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Systems Analysis (281)

Tutorial 2 week 3 Year 2

Short Answer Questions: 1. What is the purpose of an approval committee? 2. What are the purposes of the system request and the feasibility analysis? Ho the pro!ect approval process? ". #escribe the three techniques for feasibility analysis. $. #escribe a ris%y pro!ect in terms of technical feasibility. #escribe a pro!ect that considered ris%y. &. 'ist si( intan)ible benefits a )ood *S can )uarantee. #escribe ho quantified. +. 'ist t o tan)ible benefits and t o operational costs for S'**, Student -e)istration System. Ho ould you determine the values that should be assi)ned to each item? .. What is sta%eholder analysis? #iscuss three sta%eholders that pro!ects. /. #iscuss the techniques that can be used for evaluatin) economic feasibility. Case Study: B !"# Com$any ,he follo in) describes, in outline, the main activities of the 0*1H2 or)anisation. 3t present the systems that support these activities are all paper based, i.e. they rely on all the data bein) held on paper files. ould be relevant for most these benefits can be ould not be are they used in

Semester 2, 2011

,he Senior 4ana)ement ,eam of 0*1H2 have no

reali5ed that the operation and development of

the or)ani5ation is bein) severely restricted by the limitations on their ability to use and maintain the data files. ,he frequency and severity of the errors found is increasin) alarmin)ly. ,hey have decided that the time is ri)ht to consider the complete overhaul of their systems to enable them to operate more efficiently and effectively and to allo them to e(pand their products and services. You have been en)a)ed to lead a small team of analysts, supported by representatives from ithin

the or)ani5ation, to underta%e a investi)ation of the e(istin) systems, and to come up ith a proposal


ill lead to the desi)n and implementation of a ne

system to meet the declared aims and

ob!ectives. 1. ,o underta%e the tas% outlined above, there are certain methodolo)ies that could be used. ,hese include the Systems #evelopment 'ife 6ycle or 7Waterfall8 method and the method %no n as -apid 3pplications #evelopment 9incorporatin) :rototypin);. *n li)ht of your appraisal of these methodolo)ies, select the one you consider to be most appropriate for use ith the 0*1H2 pro!ect, clearly indicatin) the reasons for your choice. 3s part of your investi)ation for 0*1H2, you *t ill be required to use certain fact findin) techniques. ay that ill facilitate communications and

ill also be necessary to record your findin)s in a

future analysis. ,his can be considered as an essential part of the documentation process. 2. <ive details of your fact=findin) strate)y to sho hich techniques you intend to use, the people ith hom they ill be used, and the type of information you ould e(pect to obtain. When all the data has been )athered and all of the processes have been described, it system. ". 0ased upon your findin)s from your investi)ation into 0*1H2, prepare a :roblem #efinition and a -equirements 6atalo)ue to be used as the startin) point for the desi)n and implementation of a ne system. ill be

necessary to clearly identify the system requirements for the replacement of the e(istin) paper=based

>>2nd of the ,utorial>>

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