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From one PTC clicker to another

The author has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the author assumes no responsibility for errors,

omissions, or contrary interpretation of the sub ect matter herein. !ny perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organi"ations are unintentional. In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income made. #eaders are cautioned to rely on their own udgment about their individual circumstances to act accordingly. This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. !ll readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting, and finance field.


$ike everyone else you are probably trying to make some money online to fill your daily budged, somewhere along the way you stumbled upon paid to click sites% PTC sites offer ama"ing opportunities to earn money especially if you know the right way and strategy to use when investing in those sites% In this e&ook we will be focusing on new PTC sites which are born every single day and their number is increasing rapidly as time goes...

First thing you must know when investing in a PTC site is to check the sites sustain'ability( Who is the admin , what kind of referral earning does it offer, what payment processors does it offer and last but not least how long will it last...


&ecause there are numerous of new sites )born* every day you must make sure to check if it is a possible scam site+
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2o to the link above and check the site admin, if the admin is a known scamer his name will appear with other his previous sites which he had used to scam others% !fter that is done, we are gonna check the site itself% First you have to go to the forum of the site, there you should always go to the Problems and doubts or &ug reports section of the forum% There check what other member are complaining about 3e4. referral bugs, delayed payment, earnings are not what they are suppose to be, !52 of referrals...6

1ow after the site has passed all of the checks above you should register to the site and go straight for the up rad! "!#$ion% 7ake sure that the site offers %.%%& p!r r!f!rra' earning for standard members and that it has at least ( dai') fi*!d+"$andard ad"% !lso it is preferable but not crucial that the site has au$opa) option, since the site is new and most likely the referrals are gonna have good average so the autopay will work like a charm ,!!pin $-! r!f!rra'" for !*$ra da) when they click but also giving you a profit in a range of . %.%1(/ per referral for a day%


1ow here is where most of the people make mistakes% When you have a new site that looks good and profitable the biggest mistake you can do is to wait or to invest little by little. When the site is fresh you should invest at least the amount that is needed to purchase8rent 1%% r!f!rra'". /nce you have rented 9:: referrals turn the autopay option on and wait till the money gathers to the amount that you have invested or atleast ;:< of your investment and than #a"-ou$2 1ow with the reast of the money and referrals continue to grow your account until you reach ma4 amount of rented referrals 3 with most of the sites it is around =:: for standard members6. !fter you have reached ma4 amount you will apply the strategy what I will e4plain in the upcoming te4t...


/nce you have invested and rented 9:: referrals all you need to know is to not e4tend your referrals for longer than >: days%% Why? you ask% Well as most of you know @:< of sites turn to scam after > months and if you e4tend your referrals for =A: days means you will lose 9B: days worth of referrals% 0o all you need to do is e4tend those referrals for >: days, ='> days before they e4pire and keep e4tending them until you get to the referrals that have =9 more days left% /nce you reach those referrals stop e4tending and start collecting money for a new cash out. 1ow all you have to do is repeat this process over and over again% &y doing this your referrals will form a hill like structures on the referral graph which I named )T-! -i'' !ff!#$*, that looks like this+

(. 9ONUS
$ist of sites that I use to make money off+ Cno$!+ 0ites may change thru time cause of various reasons...


I would like to thank you for purchasing this e&ook and really hope it will help you with your future PTC earning adventures. If you really liked this book make sure you spread the word about it to your friends and in that way help support the author of the book. 0o remember, this strategy is only for short term investing with standard membership and it lets you make money off good and not so good 3scam6 sites only thing you have to do is :! ;ui#, when a new site appears%

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