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Yazma eserler ngiliz ktphanesi

Shelfmark: MS. Marsh 144 ; Title: Kit l-R m n i n Um r 9 -986

uw r l-k w ki

Date: 11th century, dated 1009-10 [A.H. 400] Description: Al-Sufi's Book of the Fixed Stars, a revision of Ptolemy's Almagest with Arabic star names and drawings of the constellations. Format: Ms. codex ; 419 pages : paper, ill., 265 x 180 mm. Physical description: Decoration: illustrations in text Layout: Written in 15 lines Summary: Arabic / Origin: Written in A.H. 400; colophon, p. 419

Provenance: Marsh bequest, 1713. Purchased by Narcissus Marsh at the sale of Jacob Golius's library in Leiden, 1696. Ownership inscription of Christian Ravius, 1641, p. 419. Record source and standard citations: Uri, Arab. Moh. 926 ; Card catalogue of Arabic MSS. Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Marsh 662 ; Title: J v I n Misk w h m i n Mu mm

n khir

Date: 11th century, dated 1047 [A.H. 439] Description: Philosophical work of the 10th century A.D, in the Peripatetic School of Islamic philosophy. Format: Ms. codex ; 147 leaves : paper, 295 x 195 (written area 225 x 125, frame-ruled) mm. Physical description: Decoration: illuminations in gilt Layout: Written in 19 lines Summary: Arabic / Origin: Written in A.H.439; Colophon, fol. 147b.

Provenance: Marsh bequest, 1713. Purchased by Narcissus Marsh at the sale of Jacob Golius's library in Leiden, 1696. Record source and standard citations: Uri, Arab. Moh.292 ; Card catalogue of Arabic MSS. Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Marsh 667 ; Title: al-M khr t t [Conik Apollonius, of Perga

( r


Date: 11th century, dated 1070 Description: Books 1-7 of the Conica, the geometrical treatise of Apollonius of Perga (c. 262-190 BC). Books 1-4 tr nsl te into r ic Hil l l-

Hims,i, Books 5-7 tr nsl te Th it in Kurr h With glosses N s r lD n l-T s This cop use E mund Halley in preparing his complete edition of the Conica, printed Oxford 1710. Format: Ms. codex ; 173 leaves : paper, 310 x 210 (written area 235 x 150) mm. Physical description: Decoration: diagrams Layout: written in 29 lines Summary: Arabic / Origin: Dated in letters of the alphabet, A.H. 462; colophon, fol. 164a. References: A.F.L. Beeston, "The Marsh manuscript of Apollonius's Conica," BLR 4:2 (1952) Provenance: Marsh bequest, 1713. Purchased by Narcissus Marsh at the sale of Jacob Golius's library in Leiden, 1696. Ownership inscription by ?Golius on fol. 1a, "Halebi XIX Sept. Ann. MDCXXVII", i.e. 19 Sept. 1627; Ownership inscription by Narcissus Marsh, fol. 2a. Record source and standard citations: Uri, Arab. Moh. 943 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. Or. 516 ; Title: Qanun al-m su i [M su i c non] B r n Muh) mm i n h)m 97 ?-1048

Date: 11th century, dated 1082 Description: Arabic manuscript of an astronomical treatise, with diagrams and tables. Books 1-6 of al-Biruni's work. Format: Ms. codex ; 161 leaves : paper, 200 x 160 mm. (page) Physical description: Decoration: diagrams Layout: Written in 24 lines Summary: Arabic / Origin: Colophons at end of each book: fols. 11a, 55b, 79a, 117b, 124b, 160b; first, third, fifth, and sixth dated in successive months of 475 A.H.

Record source and standard citations: Nicoll, 370 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record. Item catalogued from existing description: card catalogue of Arabic MSS, Bodleian Library. CW/AF

Shelfmark: MS. Hunt. 264 ; Title: T l-h ur rs s M r i n l 9

s ir t r

l- l

t l-n j h

Date: 12th century Description: Manuscript made for Saladin (Salahuddin), general of Egypt during the 12th-century European crusades, describing weapons and techniques of warfare. Format: Ms. codex ; 209 leaves : double-sided paper, 245 x 180 (written area

155 x 130) mm. Physical description: Decorations: gilt lettering of preface and colophon. Illustrations, fols. 85a, 85b, 87b, 92a, 94a, 102b, 117b, 133a, 134b-135a, 137a, 138a Layout: Written in 11 lines. Summary: Arabic / Origin: Commissioned by Saladin; colophon fols. 213b214a.

Provenance: Inscription on fol. 4a, "R. Huntingdon". Record source and standard citations: Uri, Arab. Moh. 371 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Huntington 212 ; Title: uw r l-k w ki constellations of the fixed stars l-R m n i n Um r 9 -986

Book o

Date: 12th century, c. 1170 [A.H. 566] Description: Illustrated treatise on astronomy Format: Ms. codex ; 174 leaves : paper, Physical description: Decoration: Layout: Summary: Arabic / References: History of cartography, p. 52 Record source and standard citations: Uri, Arab. Moh. 899 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Greaves 42 ; Title: Nuzhat al-musht q I rs c -1166

ikhtir q l-

Date: Description: The first three portions of a medieval Arabic geography, describing the known world from the equator to the latitude of North Africa, and from the Atlantic to Eastern China. This manuscript contains the text of al-Idrisi up to the end of the third climate (of seven climates described in the entire text). Format: Ms. codex ; : paper, ill., 320 x 235, bound to 335 x 270 mm. Physical description: Decoration: maps Layout: Script: Arabic North African Summary: Arabic /

Provenance: Donor inscription of Thomas Greaves, fol. ia Record source and standard citations: Uri, Arab. Moh. 884 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Arab. d.138 ; Title: H (Arabic)] Dioscorides Pedanius,of Anazarbos

il j l-t,ibb [De materia medica.

Date: 13th century, dated 1240 [A.H. 637] Description: Arabic translation of a Greek treatise on medicines, copied in 1240, probably in Baghdad. Books 3-5 of Dioscorides' Materia Medica, comprising the sections on herbs, roots, and wines, the final three books of Dioscorides' work. Format: Ms. codex ; 209 leaves : paper, ill., 245 x 170 (written area 175 x 105) mm. Physical description: Decoration: illuminations on fols. 2r, 3r, 90v, 184v; portrait of Dioscorides (defaced) on fol. 2v; botanical illustrations throughout up to fol. 184 Layout: Written in 15 long lines Summary: Arabic / Origin: Written in Baghdad in 1240 [A.H. 637]; colophon, fol. 210a. References: Emilie Savage-Smith, Catalogue of medical mss (typescript in Oriental Section) Provenance: Purchased by William Osler before 1910 Record source and standard citations: Robinson and Gray (1972), p. 9; Kahle (handlist), 91 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record. Item catalogued from existing description: card catalogue of Arabic MSS, Bodleian Library.

Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. Or. 133, fols. 94a-95b, 97a-130a ; Title: Dur r w lw k)it ilm l-r s) w l-m w k)it li-m ri t uk) t l-s) l w t l h)ukm al- k) ik) w l- r j t al-Mis)r lsi n ll h Muh) mm i n h)m

Date: 14th century, dated 1334 Description: Format: Ms. codex ; 36 leaves : paper, 245 x 160 mm. (page) Physical description: Summary: Arabic / Origin: Colophon, fol. 130r

Record source and standard citations: ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Marsh 458 ; Title: M q m t l-H r r H rr 54-1122

Date: 14th century, dated 1337 Description: An illustrated manuscript of al-Hariri's picaresque stories Format: Ms. codex ; 129 leaves : paper, ill., 375 x 260 (written area 265 x 187, frame-ruled) mm. Physical description: Decoration: illustrations in text Layout: Summary: Arabic /

Provenance: Marsh bequest, 1713. Purchased by Narcissus Marsh at the sale of Jacob Golius's library in Leiden, 1696. Ownership inscription of Christian Ravius, 1641, p. 419. Record source and standard citations: Uri, Arab. Moh. 353 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Greaves 27 ; Title: J mi n l- ilm w - l- m l l-n i s in t l-h,iyal [The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices] J r Ism l i n l-R l 8 -1204.

Date: 14th century, dated 1341 Description: Treatise on water clocks, automata, water raisers, and other machines composed by Jazari in 1206. Format: Ms. codex ; 115 leaves : paper, 165 x 175 mm. (leaf) Physical description: Decoration: 70 illustrations Layout: Written in 27 lines Summary: Arabic / References: Donald R. Hill, The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices by Ibn al-Razzaz al-Jazari. (Dordrecht and Boston: D. Reidel, 1974) Record source and standard citations: Uri, Arab. Moh. 886 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Pococke 400 ; Title: K l l h w -Dimnah Date: 14th century, dated 1354 Description: Arabic version of fables or folktales, featuring humans and animals, known in the Sanskrit version as the Panchatantra Format: Ms. codex ; 152 leaves : paper, ill., 365 x 250 Physical description: Decoration: illustrations in text

Layout: Written in 15 long lines Script: naskhi Summary: Arabic / Origin: Written A.H. 755. Colophon, fol. 152b. References: Esin Atil, Kalila wa Dimna: fables from a fourteenth-century Arabic manuscript. (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1981) Record source and standard citations: Uri, 356 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. Or. 133, fols. 131a-163a ; Title: Qu r h lj r h [Divin tion lot-casting] M r 886

Date: 14th century, dated 1397 Description: Treatise on divination by casting of lots Format: Ms. portion ; 33 leaves : paper, 245 x 160 mm. (page) Physical description: Summary: Arabic /

Record source and standard citations: ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Arab. d.221 ; Title: [Collection of magical and other treatises, including Cyranides, Book 1] Hermes, Trismegistus#Xenocrates, of Aphrodisias, 1st cent. Date: 14th century? Description: Hermetic work containing an adaptation from the Greek of part of Book 1 of the Cyranides, in 24 chapters, one for each letter of the Greek alphabet. 14th century? Format: Ms. codex ; 83 leaves : paper, ill., 237 x 192 (written area 180 x 140) mm. Physical description: Decoration: pen-and-wash illustrations in the text Layout: Written in 19 long lines Summary: Arabic / Origin: Colophon, fol. 83r? Contents: fols. 64-75 are a translation of Book 1 of the Kyranides References: BLR (1962) Provenance: see Stamp on fol. 83v Record source and standard citations: ; Oriental Surrogates Project record. Item catalogued from existing description: card catalogue of Arabic MSS, Bodleian Library.

Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. Or. 133 ; Title: Kitab al-Bulh n entries below] [see individual items]

[etc ] [see


Date: 14th-15th centuries Description: Composite manuscript, dating principally from the late 14th century A.D., containing astrological, astronomical and divinatory texts compiled by Abd al-Hasan Al-Isfahani, with paintings of the constellations of the zodiac, of demons, illustrations of stories, and geomantic illustrations of the prophets, and a cryptographic inscription in 17th-century English hand. Fol. 81a is in Turkish. Format: Ms. codex ; 176 leaves : paper, ill., 245 x 160 mm. Physical description: Decoration: 83 illustrations, including miniatures (paintings) Layout: Various page formats Script: naskh, with title in Eastern qufic, fol. 1v Summary: Arabic / Contents: 1. fols. 1a-80b, Kitab al-Bulhan / Isfahani, including: fols. 2b-25a, Kitab al-Mawalid, Book of Nativities, fols. 28a-33a a catalogue of demons, fols. 33b-43b, 45b-46b, Marvellous stories (of the prophet Muhammad), fols. 44a45b, 47a-49b, The seasons and the climates. -- 2. Fol. 81a, page in Turkish. 3. fols. 81b-93b, paintings of the constellations of the zodiac -- 4. fols. 94a-130a, al-Durar wa-l-yawaqit fi ilm al-rasd wa-l-mawaqit, Astronomical tract / Abu alAbbas Ahmad bin Abi Abd Allah Muhammad-- 5. fols. 131-163, Kitab al-Fal (Treatise on kur'ah / Ja'far al-Sadik -- 6. Fols. 163b-169a, al-Kurat almubarakah / Irbili -- 7. fols. 170a-173b, Alphabetic divination -- 8. fols. 174a176a, Treatise on the zodiac References: Stefano Carboni, Il Kitab al-bulhan di Oxford (Torino : Editrice Tirrenia, 1988); Binyon, Wilkinson, and Gray, Persian miniature painting (Oxford: 1971), cat. 13; Persian art of the book, Bodleian Library (1972), p. 10, no. 3. Provenance: Patron of Kitab al-Bulhan, 1399, Husayn al-Irbili (inscription ff. 163a and 169a); Bought 1409 by Haydar b. Abd al-Karim, Aleppo (inscription f. 131a); Owned, c. 1608-1610, Yahya b. Muhammad, Edirne (inscription f. ia); Bodleian Library, Nathaniel Palmer bequest, 1717. Record source and standard citations: Nicoll, 283; Robinson and Gray (1972), p. 10. ; Oriental Surrogates Project record. Item catalogued from existing description: card catalogue of Arabic MSS, Bodleian Library, with the assistance of Emilie Savage-Smith, Faculty of Oriental Studies.

Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. Or. 133, fols. 170a-173b ; Title: [Treatise on geomancy] Date: c. 15th century Description: Treatise on alphabetic divination Format: Ms. codex ; 4 leaves : paper, 245 x 160 mm. (page) Physical description: Summary: Arabic /

Record source and standard citations: ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Arab. b.10 ; Title: H$ w R B kr Mu mm i n k r

l-t,ibb ... [portions, etc.] 865?-925?

Date: 15th century Description: Medical encyclopedia, containing portions of Razi's al-Hawi fi altibb, with portions of his al-Fakhir and al-Mansuri fi al-tibb. 15th century. Format: Ms. codex ; 718 leaves : paper, 465 x 305 (written area 365 x 195) mm. Physical description: Layout: Written in 27 long lines Binding: Modern blue half-leather, textblock trimmed. Summary: Arabic / Contents: 1. al-Hawi fi al-tibb / Razi. -- 2. al-Fakhir fi al-tibb / Razi. -- 3. alMansuri fi al-tibb/ Razi References: Iskandar, A.Z., "Rhazes' clinical experience: new material", AlMachriq, lvi (1962), p. 217. Record source and standard citations: Card catalogue of Arabic MSS, Bodleian Library ; Oriental Surrogates Project record. Item catalogued from existing description: card catalogue of Arabic MSS, Bodleian Library.

Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. Or. 133, fols. 163b-169a ; Title: [Treatise on geomancy] Date: 15th century, dated 1415 [A.H. 817] Description: Treatise on geomantic divination by casting of lots Format: Ms. codex ; 7 leaves : paper, 245 x 160 mm. (page) Physical description: Summary: Arabic /

Record source and standard citations: ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. Or. 133, fols. 174a-176b ; Title: [Treatise on zodiacal signs] Date: 15th century, dated 1436 [A.H. 839] Description: Illustrated treatise on zodiacal signs. Format: Ms. codex ; 3 leaves : paper, 245 x 160 mm. (page) Physical description: Layout: Written in 28 and 29 lines

Summary: Arabic / Origin: Colophon fol. 176a (second scribe), 839 A.H.

Record source and standard citations: ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. Or. 133, fols. 1b-80b ; Title: Kitab al-Bulh n [ tre tise of various geomantic and divinatory methods] Is) h ni collector) l-Hasan bin Ah)mad bin Ali bin al-Hasan (author and

Date: 15th century, early Description: Format: Ms. codex ; 80 leaves : paper, 245 x 160 mm. (page) Physical description: Layout: Written in 22 and 23 long lines, with other layouts of grids of verses Summary: Arabic / Origin: Colophon, fol. 25a

Record source and standard citations: ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Marsh 294 ; Title: Portolan atlas Sh r l- i qs l i n hm l c. 1570

Date: ?16th century Description: Portolan atlas containing a world map, regional maps of the Mediterranean, and astronomical and chronological tables; undated manuscript of a work compiled c.1571. Format: Ms. codex ; 16 leaves : paper, 268 x 207 mm. Physical description: Decoration: 8 pages of maps. Summary: Arabic / Record source and standard citations: Uri, 935; Nicoll p. 602; S.C. 9289 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Marsh. 294 ; Title: Sea-Atlas Sh r l-Si qs l i n hmad

Date: 16th century, 1571 (A.H. 979) Format: ; 16 leaves : paper, Physical description:

Summary: Arabic /

Provenance: Purchased by Narcissus Marsh in 1696 from the collection of Jacob Golius; bequeathed to the Bodleian Library 1714. Record source and standard citations: Uri, 935; S.C. 9289 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Pococke 375 ; Title: Nuzhat al-musht q I rs c -1166

ikhtir q l-

Date: 16th century, dated 1553 Format: Ms. codex ; 325 leaves : paper, ill. (maps), 300 x 218 Physical description: Decoration: 69 maps in text; 1 folding map Layout: Written in 25 long lines Summary: Arabic / Origin: Written in 1553; colophon, fol. 326b References: Konrad Miller, Mappae arabicae (Stuttgart, 1926-31); Cartography in the traditional Islamic and South Asian societies (London: University of Chicago Press, 1987--) Record source and standard citations: Uri, 887 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Arab. g.5(R) ; Title: Qur n [Kor n] Date: 19th century, dated 1814 Description: Koran, dated 14th Shawwil A.H. 1229 (A.D. 1814, Sept. 29). Written on a roll, with case. Format: Ms. codex ; roll : , Physical description: Summary: Arabic /

Record source and standard citations: Hermann Eth, Arabic Manuscripts (handwritten list), 148 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record. Item catalogued from existing description

Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. Or. 133, fols. 81b-93a ; Title: [Treatise on zodiacal constellations] Date: undated Description:

Format: Ms. codex ; : paper, 245 x 160 mm. (page) Physical description: Summary: Arabic /

Record source and standard citations: ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Heb. d.32, fols. 11-26 ; Title: [A casuistical book in Arabic] Date: undated Format: ; 16 leaves : paper, 265 x 155 (written area 220 x 110) mm. Physical description: Decoration: Layout: written in 29 long lines Script: Oriental cursive Summary: Arabic /

Record source and standard citations: Neubauer, Hebrew Cat., 2794 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Heb.d.32, fols. 27-29 ; Title: [A philosophical treatise in Arabic] Date: undated Format: ; ? : parchment, 230 x 140 (written area 218 x 140) mm. Physical description: Decoration: Layout: Written in 27 long lines Script: Oriental semi-cursive Summary: Arabic /

Record source and standard citations: Neubauer, Hebrew Cat., 2794 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Heb. d.32, fols. 29-38 ; Title: [Responsa of Rabbi Isaac ben Jacob Alfasi (1013-1103)] Isaac al-Fasi Date: undated Format: ; ? : paper, 220 x 150 (written area 150 x 105) mm. Physical description: Decoration:

Layout: Written in 19 long lines Script: Oriental semi-cursive Summary: Arabic /

Record source and standard citations: Neubauer, Hebrew Cat., 2794 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley Add. 178 ; Title: Kuran Date: undated Description: Manuscript of the Kuran, richly decorated with blue and gilt illuminations, frontispiece on two pages, chapter headings, marginal decorations on every page, and gilt roundels marking the verses. Format: Ms. codex ; 285 leaves : paper, 370 x 240 (225 x 150) Physical description: Decoration: Illuminations. Illuminated frontispiece on fols. 1b-2a, text in gold, border decorations throughout, chapter headings white on gilt. Layout: Written in 12 long lines Script: n st l q Summary: Arabic /

Provenance: inscription on fol. 1a, "Sir Gore Ouseley Bart." Record source and standard citations: Eth Arabic (ms.), 150 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.


Shelfmark: Sinica 440/2 ; Title: Sheng guan tu Date: 19th century, dated 1840 Description: Printed game with the object of attaining high rank in the Chinese imperial bureaucracy Format: Single printed sheet ; 1 leaf : paper, 820 x 750 mm. Physical description: printed Summary: Chinese /

Record source and standard citations: ; David Helliwell (Bodleian Library, 2006). Additional record in Bodleian Chinese catalogue.


Shelfmark: MS. Bruce 96 ; Title: [The two books of Jeu(?) and an untitled Gnostic treatise] Date: 5th or 6th century Description: Coptic manuscript of Gnostic texts, including the Books of Jeu, composed in the 2nd or 3rd century A.D., in Egypt. Format: Ms. codex ; 71 leaves : papyrus, 290 x 170 mm. (page) Physical description: Decoration: Layout: Summary: Coptic / Contents: 1. First book of Jeu -- 2. Second book of Jeu -- TBC References: C. Schmidt, The books of Jeu and the Untitled Text in the Bruce Codex (Leiden: Brill, 1978, trans. V. Macdermot) Provenance: bought in Egypt by James Bruce in 1769. Purchased by Bodleian Library in 1843 as part of Bruce's collection. Record source and standard citations: ; Description by Bruce BarkerBenfield, 2006 (typescript in Oriental Collections).


Shelfmark: MS. Georg. b.1 ; Title: [Menologion for March-August, followed by biographies of saintly women] Date: 11th century, dated 1038-40 Description: A Georgian liturgical manuscript made in Jerusalem, 11th century Format: Ms. codex ; ff. 500 (missing 3 gatherings) : vellum, 390 x 250 mm. (leaf) Physical description: Decoration: Layout: Summary: Georgian / Contents: Calendar of saints, including an account of the sack of Jerusalem by the Persians in AD 614 (fols. 124-165) Record source and standard citations: Barrett, p. 305 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Wardrop d.27 ; Title: Vep'khis tqaosani Rustaveli, Shota, 12th/13th cent. Date: 17th century, second half Description: Georgian epic poem, The man in the panther skin, composed by Shot'a Rust'aveli in the late 12th or early 13th century Format: Ms. codex ; 176 leaves : paper, ill., 245 x 170 Physical description: 18 miniatures, 3 illustrations in the text

mkhedruli Summary: Georgian /

Provenance: Purchased from the executors of Sir Bernard Eckstein, the Marjory Wardrop fund contributing half the cost Record source and standard citations: Barrett, p. 327 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.


Shelfmark: MS. Hunt. 80 ; Title: Mishneh Torah I-II Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204 Date: 12th century, between 1181 and 1204 Description: Maimonides' Misheh Torah with poems by other authors in praise of Maimonides. Format: Ms. codex ; 188 leaves : paper, 290 x 210 (written area 220 x 145) mm. Physical description: Decorations: diagrams Layout: Written in 25 lines. Script: oriental semi-cursive Summary: Hebrew /

Record source and standard citations: Neubauer, Hebrew Cat., 577 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Hunt. 117 ; Title: Commentary on Mishnah Zeraim Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204 Date: 12th century, c. 1165 Description: Autograph manuscript of Maimonides' Commentary on Mishnah Zeraim. Format: Ms. codex ; 133 leaves : paper, 275 x 190 (written area 230 x 150) mm. Physical description: Decoration: Layout: Written in 31 long lines Script: Sephardic semi-cursive Summary: Judeo-Arabic /

Record source and standard citations: Neubauer, Hebrew Cat., 393 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Pococke 295 ; Title: Commentary on Mishnah Nezikin and Kodashim Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204; [scribe]: Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204 Date: 12th century, c.1167 Description: Autograph manuscript of Maimonides' Commentary on Mishnah Nezikin and Kodashim Format: Ms. codex ; 301 leaves : paper, 280 x 190 (written area 230 x 150) mm. Physical description: Decoration: diagrams Layout: Written in 31 long lines Sephardic semi-cursive Summary: Judeo-Arabic /

Record source and standard citations: Neubauer, Hebrew Cat., 404; UH 182 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Oppenheim 154 ; Title: Meshal ha-Kadmoni Sahula, Isaac ben Solomon, 13th cent. Date: 15th century, dated 1450 Description: A mid-15th century illustrated manuscript of Hebrew animal fables, composed by Isaac ben Solomon Sahula in the 13th century. This manuscript copy predates the first printed edition of these fables, in Venice in 1491, by less than 50 years. Format: Ms. codex ; 59 leaves : parchment, 275 x 175 (written area 210 x 130) mm. Physical description: Decoration: illustrations and diagrams. 52 illustrations in the text, on 51 pages; 5 astronomical/astrological charts on 5 pages Layout: Written in 36 long lines. Script: Ashkenazi semi-cursive Summary: Hebrew / Origin: Colophon, fol. 59b

Provenance: ownership inscription, Joseph b. Sim[ha]; collection of David ben Abraham Oppenheimer (1667-1735), Chief Rabbi of Prague; collection of Isaak Berend Salomon of Hamburg; purchased by the Bodleian Library, 1829 Record source and standard citations: Neubauer, Hebrew Cat., 1405; BeitAri, Supplement, 234 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Kennicott 1 ; Title: Bible. O.T. Date: 15th century, dated 1476 Description: Bible (O.T.), highly decorated, with contemporary Hispano-

Moresque box-binding. Made at Corunna in north-west Spain for Isaac de Braga and written by the scribe Moses ibn Zabara, who completed the work in [?]1476. Format: Ms. codex ; : parchment, Physical description: Decoration: illuminations, including carpet-pages, and illustrations throughout the text. Layout: Script: Sephardic Summary: Hebrew / Origin: Written in Corunna, Spain, 1476.

Provenance: Commissioned by Isaac de Braga, Corunna, Spain, 15th century. Acquired for the Radcliffe Library, Oxford, by Benjamin Kennicott (1718-1783). Transferred to the Bodleian Library, 1872. Record source and standard citations: Neubauer, Hebrew Cat., 2322 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Heb. d.32 ; Title: [Fragments from the Cairo Geniza] Date: undated Format: ; 100 leaves : paper, Physical description: Decoration: Layout: Summary: Hebrew /

Record source and standard citations: Neubauer, Hebrew Cat., 2794 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Heb. d.32, fols. 1, 2 ; Title: [Fragment of a sermon in praise of the Levite] ... [etc.] Date: undated Format: ; 2 leaves : paper, 230 x 156 (written area 170 x 100) mm. Physical description: Decoration: Layout: Written in 19 long lines Script: Oriental semi-cursive Summary: Hebrew / Contents: 1. fol. 1 [Fragment of a sermon in praise of the Levite] -- fol. 2 [Fragment of a sermon on Canticles iv. 3] Record source and standard citations: Neubauer, Hebrew Cat., 2794 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Heb. d.32, fols. 3, 4 ; Title: [Fragment of the Midrash on Prov. xvi. 3 to xvi. 31] ... [etc.] Date: undated Format: ; 2 leaves : parchment, 245 x 148 (written area 233 x 120) mm. Physical description: Decoration: Layout: Written in 34 long lines Summary: Hebrew / Contents: fol. 3. [Fragment of the Midrash on Prov. xvi. 3 to xvi. 31] -- fol. 4. [Fragment of the Midrash on Prov. xxiii. 23 to xxv. 1] Record source and standard citations: Neubauer, Hebrew Cat., 2794 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Heb. d.32, fols. 5-10 ; Title: [Rabbi Hananel's commentary on the Babylonian Talmud] H n nel en Date: undated Format: ; 6 leaves : parchment, 230 x 160 (written area 165 x 120) mm. Physical description: Decoration: Layout: Written in 26 long lines Script: Sephardic semi-cursive Summary: Hebrew / ushi el 55 or 6

Record source and standard citations: Neubauer, Hebrew Cat., 2794 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Heb. d.32, fols. 39-46 ; Title: [Fragment of Maimonides' Mishneh Torah] Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204 Date: undated Format: ; 8 leaves : paper, 230 x 155 (written area 180 x 180) mm. Physical description: Layout: Written in 24 long lines Summary: Hebrew /

Record source and standard citations: Neubauer, Hebrew Cat., 2794 ;

Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Heb. d.32, fols. 47-56 ; Title: [Fragment of Maimonides' Mishneh Torah] Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204 Date: undated Format: ; 10 leaves : paper, 225 x 155 (written area 165 x 105) mm. Physical description: Layout: Written in 18 long lines Summary: Hebrew /

Record source and standard citations: Neubauer, Hebrew Cat., 2794 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Heb. d.32, fols. 57-62 ; Title: [Fragment of Maimonides' Mishneh Torah] Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204 Date: undated Format: ; 6 leaves : paper, 232 x 150 (written area 165 x 95) mm. Physical description: Layout: Written in 19 long lines Summary: Hebrew /

Record source and standard citations: Neubauer, Hebrew Cat., 2794 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Heb. d.32, fols. 63-78 ; Title: [Commentary on Maimonides' Mishneh Torah] Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204 Date: undated Format: ; 6 leaves : paper, 225 x 150 (written area 175 x 115) mm. Physical description: Layout: Written in 22 long lines Summary: Hebrew /

Record source and standard citations: Neubauer, Hebrew Cat., 2794 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Heb. d.32, fols. 79-100 ; Title: [Arabic commentary on Maimonides' Mishneh Torah] Date: undated Format: ; 22 leaves : paper, 265 x 180 (written area 190 x 120) mm. Physical description: Layout: Written in 24 long lines Summary: Hebrew /

Record source and standard citations: Neubauer, Hebrew Cat., 2794 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Heb. e.62 ; Title: [Fragment of Ecclesiastes, chapter xl.9xlix.11] Date: undated Format: ; 9 leaves : paper, 192 x 172 (leaf) Physical description: Decoration: Layout: Summary: Hebrew /

Record source and standard citations: Edition, Oxford 1897 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Indian paintings -- Link to descriptions of albums of Indian paintings

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley Add. 171 ; Title: Indian picture album : Link to a list of paintings in this album Date: 16th-18th centuries Description: 25 pictures, in various Indian styles, and 1 specimen of calligraphy Format: Album (disbound) ; 25 leaves : paper, ill., box, 600 x 445 Physical description: Decoration: 25 paintings Summary: Indian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 1894 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Douce Or. a.3 ; Title: Album of Indian paintings and calligraphy, dating mostly from the 18th century, containing portraits, court and hunting scenes, harem scenes, and mythological scenes : Link to a list of paintings in this album Date: 16th-18th century Description: An album of 38 Indian paintings: 14 portraits in the Mughal styles of the courts of Shah Jehan and Aurangzeb; 15 portraits and pictures; 10 pictures of Hindu deities Format: Album (disbound) ; 38 leaves : paper, ill., Binding, 520 x 400; box, 580 x 425 Physical description: Decoration: 38 miniature paintings Summary: Indian /

Provenance: Douce, Francis, 1757-1834; Douce Bequest, 1834. Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 2382 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Douce Or. a.1 ; Title: Album of Indian paintings and calligraphy, dating from the period of Shahjahan's reign, including several portraits of the Mughal emperors : Link to a list of paintings in this album Date: 17th century Description: An album of 41 Indian paintings chiefly from first half of the 17th century, expressive of the Mughal lineage of Shahjahan. With Persian calligraphic specimens and 9 leaves of text. Most of the inset paintings have floral borders, some have inner borders depicting bunches of grapes. Fols. 1018 contain text, portions of Jami's Tuhfat al-ahrar. Format: Album ; 60 leaves : paper, ill., 385 x 255 mm. (page) Physical description: Decoration: illuminations; 41 miniature paintings Layout: Layout of text section, 7 lines. Summary: Indian / Contents: ff.10-18, Tuhfat al-ahrar / Jami Provenance: Chauncey, Charles, 1709-1777; engraved armorial bookplate of Charles Chauncy inside lower cover. Douce, Francis,1757-1834; Douce Bequest, 1834. Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 2381 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Laud Or.149 ; Title: Album of ragamala pictures and other

Indian paintings : Link to a list of paintings in this album Date: 17th century, c. 1600-1640 Format: Album ; 66 leaves : paper, ill., 380 x 246 mm. (leaf) Physical description: Decoration: 30 miniatures Layout: Summary: Indian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 1900 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Douce Or. c.4 ; Title: Album of Indian paintings and calligraphy : Link to a list of paintings in this album Date: 17th-18th centuries Description: An album of 53 Indian paintings and 7 calligraphic specimens. Format: Album ; 54 leaves : paper, ill., 266 x 220 mm. (maximum page size) Physical description: Decoration: 53 miniature paintings Summary: Indian /

Provenance: Douce, Francis, 1757-1834; Douce Bequest, 1834. Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 2379 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley Add. 166 ; Title: Indian picture album : Link to a list of paintings in this album Date: 17th-18th centuries Description: 44 pictures, including court, harem, and hunting scenes, with portraits Format: Album ; 44 leaves : paper, ill., binding, 443 x 330 approx.; leaf 440 x 320

Summary: Indian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 1893 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley Add. 167 ; Title: Album of Indian paintings and

calligraphy : Link to a list of paintings in this album Date: 17th-18th centuries Description: An album of 40 Indian pictures with 20 calligraphic specimens. Format: Album ; 42 leaves : paper, ill., 375 x 260 mm. Physical description: Decoration: 40 paintings : Summary: Indian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 1896 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley Add. 169 ; Title: Album of Indian pictures: Ragamala series Date: 17th-18th centuries Description: An album of 36 Indian pictures in a Ragamala series Format: Album ; 36 leaves : paper, ill., 315 x 225 mm. (leaf) Physical description: Decoration: 36 paintings Summary: Indian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 1892 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley Add. 170 ; Title: Indian picture album : Link to a list of paintings in this album Date: 17th-18th centuries Description: 21 pictures and 17 calligraphic specimens Format: Album (disbound) ; 21 leaves : paper, ill., disbound in box, sheets 365 x 265

Summary: Indian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 1895 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Douce Or. a.2 ; Title: Album of Indian paintings, dating mostly from the 18th century, including a number of ragamala pictures : Link to a list of paintings in this album

Date: 18th century Description: An album of 16 Indian miniature paintings Format: Album ; 16 leaves : paper, ill., 430 x 285 mm. (page) Physical description: Decoration: 16 miniature paintings Summary: Indian / Contents: ff. 2-11, Ragamala series featuring portrait of a patron Provenance: Douce, Francis, 1757-1834; Douce Bequest, 1834. Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 2387 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Douce Or. b.1 ; Title: Album of Indian paintings and calligraphy, dating mostly from the 16th and 17th centuries, containing nature studies, genre scenes, and some Hindu devotional images : Link to a list of paintings in this album Date: 18th century Description: An album of 26 Indian pictures, with 14 calligraphic specimens Format: Album ; 21 leaves : paper, ill., 375 x 270 mm. (leaf) Physical description: Decoration: 26 miniature paintings Summary: Indian /

Provenance: Douce Bequest, 1834. Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 2384; S.C. 22014. ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Douce Or. b.2 ; Title: Album of Indian paintings and calligraphy, dating mostly from the 18th century, principally ragamala pictures : Link to a list of paintings in this album Date: 18th century Description: An album of 53 Indian pictures, including Ragamala pictures and zenana scenes Format: Album ; 55 leaves : paper, ill., 406 x 310 mm. (leaf) Physical description: Decoration: 53 miniature paintings Summary: Indian /

Provenance: Douce, Francis, 1757-1834; Douce Bequest, 1834. Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 2380 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Douce Or. b.3 ; Title: Album of Indian paintings, dating mostly from the 18th century, containing genre scenes with a few court pictures : Link to a list of paintings in this album Date: 18th century Description: An album of 32 Indian paintings, with 1 charcoal sketch and 3 calligraphic specimens Format: Album (disbound) ; 35 leaves : paper, ill., 580 x 425 mm. (box) Physical description: Decoration: 1 drawing and 32 miniature paintings. Summary: Indian /

Provenance: Douce Bequest, 1834. Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 2383 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ind. Misc. d.3 ; Title: Portraits of Indian rulers Date: 18th century Description: Album of small watercolour portraits of 178 Indian rulers from Timur (Tamerlane) to Aurangzib. The paintings are allegedly 18th-century copies, made before 1737, of originals in the court at Delhi. Format: Album ; : paper, ill., 220 x 150 mm. (leaf) Physical description: 178 paintings Layout: Summary: Indian /

Provenance: With a letter from John Cleland (1710-1789) dated London, 8 July 1760, to Mr. Everard of Brasenose College (Oxford) describing the presentation of the book to Mr. Fraser in Surat; an inscription by Alexander Pope, dated 1737, on donating it to Bodleian Library Record source and standard citations: Aufrecht, Sanskrit Cat., 854 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley Add. 173 ; Title: Indian picture album, c. 18th century, ostensibly of portraits of the Mughal emperors from the time of Timur, from the collection of Sir Gore Ouseley #House of Timur spine title : Link to a list of paintings in this album Date: 18th century Description: An album of 34 leaves containing Indian paintings and calligraphy, with two lithographs inserted, and a manuscript introduction of 5 leaves (viii-xi) and other notes by Sir Gore Ouseley. Paintings numbered in the album following Western style of codex opening on right. The paintings ostensibly depict

Format: Album ; 34 album leaves with additional material : paper, ill., binding 435 x 300 x 40; box 457 x 325 x 57 Physical description: Decoration: 34 paintings Summary: Indian /

Provenance: Engraved armorial bookplate of Sir Gore Ouseley on flyleaves at front and back. Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 1897 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley Add. 174 ; Title: Indian picture album, c. 18th century, containing Hindu religious scenes, love scenes, and animal pictures, from the collection of Sir Gore Ouseley Date: 18th century Description: An album of 24 Indian paintings, several on Hindu religious themes, with specimens of Persian calligraphy. Format: Album ; 24 leaves : paper, ill., binding 315 x 245 mm. Physical description: Summary: Indian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 1898 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ind. Inst. Misc. 14 ; Title: Drawings of the principal Hindoo deities, and of the principal sacred flowers offered at their shrines; with concise illustrations (pt. 1) Malkin, William Date: 19th century, dated 1831 Description: Album of pictures of Hindu deities and botanical illustrations, compiled in Bangalore, India, 1831, by Revd. William Malkin Format: Album ; 84 leaves : paper, ill., 293 x 385 mm. Physical description: Decoration: 35 miniatures Layout: Summary: Indian /

Record source and standard citations: ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ind. Inst. Misc.15 ; Title: Drawings of the principal Hindoo

deities, and of the principal sacred flowers offered at their shrines; with concise illustrations (pt. 2) Malkin, William Date: 19th century, dated 1831 Description: Album of pictures of Hindu deities and botanical illustrations, compiled in Bangalore, India, 1831, by Revd. William Malkin Format: Album ; 109 leaves : paper, ill., 293 x 385 mm. Physical description: Decoration: 41 miniatures Layout: Summary: Indian /

Record source and standard citations: ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ind. Inst. Misc. 21 ; Title: Kalighat paintings Date: 19th-20th century Format: Album ; : paper, ill., Physical description: Layout: Summary: Indian /

Record source and standard citations: ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ind. Inst. Misc. 22 ; Title: Kalighat paintings Date: 19th-20th century Format: Album ; : paper, ill., Physical description: Layout: Summary: Indian /

Record source and standard citations: ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ind. Inst. Misc. 23 ; Title: Krishna playing the flute (micrographic drawing) Date: undated Description: Drawing (with micrography) of Krishna playing the flute, attended

by a female devotee. Ink with colour wash. Format: ; 1 drawing : ink and wash on paper, 500 x 315 mm. Physical description: Layout: Summary: Indian /

Record source and standard citations: ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ind. Misc. c.16 ; Title: Album of Indian portraits and courting scenes Date: undated Description: Album of court portraits, one identified as Aurangzeb, with a few scenes of lovers. Bound probably for a Western owner in the 19th century, using bright orange paper for many of the borders. Format: Album ; 28 leaves : paper, ill., 310 x 260 mm. Physical description: Layout: Summary: Indian /

Record source and standard citations: ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley Add. 172 ; Title: Indian picture album Date: undated Description: An album of 20 leaves containing 15 paintings, with calligraphic specimens and cut-paper work designs mounted in patterned-paper borders Format: Album ; 20 leaves : paper, ill., covers 360 x 273; leaf 345 x 260 Physical description: Decoration: 15 paintings Summary: Indian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 1899 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Pers. b.1 ; Title: Indian picture album Date: undated Description: Album of Indian paintings, including Ragamala scenes, and calligraphic specimens

Format: Album ; 39 leaves with interleavings : paper; ill., 428 x 290 mm. Physical description: Decoration: 38 miniatures Summary: Indian /

Record source and standard citations: ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Sansk. d.337(R) ; Title: Indian playing cards Date: undated Format: Playing cards ; : , Physical description: Summary: Indian /

Record source and standard citations: ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.


Shelfmark: MS. Pali a.27 (R) ; Title: [Buddhist scriptures in Pali] Date: undated Description: Parabeik or folding book of Buddhist texts in Pali Format: Folding ms. ; 78 openings : paper, ill., 95 x 660 mm. Physical description: Decoration: 40 miniatures, each c. 190 x 220 mm. Layout: Written in 5 lines, per page (10 lines per opening), in one or two columns Kham compressed Summary: Pali / Contents: 1. [Vinayapitaka - Suttavibhanga - Parajika] -- 2. [Dighanikaya Brahmajalasutta] -- 3. [Abhidhammamatika] -- 4. Sahassaneyya -- 5. Mahabuddhaguna -- 6. Mahabuddhagunavannana -- 7. Unhisavijaya Provenance: Letter of gift to Mr. Thomson of Edinburgh [19th century]; Letter (in English) describing the contents of the manuscript from B. Clough, Ceylon, 1819. Record source and standard citations: Filliozat, p. 12 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.


Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley 379 ; Title: Kit

-i-S m k I

r (pt )

I n

l-Q sim Sh r

q h

Date: 14th century, first half, c. 1330 Description: V.1 of Kitab i Samak Iyar Format: Ms. codex ; 229 leaves : paper, ill., 310 x 220 (written area 250 x 152, frame-ruled) mm. Physical description: Decorations: illustrations within text. Layout: Written in 27 long lines. Script: naskh Summary: Persian /

Record source and standard citations: Ouseley, 445-447. Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 442 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley 380 ; Title: Kit I n l-Q sim Sh r q h

-i-S m k I

r (pt )

Date: 14th century, first half, c. 1330 Description: V.2 of Kitab i Samak Iyar Format: Ms. codex ; 220 leaves : paper, ill., 310 x 220 (written area 250 x 152, frame-ruled) mm. Physical description: Decorations: illustrations within text. Layout: Written in 27 long lines. Script: naskh Summary: Persian /

Record source and standard citations: Ouseley, 445-447. Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 442 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley 381 ; Title: Kit I n l-Q sim Sh r q h

-i-S m k I

r (pt

Date: 14th century, first half, c. 1330 Description: V.3 of Kitab i Samak Iyar Format: Ms. codex ; 335 leaves : paper, ill., 295 x 195 (written area 250 x 152, frame-ruled) mm. Physical description: Decorations: illustrations within text. Layout: Written in 27 long lines. Script: naskh Summary: Persian /

Record source and standard citations: Ouseley, 445-447. Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 442 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley Add. 176 ; Title: Sh hn m Fir ws

Date: 15th century, c. 1430 Description: Copy of the Shahnamah made for Ibrahim Sultan b. Shah Rukh, c. 1430. Format: Ms. codex ; 468 leaves : paper, ill., Physical description: Decoration: illuminated frontispieces, 47 full- and halfpage miniatures, 5 drawings Layout: Written in 4 columns of 31 lines Script: nasta'liq Summary: Persian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 501; Robinson, 81-132 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Pers. c.4 ; Title: Sh hn m Fir ws ? ll h in Sh n in H i r l sht rj ni

Date: 15th century, dated 1448 Description: Epic poem of the history of kings of Persia (Iran). Contains the rare preface with biography of the author, Firdausi. Format: ; 539 leaves, 4 columns, 25 lines : , Physical description: Decoration: illuminated frontispieces; illuminated headings; full page miniatures Script: n st l q Summary: Persian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 1977 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Elliott 325 ; Title: Sh hn m Fir ws

Date: 15th century, dated 1449 Description: First half begins on fol. 9b; second half begins on fol. 305b with Luhrasp's reign

Format: Ms. codex ; 627 leaves : paper, ill., 340 x 220 (written area 270 x 135) mm. Physical description: Decoration: illuminations, 64 miniatures. Layout: Written in 4 columns of 23 lines Script: nasta'liq Summary: Persian /

Provenance: Engraved armorial bookplate of Sir Gore Ouseley, with MS addition: "& Grant Cross of the Royal Hanoverian Order of the Guelph". Spine label with gilt stamp of wild boar, ?Bacon?. Early 18th-century inscription on endleaf, "a present from Mgr. Solymaan" Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 493 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley 140 ; Title: Ru Omar Khayyam

Date: 15th century, dated 1460 Description: 158 rubais of Omar Khayyam, arranged in alphabetical order. Format: ; 42 leaves : paper, Physical description: Decoration: illuminated frontispieces Layout: Written in 10 lines Script: n st l q Summary: Persian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 525 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Elliott 189 ; Title: Khamsa-i- m r Khusr u m r Khusr w Dihl v c 5 -1325

Date: 15th century, dated 1463 [A.H. 867] Description: Collection of seven poems by Amir Khusrau, d. 1325 (A.H. 725) Format: Ms. codex ; 192 leaves : paper, ill., 244 x 170 (written area 156 x 104) mm. Physical description: Decoration: illuminated frontispieces, fols. 2v, 38v, 82v, 110v, 156v; miniatures, fols. 1v, 2a, 191v, 192a Layout: Written in 4 columns of 25 lines Script: nastaliq Summary: Persian / Origin: Written at Shiraz, A.H. 867. Colophon: fol. 156a, fol. 191a. Contents: 1. The rising of the lights -- 2. Khusrau and Shirin -- 3. Laila and Majnun -- 4. Eight paradises -- 5. Mirror of Alexander -- 6. Spirit of lovers -- 7.

Language of lovers Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 768 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley 18 ; Title: D w n-i-M s Qumm M s 485 or 6

Date: 15th century, dated 1481 (A.H. 886) Format: ; 90 leaves : paper, ill., 205 a 102 (written area 120 x 45, frame-ruled) mm. Physical description: Decoration: 3 miniatures, fols. 22a, 49a, 63b Layout: Written in 10 lines Script: n st l q Summary: Persian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 885 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Elliott 246 ; Title: Mant,iq al-t,ayr r F r l-D n c

Date: 15th century, dated 1493 Description: "Conference of the birds", by the Iranian Sufi poet Attar, d. 1220. Format: Ms. codex ; 172 leaves : paper, ill., 260 x 149 (written area 168 x 80) mm. Physical description: Decoration: illuminations; 7 miniatures, fols. 25v, 45r, 52v, 63r, 96r, 124v, 150v Layout: Written in 2 columns of 15 lines Script: n st l q Summary: Persian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 628 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley 14, fols. 109-167 ; Title: D w n-i- m r S i Saifi, Yadgarbeg, d. 1465 Date: 15th century, second half, c. 1481 Description: Lyrical poems composed in the first half of the 15th century (A.D.)

Format: Ms. codex ; 59 leaves : paper, ill., 205 x 103 (written area 120 x 45, frame-ruled) mm. Physical description: Decoration: illuminated title page; 3 miniatures, fols. 113a, 145b, 159b. Layout: Written in 2 columns of 10 lines Script: n st l q Summary: Persian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 888 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley Add. 137 ; Title: L il M jn n Ni m G nj v 4 or 4 -1202 or 3

Date: 15th or 16th century Description: Nizami's poem of Layla and Majnun. Format: Ms. codex ; 153 leaves : paper. ill., 260 x 170 (written area 150 x 80) mm. Physical description: Decoration: Illuminations and miniatures. Frontispiece ff. 1b-2a, 9 miniatures, ff. 31b, 44b, 59a, 68a, 75a, 89b, 105a, 132b, 149b. Layout: Written in 2 columns of 15 lines Script: nasta'liq Summary: Persian / Origin: Written in ?1573 (A.H. ?981); colophon, f. 153a, damaged.

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 605 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley 19 ; Title: Khusr w v Sh r n Khusr u n Shirin H ti 5 or

Date: 16th century Format: Ms. codex ; 95 leaves : paper, ill., 207 x 130 mm. (written area 120 x 75 mm., frame-ruled) Physical description: Decoration: 5 miniatures, fols. 26a, 37b, 49a, 61b, 90a Layout: Written in 2 columns of 11 lines Script: n st l q Summary: Persian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 1014 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Canonici Or. 122 ; Title: Intikh S n l-D n l-Gh c n v l-M j M j i n

i H) m c

k h 5 r F r

Date: 16th century, first half Description: Farid-aldin Attar's extracts from Sana'is Hadikah. 16th century. Format: Ms. codex ; 61 leaves : paper, ill., 318 x 200 (written area 166 x 99, frame-ruled) mm. Physical description: Decoration: Illuminated frontispiece, 10 folios of miniatures (illuminations), and decorated margins in colours and gold Layout: Written in 2 columns of 10 lines Script: n st l q Summary: Persian / Origin: Date attribution from life of scribe.

Provenance: Matteo Luigi Canonici, Venice; bought by Bodleian Library, 1817 Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 2405 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Marsh 517 ; Title: B st n S Date: 16th century, first half, c. 1515-20 Description: First two pages illuminated; chapter headings on gold ground. Format: Ms. codex ; 64 leaves : paper, ill., 245 x 165 (written area 150 x 97, frame-ruled) mm. Physical description: Decoration: illuminations on first two written pages; 3 miniatures, fols. 9b, 34a, 59b. Layout: Written in 4 columns of 17 lines Script: nasta'liq Summary: Persian / Origin: Written c. 1520, date speculative: see Persian art of the book [Robinson and Gray], (1972), p. 16

Provenance: Marsh bequest, 1713. Purchased by Narcissus Marsh at the sale of Jacob Golius's library in Leiden, 1696. Ownership inscription of Christian Ravius, 1641, p. 419. Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 1983 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Elliott 192 ; Title: Khamsa-i-Ni Ni m G nj v 4 or 4 -1202 or 3

Date: 16th century, dated 1500-1501 [A.H. 907] Description: Nizami's five poetic stories, Makhzan al-Asrar, Khusrau u Shirin, Laila u Majnun, Haft Paikar, Sharaf-namah Format: Ms. codex ; 346 leaves : paper, ill., 285 x 165 (written area 200 x 104) mm. Physical description: Decorations: illuminations, 42 miniatures Layout: Written in 4 columns of 21 lines Script: nasta'liq Summary: Persian / Origin: Colophon, fol. 345a Contents: 1. fol. 1v Makhzan al-Asrar. -- 2. fol. 32v Khusrau u Shirin. -- 3. fol. 101v Laila u Majnun. -- 4. fol. 158v Haft Paikar. -- 5. fol. 221v Sharaf-namah (pt. 1). -- 6. fol. 300v Iskandarnama (pt. 2) Provenance: Elliott, John Bardoe; Engraved armorial bookplate of J.B. Elliott.; inscriptions, fol. 1r Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 587 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Pers. d.105 ; Title: Khamsa-i-Nizami Ni m G nj v 4 or 4 -1202 or 4

Date: 16th century, dated 1504 Description: Nizami's five poetic stories, Khusrau u Shirin, Laila u Majnun, Haft Paikar, Iskandar Nama, and Iqbal Nama Format: ; 388 leaves : paper, ill., 275 x 160 (written area 180 x 100, frameruled) mm. Physical description: Decoration: illuminated frontispiece on ff. 1b-2a; illuminated headings; 5 miniatures, fols. 12b, 37b, 45a, 51b, 295b. Layout: Written in 4 columns of 19 lines Summary: Persian / Origin: Written 1504 [A.H. 909]; colophon, fol. 388a

Provenance: bought by the Bodleian Library from Sotheby's, 1957. Record source and standard citations: ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley Add. 175 ; Title: D w n-i-Maghribi Date: 16th century, dated 1521 Description: Poems of Mulla Muhammad Shirin Maghribi Format: Ms. codex ; not in Ethe; ff. 124? : paper, ill., Physical description: Decoration: 1 miniature; Layout: Script: nasta'liq Summary: Persian /

Contents: ff. 3v-6v margin-columns, ff. 7r-12r, dibaca in prose and Arabic poems; ff. 12v, ghazals, in alphbetical order; f. 100r, kasidas, tarji'bands, 1 mathnawi; f. 120r, ruba'is. Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 859 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley Add. 175 ; Title: D w n-i-K sim-i- nw r Date: 16th century, dated 1526 Format: Ms. codex ; ?? : paper, ill., Physical description: Decoration: 3 miniatures Layout: Summary: Persian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 863 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley Add. 26 ; Title: D w n-i-Hafiz H i 4th cent

Date: 16th century, dated 1538 Format: Ms. codex ; 161 leaves : paper, ill., 221 x 125 (written area 158 x 90) mm. Physical description: Decoration: 4 miniatures Script: n st l q Summary: Persian /

Record source and standard citations: ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley Add. 21 ; Title: Mihr-u Mushtari rT r Mu mm 8 or

Date: 16th century, middle Format: Ms. codex ; 216 leaves : paper, ill., 250 x 150 (155 x 82) Physical description: Decorations: illuminations, 6 miniatures Layout: Written in 2 columns of 12 lines Script: n st l q

Summary: Persian / Undated

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 813; Robinson, 833-838 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley 369 ; Title: Sh hn m Fir ws

Date: 16th century, dated 1552 Format: Ms. codex ; ff. 601 : ill., Physical description: Decoration: Layout: Written in 4 columns of 23 lines Script: n st l q Summary: Persian / Origin: Written in 1552 (A.H. 959)

Provenance: On fol. 1a, inscription: "Bought at Sir Elijah Impey's sale in London, May 21, 1810" Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 494 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley Add. 24 ; Title: M j lis l-ushsh q [The ssem lies of lovers] Sultan Husayn Mirza Date: 16th century, dated 1552 Description: "The assemblies of lovers", 76 biographies of famous mystics and lovers. Format: Ms. codex ; 195 leaves : paper, ill., 287 x 180 (181 x 110) Physical description: Decoration: illuminations, 74 miniatures Layout: Written in 15 long lines Script: n st l q Summary: Persian / Origin: Written 1552 [A.H. 959] Colophon, fol. 197a

Provenance: Engraved armorial bookplate of Sir Gore Ouseley. Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 1271; Robinson, 754-827 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Elliott 340 ; Title: Sadd-i-Iskandar

Alisher Navoii, 1441-1501 Date: 16th century, dated 1553 Description: Alexander's wall', the fifth mathnawi of the Khamsah (quintet) of Nawa'i (Alisher Navoii), composed 1485. Format: Ms. codex ; 101 leaves : paper, ill., 326 x 205, bound to 335 x 215 mm. Physical description: Decoration: gold patterned paper showing flower and animal designs; illuminated frontispiece; 5 miniatures Layout: Written in 4 columns of 20 lines Script: nasta'liq Summary: Persian /

Provenance: Sir Gore Ouseley: introductory notes on fols. iii-iv, dated Hall Barn Park February 1838. Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 2121 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Elliott 318 ; Title: S Alisher Navoii, 1441-1501


r h

Date: 16th century, dated 1553 [A.H. 960] Description: The seven planets', the fourth mathnawi of the Khamsah (quintet) of Nawa'i (Alisher Navoii), composed 1484. Format: Ms. codex ; 71 leaves : paper, ill., 333 x 215 (written area 220 x 134) mm. Physical description: Decoration: illuminations; 11 miniatures Layout: Written in 4 columns of 20 lines Script: nasta'liq Summary: Persian / Written, 1553 [A.H. 960]; colophon, fol. 71a.

Provenance: Commissioned by Abu'l-Fath Yar Muhammad Bahadur Khan (name incorporated into architectural detail of miniatures). Engraved armorial bookplate of Sir Gore Ouseley on first flyleaf. Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 2119 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley Add. 1 ; Title: Kit Date: 16th century, dated 1556 Description: Four tales: [1] -- [2] -- [3] -- [4] Format: Ms. codex ; 171 leaves : paper, ill.,

-i-D st n

Physical description: Decoration: frontispiece; 11 miniatures (paintings)

Layout: Script: nasta'liq Summary: Persian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 459 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Elliott 186 ; Title: Khamsa-i-J m J m 4 4-1492

Date: 16th century, dated 1563-1565 Description: Collection of five poems by Jami, d. 1492 (A.H. 898) in Harat. Format: Ms. codex ; 230 leaves : paper, ill., 230 x 153 (written area 160 x 98) mm. Physical description: Decoration: illuminations, 8 miniatures Layout: Written in 4 columns of 18 lines Script: nastaliq Summary: Persian / Origin: Written, 1: July 1565 [A.H. 972] -- 2. July 1565 [A.H. 972] -- 3. July-August, 1564 [A.H. 971] -- 4. October-November 1563 [A.H. 971] -- 5. July-August 1563 [A.H. 970] Colophons: fol. 29a, fol. 75a, fol. 111a, fol. 229a. Contents: 1. Tu t l- r r ( ol ) -- Su t l- r r ( ol ) -Khir n m h-i Isk n r ( ol 75 ) -- 4 L l u M jn n ( ol ) -- 5 Y su u Zulaykha (fol. 169b) Provenance: Elliott, John Bardoe; Engraved armorial bookplate of J.B. Elliott. Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 900 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Greaves 1 ; Title: Y su v J m 4 4-1492



Date: 16th century, dated 1569 Description: The rom nce o Y su (Joseph) n Zulaykha (Zuleika), Potiph r s wi e Compose J m c 47 Format: Ms. codex ; 154 leaves : paper, 245 x 145 mm. (leaf) Physical description: Decoration: 6 miniatures (paintings) Layout: Written in 2 columns of 14 lines Summary: Persian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 908 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Elliott 403 ; Title: T m rn m H ti 5 or

Date: 16th century, second half Description: Epic poem recounting the life and victories of Timur (Tamerlane), composed by the poet Hatifi, d. 1520-1 (A.H. 927) Format: Ms. codex ; 202 leaves : paper, ill., 232 x 130, bound to 250 x 140 (written area 147 x 75) mm. Physical description: Decoration: frontispiece, 7 miniatures Layout:Written in 2 columns of 12 lines Script: nasta'liq Summary: Persian / Written about 1576 [A.H. 983] ; Colophon, fol. 202a, shows signs of tampering.

Engraved armorial bookplate of Sir Gore Ouseley. Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 1006 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Elliott 149 ; Title: Haft Aurang J m 4 4-1492

Date: 16th century, c. 1570 Description: Collection of seven poems by Jami Format: Ms. codex ; 297 leaves : paper, ill., 360 x 240 (written area 206 x 130, frame-ruled) mm. Physical description: Decoration: illuminations; 20 miniatures Layout: Written in 4 columns of 21 lines Script: nastaliq Summary: Persian / Origin: Date attribution from life of scribe. Contents: 1. author's preface. -- 2. fol. 2, Silsilat al-dhahab. -- 3. Salaman was Absal ... TBC Provenance: Elliott, John Bardoe. Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 898 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Pers. d.102 ; Title: L il M jn n Ni m G nj v 4 or 4 -1202 or 3

Date: 16th century, c. 1570 Description: Poem of Laila and Majnun, by Nizami

Format: Ms. codex ; 110 p. : paper, ill., 245 x 170 mm. Physical description: Decoration: 9 miniatures, pp. 27, 35, 41, 47, 53, 65, 66, 82, 105; illuminated frontispiece Layout: Written in 4 columns of 21 lines Script: n st l q Summary: Persian /

Provenance: James Atkinson, 1780-1852. Purchased by Bodleian Library, 1951. Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 2845 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Marsh 431 ; Title: Y su v J m 4 4-1492



Date: 16th century, c. 1575 Description: Jami's poem of Yusuf and Zuleikha Format: Ms. codex ; 175 leaves : paper, ill., 278 x 160 (written area 152 x 75) mm. Physical description: Decoration: 3 miniatures Layout: 2 columns, 12 lines Script: nasta'liq Summary: Persian / Origin: Written c. 1575, date speculative: see Persian art of the book [Robinson and Gray], (1972), p.21

Provenance: Marsh bequest, 1713. Purchased by Narcissus Marsh at the sale of Jacob Golius's library in Leiden, 1696. Ownership inscription of Christian Ravius, 1641, p. 419. Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 905 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Elliott 239 ; Title: Khul s$ -i-B st n S Date: 16th century, c. 1581 Description: Extracts from the didactic poem the Bustan (Fruit Garden) of Sadi, 12th-century Persian poet Format: Ms. portion ; : paper, ill., 253 x 147, bound to 265 x 160 (written area 180 x 104) mm. Physical description: Layout: Written in 2 columns of 10 lines and 3rd column of 24 lines Summary: Persian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 743 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Elliott 239 ; Title: Khusr w v Sh r n Ni m G nj v 4 or 4 -1202 or 3

Date: 16th century, c. 1581 Format: Ms. portion ; : paper, ill., 253 x 147, bound to 265 x 160 (written area 180 x 104) mm. Physical description: Layout: Written in a margin-column of 24 lines Summary: Persian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 604 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Elliott 239 ; Title: Mihr u Mushtari and other poems [see additional entries below] Date: 16th century, c. 1581 Format: Ms. codex ; 299 leaves : paper, ill., 253 x 147, bound to 265 x 160 (written area 180 x 104) mm. Physical description: Decorations: 12 miniatures including double page frontispiece picture; illuminations Layout: Various page formats Script: nasta'liq Summary: Persian / Origin: Written at Shiraz, 1571[?] and 1581. Colophons, fols. 260a and 298b.

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 604; 743; 812; 1034 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Elliott 239 ; Title: Nak$sh-iGh l M shh 5 6 or 7-1572 or 3.

Date: 16th century, c. 1581 Format: Ms. portion ; : paper, ill., 253 x 147, bound to 265 x 160 (written area 180 x 104) mm. Physical description:

Layout: Portions written in 2 columns of 10 lines; portions written in 3 columns of 24 lines Summary: Persian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 1034 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Elliott 239 ; Title: Mihr u Mushtari [The Sun and Jupiter] rT r Mu mm 8 or

Date: 16th century, dated 1581 Description: Mihr U Mushtari, "The sun and Jupiter", by Shamsaldin Muhammad Assar of Tabriz, composed in the 14th century Format: Ms. portion ; : paper, ill., 253 x 147, bound to 265 x 160 (written area 180 x 104) mm. Physical description: Decorations: illuminations; 6 miniatures Layout: Written in 2 columns of 10 lines. Script: nasta'liq Summary: Persian / Origin: Written in 1582 (A.H. 990); colophon fol. 257b.

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 812 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Elliott 254 ; Title: B h rist n J m 4 4-1492

Date: 16th century, dated 1595 Description: Manuscript of poetic stories by Jami, commissioned by the emperor Akbar (1542-1605), with paintings by the Mughal court artists Format: Ms. codex ; 67 leaves : paper, ill., 300 x 195 (written area 170 x 83) mm. Physical description: Decoration: Illuminated frontispiece; 6 miniatures; marginal illustrations Layout: Written in 1 column, 14 lines Script: n st l q Summary: Persian / Contents: iv-vii Beh rist n [intro uctor ms notes] Sir Gore Ousele -67 B h rist n J m


Provenance: commissioned by Akbar, Emperor of Hindustan, 1542-1605; Shahjahan, Emperor of India, ca. 1592-1666; autograph of Shah Jehan on fol. 1r; Ouseley, Gore, Sir, 1770-1844; Ownership inscription of Shahjahan on fol. 1r; ownership inscription (in Persian) of Sir Gore Ouseley on fol. 1r. Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 963 ;

Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Elliott 418 ; Title: Y su v J m 4 4-1492



Date: 16th century, dated 1595 Description: The rom nce o Y su (Joseph) n Potiph r s wi e Compose J m c 47


kh ( uleik )

Format: Ms. codex ; 64 leaves : paper, ill., 300 x 195 (written area 223 x 135, frame-ruled) mm. Physical description: Decoration: 13 miniatures, fols. 12a, 13b. 17b, 20b, 24b, 27b, 33a, 36b, 37b, 42b, 47a, 56a, 59a. Layout: Written in 4 columns of 17 lines Summary: Persian /

Provenance: Commissioned by Shirdilkhan Fakhr alisfahani alkacari. Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 910 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Elliott 337 ; Title: Silsilat al-dhahab J m , 1414-1492 Date: 16th century, dated 1596 Description: Silsilat-aldhahab of Jami, in three books. Book 1 begins on fol. 1v, Book 2 on fol. 63v, Book 3 on fol. 90v Format: Ms. codex ; 106 leaves : paper, ill., 300 x 195 (written area 228 x 140) mm. Physical description: Decoration: 4 miniatures; illuminated frontispiece on the first two pages; coloured and gilt chapter headings; some pages with gilt patterns Layout: Written in 4 columns of 17 lines Script: nasta'liq Summary: Persian / Origin: Written, 1596 [A.H. 1004]

Provenance: John Bardoe Elliott. Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 928 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Pers. c.39 ; Title: Bustan

S Date: 16th century, c. 1590-1600 Format: Ms. codex ; 55 leaves : paper; ill., 310 x 200 (written area 182 x 103, frame-ruled) mm. Physical description: Decoration: 5 miniatures (paintings); fols. 6a, 16b, 34b, 40a, 48a Layout: Written in 4 columns of 21 lines Summary: Persian /

Record source and standard citations: [none] ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley 316 ; Title: Kull Ni m G nj v 4 or 4 -1202 or 3

Date: 17th century, c. 1600 Description: Safavid (16th-century) period manuscript of Nizami's five poetic stories,Khusrau u Shirin, Laila u Majnun, Haft Paikar, Iskandar-namah and Khirad-namah Format: Ms. codex ; 384 leaves : paper, ill., 297 x 185 (written area 188 x 115, frame-ruled) mm. Physical description: Decoration: illuminations and miniatures. Illuminated double title-page, illuminated headings (fols. 33b, 119b, 178b, 246b, 336b), and 4 miniatures (paintings) (fols. 57a, 81b, 199b, 276b) Layout: Written in 4 columns of 19 lines Script: n st l q Summary: Persian / Contents: 1. ff. 33b-118a Khusrau u Shirin -- 2. ff. 119b-177b Layla u Majnun -3. ff. 178b-244b Haft Paikar -- 4. ff. 246b-335a Iskandarnama -- 5. ff. 336b384a Khiradnama Provenance: On fol. 1a, ownership inscription: "Sir Wm. Ouseley". Record source and standard citations: Robinson, Persian paintings, p. 145 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley 344 ; Title: Sh hn m Fir ws

Date: 17th century, dated 1601 Format: Ms. codex ; ff. 579 : ill., 400 x 255 (written area 248 x 150, frame ruled) mm. Physical description: Decoration: Layout: Written in 4 columns of 26 lines

Script: n st l q Summary: Persian / Origin: Written in 1601 (A.H. 1010); colophon fol. 579.

Record source and standard citations: Ouseley, 2. Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 496 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Pers. d.43 ; Title: Gulistan S Date: 17th century, dated 1640 Description: Format: Ms. codex ; 166 leaves : paper, ill., 230 x 144; 152 x 82 Physical description: Decoration: 51 miniatures; marginal illustrations; calligraphy Layout: Written in 13 lines Script: n st l q Summary: Persian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 2585 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley 317 ; Title: Khamsa-i-Ni Ni m G nj v 4 or 4 -1202 or 3

Date: 17th century, dated 1646 Format: Ms. codex ; 317 leaves : paper, ill., 268 x 160 (written area 185 x 100, frame-ruled) mm. Physical description: Decoration: Illuminations and miniatures. Illuminated double title-pages (ff. 1b, 2a; 31b, 32a; 195b; 196a; 165b, 166a; 255b, 256a) and 8 miniatures (fols. 37b, 41a, 42b, 75b, 278b, 285a, 288a, 295a) Layout: Written in 4 columns of 20 lines Script: n st l q Summary: Persian / Origin: Written in 1646 (A.H. 1056); colophons on fol. 252b and 317b.

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 592 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Hyde 10 ; Title: Y su v



J m

4 4-1492

Date: 17th century, dated 1683 Description: Jami's poem of Yusuf and Zuleikha Format: Ms. codex ; 175 leaves : paper, ill., Physical description: Decoration: illuminations, 3 miniatures Layout: Written in 2 columns of 12 lines. Script: nasta'liq Summary: Persian / Origin: Written in 1683 (A.H. 1094)

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 915 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Elliott 163 ; Title: D w n-i-Hafiz i 4th cent

Date: 17th century, dated 1690 [A.H. 1101 or 1001] Description: Collection of poems by Muhammad Shams-aldin Hafiz, d. 1389 (A.H. 791) at Shiraz. Format: Ms. codex ; 138 leaves : paper, ill., 230 x 136 (written area 160 x 85) mm. Physical description: Decoration: illuminations, 4 miniatures Layout: Written in 2 columns of 15 lines Script: nastaliq Summary: Persian / Origin: Written in A.H. 1001 or 1101. Colophon: fol. 138r Contents: first portion of Gulandam's preface; Ghazals; 1 tarji'band; 1 kasidah; 1 muhammas; mathanqiyyat and kit'as, different from those in other MS.S; ruba'is. Provenance: Elliott, John Bardoe; Engraved armorial bookplate of J.B. Elliott. Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 828 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley 14, fols. 1-108 ; Title: K ir n-alsa'dain m r Khusr w Dihl v c 5 -1325

Date: 17th century, second half, dated ?1691 Description: Historical poem describing an episode in the Mughal invasions of India, composed by the 13th-century poet Amir Khusrau. Format: Ms. codex ; 108 leaves : paper, 213 x 105 (written area 165 x 72) mm. Physical description: Decoration: none. Layout: Written in 2 columns of 19 lines

Script: n st l q Summary: Persian / Origin: Written c. 1691/ A.H. 1102; colophon, fol. 108a.

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 773 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley 14, fols.168-239 ; Title: [Diwan containing mathnawis and ruba'is] Date: 18th century Description: Diwan (collection of poetry), composed probably in the early 18th century. Contents: 1. Minhaj-almi'raj -- 2. Da'wat al-shikin -- 3. Gulzar-i-sa'adat -- 4. Thamarat-alhijab -- 5. Husn-i-Ittfak -- 6. Maimanatnama -- 7. Ruba'is -- 8. Jahannuma -- 9. Mukatta'at. Format: Ms. codex ; 72 leaves : paper, 205 x 110 (written area 165 x 80) mm. Physical description: Decoration: none. Layout: Written in 2 columns of 14 lines and border column of 22 lines. Script: n st l q Summary: Persian /

Provenance: Ownership inscription fol. 168a, "Wm. Ouseley, Isfahan 1811" Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 1175 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley 297 ; Title: Taswirhai Sultan Sanjar Waghairah [picture album] Date: 19th century, dated 1811 Description: Twelve pictures collected by Sir W. Ouseley in 1811, at Isfahan, Shiraz, Kashan; containing portraits of Hafiz, Sa'di, Shah Ismail, Sultan Sanjar. Format: Album ; 12 pictures : paper, ill., 300 x 230 mm. Physical description: Decoration: 12 miniature paintings Summary: Persian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 1891 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Elliott 231 ; Title: L il u M jn n M kt Sh r 5 or

Date: 19th century, dated 1822

Description: A mathnawi (poem) of the story of Laila and Majnun, by Mulla Maktabi of Shiraz, composed in 1490. Format: Ms. codex ; 100 leaves : paper, ill., 197 x 120 (written area 134 x 69) mm. Physical description: Decorations: illuminations; miniatures. Layout: Written in 2 columns of 11 lines Script: Shikasta Summary: Persian / Origin: Written at Shiraz, 1822. Inscription by J.B. Elliott, fol. i recto.

Provenance: Elliott, John Bardoe; Engraved armorial bookplate of J.B. Elliott. Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 893 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Pers. a.2(1) ; Title: [Letter rom N Shafi'khan] N ir l-D n Sh h,Shah of Iran, 1831-1896

ir l-D n Sh h to

Date: 19th century, dated 1852 Format: ; : , Physical description: Summary: Persian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 2394-5 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Elliott 327 ; Title: Sh hinsh hn m Q j r F t l Sh h Sh h o Ir n 8 4

Date: 19th century, dated c. 1812 Format: Ms. codex ; 449 leaves : paper, ill., 390 x 280 mm. Physical description: Decoration: 42 miniatures Layout: Script: nasta'liq Summary: Persian /

Provenance: John Bardoe Elliott. Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 520 ;

Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Whinfield 33 ; Title: Ru Omar Khayyam

Date: 19th century, dated c. 1856 Description: Edward Fitzgerald's manuscript of the copy made by E.B. Cowell of MS.. Ouseley 140 Format: Ms. codex ; 22 leaves : paper, Physical description: 20 lines European hand Summary: Persian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 2548 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Fraser 73 ; Title: Kulli S



Date: undated Description: The collected works of Muslih- l in S

i (c


Format: Ms. codex ; 177 leaves : paper, 237 x 145 (written area 137 x 75, frame-ruled) mm. Physical description: Decoration: illuminations, 2 miniatures: fols. 1b, 2a Layout: Written in 2 columns of 19 lines; margin column, 12 lines Script: nasta'liq Summary: Persian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 687 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley 14 ; Title: [Collection of Persian poetry] Date: undated Description: Composite manuscript in three sections, containing treasures of Persian poetry from the 13th to 18th centuries A.D. Format: Ms. composite codex ; 239 leaves : , Physical description: Layout: Various page formats

Script: n st l q Summary: Persian /

Record source and standard citations: Ouseley, 88. ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley Add. 177 ; Title: D w n-i-Kh k n Q j r F th ` l Sh h Sh h o Ir n 8 4

Date: undated Description: Diwan (collection of poetry) by Khakan, i.e. Fath Ali Shah of Persia Format: ; 110 leaves : paper, ill., Physical description: Decoration: illustrations on binding; illuminated frontispieces; marginal decorations Layout: Written in 2 columns of 12 lines Script: n st l q Summary: Persian / Contents: 1. Dibaca in prose -- 2. Kasidas -- 3. Ghazals -- 4. Various short poems -- 5. Tarji'bands -- 6. Mathnawis -- 7. Further short poems -- 8. Tarkibbands -- 9. Ruba'is -- 10. Prose conclusion Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 1201 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Pers. a.2(2) ; Title: [Portrait of Nasir al-Din Shah] Muhammad Hasan Afshar Date: undated Format: Physical description: Summary: Persian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 2394-5 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Pers. c.39* ; Title: Date: undated

Format: Physical description: Summary: Persian /

Record source and standard citations: ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Seld. Super. 98 ; Title: D w n-i-Sh h m r Sh h S v r q M lik 45

Date: undated Description: Lyrical poems composed in the early 15th century A.D., by Shahi. Format: Ms. codex ; 87 leaves : paper, ill., 172 x 100 mm. Physical description: Decoration: double page frontispiece on fols. 1b, 2a; illuminations Layout: Written in 12 slanting lines on each page Script: n st l q Summary: Persian /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 878 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.


Shelfmark: MS. Sansk. a.7(R) ; Title: Tripi k s h srik Date: 11th century, dated 1095 Description: The c nonic l work o M h Pr j p r mit in 8 verses

S tr pi k

Pr j

p r mit

n Bu

hism the str s h srik

Format: Palm-leaf manuscript ; 188 leaves : palm leaf, ill., 60 x 550 Physical description: 6 miniatures, figurative decorations on the inner and outer boards Layout: Written in 3 columns of 6 lines Script: Kutila Summary: Sanskrit /

Record source and standard citations: Aufrecht, Sanskrit Cat., 1428 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Sansk. e.21(R) ; Title: Tatha gata jnana stuti gatha Date: 12th century Description: A collection of verses on the Buddha Format: ; 23 leaves : palm leaf, 40 x 195 mm. Physical description: Decoration: 6 illuminations in the text, paintings on inner board Layout: Written in 2 columns of 5 lines Summary: Sanskrit /

Record source and standard citations: ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Hodgson 8 (R) ; Title: P U vij h r i]

c r k

[with r gment o

Date: 12th-14th centuries Description: Nepalese Sanskrit manuscript of the P c r k ive collections o ch rms or w r ing o evil with sever l sm ll r gments inclu ing the U vij h r i pro l 4th centur Format: Palm-leaf manuscript ; : palm-leaf, 45 x 270 (leaf) Physical description: Decoration: paintings on inside of upper and lower boards Layout: 2 columns of 6 lines Summary: Sanskrit / Contents: r P c r k th centur ? -v- 4v [S nskrit r gment 7th centur ] -5- 7 U vij h r i 4th century? -- 4. ff. 132a-138, Fragments in the handwriting of Friedrich Max Mller (1823-1900) -- 5. f. 139, Hindu and Devanagari writing Provenance: Given by B.H. Hodgson to the Bodleian Library in 1837 Record source and standard citations: Winternitz. 1447 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Zend. E 1 ; Title: Yacna Date: 15th century, dated 1450 Description: Bactrian text of the Zoroastrian scripture, the Yasna, with Neriosengh's Sanskrit translation. Format: ; 263 leaves : paper, Physical description: Summary: Pahlavi - Sanskrit /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 2399; Aufrecht, Sanskrit Cat., 1611 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Sansk. e.92(R) ; Title: M h

h r t

Date: 19th century, dated 1802 Description: Complete text of the Mahabarata, the epic poem of Hindu mythology Format: Ms. roll ; : , 73 m. Physical description: Decoration: illuminations Layout: Script: devanagari Summary: Sanskrit / Origin: Written 1802. Colophon at en o Bh s m p rv n section, Sam#vat 1859 (=A.D. 1802)

Provenance: Acquired by Bodleian Library 1895 Record source and standard citations: ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Sansk. d.14 ; Title: B khsh l Date: undated, see notes Description: Birch-bark manuscript, discovered in 1881, of an early Indian mathematical work composed about 400 A.D. Format: Birch-bark manuscript ; 70 leaves : birch bark, ill., 170 x 105 mm. approx. Physical description: Decoration: diagrams Script: Sarada Summary: Sanskrit /

Record source and standard citations: ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ind. Inst. Sansk 72 ; Title: Shikshapatri Date: undated Format: ; : paper, Physical description: Layout: Summary: Sanskrit - Gujerati /

Record source and standard citations: ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.


Shelfmark: MS. Tibet a.24 (R) ; Title: Rnying ma'i rgyud 'bum Date: 18th century, second half Description: First volume from a 33-volume-set of the "Collected Tantras of the Rnying ma School" (Rnying ma'i rgyud 'bum) compiled in honour of Kah thog Rig 'dzin tshe dbang nor bu (1698-1755) in the second half of the 18th century. Format: Ms. codex ; 302 leaves : paper, 120 x 570 (written area 63 x 375) mm. Physical description: Decoration: 3 miniature paintings on upper cover; 2 miniature paintings on lower covers Layout: Majority of text written in 7 lines. dbu can Summary: Tibetan / References: Cathy Cantwell (2002). "Distinctive features of the Rig 'dzin Tshe dbang not bu (Waddell) edition of the Rnying ma'i rgyud 'bum." In: H. Eimer & D. Germano, The many canons of Tibetan Buddhism. (Brill's Tibetan Studies Library; 2/10) Leiden: Brill, pp. 359-376; Cathy Cantwell, Rob Mayer & Michael Fisher (2003). "The Rig 'dzin Tshe dbang nor bu edition of the rNying ma'i rgyud 'bum: an illustrated inventory." The Rig 'dzin Tshe dbang nor bu Edition of the rNying ma'i rgyud 'bum; Sam van Schaik (2000). "A catalogue of the first volume of the Waddell manuscript rNying ma rgyud 'bum." Tibet Journal, 25 (1), pp. 27-50. Provenance: This volume was brought to England by Lt.-Col. Lawrence A. Waddell (1854-1938), a former Professor of Chemistry and Pathology in the Calcutta Medical College and Assistant Sanitary Commissioner under the Government of India. Waddell acted as Chief Medical Officer to the infamous Younghusband expedition to Central Tibet (1903-1904) in the course of which he obtained the manuscript. The Bodleian acquired it by purchase from Sothe s on the 7th M rch 9 9 Most o the volumes rom the -volumeset are kept in the British Library, London. Record source and standard citations: ; Ralf Kramer (Bodleian Library, 2005)


Shelfmark: MS. Elliott 287 ; Title: H$airat- l Alisher Navoii, 1441-1501

r r

Date: 15th century, dated 1485 Description: The amazement of the pious', the first mathnawi of the Khamsah (quintet) of Nawa'i (Alisher Navoii) forming his Khamsah (quintet), composed 1483. Format: Ms. codex ; 57 leaves : paper, ill., 272 x 185 (written area 165 x 115) mm. Physical description: Decoration: illuminations, 4 miniatures

Layout: Written in 4 columns of 21 lines Script: nasta'liq Summary: Turkish / Origin: Written, 1485 [A.H. 890], for the library of Sultan Badi-alzaman Bahadurkhan. Colophon, fol. 57a.

Provenance: Ouseley, Gore, Sir, 1770-1844; engraved armorial bookplate of Sir Gore Ouseley. Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 2116 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Elliott 317 ; Title: S Alisher Navoii, 1441-1501


r h

Date: 15th century, dated 1485 Description: The seven planets', the fourth mathnawi of the Khamsah (quintet) of Nawa'i (Alisher Navoii), composed 1484. Format: Ms. codex ; 65 leaves : paper, ill., 270 x 185 (written area 165 x 113) mm. Physical description: Decoration: illuminated frontispiece, 2 miniatures Layout: Written in 4 columns of 21 lines Script: nasta'liq Summary: Turkish / Origin: Written, 1485 [A.H. 890], for the library of Sultan Badi-alzaman Bahadurkhan.

Provenance: engraved armorial bookplate of Sir Gore Ouseley, with MS addition: "Grand Cross of the Guelph" Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 2118 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Elliott 339 ; Title: Sadd-i-Iskandar Alisher Navoii, 1441-1501 Date: 15th century, dated 1485 Description: Alexander's wall', the fifth mathnawi of the Khamsah (quintet) of Nawa'i (Alisher Navoii), composed 1485. Format: Ms. codex ; 97 leaves : paper, ill., 276 x 180 mm. Physical description: Decoration: 4 miniatures; margins coloured and sprinkled with gold Layout: Written in 4 columns of 21 lines Script: nasta'liq Summary: Turkish / Origin: Written, 1485 [A.H. 890], for the library of Sultan Badi-alzaman Bahadurkhan.

Provenance: Sir Gore Ouseley: introductory notes on fols. iv-v, dated Hall Barn Park 1838. Engraved armorial bookplate of Sir Gore Ouseley on first and last flyleaves. Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 2120 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Elliott 408 ; Title: F rh Alisher Navoii, 1441-1501

u Sh r n

Date: 15th century, dated 1485 [A.H. 890] Description: Farhad and Shirin', the second mathnawi of Nawai's (Alisher Navoii's) Khamsah (quintet), composed 1484 Format: Ms. codex ; 78 leaves : paper, ill., 271 x 183 (written area 158 x 107) mm. Physical description: Decoration: illuminated frontispiece, 1 miniature Layout: Written in 4 columns of 21 lines Script: nasta'liq Summary: Turkish / Origin: Written, 1485 [A.H. 890], for the library of Sultan Badi-alzaman Bahadurkhan.

Engraved armorial bookplate of Sir Gore Ouseley inside front and back covers. MS. note by Sir Gore Ouseley, dated Hall Barn Park, 1838, on f. vb from front. Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 2117. SC 25150 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Hunt. 598 ; Title: Bakhtiar Nameh Date: 15th century, c. 1435 Format: Ms. codex ; 148 leaves : paper, 252 x 165 mm. Physical description: Decorations: illuminated frontispiece Layout: Written in 15 long lines Summary: Uigur /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 2085 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley Add. 175 ; Title: D w n-i-H Date: 16th century, dated 1521

Format: Ms. codex ; ?? : paper, ill., Physical description: Layout: Summary: /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 816 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

Shelfmark: MS. Ouseley Add. 175 ; Title: Collection of poems Date: undated Format: Ms. codex ; 318 leaves : paper, ill., 310 x 190 (written area 245 x 135, frame-ruled) mm. Physical description: Decoration: 11 miniatures; fols. 1b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 12a, 148b, 149a, 198a, 318a, 318b, 319a Summary: /

Record source and standard citations: Bodleian Persian [etc.] Cat., 816, 859, 863 ; Oriental Surrogates Project record.

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