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Chemistry 4A F13 MT2

Multiple Choice Questions A Circle one answer, unless noted. (2 points each, 14 total)
For multiple answer questions +1 for correct -1 for incorrect answers (minimum
score of 0)
1) How many radial nodes are in a 3d orbital?

A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3 E) 4


1 Z 2
 Zr
2) for a 2s orbital is  2   2 e 2
, 
2 2  a0  a0

For K, the 2s orbital has a node at (circle all relevant):

2 19 2
A) r  0 B) r  a0 C) r  a0 D) r  E) r  a0
11 a0 19
3) Circle each molecule that contains sp hybridization:

A) Hydrogen fluoride, HF B) Beryllium hydride, BeH2 C) Ethane, C2H6

D) Benzene, C6H6 E) Acetylene, C2H2 F) Oxygen hydride, OH2
4) Circle each molecule that contains sp3 hybridization:

A) Hydrogen fluoride, HF B) Beryllium hydride, BeH2 C) Ethane, C2H6

D) Benzene, C6H6 E) Acetylene, C2H2 F) Oxygen hydride, OH2

5) Which of the following molecular species are paramagnetic? Circle all that apply.

A) F B) F22- C) O22+ D) HF E) N2+

The first answer F is paramagnetic but isn’t a molecule, which wasn’t really the point of question. So
circled A’s are +0; B-D are -1 and E is +2
6) When the two molecules below absorb visible light, which will have the larger HOMO  LUMO electronic
absorption energy?

A) B)

Page 2 of 7

7) Based on the trend in successive ionization energies of an unknown element shown below, the
element is most likely to be
A) Ne, B) B, C) S, D) Al, E) K

Page 3 of 7 Student name: ___________________________ Student ID#: _____________

Multiple Choice Questions B Circle one answer, unless noted. (2 points each, 14 total)

1 Z 2
 Zr
1) for a 2s orbital is 2    2
e 2,  
2 2  a0  a0

For K, the 2s orbital has a node at (circle all relevant):

2 2 19
A) r  a0 B) r  0 C) r  a0 D) r  E) r  a0
11 19 a0
2) How many radial nodes are in a 3d orbital?

A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3 E) 4
For multiple answer questions +1 for correct -1 for incorrect answers (minimum score of 0)

3) Which of the following molecular species are paramagnetic? Circle all that apply.

A) F B) F22- C) O22+ D) HF E) N2+

The first answer F is paramagnetic but isn’t a molecule, which wasn’t really the point of question. So
circled A’s are +0; B-D are -1 and E is +2

4) Circle each molecule that contains sp3 hybridization:

A) Hydrogen fluoride, HF B) Beryllium hydride, BeH2 C) Ethane, C2H6

D) Benzene, C6H6 E) Acetylene, C2H2 F) Oxygen hydride, OH2

5) Circle each molecule that contains sp hybridization:

A) Hydrogen fluoride, HF B) Beryllium hydride, BeH2 C) Ethane, C2H6

D) Benzene, C6H6 E) Acetylene, C2H2 F) Oxygen hydride, OH2

6) When the two molecules below absorb visible light, which will have the larger HOMO  LUMO electronic
absorption energy?

A) B)

Page 4 of 7

7) Based on the trend in successive ionization energies of an unknown element shown below, the
element is most likely to be
A) Al B) B C) S D) Ne E) K

Page 5 of 7 Student name: ___________________________ Student ID#: _____________

Short Answer Question #1 [10 points]

Sketch a complete molecular orbital energy diagram for HF, indicating the relative energies of the atomic and
molecular orbitals. Include labels for each orbital and fill the molecular orbitals with the appropriate number of
electrons, indicating the spin of each of these.

 Bond order answer (1/2 pt) consistent with MO diagram (1/2 pt)
 Energy axis/labeled H and F (1 pt)
 H AO higher than F’s (1 pt)
 # MO’s correct (1 pt)
 Correct electron filling AO’s (1pt)
 Correct electron filling MO’s (1pt)
 MO labels (2 pts)
 Show MO mixing (1 pt)
 MO order/mixing (1 pt)

Using your MO diagram,

what is the bond order of
HF? 1  

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Short Answer Question #2 [15 points total]

a) Sketch the form of the three wavefunctions corresponding to the three lowest energy levels for a particle of
mass m that is free to move in a one-dimensional box of length L. Label each level with its quantum number
and energy.

 Axes labeled (2 pts)

 Ψ(x) for n= 1, 2, 3 are drawn correctly and labeled with quantum # [correct # nodes, phase, etc] (6 pts)
 Energy labeled (3 pts)

b) When the particle is in the first excited state, is it more likely to be in the left or right hand side of the box?
Justify your answer. Include a sketch if needed.

 Equal probability to be in either side (1 pts)

 Justify with words and/or by showing Ψ2 (x) for n=2 (3 pts)
o 1 pt if only Ψ2(x) sketch shown w/o explanation
o 2 pts for saying Ψ2(x) is a probability density etc.

Page 7 of 7 Student name: ___________________________ Student ID#: _____________

Short Answer Question #3 [15 points total]

An experimenter measures the transmittance of a solution of Dye A at its peak absorption wavelength (550nm)
and records the following in a notebook:
λmeasured=550nm  9
Concentration (M)  Transmittance (%T)  8
0.01  96% 
0.03  94% 
0.1  87%  6

0.3  67%  5
1  10%  4
a) Make a graph of the observations
Plots points in T or A (1 pt) 2
Label axes (1 pt) 1
-Graph must be approximately quantitative
i.e. ~correct axis spacing and plotting of points (1 pt)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

b) Briefly state the physical meaning of the slope and

y-intercept using this data as an example.
When A vs conc. is fit to Beer’s Law, Slope is ϵb, which is the molar absorptivity multiplied by
pathlength (2 pts)
 NOTE:There is no linear relationship between %T and concentration
 This is not true if Transmittance is plotted, you need to do algebra to change the form of Beer’s
law first using the equation for A = -log(%T/100) on front page and you will see there is not a
linear relationship between T and C. Therefore talking about the linear trendline slope of T vs.
Conc is not valid; if correct algebra was given for using a nonlinear trendline credit was given

y-intercept of the appropriate trendline should be 0 A or 100% T in an ideal system; any deviation from
zero indicates some approximate indication of error or non-ideality (1 pt)
 This is not the transmittance or absorbance of the blank; that signal has been subtracted
out of the spectrum. Any deviation from 100% T or 0 A does mean there are losses not
accounted for in the blank and represent a limitation of the method employed

c)The experimenter takes one more data point at 3M concentration and measures a %T of 8%. Is this a valid
data point? Why or why not?

No [1pt], this point clearly leaves the linear regime and Beer’s Law breaks down (appropriate argument of
linearity is for A vs. concentration). It is also outside the best dynamic range of the spectrometer, meaning
the measurement is less accurate.
(2 pts-justification )
 If correct language is used when plotting T vs. Conc. Full credit can be awarded, but T
vs. Conc. cannot be described as linear as it is not

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d) Another dye absorbs with a peak at 490nm and the same calibration procedure is applied for the second dye.
 Is there sufficient information in this notebook to quantify the concentration of these two dyes in a
mixture? (CIRCLE ONE)

YES NO 2 pts
 Why or why not?

You need measurements at both wavelengths for both dyes to have enough information to quantify
concentration in a mixture [4 calibration curves for four molar absorptivities; 2 per dye at each wavelength]
(4 pts)

 NOTE: Pathlength is not needed to solve, you can solve for concentration while keeping ϵb as a single
 Also: Saying that you need to measure the mixture is not sufficient, the pertinent missing data is the
molar absorptivity of the first dye at 490 and the second dye at 550

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