Grand Final Debate Competition 2014

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Grand Final Debate Competition 2014

Luqman: Assalamualaikum and a very good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Grand Final Debate Competition 2014. My name is Luqman Bin Ibrahim. Diyana: And Im Diyana. We would be your MCs for this evenings event. Todays program sequence is reflected in the program sheet. If you do not have a copy of the program sheet, you can raise your hands and our volunteers will hand you a copy.

Luqman: During the competition, we would request the audience to stand when our guests arrive and sing of our national anthem. Diyana: The competition would be starting shortly. We would appreciate it if you could kindly switch your mobile phone to silent mode. Thank you.

Luqman: Ladies and Gentlemen, please join our hands together to welcome our guests (judges). <applause> Diyana: Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you, our final debaters from Tun Teja and Saidina Hussein!!!!!<applause> Luqman: < introduction about the event (debate), sponsor by, the purpose of doing this event > Diyana: < continue.. introduction about the event (debate) and the purpose of doing this event > Luqman: Ladies and gentlemen, please rise for the national anthem.

Diyana: Please be seated.

Luqman: Before we start, I would now like to call upon Ustaz Kasim Ilyas to recite a prayer.

Diyana: I would like to introduce a very distinguished panel for todays competitionthe judges:

Miss Aida Miss Wawa Zainal Mr Chong Feu Mr Razak

Luqman: We thank them for volunteering to be with us today, and to take on the difficult job of determining our winners. Like us watch the video prepare by crew. <Review last years competition by showing the video/slide show>

Diyana: As we all knew, the winner for our previous competition is debaters from Tun Teja. Could they win again this year? Who knows...Luqman, could you tell us what topic should they talk.

Luqman: Okay. Our topic for today is: How To Keep Our Environment To Stay In Healthy and Evergreen As The Country Pollution Increasing Badly Nowadays

You are given 10 minute to jot down the point.

Diyana: You may start your conversation. <Begin Debate Competition>

Luqman: You have 10 minutes to conclude your discussion. <Conclusion><Finish> Diyana: Wow!! Very fascinating Luqman: and informative.. Lets give a round of applause for both teams. <applause>

Diyana: Who could be the winner? Both teams have their own Luqman: Before we hand out some awards, lets thank the people who made this great event work all the volunteers and sponsors <applause> judges and all the amazing debaters <applause> , without whom this entire program would not be possible

Diyana: Please welcome the judges to the main stage to help us honor our debatersAnd now the moment you have all been waiting for... The first place goes tooooo Tun Teja!!!!! <applause> Each of them will receive a trophy and Rm1000 cash.

Luqman: Congratulation to all debaters!! Diyana: Ladies and gentlemen, to end our Closing and Awards Ceremony for this years Debate Competition. Please join me in congratulating all the teams on their fantastic performance! Thank you for attending, and we will look forward to seeing you all again next year.

Luqman: Attention to all debaters, please remain in the hall because we have a photograph session after this.tq

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