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Will you support Red to the Roots with $5 or $10 TODAY? Click here to tell tax a d spe d De!

ocrats that their days are u!"ered# $ellow Repu"lica % &outh Caroli a is a solidly red% Repu"lica state ' or so says the !edia a d !ost o"ser(ers) *owe(er% a closer look i to history a d the curre t state o+ politics !i,ht surprise you) - 1./0% a 1owcou try de tist a!ed 2i! 3dwards wa,ed a !assi(e ,rassroots ca!pai, to "eco!e our +irst Repu"lica ,o(er or i o e hu dred years) A d it was o ly withi the last two decades that Repu"lica s ,ai ed !a4orities i the &outh Caroli a 5e eral Asse!"ly a d a!o , our state6s i e Co stitutio al O++icers) Hard to believe? Consider that for the first half of the 1900s, South Carolina's "Legislative Manuals" did not even list party affiliation be ause !e"o rats #ere the only offi e holders$ Today% &outh Caroli a Repu"lica s hold se(e tee o+ ei,htee state a d +ederal o++ices i cludi , all i e a+ore!e tio ed Co stitutio al o++ices% six o+ se(e 7)&) Co ,ressio al seats% a d "oth 7)&) &e ate seats) These historic (ictories were spurred "y +earless leaders like you who sou,ht a "etter state throu,h co ser(ati(e ideas) Those co ser(ati(e ideas also work at the local le(el) %s &epubli ans, #e believe strongly in "ho"e rule" ' that lo al leaders (no# better than distant bureau rats$ 1ocal leaders ha(e a deep u dersta di , o+ their co!!u ities a d their eeds) 8ore i!porta tly% local decisio s o schools% taxes% a d roads o+te ha(e !ore i!pact o our day'to'day li(es tha decisio s !ade i Washi ,to % D)C) or Colu!"ia) - 4ust the past se(eral electio cycles% taxpayers ha(e "ee +leeced i cou tywide "o d a d tax re+ere du!s) 8a y other taxpayers co ti ually scratch their heads whe co sideri , the lack o+ pro,ress i their cou ty ,o(er !e ts) )he nu"bers don't lie$ &epubli ans hold de isive "a*orities in state offi es$ Ho#ever, #e hold a "inority of lo al offi es$ - &outh Caroli a6s 09 cou ties% De!ocrats ha(e :5 sheri++s% :. clerks o+ courts% :5 coro ers% :/ auditors% :5 treasurers% a d ;: pro"ate 4ud,es) De!ocrats also ha(e a !a4ority o :0 cou ty cou cils% which is two less tha last year tha ks to your work# 1ocal electio s% like all electio s% ha(e co se<ue ces) 8ore o+te tha ot the co se<ue ces are tied to YO7R wallet) Co sideri , that 95= o+ &outh Caroli ia s li(e i u i corporated cou ty areas% this is especially i!porta t)

+t's ti"e for hange be ause our ta,payers deserve better$ +n -01., the South Carolina &epubli an /arty is laun hing its "&ed to the &oots" a"paign$ Across the state% party leaders are +ocused o electi , !ore Repu"lica s to local o++ice) Those party leaders are worki , to recruit stro , ca didates +ocused o ,ood ,o(er !e t a d low taxes) Will you support Red to the Roots with $5 or $10 TODAY? Click here to tell tax a d spe d De!ocrats that their days are u!"ered# There is already o e success story> - early 2u e% 1a caster Cou ty &heri++ ?arry $aile o++icially 4oi ed the Repu"lica @arty) -+ other co ser(ati(e'!i ded elected o++icials wa t to 4oi our tea!% ow is the ti!e to ,et o "oard# &outh Caroli a6s cou ties o(erwhel!i ,ly supported 5o(er or 8itt Ro! ey i :01:) Throu,h hard work "y our ,rassroots acti(ists a d throu,h i +or!i , each cou ty a"out what is at stake locally% &outh Caroli a Repu"lica s ca co ti ue the wi i , streak o+ co ser(ati(e leadership "rou,ht "y 5o(er or Aikki *aley a d others) &outh Caroli a6s reputatio as a world leader will keep ,rowi , whe e(ery cou ty has the ki d o+ leadership its citiBe s deser(e) Yet it6s a hea(y a chor whe those citiBe s are "urde ed "y early 150 years o+ De!ocratic co trol) Tax a d spe d De!ocrats are ow o otice i 1a caster Cou ty as well as all o+ &outh Caroli a ' their days are u!"ered# - $reedo!% 8att 8oore Chair!a % &outh Caroli a Repu"lica @arty @)&) ' We eed your help to !ake &outh Caroli a CRed to the Roots)C Will you help with a $5 or $10 co tri"utio TODAY?

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