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PP 8646 Intro to Neuropsychological Assessment Spring 2009

INSTRU T!R: John Tirado P"!N#: 312-777-7698 #$AI%: A%T P"!N#: R#&UIR#' T#(TS: Title Neuropsy hologi al !ssess"ent in #lini al $ra ti e: ! %uide to test interpretation and integration !uthor&s' %roth-(arnat) %.) *ditor #opyright 2+++ $u,lisher Ne- .or/: 0iley and 1ons 213N +-471-19325-9 *dition Title !uthor&s' #opyright $u,lisher 213N *dition Title !uthor&s' #opyright $u,lisher 213N *dition The (ental 1tatus *6a"ination in Neurology). 1tru,) 7.0 and 3la /) 8.9. 1998 $hiladelphia: 7.!. :a;is 4th *dition The 0or/ing 3rain < !n 2ntrodu tion to Neuropsy hology !.8. 9uria 1973 3asi 3oo/s 213N: +-465-+92+8-= .*1 N@

This #ourse 8e>uires the $ur hase o? a #ourse $a /et:

Argosy University
Illinois School of Professional Psychology Chicago Campus PP8646 Introduction to Neuropsychological Assessment Spring 200
Professor! "ohn #irado$ Ph%&% Telephone: *'2)+++)+6 8 E-Mail: jtirado@argosyu edu Office Hrs: #ue !00 '0!00( '2!00 )'2!*0 #hu *!*0 4!*0 ,ri '0!00 '2!00


The general purpose of this course is to enhance students! level of co"petencies in the follo#ing areas: $tudents #ill gain factual and theoretical knowledge on the field of %europsychology& and #ill use this 'no#ledge to enhance assessment a(ilities regarding (rain-(ehavior correlates )n addition& this course #ill present and discuss issues involving diagnostician!s conduct and ethics& and the relationship (et#een e*a"iner and patient The overall presentation and the course e*pectations #ill re+uire of students to de"onstrate an a(ility to evaluate and integrate relevant literature #ith course "aterial and clinical findings

The Doctoral program in ,linical Psychology at Argosy University/Illinois School of Professional Psychology-Chicago Campus is an APA accredited program (APA !"# $irst St% &'( )ashington( DC *###*( *#*-++,-""##-% This program is designed to educate and train students so that they may eventually .e a.le to function effectively as clinical psychologists% To ensure that students are prepared ade/uately( the curriculum provides for the meaningful integration of theory( training and practice% The Clinical Psychology program at Argosy University/Illinois School of Professional Psychology/Chicago Campus emphasi0es the development of attitudes( 1no2ledge( and s1ills essential in the formation of professional psychologists 2ho are committed to the ethical provision of /uality services% Specific o.3ectives of the program include the follo2ing4 The training of practitioners capa.le of delivering diagnostic and therapeutic services effectively to diverse populations of clients in need of such treatment The development of mental health practitioners 2ho understand the .iological( psychological( and sociological .ases of human functioning%

The training of practitioners 2ho are capa.le of e5ercising leadership .oth in health care delivery system and in the training of mental health professionals The preparation of mental health practitioners capa.le of e5panding the role of psychologists 2ithin society The education of psychologists capa.le of 2or1ing 2ith other disciplines as part of a professional team

C-./S0 -1"0C#I20S

. 1 2 3

)ntroduce students to the functional "apping of the ,entral %ervous $yste" /a"iliari0e students #ith 'no#n syndro"es of (rain dysfunctions. )ntroduce students to principles of neuropsychological assess"ent. /a"iliari0e students #ith fre+uently used neuropsychological teats and (atteries )ntroduce students to the role and the contri(utions of the clinical neuropsychologist to the field of "ental health

C-./S0 ASS0SS30N#

$tudents are e*pected to attend all classes& read all designated chapters& and co"plete all assign"ents Meaningful participation in classroo" discussions is encouraged and e*pected $tudents are invited to as' +uestions& e*press their thoughts regarding the "aterial presented& and de"onstrate respect and sensitivity to individual differences and opinions )ndividual "eetings #ith the instructor are availa(le during designated office hours and (y appoint"ent A student #ho "ust "iss a class or an assign"ent 4regardless of the reason5 has to infor" the instructor as early as possi(le $tudents! class perfor"ance #ill (e assessed in the follo#ing #ay: ,lass Participation - students #ill (e evaluated (y their attendance and their contri(utions to class discussions Mid-ter" E*a"ination 6 On the 7th #ee' of the se"ester 4March 8& .99:5 students #ill (e given an in-class e*a"ination $pecific instructions for this e*a" #ill (e provided on the 8th #ee' of the se"ester

/inal E*a"ination 6 On the last day of the class 4April -;& .99:5 students #ill (e given an in-class e*a" $pecific instructions for this e*a" #ill (e provided on the -. th #ee' of the se"ester

The "id-ter" and the final e*a"inations #ill offer students the opportunity to de"onstrate their "astery of theory and relevant 'no#ledge 4O(jectives -& .& 1& and 25 ,lassroo" discussions #ill (e directed to#ard an e*ploration of clinically relevant topics 4funda"entals of assess"ent< conduct and ethics< individual and "ulticultural differences< treat"ent planning& etc 5 and overall contri(ution of the field of neuropsychology to "ental health 4O(jectives 1& 2 and 35

The final grade for this course #ill (e deter"ined (y the total points 4-995 earned fro" all assign"ents as follo#s: ,lass Participation Midter" E*a"ination /inal E*a"ination -9 points 4-9=5 23 points 423=5 23 points 423=5

,INA5 4/A&0

A final letter grade #ill (e (ased on the follo#ing point values:

A A>? > >,

4:1 to -99 points5 4:9 to :. points5 47; to 7: points5 471 to 78 points5 479 to 7. points5 4;: and (elo#5


6It is the policy of the Illinois School of Professional Psychology/Chicago Campus to ma1e reasona.le accommodations for /ualified students 2ith disa.ilities( in accordance 2ith the Americans 2ith Disa.ilities Act (ADA-% If you are a student 2ith a disa.ility and need accommodations to complete your course 2or1 re/uirements( please ma1e an appointment 2ith the course instructor as soon as possi.le to discuss your re/uest%

All information regarding the disa.ility 2ill .e held in confidence .y the professor% If the student does not choose to disclose that s/he has a disa.ility( then the student is ta1ing full responsi.ility for any related conse/uences that may occur% 7ast minute special re/uests 2ill .e su.3ect to the same assignment policy as other students%6

Any #or' su("itted "ust represent an original #or' produced (y the student $ources cited in a #or' "ust (e docu"ented through accepted scholarly references and citations The resu("ission of a #or'& #hether in part or #hole that is produced for another course is considered acade"ic dishonesty )t is the student!s responsi(ility to see' clarification fro" the course instructor a(out ho# "uch help "ay (e received in co"pleting an assign"ent or e*a" or project and #hat sources "ay (e used

/06.I/0& #07#S

@roth-Marnat& @ & Editor 4.9995 %europsychological Assess"ent in ,linical Practice: A guide to test interpretation and integration %e# Aor': Biley and $ons $tru(& / B and >lac'& C D 4-::75 The Mental $tatus E*a"ination in %eurology& 2th Edition Philadelphia: / A Eavis Duria& A C 4-:;15 The Bor'ing >rain %e# Aor': >asic >oo's

/0C-330N&0& /0A&IN4S

Ar"engol& , @ & Faplan& E & G Moes& E H 4.99-5 The ,onsu"er-Oriented %europsychological Ceport Dut0& /lorida: Psychological Assess"ent Cesources& )nc Eana& C H 4-::15 Multicultural Assess"ent Perspectives for Professional Psychology >oston: Allyn and >acon De0a'& M 4.9925 %europsychological Assess"ent& 2th Edition %e# Aor': O*ford U Press Miller& D 4-::15 Psychotherapy of the >rain-)njured Patient: Ceclai"ing the shattered self

%e# Aor': %orton Ogden& H A 4.9935 /ractured Minds: A ,ase $tudy Approach to ,linical %europsychology .nd Edition %e# Aor': O*ford University Press Pinel& H P H & Ed#ards& M 4-::75 A ,olorful )ntroduction to the Anato"y of the Hu"an >rain Massachusetts: Allyn G >acon Ceitan& C M and Bolfson& E 4-::15 The Halstead-Ceitan %europsychological Test >attery: Theory and ,linical )nterpretation& .nd Edition Tucson: %europsychological Press Ierhoeven& D and van >al'o"& H & Eds 4.9925 ,lassification of Eevelop"ental Danguage Eisorders: Theoretical )ssues and ,linical )"plications Mah#ah& %e# Hersey: Da#rence Erl(au" Associates Pu(lishers Iygots'y& D 4-:775 Thought and Danguage& Edited (y Ale* Fo0ulin ,a"(ridge& Massachusetts: The M)T Press Aeates& F O & Cis& M E and Taylor& H @ & Eds 4.9995 Pediatric %europsychology: Cesearch& Theory and Practice %e# Aor': @uilford Press

C-./S0 -.#5IN0 8 /0A&IN4S 9,ridays '2!*0 *!*0:

Part I Han -8

IN#/-&.C#I-N 8 ,.N&A30N#A5S Overvie# of %eurology< The functional organi0ation of the ,%$ Suggested Readings 1efore Class! 4roth)3arnat$Chap% ' 8 2( 5uria Part I N0./-PS;C<-5-4ICA5 P/-C0SS0S 8 S;N&/-30S Attention and AEHE< Ee"onstration of specific tests Suggested Readings: 4roth)3arnat$ Chapter '' Danguage and Acade"ic Eisorders< Ee"onstration of specific tests Suggested Readings: 4roth)3arnat$ Chapter '0 Dearning and Me"ory< Ee"onstration of specific tests Suggested Readings: 4roth)3arnat$ Chapter <-5I&A; 6 President!s Eay Iisuoconstuctive A(ilities and Eisorders( Ee"onstration of specific tests Suggested Readings: 4roth)3arnat$ Chapter '2 E*ecutive /unctions and )nsults to the /rontal Do(es< Ee"o specific tests Suggested Readings: 4roth)3arnat$ Chapter '* $ensory Motor /unctioning< Ee"onstration of specific tests Suggested Readings: /eitan)=olfson$ pp2* )26+ 3idterm 0>amination

Part II Han .1

Han 19

/e( 8

/e( -1 /e( .9

/e( .;

Mar 8

Part III Mar -1

N0./-PS;C<-5-4ICA5 ASS0SS30N# Ele"ents of a ,o"prehensive Assess"ent Suggested Readings: 4roth)3arnat$ Chapter 4

Mar .9

,linical )ntervie# and the M$E< The %europsychological Ceport Suggested Readings: Stru? and 1lac@( 4roth)3arnat$ Chapter '6 Test >atteries in %europsychology Suggested Readings: 4roth)3arnat$ Chapters A to 8

Mar .;

Part I2 Apr 1 Apr -9 Apr -;

S050C#0& #-PICS Pediatric %europsychology HOD)EAA ,INA5 07A3INA#I-N

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