Windows Geniune

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Open a command prompt window by going to "Start," then "Run.

" Type cmd" and click Enter to open the command prompt window. 2 Type ! "#$indow%#Sy%tem&2 and click Enter to acce%% the Sy%tem&2 directory. Spon%ored 'ink% (E)*O +roadca%t Ser,er% -ccelerate your time to air and reduce total co%t o. owner%hip & Open a blank (otepad document by going to "Start," then "-ll /rogram%," then "-cce%%orie%," then "(otepad." 0 Type the ne1t three line% into the blank document and pre%% Enter a.ter each line" ta%kkill 2*3 wgatray.e1e del wgatray.e1e del wgalogon.dll 4 /re%% trl2- and %elect all three line%. /re%% trl2 to copy the line%. Open your command prompt window and pre%% trl25 to pa%te and run the line%. Thi% will %top the $indow% )/ 6enuine -d,antage (oti.ication ta%k and delete a%%ociated .ile% to pre,ent the noti.ication .rom appearing again. 7 Re%tart your computer to en%ure the noti.ication i% gone. Read more" 8ow to Remo,e $indow% )/ 6enuine 5alidation 9 http";0<2200=;remo,e2window%21p2genuine2 ,alidation.html>i1??=w@A'$B&B ta%kkill 2*3 wgatray.e1e del wgatray.e1e del wgalogon.dll

8ello, what youCre e1periencing i% what $indow% to a% "%etting the dirty bit" and what you ha,e to do i% un%et that bit. E,ery time $indow% )/ %tart%, autochk.e1e i% called by the kernel to %can all ,olume% to check i. the ,olume dirty bit i% %et. *. the dirty bit i% %et, autochk per.orm% an immediate chkd%k :. on that ,olume. hkd%k :. , .ile %y%tem integrity and attempt% to .i1 any problem% with the ,olume. *t i% u%ually cau%ed by a hard %hut down or a power lo%% during a read2right operation on that particular dri,e. 8ow do * .i1 it, you a%kD $ell, thatC% ea%y. Air%t click StartE RunE bring up a command prompt by typing in " 3!" and type " .%util dirty Buery d" ". Thi% Buerie% the dri,e, and more than likely it will tell you that it i% dirty. (e1t, type " 8F(TAS :) !"". The ) tell% $indow% to (OT check that particular dri,e on the ne1t reboot. -t thi% time, manually reboot your computer, it %hould not do a hkd%k and take you directly to $indow%. Once $indow% ha% .ully loaded, bring up another 3! prompt and type and now you want to do a hkd%k manually by typing " hkd%k :. :r d"". Thi% %hould take you through 4 %tage% o. the %can and will un%et that dirty bit. Ainally, type ".%util dirty Buery d"" and $indow% will con.irm that the dirty bit i% not %et on that dri,e. 6ood luckG

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