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Mind-Reading Computer

Definition of Mind-Reading Computer Drawing inspiration from psychology, computer vision and machine learning, the team in the Computer Laboratory at the niversity of Cambridge has developed mind-reading machines computers that implement a computational model of mind-reading to infer mental states of people from their facial signals. !he goal is to enhance human-computer interaction through empathic responses, to improve the productivity of the user and to enable applications to initiate interactions with and on behalf of the user, without waiting for e"plicit input from that user. !here are difficult challenges# sing a digital video camera, the mind-reading computer ppt system analy$es a person%s facial e"pressions in real time and infers that person%s underlying mental state, such as whether he or she is agreeing or disagreeing, interested or bored, thin&ing or confused. 'rior &nowledge of how particular mental states are e"pressed in the face is combined with analysis of facial e"pressions and head gestures occurring in real time. !he model represents these at different granularities, starting with face and head movements and building those in time and in space to form a clearer model of what mental state is being represented. (oftware from )evenvision identifies *+ feature points on the face and trac&s them in real time. Movement, shape and colour are then analy$ed to identify gestures li&e a smile or eyebrows being raised. Combinations of these occurring over time indicate mental states. ,or e"ample, a combination of a head nod, with a smile and eyebrows raised might mean interest. !he relationship between observable head and facial displays and the corresponding hidden mental states over time is modeled using Dynamic -ayesian )etwor&s. Why mind reading? !he mind-reading computer system presents information about your mental state as easily as a &eyboard and mouse present te"t and commands. .magine a future where we are surrounded with mobile phones, cars and online services that can read our minds and react to our moods. /ow would that change our use of technology and our lives0 1e are wor&ing with a ma2or car manufacturer to implement this system in cars to detect driver mental states such as drowsiness, distraction and anger. Current pro2ects in Cambridge are considering further inputs such as body posture and gestures to improve the inference. 1e can then use the same models to control the animation of cartoon avatars. 1e are also loo&ing at the use of mind-reading to support on-line shopping and learning systems. !he mind-reading computer system may also be used to monitor and suggest improvements in human- human interaction. !he 3ffective Computing 4roup at the M.! Media Laboratory is developing an emotional-social intelligence prosthesis that e"plores new technologies to augment and improve people%s social interactions and communication s&ills. /ow does it wor&0 Futuristic headband

!he mind reading actually involves measuring the volume and o"ygen level of the blood around the sub2ect%s brain, using technology called functional near-infrared spectroscopy 5f).R(6.

!he user wears a sort of futuristic headband that sends light in that spectrum into the tissues of the head where it is absorbed by active, blood-filled tissues. !he headband then measures how much light was not absorbed, letting the computer gauge the metabolic demands that the brain is ma&ing. !he results are often compared to an MR., but can be gathered with lightweight, non-invasive e7uipment .

1earing the f).R( sensor, e"perimental sub2ects were as&ed to count the number of s7uares on a rotating onscreen cube and to perform other tas&s. !he sub2ects were then as&ed to rate the difficulty of the tas&s, and their ratings agreed with the wor& intensity detected by the f).R( system up to 89 percent of the time.

2. E-Paper Technology !eminar Report and PPT

3bstract o" E-Paper Technology :-paper is a revolutionary material that can be used to ma&e ne"t generation ., electronic displays. .t is portable reusable storage and display medium that loo& li&e paper but can be repeatedly written one thousands of times. !hese displays ma&e the beginning of a new area for battery power information applications such as cell phones, pagers, watches and hand-held computers etc. !wo companies are carrying our pioneering wor&s in the field of development of electronic in& and both have developed ingenious methods to produce electronic in&. ;ne is :in&, a company based at Cambridge, in .(.3. !he other company is <ero" doing research wor& at the <ero"%s 'alo 3lto Research Centre. -oth technologies being developed commercially for electronically configurable paper li&e displays rely on microscopic beads that change color in response to the charges on nearby electrodes. Li&e traditional paper, :-paper must be lightweight, fle"ible, glare free and low cost. Research found that in 2ust few years this technology could replace paper in many situations and leading us in& a truly paperless world. :lectronic in& is a pioneering invention that combines all the desired features of a modern electronic display and the sheer convenience and physical versatility of sheet of paper. :-paper or electronic paper is sometimes called radio paper or smart paper. 'aper would be perfect e"cept for one obvious thing# printed words can%t change. !he effort is to create a dynamic highresolution electronic display that%s thin and fle"ible enough to become the ne"t generation of paper. !he technology has been identified and developed is well under way. 1ithin five years, it is envisioned electronic boo&s that can display volumes of information as easily as flipping a page and permanent newspapers that update themselves daily via wireless broadcast. !hey deliver the readability of paper under b virtually any condition, without bac&lighting. 3nd electronic in& displays are persistent without power, drawing current only when they change, which means batteries can be smaller and last longer.

#yricon :lectronic paper was first developed in the 1=>?s by )ic& (heridon at <ero"%s 'alo 3lto Research Center. !he first electronic paper, called 4yricon, consisted of polyethylene spheres between >@ and 1?A micrometers across. :ach sphere is a Banus particle composed of negatively charged blac& plastic on one side and positively charged white plastic on the other5each bead is thus a dipole6. !he spheres are embedded in a transparent silicone sheet, with each sphere suspended in a bubble of oil so that they can rotate freely. !he polarity of the voltage applied to each pair of electrodes then determines whether the white or blac& side is face-up, thus giving the pi"el a white or blac& appearance. 3t the ,'D *??8 e"hibition, Bapanese company (o&en has demonstrated a wall with electronic wall-paper using this technology :lectrophoretic 3n electrophoretic display forms visible images by rearranging charged pigment particles using an applied electric field.

.n the simplest implementation of an electrophoretic display, titanium dio"ide particles appro"imately one micrometer in diameter are dispersed in a hydrocarbon oil. 3 dar&-colored dye is also added to the oil, along with surfactants and charging agents that cause the particles to ta&e on an electric charge. !his mi"ture is placed between two parallel, conductive plates separated by a gap of 1? to 1?? micrometers. 1hen a voltage is applied across the two plates, the particles will migrate electrophoretically to the plate bearing the opposite charge from that on the particles. 1hen the particles are located at the front 5viewing6 side of the display, it appears white, because light is scattered bac& to the viewer by the high- inde" titanium particles. 1hen the particles are located at the rear side of the display, it appears dar&, because the incident light is absorbed by the colored dye. .f the rear electrode is divided into a number of small picture elements 5pi"els6, then an image can be formed by applying the appropriate voltage to each region of the display to create a pattern of reflecting and absorbing regions. :lectrophoretic displays are considered prime e"amples of the electronic paper category, because of their paperli&e appearance and low power consumption. :lectrophoretic displays can be manufactured using the :lectronics on 'lastic by Laser Release 5:'LaR6 process developed by 'hilips Research to enable e"isting 3M-LCD 53ctive matri" li7uid crystal display6 manufacturing plants to create fle"ible plastic displays. Electronics on Plastic by $aser Release %EP$aR& :lectronics on 'lastic by Laser Release 5:'LaR6 is a method for manufacturing fle"ible electrophoretic display using conventional 3M-LCD manufacturing e7uipment avoiding the need to build new factories. !he technology can also be used to manufacture fle"ible ;L:D 5;rganic L:D6 displays using standard ;L:D fabrication facilities. !he technology was developed by 'hilips Research and uses standard display glass as used in !,!-LCD processing plants. .t is coated with a layer of polyimide using a standard spin-coating procedure used in the production of 3M-LCD displays. !his polymide coating can now have a regular !,! matri" formed on top of it in a standard !,! processing plant to form the plastic display, which can then be removed using a laser to finish the display and the glass reused thus lowering the total cost of manufacture.

Development in :lectrophoretic Display# .n the 1==?s another type of electronic paper was invented by Boseph Bacobson, who later cofounded the : .n& Corporation which formed a partnership with 'hilips Components two years later to develop and mar&et the technology. .n *??@, 'hilips sold the electronic paper business as well as its related patents to 'rime Ciew .nternational. !his used tiny microcapsules filled with electrically charged white particles suspended in colored oil. .n early versions, the underlying circuitry controlled whether the white particles were at the top of the capsule 5so it loo&ed white to the viewer6 or at the bottom of the capsule 5so the viewer saw the color of the oil6. !his was essentially a reintroduction of the well&nown electrophoretic display technology, but the use of microcapsules allowed the display to be used on fle"ible plastic sheets instead of glass.

;ne early version of electronic paper consists of a sheet of very small transparent capsules, each about +? micrometers across. :ach capsule contains an oily solution containing blac& dye 5the electronic in&6, with numerous white titanium dio"ide particles suspended within. !he particles are slightly negatively charged, and each one is naturally white. !he microcapsules are held in a layer of li7uid polymer, sandwiched between two arrays of electrodes, the upper of which is made transparent. !he two arrays are aligned so that the sheet is divided into pi"els, which each pi"el corresponding to a pair of electrodes situated either side of the sheet. !he sheet is laminated with transparent plastic for protection, resulting in an overall thic&ness of 8? micrometers, or twice that of ordinary paper. !he networ& of electrodes is connected to display circuitry, which turns the electronic in& %on% and %off% at specific pi"els by applying a voltage to specific pairs of electrodes. 3pplying a negative charge to the surface electrode repels the particles to the bottom of local capsules, forcing the blac& dye to the surface and giving the pi"el a blac& appearance. Reversing the voltage has the opposite effect - the particles are forced from the surface, giving the pi"el a white appearance. 3 more recent incarnation of this concept re7uires only one layer of electrodes beneath the microcapsules. :lectrowetting
Electro-wetting display (EWD) is based on controlling the shape of a confined water/oil interface by an applied voltage. With no voltage applied, the (coloured) oil forms a flat film between the water and a hydrophobic (water-repellent), insulating coating of an electrode, resulting in a coloured pi el. When a voltage is applied between the electrode and the water, the interfacial tension between the water and the coating changes. !s a result the stac"ed state is no longer stable, causing the water to move the oil aside. #his results in a partly transparent pi el, or, in case a reflective white surface is used under the switchable element, a white pi el. $ecause of the small si%e of the p i el, the user only e periences the average reflection, which means that a high-brightness, high-contrast switchable element is obtained, which forms the basis of the reflective display. Displays based on electrowetting have several attractive features. #he switching between white and coloured reflection is fast enough to display video content. &t is a low-power and low-voltage technology, and displays based on the effect can be made flat and thin. #he reflectivity and contrast are better or e'ual to those of other reflective display types and are approaching those of paper. &n addition, the technology offers a uni'ue path toward high-brightness full-colour displays, leading to displays that are four times brighter than reflective ()Ds and twice as bright as other emerging technologies. &nstead of using red, green and blue (*+$) filters or alternating segments of the three primary colours, which effectively result in only one third of the display reflecting light in the desired colour, electrowetting allows for a system in which one sub-pi el is able to switch two different colours independently. #his results in the availability of two thirds of the display

area to reflect light in any desired colour. #his is achieved by building up a pi el with a stac" of two independently controllable coloured oil films plus a colour filter.

:lectrofluidic :lectrofluidic displays are a variation of an electrowetting display. :lectrofluidic displays place an a7ueous pigment dispersion inside a tiny reservoir. !he reservoir comprises D@-1?E of the viewable pi"el area and therefore the pigment is substantially hidden from view. Coltage is used to electromechanically pull the pigment out of the reservoir and spread it as a film directly behind the viewing substrate. 3s a result, the display ta&es on color and brightness similar to that of conventional pigments printed on paper. 1hen voltage is removed li7uid surface tension causes the pigment dispersion to rapidly recoil into the reservoir. 3s reported in the May *??= .ssue of )ature 'hotonics, the technology can potentially provide F8@E white state reflectance for electronic paper. Conclusion !he /oly 4rail of electronic in& technology is a digital boo& that can typeset itself and that readers could leaf through 2ust as if it were made of regular paper. (uch a boo& could be programmed to display the te"t from a literary wor& and once you%ve finished that tale, you could automatically replace it by wirelessly downloading the latest boo& from a computer database. <ero" had introduced plants to insert a memory device into the spine of the boo&, which would allow users to alternate between up to 1? boo&s stored on the device. Bust as electronic in& could radically change the way we read boo&s, it could change the way you receive your daily newspaper. .t could very well bring an end to newspaper delivery, as we &now it. .nstead of delivery people tossing the paper from their bi&e or out their car window, a new high- tech breed of paper deliverers who simply press a button on their computer that would simultaneously update thousands of electronic newspapers each morning. (ure, it would loo& and feel li&e your old paper, but you wouldn%t have to worry about the newsprint getting smudged on your fingers, and it would also eliminate the piles of old newspapers that need recycling. 'rior to developing digital boo&s and newspapers :-.n& will be developing a mar&etable electronic display screen for cell phones, 'D3%s, pagers and digital watches. :lectronic in& is not intended to diminish or do away with traditional displays. .nstead electronic in& will initially co-e"ist with traditional paper and other display technologies. .n the long run, electronic in& may have a multibillion-dollar impact on the publishing industry. ltimately electronic in& will permit almost any surface to become a display, bringing information out of the confines of traditional devices and into the world around us.

'.'( )nternet !eminar Report and PPT

3bstract o" '( )nternet 3lso &nown as virtual worlds, the '( )nternet is a powerful new way for you to reach consumers, business customers, co-wor&ers, partners, and students. .t combines the immediacy of television, the versatile content of the 1eb, and the relationship-building strengths of social networ&ing sites li&e Face book . Get unli&e the passive e"perience of television, the '( )nternet is inherently interactive and engaging. Cirtual worlds provide immersive 9D e"periences that replicate 5and in some cases e"ceed6 real life. 'eople who ta&e part in virtual worlds stay online longer with a heightened level of interest. !o ta&e advantage of that interest, diverse businesses and organi$ations have claimed an early sta&e in this fast-growing mar&et. !hey include technology leaders such as )*M+ Microso"t+ and Cisco+ companies such as *MW+ Toyota + Circuit City + Coca Cola+ and Cal,in -lein+ and scores o" uni,ersities+ including .ar,ard+ !tan"ord and Penn !tate . )ntroduction o" '( )nternet !he success of 9D communities and mapping applications, combined with the falling costs of producing 9D environments, are leading some analysts to predict that a dramatic shift is ta&ing place in the way people see and navigate the .nternet. !he appeal of 9D worlds to consumers and vendors lies in the level of immersion that the programs offer.

!he e"perience of interacting with another character in a 9D environment, as opposed to a screen name or a flat image, adds new appeal to the act of sociali$ing on the .nternet. 3dvertisements in Microsoft%s Cirtual :arth 3D mapping application are placed as billboards and signs on top of buildings, blending in with the application%s urban landscapes. 9D worlds also hold benefits beyond simple social interactions. Companies that speciali$e in interior design or furniture showrooms, where users want to view entire rooms from a variety of angles and perspectives, will be able to offer customi$ed models through users% homePCs . 4oogle representatives report that the company 4oogle is preparing a new revolutionary product called 4oogle 4oggles, an interactive visor that will present .nternet content in three dimensions. 3pparently the recent rumors of a 4oogle phone refers to a product that is much more innovative than the recent 3pple i'hone. #oogle/s ne0 three dimensional ,irtual reality nyone putting on Hthe 4oogglesH - as the insiders call them - will be immersed in a three dimensional Hstereo-visionH virtual reality called 9dLife. 9dLife is a pun referring to the three dimensional nature of the interface, but also a reference to the increasingly popular (econd Life virtual reality. !he Hhome pageH of 9dLife is called Hthe LibraryH, a virtual room with virtual boo&s categori$ed according to the Dewey system. :ach boo& presents a &nowledge resource within 9dLife or on the regular 1orld 1ide 1eb. .f you pic& the boo& for 'andia, 4oogle will open the 'andia 1eb site within the frame of a virtual painting hanging on the wall in the virtual library. /owever, 4oogle admits that many users may find this too complicated.

3pparently 4oogle is preparing a new revolutionary product called 4oogle 4oggles, an interactive visor which will display .nternet content in three dimensions. 3 9D mouse lets you move effortlessly in all dimensions. Move the 9D mouse controller cap to $oom, pan and rotate simultaneously. !he 9D mouse is a virtual e"tension of your body - and the ideal way to navigate virtual worlds li&e (econd Life. !he (pace )avigator is designed for precise control over 9D ob2ects in virtual worlds. Move, fly and build effortlessly without having to thin& about &eyboard commands, which ma&es the e"perience more lifeli&e.

Controlling your avatar with this 9D mouse is fluid and effortless. 1al& or fly spontaneously, with ease. .n fly cam mode you 2ust move the cap in all directions to fly over the landscape and through the virtual world

.ands on E1it Reality !he idea behind :"itReality is that when browsing the web in the old-n-busted *D version you%re undoubtedly using now, you can hit a button to magically transform the site into a 9D environment that you can wal& around in and virtually sociali$e with other users visiting the same site. !his shares many of the same goals as 4oogle%s Lively 5which, so far, doesn%t seem so lively6, though :"itReality is admittedly attempting a few other tric&s. .nstallation is performed via an e"ecutable file which places :"itReality shortcuts in Iuic& Launch and on the des&top, but somehow forgets to add the necessary :"itReality button to Firefox's toolbar . 3fter adding the button manually and repeatedly being told our current version was out of date, we were ready to 9D-ify some websites and see 2ust how much of reality we could leave in two-dimensional dust.

:"it Reality is designed to offer different &inds of 9D environments that center around spacious rooms that users can e"plore and customi$e, but it can also turn some sites li&e ,lic&r into virtual museums, hanging photos on virtual walls and halls. (trangely, it%s treating 3rs !echnical as an image gallery and presenting it as a malformed 3D gallery .

'( !hopping is the most effective way to shop online. 9D.nternet dedicated years of research and development and has developed the worlds% first fully functional, interactive and collaborative shopping mall where online users can use our 9D.nternet%s /yper-Reality technology to navigate and immerse themselves in a Cirtual (hopping :nvironment. nli&e real life, you won%t get tired running around a mall loo&ing for that perfect giftJ you won%t have to worry about your &ids getting lost in the crowdJ and you can finally say goodbye to waiting in long lines to chec& out.

+. #oogle Chrome 2! !eminar Report and PPT

Definition o" #oogle Chrome 2! 4oogle Chrome ;( is a Linu" operating system designed by 4oogle to wor& e"clusively with web applications. .t is intended to focus on 1eb applications while running a fast and simple interface, based off 4oogle%s e"isting Chrome browser. 4oogle announced the operating system on Buly >, *??= and made it an open source pro2ect, called Chromium ;(, that )ovember. nli&e Chromium ;(, which can be compiled from the downloaded source code, Chrome ;( will only ship on specific hardware from 4oogle%s manufacturing partners. !he user interface ta&es a minimalist approach, resembling that of the Chrome web browser. -ecause 4oogle Chrome ;( is aimed at users who spend most of their computer time on the .nternet, the only application on the device will be a browser incorporating a media player. 4oogle Chrome ;( is initially intended for secondary devices li&e netboo&s, not as a user%s primary 'C, and will run on hardware incorporating an "8A or 3RM-based processor. Chrome ;( as a HhardenedH operating system featuring auto-updating and sandbo" features that will reduce malware e"posure. 4oogle claimed that Chrome ;( would be the most secure consumer operating system due in part to a verified boot capability, in which the initial boot code, stored in read-only memory, chec&s for system compromises )ntroduction o" #oogle Chrome 2! (peed is an unsaid feature of the 4oogle Chrome ;(. 1ith 4oogle Chrome%s tremendous booting speed and more, users have a lot to say about e"periencing %waitlessness%. 1aitlessness, in 4oogle%s terms, means never having to wait for the web. Chrome noteboo&s boot in about 1? seconds and resume from sleep instantly. 1ebsites load 7uic&ly and run smoothly, with full support for the latest web standards and 3dobe ,lash. !he web evolves rapidly. Gour Chrome noteboo& evolves with it. :very time you turn it on, it upgrades itself with the latest features and fi"es. 3nnoying update prompts not included. !he portion of the operating system needed to operate the device will reside in a read-only section of memory. !he rest of the operating system is integrated with the Chrome browser and, li&e the browser, security updates re7uire nothing more than a reboot. Chrome ;( can run multiple 1eb applications in multiple tabs and each one is loc&ed down from all others, so vulnerability in one 1eb app can%t lead to e"posure in another 3se o" Cloud# sers of devices running Chrome will have to perform all their computing online or Hin the cloud,H without downloading traditional software applications li&e i!unes and Microsoft ;ffice, or storing files on hard drives. Devices running Chrome will receive continuous software updates, providing added security, and most user data will reside on 4oogle%s servers. ser data stored on the device, which is minimal, is encrypted. ser data is limited to items such as user preferences. 3ll other data will be stored in the cloud. ser preferences will also be synched to a cloud account, so li&e any thin client. should you lose the device, you would merely log in from another one and your data and preferences should be there. 4oogle%s Chrome ;(, is designed to be a very fast, lightweight flavor of Linu" that will be available on some netboo&s and other 'Cs by the end of the year. 4oogle hopes to achieve this small footprint and high performance by shipping an ;( with only one installed program - their own Chrome browser. sers would wor&, live, and save things online, using 4oogle%s own cloud computing services and other similar utilities, li&e Microsoft%s ;ffice 1eb 3pps . !his is of course a shift from today%s computing environment, where most programs are installed locally on the computer%s hard drive Design goals for 4oogle Chrome ;(%s user interface include using minimal screen space by combining applications and standard 1eb pages into a single tab strip, rather than separating the two. Designers are considering a reduced window management scheme that would operate only in full-screen mode. (econdary tas&s would be handled with HpanelsH# floating windows that doc& to the bottom of the screen for tas&s li&e chat and music players. (plit screens are also under consideration for viewing two pieces of content side-by-side. 4oogle Chrome ;( will follow the Chrome browser%s practice of leveraging /!ML@ %s offline modes, bac&ground processing, and

notifications. Designers propose using search and pinned tabs as a way to 7uic&ly locate and access applications

,. -g Wireless .ystem / .eminar *eport and 00#

3bstract of @g 1ireless (ystem @4 5 4th generation mobile net0or5s or 4th generation 0ireless systems 6 is a name used in some research papers and pro2ects to denote the ne"t ma2or phase of mobile telecommunications standards beyond the upcoming +4 standards 5e"pected to be finali$ed between appro"imately *?11 and *?196. Currently, @4 is not a term officially used for any particular specification or in any official document yet made public by telecommunication companies or standardi$ation bodies such as 94'', 1iM3< ,orum or .! -R. )ew 94'' standard releases beyond +4 and L!: 3dvanced are in progress, but not considered as new mobile generations. !he implementation of standards under a @4 umbrella would li&ely be around the year of *?*? . @4 !echnology stands for @th 4eneration Mobile technology . @4 technology has changed the means to use cell phones within very high bandwidth. ser never e"perienced ever before such a high value technology. )owadays mobile users have much awareness of the cell phone 5mobile6 technology. !he @4 technologies include all type of advanced features which ma&es @4 technology most powerful and in huge demand in near future )ntroduction o" 4g Wireless !ystem @4 technology going to be a new mobile revolution in mobile mar&et. !hrough @4 technology now you can use worldwide cellular phones and this technology also stri&e the china mobile mar&et and a user being proficient to get access to 4ermany phone as a local phone. 1ith the coming out of cell phone ali&e to 'D3 now your whole office in your finger tips or in your phone. @4 technology has e"traordinary data capabilities and has ability to tie together unrestricted call volumes and infinite data broadcast within latest mobile operating system. @4 technology has a bright future because it can handle best technologies and offer priceless handset to their customers. May be in coming days @4 technology ta&es over the world mar&et. @4 !echnologies have an e"traordinary capability to support (oftware and Consultancy. !he Router and switch technology used in @4 networ& providing high connectivity. !he @4 technology distributes internet access to nodes within the building and can be deployed with union of wired or wireless networ& connections. !he current trend of @4 technology has a glowing future. !he @4 terminals will have software defined radios and modulation schemes as well as new error-control schemes that can be downloaded from the .nternet. !he development is seen towards the user terminals as a focus of the @4 mobile networ&s. !he terminals will have access to different wireless technologies at the same time and the terminal should be able to combine different flows from different technologies. !he vertical handovers should be avoided, because they are not feasible in a case when there are many technologies and many operators and service providers. .n @4, each networ& will be responsible for handling user-mobility, while the terminal will ma&e the final choice among different wirelessKmobile access networ& providers for a given service. (uch choice will be based on open intelligent middleware in the mobile phone.

6et0or5 $ayer !he networ& layer will be .' 5.nternet 'rotocol6, because there is no competition today on this level. !he .'v+ 5version +6 is worldwide spread and it has several problems such as limited address space and has no real possibility for Io( support per flow. !hese issues are solved in .'vA, but traded with significantly bigger pac&et header. !hen, mobility still remains a problem. !here is Mobile .' standard on one side as well as many micro-mobility solutions 5e.g., Cellular .', /313.. etc.6. 3ll mobile networ&s will use Mobile .' in @4, and each mobile terminal will be ,3 5,oreign 3gent6, &eeping the Co3 5Care of 3ddress6 mapping between its fi"ed .'vA address and Co3 address for the current wireless networ&. /owever, a mobile can be attached to several mobile or wireless networ&s at the same time. .n such case, it will maintain different .' addresses for each of the radio interfaces, while each of these .' addresses will be Co3 address for the ,3 placed in the mobile 'hone. !he fi"ed .'vA will be implemented in the mobile phone by @4 phone manufactures. !he @4 mobile phone shall maintain virtual multi-wireless networ& environment. ,or this purpose there should be separation of networ& layer into two sub-layers in @4 mobiles 5,ig. 6 i.e.# Lower networ& layer 5for each interface6 and pper networ& layer 5for the mobile terminal6. !his is due to the initial design of the .nternet, where all the routing is based on .' addresses which should be different in each .' networ& world wide. !he middleware between the pper and Lower networ& layers 5,ig. 96 shall maintain address translation from pper networ& address 5.'vA6 to different Lower networ& .' addresses 5.'v+ or .'vA6, and vice versa.
Features ;

L @4 technology offer high resolution for cra$y cell phone user and bi- directional large bandwidth shaping. L !he advanced billing interfaces of @4 technology ma&es it more attractive and effective. L @4 technology also providing subscriber supervision tools for fast action. L !he high 7uality services of @4 technology based on 'olicy to avoid error. L @4 technology is providing large broadcasting of data in 4igabit which supporting almost A@,??? connections. L @4 technology offer transporter class gateway with unparalleled consistency. L !he traffic statistics by @4 technology ma&es it more accurate. L !hrough remote management offered by @4 technology a user can get better and fast solution. L !he remote diagnostics also a great feature of @4 technology. L !he @4 technology is providing up to *@ Mbps connectivity speed. L !he @4 technology also support virtual private networ&. L !he new @4 technology will ta&e all delivery service out of business prospect L !he uploading and downloading speed of @4 technology touching the pea&. !he @4 technology networ& offering enhanced and available connectivity 2ust about the world

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