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Our Ladys E-Newsletter: December 2013 Will Russia be the Last Christian Nation?

We know that Russia has been chosen to play a crucial role in what Sister Lucy of Fatima has called the final battle between Our Lady and satan. And we know that battle is taking place now. We also know the outcome of this combat for souls. (See:Powerful New Novel Describes World Transformed by Conversion of Russia.) What we dont know is the extent to which the world will have to suffer before the Pope and the bishops finally consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Our Lady warned that if She were not obeyed, nations would be annihilated. (See: World Peace Or the Annihilation of Nations?.) Our Lady also spoke of the persecution of the Church. Surely, we are witnessing what can only be described as a universal war against Christianity. In the West, atheism is growing and traditional morality is characterized by the media as bigotry. How far laws against hate crimes will go in making the public expression of Church teaching a punishable offense remains to be seen, but it appears likely that the preaching of moral doctrine may soon be outlawed. How will our bishops respond? History is not encouraging on this score. But while the West becomes increasingly secular, amoral and immoral, and while Christians are being slaughtered by Muslims throughout the Middle East and Africa, the sole voice raised among the nations in defense of Christianity is coming from Russia. (See: In State Of The Nation Address, Putin Defends Anti-Gay Law.) Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, has made some of the most astounding pronouncements in recent days. One cannot imagine any Western politician having either the courage or the conviction to oppose homosexuality as immoral and to defend the use of the law to prevent homosexual propaganda directed at minors. Putin also signed a law criminalizing public disrespect toward religious belief. (See: Russias Putin signs 'gay propaganda ban into law.) It appears that while the West is moving away from its roots in Christendom, Russia is beginning to embrace its Christian past. Putin has even made the point that true democracy is not simply a form of government, but a respect for the cultural beliefs of the people. He has characterized the push for the legitimization of homosexuality and anti-religious bigotry now rampant in the West as anti-democratic. Putin appears to appreciate what escapes Western political leaders: that an elitism that ignores the moral sensibilities of the majority is a form of tyranny. Our elected officials are supposedly answerable to the people, but they appear more concerned with pleasing the media and the special interests. There is no great public cry for homosexual marriage, nor are the majority of people opposed to Nativity scenes in

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public places. But the will of the people no longer matters to our Western leaders. They are intent upon imposing their liberal agenda. It may be providential that so unlikely a figure as Vladimir Putin should become a courageous defender of Christian values. His personal history is not the most edifying, but hearts can be converted. Of course, we cannot look into another mans heart, but we can listen to his words and gauge his present actions. Based on these criteria, Putin acquits himself as sincere. And the Russian people doubtless endorse his pronouncements, as do all people who espouse Christian moral values. Russia may well become the beacon of moral reason in a world gone mad. In a significant development that the mainstream media has not reported, Cardinal Kurt Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity, is meeting this month with Patriarch Kiril, head of the Russian Orthodox Church, and with Metropolitan Hilarion, the Orthodox point man on ecumenical relations. (See:Ecumenism with Orthodox is near to Pope's heart, cardinal says .) The Swiss Cardinals mission is to lay the groundwork for a meeting between the Russian patriarch and Pope Francis. This would be historic. Koch is acting as the Popes emissary. In the current climate, given Putins recent statements and the resurgence of traditional morality in Russia, the prospects of such a meeting appear hopeful indeed. Both the Russian Orthodox leaders and Pope Francis realize that the world is in a desperate condition. Christianity is under siege in many places. The Catholic Faith is the true faith and the only ark of salvation, but elements of Catholic truth survive within Orthodoxy and its differences with the Church are not insurmountable. In a recent interview, Pope Francis spoke of the ecumenism of blood. (See:Never be afraid of tenderness.) It is a significant phrase. What the Holy Father wants to convey is that the enemies of Christianity make no distinction among sects and Churches. To espouse fidelity to the Gospel, no matter how defective ones creed may be, is to invite martyrdom in many places, and ridicule in others. As this final battle grows fiercer, and the darkness of unbelief spreads over the Earth, the time may be right for the healing of old wounds and the coming together of Catholics and Orthodox. Such a happening would greatly favor the consecration of Russia, as Our Lady of Fatima demanded. Let us hope and pray the time for this blessed event is near.

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We must work and pray ever more fervently that the Holy Father and the bishops will heed the requests of Our Lady of Fatima. (See: Petition to Our Holy Father The Consecration of Russia and Petition to Our Holy Father The Release of the full Third Secret.) We must also keep informed. Read the recent Fatima Perspectives articles listed below.

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Latest Fatima Perspectives

The Pronoun Wars: Little Words, Big Consequences The pronoun wars have begun. They were preceded by skirmishes fought by feminists who deplored the universal usage of the impersonal he in prescriptive grammar. They achieved a middling success in imposing their preferred he/she or the ungrammatical they in place of he, thus crushing the elegance and economy of accepted usage under the clumsy hobnail boots of political correctness. Reflections on the October 13, 2013 Marian Day No longer is there such a fear of disapproval or of reprisal among those who recognize in the Message of Fatima our only hope for peace in the world. Over the past 6 months, a number of bishops around the world have solemnly consecrated their nations to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The door is indeed opening, but why this need for consecrations, and for yet another consecration of the world (as had been intended by Pope Francis) to the Immaculate Heart of Mary? REFLECTIONS: The Great Divide Opposition to Obamacare is growing as a result of its onerous mandates which force individuals and institutions to violate their religious beliefs. The ministry of the Little Sisters of the Poor to the aged is threatened, Christian schools are being coerced to breach the religious principles they teach, and for-profit companies are being required to contravene their founding values or pay crippling fines.


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