Magic Trick

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WHAT THE AUDIENCE SEES: The magician pours the contents of a package of sugar into his left fist.

The sugar isappears! onl" to reappear from the insi e of a spectator#s slee$e. SET%U&: 'ou (ill nee a thum) tip an access to sugar packets. If no sugar is a$aila)le! a salt shaker can easil" )e su)stitute . The thum) tip is on "our right thum). T* &E+,*+-: In$ite a male spectator (ho is (earing a .acket to assist "ou! asking him to stan to "our left. 'our right han picks up a packet of sugar! hol ing it )et(een the thum) an first finger so the tip is conceale )ehin the packet. Shake it $igorousl". /esture (ith "our left han as "ou speak! allo(ing it to )e seen empt". Cup "our left fingers! )acks to(ar "our au ience. &lace the sugar packet into "our left han ! lea$ing the tip there hi en )ehin it. 'our right fingers tear off the top of the sugar packet. Ask the spectator to hol his right han outstretche ! palm up. +oll the tom%off packet top into a )all an place it onto the center of the spectator#s right palm. This (ill keep the spectator#s han in proper position for "our finale. Take the sugar packet (ith "our right han ! closing "our left fingers aroun the tip as the packet is remo$e . Dramaticall" pour the sugar into "our left fist an into the thum) tip. Hol the packet of sugar as high a)o$e the left han as possi)le! letting e$er"one see (hat is happening. *nce all the sugar has poure out of the packet! crumple it into a )all an place it onto the spectator#s palm )esi e the little piece alrea " there. Comment that "ou spille a little! (hich is )a luck. With "our right fingers! reach into the close left fist an preten to remo$e a tin" speck of sugar an pantomime thro(ing it o$er "our left shoul er. Do this a secon time! secretl" stealing the thum) tip onto "our right thum). I am tol this (on erful i ea for stealing the tip is -ichael We)er#s. -ake a magic pass o$er the ose left fist (ith the right han .

Slo(l" open the left fingers to re$eal that the sugar has $anishe . Sa"! 0Di "ou see (here the sugar (ent1 I think it#s up the slee$e. No! not mine "ours20 &inch the spectator#s right .acket slee$e (ith "our left han from )eneath an insert "our thum). S3uee4e the tip through the oth )et(een "our left thum) an fingers! ena)ling "ou to (ith ra( "our right thum). 'our right thum) is onl" in the slee$e for a )rief instant. 'our left thum) imme iatel" tilts the cuff o(n(ar so the sugar spills out. The moment the sugar stops flo(ing from the spectator#s slee$e! "our right thum) slips )ack into the tip an comes out of the slee$e un er the guise of )rushing an" e5cess sugar a(a" from the spectator#s clothing to finish. ,INA6 N*TES: When entertaining in someone#s home! I tr" to perform this routine stan ing in front of the inner ta)le (here I ha$e a plate sitting on the ta)le. It is an eas" matter to irect the flo( of sugar from the spectator#s slee$e onto the plate! an not onto the floor. If "ou (ork (ith an e5tra large thum) tip! "ou ma" (ant to loa some e5tra sugar into the tip ahea of time! (hich (ill make the final pour from the spectator#s slee$e e$en more astoun ing.

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