Doce Findings of Marketing

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Consumer Survey Findings: The consumer survey was conducted among a sample of 30 respondents.

The purpose of the consumer survey was to find out the influence of different factors that are involved in the purchase of Ice-cream. The findings of the consumer survey revealed that most of the consumer buy Ice-Cream which are packaged. One reason for this could be that our research was only limited to Lahore region and most of the urban consumers are aware of the notions of healthy eating. So instead of buying from local kulfi or gola ganday wala, they prefer packaged icecream. In terms of preference for different packaged Ice-creams the consumer findings reveal that most of the consumers prefer walls and Omore. However it was interesting to note that consumer belonging to lower socio economic classes were more prone to buy ice from gourmet. Which is packaged but does compete in terms of quality with big players like Omore and walls. When asked about at what time consumer actually eat ice cream, most of the responses pointed to fact that they eat Ice-cream after meal as a desert. In the other cases the respondents replied that they usually prefer to eat Ice-Cream during hot weather like in summers as compared to winters. The consumer survey also revealed great insights about different determinants of the brand. For instance the consumer a really considerate about which brands they choose. Also the flavors and packaging is important for consumers of Ice Cream. Looking at the responses from the survey it was interesting to note that advertisement does not seem to have much impact on the buying choices of consumers. However consumers belonging to the lower socioeconomic classes to consider the price as an important determinant for purchase. And because Doce actually target these lower end consumers so the management at Doce should be really careful at setting the price. Because the consumers responses clearly indicate the fact that Doce consumers are highly price sensitive. Furthermore the consumer survey revealed that consumer usually buy branded ice cream from nearby retailer or stores. But for Ice-cream like gourmet they have to go to gourmets own outlet, because of unavailability of ice cream elsewhere. Interestingly one key insight revealed through this was that usually the consumer go with their families to buy in larger quantities from

gourmet. As in the responses show that if the consumer wants to buy one or may be two ice cream , then he would prefer to go the nearby store, however if the quantity is greater than one or two ice creams then , the consumer does consider going to gourmet. To the question regarding the existing product usage of DOCE products, there was no significant product which was consumer more than the others. The consumer of DOCE were buying products from almost all the categories whether it maybe pizza, mithai or bread and milk. So there was not much variation in the usage of existing product line of Doce. One important question included in the consumer survey was whether the customers will buy DOCE ice cream or not. Surprisingly around 48% consumer said they will definitely try. While around 26% of the consumer responded that they will probably try. So keeping the responses in view it seemed like the consumer will easily adopt the DOCE icecream without much resistance. More importantly the consumer survey revealed that the consumer want DOCE ice cream to be available at local retail stores. So DOCE management should definitely consider this while designing the sales channel for the icecream. Normally walls and omore are available at local retail stores but they are expsenvie as compared to gourmet or what DOCEs is going to offer them. IN terms of flavor, most of the consumer preferred vanilla and kulfa flavored. Some of the responded did choose mango and chocolate as their favorite flavor but they were less as compared to vanilla and kulfa. In terms of size of the serving most of the consumers preferred either 1 liter brick or personal serving of cup. The second most favorite among the consumer responses was loly stick. In terms of brand loyalty, packaged ice cream consumer dont depict as such any loyalty especially in the lower segment of the socioeconomic classes. As earlier mentioned for them price, flavors and quantity are more important. In addition to this most the consumer would switch to other brands if they find something better in terms of what they consider as value. In terms of usage of ice cream from the consumer segments, it was revealed that mostly consumers between the ages of 16-40 consume ice cream. With 16-25 being more likely to eat ice cream as compared to upper age bracket consumers.

Experience Survey Findings For the purpose of getting the point of view from the experts in the field, we had conducted interviews with Mr _______ . He gave us great insight into how actually the ice cream industry in Pakistan operates and what challenges will doce face entering this sector. Mr _______ shared with us the fact the success of any icecream is dependent upon R&D. According to him research and development is one of the most important factor which can make or break an icecream product. He gave us the example of walls and Omore, that how they have been able to capture the market through R&D. And still if we see the ice cream industry we find that walls and omore have been very regular with launching new and improved variants of their products. Talking about the challenges the icecream industry faces, he mentioned that the main challenges faced by the industry are macro in nature. He mentioned one major challenge the ice cream industry faces is that load shedding impacts the sales of ice cream. Due to load shedding the icecream melts, and when lights comes back again the icecream does freeze again but the original structure of the icecream is not retained. However he said that in this aspect Doce has an advantage over local retailers, in the manner that DOCE has its own generators, so it does not have to face any load shedding. Hence Mr______ was of the view that DOCE will initially launch icecream only on their own outlets. Another challenge he mentioned was that ice cream production requires gas for production, and right now in quaid-e-azam industrial estate there is shortage of gas. So this can constraints the production capacity of the icecream. So DOCE is considering to open a second manufacturing facility in sundar industrial estate very soon. But even in the face of these macro environment challenges Doce will launch their own brand of Icecream. Furthermore he emphasized the fact that promotion will play a crucial role in the success of their ice cream brand. They will use a rifle approach promote their ice cream brand only in Lahore. For this they intend to utilize local billboards, he told us that now a days there have a lot of innovative outdoor advertising which have captures the consumers interest. So Doce plans to come up with a unique and innovative outdoor advertising campaign. Furthermore he mentioned that for local advertising they will use city 42 TV channel as their medium of communication to the consumer. When asked about social media, he said that, yes they will definitely utilize social media especially Facebook for

their promotion. He told us that in Pakistan the users of internet are increasing day by day, so Facebook can be an effective medium to actually promote Doce Icecream. Discussing the target consumers, he shared with us that icecream is liked by consumer of all ages and there is no indifference in gender consumption being more or less. So he told us that the promotion will depict families and youth enjoying the icecream. In addition to this he shared with us that the price of Doce Ice cream would be comparatively the same as gourmet or it be a little less than this. But he said that Doces selling proposition would not be price, but rather they will differentiate Doce from gourmet on the basis that Doce is a better quality ice cream than gourmet but the price is not that much. So basically quality is going to be their USP rather than price. Another important aspect of the marketing mix he discussed was the distribution of the ice cream. He shared with us that they will only sell their ice cream on their own bakery outlet. And the market penetration of the ice cream will increase with the increase in the bakery outlets. Furthermore Mr.______ revealed that according to their research gourmet sells around 100 sku of their ice creams at the bakery outlet. So they too expect to sell at least hundred SKU of our product. Talking about SKU he shared that in areas where the income level of consumers is low , consumer usually buy the brick ice cream , on the other hand areas where consumer have relatively higher income level like in Iqbal town , the consumer buy the plastic tubs. So which SKU to place where will depend upon the location of the bakery outlet. Retailer Interview To better understand the sales of icecream at the retailer end, we conducted retailer interviews. Most of these interview were from gourmets bakery outlets. The reason for this was that gourmet operate more or less on the same business model as that of Doce and gourmet is going to be the major competitor of Doce when the Icecream is launched. When asked about which ice cream brand does gourmet stock on their stores, we were told that gourmet has its own ice cream almost available at every outlet, however at some outlets in the upper SEC class areas like defense also stock other brands of ice cream. They explained that they also keep other brands of ice cream because they want to build in store traffic , for instance if a customer comes to gourmet to buy lets say Walls , then there is a greater probability that he or she might buy something else from gourmet as well. But we give

allow the manufacturers to give any incentive to our salesperson to sell their products. However we do have our own salesperson always present to help customers pick up gourmet Icecream. Talking about freezers, the gourmet outlet manager told us that they dont get designed any special freezers because they have their own generator so the normal deep freezer work for them. Discussing about the flavors which sell the most, the outlet manager shared that mostly consumer prefer either chocolate or vanilla favor. He told us that around 60% of the total sales of the ice cream is for Vanilla and kulfa flavor. Furthermore the gourmet outlet salesperson shared an interesting insight with us that usually gourmet loly sticks are bought by young kids, both boy and girls, while when it comes to the big size tubs and bricks them are mostly bought by parents between the ages of 25-40 years. So this can actually identify how to target both these age bracket consumers. Moreover he shared with us that in term of sales the highest sales is actually of gourmet tub. When asked what could be the reason, he told us that mostly consumer come to gourmet to buy goods for the family, so gourmet is a low priced icecream and the consumers just buys the tub for their families. Also he told us that the sales or omore and walls is good at our outlets, but still we seeing an increase in sales of gourmet over time. And he was very optimistic that in few years gourmet in Lahore would have more market share than omore and walls. According to him quality wise, there is a difference but we try to provide the best customer service to overcome that aspect. Considering the promotions of the icecream the retailers shared that right now increasing in store visibility is their own approach to promotion, but in future they do plan to actually use BTL advertising for the promotion of Icecream.

Will you try Doce Icecream if it launched?

8% 17% 48%
Defiinitely Most Probably


Maybe No


Others 14% Vanilla 27% Pistachio 8%

Kulfa 21%

Choclate 12% Mango 7% Strawberry 11%

How important is price of Icecream for you?

Extermely important Somewhat important Not sure Not so important Extermely unimportant

11% 1%



Which size of Ice cream do you prefer?




Personal Serving

Ice cream Brick

Ice cream Tub

IceCream Attributes Rating

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Brand Name Advertisment Flavor Color Quantity Packaging

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