Design and Simulation of an Inverter With High Frequency Sinusoidal PWM Switching Technique for Harmonic Reduction in a Standalone Utility Grid Harmonic Reduction in a Standalone Utility Grid Synchronized Photovoltaic System

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IEEE/OSA/IAPR International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision

Design and Simulation of an Inverter with High Frequency Sinusoidal PWM Switching Technique for Harmonic Reduction in a Standalone/ Utility Grid Synchronized Photovoltaic System
A.Z.M.Shahriar Muttalib, S.M.Ferdous
Dept. of EEE American International University- Bangladesh (AIUB) Banani, Dhaka-1213 E-mail:

Ahmed Mortuza Saleque, Nawjif Md. Anamul Hasan, Md. Masoom Chowdhury
Dept. of EEE, (AIUB) Banani, Dhaka-1213 E-mail: II. TYPES OF PV POWER SYSTEMS

AbstractInverters are one of the major parts of any Photovoltaic Systems which are intended to feed power to any isolated standalone ac loads or to synchronize with the utility power grid systems. This paper discusses the design and simulation of a typical 1kW experimental precise sinusoidal Photovoltaic inverter which is intended to feed ac power at a standard 50Hz frequency to a mini grid powered by Photovoltaic solar cells. The very well-known and popular sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) technique with very high carrier frequency (in the order of kHz) has been chosen as the control scheme of the inverter by which it is also possible to synchronize the module to feed power on the 1-phase utility power grid. The high carrier frequency switching scheme enables to design a low pass smoothing filter for harmonic elimination resulting a reduction in Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) with small sized inductors and capacitors. As a prototype, the proposed circuit has been designed to supply small ac power, where the same design can be adopted and implemented to feed high power on the same grid only by increasing the device power ratings. Keywords-Inverter, Sinosudal Pulse width Modulation(SPWM), Total Harmonic Distortion (THD, Harmonic Reduction, Passive LC Filter

PV systems can be classified according to their connection and arrangement within them or based on integration with the grid. They are A. Standalone System In general, stand-alone system is used in the rural areas where there is no sufficient facility to get an access to the main grid due to the technical problem or economical unfeasibility. Inverter of standalone system should maintain some features such as sinusoidal voltage, good voltage regulation and low harmonics in the output.

Figure 1.Schematic principle of a stand-alone PV system supplying a building



For any grid tied photovoltaic (PV) system, inverter is the essential piece of equipment that changes the DC power from the PV array to AC power used in the electrical grid. For high efficiency DC-AC conversion and peak power tracking, it must have low harmonic distortion along with low electromagnetic interference (EMI) and high power factor [1]. An inverter is evaluated after design by using the Inverter performance and testing standards which are IEEE 929-2000 and UL 1741 in the US EN 61727 in the EU and IEC 60364-7-712 [2]. The total harmonic distortion (THD) generated by the inverter is regulated by international standard IEC-61000-3-2 [2]. It requires that the full current THD be less than 5% and voltage THD be less than 2% for harmonic spectra up to 49th harmonic. Now designed topologies will enable the inverter to operate with near unity P.F. and THD less than 3-5% [3].

B. Hybrid In order to provide ecumenical, reliable and continuous power supply a combination of PV, wind and fossil foul generation are integrated to form a hybrid system which guarantees the same supply reliability as the public grid.

Figure 2.Schematic principle of a hybrid system with PV, wind, and diesel generators


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IEEE/OSA/IAPR International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision

C. Grid Concept Grid connected PV system always have a connection via a suitable inverter. Normally a highly PV integ grated network has an adverse impact as the system is going to be b introduced with number of nonlinear devices. In order to eliminate this r is required which undesirable situation properly designed filter might not be an economical solution. So appropriately designed inverter can be helpful for reducing the harmonics. For this type of inverter wh hich is using SPWM scheme, a separate DC-DC converter is needed n for MPP tracking as the duty cycle is continuously va arying. The design of a MPP tracker along with an algorithm m is a tedious and cumbersome task and that sort of discussio on is beyond the scope of this paper.

Figure 3. Block diagram of the power supply for a hous se with a decentralized PV system and grid connection



Inverters are used to convert the DC output of PV or a storage battery in to AC electricity, in order to be fed in to the odern inverters are grid or to supply a standalone system. Mo bidirectional those are capable of operating g in both inverting and rectifying nodes. In many standalone PV installations, alternating current is needed to operate household utility nerally stand-alone appliances at 230 V, 50 Hz frequency. Gen inverter operates at 12, 24, 48, 96, 120 or o even 240V dc depending on the power level [6]. The first self-commutating inverters per rformed sine-wave modulation (SPWM sinusoidal pulse wid dth modulation) of the output current on the primary side and 50 0 Hz transformer to adapt the voltage level to grid voltage. In th his paper, a similar type of inverter is designed, modeled and an nalyzed to observe the performance.

In the inverter the input is dc d which is constant voltage. So in order to get an A.C voltage it requires such a controlling a well as the frequency can be system where the amplitude as controlled. For this kind of operation PWM (pulse Width g used. There are various kinds modulation) inverters are being of PWM scheme which incl ludes single pulse modulation, multiple pulse modulation and sinusoidal pulse width ainly we are going to focus on modulation (SPWM). But ma SPWM scheme as it improves the situation of the inverter by put voltage according to sine directly controlling the outp function. For the full bridge in nverter the PWM is obtained by comparing the frequency of a high h frequency carrier with two sine waves. These two sine wa aves are 180O phase shifted with each other. The control wavefo orm which is used to control the switch is achieved by compar ring a sine wave at a particular frequency with a triangle wave e of fixed amplitude with much higher frequency. The compara ator gives out a pulse when sign voltage is greater than the tr riangle voltage and this pulse voltage is used to trigger the res spective switches [4, 8]. The ratio between the triang gular wave and sine wave must be an integer N, the number of o voltage pulses per half-cycle, such that

2N =

fc fs


Figure 5. SPWM modulation m scheme

Figure 4.GeneralOverview of the designe ed system

According to this scheme if f the peak of sine voltage is less tage harmonics less than the 2N than the half the triangular volt are eliminated. For higher valu ues of sinusoidal voltage, higher


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IEEE/OSA/IAPR International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision

order harmonics appear with amplitude of 15% less the fundamental [9]. The following equations are used in the sinusoidal PWM scheme: i. Percentage of individual harmonics is calculated by the equation, For this inverter an unipolar switching scheme is used rather than bipolar switching to achieve a better performance from the inverter. The simulated sine wave and triangular wave obtained from the two oscillator circuit are shown in Fig. 7.

4 Mf rms(n) (1) i +1 cos n i = 100 Vdc n 2 p=1

Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) is given by


n = nth harmonics ii.

where, V h =

Vh V1
n = 2 , 3 ,..


V n2

A. Generation of SPWM Signal Sinusoidal pulse width modulation(SPWM) means that, the output voltage is controlled according to a sine function. The control signal is achieved by comparing a reference sine wave produced by an oscillator of a particular frequency fS with a triangular wave of fixed amplitude with a much higher frequency fC (generally in kHz range). Both the sine and triangular waves are compared with each other by using a simple comparator circuit to generate the switching waveform S1 and S4 (i.e. for positive cycle switching). The comparator detects the crossing points of the two signals and produces there from the required control signal with desired duty cycle. This signal is applied to the gates of the switching devices of the inverter and thus producing the chopped PWM voltage at the output. An inverted version of the reference sine wave is again compared with the carrier wave to generate the switching waveform S2 and S3 (i.e. for negative cycle). The total circuit arrangement is shown in detail in Fig. 6.

Figure 7.Simulated sinusoidal reference signal (50Hz) and triangular carrier signal (1.6 kHz) generated by the switching waveform genetation circuit of Figure 6.

B. Reduction of harmonics of the inverter output Inverter output waveform may vary to a large extent depending upon the application and the circuit used. In most cases, an AC load requires sinusoidal output but the majority of the inverters produce square wave voltages. Therefore, appropriate means are adopted to alter the waveform of the inverter output to a more or less sinusoidal waveshape. Harmonic attenuation can be achieved by several methods such as by resonating the load, by an LC filter, pulse width modulation, sinewave synthesis, selected harmonic reduction and by polyphase inveters [9]. C. Harmonic Attenuation by Pulse Width Modulation Generally several PWM scheme is employed to reduce harmonics. Among them sinusoidal pulse width modulation is used for this inverter. Use of SPWM reduces further the harmonic content at the inverter output, the reduction being more with large number of pulses per half cycle. For the modulation scheme used here the value of N is equal to 1600/50 = 32; which implies that all harmonic voltages below the 64th harmonics should be absent [8, 9]. But as a bipolar triangular wave is used as carrier signal instead of unipolar signal, the number of eliminated harmonics will be upto 32 because of the presence of the negative cycles in the signal. D. Harmonic Attenuation by LC filter In this filter, attenuation of the harmonic comonents increases with frequency. The phase shift through the filter is also a function of frequency and is nearly zero at low frequencies and approaches 180 at higher frequencies. The filter should be designed to make a good compromisation between maximum inverter current and voltage regulation. The LC resonance frequency should be less than the lowest harmonic to be attenuated. At the same time the load power factor should be considered in selecting the individual values of L and C [9].

Figure 6. Complete circuit diagram to generate the switching wave form (S1, S4) and (S2, S3) for the SPWM scheme.

To get a pure sine wave output or an output with very low THD (Total Harmonic Distortion)from a pure square wave, a


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IEEE/OSA/IAPR International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision

Low pass filter with very sharpe response characteristic is required. At the same time the size of the filter components will be large to filter out the low frequency harmonic components specially the third and fifth harmonics. Modulation with a very high frequency signal shifts the harmonic components to a higher frequency points which enablethe filtering process much easier using a LC filter built with small sized inductor and capacitor with moderate frequency response characteristics as a very sharpe response is not that much needed. The value of inductor is calculated such that the voltage drop across the inductor is less than 3% of the inverter output voltage, V0 so that it satisfies the following equation [6]Iload max x 2fL < 0.03V0 (4) this case an ideal transformer is being used to step up the voltage to meet the specified output. In practical case there may be some sort of unpredictable change in the output depending on the time constant of the system. The transformer is placed before the filter for scaling down the filter size as the transformer it self takes part in filtering process. C. Operation and simulation of the inverter circuit (without filtering) As per design, the control scheme the circuit arrangement is simulated in the Pspice (version-16.3). The control signal of the (S1, S4) and (S2, S3) are shown in Figure 8 (a) and (b) respectively.

where Iload max is the maximum RMS load current and f is output voltage frequency (50Hz). V. SEQUENTIAL APPROACH OF DESIGN AND SIMULATION OF THE INVERTER

The design of the inverter is done based on the following output specifications: Power 1kW Input voltage (d.c) 12V Output voltage (a.c) 240V Output frequency 50Hz Total harmonic distortion <5% The output voltage should be free from harmonics within the range (150Hz-1.5 kHz). A. Power Specification The power specification is needed to calculate so that the current which the switch has to withstand can be determinded. For simulation purspose an ideal switch is used in order to observe the output without any kind of loss across the switch. In practice MOSFET or IGBT can be used in order to perform the switching task and at the same time the system will be self commutating instead of forced or grid commutating. Input side: In the input side the voltage is 12V and power is 1kW. So the current rating is (1000/12) = 83.33amp. So switch should be selected so that it can withstand that amount current. In the output the load is calculated from this power specification. In this case an ideal switch is selected so that there is no power loss for it. Output Side: In the output it will experience the same amount of power and the output voltage is 240V (rms). So the load should be, 2 R = (240) /1000 = 57.6 B. Input and output voltage specifation The input and output voltage specification is used to select the turn ratio of the transformer. The input voltage is 12V and the output voltage is 240V (rms). So it requires a step up transformer whose gain is = (240 X2)/12 = 28.28. (i.e. on Primary side 100 turns and on secondary side 2828 turns). In

Figure 8 (a). Control signal for S1 and S4.

Figure 8 (b). Control signal for S2 and S3.

It can be seen that, S1 and S4 are not closing at the same time and also S2 and S3 are as well. So there is no short circuit exist in the whole operation. This is normally known as Blanking time.After the switching the following chopped wave shape is obtained at the output of the inverter as shown in Figure 9 (a).

Figure 9 (a). Output voltage waveshape of the inverter before filtering.


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IEEE/OSA/IAPR International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision

The rms value of the output can be observed from the following wave shape of Figure 9(b). The voltage is around 240V when steady state point is achieved. reduced to less than 5% and to eliminate all the harmonics between 150 to 1.5 kHz. For this purpose two common harmonic reduction techniques are used [5,8,9]i. Increasing the frequency of the control signal ii. Using a low pass LC filter E. Increasing the frequency of the control signal In SPWM scheme the harmonic reduction is more effective with larger number of pulses per half cycle. To reduce the THD, the frequency of the carrier signal has been increased. By doing so the lower order harmonics will be shifted towards the high frequency. Before increasing the carrier frequency the THD value was 80.5% but afteroubling the frequency, THD has reduced to 55.29%. By increasing the carrier frequency the harmonics has been shifted to the higher frequency. Now this harmonics can be eliminated by using a low pass filter.
Figure 9(b). RMS value of the output voltage. The voltage is stepped up to a value of 240Vac from 12Vdc. Stepping up of voltage is performed by a transformer.

The Fast Fourier Transformation(FFT) of the output voltage can be found out using Pspice which is shown in Figure 10.

F. Using a low pass LC filter The output wave still contains a high amount of harmonics which can easily be understood from the value of THD. But a simple low pass LC filter can be used to filter out this harmonics which have been shifted to high frequency point due to modulation. In LC filter, the capacitor maintains the load voltage constant whereas the inductor makes the current smoother. The calculation is done by using the following equation:

f cut off =

1 2 LC


Figure 10. FFT of the output voltage of the inverter (without filtering).

It is to be noted that, all the harmonic components are shifted towards the high frequency. Initially the frequency of the carrier signal was 800Hz which can easily be verified by the presence of the 15th harmonics at 800Hz point of the above figure. D. Harmonic calculation before filtering The output voltage is,Vout = 240V. The amplitude of the fundamental component is 271.574V. So, from Fig.16-

So the filter allows only the low frequency components to pass [4]. The value for L and C need to be optimized otherwise there will be the problem of voltage regulation. So calculative trade-off between L and C is required and LC resonance frequency has to be less than the lowest harmonic to be attenuated. In this case the inductor has been assumed to be 100H. According to the output voltage specification it is given that there should not be any harmonics from 150Hz to 1.5Khz. So the cut-off frequency should be 150Hz. So the value of C is calculated asC= 1/ [(100m)*(2 *150)2] = 11.25F After connecting the filter in the output side the harmonics is reduced to 0.41817%. After connecting the filter the output voltage reduced to 184.46V. So the gain should be increased by |184.46-240|/184.46 = 0.301 factor. So the gain becomes 28.284*1.301=36.8 A better harmonics reduction can be possible through cascading LC filter and size reduction of the components can be partially achieved by using transformer in the filter. But none of the techniques is used as complexity and higher costing of the filter is avoided. G. Final Voltage Output Final output voltage of the inverter is shown in Fig.11. (a). The rms value, the harmonic content, calculated THD value

V1 = 271.5741 V = 192.031V (rms)

V h = V out V1 =
THD (%) =
2 2

240 2 192 .031 2 = 143 .959 V

Vh 143.959 = = 75% V1 192 .031

According to the Pspice simulation, the percentage of the harmonic is 80.5 which are really close to the calculated value. Now this total harmonic distortion (THD) value has to be


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IEEE/OSA/IAPR International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision

and power outputs are shown in Fig.11. (b), (c), (d) and (e) respectively. VI. CONCLUSION The inverter output totally depends on the switching operation. The output voltage depends on the switch status. Here ideal switch has been used. In practical there should be a voltage drop across it. As here the ideal switch has been used there is no voltage drop. The transformer is also an ideal one. Because in this case neither linear nor non-linear transformer has given a nice value. The PWM sinusoidal Scheme proved to be very essential to reduce the harmonics in the output voltage. As the frequency of the carrier signal increase the THD value decreases. The harmonics in the output voltage is shifted in the higher frequency by giving the carrier frequency a high value but it has no link with the amplitude of the amplitude of the harmonics. Low pass filter has been used to eliminate harmonics after certain frequency. In the filter the inductors are actually smoothing the current whereas the capacitor is holding the output voltage constant. The LC combination has to be chosen like that way so it gives low impedance so that it can passes to the output side and gives high impedance for the higher frequency. REFERENCES
Figure 11.(b). RMS value of the output voltage which is equal to 240V. [1] Arman Roshan, A dq rotating frame controller for single phase full bridge Inverters used in small distributed generation system, M.Sc. thesis, Faculty of Virginia Polytechnique institute and State University, Jun., 2006. Patel, Mukund R., Wind and Solar Power System, 2nd ed., CRC press, USA, 2008. E. Koutroulis, J. Chatzakis, K. Kalaitzakis and N.C. Voulgaris, A bidirectional sinusoidal high frequency inverter design, IEE ProcElectr. Power Appl., vol.148, No. 4, Jul., 2001, pp. 315-321. Dehbonei H., Borle L and Nayar C.V., A review and proposal for optimal harmonic mitigation in single phase pulse width modulation, Proceedings of 4th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive System, 2001, Vol.1, Oct., 2001, pp.408-414. Khaled H. Ahmed, Stephen J. Finny and Barry W. Williams, Passive Filter Design for Three- Phase inverter Interfacing in Distributed Generation, Journal of Electrical Power Quality and Utisation, Vol.XIII, No. 2, 2007, pp. 49-58. A. Goetzberger, V.U. Hoffmann, Generation, Springer 2005. Photovoltaic Solar Energy

Figure 11.(a). Final Output voltage from the inverter circuit which is almost sinusoidal in nature with a very low THD value of 0.41876%.



[4] Figure 11.(c). Harmonic content of the output voltage. The figure shows that, there are almost negligible harmonic contents between 150Hz to 1.5 kHz.

The following figure taken form PSpice result shows the final THD value:


Figure 11.(d). Calculated THD value using Pspice


The following figure shows that the output power is 1kW.


Mohammad Darwish, Inverter Circuist (AC/DC), School of Engineering and Design, Brunel University, UK. P.C. Sen, Power Electronics, Tata Mcgraw-hill, India K.S. Rajashekara, Joseph Vithayathill, Harmonics in the voltage Source PWM Inverters.

[8] [9]

Figure 11.(e). Output power of the Inverter.


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