V Ranganathan Profile

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Train with a Master

VRANGANATHAN is a Master Practitioner of NLP & Clinical Hypnotherapy In his practice he trains both individuals group training sessions in ASSERTIVENESS ATTITUDE HONING, ACCOUNTABILITY COMMUNICATION MASTERY, EMOTIONAL MATURITY, LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT, MENTORING & COACHING SKILLS, PERSONAL & INTERPERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS SALES MASTERY, TEAM EFFECTIVENESS for corporate houses. Training is customized to the precise need of the participants. Through his training, an experience of about 4000 hours of training for corporate as also for about 200 hours in public workshops so far, he successfully guides and facilitates in NLP. sessions

individuals to initiate growth and greater achievement in both personal & professional capacities. He has successfully worked with sales people & entrepreneurs and coached them in the areas of attitude, image, identity and beliefs using powerful tools of NLP. He was invited by MINISTRY OF YOUTH & SPORTS AFFAIRS -Brunei

His work experience includes LG Electronics, 3M INDIA, NTPC, Cognizant, Columbia Sports, NOKIA, Sasken technologies, Phaeros India, Oracle Granato, Abhan Power Systems, Auro Mirra Energy Systems, Anedoc Systems, Sify India, Thirdware Technologies, Networks, ICAI, CSC Gears, Computer Shasun Education, Extreme TVS Power pharmaceuticals,


TurboEnergy Ltd, public sector & private sector banks, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies.

to conduct LEADERSHIP EXECUTIVE program. As faculty for UN Commonwealth Youth

V Ranganathan also conducts

Program trained participants from South East Asian countries on Leadership Skills. As Visiting Faculty for

Rajiv Gandhi National

Institute of Youth Development, conducts

leadership training for Government officers

Guest Faculty for National Academy Of Customs,Excise& Narcotics (NACEN, Chennai)

Visiting Faculty for Tamilnadu Police Academy, Vandalur

Guest Faculty for National Productivity Council and trains Govt officers on Leadership, Team effectiveness, Motivation, Stress Management

+919840706451 trainervranganathan@gmail.com

V RANGANATHAN New Life Programmer (NLP) LIFE SKILL TRAINER, SOFT SKILL TRAINER SMART- this comes to my mind when I think of you What people say of V Ranganathans coaching & training intervention ---

V Ranganathan now is a licensed Master Practitioner of Clinical Hypnotherapy. V Ranganathan has authored 3 books & 4 audio cds on personal development He has so far appeared 25 times in television to share his insights on Life skills. He firmly believes in human potential. His conviction is whole of a mans life can be summed up as either mans struggle with change or for change. His Principle CARE SHARE PROSPER

Dr S Sabesan, Coaching Federation of India, Chennai July 2013 Your training on TEAM MANAGEMENT at Port Blaire Andaman organised by National Productivity Council from 10th Sep to 14 Sep 2012 was very useful to me. It was very thought provoking.I have gained a lot.Thanks.-

He is one of those rare breed of trainers who doesn't sell himself or his product, as the need doesn't rise at all. One session would make all the difference. People serious about training can get maximum benefits interacting with Mr Ranganathan. I would vouch for him for any corporate behavioral & HR intervention.
Sriram Nataraj, Head - Business Operations & Training Solutions, Good Relations Consultants Pvt Ltd

M Ravi, Chief Manager Central Office Chennai Indian Overseas Bank

I would like to thank you for your wonderful 3 hour intense session on Influential Leadership held on 4th June 2011. It was a professional experience for our managers Ms Vidya Rajan, Manager HR Phaeros IT India I know how powerful you are in your communication and your metallic voice with apposite modulation and expression support you very much in your training
Mr Ganesh Ramachandran, Trainer, Life Improvement Mind Engineering Aug 2013 V Ranganathan received his NLP training from Dr William

Thanks for your detailed &wonderful session on Metamodel- Language Pattern of NLP on 15th April 2012. It is helping me in my therapy & couselling session -HEMALATHA SWAMINATHAN

To facilitate empowering people to be at their best is his mission

Delivery relevance connectivity


is his

Image Consultant&Coach-4swithin

After two decades of corporate work experience he is into training full time since May 2005. Contact details:Mobile: - +919840706451 vrnlp@yahoo.co.in vranganathan@vrnlp.com www.vrnlp.com
Horton of National Federation of Neuro Linguistic

I have not seen anyone who has stretched their wings as far as NLP on one side and spiritual regional scriptures on other side! It looks like so much work has been done by you in this field of training!!! Truly legendary!!

Psychology, Florida USA; V Ranganathan was specially trained by Dr Richard McHugh S.J in Advanced Skills of NLP. V Ranganathan also learnt from Mr Andrew Austin & Mr Nick Kemp from UK on Provocative Therapy, a communicational tool to unearth problem to move towards solution.

Ashok Subramanian, NLP Master Trainer SHINOTA Consulting June 2013

+919840706451 trainervranganathan@gmail.com

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