9s. Matri/ representation of &igital networ9s. -asic structure for 11R & 1R systems. Tellegens t'eorem an& its applications. C!" of ilters6 "SP !rc'itectures ?!nalog "evices & Te/as 1nstruments@ 1mage Processing4 !c8uiring of 1mages using Hi&eo Camera. "igital Representation of -inary & (ray Scale 1mages6 >inear operations on pictures. Two &imensional "iscrete ourier transform an& 3a&amar& transforms & t'eir applications to image processing. Sampling of pictures using an !rray of points6 !liasing pro5lem & its solution. 1mage En'ancement Tec'ni8ues4- (ray scale mo&ification (ray level correction6 (ray scale transformation6 3istogram mo&ification6 s'arpening of 1mages using &ifferentiation6 t'e laplaciam6 3ig' Emp'asis filtering6 so5el & 9irsc' operators. Smoot'ening4- Noise Removal6 !veragins6 Me&ian6 MinIMa/. iltering 1mage Segmentation & T'res'ol&ing4- T'res'ol&ing6 Multi5an& T'res'ol&ing6 T'res'ol&ing from Te/tures6 Selective 'istogram Tec'ni8ue6 -oun&ry >ines & Contours. 1mage Compression4Compression Tec'ni8ues using =-> Transform6 -loc9 Truncation Compression. Error free Comprerssion using 3uffman co&ing & 3uffman s'ift co&ing. Re9erence6 Signals an& Systems- <ppen'eim !.H.6 Wills9y !.S. an& Noung 1.K. P3E. "igital Signal Processing- <ppen'eim !.H. & Sc'afer R.W. P31. "igital Signal Processing- 5y >N<NS6 ?Pearson E&ucation@ "igital Signal Processing-5y Mitra- ?T!T! Mc(raw 3ill@ Pu5lications. "igital 1mage Processing- 5y (on;ale; I Woo&s6 ?Pearson E&ucation@ "igital 1mage Processing- 5y !.=. Kain "igital Picture Processing- 5y Rosenfiel& & =a9


Pro7ose+ scheme o9 M. Tech. Programme $Manu9acturing S-stem Engineering% Regu&ar ACA#EMIC CURRICU,UM
Teaching Scheme Su5Cect area CRE"1T Contact Hours/;ee! E"am. #uration $Hrs.% Practical T'eory CWS Re&ati'e eightage $(% MTE ETE ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ PRE $ $ $ $ $ $ )$ )$ PRS $ $ $ $ $ $ +$ $ $ $ $ ,$ ,$ -

S. No

Su5Cect Co&e



I SEMESTER %. M!-#$%( + ME-#$% *. ). #. ,.

"esign of E/periments Manufacturing System !nalysis Minor Electives-1 MaCor Electives-1 MaCor Elective-11 MaCor Elective-111 Su) Tota& :3/:2 II SEMESTER $SPRING% %. 1C-#$+ Simulation & Mo&eling + 1nstitute core ?<ptional@ *. Minor Electives-11 ). MaCor Electives-1H #. MaCor Elective-H ,. MaCor Elective-H1 Su) Tota& :3/:2 III SEMESTER $AUTUMN% :n+ /ear %. ME-,$% ProCect +. ME,$+ Seminar *. ME,$* "issertation Su) Tota& :3/:5 I8 SEMESTER $SPRING% % 1nter&epartmental + ME-,$* "issertation Su) Tota& :3/:5 Tota& =3/B=

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S. No Su)*ect Co+e ME #%% ME #%+ ME #%* ME #%) ME #%# ME #%, ME #%. ME #%0 ME #%2 ME #+$ ME #+% ME #++ ME #+* ME #+)

COURSE TIT,E Wor9 System "esign Manufacturing Strategy 3uman Resource Management Computer 1ntegrate& Manufacturing Systems Materials Management Pro&uctivity Engineering Buality System Engineering Pro&uct "esign an& "evelopment Pro&uction Planning an& Control <perations Researc' inancial "ecision Ma9ing Supply C'ain Management <perations Management Strategic 1nformation Tec'nology & Systems

%. +. *. ). #. ,. .. 0. 2. %$. %%. %+. %*. %).

>ist of Minor Electives

S. No. %. +. Su)*ect Co+e ME #*# ME #), Course Tit&e Energy Management Pollution Control Tec'nologies

#etai&e+ S-&&a)i
MA 23. G6 #esign o9 E"7eriments 4,1.T13S/ 5 cre+its

Estimation4 Criteria for t'e 5est estimator6 Point estimation6 1nterval estimation6 Confi&ence interval of mean an& variance6 ma/imum error of estimates. Testing of 'ypot'esis4 Comparison of sample mean an& proportion for large samples. Testing of 'ypot'esis for small samples 5ase& on stu&ents EtF test6 paire& EtF test6 test an& G + c'i-s8uare test. Testing of in&epen&ents of attri5utes using G+ test. !nalysis of Hariance ?!N<H!@4 Concept of e/periments6 <ne-Way classification6 Mat'ematical !nalysis of Mo&el. Two-way classification. Terminology of e/perimental &esign. Completely ran&omi;e& &esigns. actorial an& split-Plot &esigns6 1ncomplete -loc9s &esign >atin s8uare &esign6 analysis of covariance. Sums of pro&ucts6 analysis of covariance ta5le. Two factor e/periments. Multi-factor e/periments. + n& factor e/periments. ractional replication. ME 23.6 Manu9acturing S-stem Ana&-sis $PG C .5% Cr.5 $41.13%

(eneral System T'eory6 un&amental of Manufacturing System6 Process System for manufacturing6 Management System for manufacturing. !utomation System for manufacturing6 1nformation System for manufacturing6 (lo5al manufacturing6 Manufacturing e/cellence for future pro&uction perspective. System mo&eling tools an& met'o&s6 System Planning tools6 1ntegrate& manufacturing System "esign. Simulation6 Types of Simulation6 Simulation met'o&ology6 Simulation languages & Simulators. 0oo!s recommen+e+6 3iltomi6 Manufacturing System Engineering Tailor & rancis. "avi& <7Sullivan6 Manufacturing System Re&esigning6 Prentice 3all ME 2..6 or! S-stem #esign $PG C .2% Cr.5$41.13%

Wor9 Stu&y4 1ntro&uction to wor9 stu&y6 met'o&s stu&y6 principles of motion economy6 filming tec'ni8ues6 micro motion analysis. 1ntro&uction to wor9 measurement6 time stu&y6 performance rating6 stan&ar& allowances6 wor9 sampling6 pre&etermine& motion time systems6 case stu&ies. Ergonomics6 1ntro&uction of 'uman factor engineering an& man-mac'ine systems6 wor9 p'ysiology an& met'o&s of measurement of wor96 &esign an& selection of &isplay an& controls. !pplication of ant'ropometrics &ata an& &esign of wor9 place. ! layout6 environmental stu&ies in&ustrial safety an& training6 case stu&ies. Faci&ities P&anning D #esign 0usiness 7rocess Re1engineering6 Intro+uction6 Evaluation of -PR6 p'ases of -PR6 An&erlying Principles4 Pro&uct an& service &elivery processes. New organi;ational 5lue prints6 1nformation Tec'nology6 case stu&ies. 0oo!s recommen+e+6 Saun&ers6 Mc Cornic E.K.6 Q3uman actors in Engineering & "esign7 6 Mc(raw 3ill. Tom7!insE Fames AE Fohn A. hiteE 9aci&itiesE 7&anningE Fohn i&e- Ne;-or!.

Peppae& Koe & Roulan& P'ilip6 QEssence of -usiness Process ReEngineering76 Prentice 3all of 1n&ia >t&. 3ammer Mic'ael & C'ampy Kames QRe-Engineering t'e Corporation7 Nic'olas6 -realey Pu5lis'ing. -arns R.M6 Motion & Time Stu&y6 Ko'n Wiely an& Sons. ME 2.:6 Manu9acturing Strateg- $PG C .2% Cr.5$41.13%

Manufacturing Strategy4 Relevance an& concept6 strategic issues in manufacturing6 content an& process aspect of manufacturing strategy6 1nternational innovations in manufacturing. Competitive priorities - 8uality6 &elivery6 fle/i5ility an& cost6 improvement activities. Tra&e-offs in manufacturing priorities6 focuse& manufacturing6 1mplementation of manufacturing policies6 worl& class manufacturing. 1nterface 5etween manufacturing an& mar9eting6 inter-relations'ip among manufacturing Managers6 suppliers6 customers an& competitors. 3uman resource issues. 0oo!s Recommen+e+6 Hoss C. !6 Manufacturing strategy6 %22+6 C'apman & 3all Steve -rown6 Manufacturing t'e future6 +$$$6 Prentice 3all Terry 3ill6 Manufacturing strategy6 %2026 3omewoo&6 1> ME 2.46 Human Resource Management Cr.5$41.13%

Role an& functions of 3uman Resource management6 strategic 'uman resource planning6 structuring of organi;ation6 &esign of pro&uction organi;ation6 Motivation6 >ea&ers'ip6 Team -uil&ing6 Ko5 &esign6 !c8uisition of 'uman resources6 XPerformance !ppraisal6 Employee training an& career &evelopment6 Management of c'ange6 conflict management 0oo!s Recommen+e+ Ro55ins6 S.P.6 <rgani;ational -e'aviour6 Concepts6 Controversies an& !plications6 P31 Monappa !run & Saiya&ain M.S.6 Personnel Management6 TM3 ME 2.56 Com7uter Integrate+ Manu9acturing S-stem $PG C .2% Cr.5$41.13%

1nformation to automation & C1M6 NC6 CNC6 "NC6 P>C Manual & Computer ai&e& part programming (roup Tec'nology & Computer ai&e& Process Planning. !utomate& material 'an&ling system6 !utomatic Storage & retrieval system. Ro5otics in Manufacturing System. Soli& mo&eling6 &ata5ase for C!"IC!M an& &ata e/c'ange stan&ar&. le/i5le Manufacturing System. 0oo!s recommen+e+6 Ran9y P.(. Computer 1ntegrate& Manufacturing6 Prentice 3all Mi9ell P.(roover6 !utomation6 Pro&uction Systems an& Computer 1ntegrate& Mfg6 Prentice 3all ME 2.26 Materia&s Management Cr.5$41.13%

orecasting Tec'ni8ues inclu&ing -o/ Ken9ins. Material Re8uirements6 E/plosion an& >evels. Classification an& 1nventory !nalysis. Co&ification6 Stan&ar&i;ation an& Hariety Re&uction Ma9e or -uy "ecision6 1nventory Control tec'ni8ues. 1nventory Systems6 Material Re8uirements Planning6 P'asing. Materials unction inclu&ing -u&geting6 Purc'asing an& Hen&or "evelopment. Spare parts Management. Store an& materials !ccounting. 1mport e/port policies6 legal aspects purc'asing. Evaluation of Material Managements Performance. 0oo!s Recommen+e+6 !mmer "ean6 Materials Management6 1llions. -aily6 Pert & armer6 Managing Materials in 1n&ustry6 (rower Press6 >on&on. ME2.<6 Pro+ucti'it- Engineering Cr.5$41.13%

-asic &efinitions an& scope of pro&uctivity. Significance of pro&uctivity in economic &evelopment. Pro&uctivity Measurement at national level. "iversity of pro&uctivity concepts. Partial pro&uctivity6 total pro&uctivity an& total factor pro&uctivity6 Pro&uctivity measurement mo&el6 Total pro&uctivity mo&els. Pro&uctivity Evaluation-E/pression for total pro&uctivity c'ange6 t'e pro&uctivity Evaluation Tree. Pro&uctivity Planning. >ongIs'ort term pro&uctivity planning. Causes of low pro&uctivity in organi;ation. Strategies for pro&uctivity improvement. !nalytical pro&uctivity improvement mo&el. Pro&uctivity improvement tec'ni8ues4 Tec'nology 5ase&6 materials 5ase&6 pro&uct 5ase&6 employee 5ase& an& tas9 5ase&. Pro&uctivity in service in&ustries: Case stu&ies. 0oo!s Recommen+e+6 Scot Sin96 Pro&uctivity Management4 Planning Measurement an& Evaluation. Control an& 1mprovement L Ko'n Wiley6 N.N. Sumnat'6 "avi& K.6 Pro&uctivity Engineering & Management6 Mc.(raw 3ill N.N. ME 2.A6 @ua&it- S-stem Engineering un&amental of Buality6 Contri5ution of Buality gurus6 Buality Cost. Statistical process Control & Process capa5ility. !cceptance Sampling plans for attri5ute an& varia5le. Taguc'i Buality loss function an& concept of ro5ust &esign. Concept of si/ sigma6 ME!6 B "6 Po9a No9e. 1S< 2$$$ series of stan&ar&6 BS 2$$$6 TBM6 Buality circle. -enc' mar9ing. Pro&uct Buality an& relia5ility. 0oo!s recommen+e+6 (rant6 E.>.& >eavenwort' R.S. Statistical Buality Control6 Mc(raw 3ill. Kuran K.M& (ryna .M. Buality planning an& analysis6 Mc(raw 3ill. =oru 1s'i9awa6 (ui&e to Buality Control6 !sian Pro&uctivity <rgani;ation. !mitava Mitra L un&amentals of Buality Control & 1mprovement6 Mcmillan Pu5lis'ing Company. Cr.5$41.13%

ME 2.=6 Pro+uct #esign D #e'e&o7ment


Pro&uct &efinition6 New pro&uct &evelopment concept6 pro&uct &evelopment process6 consumer 5e'avior6 i&entifying customer nee&s. Esta5lis'ing pro&uct specification6 concept generation6 concept selection an& pro&uct arc'itecture. 1n&ustrial &esign6 &esign for manufacturing prototyping6 Economic analysis of new pro&ucts. Test mar9eting an& commerciali;ation of new pro&ucts. 0oo!s Recommen+e+ C'itle !. = an& (upta R.C6 Pro&uct "esign an& Manufacturing6 P31 Saun&ers6 Mc Cornic E.K.6 Q3uman actors in Engineering & "esign76 Mc(raw 3ill. Alric' =. T an& Eppinger S."6 Pro&uct "esign an& "evelopment6 Mc (raw 3ill ME 2.B6 Pro+uction P&anning D Contro& Cr.5$41.13%

Management of Pro&uction Systems6 orecasting6 Materials Management6 !ggregate Planning6 Master Planning Sc'e&ule6 Capacity Planning6 Pro&uction an& Se8uncencing6 Resource Sc'e&uling6 MRP6 K1T6 <PT6 T<C. 0oo!s Recommen+e+ -e&wort'6 "avi&6 " & Kames E -ailey6 1ntegrate& Pro&uction control Systems6 Ko'n Wiley & Sons Narsim'an S. >.6 Mcleavy6 -illirgton6 Pro&uction Planning & 1nve5ntory Control6 P31 Mon96 K. (.6 <perations Management6 Mc (raw 3ill ME2:36 O7eration Research Cr.5 $41.13%

Review of -usiness Statistics an& Pro5a5ility6 Pro5a5ility "istri5utions6 Sampling "istri5utions6 Estimation6 3ypot'esis Testing6 Co-relation an& regression analysis. Revision of >inear Programming Pro5lem6 "uality an& Post <ptimal Sensitivity !nalysis. 1nteger >inear Programming6 (oal Programming6 "ynamic Programming. Simulation. "esign of E/periments. 1ntro&uction to Non-linear Programming Pro5lems. 0oo!s Recommen+e+4 <perations Researc' 5y 3am&y !.Ta'a6 ,Ie6 P31 S. S. Rao6 <ptimi;ation Tec'ni8ues6 Wiely Eastern ME 2:.6 Financia& #ecision Ma!ing Cr.5 $41.13% inancial Statement4 5alance s'eet6 P&> accounts6 inancial analysis6 li8ui&ity ratios6 leverage ratio6 profita5ility ratios an& activity ratios. Profit planning4 -rea9 even analysis6 marginal analysis6 EPS6 PIE ratio6 Return- on- 1nvestment leverage. Capital -u&geting4 Nature of Capital 5u&geting "ecisions6 time value of money6 Harious approac'es to evaluate investment proposals. Ris9 an& re8uire& return4 Capital asset t'eory6 weig'te& average re8uire& return6 &etermination of re8uire& return6 valuation of t'e firms common stoc9. S'ort term an& long term financial &ecisions4 Sources of s'ort-term finance6 Sources of long term financing4 converti5le securities6 warrants6 effective cost of long term &e5t.

"ivi&en&s policies an& &ecisions4 Nature of &ivi&en& &ecision6 factors affecting &ivi&en& &ecisions6 alternative form of &ivi&en&s6 &eveloping &ivi&en& policies. 0oo!s Recommen+e+6 C'an&ra Prasanna6 inancial Management6 T'eory & Practice6 Tata Mc(raw 3ill. =uc'al6 S.C. inancial Management & !nalytical an& Conceptual !pproac'6 C'itanaya Pu5lis'ing 3ouse6 -om5ay. Ko'n K. 3umpton6 inancial "ecision-Ma9ing6 Prentice 3all 1n&ia. 1.M. Pan&ey6 inancial Management6 Hi9as Pu5lis'ing 3ouse. ME 2::6 Su77&- Chain Management Cr.5$41.13%

Role of Supply C'ain Management6 Scope an& 1mportance. Customer &river Strategies6 >ogistics an& Competitive Strategy: System Hiew6 Co-or&ination an& Management of Transportation6 1nventory6 <r&er Processing6 Purc'asing6 Ware'ousing6 Materials 3an&ling6 Pac9aging. Customer Service Management. Mar9eting an& Supply C'ain 1nterface6 finance an& supply C'ain 1nterface. "istri5ution Policies an& Plans. 1nternational >ogistics6 <cean Carrier Management. 1mport-E/port >ogistic Management "ecision Support Mo&els of Supply C'ain Management4 Transportation Systems. Ware'ouse "esign6 "istri5ution Policies6 Transs'ipment. Etc. 1nformation Systems. 0oo!s Recommen+e+6 Ronal& 3. -allou6 -usiness >ogistics Management6 Prentice 3all Martin C'ristop'er6 >ogis'es & Supply c'ain Management. Mo'anty. R. P6 "es'mu9'. S. (.6 Supply c'ain Management6 P'oeni/ pu5lis'ing ME 2:46O7erations Management Cr.5$41.13%

Strategy & Competition6 Manufacturing & Service Strategies6 orecasting6 !ggregate Planning6 Capacity Planning6 !&vance& Resource Management Tec'ni8ues6 ProCect management6 >ine -alancing6 T'eory of Constraints & Sync'ronous Manufacturing6 actory of t'e uture. 0oo! recommen+e+6 Steven Natmias6 Pro&uction & <perations Management6 Mc(raw 3ill6 +$$% Panneerselvam6 Pro&uction & <peration Management6 Prentice 3all 1n&ia ME 2:56 Strategic In9ormation Techno&og- D S-stems Cr.5 $41.13%

Concepts an& Principles of Strategic 1nformation Systems Management 1nformation System ?M1S@6 1nformation flow an& "ecision-Ma9ing. System "evelopment >ife Cycle. Evaluation of M1S in an organi;ation. "ata5ase Management System ?"-MS@ Concepts Mo&els of "-MS. 3ierarc'ical Networ9 & >ocational "esign Consi&erations of "-MS "esign Consi&erations of "-MS. Normali;ation6 ile 1ntro&uction to <R!C>EI1N(RESSR"MS. Evaluation of R"-MS Pac9ages. "esign Support Systems Concepts6 !rc'itecture an& 1mplementation. E/ecutive 1nformation System4 "istri5ute& "!T! Processing4 Concept an& 1mplementations consi&erations: Hertical6 'ori;ontal an& 'eterogeneous systems. Networ9 structure & !rc'itecture Type of Networ9s. Wi&e !rea Networ9 ?W!N@ >ocal !rea Networ9 ?>!N@ "esign consi&eration of >!N an& its implementation criteria Et'ernet6 !RCNET6 To9en ring

consi&eration in >!N environment an& its a&vantages. "ifficulty wit' conventional manufacturing met'o&s nee&s for intelligence6 5asic concept of !rtificial 1ntelligence6 Pro5lem representation6 Pro5lem solution Tec'ni8ues. = <verview of e/pert systems. 0oo!s Recommen+e+6 C.K."ate6 !n 1ntro&uction to "ata-ase Management System Norosa Pu5lication 3ouse. Martin K. "esign an& Strategy for ""P Prentice 3all. Tanna5aum6 a.S.Computer Networ96 Prentice 3all. ME 242 Energ- Management Cr6 5 $41.13%

Intro+uction to Energ- Management4 !ims an& approac'es of au&iting6 types of energy au&it6 energy in&ices in resi&ential6 commercial an& in&ustrial sector6 &ata collection. Energ- in Manu9acturing4 Energy an& environmental analysis of pro&ucts6 energy consumption in manufacturing6 laws of energy an& materials flow. Energ- in Resi+entia& Sector6 Supply of energy for rural an& ur5an 'ousing6 fuel su5stitution6 efficiency improvement of &omestic appliances. Instrumentation 9or Energ- Management4 Measurement of 'eat flu/6 ra&iation6 psyc'ometric varia5les6 flui& flow & velocities6 &ata analysis. ,i9e C-c&e Ana&-sis4 >C! of energy systems6 concept of life cycle costing an& its use. #eman+ Si+e Management4 Principles of "SM6 rules an& tools of "SM6 fun&amentals of &eman& response6 "SM tools an& practices. Te"t )oo!s6 C.-. Smit'6 Energy Management Principles6 Pergamon Press6 New Nor96 %20%. 3amies6 Energy !u&iting an& Conservation4 Met'o&s6 Measurements6 Management & case stu&y6 'emis'pere6 Was'ington6 %20$. "iamant R.M.6 Total Energy6 Pergamon Press6 </for&6 %2.$. ME 25< Po&&ution Contro& Techno&ogies Cr6 5 $41.13%

Intro+uction4 1ntro&uction to air pollution6 classification of pollutants6 t'eir effects6 impact of environment on 'uman. Air Po&&ution Sources4 Mo5ile an& stationary sources6 types of plume &ispersion mec'anisms6 air 8uality measurement concepts. Contro& +e'ices 9or 7articu&ate contaminants4 gravitational settlement6 centrifugal an& wet collectors6 fa5ric filters6 cyclon separators6 electrostatic precipitators Contro& +e'ices 9or gaseous contaminants 9rom stationar- sources6 a&sorption6 a&sorption6 con&ensation6 com5ustion 5ase& pollution control systems. Automoti'e Emission contro&6 Types an& construction of catalytic converters6 emission control t'roug' operating parameters an& engine &esign6 alternative fuels for emission re&uction. ,a;s an+ regu&ations6 National an& international stan&ar&s for mo5ile an& stationary sources of air pollution. Te"t )oo!6 3owar& S. Peavy6 "onal& Rowe: Environmental Engineering: Tata Mc-(raw 3ill6 %202.


M. Tech. $NON FERROUS META,,URG/% Teaching Scheme S. No Su5Cect area Co&e CRE"1T Contact Hours/;ee! E"am. #uration $Hrs.% CWS T'eory Practical Re&ati'e eightage $(% PRS MTE ETE ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ PRE ------------------------)$ )$ ---%$$

Su5Cect Co&e



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"etails of t'e su5Cect of M.Tec'.?Nonferrous Metallurgy@ S. No % + * ) % + * ) # , . 0 2 %$ %% %+ %* %) %# %, %. %0 %2 +$ Su5Cect Co&e ME-#%+ ME-#%) ME-#%# ME-#%0 MT-#$* MT-#$# MT-#$. MT-#$2 MT-#%% MT-#%* MT-#%# MT-#%. MT-#%2 MT-#$+ MT-#$) MT-#$, MT-#$0 MT-#%$ MT-#%+ MT-#%) MT-#%, MT-#%0 MT-#+$ MT-#++ Course Title Minor E&ecti'es $Inter1#e7artmenta&% Manufacturing Strategy Computer 1ntegrate& Manufacturing Systems Materials Management Pro&uct "esign an& "evelopment Ma*or E&ecti'es Ma*or E&ecti'es CI E/traction of Nuclear an& Space Metals P'ysical Metallurgy of special Purpose Non-ferrous Metals an& !lloys 1n&ustrial Corrosion an& its Control Ma*or E&ecti'es C II <perations Researc' Casting Practice of >ig't Metals & T'eir !lloys !&vance& Mineral Processing Ma*or E&ecti'es C III C'aracteri;ation of Metals an& !lloys Treatment of Metallurgical Wastes & Recovery of -y-pro&ucts Superalloys Ma*or E&ecti'es1I8 !&vances in Pro&uction of Common Non-ferrous Metals !&vance& Tec'ni8ues for Koining of Metals & Materials Total Buality Management Selection of Metals an& !lloy "esign Ma*or E&ecti'esC8 orming of Non-ferrous Metals & !lloys Non-e8uili5rium Soli&ification of Metals & !lloys 1n&ustrial 3eat Treatment ailure !nalysis Ma*or E&ecti'e C8I Pow&er Metallurgy of Non-ferrous Metals & !lloys Composite Materials Environmental Management in Metallurgical 1n&ustries

S-&&a)us 9or M. Tech. $Non19errous Meta&&urg-% MA123.# A+'ance+ Course In Mathematics 4,1.T13P/Cre+its65

Statistics an+ Pro)a)i&it-6 Pro5a5ility t'eory6 -aye7s t'eorem6 -inomial6 Poisson an& normal &istri5utions6 testing of 'ypot'esis6 C'i s8uare test goo&ness of fit6 in&epen&ence of two varia5les6 stu&ent t-test6 analysis of variance6 -test6 correlation an& regression6 coefficient of correlation6 ran9 correlation6 lines of regressions. Stochastic Process4 Poison process for &iscrete parameters6 Mar9ov c'ains6 8ueing t'eory. Ca&cu&us o9 8ariations6 unctionals6 Euler e8uations for one an& several varia5les: isoperimetric pro5lems: !pplications. O7timi>ation Techni?ues6 Ansconstraine& optimi;ation6 optimi;ation of functions of two varia5les6 >agrange7s multipliers6 >inear programming-simple/ met'o&6 Transportation pro5lems6 !ssignments pro5lems. MT123. Phase Trans9ormations an+ E?ui&i)ria 4,1.T13P/Cr.6 5

P'ase "iagrams an& P'ase E8uili5ria6 Nucleation an& c'ange of state6 Types of P'ase transformation6 (as to >i8ui&6 >i8ui& to soli& an& soli& state transformations. Classification of soli& State transformations6 "iffusion in soli&s6 =ir9en&al effect6 &iffusional an& &iffusionless transformations6 soli& solutions6 Precipitation 'ar&ening6 <r&er-"isor&er6 Massive an& Spino&al transformations. T'ermo&ynamics6 =inetics6 Nucleation an& growt' of all types of transformatins. Recovery6 Recrystalli;ation an& (rain (rowt'. Re9erence6 %. P'ase Transformations in Metals an& !lloys 5y "avi& Por5er an& =ennet' Este9ling +. P'ysical Metallurgy L R.W. C'an *. =inetics of P'ase Transformations- K. -u MT 1234 E"traction o9 Nuc&ear an+ S7ace Meta&s 4,1.T13P/Cr.5

-rief outline of essential re8uirements of nuclear an& aerospace metals. E/traction of Nuclear Metals4 !tomic minerals6 t'eir occurrence in 1n&ia6 general met'o&s of t'eir processing. Pro&uction metallurgy of nuclear gra&e uranium6 t'orium6 5eryllium an& ;irconium. Pro&uction of enric'e& uranium. Processing of spent fuel an& e/traction of plutonium. 1n&ian Reactors an& !tomic Energy Program. E/traction of space age metals4 aluminium6 lit'ium6 silicon6 magnesium6 an& titanium. Re9erences4 %. C. ". 3arrington an& !. ". Ruec'le: Aranium Pro&uction Tec'nology. +. S. (lasston: Nuclear Reactor Engineering. *. R. (. -ellarry an& N. !. 3ill: E/traction an& Metallurgy of Aranium6 T'orium an& -eryllium: Pergamon Press >t&.

). W. ". Kamruc9: Rare Metal E/traction 5y C'emical Engineering Tec'ni8ue: Pergamon Press </for&. #. (. >. Miller: Metallurgy of Rare Metals. ,. !. K. =aufmenn et al.: T'e Metallurgy of Jirconium. .. N. Seuryu9ov: Non-ferrous Metallurgy: Mir Pu5lis'ers6 Moscow. 0. W. !. =rivs9y: 3ig' Temperature Refractory Metals: (or&on an& -reac'6 New Nor9. MT1232 Ph-sica& Meta&&urg- o9 S7ecia& Pur7ose Non1Ferrous A&&o-s 4,1 .T13P/ Cr. 5

Special purpose metals an& alloys of aluminium6 magnesium6 titanium6 copper6 nic9el6 lea&6 ;inc an& tin for critical appraisal of t'eir application. P'ysical properties electrical con&uctivity6 t'ermal con&uctivity an& magnetic properties. !lloying nature6 P'ase &iagram of important alloy systems6 Non-e8uili5rium mo&ifications. Structure an& properties c'anges. T'eories an& mec'anism of 'eat treatment processes. Corrosion an& o/i&ation c'aracteristics. "eformation an& 'eat treatment6 Effect of temperature6 alloying a&&itions an& impurities. Recovery6 recrystalli;ation an& grain growt'. a5rication an& Coining tec'ni8ues. -earings6 low melting point alloys an& &ie-casting alloys. Re9erences6 %. !SM Metals 3an& -oo96 Hol. +. +. !SM Metals 3an& -oo96 Hol. *. *. >ig't !lloys- Metallurgy of t'e lig't metals 5y 1. K. Polmear6 E&war& !rnol&. ). Engineering Materials4 Properties an& Selection 5y =.(. -u&ens9i6 P316 New "el'i. #. Engineering Metallurgy6 Part %6 5y R. !. 3iggins6 E>-SIE&war& !rnol&. ,. 1ntro&uction to Engineering Materials 5y Hernon Ko'n6 Macmillan E&ucation >t&.6 >on&on. MT123A In+ustria& Corrosion D Its Contro& 4,1.T13P/Cr. 5

!n over view of t'ermo&ynamic & 9inetic aspects of corrosion. Causes6 mec'anism & met'o&s of prevention of various forms of corrosion wit' special reference to uniform6 5imetallic6 pitting6 erosion6 intergranular corrosion6 stress corrosion crac9ing6 corrosion fatigue6 &ealloying & o/i&ation of metals. Effect of metallurgical an& environmental varia5les on corrosion. Stu&y of corrosion testing met'o&s6 t'eir relative merits & &emerits. Construction & wor9ing of a potentiostat & its applications. Corrosion monitoring & inspection. Case stu&ies4 Specific corrosion Pro5lems & t'eir solutions in automo5ile6 aviation6 petroleum6 foo& processing & &istri5ution in&ustries6 nuclear reactors6 water supply systems6 cooling systems6 'ot water systems6 pipelines6 reinforcement in concrete structures6 marine environments6 5iome&ical &evices. Re9erences Corrosion4 Hol. 1 & 11 5y >.>. S'rier6 R. !. Karmon & (.T. -ursteir6 -utterwort' & 3einemann pu5lications6 (reat -ritain. Corrosion Science & Tec'nology 5y "avi& Tal5ot & Kames Tal5ot6 CRC Press6 >on&on. Corrosion Engineering 5y Mars (. ontana Pu5. 5y Mc(raw 3ill6 N.N. Principles & prevention of Corrosion 5y "enny !. Kones6 Prentice 3all. N.K. Kournals of Corrosion Prevention & its control.

Metals 3an&5oo96 Hol. %*6 Corrosion6 Nint' E&ition6 !SM Pu5lication. MT123B O7erations Research 4,1.T13P/Cr.5

1ntro&uction 4 Concept6 c'aracteristics6 p'ases an& steps of <.R. >inear Programming4 formulation of t'e pro5lems6 various cases6 Simple/ met'o&6 !rtificial varia5le tec'ni8ues6 "uality. Transportation an& !ssignment 4 Solution of t'e pro5lem6 "egeneracy6 assignment pro5lem6 Trans'ipment mo&el. 1nventory Control4 1ntro&uction6 mo&eling6 various inventory mo&els wit' e/amples. ProCect Sc'e&uling4 P'ases of proCect sc'e&uling6 5y PERT> an& CPM. Networ9 preparation an& analysis6 Cost consi&eration6 !pplications. "ynamic Programming4 ormulation6 solution an& application6 various cases wit' e/amples. Bueue T'eory4 <5Cective6 elements of 8ueueing system6 important mo&els. (oal programming6 Se8uencing t'eory6 1nteger programming6 Replacement t'eory6 (ame t'eory6 Simulation6 <ptimi;ation tec'ni8ues for non linear programming. Re9erences6 Engineering <ptimi;ation6 S.S. Rao6 New !ge 1nternational New "el'i. <peration Researc'6 3.!. Ta'a6 Prentice 3all of 1n&ia. <peration Researc'6 -.S. (oyal an& S.=.Mittal6 Pragati Pra9as'an Meerut. <ptimi;ation Tec'ni8ues6 S.=.Kain an& ".M.Me'ta6 Kaipur Pu5lis'ing 3ouse6 Kaipur. MT12.. Casting Practice 9or ,ight Meta&s D A&&o-s 4,1.T13P/Cr. 5

A&uminium an+ Magnesium an+ their a&&o-s6 Casting properties6 melting practice ?types of furnaces6 flu/es6 grain refiners6 nucleating agents & filters use&@6 castings processes6 soli&ification6 gating an& risering6 &egassing an& inclusions control. Casting &efects6 causes an& reme&ies6 finis'ing inspection of castings. 0er-&&iumE Titanium an+ their a&&o-s6 Melting an& casting practice6 soli&ification6 casting &efects6 causes an& reme&ies . Re9erences4 3eine R.W.6 >oper C.R. an& Rosent'al P.C.6 Principles of metals casting6 Mc(raw 3ill. P. >. Kain6 Principles of oun&ry Tec'nology6 Tata Mc(raw 3ill ". =umar & S. =. Kain6 oun&ry Tec'nology6 C-S6 New "el'i. P.C.Mu9'arCi6 Metal Cast Tec'nology6 1-3 & </for& Pu5lications. MT12.4 A+'ance+ Minera& Processing 4,1.T13P/Cr. 5

Comminution L p'ysical concepts of fracture6 t'eories of crus'ing an& grin&ing. T'eoretical 5asis of ore 5eneficiation 5y gravity6 electrostatic an& flotation concentration6 T'e p'ases in flotation systems6 surface tension6 contact angles6 (i557s a&sorption e8uation6 T'e p'ysical c'emistry of soli&-gas-solution interfaces6 electrical effect of interfaces-electro9inetic p'enomena at gas-li8ui& interfaces. Mec'anism an& mo&ulation of collection. =inetic consi&erations in flotation.

(eneral principles of mill location6 mill &esign an& construction6 mill operation6 mineral &ressing economics6 milling cost an& evaluation of metallurgical results. C'emical treatment of ores. Re9erences4 lotation 5y !. M. (au&in. <re processing 5y S. =. Kain. Mineral Processing 5y Priyor. MT12.2 Characteri>ation o9 Meta&s an+ A&&o-s 4,1.T13P/Cr. 5

1ntro&uction4 Scope of su5Cect6 classification of tec'ni8ues for c'aracteri;ation6 macro- an& microstructure c'aracteri;ation of soli&s using transmission an& scanning electron microscopy. Met'o&s of structure &etermination4 G-ray6 Electron- an& Neutron-&iffraction. Met'o&s involving materials analysis4 Electron micropro5e analy;er6 G-ray &iffraction6 an& G-ray fluorescence. !tomic a5sorption spectrometry an& spectrop'otometry. Met'o&s for &irect o5servations of lattice imperfections4 Electron microscopy an& iel& ion microscopy. Etc' pit tec'ni8ues Buantitative Metallograp'y4 1mage analysis. Re9erence6 Tec'ni8ues of Metals Researc' Hol. % Part % & + 5y R. . -uns'a'. Elements of G-ray &iffraction 5y -.". Cullity ?!&&ison Wesley %2.0@. Metals 3an& -oo96 2t' e&ition6 !SM Hol. %$. ?Materials c'aracteri;ation6 !SM %20$@. G-ray Metallograp'y 5y !. Taylor6 K. Wiley6 New Nor9. MT12.A Treatment o9 Meta&&urgica& astes an+ Reco'er- o9 0-1Pro+ucts 4,1.T13P/Cr.5

Types of metallurgical wastes an& t'eir sources6 t'eir effects on 'uman an& social life. Sources an& 'an&ling of re& mu&6 recovery of valua5les from re& mu&. !pplications of re& mu&- present an& future Recovery of valua5les from pot linings6 vana&ium slu&ge6 aluminium plant gases an& ano&e 5utts. Treatment of ano&e mu& of copper pro&uction for recovery of precious metals. Treatment of sulp'ur 5earing gases from copper pro&uction. Treatment of effluents from lea& an& ;inc pro&uction. Recovery of valua5les from &ross &uring refining of lea&. Re9erences4 Encyclope&ia of C'emical Tec'. ?Hol.%L+#@ E&ite& 5y Kaca8ueling 1.6 =rosc'ivt;6 Ko'n Wiley an& sons. Enclyclope&ia of c'emical Processing & "esign6Holume ?%-*+@6 E&ite& 5y K. Mc9etta an& William !. Cunng'ain6 Marcel "e99ar 1nc6 New Nor9. E/traction of Copper 5y -iswas & "avenport.

MT 2.B Su7era&&o-s


Re8uirements of materials for 'ig' temperature applications. Effect of elevate& temperature on t'e properties of materials. "esigning for 'ig' temperature alloys. Commonly use& non-ferrous superalloys an& t'eir c'aracteristics. Creep6 fatigue6 o/i&ation6 sulp'i&i;ation an& 'ot corrosion resistance of superalloys. Wor9a5ility6 mac'ina5ility an& wel&a5ility of superalloys. 1n&ustrial applications of commonly use& superalloys. Re9erences6 %. !SM Metals 3an& -oo96 Hol. +. +. !SM Metals 3an& -oo96 Hol. *. *. Sims6 C.T.: an& 3agel6 W.C.: T'e Superalloys6 Ko'n Wiley & Sons6 >on&on. ). 3e'emann6 R. . an& !ult6 (. M.: 3ig' Temperature Materials6 Ko'n Wiley & Sons6 >on&on. MT123: A+'ances in Pro+uction o9 Common Non9errous Meta&s 4,1.T13P/Cr.5

A&uminium6 "evelopments in pro&uction of alumina 5y -ayer7s Process an& alternatives to -ayer7s Process. Car5on Tec'nology6 1mprovements in 3all 3aroult Process an& alternatives. Pro&uction of super purity aluminium. Co77er6 "evelopments in copper smelting. New processes for e/traction of copper. Energy concepts in copper smelting. >osses of copper in slag an& its recovery. ,ea+ D Iinc6 !&vances in pro&uction of ;inc & lea&. Newer processes in ;inc e/traction 5y pyrometallurgy & 'y&rometallurgy. 1mperial smelting process. Treatment of comple/ sulp'i&e ores containing lea&6 copper an& ;inc. Pro&uction of ;inc from lea& slags 5y slag fuming. Nic!e& an+ Co)a&t6 E/traction practices from sulp'i&e ores6 lateritic o/i&e ores6 refractory ores an& wastes an& scraps. Genera&6 Numerical Pro5lems 5ase& on energy an& material -alance. Re9erence4 E/traction of nonferrous metals L -y (ill. E/traction of Copper L -iswas && "avenport. Encyclope&ia of C'emical Tec'. ?Hol.%L+#@ E&ite& 5y Kaca8ueling 1.6 =rosc'ivt;6 Ko'n Wiley an& sons. Enclyclope&ia of c'emical Processing & "esign6Holume ?%-*+@6 E&ite& 5y K. Mc9etta an& William !. Cunng'ain6 Marcel "e99ar W1nc6 New Nor9. MT1235 A+'ance+ Techni?ues 9or Foining o9 Meta&s D Materia&s 4,1.T13P/ Cr.5

Wel&ing Process6 classification6 various wel&ing tec'ni8ues an& t'eir principles6 Electron 5eam6 Plasma6 >aser6 e/plosive wel&ing tec'ni8ues. Wel&ing Process varia5les suc' as 'eat source6 'eat flow6 gas-metal an& slag-metal reactions6 lu/es an& filler materials6 protective atmosp'eres. Metallurgical varia5les6 wel& Coint microstrtucture6 grain growt'6 gas a5sorption6 soli&ification6 precipitation6 resi&ual stress6 wel&ing &efects. Wel&ing applications wit' respect to ferrous an& non-ferrous metals an& alloys. Koining of Plastics. Re9erences6

Mo&ern Wel&ing 4 !.". !lt'ouse6 C. 3. Turn8uist an& W.!. -ow&itc'6 T'e (oo&'eart L Willcose Co. Wel&ing an& Wel&ing Tec'nology 4 R.>. >ittle6 Tata Mc(raw 3ill Co. T'e Science an& Practice of Wel&ing6 Hol. % & + 4 !.C. "avies6 Cam5ri&ge Aniversity Press6 Cam5ri&ge. Wel&ing Processing an& Tec'nology 4 R.S. Parmar6 ='anna Pu5lis'ers6 "el'i. Wel&ing 3an&5oo96 Section % to # 4 !merican Wel&ing Society. MT123< Tota& @ua&it- Management 4,1.T13P/Cr.5

Buality concept6 5rief &iscussion a5out wor9 of "eming6 Kuran an& Taguc'i: Statistical process control6 control c'arts varia5le an& attri5ute. Process capa5ility stu&ies6 pro5lem solving tools an& tec'ni8ues. !cceptance sampling L sampling 5y attri5ute6 Concept of si/ sigma. Buality system stan&ar& L 1S< 2$$$6 BS 2$$$6 1S< %)$$$. !pplication of TBM in Metallurgical in&ustries Re9erences6 Paul Kames: Total Buality Management6 Prentice 3all Kuran & Caryana6 Buality Planning !nalysis. E.>. (rant6 SBC. 1n&ian oun&ry Kournal MT123= Se&ection o9 Materia&s an+ A&&o-s #esign 4,1.T13P/ Cr.5

1mportance of material selection. actors affecting material selection. 1mpact of material manufacturing processes on material selection. Concept an& significance of alloy &esign. !lloy &esign met'o&ology. "esign for non-ferrous 'ig' strengt' materials6 toug' materials6 fatigue resistant materials6 creep resistant materials6 wear resistant materials an& corrosion resistant materials. Re9erences6 !SM 3an&5oo96 Hol. +6 Properties an& Selection4 Nonferrous !lloys an& Special-Purpose Materials6 Materials Par96 <'io4 !SM 1nternational6 %22$. -oyer6 3.E.?e&.@6 Selection of Materials for component "esign4 Source -oo96 Metals Par96 <'io: !merican Society for Metals6 %22$. Se&lac96 H.6 Nonferrous Metals an& !lloys6 New Nor9: Elsevier6 %20,. !s''5y6 M. . Materials Selection in Mec'anical "esign6 New Nor94 Pergamon6 %22+. Ranganat'an S.6 !runac'alam H.S. an& Ca'n R.W. ?E&s.@6 !lloy "esign6 1n&ian !ca&emy of Science6 -angalore6 %20%. Tien Ko'n =. an& !nsell (eorge S. ?E&s.@6 !lloy an& Microstructural "esign6 !ca&emic Press.

MT12.3 Forming o9 Non Ferrous Meta&s D A&&o-s

4,1.T13P/ Cr.5

Metallurgical factors 4 1ntro&uction to metal forming6 Principles of nonferrous metals forming6 classification of forming processes6 actors affecting t'e forma5ility6 Effect of temperature6 composition & strain rate. E/trusion 4 Types of e/trusion6 WProcess varia5les6 impact e/trusion. "efects an& 8uality control. orging 4 Processes6 e8uipment6 &efects an& 8uality control6 Rotary swaging. Rolling 4 Types of rolling6 Process varia5les6 Roll pass &esign6 &efects. S'eet Metalwor9ing Processes4 -lan9ing6 spinning6 coining 3ammer forming6 Roll forming6 Ru55er &eforming stretc' forming. orming wire6 -ar of tu5es4 Metallurgical consi&eration6 wire&rawing seam & seamless tu5es. Miscellaneous forming operations6 'ig' energy rate forming. Re9erences6 M. . !s'5y an& ".R.3. Kones6 Engineering Materials Hol. +6 Pergamon Press. R.!. 3iggins6 Engineering Metallurgy6 Part 116 Metallurgical Process Tec'nology. (.E. "ieter6 Mec'anical Metallurgy6 Mc(raw 3ill -oo9 company. !luminium6 Hol 111 L a5rication an& inis'ing6 E&. =.R. Han 3orn. !merican society for Metals. T'e 3ot an& Col& Wor9ing of Non- errous Metals an& !lloys6 Symposium 1nstitute of Metals. MT12.: Non1E?ui&i)rium So&i+i9ication o9 Meta&s an+ A&&o-s 4,1.T13P/Cr.5

Soli&ification of metals an& alloys6 Non-e8uili5rium soli&ification6 un&ercooling6 types of un&ercoolings6 p'ase &iagrams6 non-e8uili5rium p'ase &iagrams6 to line concept. Rapi& soli&ification6 Tec'ni8ues for rapi& soli&ification6 E8uili5rium p'ase6 Meta sta5le p'ase6 E/tension in soli& solution6 Buasi crystals6 Nano-crystals. Capacitors t'roug' rapi& soli&ification tec'ni8ues. Synt'esis of rapi&ly soli&ifie& pow&ers. Re9erences6 Metallic (lasses6 T.R.!nant'aramon. Rapi& Soli&ification Tec'nology. E&. T.R. !nant'aramon & C. Suryanarayana. Trans. Tec'. Pu5lications. Soli&ification Processing6 M.C. lamings. !&vances in Materials an& t'eir !pplications6 E&. P. Ramarao. MT12.5 In+ustria& Heat Treatment 4,1.T13P/Cr.5

1mportant 'eat treatment operations given to alloys. Effect of 'eat treatment on microstructure an& properties. T'ermomec'anical 'eat treatment. 3eat treatment furnaces6 urance atmosp'eres an& t'eir control. 3eat treatment &efects6 specific 'eat treatments for specific applications suc' as wear6 magnetic6 'ig' temerature applications for specific alloys. Re9erences6 Wear Resistance of Metals an& !lloys4 (.R. =ings5uley6 !merican Sciety of Metals.

T'e Super !lloys4 C.T. Sims an& W.C.3agel >ig't !lloys 4 Metallurgy of >ig't Metals L 1.K.Polmsur MT12.< Fai&ure Ana&-sis 4,1.T13P/ Cr.5

Types of failure in metallic materials. actors causing failures of metallic materials. alure !nalysis met'o&ology. Tools for failure analysis. Engineering "esign for failure prevention. Re9erences6 .!.!. Crane an& K.!. C'arles6 Selection an& Ase of Engineering Materials. S.Telelmam an& !.K. McEivly6 racture of Structural Materials. K.E. =nott6 un&amentals of racture Mec'anics. R.". -arer an& -. . Peters6 W'y Metals ail. MT12.= Po;+er Meta&&urg- o9 Non1Ferrous Meta&s D A&&o-s 4,1.T13P/Cr.5

Elements of pow&er Metalurgy 4 3istorical 5ac9groun& Pow&er6 pro&uction tec'ni8ues6 C'aracteri;ation6 con&itioning6 compaction6 sintering an& applications. Non-ferrous Pow&er Metallurgy4 Pro&uction of !l6 Cu6 Mg6 Ti6 Ni6 Co an& -e elemental an& alloy pow&ers6 Pro&uction of tungsten car5i&e6 titanium car5i&e an& tantalum car5i&e pow&ers. >i8ui& p'ase sintering of copper an& tin pow&ers6 non-porous 5earing6 silver-tin amalgam for &ental restorations. Pow&er rolling of aluminium6 nic9el an& copper. 1nCection moul&ing6 loose pow&er sintering6 slip casting an& infiltration wit' special reference to nonferrous metals. Properties an& specifications of PIM structural parts from aluminium alloys an& copper alloys6 t'eir applications an& economics6 Pow&er forgings. Wroug't PIM pro&ucts of 5eryllium6 magnesium6 aluminium6 superalloys6 &ispersion strengt'ene& alloys. Pow&er metallurgical magnets4 alnico magnets6 co5alt-rare eart' magnets6 elongate& single &omain magnets6 magnets for 'ig' fre8uencies. Pow&er metallurgy of t'e refractory an& ractive metals4 tungsten wire an& ot'er pro&ucts6 moly5&enum6 tantalum6 titanium6 ;irconium an& ot'er alloys. Pow&er metallurgy of supercon&ucting materials. Naropow&ers4 pro&uction6 properties & applications. Re9erences6 K.S. 3irsc'oron L 1ntro&uction to Pow&er Metallurgy R.3.T. "i/on & !. Clayton L Pow&er Metallurgy for Engg. R.M. (eloman6 Pow&er Metall9urgy Science6 MP1 6 %20). .H. >enel6 Pow&er Metallurgy L Principles & !pplications6 %20$. !SM Metals 'an& 5oo96 H. . QPow&er Metallurgy7

MT1 2:3 Com7osite Materia&s

4, .T 3P /Cr. 5

"efinition6 importance of composite materials over ot'er engineering materials: a&vantages an& &isa&vantages of composites: general c'aracteristics6 general re8uirements of composite materials. Classification of composites on t'e 5asis of microstructure6 reinforcement geometry an& matri/ materials. orms of reinforcements6 t'eir function an& c'aracteristics. unctions of matrices an& t'eir c'aracteristics. "ispersion strengt'ene&6 particle strengt'ene& an& fi5re-reinforce& composites. Strengt'ening mec'anisms6 Rule of mi/ture. Continuous an& &iscontinuous fi5re composites. MaCor composite classes L polymer matri/6 metal matri/ an& ceramic matri/ composites. 3y5ri& composites. E/amples of t'ese composites. Role of interfaces in composites. Toug'ening mec'anisms in PMC6 MMCs an& CMCs. a5rication of fi5re reinforce& composites. >aminate&6 san&wic' an& fille& composites4 !pplications of composites. Re9erence6 Composite Materials4 Properties6 Non-&estructive testing an& repair 5y Mel M. Sc'wart;6 Pu54 Prentice 3all6 New Kersey. 1n&ustrial Materials4 Polymers6 Ceramics an& composites6 Hol. + 5y "avi& ! Colling an& T'omas Hasilos6 Pu5.4 Prentice 3all6 N. Kersey. Mo&ern composite Materials 5y >.K. -routman an& R.M. =roc9 Pu5.4 !&&ison- Wesley. Composite Materials L Science an& Engg. -y =.=. C'awla6 Pu5.4 spriger-Herlag6 New Nor9 MT12:: En'ironmenta& Management in Meta&&urgica& In+ustries 4, 1 .T1 3P/Cr.5

Relations'ip 5etween metals6 materials an& &environment. Treatment of to/ic effluents from !l6 Cu6 Jn6 P5 smelter utili;ing low gra&e mineral a5sor5ent. Processing of waste solution containing 'eavy metals. Emissions from metallurgical in&ustries an& t'eir control. Noise pollution in metallurgical in&ustries an& foun&ries an& its management. Nee& for energy efficiency an& promotions of cleaner pro&uction in foun&ry an& metallurgical in&ustries. Environmental legislation relate& to metallurgical in&ustries. Re9erences6 "astur M.N. L Procee&ings of Seminar on Management6 Environment6 e5. %22). >a'ari !.=. - Environment an& Waste Management in 1ron an& Steel 1n&ustries %222. (upta R.C. L Procee&ings of t'e 1nternational Conference on EMM1-+$$$. E&ecti'e inter+e7artmenta& $Minor E&ecti'es 9or other +e7artments% MT <3: Engineering Materia&s an+ Processing Techno&og4,1.T13P/Cr. 6 5

Classification an& nature of engineering materials6 Properties an& selection principles. Crystal an& polymeric structure of materials6 P'ase &iagrams. Steel an& Cast 1ron pro&ucts6 Metallurgy an& spectrum of steels an& cast irons. Car5on an& alloy steels6 stainless steel6 Tool Steels an& t'eir &esignation6 &ie steels6 3eat treatment. Surface an& selective 'ar&ening. !luminium an& its alloy4 !lloy &esignation types of pro&ucts6 3eat treatment an& corrosion

Copper an& its alloys4 Spectrum of copper an& its alloys6 3eat treatment6 a5rication6 Wear Resistance6 !lloy selection an& corrosion. Magnesium6 Nic9el6 Jinc6 Titanium an& Refractory Metals4 Selection in solving &esign pro5lems6 Metallurgy an& properties6 alloy specification. Polymeric Materials4 Nature an& t'eir 5e'aviour6 Plastics & Elastomers6 Polymerisation Reactions. "eformation an& Strengt'ening mec'anism. Ceramic Materials4 Nature an& morp'ology of ceramics an& glasses6 Electrical6 mec'anical an& t'ermal porperties6 Processing Tec'ni8ues. Composites4 c'aracteristics an& classification of composites6 Matri/ materials6 Types of fi5res6 &ispersoi&s6 Processing of composites Re9erence6 William . Smit'4 Principles of Materials Science & Engineering6 Mc(raw 3ill 1nternational. Hon Hlac9 4 Elements of Materials Science & Engineering6 Wesley Pu5lis'ing Co. Callister N.". Materials Science & Engineering6 Ko'n Wiley an& Sons. -un&is9i =.(. 4 Engineering Materials6 Prentice 3all of 1n&ia. MT 2.5 In+ustria& Heat Treatment 4,1.T13P/Cr.5

1mportant 'eat treatment operations given to alloys. Effect of 'eat treatment on microstructure an& properties. T'ermomec'anical 'eat treatment. 3eat treatment furnaces6 urnace atmosp'eres an& t'eir control. 3eat treatment &efects6 specific 'eat treatments for specific applications suc' as wear6 magnetic6 'ig' temperature applications for specific alloys. Re9erences6 Wear Resistance of Metals an& !lloys4 (.R. =ings5uley6 !merican Sciety of Metals. T'e Super !lloys4 C.T. Sims an& W.C.3agel >ig't !lloys 4 Metallurgy of >ig't Metals L 1.K.Polmsur MT <35 #e9romationE Fracture an+ Fai&ure Ana&-sis 4,1.T13P/Cr. 5 "islocation t'eory6 plastic &eformation in metals an& alloys. Effect of temperature6 stress an& Environment on &eformation. Types of racture4 -rittle fracture6 &uctile fracture6 creep an& fatigue fracture6 fracture toug'ness an& its &etermination. "eformation mec'anism maCor. ractograp'y4 Macroscopic6 Microscopic failure analysis an& some case stu&ies. Re9erence6 !&vances in Researc' in Strengt' an& racture of Materials6 P.R.R. Topli/6 Pergaman Press. Metallograp'y in ailure !nalysis6 K.>. Ma Cal an& P.M. renc'6 Plenum Press. "eformation an& racture Mec'anics of Engineering Materials- R.W. 3ert;5erg6 Ko'n Wiley an& Sons. Mec'anical -e'aviour of Materials6 T.3. Courney6 Mc(raw 3ill 1nternational !nalysis of Metallurgical ailure6 H.K. (olangelo an& .!. 3eiser6 Ko'n Wiley an& sons.

MT123A In+ustria& Corrosion D its Contro&

4,1.T13P/Cr. 5

!n over view of t'ermo&ynamic & 9inetic aspects of corrosion. Causes6 mec'anism & met'o&s of prevention of various forms of corrosion wit' special reference to uniform6 5imetallic6 pitting6 erosion6 intergranular corrosion6 stress corrosion crac9ing6 corrosion fatigue6 &ealloying & o/i&ation of metals. Effect of metallurgical an& environmental varia5les on corrosion. Stu&y of corrosion testing met'o&s6 t'eir relative merits & &emerits. Construction & wor9ing of a potentiostat & its applications. Corrosion monitoring & inspection. Case stu&ies4 Specific corrosion Pro5lems & t'eir solutions in automo5ile6 aviation6 petroleum6 foo& processing & &istri5ution in&ustries6 nuclear reactors6 water supply systems6 cooling systems6 'ot water systems6 pipelines6 reinforcement in concrete structures6 marine environments6 5iome&ical &evices. Re9erences6 Corrosion4 Hol. 1 & 11 5y >.>. S'rier6 R. !. Karmon & (.T. -ursteir6 -utterwort' & 3einemann pu5lications6 (reat -ritain. Corrosion Science & Tec'nology 5y "avi& Tal5ot & Kames Tal5ot6 CRC Press6 >on&on. Corrosion Engineering 5y Mars (. ontana Pu5. 5y Mc(raw 3ill6 N.N. Principles & prevention of Corrosion 5y "enny !. Kones6 Prentice 3all. N.K. Kournals of Corrosion Prevention & its control. Metals 3an&5oo96 Hol. %*6 Corrosion6 Nint' E&ition6 !SM Pu5lication. MT <3< Casting Techno&og4,1.T13P/Cr. 5

Patterns4 Materials for patterns6 Types of patterns6 selection of pattern type6 pattern colours an& mar9ings6 pattern storage6 pattern ma9ing mac'ines an& tools6 pattern allowances & &esign consi&erations. San& Moul&ing4 Types of moul&s6 properties an& selection of san&s6 clay 5on&ing agents6 san& mi/tures6 con&itioning of moul&ing san&. San& Cores an& Core ma9ing 4 Types of cores core6 composition6 core mi/tures6 reinforcing of cores6 core ramming6 stoc9 cores6 core 5a9ing6 core was'es6 assem5ly an& core setting6 &esign consi&erations6 core ma9ing mac'ines. Casting processes4 S'ell moul&ing6 car5on &io/i&e moul&ing6 plaster moul&ing6 1nvestment casting6 permanent moul& casting6 &ie casting6 slus' casting6 centrifugal casting. Soli&ification of metals an& alloys6 segregation. (ating & Risering 4 (ating &esign6 aspiration effect6 effects of friction an& velocity &istri5ution6 Riser &esign an& placement. Types of risers6 met'o&s to ac'ieve &irectional soli&ification. Casting "efects4 Types of casting &efects an& t'eir reme&ies. Casting &esign4 metallurgical6 &esign an& economic consi&erations6 computer L ai&e& &esign an& &rafting in foun&ries. Melting urnaces4 1n&uction furnace6 oil fire& furnace6 electric resistance furnace6 cupolas6 etc. Melting practice for S.(. iron6 grey iron6 aluminium an& copper alloys Buality control in foun&ries.

Re9erences6 R.W. 3eine6 C.R. >oper6 P.C. Rosent'al6 Principles of Metal Casting6 Tata Mc(raw 3ill Pu5. Co. >t&.6 New "el'i P.>. Kain6 Principles of foun&ry Tec'nology6 Tata Mc(raw 3ill Co. >t&.6 New "el'i. P.>. Kain6 Tool Engineering for Metal Casting Processes6 Tata Mc(raw 3ill Co. >t&.6 New "el'i. 3. . Taylor6 M.C. lemings6 K. Wulf6 oun&ry Engineering6 Wiley Eastern >t&.6 "el'i. !mita5' ('os' & !s'o96 =umar Malli9 Manufacturing Science6 !ffiliate& East L West Press Pvt. >t&.6 New "el'i. P.C. Mu9'erCee6 un&amentals of Metal Casting Tec'nology6 </for& & %-3 Pu5. Co. Pvt. >t&.6 New "el'i. oun&ry TEc'nology6 ". =umar & S.=.Kain6 C-S6 Pu5lis'ers6 New "el'i

ACA#EMIC CURRICU,UM M.Tech. $CA# in Structura& Engineering%

Su5Cect Co&e Su5Cect !rea Course Title Contact 3ours per wee9 Cre&its E/am. "uration ?3rs.@ Practical T'eory Relative Weig'tage ?S@

S. No.



ETE ,$ #$ #$ #$ #$ #$ )$ #$ #$ #$ #$ -


.st /ear %. M!#$%+. ST#$% *. ). #. ,.

Mat'ematics !&vance& Structural !nalysis MaCor Elective-1 MaCor Elective-11 MaCor Elective-111 Minor Elective-1

P(-%% P(-%)

I1Semester $Autumn% ) * % ) * % -

* * * * * *

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:n+ /ear %. ST,$% +. ST,$+ *. ST,$*

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P(-%# ) * % P(-%# ) * % P(-%# ) * % P(-%, ) * % Su) Tota& :5 II1Semester $S7ring% Simulation & Mo&eling P(-%+ ) + % MaCor Elective-1H P(-%# ) * % MaCor Elective-H P(-%# ) * % MaCor Elective-H1 P(-%# ) * % Minor Elective-11 P(-%, ) * % Su) Tota& :3 III1Semester $Autumn% Seminar P(-%2 ) ProCect P(-%0 ) "issertation P(-+$ %, Su) Tota& :5 I8 Semester $S7ring% Course from <t'er "ept. P(-%. ) "issertation ?Cont&. P(+$ rom 111 Semester@ +$ Su) Tota& Total :5 2+

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#e7artmenta& Core6 %. ST4 #$% 4 !&vance Structural !nalysis Ma*or E&ecti'es $Ma*or area o9 s7ecia&i>ation% ST #%% 4 !&vance Soli& Mec'anics ST #+% 4 Structural "ynamics ST #*% 4 Soil Structure 1nteraction ST #)% 4 Concrete Tec'nology ST ##% 4 Structural <ptimi;ation ST #,% 4 "esign of Steel Structures ST #.% 4 "esign of Concrete Structures ST #%+ 4 -ri&ge Engineering ST #++ 4 Tall -uil&ings ST #*+ 4 Prestresse& Structures ST #)+ 4 Eart'8ua9e Engineering ST ##+ 4 Relia5ility 5ase& Structural Engineering "esign ST #,+ 4 Plates an& S'ells ST #.+ 4 inite Element Met'o&s

Minor E&ecti'es $Minor area o9 s7ecia&isation% $From Geotechnica& s7ecia&i>ation% %. ST #2% 4 !&vance& foun&ation &esign +. ST #2+ 4 (roun& improvement tec'ni8ues *. Courses from MaCor electives in M.Tec'. in Transportation6 Environmental an& Water Resources Engineering. A+'ance+ Structura& Ana&-sis $ST23.% Matri/ met'o&s in s9eletal structural analysis 4 force an& &isplacement met'o&s: Structure on elastic foun&ation: "irect stiffness met'o&: Mem5er stiffness matri/: ormation of Coint stiffness matri/ an& vectors: Rotation of a/es in two an& t'ree &imensions: !nalysis an& computer formulations of continuous 5eams6 plane frames6 plane trusses6 space trusses an& space frames. A+'ance+ So&i+ Mechanics $ST2.. % >inear elasticity6 Stress6 strain6 constitutive relations: -oun&ary con&itions6 "escription of an Elasticity pro5lem as a 5oun&ary value pro5lem6 Plane stress6 strain6 a/i-symmetric pro5lems6 >arge &isplacements an& large strains: Cartesian6 cylin&rical an& sp'erical coor&inates: 1ntro&uction to curvilinear coor&inates: T'ermal strains. 1ntro&uction to plasticity: Niel& con&ition: 1&eal elasto-plastic material: Complete formulation for an elasto-plastic pro5lem. Structura& #-namics $ST 2:.% S"< System4 E8uation of motion: ree vi5ration: 3armonic loa&: Evaluation of &amping: Perio&ic loa&: (eneral loa& ?time &omain6 fre8uency &omain@: Response spectrum loa&. M"< System4 Structural matrics: An&ampe& free vi5ration: (eneration of &amping matri/6 Mo&e superposition analysis: Practical consi&erations. Continuous Systems 4 E8uation of motion: An&ampe& free vi5ration: orce& response. Ran&om Hi5rations4 Ran&om varia5les an& ran&om recesses: Mo&els of ran&om &ynamic loa&s: Stoc'astic response of S"< an& M"< systems.

Soi& Structure Interaction $ST24.% Critical stu&y of conventional met'o&s of foun&ation &esign6 nature an& comple/ities of soil structure interaction6 application of a&vance& tec'ni8ues of analysis: suc' as t'e finite element met'o&6 finite &ifferences6 rela/ation an& interaction for t'e evaluation of soil structure interaction for &ifferent types of structures un&er various con&itions of loa&ing an& su5soil c'aracteristics: preparation of compre'ensive &esign oriente& computer programmes for specific pro5lems. 1nteraction pro5lems 5ase& on t'e t'eory of su5 gra&e reaction suc' as 5eams6 footings6 rafts6 5ul9'ea&s etc. !nalysis of &ifferent types of frame structures foun&e& on stratifie& natural &eposits wit' linear an& nonlinear stress strain c'aracteristics.6 "etermination of pile capacities6 group action of piles consi&ering stress strain c'aracteristics of real soils6 !nc'or piles an& &etermination of pull out resistance. Concrete Techno&og- $ST 25.% Review of constituent materials an& mi/ &esign6 a&mi/tures6 properties of concrete in fres' state an& 'ar&ene& state6 special concretes6 &ura5ility of concretes su5Cecte& to e/treme environment6 &eterioration mec'anisms6 assessment an& control of corrosion in concrete structures6 insitu assessment of concrete structures6 various N"T tec'ni8ues an& t'eir applications6 repair of concrete structures. Structura& O7timisation $ST22.% ormulation of &ifferent types of structural optimisation pro5lems: <ptimality criteria 5ase& structural optimisation: Computation of &erivatives of response 8uantities wit' respect to &esign varia5les: Classical optimisation: >agrange multipiler tec'ni8ue an& =u'n-Tuc9er con&itions: Solution of N>P 5y &irect met'o&s an& 5y series of unconstraine& optimisation pro5lems an& 5y series of unconstraine& optimisation pro5lems an& 5y series of linear programming pro5lems. #esign o9 Stee& Structures $ST2<.% "esign of rigi& an& semi rigi& 5olte& an& wel&e& connections6 tu5ular trusses an& space frames6 open we5 sections6 castellate& 5eams6 communication towers. Composites in construction: "esign of steel concrete composite 5eams an& columns6 composite trusses6 connections. #esign o9 Concrete Structures $ST2A.% "esign an& structural &etailing of stan&ar& structures6 li9e: frame& structures6 for resi&ential6 in&ustrial6 pu5lic utility an& recreational purposes: truss6 storage vessels6 un&ergroun& an& elevate& structures6 etc. "evelopment of computer programs for &esign of structural elements an& complete structures. 0ri+ge Engineering $ST2.:% Types of -ri&ges6 c'oice of 5ri&ge type6 criteria for selection of 5ri&ge site6 economic span6 5ri&ge loa&ings6 sla5 5ri&ges6 effect of s9ew6 loa& &istri5ution t'eories for multi 5eam 5ri&ges6 &esign of R.C. an& prestresse& T 5eam 5ri&ges6 arc' 5ri&ges6 5e'avior an& structural action of 5o/ gir&er an& ca5le staye& 5ri&ges6 5ri&ge 5earings6 met'o&s of construction6 inspection an& maintenance proce&ures6 re'a5ilitation of 5ri&ges. Ta&& 0ui&+ings $ST2::% Structural systems of tall 5uil&ings: Moment resistant. frames6 5race& frames6 eccentrically 5race& frames6 s'ear walls6 couple& s'ear walls6 frame s'ear wall interaction6 tu5ular structures: appro/imate an& matri/ oriente& met'o&s of &esign of tall 5uil&ings: &esign of pile an& raft foun&ation for tall 5uil&ings: application of artificial intelligence to tall 5uil&ing &esign.

Pre1Stresse+ Structures $ST24:% -asic p'ilosop'y of prestressing4 Harious tec'ni8ues of prestressing wit' an& wit'out prestressing ca5les6 &ifferent systems of prestressing6 materials an& &esign concepts6 Prestressing of concrete structures6 !nalysis an& &esign of 5eams6 "esign of en& 5loc9s6 Altimate strengt' in fle/ure an& s'ear6 Statically in&eterminate structures6 Tension mem5ers6 tan9s6 compression mem5ers6 partial prestressing6 composite construction6 precast prestresse& elements. Earth?ua!e Engineering $ST25:% C'aracterisation of groun& motion6 Eart'8ua9e intensity an& magnitu&e: Recor&ing instruments an& 5ase line correction: Pre&ominant perio& an& amplification t'roug' soil: Eart'8ua9e spectra for elastic an& inelastic systems: 1&ealisation of structural systems for low6 me&ium an& 'ig' rise 5uil&ings: >ateral force evaluation 5y mo&e superposition an& &irect integration: Reserve energy tec'ni8ue: Effect of foun&ationIsoil on eart'8ua9e response: !nalysis for torsion: Review of &amages &uring past eart'8ua9es an& reme&ial measures: Reinforcement &etailing for mem5ers an& Coints coupling: Co&al provisions. Re&ia)i&it- 0ase+ Ci'i& Engineering #esign $ST22:% Concepts of structural safety: -asic statics an& pro5a5ility: Resistance parameters an& &istri5utions: Pro5a5ilistic analysis of loa&s6 live loa& an& win& loa&: -asic structural relia5ility: Monte Carlo stu&y of Structural safety: >evel + relia5ility met'o&s: Relia5ility analysis of components: Relia5ility 5ase& &esign &etermination of partial safety factors6 co&e cali5ration: Relia5ility of structural systems: atigue relia5ility L S-N curve approac': !pplications to steel an& concrete structures: <ffs'ore structures etc. P&ates An+ She&&s $ST2<:% Plate e8uation an& 5e'aviour of t'in plates in Cartesian6 polar an& s9ew coor&inates: Curvilinear coor&inates an& coor&inate transformation: 1sotropic an& ort'otropic plates6 5en&ing an& twisting of plates: Navier an& >evy solutions an& energy met'o&s: rectangular6 circular plates an& plates wit' varia5le rigi&ity in Cartesian an& polar coor&inates: Numerical solutions. S'ell 5e'aviour6 s'ell surfaces an& c'aracteristics6 classifications of s'ells6 e8uili5rium e8uations in curvilinear coor&inates6 force &isplacement relations: Mem5rane analysis of s'ells of revolution an& cylin&rical s'ells un&er &ifferent loa&s6 s'allow s'ells6 concept of pseu&o stresses6 mem5rane solution of elliptic para5oloi&s an& 'yper5oloi&s6 solutions of typical pro5lems. Finite E&ement Metho+ $ST2A:% Principles of &iscretisation: Element stiffness mass formulation 5ase& on &irect6 variational an& weig'te& resi&ual tec'ni8ues: "isplacements6 'y5ri& stress an& mi/e& approac'es: S'ape functions an& numerical integration6convergence6 "isplacement6 'y5ri& stress an& mi/e& formulations: S'ape functions6 isoparametric formulation6 numerical integration an& convergence: ormulations for elements for two &imensional an& a/isymmetric s'ells6 Semi analytical formulations: T'ree &imensional elements an& &egenerate& forms: Stiffener elements an& mo&ifications suc' as use of &ifferent coor&inate systems6 use of nonconforming mo&es an& penalty functions: !pplication to layere& composite plateIs'ells6 5ri&ge6 roof6 nuclear an& offs'ore structures: 3y5ri& stress an& mi/e& formulations for plates. Minor E&ecti'es $Minor area o9 s7ecia&i>ation% $From Geotechnica& s7ecia&i>ation% A+'ance+ Foun+ation #esign $ST2B.% Critical stu&y of conventional met'o&s of foun&ation &esign6 analysis of settlement of soil an& foun&ations6 foun&ations of in e/pensive an& swelling soils6 geological pro5lems in 5uil&ing an& 5ri&ge foun&ations6 'ig'ways6 'ar5ors6 &ynamic soil properties6 &ynamic 5earing capacity of s'allow foun&ations6 li8uefaction

of soils6 foun&ations of reciprocating6 impact type an& rotary mac'ines6 vi5ration isolation an& screening6 raft foun&ations6 well foun&ations6 special footings an& 5eams on elastic foun&ations6 coffer &ams6 types an& &esign principles6 foun&ations un&er uplift loa&s6 un&erpinning of foun&ations6 &esign of 5ri&ge a5utments. Groun+ Im7ro'ement Techni?ues $ST2B:% (roun& improvement potential6 &rainage met'o&s6 precompression an& vertical &rains6 vi5ration met'o&s6 grouting an& inCection6 mec'anical cementing an& c'emical sta5ilisation: granular piles6 stone columns6 &iap'ragm walls6 Soil reinforcement6 (eosynt'etics an& t'eir application cost effective &esign of retaining walls wit' geosynt'etics6 civil engineering applications of e/tru&e& polymer gri&s6 (eomem5ranes wit' lan&fill closures6 T'ermal met'o&s of groun& improvement6 1mproving Roc9 sta5ility an& Buality. Com7u&sor- Courses $Inter #e7artmenta&% A+'ance+ Course In Mathematics $MA 23.0% Statistics an& Pro5a5ility4 Pro5a5ility t'eory6 -aye7s t'eorem6 -inomial6 Poisson an& normal &istri5utions6 testing of 'ypot'esis6 C'i s8uare test-goo&ness of fit6 in&epen&ence of two varia5les6 Stu&ent7s -test6 analysis of variance6 -test6 correlation an& regression6 coefficient of correlation6 ran9 correlation6 lines of regression: Numerical !nalysis 4 1nterpolation6 finite &ifferences L forwar&6 5ac9war& an& central &ifferences6 Newton7s formulaic for forwar& &ifferences an& 5ac9war& &ifferences: Stirling7s formula for central &ifferences6 Numerical &ifferentiation an& integration L Simpson7s one-t'ir&6 Simpson7s t'ree-eig't an& trape;oi&al rules6 numerical solution of <"E of % or&er 4 Euler7s mo&ifie& Euler7s an& Runga =utta ) t' or&er6 Milne7s met'o&s: Numerical solution of P"E 4 >aplace e8uation in two &imensions6 'eat e8uation in one &imension6 wave e8uation in one &imension6 using finite &ifference met'o&s: Matrices 4 Ran9 of a matri/6 solution of linear simultaneous e8uations6 inverse of a matri/ 5y elementary transformations6 eigen values6 eigen vectors6 Cayley-3amilton T'eorem. Simu&ation An+ Mo+e&ing $IC23:% Review of pro5a5ility t'eory an& statistics4 Ran&om num5er generation6 ran&om varia5les6 pro5a5ility &istri5ution functions6 Estimation of mean6 variances6 correlation6 3ypot'esis testing6 confi&ence interval6 central limit t'erein6 law of large num5er6 normal &istri5ution6 t-test6 paine& t-test6 !N<H! L an intro&uction. Mo&els4 "iscrete6 continuous6 Mar9ov mo&els. Simulation4 "eveloping6 verifying6 vali&ating an& testing a simulation mo&el. Monte Carlo simulation6 Numerical computational met'o&s for simulation

#e7artment o9 Management Stu+ies

MMS ?Master of Management Stu&ies@


Proposed Academic Curriculum

Teac'ing Sc'eme Cre&it Contact 3oursIwee9 E/am. "uration ?3rs.@ T'eory P Practical Relative Weig'tage ?S@ CWS MTE PRE %$$ ETE #$ #$ #$ #$ #$ #$ #$ PRS -

Su5Cect Co&e

Course Title

Su5Cect area


111 Semester MM%# MM%, ERP & SCM Customer Relations'ip Management Elective-1 Elective-11 Elective-111 Elective-1H Elective-H MM%. Summer Training Evaluation ?Summer training )# &ays at t'e en& of 11n& Semester@ Su) Tota& "C "C "E "E "E "E "E "C * * * * * * * ) + + + + + + + % % % % % % % * * * * * * * +# +# +# +# +# +# +# +# +# +# +# +# +# +#


Y Every stu&ent in re8uire& to select one area of speciali;ation. 3e will select elective papers from t'at speciali;ation area only. Y !rea of speciali;ation floate& an& electives offere& t'erein will 5e &eci&e& on t'e 5asis of minimum no. of stu&ents as &eci&e& 5y institute opting for t'at speciali;ation an& elective6 as well as6 resources availa5le in t'e &epartment.

#e7artment o9 Management Stu+ies

MMS ?Master of Management Stu&ies@


Pro7ose+ Aca+emic Curricu&um

Teac'ing Sc'eme Cre&it Contact 3oursIwee9 E/am. "uration ?3rs.@ T'eory P Practical Relative Weig'tage ?S@ CWS MTE PRE %$$ %$$ ETE PRS -

Su5Cect Co&e

Course Title

Su5Cect area


MM%0 MM%2

Seminar ProCect Su5 total

"C "C

) +$ +)

,ist o9 e&ecti'es Electives are &ivi&e& into si/ &ifferent su5-speciali;ations. Stu&ent may c'oose any one su5-speciali;ation. Su5-speciali;ation an& its relate& elective courses will 5e offere& only if a&e8uate resources are availa5le in t'e &epartment for running t'at course an& minimum no. of stu&ents6 as &eci&e& 5y t'e institute6 opt for t'is course. Tec'nology Management Pro&uction Management 1nformation Tec'nology System Management Computer !i&e& 3uman Resource Management Computer !i&e& Mar9eting Management Computer !i&e& inancial Management Tec'nology Management 1MITM-$% 1MITM-$+ 1MITM-$* 1MITM-$) 1MITM-$# 1MITM-$, 1MITM-$. Management of Tec'nology Transfer Management of 1nnovation "esign Management Tec'nology Management4 Strategic Perspective R&" Management Tec'nology orecasting & !ssessment Management of new Henture

Pro&uction Management 1MIPM-$% 1MIPM-$+ 1MIPM-$* 1MIPM-$) 1MIPM-$# 1MIPM-$, 1MIPM-$. 1MIPM-$0 1MIPM-$2 1MIPM-%$ Strategy <riente& Pro&uction Management System Computer 1ntegrate& Manufacturing System Total Buality Management Worl& Class Manufacturing Systems acilities Planning >ogistic an& Supply C'ain Management -usiness Process Simulation Pro&uction Management Manufacturing Strategy -usiness Process Re-Engineering

1nformation Tec'nology System Management 1TM$% 1TM$+ 1TM$* 1TM$) 1TM$# 1nternet an& We5 Programming <5Cect Relational "ata -ase Management System "istri5ute& "ata Processing Software Engineering !&vance& Software "evelopment Tools

1TM$, 1TM$. 1TM$0 1TM$2 1TM%$ 1TM%%

un&amentals of E-Commerce ERP4 Concepts 1nformation an& "ecision System <5Cect <riente& "evelopment Met'o&ologies !rtificial 1ntelligence & E/pert Systems in -usiness Economic 1ssues 1n 1nformation Management

Computer !i&e& 3uman Resource Management C!MI3RM $% C!MI3RM $+ C!MI3RM $* C!MI3RM $) C!MI3RM $# C!MI3RM $, C!MI3RM $. C!MI3RM $0 C!MI3RM $2 C!MI3RM %$ C!MI3RM %% <rgani;ational "evelopment "ecision Ma9ing an& Conflict Management Management Training an& "evelopment >a5our >egislation in 1n&ia Manpower Planning & Management Wages & Salary !&ministration Safety Management Communication 1n&ustrial Psyc'ology 1n&ustrial Relation Managing !cross Culture

Computer !i&e& Mar9eting Management C!MIMM$% C!MIMM$+ C!MIMM$* C!MIMM$) C!MIMM$, C!MIMM$. Mar9eting Researc' & Consumer -e'aviour Sales & "istri5ution Management !&vertising Management Pro&uct Management & Sales "istri5ution 1nternational Mar9eting Mar9eting of Services

Computer !i&e& inancial Management C!MI C!MI C!MI C!MI C!MI C!MI M$% M$+ M$* M$) M$# M$, 1nternational Tra&e & inance Management of inancial 1nstitution inancial Engineering Management Control System Haluation6 Merger6 !c8uisition & Corporate Control Management of New Hentures

"etaile& Sylla5us ?!@ "epartmental Core4

MM.2 Enter7rise Resource P&anning D Su77&- Chain Management $ERP D SCM% $:,.T% Cre+it14 1ntro&uction to ERP. -enefit of ERP. ERP an& relate& Tec'nologies. -usiness Process Reengineering6 5usiness Mo&ules in an ERP Pac9age. ERP mar9et place. Harious commercially availa5le ERP software pac9ages. ERP implementation an& associate& pro5lems. "ata ware'ousing &ata mining. <nline !nalytical Processing. Enterprise integration application. ERP an& E-commerce. ERP an& internet. uture &irections in ERP. Supply c'ain management. Strategic supply c'ain management. Management of supply resources. Management of inventory an& transportation in supply c'ain Management. Re-Engineering of supply c'ain. 1T ena5le& supply c'ain an& &ecision support system for supply c'ain management. <rgani;ational &esign & Motivational issue. Performance measurement system for managing t'e supply c'ain. -est practices & 5enc' mar9ing of supply c'ain. Towar&s worl& class supply c'ain management. MM.< Customer Re&ationshi7 Management $:,.T% Cre+it14 1ntro&uction to customer relations'ip management. Customer Relations'ip Management an& t'e worl& of E--usiness. CRM as a 5usiness strategy. Steps in implementing a CRM strategy. our types of customer relations'ip management. Win 5ac9 or save: prospecting6 loyalty & Cross-sellIup-sell. Elements of CRM implementation6 Mar9et-intelligent Enterprise. Creating >oyalty. rom customer loyalty to customer &epen&ency. Customer ac8uisition & CRM. -uil&ing & implementing t'e customer strategy. Effective c'annel & pro&uct strategies. CRM t'roug' new pro&uct &evelopment. C'annel Management & CRM Em5racing t'e E-C'annel for CRM. E-c'annel management. Customer centric organi;ation. T'e tools for CRM. -est practices in outsourcing CRM learning an& 9nowle&ge management programs in t'e age of CRM. Case Stu&ies. $0% #e7artmenta& E&ecti'e Techno&og- Management IM/TM13.6 Management o9 Techno&og- Trans9er $:,.T% Cre+it14 Process of Tec'nology Transfer4 Mec'anisms for Tec'nology Transfer6 <utsourcing6 >icensing6 Pro&uct Consortia6 an& Koint Hentures. !nalytical an& Empirical Mo&els of Tec'nology Transfer. Tec'nology sourcing4 in-'ouse R & "6 <t'er firms6 >a5oratories6 !ca&emia. Tec'nology Pricing Mo&els. Managing Successful Tec'nology Transfer: <rgani;ational Capa5ilities6 Tec'nology !ssimilation an& "iffusion. Policy Environment for Tec'nology Transfer. Case Stu&ies in Tec'nology Transfer. (lo5al Tec'nology Transfer an& Tec'nology lows. Role of Multinationals. Tec'nology Transfer to >"CDs an& Nic'es. Tec'nology >earning t'roug' Tec'nology Transfer. Regulatory an& Promotional ramewor9 "eveloping TT !greements. IM/TM13:6 Management o9 Inno'ation $:,.T% Cre+it14 Element of Creativity6 Creativity t'in9ing an& Creative action6 Nature of innovation6 Simulating innovation6 "esigning an& Structuring innovation6 Managing am5iguity an& para&o/6 !utonomy an& enterprenurs'ip tec'ni8ues of creativity6 Element of <rganisational e/cellance6 !ppraisal system6 1nnovation an& Buality. IM/TM1346 #esign Management $:,.T% Cre+it14

Tec'nology & "esign. Nature of "esign an& "evelopment Process. Setting up a Pro&uct "esign an& "evelopment Anit. Manpower Planning for " & " Anit6 "esigner !ttri5utes an& "esigner Selection. Managing Creative &esign Teams6 Met'o&s of En'ancing Creative <utput6 "esign -riefI"esign Evaluation6 Costing of "esign Effort6 Corporate "esign 9& "evelopment Policy. Planning a "esign Programme6 Patenting & "esign Registration. Evaluation of "esign. Case Stu&ies. IM/TM1356 Techno&og- Management6 Strategic Pers7ecti'e $:,.T% Cre+it14 An&erstan&ing Tec'nology6 Tec'nology-Management integration6 >ife-cycle approac' to tec'nology management6 Tec'nology management6 Tec'nology forecasting6 (eneration an& "evelopment6 Tec'nology flow6 "iffusion an& assessment6 Tec'nology transfer6 Evaluating tec'nology an& concerns of p'asing out an& upgra&ation6 Strategic management of tec'nology6 Tec'nology operation an& 8uality concerns6 Structure an& tec'nology6 1nvesting for tec'nological maintenance an& growt'6 Mar9et factors in tec'nological operation6 3uman factors in tec'nological operations. Koint ventures6 Tec'nology support system6 1nformation networ9ing for tec'nological upgra&ation. IM/TM1326 R D# Management $:,.T% Cre+it14 1ntro&uction6 Nature of planning6 C'oice an& o5Cectives of tec'nological forecasting. Proposal preparation an& motivative effort to initiate t'e researc' an& &evelopment programme6 concept of creativity6 (roup approac' to i&ea generation6 con&itions for successful growt' of creative i&eas to reali;ation6 Buality of researc' personnel an& staff selection6 <rganisation an& special pro5lems of researc' an& &evelopment6 Con&ucting a researc' an& &evelopment proCect6 Sc'e&uling6 monitoring6 an& &ecision ma9ing for cost effectiveness6 !ccounta5ility an& responsi5ility. IM/TM13<6 Techno&og- Forecasting an+ Assessment $:,.T% Cre+it14 orecasting to Support Tec'nological Strategic an& <perational Planning. Elements of ! orecasting Process. orecasting Tec'ni8ues -ase& on Time Series Mo&els6 Precursor6 envelope Curves an& E/perience Curves. Tec'nical !ssessment6 "elp'i Met'o&6 Bualitative Tec'ni8ues 5ase& on Morp'ological !nalysis an& tec'nological (ap analysis. <rganising for Tec'nology orecasting. Case stu&ies in E8uipment "esign an& 1nformation tec'nology. Tec'nology in Social Conte/t !ssessment4 Components: Pro5lems "efinition6 "escription. Social "escription6 orecasts. 1mpact 1&entification6 Measures6 an& !ssessment. Strategies for !ssessment6 -oun&ing of assessment. 1mpact !nalysis6 economic 1mpact !nalysis. Bualitative an& Buantitative facets. !ssessment of Ris9s an& Ancertainty. Safety an& environment Regulation. Criti8ues. IM/TM13A6 Management O9 Ne; 8entures $:,.T% Cre+it14 Concept of New Hentures: New Henture Management: !n <verview Managing 1ssue of "ifferent ronts Simultaneously. Strategic an& <perational 1mplication. ProCect Reassessment4 Pro5lems in 1mplementation6 Cost an& 1tem <verruns6 Recasting !ssumption6 New Environmental ramewor96 ProCect Hia5ility. Tec'nology !5sorption4 Pro&uct an& Process Tec'nologies. !ppropriate Tec'nology. 1mportI1n&igenous !vaila5ility of Tec'nology. Policy 1ssues in inance4 S'ortage of <perating un&s. Sources of un&s an& 3ow to Tap T'em6 Henture Capital inancing. Policy 1ssues in Mar9eting4 C'aracteristics of Mar9eting. New Henture Pro&ucts an& Services. Constraints. Successful Strategies in Practice. Networ9ing6 in New Henture4 Networ9ing wit' 1n&ustries6 Networ9ing wit' 1nstitution6 Type of Networ9ing6 Survival an& (rowt' Networ9ing. <perational an& Strategic Networ9ing. "eveloping

Systems in New Henture4 Planning for (rowt'6 C'ange in Structure an& Systems. New Hentures an& Strategic Planning. Pro+uction Management IM/PM13.6 Strateg- Oriente+ Pro+uction Management S-stems $:,.T% Cre+it14 Strategic role of pro&uction Management-Mes'ing of S'ort an& Me&ium Term <perations planning an& Control wit' >ong Term Strategic (oals of t'e <rgani;ation. Concepts of Strategy. 'ierarc'y of strategic &ecisions. Strategic C'oices in Manufacturing Capacity -amount6 timing6 type acilities -si;e6 location64 speciali;ation ?focus@ Process -Span 6scale6 fle/i5ility Hertical -&irection 6e/tent6 5alances6 1ntegration -alternatives Hen&ors -num5er6 structure6 relations'ip Buality -strategic role6 various &imensions6 5alance Systems -<rganisation6 Planning6 Sc'e&uling an& Control. 3uman Resources -People 5ase& strategy6 various practices Emerging pro&uction management concepts &practices6 suc' as Kust-in-Time wit' e/amples an& cases. Manufacturing strategy interconnecte&ness wit' financial6 costing an& rewar& systems an& nee& for c'ange in reporting an& evaluation systems. Service <perations Strategy-comparison wit' manufacturing strategy. IM/PM13:6 Com7uter Integrate+ Manu9acturing S-stem $:,.T% Cre+it14 Microprocessor applications6 >ocal area networ9 software. Computer ai&e& &esign. Two &imensional &rafting. T'ree &imensional mo&elling. Computer ai&e& manufacturing. Ro5otics an& t'eir applications. Computer controlle& material transport system ?!(HS@. CNC & NC part programming. le/i5le manufacturing system 4 "esign an& operations pro5lem6 office automation. !pplication of computer networ9ing an& communication in pro&uction an& service in&ustries. IM/PM1346 Tota& @ua&it- Management $:,.T% Cre+it14 Concept an& p'ilosop'y of Total Buality Management .An&erstan&ing Buality .Buality Maintenance an& Buality assurance6 Buality Management Systems 1S< 2$$$6 Buality Planning Strategy: Buality au&it &ocumentation an& information systems6 Buality of wor9 life6 Buality circles6 <rganising an& managing employee involvement6 Anion involvement an& managers at various management levels6 Statistical an& Buantitative Tec'ni8ues for total Buality control an& assurance of pro&ucts an& process6 Buality function &evelopment6 Taguc'i met'o&s for offline control6 T'e nee& for lifestyle approac' to &esign an& evaluation6 Careful nee& for integration of Buality of maintenance6 Relia5ility an& pro&uctivity6 1ntegrate& Tec'nology6 People6 Buality an& pro&uctivity for ac'ieving 'ig'er Buality of life. IM/PM1356 or&+ C&ass Manu9acturing S-stems $:,.T% Cre+it14

T'e 1mperative of WCM6 Evolution of WCM. -uil&ing -loc9s of WCM. -enc'mar9ing for WCM. !&vance& Manufacturing Tec'nology ?!MT@ for WCM - "efinition6 Evaluation an& t'eir Competitive

Potential. !MTDs in Ase - C!"IC!M6 Computer !i&e& Process Planning ?C!PP@. le/i5le Manufacturing Systems ? MS@6 Computer 1ntegrate& Manufacturing ?C1M@. Ena5ling Systems for Wor& Class Manufacturing ?WCM@6 Kust in Time ?K1T@ Systems. (roup Tec'nology ?(T@6 "esign Manufacturing 1ntegration ?"M1@6 >earning <rganisation6 1ntegrative Planning Systems ?MRP11IERP@6!ccounting Systems ?!-C@6 -enefits an& Economic Kustification of WCMs. 1mplementations of WCMs. -arriers to 1mplementation. Strategic 1mplication of WCM. Role of WCM in Competitive Strategy. C'oice an& supplier Selection. IM/PM1326 Faci&ities P&anning $:,.T% Cre+it14 acilities >ocation6 acilities Si;ing6 acilities >ayout inclu&ing office layout6 >an& scaping etc.6 acilities "esign6 !utomate& Storage an& Retrieval6 System Material 'an&ling6 !utomate& (ui&e& He'icles6 (roup >ayout6 >ine -alancing6 Buantitative Met'o&s in >ocation >ayouts6 Material 3an&ling. Computerisation in >ocation6 >ayout planning an& acilities "esign. IM/PM13<6 ,ogistics an+ Su77&- Chain Management $:,.T% Cre+it14 Role of Supply C'ain Management6 Scope an& 1mportance. Customer &river Strategies6 >ogistics an& Competitive Strategy4 Systems Hiew6 Co-or&ination an& Management of Transportation6 1nventory6 <r&er Processing6 Purc'asing6 Ware'ousing6 Materials 3an&ling6 Pac9aging. Customer Service Management. Mar9eting an& Supply C'ain 1nterface6 finance an& supply C'ain 1nterface. "istri5ution Re8uirement Planning. "istri5ution Networ9 Planning an& ware'ous >ocation. 1ntegrate& supply. Pro&uction 6 "istri5ution Policies an& Plans. 1nternational >ogistics6 <cean Carrier Management. 1mport-E/port >ogistic Management "ecision Support Mo&els of Supply C'ain Management4 Transportation Systems. Ware'ouse "esign6 "istri5ution 1nventory Policies6 Trans'ipment. Etc.1nformation Systems.

IM/PM13A6 0usiness Process Simu&ation $:,.T% Cre+it14 Role of Simulation-Scope an& Purc'ase 1nvolve& in Simulation Process. Simulation Mo&eling-Stoc'astic Mo&els. Process generators. DW'at 1fD Scenarios. Simulation >anguages6 Simulators Simulation softwareDsEvaluation an& !pplication case Stu&ies in Corporate Planning6 Mar9eting6 1nventory6 Sc'e&uling6 8uality6 Capital 5u&geting. System "ynamic Mo&els an& t'eir Corporate !pplication. IM/PM13=6 Pro+uction Management $:,.T% Cre+it14 !n overview4 1ntro&uction6 Systems concept in Pro&uction Management6 <5Cectives in Pro&uctionIoperations management6 Pro&uction Management "ecisions6 Type of Pro&uction System6 Management of materials in pro&uction systems6 Concepts in systems life-cycle6 Role of scientific met'o& in pro&uctionIoperations management. Wor9 an& Ko5 &esign4 Wor9 "esign4 1ntro&uction to wor9 &esign6 T'e wor9-stu&y !pproac'6 !n overview6 Met'o& stu&y6 Wor9 Measurement. Ko5 "esign4 1ntro&uction Co5 &esign6 "esign factors environmental factors6 <rgani;ational factors6 -e'avioural "imensions of Co5 &esign6 Socio-Tec'nical approac' to Co5 &esign.

IM/PM13B6 Manu9acturing Strateg- $:,.T% Cre+it14 ManufacturingDs Role in Corporate Strategy6 "efining Pro&uct Mar9ets6 Competitive Priorities an& Manufacturing Tas9s. New emerging Para&igms of Manufacturing6 Halue creation an& le/i5ility Manufacturing policy ormulation an& 1mplementation. Structural an& 1nfrastructure. T'eory of Constraints Capacity an& acilities Strategy. Manufacturing Tec'nology Strategy. Hertical 1ntegration Souring an& <utsourcing <rgani;ational ocus an& Manufacturing Strategy >in9ages 5etween Manufacturing & Mar9eting R&". Tec'nology an& -usiness Strategies Strategy !u&it an& Evaluation. Manufacturing Performance analysis strategies for Engineering an& process in&ustries. IM/PM1.36 0usiness Process Reengineering $:,.T% Cre+it14 Management of C'ange: TBM6 =ai;en an& 1S< 2$$$6 Process "efinition6 -usiness Process Structure. Role of 1nformation Tec'nology. Net Wor9ing6 S'are& "ata -ase6 "istri5ute& Computing & E/perts Systems6 Process Re&esign an& Evaluation6 Case Stu&ies - =o&a96 or& Motor6 1-M Cre&it6 Etc. T'e 1n&ian ScenePrivate an& Pu5lic Sector. T'e C'allenges an& 1mperatives. "etaile& -PR Met'o&ologies an& !pplication4 1mplementation an& Evaluation. In9ormation Techno&og- S-stem Management ITM3. Internet an+ e) Programming $:,.T% Cre+it14

1ntro&uction to computer networ9s: "ifferent types of Networ9s: 1nternet as a glo5al networ9: Evolution of 1nternet: -asic 1nternet !natomy6 1nternet Connectivity L "ial up6 >ease&: -asic 1nternet Protocol 4 TCPI1P: 1nternet !pplications 4- Electronic Mail6 Worl& wi&e We56 WWW !pplications6 "omain Names & associate& aspects6 C'at applications 4 We5 C'at6 C'at !pplets6 1RC6 Searc' an& (op'er services6 1nternet Telep'ony6 Telnet6 Multime&ia on 1nternet6 1nternet Security6 E-commerce. 1ntro&uction to We5 Sites: Elements of we5 sites: 1ntro&uction to 3TM>: Sample page &evelopment: AR>s an& lin9ing of pages: "evelopment of sample proCect Static an& &ynamic we5 sites: H- Scripts an& Kava Script: 1ntro&uction to We5 Servers L 11S: !SP +.$ intro&uction: Simple !SP programs: "ata5ase connectivity using !SP: !"< <5Cects: <t'er !SP <5Cects t'eir met'o&s an& properties: Sample !SP Site &evelopment. ITM3: O)*ect Re&ationa& #ata 0ase Management S-stem $:,.T% Cre+it14 <R"-MS4- <R"-MS6 Concepts6 <racle6 !rc'itecture6 SB>6 >ogical & P'ysical "ata5ase Structure6 !&ministering t'e <racle "ata5ase6 -ac9up & Recovery6 Performance Timing6 "ata5ase Migration6 Security 1ssues for a "ata5ase. ITM34 #istri)ute+ #ata Processing $:,.T% Cre+it14 "istri5ute& Processing Potential 4 orms an& "istri5ute& Processing Strategies. "istri5ute& "ata Processing 4 Concept an& implementations consi&erations: Hertical6 'ori;ontal an& 'eterogeneous systems. Networ9 Structure an& !rc'itecture 4 Type of Networ9s an& <S1 !rc'itecture. Wi&e !rea Networ9 ?W!N@6 Metropolitan !rea Networ9 ?M!N@ an& >ocal !rea Networ9 ?>!N@. "esign Consi&erations of W!N an& M!N relate& issues li9e TCPI1P6 G.+# (ateway6 -ri&ge6 Repeater Router. Ase of W!N6 M!N in application systems. "esign consi&erations of >!N an& its implementation criteria 4 Et'ernet6 !RCNET6 To9en ring. !pplication System &evelopment consi&eration in >!N environment an& its a&vantages.

ITM35 So9t;are Engineering $:,.T% Cre+it14 1ntro&uction to Software Engg.6 Software re8uirement specifications6 Planning an& managing software proCects6 Software &esign concepts6 Principals an& Strategies6 Co&ing6 Testing an& Maintenance6 <5Cect oriente& software engineering6 Software 8uality assurance6 Case tools for software &evelopment. ITM32 A+'ance+ So9t;are #e'e&o7ment Too&s $:,.T% Cre+it14 Win&ows Programming6 Hisual -asic6 "eveloperI"esigner +$$$IPower -uil&er #.$6 Practical using Win&ows S"G6 G-Win&ows6 Hisual -asic an& latest availa5le. ITM3< Fun+amenta&s o9 E1Commerce $:,.T% Cre+it14 -ac9groun&66 Nee& for E-commerce6 Cope of e-commerce6 !pplications of E-commerce 6 -ranc'es of ecommerce4 -usiness to 5usiness6 5usiness to consumer6 consumer to consumer6 careers in t'is fiel&6

ITM3A ERP6 Conce7ts $:,.T% Cre+it14 ERP4 Evolution6 C'aracteristics6 features6 components6 Nee&6 Evaluation Criteria for ERP Pac9ages6 T'e ERP "omain6 An&erstan&ing t'e 5usiness Processes an& functions6 -usiness Engineering an& ERP6 Enterprise Mo&eling an& 1ntegration for ERP6 !&vantages of ERP. ITM3= In9ormation an+ #ecision S-stem $:,.T% Cre+it14 Review of "ecision ma9ing process in 5usiness an& in&ustrial environment6 Buantitative Tec'ni8ues for &ecision ma9ing (aming an& game t'eory6 (roup &ecision ma9ing Evolution "ecision Support System ?"SS@ Specific "SS6 "SS generator an& "SS Tools. "ata. Mo&el an& &ialog Management system an& 1nterfaces 5etween t'em6 (rap'ical an& 8uantitative tools to 5uil& mo&el an& mo&el management system6 !&aptive "esign approac' to "SS &evelopment6 !ccommo&ation cognitive style in "SS6 1ntegrating E/pert an& "ecision Support Systems6 (roup "ecision support system an& case stu&ies. ITM3B O)*ect Oriente+ #e'e&o7ment Metho+o&ogies $:,.T% Cre+it14 Nee& of o5Cect oriente& programming6 Proce&ural languages6 T'e o5Cect oriente& approac'6 a&vantages of <<P C'aracteristics of o5Cect oriente& languages6 <5Cects6 Classes6 in'eritance6 Reusa5ility6 New "ata Types6 Polymorp'ism an& overloa&ing. <5Cect oriente& Programming using CPP. <verview of CPP programming -asic program construction. 1nput6 <utput Statements. Preprocessor "irectives6 varia5les6 "ata Type6 Manipulators6 <perators6 Type conversion6 >oo9s & "ecisions. Structures6 Enumerate& "ata Types6 unctions Passing argument to functions Retring values from functions. Reference arguments. <verloa&e& function. 1nline functions "efault !rguments6 Haria5les an& storage classes returning 5y reference. <5Cect an& classes4 ! simple class. CPP o5Cects as p'ysical o5Cects. CPP o5Cect as "ata Type. Constructor lan& &istracters. <5Cects as function structures can classes. Classes6 <5Cects an& Memory6 State class "ate !rrays4- "efinition array. !rray Elements accessing array elements6 <verview array elements6 initiali;ing arrays6 multi&imentional arrays. Passing array to functions. !rrays of

structure. !rrays as class mem5er "ate. !rrays of o5Cect lin9ings. <perator overloa&ing4 <verloa&ing unary operator. <verloa&ing -inary operators. "ata conversion. Pitfalls of <verloa&ing & conversion. 1n'eritance4 - "erive& class an& -ase class . "erive& class constructors. Mem5er functions. Class 'ierarc'ies. Pu5lic an& print in'eritance. >evel of in'eritance. Multiple in'eritance an& program &evelopment. Pointers4- !&&resses an& pointers. Pointers an& arrays6 Pointers an& function pointers an& string6 Memory Management ?new an& &elete @ Pointers to <5Cects. >in9e& >ists. Pointers to Pointers. iles an& Streams4 - Streams6 String 1I<6 <5Cect 1I<6 c'aracter 1I<6 <5Cect 1I.<6 wit' multiple o5Cects. ile pointers6 Comman& >ine arguments. CPP Class >i5rary4 - String class6 stac9 class6 Container class 'ierarc'y6 "ata class6 >ist class6 Bueue class. ITM.3 Arti9icia& Inte&&igence D E"7ert S-stems in 0usiness $:,.T% Cre+it14 1ntro&uction to !rtificial 1ntelligence4 Simulation of so calle& intelligent 5e'avior6 in &ifferent area4 Pro5lem solving4 games6 natural language 8uestion answering6 visual perception6 learning4 !im-oriente& ?'eurist c@ algorit'ms verses solution guarantee& algorit'ms6 An&erstan&ing Natural >anguage: Parsing tec'ni8ues6 conte/t free an& transformational grammers6 transition nets6 augmente& transition nets illmoreDs grammers6 S'an9s conceptual &epen&ency grammers free analyses6 sentence generation6 Translation. =nowle&ge Representation4 first or&er pre&icate calculus 3ornDs c'ouses: T'e language PR<><(: Semantic nets6 augmente& transition nets illmoreDs grammers S'an9Ds partitione& nets6 Mins9yDs frames6 case grammer t'eory: pro&uction rules6 9nowle&ge 5ase6 t'e inference system forwar& an& 5ac9war& &e&uction6 E/port System4 E/isting Systems ?"EN"R!>6 NNC1NE@4 &omain e/plorations4 Meta 9nowle&ge6 e/pertise transfer6 self-e/plaining systems. Pattern Recognition Structure& "escriptions4 Sym5olic &escription mac'ine perception6 line fin&ing interpretation semantic an& mo&els. <5Cect i&entification spee& recognition. T'e language >1SP an&Ior prolog is to 5e covere& in t'is course.

ITM.. Economic Issues In In9ormation Management $:,.T% Cre+it14 Consumer 5e'avior in 1T 1n&ustry6 Pro&uct life cycle of 1T pro&ucts an& services6 actors effecting ma9e or 5uy &ecisions on software6 An5un&ling an& its effect on software procurement6 contractual aspects of purc'asing software: selecting appropriate languages an& services: cost of program conversion: mat'ematical mo&el for t'e programming conversion &ecision6 T'eory of pro&uction6 c'oice of optimal com5ination of factors: Mar9et analysis: T'eories of pricing4 full cost pricing an& average cost pricing. Com7uter Ai+e+ Human Resource Management CAM/HRM 3. Organi>ationa& #e'e&o7ment $:,.T% Cre+it14

Concept6 "efinition6 Nature an& nee& of <rganisation "evelopment ?<"@. ormal an& 1nformal <rganisation. <rganisation "esign. <rganisation as a System. <rganisation "evelopment Process an& Training. Management 5y <5Cectives ?M-<@ 4 (oal Setting an& M-< Process in <rganisation. <" an& !ction Researc'. <" 1nterventions 4 1nter - group Team -uil&ing6 process. Consulting6 Survey ee&5ac9 an& (ri& <rganisation "evelopment. Managing C'ange an& <rganisational (rowt' Strategies. Contemporary Researc' in <" an& its future. CAM/HRM 3: #ecision Ma!ing an+ Con9&ict Management $:,.T% Cre+it14

"ecisions Ma9ing 4 Nature & Types of "ecisions Ma9ing an& Managerial Roles. Centralise& versus &ecentralise& &ecision ma9ing. -e'avioural !nalysis of "ecision Ma9ing. (roup "ecison Ma9ing. Conflicts in "ecision Ma9ing6 Role Conflicts - Social Conflict. Managing Conflicts. Conflicts !voi&ance Tec'ni8ues. 1&ea Testing in "ecision Ma9ing. "ecision ma9ing 5y Consensus Participative Management. >ea&ers'ip an& Power. CAM/HRM 34 Management Training an+ #e'e&o7ment $:,.T% Cre+it14

Management training Process an& <5Cectives 4 Conceptual ramewor9. >earning process an& Training. Met'o&s of Training Nee&s 1&entification6 >evels of Training on t'e Ko5 an& <ff - t'e Ko5 Training. "esigning an& Planning training programmes. Role of Training "epartments 4 Styles of Coor&ination. Trainer Bualities an& S9ills. Management Training Met'o&s 4 >ectures6 Case Met'o&6 1nci&ent Process6 Role Playing6 Management (ames6 Sensitivity6 Training6 Programme& 1nstruction6 Ase of !u&io - Hisual !i&s. Management Training an& <rganisation "evelopment. Process of !ction Researc'. Evaluation of Management Training 4 Strategies & Tec'ni8ues. E&ucational Tec'nology an& uture of Management Training. CAM/HRM 35 ,a)our ,egis&ation in In+ia $:,.T% Cre+it14

Wages & -onus -Payment of Wages !ct6 %2*, -Minimum Wages !ct6 %2)0 -Payment of -onus !ct6 %2,# Social Security -Wor9menDs Compensation !ct6 %2+* -EmployeeDs State 1nsurance !ct6 %2)0 -EmployeeDs Provi&ent un& !ct6 %2#+ -Maternity -enefit !ct6 %2,% -Payment of (ratuity !ct6 %2.+ 1n&ustrial Relation -Tra&e Anion !ct6 %2+, -1n&ustrial "ispute !ct6 %2). Con&ition of Wor9 -1n&ustrial Employment ?Stan&ing <r&er !ct6 %2),@ -actory !ct6 %2)0 -S'ops & Esta5lis'ment !ct 1nterpretation of t'ese laws. CAM/HRM 32 Man7o;er P&anning D Management $:,.T% Cre+it14

Pu5lic policy wit' regar& to Manpower at &ifferent level C'oice in Corporate strategy on manpower. orecasting future manpower re8uirement6 !nalysis of stoc9 an& flows of corporate manpower. !nticipating future manpower nee&s6 tec'ni8ue & met'o&s use& in training & &evelopment & &esigning6 esta5lis'ing & operating programmes in t'e area.


ages D Sa&ar- A+ministration $:,.T% Cre+it14

Conceptual & t'eoretical framewor9 for wages. Economic Reasoning6 Socio-Economic Concern6 National Policy6 Corporate Consi&eration & Compensation Management. Components of wages & salary pac9ages6 Statutory provision governing wages & salary & fringe 5enefits6 Wor9ing of &ifferent 1nstitution li9e Wage -oar&6 Pay Commission6 >ea&ing 1ssue & tools relate& to wages & salary a&ministration. Recent tren& in wage policy in 1n&ia. CAM/HRM 3A Sa9et- Management $:,.T% Cre+it14

T'e o5Cective of t'e course is to provi&e stu&ies wit' 5asic 9nowle&ge a5out safety nee&s analysis proce&ures an& control measures as applica5le to &esign of safety in an 1n&ustrial Pro&uction System 4 Concepts an& &efinition of safety6 1n&ustrial Safety an& !cci&ent Safety6 Costs an& >osses. Pro&uction an& System lia5ility 1mplie& Warranty an& Safety an& 5asis for pro&uct lia5ility actions. Se8uence of acci&ent causes6 &evelopment se8uence - &iagram6 Mo&els of acci&ent se8uence. 3uman Error 5ase& an& c'ange 5ase& safety pro5lems. Environmental factors in Safety. 3uman actors Principles for safety an& improve& performance6 Safety an& Relia5ility6 Safety !nalysis Programmes. Nee& for stan&ar&s6 'ori;ontal versus vertical stan&ar&s6 Stan&ar&s an& Criteria for Safety6 Regulatory !gencies. <rganisatonal ris9 assessment an& pro&uctIsystem 'a;ar&s. Safety programme 1mprovement ProCects an& Case Stu&ies. CAM/HRM 3= Communication $:,.T% Cre+it14

Corporate communication4 personal Communication6 Employee Relations6 Pu5lic Relations an& (ovt. Relations ?>o55ying@. Effective communication wit' Anions. Communication as a tool of management control. T'e process an& pro5lems of communication. <vercoming 5arriers to communication. Communication tec'ni8ue. Ase of -o&y language. Persuasive an& !ssertive S9ills. Effective 1nterview process. Communication s9ills for effective negotiations. 3umour an& Emotion in Communication. Me&ia management an& pu5lic relations. Emerging tren&s in communication met'o&ologies. CAM/HRM 3B In+ustria& Ps-cho&og- $:,.T% Cre+it14

Place of Psyc'ology in 1n&ustry 6 Psyc'ology of !ttitu&e6 Morale & (roup Processes6 use of Psyc'ological test in selection & placement6 Motivation & wor96

atigue6 Wor9ing Environment6 Psyc'ological factors in >a5our6 Turnover6 rustration as a factor in 5e'aviour6 Causation in -e'aviour. CAM/HRM .3 In+ustria& Re&ation $:,.T% Cre+it14

1n&ustrial Relations in t'e 1n&ian conte/t- an overview law an& environment. >a5our >egislation. 1n&ian 1n&ustrial Wor9er: -ac9groun& 6 E&ucation6 S9ills an& a&Custment6 a5senteeism 6 !spiration6 t'e influence of Tra&e. Anions6 Profile of t'e New Wor9er. Tra&e Anions - 3istorical Perspectives. Anioni;ation4 recognition -Registere& Anion6 Multiplicity. Tra&e Anion >ea&ers'ip6 inances an& !ncillary function. EmployerDs e&erations. Wages an& in&ustrial Relations. Collective -argaining. Employee (rievances6 >oc9out6 Stri9e6 >ay off. "iscipline - Ku&icial approac' an& "omestic En8uiries. 1n&ustrial Conflicts - National Commission on >a5our. >a5our !&ministration Mac'inery & Mac'inery for settlement of "isputes - 1R 6 >a5our Welfare an& Social Security. Wor9ers participation in Management4 Concepts6 Management Councils6 Koint Consultation. Wor9er7s E&ucation. Tec'nology an& 1n&ustrial Relations. Role of 1>< in >a5our Welfare. >a5our Policies. CAM/HRM .. Managing Across Cu&ture $:,.T% Cre+it14

C'anging scenario of -usiness6 (lo5ali;ation6 -usiness &ealing from &ifferent culture 5ac9groun&s. -e'avioral issue in Koint venture6 mergers6 !c8uisition6 Tec'nical Colla5orations. MaCor Tra&ing PartnersAS!6 Kapan6 (ermany6 Sout' East !sia6 <rgani;ational Systems6 Similarities an& "ifferences. Manager an& Management in t'ese counties. Evolution of -usiness norms. Wor9 Et'ics6 Management values. Socioculture Environment. Culture !lliance an& Culture S'oc9s. Psyc'ological an& social a&Custments. !naly;ing an& "iagnosing an& "iagnosing Culture "ifferences. Sensitivity6 Wor9 Halues6 Culture Sym5ols. Com7uter Ai+e+ Mar!eting Management CAM/MM3. Mar!eting Research D Consumer 0eha'iour $:,.T% Cre+it14 Nature an& scope of Mar9eting Researc'6 Pro5lem formulation. "ecisions un&er uncertainty-c'oice mo&els. Halue an& cost of &ecision ma9ing operation. -ayesian &ecision t'eory. T'e cost an& value of Researc' information. Measuring con&itional pay offs. <rgani;ational Structure of Mar9eting Researc'6 Mar9eting researc' process. Researc' &esigns6 e/ploratory6 &escriptive lan& e/perimental. T'e sources of

mar9eting information6 c'oosing a researc' &esign. "ata collection .Types of information t'at can 5e o5taine& from respon&ents. T'e sources of errors in information from respon&ents. <5servation met'o&s6 Buestionnaire &esign6 !ttitu&e measurement tec'ni8ues Motivational researc' tec'ni8ues !&ministration of surveys6 Sampling proce&ures in Mar9eting Researc'. Estimating sample si;e6 Ta5ulation of survey &ata !nalysis of &ata. C'oosing an appropriate statistical tec'ni8ue6 !&vance& Tec'ni8ues in analy;ing associative &ata. "iscriminant analysis6 factor analysis lan& clustering met'o&s6 multi-&imensional scaling an& conCoining analysis6 Mar9eting researc' applications4 forecasting proce&ures6 5ran& positioning an& mar9ets segmentation. Evaluating new mar9eting strategies6 Et'ical issues in mar9eting researc'. Consumer 5e'aviour stu&ies6 Scope an& t'eir applications. Consumers nee&s an& motives. Consumer as a perceiver an& learner. 1nfluence of personality an& attitu&es on 5uying 5e'aviour. Mo&els of consumer &ecision ma9ing process. Mo&el of consumer 5e'aviour. amily &ecision-ma9ing6 "iffusion of innovation. Socio-economic an& cultural aspects 1n&ian consumer mar9et. Mo&els of in&ustrial 5uying 5e'aviour6 Pattern of in&ustrial 5uying 5e'aviour in 1n&ia. CAM/MM3: Sa&es D #istri)ution Management $:,.T% Cre+it14 1ntro&uction to Sales Management6 Personal selling an& salesmans'ip. -asic Mar9eting palling for t'e sales manager6 t'e sales role in t'e mar9eting mi/6 &etermining sales relate& mar9eting policies. Nature an& scope of personal selling. Setting personal selling o5Cectives6 formulating personal selling o5Cectives6 Recruiting an& selecting sales personnel6 &eveloping an& con&ucting sales training programme. "esigning an& a&ministering compensation plan6 supervision of salesmen. Motivating sales personnel6 sales meetings an& sales contests6 &esigning territories an& allocating sales efforts6 o5Cective an& sales 8uotas for sales personal6 "eveloping an& managing sales evaluation programme6 sales cost an& analysis6 "istri5ution management6 concept6 opportunity6 responsi5ility6 T'e c'annel of &istri5ution an& &evelopment c'annels6 C'annel structure Type an& &esign of mar9eting c'annels. "irect6 vertical an& 3ori;ontal mar9eting system. C'annel selection. Managing &istri5ution c'annel in 1n&ia. (eneral i&ea of pu5lic &istri5ution system in 1n&ian conte/t. Mar9eting c'annel functions6 c'annel &ynamics6 c'annel purc'asing &ecisions. !ssortment pricing in c'annel6 c'annels communications an& 1nformation system. Control of mar9eting c'annels. Scope an& o5Cectives of p'ysical &istri5ution strategy6 1nventory an& location &ecisions. <peration of logistics systems. CAM/MM34 A+'ertising Management $:,.T% Cre+it14 Role & o5Cective of mar9eting communication in t'e mar9eting programme. Stimulation of primary an& selective Met'o&. Role of a&vertising in t'e mar9eting Mi/. Processes of mar9eting communication-Will Sc'rammDs Mo&el. Two step flow communication. T'eory of cognitive &issonance6 "etermination of target au&ience6 cultural6 &emograp'ic6 social class6 consumer attitu&es6 "efinition of a&vertising goals6 "!(M!R approac'. -uil&ing of a&vertising programmes6 message t'eme 'ea&line6 layout. Copy logo6 appeals Me&ia planning. "etermining a&vertising e/pen&iture6 &etermining a&vertising effectiveness. Rational testing6 opinion an& attitu&e test6 recall an& controlle& e/periments in t'e fiel&6 !&vertising Researc'6 consumer groups6 pro&uct analysis an& mar9et analysis !&vertising organisation6 !&vertising agency6 legal6 et'ical an& social aspects of a&vertising. CAM/MM35 Pro+uct Management D Sa&es #istri)ution $:,.T% Cre+it14 Sales Promotion an& mar9eting mi/. Nature an& types of sales promotion. Consumer 5e'aviour an& sales promotion: &eal prone consumer6 economic t'eory of promotion sales promotionDs impact on sales6 evaluation of sales promotion e/periments6 c'oice an& purc'ase timing mo&els6 Manufacture promotion

planning process6 Retailer promotion planing process6 Strategic issues in &esigning promotional strategies6 su5stantive fin&ings an& issues on coupons6 tra&e &ealings an& retail promotions. CAM/MM3< Internationa& Mar!eting $:,.T% Cre+it14 1nternational Mar9eting4 "efinition6 concept an& setting6 "istinction 5etween international tra&e6 mar9eting an& 5usiness. Economic environment of international mar9eting. 1nternational institutions-Worl& -an96 1nternational Monetary un&6 ANCT!"6 (!TT6 Custom Anion6 Common Mar9ets6 ree tra&e ;ones6 Economic communities. Constraints on international mar9eting. iscal an& non-fiscal 5arriers6 non-tariff 5arriers. Tra&ing partner 5ilateral tra&e agreement6 commo&ities agreements an& (.S.P. 1n&ia an& worl& tra&e6 1mport an& E/port policy. "irection an& Buantum of 1n&iaDs E/ports. 1nstitutional 1nfrastructure for E/port Promotion. E/port Promotion Council6 Pu5lic Sector Tra&ing !gencies6 EC(C6 Commo&ity -oar& etc. Proce&ure an& "ocuments4 Registration of E/porters6 e/port 8uotations6 Pro&uction an& clearance of goo&s for e/ports6 s'ipping an& transportation insurance6 negotiation of &ocuments. 1nstrument of payment4 open account6 5ills of e/c'ange6 letter of cre&it. E/port inance6 1nternational Mar9eting. Mi/4 i&entification of mar9ets6 Pro&uct policy6 international pro&uct life cycle6 promotion strategy pricing strategy an& &istri5ution strategy. Harious form of 1nternational 5usiness. Mar9eting of Coint ventures an& turn9ey proCects. CAM/MM3A Mar!eting o9 Ser'ices $:,.T% Cre+it14 Services as ma9er Concept. Types of services4 Social6 inancial6 P'ysical6 Economic6 "omestic an& Culture. (rowt' of service sector in 1n&ian Economy. Social Mar9eting an& amily Planning in 1n&ia. !pplication of Mar9eting Researc'. Tools an& Tec'ni8ues in analy;ing Service mar9ets. -e'aviour Mo&els. Planning an& service Mar9eting Mi/. Evolution of concept of service Pac9age. Pricing an& "istri5ution of services. Mass an& >ocali;e& of service Pac9ages. <rganising 1nstitutional set up for Service Mar9eting. 1nformation an& !u&iting of Mar9eting at Services. Com7uter Ai+e+ Financia& Management CAM/FM3.6 Internationa& Tra+e D Finance $:,.T% Cre+it14 1nternational Monetary Systems6 E/c'ange Rates an& oreign E/c'ange Mar9ets6 Tariffs6 Restrictions an& T'eir 1mpact on 1nternational Tra&e6 T'eories of 1nternational Tra&e6 Macroeconomics Policy in an <pen Economy6 1nternational financial 1ntegration6 t'e Role of oreign "irect 1nvestment an& Multinationals in a "eveloping Economy. CAM/FM3:6 Management o9 Financia& Institution $:,.T% Cre+it14 Economic role an& Primary <5Cective of inancial 1nstitutions6 Environment of inancial 1nstitutions6 Nature of !ssets an& >ia5ilities of financial 1nstitutions6 inancial Management of Non -an9 financial 1nterme&iates6 Management of -an9 Portfolios. CAM/FM346 Financia& Engineering $:,.T% Cre+it14 1ntro&uction to inancial Engineering. Contri5utory actors. Conceptual Tools of inancial Engineering Haluation Relations'ips6 Return Measurement6 !n& Ris9 Measurement. "ept 1nstruments6 1nterest Rates an& E/c'ange Rates. Speculation6 !r5itrage an& Mar9et Efficiency. Treasurer7s Perspective. P'ysical

Tools of inancial Engineering4 utures an& orwar&s6 swaps6 Single perio& an& Multi-perio& <ptions6 i/e& 1ncome securities6 Recent 1nnovations6 E8uity an& E8uity Relate& 1nstruments6 3y5ri& Securities. !sset->ia5ility Management. 3e&ging an& Relate& Ris9 Management Tec'ni8ues. >everage -uyout !r5itrage. Ta/-"riven "eals uture Tren&s. CAM/FM356 Management Contro& S-stem $:,.T% Cre+it14 Strategic Planning an& Management Control6 <perational Control. Responsi5ility Centres an& Profit Centres6 1&entificaiton of Profit Centres6 Creation of Profit Centres6 Profit Centres as Control systems6 "ecentralisation an& Profit Centres6 Mec'anics of "etermining Profit <5Cectives of Profit Centres. Pro5lems an& Persectives of Transfer Pricing. "etermining "ivisional (oals in a Mulit-"ivisional Company. Pro5lems of (rowt' an& Corporate Control. inancial (oal Setting6 Reponsi5ility -u&geting6 M-<6 3uman Pro5lems wit' -u&gets6 Jero -ase& -u&geting. Manufacturing Control6 Mar9eting control6 R&" Control6 ProCect Control6 !&ministrative Control Etc. Management !u&it. CAM/FM326 8a&uationE MergerE Ac?uisition D Cor7orate Contro& $:,.T% Cre+it14 Company value an& Haluation Met'o&s. Strategic 1mplications of Mergers6 !c8uisitions an& Restructuring. T'eories of Mergers an& "iverstitures. "eal Structuring6 inancial Restructuring. !c8uisitions an& Ta9e-overs. <5Cectives6 Mo&els6 Regulatory Environment an& (overnment policy. M!T Co&e. Managerial Strategies. Halue C'ain an& Hertical 1ntegration Perspectives. Ris9 !nalysis an& Management. CAM/FM3<6 Management o9 Ne; 8entures $:,.T% Cre+it14 Concept of New Hentures4 New Henture Management4 !n <verview Managing 1ssue of "ifferent ronts Simultaneous: Stratetgic an& <perational 1mplication ProCect Reassessment4 Pro5lems in 1mplementation6 Cost an& 1tem <verruns6 Recasting !ssumptions6 New Environmental ramewor96 ProCect via5ility Tec'nology !5sorption4 Policy 1ssues in inance4 S'ortage of <perating un&s. Sources of un&s an& 3ow to Tap T'em. Henture Capital financing Policy 1ssues in Mar9eting4 C'aracteristics of Mar9eting. New Henture Pro&ucts an& services. Constraints. Successful Strategies in Practice. Networ9ing. 1n New Henture4 Networ9ing wit' 1n&ustries. Networ9ing wit' 1nstitution6 Type of Networ9ing6 survival an& (rowt' Networ9ing6 <perational an& Strategic Networ9ing. "eveloping systems in New Henture4 Planning for (rowt'6 C'ange in Structure an& Systems. New Hentures an& Strategic Planning.



M. Tech. $Chemica& Engineering%

Teaching Scheme CRE"1T Su5Cect area Co&e Contact Hours/;ee! E"am. #uration $Hrs.% Practical T'eory CWS Re&ati'e eightage $(% MTE ETE #$ #$ #$ *# *# )$ #$ #$ *# *# #$ PRE #$ )$ #$ %$$ PRS *# *# +$ *# *# #$ ,$ #$ -

S. No

Su5Cect Co&e



.st /EAR % M!#$%( + *. ). #. C3#$%

!&vance& Mat'ematics !&vance& Transport P'enomena Minor Elective MaCor Elective 1 MaCor Elective 11 Su) Tota& Mo&elling an& Simulation Tec'nical Communication ?<ptional@ Minor Elective MaCor Elective 111 MaCor Elective 1H MaCor Elective H Su) Tota& Seminar ProCect "issertation Su) Tota&

P(-%% P(-%) P(-%, P(-%# P(-%#

I SEMESTER $AUTUMN% ) * % ) ) # # :: * * * * .2 % % % % 2 * * <

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+# +# +# %$ %$

+# +# +# +$ +$

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P(-%+ P(-%* P(-%, P(-%# P(-%# P(-%#

II SEMESTER $SPRING% ) + % + + ) # # ) :5 + * * * * .A % % % % 2 * * <

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P(-%2 P(-%0 P(-+$

III SEMESTER $AUTUMN% ) , ) , %, %0 :5 1 1 43 I8 SEMESTER $SPRING%

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1nter "epartmental "issertation Su) Tota&

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,ist o9 Ma*or E&ecti'es

Ma*or E&ecti'e I ?i@ ?ii@ ?iii@ ?iv@ ?v@ C3#$* !&vance& C'emical Reaction Engineering C3#$# !&vance& T'ermo&ynamics C3#$. Multicomponent Separations C3#$2 Computational Met'o&s in C'emical Engineering C3#%% Pollution Control Systems

Ma*or E&ecti'e II ?i@ ?ii@ ?iii@ ?iv@ C3#%* -ioprocess Principles C3#%# <ptimisation of C'emical Processes C3#%. Natural an& Synt'etic Polymers C3#%2 Mem5rane -ase& Separation Tec'ni8ues

Ma*or E&ecti'e III ?i@ ?ii@ ?iii@ ?iv@ ?v@ C3#$+ Catalysis an& Surface C'emistry C3#$) Selecte& Separation Processes C3#$, -ioseparations C3#$0 Polymer Processing C3#%$ !&vance& Process Control

Ma*or E&ecti'e I8 ?i@ ?ii@ ?iii@ ?iv@ C3#%+ Mo&eling an& !nalysis of -ioprocesses C3#%) Polymer Reaction Engineering C3#%, Petroleum Refining Engineering-1 C3#%0 !&vance& Pollution Control

Ma*or E&ecti'e 8 ?i@ ?ii@ ?iii@ ?iv@ ?v@ C3#+$ Conceptual "esign of C'emical Processes C3#++ Multi-p'ase low Systems C3#+) Environmental 1mpact !ssessment C3#+, Petroleum Refining Engineering-11 C3#+0 1n&ustrial -iotec'nology

S-&&a)i o9 Courses 9or M.Tech. $Chemica& Engineering%

CH23. A+'ance+ Trans7ort Phenomena 4,J.T E". Hrs. 4

-asic concepts an& review of classical flow pro5lems6 Mat'ematical foun&ations. -asic e8uations of momentum transport in isot'ermal flow systems an& applications of comple/ flow pro5lems6 Macroscopic 5alances for mass6 momentum an& mec'anical energy. Review of fun&amentals an& classical con&uction pro5lems6 e8uations for 'eat an& momentum transfer6 an& applications. Review of classical mass transfer pro5lems an& 5asic e8uations for &iffusion mass transport in 5inary systems6 3eat6 mass an& momentum transfer in multicomponent systems6 -oun&ary layer t'eory.

Te"ts / Re9erence 0oo!s

R.-. -ir&6 W.E. Stewart an& E.N. >ig'tfoot6 Transport P'enomena6 Wiley 1nternational e&.6 New Nor96 %2,$. (.=. -atc'elor6 !n 1ntro&uction to lui& "ynamics6 Cam5ri&ge Aniversity Press6 Cam5ri&ge6 %2,.. K.C. Slattery6 Momentum6 Energy an& Mass Transfer in Continua6 Ro5ert E. =rieger Pu5lis'ing Company6 New Nor96 %20%.

Ma*or E&ecti'e I
C3#$* !&vance& C'emical Reaction Engineering *>P%TP*P E/. 3rs. *

Stoic'iometric representation. 1sot'ermal i&eal reactors6 Recycle. T'ermo&ynamic consi&erations an& reactor energy 5alances. Reactor sta5ility. Concepts of noni&eality. Segregate& flow an& ma/imum mi/&ness. Mi/ing mo&els. Catalysis. Catalyst structure an& c'aracteri;ation. E/ternal an& internal mass transfer. Non-isot'ermal consi&erations. i/e&6 moving an& flui&ise& 5e& reactors. Non-catalytic gas-soli& reactions. (as-li8ui& reactions an& mass transfer mo&els. Contactors an& reactor &esign consi&erations.

Te"ts / Re9erence 0oo!s

ogler6 3.S.6 Elements of C'emical Reaction Engineering6 Prentice 3all6 New Kersey6 %20,. roment6 .(. an& -isc'off6 =.-.6 C'emical Reactor !nalysis an& "esign6 Wiley6 New Nor96 %22$. Smit'6 K.M. C'emical Engineering =inetics6 *r& e&.6 Mc(raw-3ill6 New Nor96 %20%.

C3#$# !&vance& T'ermo&ynamics

*>P%TP*P E/. 3rs. *

un&amental concepts of classical an& statistical t'ermo&ynamics. 1ntermolecular forces an& potential energy functions. Molecular t'eory of correspon&ing states. T'ermo&ynamic properties an& multicomponent multip'ase e8uili5ria from E8uations of state. E/tensive computer calculations for generation of p'ase e8uili5rium &ata6 e.g. H>E6 >>E6 (>E6 S>E6 S E6 > E an& t'eir com5inations6 p'ase e8uili5ria at e/treme con&itions. Molecular t'eories of solutions an& activity coefficient mo&els. -iot'ermo&ynamics of &ilute a8ueous systems. T'ermo&ynamics of polymer solutions an& colloi&al systems.

Te"ts / Re9erence 0oo!s

Prausnit;6 K.M.6 >ic'tent'aler R.M. an& !;eve&o6 E.(.6 TMolecular T'ermo&ynamics of flui&-p'ase E8uili5ria6 + n& e&ition Prentice 3all 1nc.6 Englewoo& Cliffs6 New Kersey6 %20,. Rei& R.C.6 Prausnit; K.M. an& Poling6 -.E.6 TT'e properties of (ases & >i8ui&sT6 )t' e&.6 Mc(raw 3ill6 New Nor96 %20..

E&sall K.T. & (utfreun& 3.6 T-iot'ermo&ynamicsT6 Ko'n Wiley & Sons >t&.6 New Nor96 %20*.

CH23A Mu&ticom7onent Se7arations

4,J.TJ4P E". Hrs. 4

"istri5ution coefficients: "esign varia5les: (eneral s'ort-cut met'o&s: Rigorous met'o&s of a5sorption6 e/traction an& &istillation: !;eotropic an& e/tractive &istillation: !ctual plates: "esign of pac9e& columns.

Te"ts / Re9erence 0oo!s

-.". Smit'6 "esign of E8uili5rium Stage Processes6 Mc(raw 3ill6 New Nor96 %2,*. C.". 3ollan&6 un&amentals of Multicomponent "istillation6 Mc(raw 3ill6 New Nor96 %20%.

CH23B Com7utationa& Metho+s in Chemica& Engineering

4,J.TJ4P E". Hrs. 4

>inear !lge5raic E8uations4 1ntro&uction6 (auss-Elimination6 (auss-Sie&el an& >A "ecomposition met'o&s6 T'omas7 algorit'm. Eigen Halues an& Eigen Hectors of Matrices4 1ntro&uction6 a&eev->everrier7s met'o&6 Power met'o&6 3ouse'ol&er7s an& (ivens7 met'o&. Nonlinear !lge5raic E8uations4 Single varia5le an& multivaria5le successive su5stitution met'o&6 single varia5le an& multivaria5le Newton-Rap'son tec'ni8ue6 Polynomial root fin&ing met'o&s. unction !ppro/imation4 >east s8uares curve fit6 Newton7s interpolation formulae6 >agrangian interpolation6 Pa&e appro/imation6 Cu5ic spline appro/imation. 1ntegration formulae4 Trape;oi&al rule6 Simpson7s rule. <r&inary "ifferential E8uations - 1nitial Halue Pro5lems4 E/plicit !&ams--as'fort' tec'ni8ue6 1mplicit !&ams-Moulton tec'ni8ue6 Pre&ictor-corrector tec'ni8ue6 Runge-=utta met'o&s6 Sta5ility of algorit'ms. <r&inary "ifferential E8uations - -oun&ary Halue Pro5lems4 inite &ifference tec'ni8ue6 <rt'ogonal Collocation ?<C@6 S'ooting Tec'ni8ues. Partial "ifferential E8uations4 Partial "ifferential E8uations ?P"E@ - Classification of P"E6 inite &ifference tec'ni8ue ?Met'o& of lines@6 <rt'ogonal collocation. Case Stu&ies. Ase of sprea&s'eets in C'emical Engineering. Te"t/Re9erence 0oo!s (upta6 S. =.6 E&umerical Methods for Engineers6F New !ge 1nternational >t&.6 New "el'i6 %22#. 3anna6 <.T. an& San&all6<.C.6 'Computational Methods in Chemical Engineering,' Prentice-3all6 %2.#. "avis6 M.E.6 '&umerical Methods ( Modelling for Chemical Engineers,' Ko'n Wiley6 %20). Constantini&es6 !.6 EApplied &umerical Methods with Personal Computers6F Mc(raw-3ill6 %20.. Press6 W. 3.6 Teu9ols9y6 S. !.6 Hellerling6 W. T.6 lannery6 -. P.6 E &umerical )ecipes in C6F +n& e&.6 Cam5ri&ge Aniversity Press6 New "el'i6 %22+. CH2.. Po&&ution Contro& S-stems 4,J.TJ4P E". Hrs. 4

Sources of water6 air an& lan& pollution: >egislation an& stan&ar&s: !nalysis of pollution: "esign of waste-water an& in&ustrial effluent treatment: Specification of Clean tec'nologies an& recovery sc'emes of useful c'emicals. !ir pollution an& its measurement: "esign of pollution a5atement systems for particulate matter an& gaseous constituents: 3a;ar&ous waste &isposal an& treatment: Soli&-waste &isposal an& recovery of useful pro&ucts t'roug' c'emical an& 5iological met'o&s.

Te"t/Re9erence 0oo!s

Ma'aCan6 S.P.6 Pollution Control in Process 1n&ustries6 Tata-Mc(raw 3ill6 %20#. N.>. Nemerow6 >i8ui& waste of 1n&ustry - T'eories6 Practices an& Treatment6 !&&ison Wesley6 New Nor96 %2.%. W.K. We5er6 P'ysico-C'emical Processes for Water Buality Control6 Wiley 1nterscience6 New Nor96 %2,2. W. Strauss6 1n&ustrial gas Cleaning6 Pergamon6 >on&on6 %2.#. !.C. Stern6 !ir Pollution6 Holumes 1 to H16 !ca&emic Press6 New Nor9 %2,0.

Ma*or E&ecti'e II
CH2.4 0io7rocess Princi7&es 4,J.TJ4P E". Hrs. 4

-ioresources6 -iomolecules6 En;yme an& en;yme 9inetics6 Case stu&y of a commercial en;yme process. (eneral micro5iology6 meta5olic stoic'iometry an& energetic6 molecular genetics6 micro5ial 9inetics an& reactors. Case stu&ies in micro5ial processes. "ownstream 5ioprocessing: P'ysical separation processes6 C'romatograp'y: mem5rane processes: Mo&ern -iotec'nological applications.

Te"t/Re9erence 0oo!s
-ailey6 K.E. an& <llis6 ". .6 T-ioc'emical Engineering un&amentalsT6 +n& E&.6 Mc(raw 3ill6 New Nor96 %20,. !i5a6 S.6 3ump'rey6 K. -ioc'emical Engineering6 !ca&emic Press6 %2.*. Ree&6 (.6 oo& Sciences an& Tec'nology6 !ca&emic Press6 %2.#. Prescott6 S.C.6 "unn6 C.(.6 1n&ustrial Micro5iology6 Mc(raw 3ill6 New Nor96 %2,$ & %20* E&ns.

CH2.2 O7timisation o9 Chemica& Processes

4,J.TJ4P E". Hrs. 4

ormulation of t'e o5Cective function. Anconstraine& single varia5le optimi;ation4 Newton6 Buasi-Newton met'o&s6 polynomial appro/imation met'o&s. Anconstraine& multivaria5le optimi;ation4 "irect searc' met'o&6 conCugate searc' met'o&6 steepest &escent met'o&6 conCugate gra&ient met'o&6 Newton7s met'o&. >inear Programming4 ormulation of >P pro5lem6 grap'ical solution of >P pro5lem6 simple/ met'o&6 &uality in >inear Programming6 two-p'ase met'o&. Non linear programming wit' constraints4 Necessary an& sufficiency con&itions for a local e/tremum6 Bua&ratic programming6 successive 8ua&ratic programming6 (enerali;e& re&uce& gra&ient ?(R(@ met'o&. !pplications of optimi;ation in C'emical Engineering. Te"t/ Re9erence 0oo!s E&gar6 T. .6 3immel5lau6 ". M.6 >as&on6 >. S.6 E Optimi*ation of Chemical ProcessF6 +n& e&.6 Mc(raw3ill6 +$$%. Rao6 S. S.6 EOptimisation #echni+uesF6 Wiley Eastern6 New "el'i6 %20#. (upta6 S. =.6 E&umerical Methods for EngineersF6 New !ge6 %22#. -everi&ge6 (. S. an& Sc'ec'ter6 R. S.6 EOptimi*ation #heory and PracticeF6 Mc(raw- 3ill6 New Nor96 %2.$. Re9llaitis6 (.H.6 Ravin&ran6 !. an& Rags&ell6 =. M.6 E Engineering Optimi*ation, Methods and ApplicationsF6 Ko'n Wiley6 New Nor96 %20*. CH2.A Natura& an+ S-nthetic Po&-mers 4,J.TJ4P E". Hrs. 4

orces affecting a molecular system. Co'esive energy an& polymers6 Mec'anisms an& met'o&s of polymerisation. "esign features of polymerisation reactors. New applications of polymers suc' as in mem5ranes: typical features of natural polymers suc' as cellulose an& ru55er.

Te"t/ Re9erence 0oo!s

=aufman6 3.S. an& alcetta6 K.T.6 T1ntro&uction to Polymer Science an& Tec'nology6 SPE Te/t5oo96 Wiley 1nterscience6 New Nor96 %2... Mar96 3. . an& (aylor&6 N.C.6 Encyclopei&a of Polymer Sci. & Tec'.6 +n& e&n. 1nterscience6 %202. -low6 C.M.6 Ru55er Tec'nology an& Manufacture6 +n& e&.6 -utterwort's6 >on&on6 %20+. -rown6 R.M.6 Cellulose an& ot'er natural polymer systems: -iogenesis6 Structure an& &egra&ation6 Plenum Press6 New Nor96 %20+.

CH2.B Mem)rane 0ase+ Se7aration Techni?ues

4,J.TJ4P E". Hrs. 4

1ntro&uction to Mem5rane separation6 E8uili5rium an& rate governe& separation processes6 Mec'anism of separation an& transport mo&els6 <smotic pressure an& its &etermination. Preparation of synt'etic mem5ranes an& t'eir c'aracteri;ation.
Wor9ing principle6 flu/ e8uations6 factors affecting performance an& &esign principle of various mem5rane separation processes suc' as Reverse <smosis6 Altra filtration6 Micro filtration6 "ialysis6 Electro &ialysis6 Pervaporation6 Mem5rane &istillation6 an& separation of gaseous mi/tures using Mem5ranes. Mem5rane Reactors an& Mem5rane 5ioreactors. Polari;ation p'enomena an& ouling in Mem5rane Separation6 "ifferent mem5rane mo&ules6 comparison of t'e mo&ule configuration6 some case stu&ies an& economic aspects.

Te"t/ Re9erence 0oo!s

Marcel Mul&er6 E-asic Principles of Mem5rane Tec'nologyF6 +n& e&. %22,6 =luwer !ca&emic Pu5lis'ers6 -ostonI>on&on. -ungay P.M. et. al6 ESynt'etic Mem5ranes4 Science6 Engineering an& !pplicationsF6 Nato6 !S1 Series6 Hol. %0%6 Rie&el Pu5lis'ing Co. %20,.

No5les R.". & Stern S.!. EMem5rane Separation Tec'nology4 Principles an& !pplicationsF6 Elsevier6 !mster&am6 %22#.
3o6 W.S.W6 an& Sir9ar =.=.6 EMem5rane 3an& 5oo9F6 Han Nostran& Rein'ol&6 %22+6 N.N. -.S. Paree9'6 EReverse <smosis4 Tec'nical !pplication for 3ig' purity Water Pro&uctionF Marcel "e99er.

Ma*or E&ecti'e III

CH23: Cata&-sis an+ Sur9ace Chemistr4,J.TJ4P E". Hrs. 4

Review of c'emical 9inetics: 3omogeneous catalysis: !ci& 5ase catalysis: 3eterogeneous catalysis: !&sorption-p'ysical an& c'emical surface area6 pore si;e an& pore volume &etermination: reaction rates an& selectivity: Role of &iffusion in catalysis: Polymeri;ation in emulsions: Selection6 preparation an& evaluation of catalysts.

Te"t/ Re9erence 0oo!s

K.M. T'omas an& W.K. T'omas6 1ntro&uction to t'e principles of 3eterogeneous Catalysis6 !ca&emic Press6 %2,.. C.N. Satterfiel& an& T.=. S'erwoo&6 T'e Role of "iffusion in Catalysis6 !&&ison Wesley6 %2,*. P.3. Emmett ?E&.@6 Catalysis6 Rein'ol&6 %2#).

CH235 Se&ecte+ Se7aration Processes


E". Hrs. 4

!&sorption separations4 Review of fun&amentals6 mat'ematical mo&elling of column contactors6 Pressure swing a&sorption. 1on c'romatograp'y6 !ffinity c'romatograp'y6 (raient c'romaottap'y6 Parametric pumping6 Countercurrent6 Simulate& countercurrent an& multi&imensional c'romatograp'y. 1ntro&uction to Mem5rane Separation Processes6 Classification an& wor9ing principle of R<6 A 6 M 6 E"6 Pervaporation6 (aseous Separations6 an& mem5rane &istillation.

1on E/c'ange6 3istory6 5asic principle an& mec'anism of separation6 1on e/c'ange resins6 regeneration an& e/c'ange capacity. E/c'ange e8uili5rium6 affinity6 selectivity an& 9inetics of ion e/c'ange. "esign of ion e/c'ange systems an& t'eir uses in removal of ionic impurities from effluents. Surfactant -ase& Separation6 un&amentals of Surfactants at surfaces an& in solution6 oam fractionation an& frot' floatation6 "esign of foam fractionation column6 Micellar separation an& li8ui& mem5rane permeation. Supercritical lui& E/traction6 P'ysicoc'emical principles6 t'ermo&ynamic mo&eling6 process synt'esis an& analysis6 case stu&ies. Te"t/ Re9erence 0oo!s
Wan9ar6 P.C.6 >arge Scale !&sorption an& C'romatograp'y6 CRC Press6 -oca Raton6 %. %20,. Rousseau6 R.W. ?e&.@6 3an&5oo9 of Separation Process Tec'nology6 Ko'n Wiley & Sons6 New Nor96 %20.. SouriraCan6 S. an& Matsura6 T.6 Reverse <smosis an& Altra-filtration-Process Principles6 NRC Pu5lication N<.+)%006 <ttawa6 %20#. Porter M.C. ?e&.@6 3an&5oo9 of 1n&ustrial Mem5rane Tec'nology6 Noyes Pu5lication6 Par9 Ri&ge6 New Kersey6 %22$. 3atton6 T. !.6 Scame'orn6 K. . an& 3arvell6 K. 3.6 ESurfactant -ased Separation ProcessesF6 Hol. +*6 Surfactant Science Series6 Marcel "e99er 1nc.6 New Nor9 %202.

Mc3ug'6 M. !. an& =ru9onis6 H. K.6 QSupercritical $luid E.tractionF6 -utterwort's6 -oston6 %20#. CH23< 0iose7arations 4,J.TJ4P E". Hrs. 4

C'aracteristics of 5iopro&ucts: locculation an& con&itioning of 5rot'. Mec'anical separation: Cell &isruption: Protein precipitation an& its separation: a8ueous two p'ase e/traction: !&sorption-&esorption processes: C'romatic met'o&s of separation 5ase& on si;e6 c'arge 'y&rop'o5ic interactions. -iological affinity met'o&s etc.: Mem5rane 5ase& separation: Electrop'oresis: an& Electro &ialysis: Crystalli;ation: Case stu&ies.

Te"t/ Re9erence 0oo!s

3arrison R.(.6. To&&6 P.6 Ru&ge6 S.R. an& Petri&es6 ".P. /-ioseparations Science and Engineering,0 </for& Aniversity Press6 New Nor96 +$$* -elter6 P1A1 .6 Cussler E.> an& 3u6 W. S. E -ioseparations" Downstream Processing for -iotechnology,0 Ko'n Wiley & Sons6 %200

CH23= Po&-mer Processing

4,J.TJ4P E". Hrs. 4

Classification of Polymer Processing <perations. Simple Mo&el lows for analy;ing processing operations wit' e/amples. E/trusion an& e/tru&ers. Calen&ering6 Roller an& -la&e Coating6 ilm -lowing. i5er spinning inCection moul&ing6 5low moul&ing6 t'ermoforming6 rotational moul&ing. Compression an& transfer moul&ing. Reaction inCection moul&ing. Compoun&ing an& mi/ing. Twin screw e/tru&er. -an5ury an& ot'er mi/ing e8uipments in polymer processing.

Te"t/ Re9erence 0oo!s Mi&&leman6 S.6 T$undamentals of Polymer Processing6T Mc(raw-3ill -oo9 Company6 NN ?%2..@ Morrison6 .!.6 E2nderstanding )heology6F </for& Aniversity Press6 +$$%. Ta&mor6 J. an& (ogos C.(.6 EPrinciples of Polymer Processing6F Wiley- 1nterscience6 New Nor9 ?%2.2@. CH2.3 A+'ance+ Process Contro& 4,J.TJ4P E". Hrs. 4

Control systems wit' Multiple loops4 Casca&e control6 split range control6 ee&-forwar& an& Ratio control. !&aptive an& 1nferential control systems.

Multiple input multiple output ?M1M<@ control systems: 1nteraction an& "ecoupling of control loops: "igital Control systems6 J- Transforms6 "iscrete-time response of "ynamic Systems6 "esign of "igital fee&5ac9 control systems6 Process 1&entification an& !&aptive control: Mo&el pre&ictive control. Te"t/Re9erence 0oo!s Step'anopoulos6 (.6 EChemical Process ControlF6 Prentice 3all of 1n&ia6 New "el'i6 %22$. Se5org6 E.6 E&gar6 K. . an& Mellic'amp6 ". !.6 EProcess Dynamics and ControlF6 Ko'n Wiley6 %202. !stron6 =. K. an& Wittenmar96 -.6 EComputer Controlled SystemsF6 Prentice 3all6 %22). Coug'anowr6 ". R.6 EProcess Systems Analysis and ControlF6 +n& E&.6 Mc(raw 3ill6 NN6 %22%.

Ma*or E&ecti'e I8
CH2.: Mo+e&ing an+ Ana&-sis o9 0io7rocesses 4 ,J.TJ4P E". Hrs. 4

Review of en;yme an& micro5ial 9inetics6 meta5olic stoic'iometry. =inetics of su5strate utili;ation6 pro&uct formation an& 5iomass pro&uction in cell cultures. (rowt' an& pro&uct formation in filamentous organisms. T'ermal &eat' 9inetics for cell an& spores. Transport p'enomena in -ioprocess systems. Mass Transfer6 'eat transfer an& power input calculations for &ifferent 9in&s of fementators an& for Newtonian an& non-Newtonian fermentation 5rot's. "esign an& !nalysis of 5iological reactors: Case stu&ies in ermentation6 En;ymatic an& Waste treatment 5ioprocess &esign. E/periments to illustrate 5ioprocesses. Te"t/Re9erence 0oo!s -ailey K.E.6 an& <llis6 ". .6 T-ioc'emical Engineering un&amentalsT6 +n& E&n.6 Mc(raw- 3ill 1ntl. E&n.6 New Nor96 %20,. lec'ter: ('ose6 T.=. -la9e5roug'6 N.6 !&vances in -ioc'emical Engineering Series6 Springer-Herlag6 -erlin.

CH2.5 Po&-mer Reaction Engineering

4,J.TJ4PE". Hrs. 4

Classification of polymeri;ation reactions6 C'ain c'emical reactions an& Polya&&ition6 Reaction mec'anisms an& rate e8uations: <r&er of polymeri;ation reaction: Molecular weig't &istri5ution in 5atc' an& continuous reactors: !verage molecular weig't an& e/perimental &eterminations 5ase& on viscosity osmotic pressure etc. polymeri;ation: Semi-5atc' reactor operation: "esign of 5atc' an& continuous reactors. 3eat removal from polymerisers. 3eterogeneous polya&&ition reactors: Suspension an& Emulsion polymeri;ation: Smit'-EwartZs t'eory an& Stoc9mayers e8uation: Continuous emulsion polymeri;ation: !n ionic an& cationic polya&&ition: Co-polymeri;ation: MayoZs e8uation an& reactivity ratio: !lfreg-Price e8uation: Rate of copolymeri;ation an& y factor: S9iestZs e8uation. Polycon&ensation reactions: loryZs e8uation an& molecular weig't &istri5ution: Molecular weig't regulations. Typical case stu&ies involving t'e analysis of polymerisers.

Te"t / Re9erence 0oo!s

(.M. -urnett6 Mec'anism of Polymer Reactions: 1nterscience6 New Nor96 %2#). .M. -ovey6 !.K. Me&alia6 E.K. Meac'an an& 1.M. =olt'off6 Emulsion Polymeri;ation: 1nterscience6 New Nor96 %2##. (.E. 3arn6 Copolymeri;ation6 1nterscience6 New Nor96 %2,2. Mar96 3. -i9alis et al6 ?E& Encyclop&iea of Polymer Science an& Engineering6 1nterscience6 New Nor96 %202.

CH2.< Petro&eum Re9ining Engineering1I

4,J.TJ4P E". Hrs. 4

C'emistry of Petroleum 'y&rocar5ons6 Composition of petroleum6 an& petroleum pro&ucts. P'ysico-c'emical an& t'ermo&ynamic properties of petroleum pro&ucts an& t'eir c'aracteri;ation6 <ilfiel& refining operations -"e'y&ration6 "esalting6 (as separation6 Natural gas pro&uction an& gas sweetening. Refinery operations an& vacuum &istillation. Se8uencing of &istillation columns. "istillation column &esign. Tu5e still 'eater &esign.

Te"t / Re9erence 0oo!s

W.>. Nelson6 Petroleum Refinery Engineering6 Mc(raw 3ill6 New Nor96 %2,%. R.K. 3engate5ac96 Petroleum Refining6 Mc(raw-3ill6 New Nor96 %2#2. H.N. Stern6 (as p'ase o/i&ation6 Pergamon6 >on&on %2,)6 Steiner6 3.

CH2.= A+'ance+ Po&&ution Contro&

4,J.TJ4PE". Hrs. 4

1n&ustrial wastewater c'aracteri;ation6 Treata5ility stu&ies- Segregation6 Pretreatment.6 Stan&ar&s. Control of Pollutants- Coagulation6 Se&imentation6 T'ic9ening6 Precipitation6 -iological </i&ation6 -iomet'anation6 !&sorption6 1on-E/c'ange6 Mem5rane Separation6 C'emical </i&ation6 Slu&ge &ewatering an& &isposal met'o&s.
Control of water pollution from organic c'emicals6 refinery6 petroc'emical6 &istillaries6 pulp an& paper6 te/tile6 fertili;er6 tanneries6 foo& an& p'armaceutical in&ustries6 co9e-ovens6 an& steel plants.

Te"t / Re9erence 0oo!s

Metcalf an& E&&y6 E3aste 3ater Engineering #reatment, DisposalF6 *r& e&.6 Tata Mc(raw 3ill.

Mo&i6 P. N.6 ESewage #reatment and Disposal and 3aste 3ater Engineering 6F Hol. 116 Stan&ar& -oo9 3ouse6 "el'i 6 +$$%.
Peavy6 3. S.6 Rowe6 ". R. 6 Tc'o5anoglous6 (. 6 EEnvironmental EngineeringF : Mc(raw 3ill6 %22#. Ma'aCan6 S. P.6 EPollution Control in Process Industries6F Tata Mc(raw-3ill6 New "el'i6 %20#. !rceivala6 S.K.6 E3astewater #reatment and DisposalF6 Marcel "e99er6 %20%.

Ma*or E&ecti'e 8
CH2:3 Conce7tua& #esign o9 Chemica& Processes 4,J.T E". Hrs. 4

Process synt'esis4 3ierarc'ial approac' to conceptual &esign6 1nput information an& 5atc' vIs continuous processes6 1nput-output structure of t'e low S'eet6 Recycle structure6 Separation systems6 Se8uencing of "istillation Columns6 Reactor networ9 synt'esis6 3eat e/c'anger networ9s an& strategies6 "esign of 3eat E/c'angers6 Separation Towers6 Pumps6 Compressors an& e/pan&ers6 <ptimal &esign an& sc'e&uling of 5atc' processes. Cost estimation an& Profita5ility analysis.

Te"t/Re9erence 0oo!s
"ouglas6 K.M.6 EConceptual "esign of C'emical Processes6F Mc(raw-3ill6 Singapore6 %200 Sei&er W.".6 Sea&er K.". an& >ewin ".R. EPro&uct an& Process "eign PrinciplesF Ko'n Wiely & Sons 1nc6 +$$) Peters6 M.S. an& Timmer'aus6 =.".6 EPlant "esign an& Economics for C'emical Engineers6F Mc(raw- 3ill6 Singapore6 %22%

CH2:: Mu&ti17hase F&o; S-stems

4,J.T E". Hrs. 4

1ntro&uction to t'e flow of multip'ase mi/tures4 gas or vapor-li8ui&6 li8ui&-li8ui&6 li8ui&-soli&6 gas-soli&6 soli&-li8ui&-gas an& gases carrying soli&s ?pneumatic transport@ stratification an& &isperson6 low regimes an& flow patterns.

(as ?Hapor@ an& >i8ui& lows4 3ori;ontal flow6 Hertical flow6 pressure6 momentum an& energy relations6 met'o&s of evaluating pressure &rop6 >oc9'ar&-Martinell6 C'is'olm correlations6 critical flow6 nonNewtonian flow. Soli&-(as low4 Effect of pipeline &iameter6 inclination6 5en&s6 valves an& lengt'. >i8ui& an& its p'ysicoc'emical properties6 r'eology6 corrosive nature6 viscosity6 Soli& particle si;e6 &istrii5ution p'ase6 an& &ensity i.e. t'eir factors effecting 5e'avior in a flui&6 Concentration of particles an& t'e flow rates of 5ot' soli&s an& li8ui&.
Soli&-(as low4 3ori;ontal flow6 Suspension mec'anism6 &etermination of voi&s6 energy re8uirements for conveying6 pressure &rop an& soli& velocities in &ilute p'ase flow6 &ense p'ase conveying6 vertical transport. -u55le an& &rop formation4 P'ase 'ol&ups6 1nterfacial areas6 mi/ing an& pressure &rops6 multip'ase ?gas li8ui& soli&@ operations.

Te"t/Re9erence 0oo!s
(ovier6 (.W. an& !;i;6 =.6 ET3E ><W < C<MP>EG M1GTARES 1N P1PE6F =rieger Pu5lication lori&a6 %20+.

Coulson KM an& Ric'ar&son K. .6 EC3EM1C!> EN(1NEER1N(6F Hol 16 -utterwort'-3einmann6 </for&6 %222.

CH2:5 En'ironmenta& Im7act Assessment 4,J.T E". Hrs. 4

-asic concept of E1!6 E1S an& EMP. Pre&iction an& assessment of impacts of air6 water6 5iota6 noise6 cultural an& social economic environment. Rapi& an& compre'ensive E1!s. Case stu&ies.

Te"t/ Re9erence 0oo!s

Canter6 >.W.6 EEnvironmental Impact Assessment6F +n& e&.6 Mc(raw-3ill6 Singapore. Kain6 R.=.6 EEnvironmental Impact Assessment6F

CH2:< Petro&eum Re9ining Engineering1II

4,J.T E". Hrs. 4

T'ermal Processes-T'ermal crac9ing6 Co9ing6 Pyrolysis6 His5rea9ng: "esign of t'ermal crac9ing unit6 Catalytic ProcessesCatalytic Crac9ing6 Catalytic reforming6 !pplication of molecular sieve for refinery processes. 3y&rogenation Processes3y&rogenation6 3y&rocrac9ing6 3y&ro refining6 3y&rofinis'ing6 3y&ro-&esulfurisation.

Te"t/ Re9erence 0oo!s

Nelson6 W.>.6 Petroleum Refinery Engineering6 Mc(raw 3ill6 New Nor96 %2,%. 3engste5ec96 R.K.6 Petroleum Refining6 Mc(raw 3ill6 New Nor96 %2#2. Steiner6 3.6 1ntro&uction to Petroleum C'emicals 1n&ustry6 Pergamon6 >on&on6 %2,%. H.N. Sern6 (as P'ase </i&ation6 Pergamon6 >on&on6 %2,).

CH2:= In+ustria& 0iotechno&og-

4,J.T E". Hrs. 4

Fun+amenta&s o9 )iochemica& engineering sciencesK 0iotechno&og- 1 ancient an+ mo+ernK E"7&oitation o9 micro)es 1 ,arge sca&e 7rocessE commercia& e"7&oitationE micro1gra'it- )iotechno&og$s7ace )iotechno&og-%K Anima& )iotechno&og- 1 a77&ication o9 anima& ce&& cu&tureE monoc&ona& anti)o+iesE transgenic anima&s an+ gene thera7-K 7&ant )iotechno&og- 1 7&ant ce&&E tissue an+ organ cu&ture 7rocesses 1 engineering 7ers7ecti'esK ,arge sca&e se7aration 7rocesses 1 ATPSE gra+ient e&ution an+ a99init- interactionK Technoeconomics o9 )iotechno&og- in+ustriesK ,ega&E socia& an+ ethica& as7ects o9 )iotechno&og-K 0iotechno&og- an+ the thir+ ;or&+. Te"t/ Re9erence 0oo!s
Primrose6 S.-. 4 Mo&ern -iotec'nology6 -lac9well Scientific Pu5lications6 </for&6 %202. lec'ter: ('ose6 T.=. -la9e5roug'6 N.6 !&vances in -ioc'emical Engineering Series6 Springer-Herlag6 -erlin.



M. Tech. $8,SI #esign%

Teaching Scheme CRE"1T Su5Cect area Co&e Contact Hours/;ee! E"am. #uration $Hrs.% Practical T'eory CWS Re&ati'e eightage $(% MTE ETE PRE PRS

S. No

Su5Cect Co&e



.st /EAR % M!#$%E


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!&vance& P(-%% ) Mat'ematics ?1nstitute Core@ EC##% CM<S H>S1 P(-%) ) "esign ?"epartment core@ MaCor elective L1 MaCor elective -11 MaCor Elective-111 ,ist o9 Ma*or e&ecti'es $IE IIE III% EC##* "igital System P(-%# ) "esign EC### H>S1 P'ysical P(-%# ) &esign EC##. Synt'esis of &igital P(-%# ) systems EC##2 C!" of 1Cs P(-%# ) EC#,% Com5inatorial P(-%# ) optimi;ation EC#,* H>S1 Testing & P(-%# ) Testa5ility Minor elective-1 P(-%. U1nter&epartmentalV ,ist o9 minor e&ecti'e EC#$# Computer P(-%, ) communication EC#%* Signals & Systems P(-%, )
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M. Tech. $8,SI #ESIGN%

.. EC122. CMOS 8,SI #esign Cr. 56 $4131:%

Process flow an& mas9ing steps for M<S an& CM<S tec'nologies6 >am5&a 5ase& &esign rules.
?*@ Electrical 5e'avior of M<S transistors ?)@ >atc' up in CM<S tec'nology >ayer properties of various con&ucting layers in M<S tec'nology ?&iffusion6 poly-silicon an& metal@4 S'eet resistance6 relative capacitance. un&amental time constant ?@ for a tec'nology. "esign an& analysis of NM<S ?en'ancement an& &epletion@ an& CM<S inverters: rationing of transistor si;e6 logic t'res'ol&6 logic low voltage level6 rise an& fall of &elays. "esign of 5asic gates in NM<S tec'nology. CM<S logic &esign styles4 static CM<S logic?!N"6 N<R gates@6 comple/ gates6 &omino logic6 pseu&o NM<S logic 6cloc9e& CM<S?C+ M<S@ logic. Structure& logic &esign4 programma5le arrays. "esign of latc'es an& flip-flops6 static memory cell an& &ynamic memory cell. M<S scaling t'eory an& scaling of interconnection. Re96

.. 0. 2. %$. %%. %+.


Sung-Mo =ang & Nusuf >e5le5ici6 CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits Analysis and Design, Mc(raw-3ill6 %220. Neil 3.E.Weste an& =amran Es'rag'ian6 Principles of CMOS !SI Design, !&&ison Wesley6 %220. Ra5aey et al.6 "igital 1ntegrate& Circuits6 Pearson 1n&ia6 +$$+. =. Martin6 "igital 1ntegrate& circuit &esign6 </for& Aniversity press6 +$$%. !.Mu9'erCi6 Introduction to nMOS and CMOS !SI system design, Prentice 3all 1nc.6 %20,. C.Mea& an& >.Conway6 Introduction to !SI systems, !&&ison Wesley6 %20,. (lasser an& "o55erpu'l6 Design and analysis of !SI circuits, !&&ison Wesley6 %20#. Cr. 56 $41.13%

:. EC1224 #igita& S-stem +esign6

Se+uential !ogic Design- 1ntro&uction6 -asic -ista5le Memory "evices6a&&itional 5ista5le &evices6 re&uce& c'aracteristics an& e/citation ta5le for 5ista5le &evices. Synchronous Se+uential !ogic Circuit Design 4 1ntro&uction6 Moore6 Mealy an& Mi/e& type Sync'ronous State Mac'ines. Sync'ronous se8uential &esign of Moore6 Melay Mac'ines6 Sync'ronous Counter "esign. "ata pat' an& Control &esign. !lgorit'mic State Mac'ine4 !n !lgorit'm wit' inputs6 &igital solution6 1mplementation of traffic lig't controller6 !SM c'arts6 "esign Proce&ure for !SMs. 1ntro&uction to programma5le logic &evices" P!>s6 P>"s6 CP>"s an& P(!s. Introduction to 4D!" "ata types6 Concurrent statements6 se8uential statements6 5e'avioral mo&eling. Re96 ,. "igital System "esign6 Ercegovic6 Wiley. .. Ric'ar& S. San&ige6 Modern Digital Design, Mc(raw-3ill6 %22$. 0. Jvi =o'avi6 Switc'ing an& inite !utomata T'eory6 Tata Mc(raw-3ill. 2. Nava5i. !nalysis an& mo&eling of &igital systems. Mc(raw 3ill6 %220. %$. Perry. Mo&eling wit' H3">. Mc(raw 3ill6 %22). 4. EC1222 8,SI Ph-sica& +esign6 Cr. 56 $4131:%

Circuit partitioning placement an& routing algorit'ms.

"esign Rule-verification6 Circuit Compaction: Circuit E/traction an& post layout simulation. "eep su5-micron interconnects mo&eling an& synt'esis.

#. ,. .. 0.

Re96 Sarraf;a&e'6 M. an& Wong6 C. =. !n intro&uction to H>S1 p'ysical &esign6 Mc (raw 3ill6 %22,. Sait6 S. M. an& Noussef6 3. H>S1 p'ysical &esign automation. 1EEE press6 %22#. S'erwani6 N. H>S1 p'ysical &esign automation. =luwer6 %222. Preas an& >oren;etti. P'ysical "esign !utomation of H>S1 Systems. -enCamin-Cummings6 %200.

#. T. 3. Cormen6 C. E. >eiserson an& R. >. Rivest6 E1ntro&uction to !lgorit'ms6F Mc(raw-3ill6 %22$ 5. EC122A S-nthesis o9 #igita& s-stems4 Cr. 56 $4131:%

Role of C!" in &igital system &esign6 levels of &esign an& &escription suc' as 5e'avioral6 structural an& p'ysical:
Tec'nological alternatives: languages for &esign &escription an& mo&eling at various levels: C!" tools for synt'esis6 optimi;ation6 simulation an& verification of &esign at various levels as well as for special reali;ations an& structures suc' as microprogrammes6 P>!s6 gate arrays etc. Re96 %. (. ". Mic'eli. Synt'esis an& optimi;ation of &igital systems. +. "utt6 N. ". an& (aCs9i6 ". ". 3ig' level synt'esis6 =luwer6 +$$$. *. T. 3. Cormen6 C. E. >eiserson an& R. >. Rivest6 E1ntro&uction to !lgorit'ms6F Mc(raw-3ill6 %22$. ). N. "eo6 (rap' T'eory6 P3 1n&ia. 2. EC122B CA# o9 ICs6 Cr. 56 $4131:%

1ntro&uction to concept of &esign6 &esign met'o&ologies6 semi-custom an& custom &esign approac'es. "ata pat' & control &esign.

Elements of &evice an& circuit simulation6 logic simulation. Stic9 &iagram an& representation6 layout of 1Cs6 lam5&a 5ase& &esign rules. "eep su5micron interconnects mo&eling an& synt'esis.
Topics in &esign-yiel& an& re&un&ancy6 low power &esign tec'ni8ues. Re96 %. Raguram6 R. Mo&eling an& Simulation of Electronic circuits. P31n&ia6 %22,. +. Weste an& Es'rag'ian. Principles of CM<S H>S1 &esign. !&&ison Wesley6 %220. *. =ang6 S. M. an& >e5le5ici6 N. CM<S "igital 1ntegrate& Circuits4 !nalysis an& "esign. Mc (raw 3ill6 +$$$. ). C'an&ra9asan6 !. P. >ow-power &esign met'o&ologies. 1EEE Press6 %220. #. !. Mu9'erCi. 1ntro&uction to nWM<S an& CM<S H>S1 system &esign. Prentice 3all 1nc.6 %20, ,. C. Mea& an& >. Conway. 1ntro&uction to H>S1 systems. !&&ison Wesley6 %20#. <. EC12<. Com)inatoria& O7timi>ation6 Cr. 56 $41.13%

<ptmi;ation pro5lem- Conve/ sets an& functions. T'e S1MP>EG algorit'm- forms of linear programming pro5lem6 geometry of >P6 organi;ation of Ta5leau. Computational consi&erations for simple/ algorit'm "uality- &ual of >P6 &ual simple/ pro5lem. Primal-&ual algorit'm. !lgorit'ms & comple/ity- s'ortest pat'6 ma/-flow6 "iC9s'tra7s algorit'm6 min-cost flow6 algorit'm for grap' searc' an& matc'ing: spanning trees an& matroi&s: 1nteger >inear programming6 (ree&y algorit'm6 appro/imation algorit'ms: 5ranc'-an&-5oun&: &ynamic programming. Re96

%. Papa&imitriou an& Steiglit;6 Com5inatorial optimi;ation6 P3 1n&ia6 +$$%. +. Nem'auser an& Wolsey6 1nteger an& Com5inatorial optimi;ation6 Wiley 1nter-science %222. A. EC12<4 8,SI Testing DTesta)i&it-6 Cr. 56 $41.13%

P'ysical aults an& t'eir mo&eling: Stuc9 at aults6 -ri&ging Simulation4 "e&uctive6 Parallel6 an& Concurrent ault Simulation.


ault collapsing:


Critical Pat' Tracing: !TP( for Com5inational Circuits4 "-!lgorit'm6 -oolean "ifferences6 P<"EM Ran&om6 "eterministic an& Weig'te& Ran&om Test Pattern (eneration: !liasing an& its effect on ault Coverage. P>! Testing6 Cross Point ault Mo&el an& Test (eneration. Memory Testing Permanent 1ntermittent an& Pattern Sensitive aults6 Marc'ing Tests: "elay aults. !TP( for Se8uential Circuits 4 Time rame E/pansion : Controlla5ility an& <5serva5ility Scan "esign6 -1>-< 6 -oun&ary Scan for -oar& >evel Testing : -1ST an& Totally self c'ec9ing circuits. System >evel "iagnosis4 1ntro&uction: Concept of Re&un&ancy6 Spatial Re&un&ancy6 Time Re&un&ancy6 Error Correction Co&es. Reconfiguration Tec'ni8ues: Niel& Mo&eling6 Relia5ility an& effective area utili;ation. Re96 %. !5ramovici6 M.6 -reuer6 M. !. an& rie&man6 !. ". "igital systems testing an& testa5le &esign. 1EEE press ?1n&ian e&ition availa5le t'roug' Kayco Pu5lis'ing 'ouse@6 +$$%. +. -us'nell an& !garwal6 H. ". H>S1 Testing. =luwer. *. !garwal6 H. ". an& Set'6 S. C. Test generation for H>S1 c'ips. 1EEE computer society press. ). 3urst6 S. >. H>Si testing4 "igital an& mi/e& analogI&igital tec'ni8ues. 1NSPECI1EE6 %222. =. EC12.4 Signa&s D S-stems6 Cr. 56 $41.13%

"iscrete an& continuous ran&om varia5les6 Coint pro5a5ility. Stoc'astic processes6 stationarity & ergo&icity6 laws of large num5ers6 central limit t'eorem6 various &istri5ution functions ?(aussian6 Normal6 Poisson6 etc.@ an& t'eir properties. 1ntro&uction to estimation & &etection t'eory6 Matc'e& ilters6 !&aptive ilters ?optimum filters@. B. EC1232 Com7uter Communications Cr. 56 $4131:%

1ntro&uction to &ata communication. Concept of analog an& &igital signals. -an&wi&t'. Networ9 arc'itecture. -asics of <S1 an& TCPI1P reference mo&els. E/ample arc'itecture of ot'er reference mo&els. Transmission me&ia. Wire& an& wireless connectivity. "M6 T"M an& C"M!. Circuit an& pac9et switc'ing. rame relay an& !TM switc'ing. 1S"N.

>ocal area networ9 protocols. 1EEE stan&ar&s for >!N. i5re optic networ9s. Satellite networ9s. "ata lin9 layer &esign issues4 its functions an& protocols.
1nternet protocol. Routing algorit'ms. Congestion control algorit'ms. 1P a&&ressing sc'emes. 1nternetwor9ing an& su5-netting.

Transport an& application layer &esign issues. Connection management. Transport protocol on top of G.+#. ile transfer an& access management.
Tra&itional cryptograp'y. T'e "ata Encryption Stan&ar&. =ey &istri5ution pro5lem. Pu5lic cryptograp'y. !ut'entication an& &igital signatures. Mo&elling an& !nalysis of Computer Communication Networ9s4 Pure -irt' an& -irt'-"eat' Process. -ernoulli TrialsMar9ov C'ains. Poisson Process. Calculation of "elay->ittleDs ormula6 -ur9eDs T'eorem. Bueueing Mo&els4 MIMI%6 MIMI%IN6 MIMIS6 MIMISIN 8ueues. 1m5e&&e& Mar9ov C'ains-MI(I% 8ueue. Networ9 layout an& relia5ility consi&erations. Re9erences6 Stallings4 "ata communication & Networ9ing Tanen5aum4 Computer Networ9s -la9e4 Keremia' . 3ayes4 Mo&elling an& !nalysis of Computer Communication Networ9s .3. EC1223 8,SI Techno&og-6 Cr. 56 $41.13%

-asic 1C processing steps.

Crystal growt' an& wafer preparation. Epita/y-5asics of vacuum &eposition6 M-E. CH"- low an& 'ig' tempIpressure &epositions. "iffusion L9inetics6 ic9s law6 s'eet resistivity met'o&s of &iffusion. </i&ation Lproperties of o/i&es6 t'eory of o/i&ation6 o/i&ation un&er &ifferent am5ients. 1on implantation. Etc'ing tec'ni8ues. CH" of polysilicon6 o/i&es an& nitri&es. 1ntegrate& circuit structures in 5ipolar an& M<S.

1ntro&uction to process simulation6 SAPREM.

Re96 %. S. M. S;e6 !SI #echnology, Mc(R!W-31>>6 %200. +. ". Nagc'ou&'uri6 Principles Of Microelectronic #echnology, W'eeler Pu5lis'ing6 %220. *. Step'en !. Camp5ell6 #he Science and Engineering of Microelectronic $a%rication, </for& Aniversity Press6 %22,. ). 3ong Giao6 Introduction to Semiconductor Manufacturing, Prentice 3all6 +$$%. #. S= (an&'i6 H>S1 fa5rication principles6 Ko'n Wiley %20*. ,. !- (laser6 (E Su5a9-S'arpe6 1ntegrate& circuit engineering6 Rea&ing M!6 !&&ison Wesley %2.. ... EC122: Ana&og an+ Mi"e+ Signa& ICs6 Cr. 56 $4131:%

Review of M<S Transistor operation mo&els an& e8uivalent circuits. Single-Stage !mplifiers6 "ifferential !mplifiers. Passive an& !ctive Current Mirrors4 Casco&e Current mirror6 Wilson Current mirror. T'eory an& &esign of M<S <perational !mplifier6 Complete CM<S operational amplifier inclu&ing fre8uency compensation. Comparators an& Holtage Reference Sources. Switc'e& Capacitor Circuits4 Principles of operation of Switc'e& Capacitor Circuits6 Switc'e& Capacitor ilters. "I! an& !I" converters. Nonlinear !nalog circuits4 Timers6 unction generators6 Multipliers an& P>> Re96 *. P. R. (ray an& R. (. Meyer. !nalysis an& "esign of !nalog 1ntegrate& Circuits. Mc(raw 3ill6 NN6 %22). ). !. -. (re5ene6 -ipolar an& M<S analog integrate& circuits &esign. Ko'n Wiley6 %20). *. S. Soclof. !nalog 1ntegrate& Circuits. Prentice 3all 1nc. 6 %20#. .:. EC1225 High ,e'e& #esign D Mo+e&ing o9 +igita& s-stems6 Cr. 56 $4131:%

System level &esign6 &escription languages- S">6 SpecC'art etc. !rc'itectural synt'esis for "SP applications. ormal Herification of &igital systems- -"" 5ase& approac'es6 functional e8uivalence6 finite state automata6 automata6 SM verification. 3ar&ware-software partitioning6 interface synt'esis6 case stu&ies. Re96 +. (aCs9i6 (upta an& Ha'i&6 Specifications an& &esign of Em5e&&e& systems +. Topics on formal verification to 5e covere& using topics from literature. .4. EC122< Em)e++e+ S-stems1 H DS #esign6 Cr. 56 $4131:%

Em5e&&e& computing- Microprocessors6 em5e&&e& &esign process6 system &escription formalisms. 1nstruction setsC1SC an& R1SC: CPA fun&amentals- programming 1I<s6 co-processors6 supervisor mo&e6 e/ceptions6 memory management units an& a&&ress translation6 pipelining6 super scalar e/ecution6 cac'ing6 CPA power consumption. Em5e&&e& computing platform- CPA 5us6 memory &evices6 1I< &evices6 interfacing6 &esigning wit' microprocessors6 &e5ugging tec'ni8ues. Program &esign an& analysis- mo&els of program6 assem5ly an& lin9ing6 compilation tec'ni8ues6 analysis an& optimi;ation of e/ecution time6 energy6 power an& si;e.

Processes an& operating systems- multiple tas9s an& multiple processes6 conte/t switc'ing6 sc'e&uling policies6 interprocess communication mec'anisms. 3ar&ware accelerators- CPAs an& accelerators6 accelerator system &esign. Networ9s- &istri5ute& em5e&&e& arc'itectures6 networ9s for em5e&&e& systems6 networ9-5ase& &esign6 1nternetena5le& systems. System &esign tec'ni8ues- &esign met'o&ologies6 re8uirements analysis6 system analysis an& arc'itecture &esign6 8uality assurance. Re94 Wolf6 W. Computers as components- Principles of em5e&&e& computing system &esign. !ca&emic Press ?1n&ian e&ition availa5le from 3arcourt 1n&ia Pvt. >t&.6 +.M -loc9 mar9et6 (reater =ailas' 116 New "el'i-%%$ $)0.@


EC122= A+'ance Com7uter Architecture6

Cr. 56 $41.13%

Motivation for parallel processing6 classification of Parallel !rc'itectures4 S1M"IM1M"6 ControlI "ata low6 "istri5ute&IS'are& Memory !rc'itectures. Mapping !lgorit'ms onto regular !rrays4 "ata &epen&encies6 >inear6 Rectangular Mes' an& 3e/agonal !rrays an& !lgorit'ms for t'ese !rc'itectures. S1M" !lgorit'ms4 "esign Consi&erations6 Mas9ing Hector instruction an& "ata structures. Memory !llocation Tec'ni8ues. 1nterconnection Networ9s. Sorting an& "ata -roa&casting. Massively Parallel S1M" computing. M1M" !lgorit'ms ?S'are& Memory@4 Sync'roni;ation6 Mutual E/clusion 6 3ot spots. 1nterconnection networ9s. !lgorit'ms for SMIS1M" Mac'ines. Performance issues. M1M" !lgorit'ms ? "istri5ute& Memory @ 4 Sync'ronous an& !sync'ronous <peration. Message routing Sc'emes. 1nterconnection Networ9s. Pac9et an& Circuit Switc'ing. Networ9 !rc'itectures. "istri5ute& !lgorit'ms. .2. EC12<3 Memor- #esign D Testing6 Cr. 56 $41.13%

Review of M<S Structure6 Scale& "own M<S ET an& CM<S Processing. Processing for Memories4 Multipoly loating (ate an& Control (ate6 Trenc' Capacitors an& t'in </i&e. 1nverter "esign4 C'oice of WI> an& Noise Margin Calculation6 Casco&e an& "ifferential 1nverters. SR!M an& "R!M Cell "esign4 -asic Cell Structures6 mo&eling an& &esign E8uations. Sense !mplifiers4 Necessity for Sense !mplifiers6 Holtage an& Current Sense !mplifiers6 Reference Holtage (eneration6 1nfluence of Sense !mplifier on cell !rc'itecture. Perip'eral Circuits. Memory Testing4 Mo&eling6 1ntro&uction to unctional Testing an& -uilt in Self-Test. .<. EC12<: #esign o9 As-nchronus Se?uentia& Circuits 6 Cr. 56 $41.13%

1ntro&uction4 Summary of sync'ronous tec'ni8ues - &isa&vantages in to&ayDs tec'nology. !&vantages of async'rononous tec'ni8ues - low power6 performance6 mo&ularity. 3istoric &ifficulties wit' async'ronous &esign. low Ta5le Re&uction6 T'e state-assignment Pro5lem6 "elays6 3a;ar&s6 an& !nalysis6 ee&5ac96 ot'er Mo&es of operation6 Counters. Circuit Classification" -oun&e& "elay6 spee& in&epen&ent6 an& &elay in&epen&ent. "ata mo&els ?single-rail6 &ual-rail@. 3an&s'a9ing protocols ?+ p'ase6 ) p'ase@ Micropipeline Circuits4 -asic 5uil&ing 5loc9s. Pipelines6 wit' an& wit'out &ata processing elements. T'e &esign of t'e !mulet processors.

NC> >ogic4 T'e NA>> convention logic approac'. Preserving &elay insensitivity6 t'res'ol& gates wit' 'ysteresis.
ormal !spects of !sync'ronous4 T'e Rain5ow approac'. (reen &escriptions of micro-pipelines. <verview of formal 5asis to async'ronous &escriptions Re9 6 !sync'ronous se8uential circuits 5y Step'en 3. Anger6 Ko'n Wiley & Sons Switc'ing an& inite !utomota T'eory. =o'avi6 Tata Mc(raw 3ill .A. EC12<5 FPGAs )ase+ +esign4 Cr. 56 $4131:%

1ntro&uction to P(! !rc'itectures. P(! &esign flow6 partitioning6 placement an& routing algorit'ms. Tec'nology mapping for P(!s6 case stu&ies. Ref4 ). -rown6 S. ".6 rancis6 R. K.6 Rose6 K. an& Hranesic6 J (. iel& programma5le (ate arrays. =luwer6 %22+. #. -et;6 H.6 Rose6 K. an& Mar8uar&t6 !. !rc'itecture an& C!" for "eep-su5micron P(!s. =luwer6 %222. ,. Trim5erger6 S. M. P(! Tec'nology. =luwer6 %22+. ). <l&fiel&6 K. H. an& "orf6 R. C. P(!s4 Reconfigura5le logic for rapi& prototyping an& implementation of &igital systems. Ko'n Wiley6 %22# .=. EC12.3 #igita& Signa& D Image Processing Cr. 56 $4131:%

"iscrete an& ast ourier Transform4 1ntro&uction. Properties of " T & " S. Sampling t'e Jtransform. >inear convolution using t'e " T. (oert;el !lgorit'm. "ecimation in time & fre8uency T !lgorit'ms. Representation of "igital ilters4 1ntro&uction. Signal flow grap' representation of &igital networ9s. Matri/ representation of &igital networ9s. -asic structure for 11R & 1R systems. Tellegens t'eorem an& its applications. C!" of ilters6 "SP !rc'itectures ?!nalog "evices & Te/as 1nstruments@ 1mage Processing4 !c8uiring of 1mages using Hi&eo Camera. "igital Representation of -inary & (ray Scale 1mages6 >inear operations on pictures. Two &imensional "iscrete ourier transform an& 3a&amar& transforms & t'eir applications to image processing. Sampling of pictures using an !rray of points6 !liasing pro5lem & its solution. 1mage En'ancement Tec'ni8ues4- (ray scale mo&ification (ray level correction6 (ray scale transformation6 3istogram mo&ification6 s'arpening of 1mages using &ifferentiation6 t'e laplaciam6 3ig' Emp'asis filtering6 so5el & 9irsc' operators. Smoot'ening4- Noise Removal6 !veragins6 Me&ian6 MinIMa/. iltering 1mage Segmentation & T'res'ol&ing4- T'res'ol&ing6 Multi5an& T'res'ol&ing6 T'res'ol&ing from Te/tures6 Selective 'istogram Tec'ni8ue6 -oun&ry >ines & Contours. 1mage Compression4Compression Tec'ni8ues using =-> Transform6 -loc9 Truncation Compression. Error free Comprerssion using 3uffman co&ing & 3uffman s'ift co&ing. Re9erence6 Signals an& Systems- <ppen'eim !.H.6 Wills9y !.S. an& Noung 1.K. P3E. "igital Signal Processing- <ppen'eim !.H. & Sc'afer R.W. P31. "igital Signal Processing- 5y >N<NS6 ?Pearson E&ucation@ "igital Signal Processing-5y Mitra- ?T!T! Mc(raw 3ill@ Pu5lications. "igital 1mage Processing- 5y (on;ale; I Woo&s6 ?Pearson E&ucation@ "igital 1mage Processing- 5y !.=. Kain
"igital Picture Processing- 5y Rosenfiel& & =a9 .B EC12.= Micro E&ectro Mechanica& S-stem $Mems% Cr. 56 $41.13%

Micro Electro Mec'anical System ?MEMS@ <rigins. MEMS 1mpetus I Motivation.

Material for MEMS. T'e tool5o/4 Processes for Micro mac'ining. MEMS a5rication Tec'nologies. un&amental MEMS "evice P'ysics4 !ctuation. un&amental MEMS "evices4 T'e Cantilever -eam. Microwave MEMS !pplications4 MEM Switc' "esign Consi&erations. T'e Micromac'ine& Transmission >ine. MEMS--ase& Microwave Circuit an& System. Re96 Microelectromec'anical ?MEM@ Microwave Systems 5y 3ector K."e >os Santos6 !rtec''ouse !n 1ntro&uction to Microelectromec'anical System 5y Na&im Maluf6 !rtec''ouse


M. Tech. $Energ- Engineering% Teaching Scheme S. No CRE"1T Contact Hours/;ee! E"am. #uration $Hrs.% T'eory Practical Re&ati'e eightage $(% CWS PRS MTE ETE ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ )$ #$ ,$ ,$ ,$ #$ ------,$ --PRE ------------------------)$ )$ ---%$$

Su5Cect Co&e


Su5Cect area


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:n+ /EAR %. ME ,#% +. ME ,#+ *. ME ,#* %. +.

ME ,#*

I SEMESTER $AUTUMN% 1nstitute core P(-%% ) * % "esign of T'ermal Systems P(-%) ) * % Minor elective-1 P(-%, ) * % MaCor elective-1 P(-%# ) * % MaCor Elective-11 P(-%# ) * % MaCor Elective-111 P(-%# ) * % Su) Tota& :5 II SEMESTER $SPRING% 1nstitute core P(-%+ ) + % 1nstitute core ?optional@ P(-%* + % + Minor Elective P(-%, ) * % MaCor Elective-1H P(-%# ) * % MaCor Elective-H P(-%# ) * % MaCor Elective-H1 P(-%# ) * % Su) Tota& :: III SEMESTER $AUTUMN% ProCect- minor P(-%0 ) % --Seminar P(-%2 ) % --"issertation P(-+$ %, + --Su) Tota& :5 I8 SEMESTER $SPRING% 1nter&epartmental course P(-%. ) * % "issertation ?cont&. rom P(-+$ +$ ) --111 Semester@ Su) Tota& :5 Tota& B5

$ $ $ $ $ $ + $ $ $ $ ------$ ---

* * * * * * * + * * * * ------* ---


+$ +$ +$ +$ +$ +$ +$ +# +$ +$ +$ +# ,$ ,$ --+$ ---

----------+$ --------------------

+$ +$ +$ +$ +$ +$ +$ +# +$ +$ +$ +# ------+$ ---

,ist o9 Ma*or E&ecti'es

S.No %. +. * ) #. ,. .. 0. 2. %$. %%. %+. %*. Su)*ect Co+e ME #,% ME #,+ ME #,* ME #,) ME #,# ME #,, ME #,. ME #,0 ME #,2 ME #.$ ME #.% ME #.+ ME #.* COURSE TIT,E Refrigeration an& air-con&itioning system &esign !&vance& Refrigeration Mo&eling an& Planning of Energy Systems

Alternative Fuels in I.C. Engines

"esign of Com5ustion systems

Win& Energy Atili;ation

Pollution Control Tec'nologies Solar T'ermal Engineering Energy Management

!&vance& 3eat Transfer "irect Energy Conversion Computational lui& Mec'anics & 3eat Transfer Energy conservation tec'nologies
Minor E&ecti'es

%. +. *.

ME #%# ME #%2 ME #%.

Materials Management Pro&uct "esign & "evelopment Buality system engineering

ME122. #esign o9 Therma& S-stems $PG1.5%

Mathematica& Mo+e&ing o9 therma& S-stems6 "evelopment of e8uations 5ase& on num5er-processing operation an& p'ysical laws for simulation an& optimi;ation of t'ermal systems. T'e art of e8uation fitting to performance &ata: "evelopment of performance e8uations for 'eat e/c'angers6 &istillation separators an& tur5o mac'inery. Simulation of t'ermal Systems4 Ases of system simulation6 classes of simulation: 1nformation-flow &iagrams: se8uential an& simultaneous calculations: simulation of continuous6 &eterministic stea&y-state systems6 e.g. gas tur5ine system: simulation of &ynamic 5e'avior of t'ermal systems.
O7timi>ation o9 Therma& S-stems6 <ptimi;ation criteria: use of >agrange Multipliers6 searc' met'o&s6 &ynamic programming an& geometric programming for optimum &esign of t'ermal systems. 0oo!s6 W. . Stoc9er: E"esign of t'ermal SystemsF6 Mc(raw 3ill 1nternational6 %202. -.=. 3o&ge6 E!nalysis an& "esign of Energy SystemsF6 Prentice-3all 1nc.6 %22$.

ME2<. Re9rigeration an+ Air Con+itioning S-stem #esign$PG1.2% ,oa+ Ca&cu&ations6 Solar 'eat gains t'roug' structures: review of refrigeration an& air-con&itioning loa& calculations. Performance c'aracteristics an& capacity control of reciprocating: rotary an& centrifugal compressors: screw compressors: 'ermetically seale& units: analysis of centrifugal compressors. Water-coole& an& air-coole& con&ensers: overall 'eat transfer coefficients: fouling factor: performance c'aracteristics an& &esign: performance an& 'eat transfer processes in evaporative con&enser. loo&e& an& &ry e/pansion type evaporators: li8ui& c'iller: overall performance of evaporators. Capillary tu5es: system &esign factors: pressure an& temperature &istri5ution: !S3R!E simplifie& calculation proce&ure. E/pansion valves: operation an& performance calculation of t'ermostatic e/pansion valve: application of constant pressure e/pansion valve. Con+ensing Unit1E'a7oreators6 Elements of steam: water an& warm-air 'eating: ra&iators an& convectors. Pi7ing An+ #ucts6 Pressure &rops in piping an& fittings: &esign of water an& refrigerant piping: review of &uct &esign met'o&s: static regain met'o&. A77&ications An+ S-stem #esign6 1ce manufacture: foo& preservation an& transportation: free;e &rying: air-con&itioning of au&itotiums an& restaurants: central air-con&itioning systems. Complete &esign of a refrigeration of an air-con&itioning system. 0oo!s6 %. Refrigeration an& !ir-con&itioning Stoec9er +. !ir-con&itioning "esign 3an&5oo9 Carrier Corpn. ?E&.@ *. !S3R!E 3an&5oo9s ---). Environmental Engg. !nalysis & Practice Kennings #. Climatological an& Solar "ata for 1n&ia C-R1 ME2<: A#8ANCE# RERIGERATION $PG1.2% Re9rigeration S-stems6 Hapor compression: multiple evaporator an& compoun& compression system wit' an& wit'out intercooling: &ual compressors: casca&e systems: vapor a5sorption system-analysis. Soli& car5on &io/i&e: principles of pro&uction: t'ree stage system wit' water an& flas' inter-cooler: pressure snow c'am5ers: regenerative li8ui& precooler: 5inary system. Cr-ogenics6 Engineering applications: properties of su5stances at cryogenic temperature: ort'o-para conversion of 'y&rogen: properties of 'elium: >am5&a point: super flui&ity. >i8uefaction of gases: minimum wor9 cycle: >in&e an& Clau&e met'o&: use of precooling: li8uefaction of 'y&rogen an& neon li8uefaction of 'elium: separation of gases from air. 1nsulation6 storage an& transport of cryogenic flui&s: magnetic an& nuclear cooling. Mc(raw 3ill Mc(raw 3ill !S3R!E 1nternational Sarita Pra9as'an

Pressure #ro7 An+ Heat Trans9er6 Two p'ase flow: flow regimes: maps pressure &rop in evaporator an& con&ensers: Martinlli approac'. 3eat transfer6 5oiling in floo&e& evaporators: force& connection evaporation in tu5es: insi&e an& outsi&e con&ensation for vertical an& 'ori;ontal tu5es. 0oo!s6 %. Mec'anical Refrigeration +. Cryogenic Systems *. !S3R!E 3an&5oo9 ? un&amentals@ ). T'ermal Environmental Engineering #. Convective -oiling an& Con&ensation ME 2<4 MO#E,ING Spar9s & "illio Mc(raw 3ill -arron Mc(raw 3ill ---!S3R!E T'rel9el& Prentice 3all Collier Mc(raw 3ill


Intro+uction6 Energy policy analysis: nee& for energy mo&eling: classification of energy mo&els: types of computer 5ase& tools for energy planning: national an& rural energy planning: sect oral energy planning. In7ut1Out7ut Mo+e&s6 Types an& C'aracteristics of 1-< mo&els: use of 1-< mo&els: 1-< transaction ta5les: met'o& of estimation an& sources of &ata: mat'ematical e/pression on t'e met'o&ology of construction of 1-< ta5les: case stu&ies. Econometric Mo+e&s6 Statistical estimation tec'ni8ues: time series: regression analysis: a&vantages an& limitations of econometric mo&els: elastic ties of energy &eman&: case stu&ies. O7timi>ation Mo+e&s6 >inear an& non-linear optimi;ation mo&els: a&vantage an& limitation of optimi;ation mo&els: case stu&ies of linear optimi;ation mo&els for national an& rural energy planning. Process Ana&-sis Mo+e&s6 En&-use mo&els: process analysis mo&els for in&ustrial6 &omestic an& transport energy conservation: a&vantage an& limitations of process analysis mo&els: case stu&ies. S-stem #-namic an+ Other Simu&ation Mo+e&s6 Concept of close& system: causal loop &iagram: flow &iagram an& system e8uations: &ynamic 5e'avior of energy systems: a&vantages an& limitations of simulation mo&els: case stu&ies. 0oo!s / Re9erences6 Ric'ar& &e Nenfville6 E !pplie& Systems !nalysisF Mc (raw 3ill 1nternational E&s. %22$. K.P. Weyant & T. !. =uc;mows9i EEngineering- Economy Mo&eling4 Energy SystemsF Energy-T'e 1nternational 1ssue ?Special issue an energy mo&eling@6 Pergaman Press. Hol. %#6 No. [ PP %)#-.%#6 %22$. K. W. orrester6 E Principle of SystemsF M1T Press6 %20+. Rene Co&oni6 3i- C'un Par96 =.H. Ramani6 E 1ntegrate& Energy Planning4 ! ManualF Holume on policy planning6 !sian & Pacific "evelopment Center6 =uala >umpur %20#. ME 2<5 A,TERNATI8E FUE,S IN I.C. ENGINES $PG1.2%
Intro+uction6 Nee& of alternative gaseous fuels6 future automotive gaseous fuels6 'y&rogen6 CN(6 >N(6 an& Pro&ucer gas6 5iogas6 >P(. Stoc'iometric air fuel ratio6 P'ysical properties of &ifferent gaseous fuels6 mo&e of engine operations6 spar9 ignition an& &ual fuel mo&e6 multi fuel mo&e6 com5ustion an& performance of engines6 specific pro5lems6 safety an& environmental aspects6 economic aspects6 pro&uction. Use o9 a&coho& in four stro9e spar9 ignition engines an& &iesel engines6 use of alco'ol in two stro9e engines6 use of 5io &iesels6 com5ustion an& performance of engines6 stoc'iometric air fuel ratio6 specific pro5lems6 safety an& environmental aspects6 economic aspects6 pro&uction. Im7acts6 1mpact of alternative fuels on engine test an& test proce&ures6 gui&elines for emission measurements6 emission norms for engines using alternative fuels. ,ega& As7ects6 >egal aspects of 5len&ing alternative fuels into conventional li8ui& fuels6 properties of 5len&s6 comparison of neat versus 5len&e& fuels6 fuel testing.

Com7uter simu&ation6 Computer simulation of engines using alternative fuels. Re9erences

uture automotive fuels6 E&ite& 5y Kosep' M. Colucci an& Nicoles C. (allopoulos6 Plenum press6 New Nor9
"ual fuel engines6 e&ite& 5y R.>.Evans6 Plenum Press6 %20. S!E 'an& 5oo96 volume 1116 Engines6 fuels6 lu5ricants6 emissions an& noise !utomotive fuels an& fuel systems6 volume 116 T.=.(arrett6 Pantec' Press6 >on&on (aseous fuels for transportation 16 procee&ings of t'e conference 'el& at Hancouver6 5ritis' Colum5ia6 Cana&a6 %20. Pan&el A6 Poonia M.P.: Energy Tec'nologies for Sustaina5le "evelopment6.6Prime Pu5lis'ing 3ouse (aCia5a&6 +$$*.



T-7es O9 Fue&s6 Composition-p'ysical6 c'emical an& t'ermo&ynamic properties. Proportion of reactants an& coole& pro&ucts4 1n&ivi&ual 'y&ro car5ons L volumetric fuel 5len&s gravimetric fuel an& mi/ture calculation from pro&uct analysis-p'ysical c'aracteristics of mi/tures an& pro&ucts. Pro7ortions O9 Hot Pro+ucts6 =inetic e8uili5rium L e8uili5rium pro&uct composition in 'y&rocar5on com5ustion L uel ric' mi/ture &issociation L general mi/ture &issociation. Com)ustion Energies6 Stan&ar& energy of formation-stan&ar& energy of reaction calorific value-ma/imum useful wor9. Com)ustion Tem7eratures6 Sensi5le energy L &etermination of ma/imum temperature in stea&y flow L 1nfluence of fuel type an& operating parameters. Com)ustion E99iciencies6 Wor9 transfer applications in now-flow L 'eat transfer applications in stea&y flow- wor9 transfer applications in stea&y flow. Com)ustion Contro& S-stems6 Controlling fuel flow- controlling air flow- !s pollution control flow. #esign O9 0urners6 (as an& oil 5urners- operations c'aracteristics L calculation of gas flow rate: pressure &rop efficiency. "esign of furnaces an& c'imneys6 steam generating &evices L sto9ers6 flui&i;e& 5e& com5ustion L types L performance analysis. 0OOLS6 Samir Sar9ar6 uels an& Com5ustion6 <rient >ongman6 %22$. E.M. (oo&ger6 Com5ustion Calculations6 T'e Macmillan Press >t&.6%2... rancis (. S'ins9ey6 Energy Conservation t'roug' Control6 !ca&emic press6 %2.0.

ME 2<<


in+ Characteristics6 Sources of win&6 win& 'a;ar&s6 sitting in flat terrain6 sitting in non-flat terrain6 ecological in&icators of site suita5ility6 site analysis met'o&ology. in+ Energ- S-stem6 Energy from t'e win&6 wor9-energy an& power6 &ifferent types of rotors6 over spee& control6 electric power generation an& storage. Water pumping systems L maCor components L lift L transport L storage sitting an& si;ing. A77&ie+ Aero+-namics6 Role of aero&ynamics in win& power L cross win& a/is mac'ines L win& a/is mac'ines L general momentum t'eory L vorte/ strip t'eory6 forces an& moments &ue to vertical win& gra&ient. To;ers An+ S-stems Insta&&ation6 Specific types of tower6 Tower 'eig't6 Tower an& systems raising6 wiring6 lig'tning protection6 1nstallation6 maintenance of ot'er e8uipments. Energ- Con'ersion An+ Storage6 Sync'ronous inverters6 &cIac inverters6 5attery storage6 5attery c'aracteristics6 5attery system installation6 ot'er types of storage systems. in+ Energ- Con'ersion S-stems6 Specifications an& c'aracteristics of commercial water-pumping win& mills6 electricity pro&ucing win& energy. Conversion systems6 selection of systems-case stu&y. Environmental aspects. A77&ications6 Potential application of win& energy conversion systems6 resi&ential applications6 win& power use in agriculture. TEHT 0OOL6 H. "aniel 3unt6 Win& Power6 Han Nostran& Rein'ol& Company6 %20%. Win& Energy -asics4 ! (ui&e to Small an& Micro Win& Systems: Paul (ipe6 C'elsea (reen Pu5 Co: !pril %222.

REFERENCES6 Recent !&vances in Win& Engineering6 New !ge 1nternational Pu5lis'ers >t&.6 %22). ME 2<A PO,,UTION CONTRO, TECHNO,OGIES $PG1.2% Intro+uction4 1ntro&uction to air pollution6 classification of pollutants6 t'eir effects6 impact of environment on 'uman. Air Po&&ution Sources 4 Mo5ile an& stationary sources6 types of plume &ispersion mec'anisms6 air 8uality measurement concepts. Contro& +e'ices 9or 7articu&ate contaminants4 gravitational settlement6 centrifugal an& wet collectors6 fa5ric filters6 cyclon separators6 electrostatic precipitators Contro& +e'ices 9or gaseous contaminants 9rom stationar- sources6 a&sorption6 a&sorption6 con&ensation6 com5ustion 5ase& pollution control systems. Automoti'e Emission contro&6 Types an& construction of catalytic converters6 emission control t'roug' operating parameters an& engine &esign6 alternative fuels for emission re&uction. ,a;s an+ regu&ations6 National an& international stan&ar&s for mo5ile an& stationary sources of air pollution. Te"t )oo!6

3owar& S. Peavy6 "onal& Rowe: Environmental Engineering: Tata Mc-(raw 3ill6 %202.
ME 2<= SO,AR THERMA, ENGINEERING $PG1.2% So&ar Ra+iation6 Solar Ra&iation6 instruments for measuring solar ra&iation6 solar ra&iation geometry6 empirical e8uations6 solar ra&iation on tilte& surfaces.

,i?ui+ F&at P&ate Co&&ectors6 -asic elements6 performance analysis6 transmissivity - a5sorptivity6 'eat transfer coefficients an& correlations6 collector efficiency an& 'eat removal factors6 effects of various parameters6 types of ot'er li8ui& flat-plate collectors6 transient analysis.
So&ar Air Heaters6 Type of air 'eaters6 performance analysis of a conventional air 'eater6 ot'er types of air 'eater6 Testing proce&ures. Concentrating Co&&ectors6 Type of concentrating collectors an& t'eir general c'aracteristics6 geometry6 'eat transfer correlations6 trac9ing re8uirements performance analysis. Therma& Energ- Storage6 -asic met'o&s6 Sensi5le 'eat storage L li8ui&s- soli&s-analysis6 latent 'eat storage6 t'ermo c'emical storage. So&ar Pon+6 -asic concept an& wor9ing6 &escription6 performance analysis6 transmissivity6 temperature &istri5ution an& collection efficiency6 e/perimental stu&ies an& ot'er aspects. So&ar Re9rigeration6 !&sorption an& a5sorption 5ase& solar refrigeration tec'nologies Re9erences6 =rit' . an& =rel&er K. .6 Principles of Solar EngineeringE Mc(raw 'ill 5oo9 company6 %2.0. Ko'n !6 "uffie6 William !. -ec9man : Solar Engineering of t'ermal processes6 6 Ko'n Wiley an& Sons6 %22%. (arg 3.P. an& Pra9as' K.6 Solar energy fun&amentals an& application6 T!T! Mc(raw 3ill Pu5lis'ing company limite&6 New "el'i6 +$$$. Su9'atme S.P.6 Solar Energy Principle of t'ermal collection an& storage6 T!T! Mc(raw 3ill Pu5lis'ing company limite&6 New "el'i6 %22,. ME 2<B ENERG/ MANAGEMENT $PG1.2% Intro+uction to Energ- Management 4 !ims an& approac'es of au&iting6 types of energy au&it6 energy in&ices in resi&ential6 commercial an& in&ustrial sector6 &ata collection. Energ- in Manu9acturing4 Energy an& environmental analysis of pro&ucts6 energy consumption in manufacturing6 laws of energy an& materials flow. Energ- in Resi+entia& Sector6 Supply of energy for rural an& ur5an 'ousing6 fuel su5stitution6 efficiency improvement of &omestic appliances. Instrumentation 9or Energ- Management4 Measurement of 'eat flu/6 ra&iation6 psyc'ometric varia5les6 flui& flow & velocities6 &ata analysis. ,i9e C-c&e Ana&-sis4 >C! of energy systems6 concept of life cycle costing an& its use.

#eman+ Si+e Management4 Principles of "SM6 rules an& tools of "SM6 fun&amentals of &eman& response6 "SM tools an& practices. Te"t )oo!s6

C.-. Smit'6 Energy Management Principles6 Pergamon Press6 New Nor96 %20%.
3amies6 Energy !u&iting an& Conservation4 Met'o&s6 Measurements6 Management & case stu&y6 'emis'pere6 Was'ington6 %20$. "iamant R.M.6Total Energy6 Pergamon Press6 </for&6 %2.$.


Re'ie;6 Review of t'e 5asic laws of con&uction6 ra&iation an& convection. Con+uction6 <ne &imensional stea&y state con&uction wit' varia5les t'ermal con&uctivity an& wit' internal &istri5ute& 'eat sources: local 'eat source in non-a&ia5atic plate: t'ermo-couple con&ition error. E/ten&e& surfaces-review: optimum fin of rectangular profile: straig't fins of triangular an& fin of rectangular profile: spines: &esign consi&erations. Two &imensional stea&y state con&uction: semi-infinite an& finite flat plates: temperature fiel& in finite cylin&ers an& infinite semi-cylin&ers: sp'erical s'ells: grap'ical met'o&: rela/ation tec'ni8ue. Anstea&y state con&uction: su&&en c'anges in t'e surface temperatures of infinite plates6 cylin&ers an& sp'eres: solutions using (roe5er7s an& 3eisler7s c'arts for plates6 cylin&ers an& sp'eres su&&enly immerse& in flui&s. Ra+iation6 Review of ra&iation principles: &iffuse surfaces an& t'e >am5ert7s cosine law. Ra&iation t'roug' non-a5sor5ing me&ia: 3ottel7s met'o& of successive reflections: (e5'art7s unifie& met'o&: PolCa97s met'o&. Ra&iation t'roug' a5sor5ing me&ia: logarit'mic &ecrement of ra&iation: apparent a5sorptivity of simple s'ape& gas 5o&ies: net 'eat e/c'ange 5etween surface separate& 5y a5sor5ing me&ium: ra&iator of luminous gas flames. Co'ection6 3eat transfer in laminar flow: free convection 5etween parallel plates: force& internal flow t'roug' circular tu5es: fully &evelope& flow: velocity an& t'ermal entry lengt's: solutions wit' constant wall temperature an& wit' constant 'eat flu/: force& e/ternal flow a flat plate: t'e two &imensional velocity an& temperature 5oun&ary layer e8uations: =arman Po''ousen appro/imate integral met'o&. 3eat transfer in tur5ulent flow: e&&y 'eat &iffusivity: Reynol7& analogy 5etween s9in friction an& 'eat transfer: Pran&tl-Taylor6 von =arman an& Martineli7s analogies: tur5ulent flow t'roug' circular tu5es. 0oo!s6 %. !nalysis of 3eat an& Mass Transfer +. un&amental of 3eat Transfer *. Con&uction 3eat Transfer ). T'ermal Ra&iation #. 3eat6 Mass an& Momentum Transfer Ec9ert an& "ra9es Mc(raw 3ill (ro5er6 Er9 an& (rigull Mc(raw 3ill Sc'nei&er !&&ison Wesley Siegel an& 3owell Mc(raw 3ill Ro'senow an& C'oi Prentice 3all

ME 2A. #IRECT ENERG/ CON8ERSION $PG1.2% Fue& Ce&&s6 T'ermo&ynamics of fuel cells: free energy c'ange an& cell potentials: effects of temperature an& pressure on cell potential: energy conversion efficiency: factors affecting conversion efficiency: polari;ation losses: important types of fuel cells ?'y&rogen-o/ygen6 organic compoun&s-o/ygen6 car5on or car5on mono/i&e-air6 nitrogen compoun&s-air@: electro&e types: electrolytes for fuel cells: applications. Thermo1E&ectric S-sems6 T'ermo-electric p'enomena: T'omson6 Peltier an& See5ac9 effects: =elvin7s relations: 5asic t'ermoelectric engine materials: typical layout of engines: &esign of t'ermo-electric generators: t'ermo-electric cooling. Thermionic S-stems6 T'ermionic emission: wor9 function an& energy &istri5ution of electrons in metals: Ric'ar&son-"us'man e8uation: types of t'ermionic energy converters an& t'eir performance. Photo'o&tic S-stems6 P'otovoltaic effects: p'oto energy: general t'eory of Cunction-type cells: solar cells: operating c'aracteristics of p'otovoltaic cells: conversion efficiency. Magnetoh-+ro+-namic S-stems6 Conversion process: ioni;ation process: gaseous con&uction an& 3all effect: formulation of M.3.". performance: analysis of constant area an& verifying area M.3.". engines. 0oo!s6 %. Energy Conversion +. "irect Energy Conversion *. "irect Conversion of 3eat to Electricy ). uel Cells #. Magneto'y&ro&ynamics C'ang Soo =ay & Wels' ?E&s.@ Wiley -oc9ris & Srinivasan =uli9ovs9y & >yu5imov !&&ison Prentice 3all Prentice 3all Mc(raw 3ill

ME 2A: COMPUTATIONA, F,UI# MECHANICS AN# HEAT TRANSFER $PG1.2% Finite #i99erence M;tho+6 orwar&6 5ac9war&6 an& central &ifference sc'eme- e/plicit an& implicit met'o&s. Errors6 consistency6 sta5ility analysis6 upwin& sc'emes. Incom7ressi)&e F&o;6 inite &ifferences6 M!C an& S1MP>E algorit'ms6 stream function6 velocity potential function an& vorticity formulation. In'isci+ F&o;6 -asic governing e8uation an& &ifferent solution algorit'ms for compressi5le flow wit' calculations of lift an& &rag. Con+uction Heat Trans9er6 Stea&y an& unstea&y state6 5oun&ary con&ition6 Rang-=utta met'o&6 finite &ifference met'o&6 iterative an& &irect met'o&s. Con'ecti'e Heat Trans9er6 (overning e8uations6 solutions for natural an& force& convection6 mo&eling of convection pro5lems. Ra+iati'e Heat Trans9er6 -asic concepts6 ra&iosity met'o&6 Monte L Carlo met'o&6 p'ase c'ange pro5lems. TEHT 0OOLS6 Noges' Kaluria an& =ennet' E. Torrance6 Computational 3eat Transfer6 3emisp'ere Pu5lis'ing Corporation6 %20,. =. Murali&'ar & T. Sun&araraCan6 Computational lui& low an& 3eat Transfer6 Narosa Pu5lication6 %22#. S.H. Patan9ar6 Numerical 3eat Transfer !n& lui& low6 3emis'ere Pu5lication Company New Nor9 %20$. ME 2A4 ENERG/ CONSER8ATION TEECHNO,OGIES $PG1.2% Ra+iant Heating E?ui7ment4 Panel of 'eaters - steam - water6 electrical ra&iant 'eaters6 tu5ular ra&iant 'eaters6 reflectors6 'eat transfer6 comfort con&itions6 re&uction of 'eat loss6 installation. Prime Mo'ers An+ Generators 4 Energy conversion an& efficiency6 steam tur5ines6 gas tur5ines6 &iesel an& gas engines6 electrical motors an& "(-sets. Selection6 factors affecting performance6 loa& matc'ing6 P improvement6 maintenance practice. Heat Pum7s4 (eneral principles6 appropriate con&itions for using 'eat pumps6 t'eoretical an& practical C<P6 refrigerants6 a5sorption 'eat pump6 applications of 'eat pumps: gas &riven 'eat pumps. Heat Recu7erators4 -asic concepts6 li8ui&Ili8ui& 'eat e/c'angers6 li8ui&Igas an& gasIli8ui& 'eat e/c'angers6 gasIgas e/c'angers6 'eat transfer calculations an& area &etermination. Heat Regenerators4 T'ermal w'eel - 5asic principle- construction - flue gas as energy source - pre'eating com5ustion air installation6 regenerative 'eat recovery6 &ou5le-effect operation an& coupling of columns. Heat Pi7es4 -asic concepts6 &esign of 'eat pipes - 'eat transfer rate - t'ermo&ynamic efficiency - influencing factors- wic9 &esign - 'eat recovery from e/'aust air6 classification of 'eat pipes6 practical applications. Heating 8enti&ation An+ Air Con+itioning4 Comforta5le environment6 effective temperature6 'eating an& cooling systems6 re'eat systems6 varia5le air volume6 &ual &uct system6 air water system6 &esign consi&erations. Cogeneration6 !pplication for cogeneration6 types of cogeneraiton processes- topping cycle plant- 5ottoming cycle plant. C'oice of configuration6 effect of legislation-case stu&ies. TEHT 0OOL6

%. %. +.

R.M.E. "iamant6 Energy Conservation E8uipment6 T'e !rc'itectural Press6 %20). S. "avi& 3u6 3an& -oo9 of 1n&ustrial Energy Conservation: Han Nostran&6Rein'ol& Pu5.6 %20*. S.C. Tripat'y6 Electrical Energy Atili;ation an& Conservation6 Tata Mc(raw 3ill6 %20,.


ME 2.26 MATERIA,S MANAGEMENT orecasting Tec'ni8ues inclu&ing -o/ Ken9ins. Material Re8uirements6 E/plosion an& >evels. Classification an& 1nventory !nalysis. Co&ification6 Stan&ar&i;ation an& Hariety Re&uction Ma9e or -uy "ecision6 1nventory Control tec'ni8ues. 1nventory Systems6 Material Re8uirements Planning6 P'asing. Materials unction inclu&ing -u&geting6 Purc'asing an& Hen&or "evelopment. Spare parts Management. Store an& materials !ccounting. 1mport e/port policies6 legal aspects purc'asing. Evaluation of Material Managements Performance.

0oo!s Recommen+e+6 !mmer "ean6 Materials Management6 1llions. -aily6 Pert & armer6 Managing Materials in 1n&ustry6 (rower Press6 >on&on.


Pro&uct &efinition6 New pro&uct &evelopment concept6 pro&uct &evelopment process6 consumer 5e'avior6 i&entifying customer nee&s. Esta5lis'ing pro&uct specification6 concept generation6 concept selection an& pro&uct arc'itecture. 1n&ustrial &esign6 &esign for manufacturing prototyping6 Economic analysis of new pro&ucts. Test mar9eting an& commerciali;ation of new pro&ucts.

0oo!s Recommen+e+
C'itle !. = an& (upta R.C6 Pro&uct "esign an& Manufacturing6 P31 Saun&ers6 Mc Cornic E.K.6 Q3uman actors in Engineering & "esign76 Mc(raw 3ill. Alric' =. T an& Eppinger S."6 Pro&uct "esign an& "evelopment6 Mc (raw 3ill

ME 2.A6 @UA,IT/ S/STEM ENGINEERING un&amental of Buality6 Contri5ution of Buality gurus6 Buality Cost.
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