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2307 Lebanon Road Nashville, TN 37214 Non-Profit Org US Postal Paid Nashville, TN Permit 2464

Volume 62, Number 02

Elders Joe Adams Ralph Brewer Wayne Davidson Earl Flynn Steve Ledbetter Jim Shroeder Ministry Team

January 12, 2014

Lots of News
Today, we welcome Andrew and Sarah Pate to Lebanon Road. We are thankful to God that they will be with us, and working with us. Several weeks ago, it was announced that JD Buckner would be transitioning to the role of Minister of Growth and Education. JD has done a tremendous job with our young people, and we know he will do a great job in helping Andrew get started as our youth minister. Andrew and Sarah were married very recently, and are no strangers to us, as Andrew did a great job with our young people this past summer. This good couple will be a true asset to the work here, and we hope you will truly make them feel welcome as they start getting settled in. As we sang the invitation song last Sunday morning, Marsha Hardin responded, stating that she needed to return to God and have Him in her life. We are encour-

Adam Faughn
aged by her response, and it was a privilege to take her requests before the throne of God as Wayne Davidson, one of our elders, led us in prayer. But not all is good news, at least for us. We were saddened to learn of the passing of our sister Geraldine Stanley last week. Of course, just about four months ago, we lost our brother Lindon, to whom Geraldine was married for some 56 years. She was a quiet, but very sweet lady, and we already miss her, as she was part of the Lebanon Road family for nearly 50 years. Dont forget our four goals for 2014!

Worship With Us Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM

2014 Goals
Hello everyone, Brother Ralph did an excellent job last Sunday presenting to us our goals for 2014. "Love God, Build Relationships, Make Disciples, Become like Jesus." These are the things all of us want to be doing at Lebanon Road. Everyone falls into one of these four categories. Perhaps you are working to "Love God." If you are not a Christian, then cultivating a love for God through the Bible is an excellent place to start. God loves us and he wants us to love him in return (Romans 5). We can show our love to God by following the teachings of his son, Jesus (John 15). We can show our love for God by offering our worship to him every chance the opportunity arises (Hebrews 10). If we are loving God the way the Bible defines love, then we are going to start fulfilling the mission Jesus left for us (Matthew 28). Before we start making disciples, however, we have to build relationships. You have heard it said, "People don't care how much you know until they know how much

JD Buckner
you care." It is so true. People we have a relationship with are the people who are most likely to listen to the message of Christ. This means those we know should be our first picks to share the Gospel with. This also means we need to be on the look out for others to get acquainted with so they will listen to what Jesus has to say. There should be a time in every relationship where we talk about faith. As a matter of fact, this is the mission our Savior left for us. He said, "Go and make disciples, baptizing them, teaching them to keep all I commanded you" (Matthew 28.1920). The gift of salvation is too precious a gift not to share. Who can you share it with? Once someone becomes a disciple of Jesus, where do we go from there? New followers or old followers, we all need to become more like Jesus. Paul said, "be like mr, as I am like Christ" (1 Cor. 11.1). He also said we ought to be transforming into the image of Christ continually (2 Cor. 3.18). How do we become more like Christ? We love God, build relationships, and make disciples.

JD Buckner (Growth & Education) Adam Faughn (Pulpit) Harry Middleton (Outreach) Andrew Pate (Youth) Stay Connected

Join our Facebook group

Sundays Sermons
AM: The Awesomeness of God (Isaiah 40:9-17)
@lrcoc on Twitter PM: Strong Roots in the Lord (Psalm 1)

Lebanon Road Family News Sick


Harry Middleton

Worship Leaders
Sunday Morning (Contact Bill 357-0804) Opening Prayer: Mark Pugh Closing Prayer: Sonny Gossett Read Scripture: Philip Denny Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Lynn Wright Serving Lords Supper: Jim Dean 1 Jack vannatta 2 Tim Roberts 3 Bill Ross 4 Sammie Hunter 5 Gene Duke 6 Shane Williams 7 Alex Witt 8 Sunday Evening (Contact Tony 885-6391) Opening Prayer: Michael Rader Closing Prayer: Wayne Gordon Read Scripture: Gavin Hammers Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Lynn Wright Serving Lords Supper (Room) Jim Schroeder 1 Shea Cofer 2 Wednesday, Jan.15(Contact Tim 885-2009) Read Scripture: Tony Grigsby Opening Prayer: Jim Sawyers Speaker: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Emory Buckner Nursery Attendants: Audree Keele

Ron Allen is recovering at home. Ruth Goddard is at St Thomas in room 268. Roberta Peach is at Summit in room 405

Our sympathies to the Cravens and Peach family on the passing of Tamela Cravens. She is the daughter in law of Bonnie & Al Cravens and the niece of Roberta Peach.

Welcome Party
Dont forget about our fellowship Sunday night following worship. We will be welcoming Andrew and Sarah as they begin their work with us. Finger foods and goodies may be dropped off before service in the fellowship hall.

It is the leadership of any church that determines its story. They can also help create an atmosphere of growth. Lynn Anderson in his book, Navigating the Winds of Change, compares elders to wagon train bosses who knew that the group had to get over the mountain pass by the time the snow blew but would not travel so fast as to leave the stragglers behind. I have known elders who reflect differing styles of leadership. Im not talking about personality types; rather Im talking about the conscious decision that any man makes as to how he will lead. The following are different types of leaders: The Pacifist. This kind of leaders highest goal is maintaining the peace. He sees the church as a family and believes that a healthy family does not have conflict. The C.E.O. The C.E.O. sees the church as a business. He has minimal passion for the growth of the church but will seize upon any new idea. The Deliberator. He has a vision and is committed to a process of bringing that vision to reality. He is process driven and plodding. He keeps the pace slow in order to minimize pain. The Catalyst. This kind of leader encourages change. He raises up deliberate and holy discontent. He paints a picture of a preferred future for the church. He sees tension as a necessary price to be paid. The Catalyst views the church as a people movement to advance the Kingdom, reclaim the lost, and take new territory. He holds compassion and conflict tension in balance and is willing to us either as the moment dictates. Which of these leadership styles do you believe can help build a churchs story that includes an atmosphere of growth? (From my Box)

The Pates Have Arrived!

Andrew Pate

Stay Tuned Andrew will be in the full swing of things next week!
Don't Forget: Welcome Party for Andrew & Sarah Tonight! EU next weekend, January 17-19 CYC February 21-23

Ladies Bible Class

The Ladies Bible Class will resume meeting on Tuesday, January 14th at 10AM Beverly Oakley will be speaking and a luncheon will follow in the fellowship hall. Bring soup and sandwiches! Drinks & Paper products will be furnished.

Upcoming Soon at Lebanon Road...

Pray For These Events

Bulletin Board Bash

Monday, January 20th 6:00-9:00PM Be looking for some fresh ideas to change up our hallways!

Attendance & Contribution

Sunday Morning Worship: Sunday Evening Worship: Sunday Bible Study: Wednesday Night 01/01: 311 232 183

January 12 : Welcome Party for the Pates January 14: Ladies Bible Class January 17-19: Evangelism University January 19: Heartland Service January 20: Bulletin Board Bash

June: Mission Trip to Stanford, Kentucky June: Vacation Bible School July 6-11: Summer Bible Camp September 28-October 1: 2014 Gospel Meeting

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