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TO WHOMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERN I would like to issue this letter for your benefit in order to recommend Sai Srinath

for his graduate studies at your esteemed institute in the field he has chosen to specialize in. I have taught him two courses namely Modulation Techniques and Wireless and Mobile Communication and have always enjoyed having him as my student as he would always take up the subjects he learns with great interest and would always free to clear his queries based on the subject. I was always aware of his ability to code well with the proficiency he has showed with the software MATLAB used in the above mentioned courses. He would always be interested in exploring the various tools and functions within the software and find more efficient codes than ones normally followed. He is also a very talented student taking part in a variety of extra curricular activities and events. Thinking outside the box comes very easily to him and I was always appreciative of his enthusiasm and zeal. He has a very open mind when it comes to learning and possesses good leadership skills.He would always be keen to anchor and head any projects assigned such as an Analysis of Rayleigh Fading in Urban Environments which was completed by him and a few other students during the course Wireless and Mobile Communication.I would rank him in the top 15 percentile of students, considering factors such as his academics, his personal skills and his development over the years. I am aware,through our frequent interactions that he intends to pursue his graduate studies in computer science and I am confident that he will be an excellent candidate for your program. He is always determined and passionate in what he does and over the years I have seen him progress as a student as well as a human being always willing to learn from his mistakes and willing to improve himself.I request you strongly to consider him for your program and I look forward to seeing as a part of your respected institute. Sincerely Prof. Shankar.T

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