MCH5001 Expt Report

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MCH5001 Power Electronics & Applications to Electromechanical Systems Project Assignment 1: Simulation an &'uc( Con)erter* E!

perimental "eri#ication $C%$C

$one 'y: +oh +iong Han A00,,0-5.


The Values for L and C selected are as follows: From Question, Vd=12V, Vo=5V,

=12 ohm

Values !ic"ed: L: #$%&', C:1%&F, fs=1%%"'(, )o= Vo*


=%+,1#- .

/= Vo* Vd= %+,1#fc=

2 LC V %(1 D ) IL = = 0.0429A fL 2 Iripple = IL * Io = %+%,20*%+,1#-=10.29%


2Vripple =

V% 2 fc 2= (1 D )( ) 2 =%+%%1%-=0.107% V% 2 fs

3ince the re4uirement wasfor the ri!!le current to 5e 1%6252 of the inductor current, and the ri!!le 7olta8e to 5e %+1612 of the /C out!ut 7olta8e, the 7alues of L at #$%&' and C at 1%&F with Vd at 12V and fs at 1%%"'( satisfies this criteria+


.7era8e )nductor Current= i LB = IL =%+59%+%,20=0.0214A :inimum )nductor Current= il ma; = I % + :a;imum )nductor Current= il min = I % <ut!ut Volta8e i!!le= V% =V%

1 2

I L = 0.438A 2 I L = 0.395A 2
fc 2 ) =0.00536V fs

(1 D )(

(c) 1)
Vd(V) 10 12 15 Vo(V) 5 5 5 D(computed) 0.500 0.417 0.333 D(simulation) 0.5210 0.4363 0.3494 Difference 0.0210 0.0196 0.0161

The com!uted dut= c=cles differ with the simulation 5= an a7era8e of %+%1$0+ This is li"el= 5ecause the simulation software, LTs!ice has in 5uilt com!ensation of the resistance and inductance of the wires and the other com!onents+

(c) 2)

>ra!h 1: 3imulation >ra!h of Vo and Vm From 8ra!h 1, .7era8e 7olta8e across )nductor o7er one c=cle =(V%6Vm)*Ts =(1265)9(1,+5-261%+%1%)6(56(6%+$1))9(2%+%5#61,+5-2) =6%+1---2V From the calculation, the a7era8e inductor 7olta8e o7er a sin8le c=cle is 6%+1---2V which is 7er= close to (ero+ The difference is 7er= small which could 5e due to internal resistances of the com!onents and thus is deemed ne8li8i5le+


>ra!h 2: 3imulation >ra!h of )o and )L? From the 8ra!h 2, :a;imum inductor current=,,%+11m. :inimum inductor current=101+,5m. i!!le current=,,%+116101+,5=,#+$#m. .7era8e inductor current= (,,%+116101+,5)*2=21+,1m.
"ma# "min "%& omputed (A) 0.43$ 0.395 0.0214 !imulated (A) 0.44031 0.39345 0.02343

Com!arin8 the com!uted and simulated 7alues for the minimum, ma;imum and a7era8e inductor current at the 5oundar=, it can 5e seen that there are onl= 7er= sli8ht differences+ .s a5o7e, this differences can 5e due to the internal com!ensation of the simulation software+ 3ince at certain !oints in time )o@)L?, the conduction mode is discontinuous conduction mode (/C:)+ From 8ra!h, Current at which con7erter is at the 5oundar= 5etween CC: and /C: the selected 7alue of L is ,1#+#,m.+

(c) ,)

>ra!h 1: 3imulation >ra!h of V% From >ra!h 1, :a;imum <ut!ut 7olta8e=5+%%20$#V :inimum <ut!ut Volta8e=,+00-155V i!!le Volta8e=5+%%20$#6,+00-155=%+%%5$11V 27olta8e ri!!le=29%+%%5$11*(5+%%20$#A,+00-155)91%%2=%+11#2

(c) 5)

>ra!h ,: 3imulation >ra!h of )L? with increased switchin8 fre4uenc= increased to 2%% "'( From >ra!h 1, )ncreasin8 the switchin8 fre4uenc= to 2%% "'( instead of the ori8inal 1%% "'(, :a;imum inductor current=,2$+,$m. :inimum inductor current=,%5+%5m. i!!le current=,2$+,$6,%5+%5=21+,1m. <ri8inal ri!!le current=,#+$#m. From the simulations and calculations, increasin8 the switchin8 fre4uenc= decreases the ri!!le current+ This is 5ecause from the
IL = e4uation V %(1 D ) , increasin8 the fre4uenc= decreases the ri!!le current+ )n this simulation, the switchin8 fre4uenc= was fL

increased 5= 2 times, corres!ondin8l=, the ri!!le current decreased 5= half, thus !ro7in8 the theor=+

(d) 1)

Vd(V) 10 12 15

Vo(V) 5 5 5

D(computed) 0.500 0.417 0.333

D(simulation) 0.5210 0.4363 0.3494

D ('#perimental) 0.576 0.492 0.390

The /ut= c=cles o5tained for the e;!eriments defer from 5oth the com!uted and the simulation 7alue+ This is !ro5a5l= 5ecause of the hi8her resistances and inductances in the real life instruments and com!onents+ )nterference from the en7ironment could also ha7e caused the de7iation+

(d) 2)

Bicture 1: C;!erimental >ra!h of Bro5e across )nductor From Bicture 1, C;!erimental a7era8e 7olta8e across )nductor o7er one c=cle= $,1+5mV 3imulated a7era8e 7olta8e across )nductor o7er one c=cle= 61--+-2mV .8ain, the e;!erimental a7era8e 7olta8e across the inductor o7er one c=cle is 8reater than that of the simulation+ 'owe7er, 8i7en the en7ironment that the e;!eriment was conducted in, $,1+5mV is considered small and thus ne8li8i5le+ .s such, similar to the simulated e;am!le, the a7era8e 7olta8e across the inductor is also a!!ro;imatel= % V for the e;!erimental set u!+

(d) 1)

Bicture 2: C;!erimental >ra!h of )nductor Current From Bicture 2,

omputed (A) "ma# "min "%& 0.43$ 0.395 0.0214 !imulated (A) 0.44031 0.39345 0.02343 '#perimental (A) 0.412 0.320 0.046

.s can 5e seen, there are lar8er differences 5etween the e;!erimental 7alues for the ma;imum, minimum and a7era8e 7alues for the inductor current when com!ared to the simulated or the calculated 7alues+ The )L? for the e;!eriment is almost dou5le of the com!uted and simulated 7alue+ This can also 5e attri5uted to the e;!erimental set u! where5= the current !ro5e measured the current 5= means of its field effect+ :oreo7er the !ro5eDs out!ut was in 7olta8e which was !ic"ed u! 5= an oscillosco!e so the e;!erimental readin8 mi8ht not 5e so accurate+

(d) ,) From Bicture 2,

omputed (V) Vma# Vmin Vripple (Vripple 5.0026$ 4.99732 0.00536 0.107( !imulated (V) 5.0029$6 4.997155 0.005$31 0.117( '#perimental (V) 6.40 4.00 2.40 46.154(

.s can 5e seen, the 2Vri!!le in the e;!erimental set u! is much lar8er than the com!uted or simulated 7alues+ The reason for this lar8e 7ariation could also 5e attri5uted to the method of measurement 5= !ro5es and the oscillosco!e+ /urin8 the e;!eriment, !art of the solderin8 came loose thus causin8 the load resistance to increase which mi8ht ha7e resulted in the lar8e ri!!le readin8 in the e;!eriment+

5) (d)

Bicture 1: C;!erimental >ra!h of )L? with increased switchin8 fre4uenc= increased to 2%% "'( From Bicture 2 and 1,
!imulated (A) 100 )*+ "ma# "min "ripple 0.44031 0.39345 0.046$6 200 )*+ 0.42$4$ 0.40505 0.02343 '#perimental (A) 101 )*+ 0.412 0.320 0.092 169.5 )*+ 0.42$ 0.360 0.06$

From the e;!eriment, when the switchin8 fre4uenc= was increased from 1%1 to 1#0 "'(, the current ri!!le dro!!ed from %+%02. to %+%#$.+ .lthou8h throu8h e;!erimental means, it was not reall= !ossi5le to 8et the 2%% "'( and thus a head to head com!arison could not 5e done with the simulated results, the dro! in current ri!!le was still o5ser7ed with the increase in switchin8 fre4uenc= thus the theor= still holds true+

(d) when the switchin8 fre4uenc= is increased, the ri!!le 7olta8e also decreases drasticall=+ This can 5e attri5uted to this e4uation, where5= if the switchin8 fre4uenc= is increasedE the decrease in 7olta8e ri!!le is decreased e7en more as fs has a !ower of 2 in this e4uation+ This is !ro7en to 5e true in the e;!eriment+
'#perimental (A)101 )*+169.5 )*+Vma#6.4005.200Vmin4.0004.$00Vripple2.40.4(Vripple46.154($.000()nterestin8l=,

Conclusion: )n conclusion, from this e;!eriment, the followin8 conclusions can 5e drawn: 1+ )ncreasin8 the switchin8 fre4uenc= results in a dro! in current ri!!le+ 2+ Fsin8 the 3!ice simulator, the readin8s that one mi8ht 8et mi8ht 7ar= sli8htl= from the com!uted 7alues due to simulator com!ensation 1+ The e;!erimental set u! will 8enerall= follow what is simulated 5ut the 7alues in the e;!erimental set u! mi8ht ha7e a lar8er 7ariation than the simulated set u! due to inaccuracies in measurements and the different internal resistances and inductances of the com!onents+ ,+ Gith an increase in switchin8 fre4uenc=, 5oth the ri!!le current and ri!!le 7olta8e decreases and this is a neat and sim!le wa= of decreasin8 the ri!!le 7olta8e and current+

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