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Need a Life?

Rent One
For the millions of people in Japan who spend too much time at work to have pets, a social life, or a partner, help is at hand. It started with Tokyo's cat cafs, where customers can sit around and sip coffeeand also rent a cat, for 1 !ucks an hour. "ith Japan's economy in deep recession, cuddles are clearly in demand# customers ran$in$ from school$irls to en$ineers are flockin$ to !usinesses such as %eko no &ise '()at *tore(+. )lients receive a (menu( of the felines availa!le for pettin$# !alls of wool and plastic mice are complimentary. The cat cafs have !ecome so popular that more than 1, !usinesses have sprun$ up to offer animals for hireferrets, turtles, s-uirrels, monkeys..on an hourly, weekly, or even monthly !asis, if you want to !rin$ the critter home. /o$s are predicta!ly popular, !ut for those with a smaller apartment and !ud$et, !eetles are an option. 0ne a$ency has taken the idea of rentin$ whatever makes your life complete a step further. 1a$emashi Tai '(I "ant to )heer 2p 3imited(+ rents out relatives. "hether it's for a weddin$ or funeral, you can choose the perfect person to accompany you, rather than $o solo. The a$ency also offers a service to sin$le mothers seekin$ a male role model for their children. The (father( will attend school events, take the kid to the park, help with homework. 4ikue *himi5u, 67, has a weekly arran$ement with 8ust such a (&y two !oys are $rowin$ up without a father fi$ure in their lives,( she says. (I need someone who can talk to them a!out their education, their futures.( To !e sure, the tradition of payin$ someone to !e nice to you has a lon$ history in Japan, datin$ !ack to the dawn of the $eisha. )onse-uently, there's no sti$ma attached to the fact that the so.called cousin at your side is clockin$ up the yen !y the hour.

Need a Life? Rent One

For the millions of people in Japan who spend too much time at work to have pets, a social life, or a partner, help is at hand. It started with Tokyo's cat cafs, where customers can sit around and sip coffeeand also rent a cat, for 1 !ucks an hour. "ith Japan's economy in deep recession, cuddles are clearly in demand# customers ran$in$ from school$irls to en$ineers are flockin$ to !usinesses such as %eko no &ise '()at *tore(+. )lients receive a (menu( of the felines availa!le for pettin$# !alls of wool and plastic mice are complimentary. The cat cafs have !ecome so popular that more than 1, !usinesses have sprun$ up to offer animals for hireferrets, turtles, s-uirrels, monkeys..on an hourly, weekly, or even monthly !asis, if you want to !rin$ the critter home. /o$s are predicta!ly popular, !ut for those with a smaller apartment and !ud$et, !eetles are an option. 0ne a$ency has taken the idea of rentin$ whatever makes your life complete a step further. 1a$emashi Tai '(I "ant to )heer 2p 3imited(+ rents out relatives. "hether it's for a weddin$ or funeral, you can choose the perfect person to accompany you, rather than $o solo. The a$ency also offers a service to sin$le mothers seekin$ a male role model for their children. The (father( will attend school events, take the kid to the park, help with homework. 4ikue *himi5u, 67, has a weekly arran$ement with 8ust such a (&y two !oys are $rowin$ up without a father fi$ure in their lives,( she says. (I need someone who can talk to them a!out their education, their futures.( To !e sure, the tradition of payin$ someone to !e nice to you has a lon$ history in Japan, datin$ !ack to the dawn of the $eisha. )onse-uently, there's no sti$ma attached to the fact that the so.called cousin at your side is clockin$ up the yen !y the hour.

9:pressin$ opinions

I think that,.... I feel that, ... I !elieve; To !e honest; To my mind... <s far as I=m concerned,.... For my money,.... From my point of view,...

In my opinion,... <s I see it,... If you ask me,...... )an I !utt in> &ay I say somethin$> I have to admit that; ?ersonally, I=m 'not+keen on

@ivin$ Aeasons for 0pinion

0n the $rounds that,.... For the reason that,... *eein$ B @iven B?rovided that...


Is that clear> In other words;. To put it in another way;

"hat I mean is; "hat I=m tryin$ to say is.. "hat I=m $ettin$ at is

I couldn=t a$ree moreC "e see eye to eye. I -uite a$ree Des, a!solutely *oBnor do I. Dou=re ri$ht I see your point 9:actlyC "ouldn=t you a$ree that...> I was 8ust $oin$ to say that

I see what you mean, !ut...... I see your point, !ut....... I=m not so sure. I=m afraid, I don=t a$ree I don=t think so. Dou can=t !e serious. Dou must !e 8okin$. <re you kiddin$> <ctually, that=s not what I think. I can=t $o alon$ with that. That=s not the pointC

<skin$ for clarification

"hat I don=t -uite understand is; *o does that mean that;> )ould you e:plain ;.> <re you sayin$ that...> )ould you $o over that a$ain please..> "ould you mind repeatin$ that> *orry, I don=t -uite catch time...

9ncoura$in$ Dour ?artner

That=s a fantastic ideaC )ould you please e:pand on that idea> 1ave you $ot any contri!ution to make on that topic>

3ookin$ at pro!lems from different an$les.

1avin$ said that,... 0n the other hand,... <t the same time,.. There are a lot of issues at play here

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