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Pillar Box Pillar Boxes are nodes in the supply circuit around a service region.

These are placed at the junction points in the electricity supply circuit grid spanning the region. There are 2 types of Pillar Boxes: Feeder & Distributor Pillar Boxes. Feeder Pillar Boxes are here feeders fro! transfor!ers connect to the distributors & Distributor Pillar Boxes are here the distributor cables connect to the other distributor cables. The Feeder Pillars are installed for industrial" to nship" housing societies" and lighting applications. Distribution Feeder Pillars !ay be #$ %ay" &$%ay or '$ ay.(t contains copper bars ith fuse arrange!ents.

D)T*(+)D ,P)-(F(-*T(./ .F T0) .1TD..2 +T )+)-T2(-*+ P(++*2 B.3),: The Pillar box shall be !ade up of 4# ,%5 steel sheet in all sides and 46 ,%5 in Top side having the si7e of 4286 !! idth" 4866 !! height and 866!! depth" t o hinged door on front and bac9 side ith panel 9ey type and pad loc9ing type. *ll the four corners are supported by 866 !! height :, fra!e by ;8 !! x ;8 !! x ' !! :, <+= angles. The botto! plate of the box shall be detachable and shall 9noc9out holes for entering 2 /os. >? -ore x #66 ,@.!!. 15 -able and # /os. >? -ore x 4'8 ,@.!!. 15 cable. The top of the pillar box shall be of tapered shape and the box shall be totally ater proof confir!ing to (P 8#. The box shall be coated ith epoxy painted having the color of grey epoxy paint ith danger stic9er Ai.e.B <,9ull and BonesC ith <Danger ##6 Dolts= on front and bac9 sides.

E)F P.(/T, $ )ach cable fro! transfor!er A+TB are connected to botto! of feeder. * fuse connects botto! and top rated 866 a!peres. Top is connected to the bus bar. To the busbar is connected top of distributor. The top and botto! of distributor connected via >66 a!p fuse. The botto! connected to distribution cable. There !ay be lin9er pillar supplying to feeder of other pillar boxes . Fuse here is also rated 866 a!p. There are # busbars. > for the > phases 2"F and B. and 4 for neutral. Four earthings are done on # sides of pillar box ith 5( ires. 2 earthings connected to the body of pillar box and other connected to neutral busbar.A(n -),- neutral is al ays earthedB For higher rated transfor!ers current of +t !ay be &66 a!p or !ore. (n this case it is spitted into 2 +Ts each about >66 a!p providing to feeder of 2 separate pillar box. ,o!eti!es due to space proble!s separate pillar box is not an option. 0ere in a single pillar box bus bar is spitted into 2. )ach busbar has its separate feeder.

Thi!bles These are used to connect the cable ends to a busbar" pillar box" !eter box etc. i.e. to ter!inate a cable. The thi!bles are placed over the cable end so that the conductor core touches the thi!ble & the hole at the flat portion is then used to connect to another part of the circuit. To the left is a

diagra! of the various si7es of thi!bles used in practice. The !aterials used to !a9e these thi!bles are ensured to have high durability" tensile strength & !ost i!portantly a high conductivity.

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