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Tongini Folli , G. Mirabella Roberti

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Abstract Some recent cases of failure of ancient massive structures lead to the hypothesis of possible continuous damages occurring to these structures due to dead and cyclic loads (wind, temperature variations, etc.). The long term behaviour of historic masonry has also been detected in laboratory by creep and cyclic tests. An investigation procedure was applied by the authors first to the Bell-Tower of the Cathedral in Monza and then to the Bell-Tower of the Cathedral of Cremona (Torrazzo). The results are here reported and discussed. These experiences indicate that laboratory and on-site investigation together with structural analyses are particularly important for tall bell-towers. 1 Introduction The sudden collapse of the Civic Tower of Pavia (on March 17, 1989) (Fig.1), which was not previously considered at risk, encouraged studies about the safety and stability of similar structures (Binda et al. 1992). Tall and heavy buildings, like towers, or heavily loaded structural elements, like piers, are greatly influenced by the persistent high compressive stresses due to dead loads. Furthermore, the stress distribution in the bearing elements is generally non-uniform. The main causes are: 1) the presence of openings (doors, windows) in most cases wider in the lowest part of the towers, 2) the high inhomogeneity of the load-bearing walls, often made by multiple-leaf, and in many case low-strength masonry, 3) the presence of staircases built inside the load bearing walls. Also the fatigue effects due to cyclic actions, induced by temperature variation and wind, can as well cause synergetic damage effects. The damage manifestation are thin or large vertical cracks which tend to propagate their dimension with time; this is due to creep deformations which can increase with variable rate until they bring the structure to failure. An experimental research lasting nine months was carried out on the masonry specimens recovered from the ruins of the Civic Tower. This material is unique and the possibility of performing tests on a real ancient masonry was of great help to understand its long term behaviour. In fact no physical model even built with very carefully chosen materials could have given so many reliable data as it was the case of the Pavia Tower masonry. The results of the tests confirmed the hypothesis that, when the masonry is heavily loaded for a long time, a creep behaviour can developed which can bring the material to collapse (Binda et al. 1991 and 1993). Some cases of historic buildings which collapsed in the past decade can be presented as a validation of the hypothesis.
Fig. 1 Failure of the Civic Tower of Pavia, Italy, 1989

Dept. of Structural Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza L. da Vinci, 32, 20133 MILANO, Italy 1st page / 1 pgina

The Cathedral of Noto (Sicily) was damaged in 1990 by an earthquake which caused cracks to the piers and vaults. The piers of the left hand side of the central nave together with part of the dome collapsed only 6 years later on March 13, 1996; the earthquake was also responsible but not the main cause. In fact the removal of a rendering applied in the sixties during a repair intervention, showed that the piers were already vertically cracked at that time and had been roughly repaired by filling the cracks with the gypsum mortar used for rendering (Fig. 2). Very likely, the structure had already suffered long term effects and cracking when the rendering was applied in the sixties. The Cathedral of Pavia was initially monitored to study the effects of the damage occurred during the collapse of the adjacent Civic Tower in 1989. The investigation showed that the massive multiple leaf stone masonry piers bearing the main dome of the Church are vertically cracked and that spalling and deep delamination of their external leaf is taking place and worsening with time (Macchi 1996). The very heavy compressive state of stress measured locally by flat2 jack tests in the external leaf (up to 30 N/mm ) is unfavourable when combined with the effect of a horizontal thrust estimated by FE calculation around 9 2 Fig. 2 Pillar of the left hand side of the central N/mm . nave of the collapsed Cathedral of Noto; crack A simple survey carried out on 60 Italian ancient towers pattern. confirmed that a few of them are to be considered at risk; their crack pattern and their state of stress, roughly calculated assuming the dead load action and cross section area, compared to the one calculated for the Civic tower indicates a serious state of damage (Binda et al. 1997). The authors have then developed their research in two main directions: 1) study of procedures for on site investigation of massive buildings (Binda et al. 1998), 2) implementation into numerical models of constitutive laws taking into account the creep behaviour of old masonry, in order to predict the time when collapse may occur (Papa et al. 1994). This paper will deal only with the first one. Furthermore two similar cases of investigation will be described and compared: the bell-tower of the Cathedral of Monza (in 1998) and the bell-tower of the Cathedral of Cremona (Torrazzo), still under investigation nowadays and the main subject of this paper. 2 Investigation procedure for massive structures It was mentioned above that simple calculations or crack pattern survey can be useful to become aware of structures at risk. Nevertheless, only a deep knowledge of the structure damages and loadcarrying capacity can help in preventing failures and in choosing the right strengthening techniques. On the basis of their knowledge the authors also have developed investigation procedures for the safety of these structures; the idea came at first when studying the collapse of the Civic Tower in Pavia. The procedure is based on the following steps: (i) historic research to know the evolution of the structure over time, (ii) geometrical and crack pattern survey, which allow to understand the evolution of the structure, to calculate weights and give a first interpretation of the crack pattern, (iii) geognostic investigation and monitoring, to understand the soil-structure interaction, (iv) on-site mechanical and non-destructive testing (radar, sonic, etc.) to define local states of stress and stress-strain behaviour of the material, (v) chemical, physical and mechanical tests on mortars, brick and stones to find their composition and their characteristics, (vi) if necessary, passive and active dynamic tests on site to survey the overall structural behaviour, (vii) monitoring system applied to the structure when necessary. 2.1 The Bell-Tower of the Cathedral of Monza The Bell-Tower of the Cathedral of Monza, a town close to Milan (Italy), is a masonry structure 70 m high, with a square plan (a side is 9.7 m large) with solid brick walls 140 cm thick (Fig. 3). The tower construction started in 1592, probably following the design of Pellegrino Tibaldi, the architet of the Pavia Tower belfry, and ended in 1605 (Scotti 1989). The only damage to the Tower reported by the documents occurred in 1740 and was due to a fire which developed in the Bell-Tower and caused the
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collapse of the belfry dome and roof and the fall of the bells with their supporting frame down to the vault of the first floor at 11 m. No damages were reported in other known events, as lightening or thunderstorms occurred along the centuries. Nevertheless cracks are present since 1927 or even before as it can be seen from old pictures. From 1978 the cracks have been surveyed with removable extensometers: they show a slow increase of their opening along the time. From 1988 the rate of opening seems to be increasing faster. The trend of opening of the three main cracks was calculated as 30.6, 31.3 and 39.7 micron/year from 1978 to 1995. Actually if this trend is considered from 1988 to 1997 the values change respectively into 41.2, 35.2 and 56.2. The first step of the investigation procedure (Binda et al. 1998) was the geometrical survey. A geodetic network set up in the square of the Cathedral in 1993, was used as support; based on some points of the net some significant points of the west facade were surveyed and used to produce a series of orto-photografic images (Astori 1992). No relevant leaning was measured due to the small subsidence which is taking place in the square. Two distinct Fig. 3 Monza Bell-Tower products were obtained: 1) a detailed three-dimensional model from which the external and internal prospects and the vertical sections were obtained, 2) a simplified model for which only the essential aspects of the geometry were preserved for the structural analysis. The survey of the crack pattern allowed to realise that the tower walls have a dangerous distribution of passing-through cracks on the western and eastern load-bearing walls since more than 50 years, and of a net of thin vertical cracks from a level of 11 m up to 30 m (Fig. 4). Other cracks can be seen from the internal walls of the tower; they are very thin, vertical and diffused along the four sides of the tower and deeper at the sides of the entrance were the stresses are more concentrated. The thin diffused cracks run 450 mm deep inside the section, reducing its total working thickness from 1400 mm to no more than 900 mm. From laboratory tests it was found that the mortar is very weak and made with putty lime and siliceous 2 aggregates (Fig. 5); also the bricks were of poor strength (between 4 and 12 N/mm ).

70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0





Al2O3 F2O3 MgO Na2O K2O SO3 Sol.Sil

Components of mortar

Fig. 4 Survey of the crack pattern- west and east sides

Fig. 5 Chemical Analysis of mortars from Monza

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On site single flat-jack tests were carried out at different heights of the tower (5.4, 5.6, 13.0, 14.0, 31.5 and 38.0m) and the stress values against the height are plotted in Fig. 6. The maximum compressive stress acting in the tower, measured 2 on site by flat jack test, is about 2.2 N/mm . The most interesting information came from the double flat-jack tests results compared with the single, where it was possible to see the real risky situation. Passive dynamic tests using the bell ringing were also carried out monitoring the dynamic excitation of the extensometers applied across the main cracks, giving under these cycling stresses a Fig. 6 Single flat-jack tests of Monza maximum peak to peak (opening to closing) of 28 m that has to be compared with a daily variation of 100 m due to the temperature effects. Other information on the results of the investigation are given in (Macchi et al. 1996). The diagnosis based on the experimental survey and on the FE modelling lead to the conclusion that the Bell-tower is a high risky building and needs a quick intervention. 3 The Torrazzo of Cremona The bell-tower of the Cathedral of Cremona, an interesting historic town not far from Milan (Italy), was called since long time ago with the nickname "il Torrazzo". The Tower is situated at the northern side of the Cathedral and it is connected to it by a Loggia called "Bertazzola". The geometry of the tower is rather complex, being composed by: a lower part (romanesque Tower) with a square plan of 13 m side and 70 m high, an upper part, the Ghirlandina, with an octagonal plan (2.5 m side), more than 40 m high. The Torrazzo is known as the tallest Medieval Bell-tower in Europe being 112 m high (Fig. 7). The lower part of the tower, with a square plan is a massive construction with few openings localised on the western and on the eastern sides. The upper Ghirlandina appears as a light structure with arches and large openings on all the four sides. The staircase from the lowest level up to the Girlandina level was built within the thickness of the walls (approximately 3.3 m thick). Along the staircase, covered with a barrel vault, the thickness of the external wall is circa 1m, while the thickness of the internal wall is 0.7 to 1m being the span of the staircase 1.3 to 1.6m. The staircase allows to reach some internal vaulted rooms. 3.1.Historic notes Archive research did not clarify the date of construction; nevertheless the highest number of reference th th data collected locates the date of construction between the 8 and the 13 century. In 1491 the porch of the Bertazzola was added connecting the Torrazzo with the Cathedral and in 1519 the Loggia was built resting on the arches of the porch. Maintenance works were carried out starting from the 15th century. These works mainly concerned the highest part of the tower damaged by storms and lightening, especially the stone and brick columns which were sometimes also substituted. The last intervention at the Girlandina was carried out in 1977 by M.T. Saracino, architect of the Cultural properties Office in Milan. The works performed were the following: connection of structural and decorative elements, construction of a concrete frame sustaining the twin columns of the "Stanza delle Ore" (at 85m height) and surface treatments of stone and brick elements with an epoxy resin. 3.2 On site investigation The investigation procedure proposed above was adopted. The aims of the investigation were the following: (i) to survey and interpret the crack pattern and the eventual other mechanical damages, (ii) to measure on site local states of stress (in compression) to be used as a check for the structural analysis based on numerical models, (iii) to characterise the masonry and its components (chemically, physically and mechanically) and to define some characteristic parameters (strength, deformability, etc.) as input data for the mathematical

Fig. 7 Torrazzo of Cremona

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models, (iv) to study the dynamic behaviour of the structure under cycling loads, (v) to state whether a monitoring system should be applied to the tower in order to store environmental parameters and static displacement values, (vi) to choose appropriate techniques for conservation and repair. Geometrical survey The first step was the geometrical survey of the tower carried by the DIIAR Department of the Politecnico of Milan and subsequently integrated by the DIS, Politecnico of Milan. A principal network defining fixed points in the horizontal and vertical plan was set up having 21 nodes inside and around the Tower made with fixed nails. The co-ordinates of the nodes were determined with a T2000 WILD equipment (Fig. 8). The vertical and horizontal profiles were determined by rays starting from the network nodes, using a TC1600 DIOR system and an auto scanning Laser System MDL. A photogrammetric survey of the external prospects was also carried out using TC1600-DIOR and T460* DISTO equipment. The prospects were obtained by a Rollei special software, MSR (Fig. 9). The Ghirlandina and the Bertazzola were not surveyed. The prospects were successively completed with topographical external profiles and the missed parts (Ghirlandina and Bertazzola) by scanning existing surveys. The survey allowed to find some irregularities of the structure: (i) a 21 cm horizontal displacement of the center of the tower in direction north-east, calculated from the ground level to the top at 112 m, (ii) a non symmetrical reduction of the plan dimensions from the ground level to the top: 31 cm for the north-east corner and 66 cm for the south-west corner, (iii) the Ghirlandina is not perfectly centered on the square part of the tower, but with a slight counterclockwise rotation toward west. Crack pattern survey
Fig. 9 Rectification of the West side Fig. 10a,b - survey of the crack pattern- The presence of a diffused crack west and east sides pattern particularly on the west, on

Fig. 8 Topographic Network

the east side of the tower and on the Ghirlandina can indicate high states of stress due to the dead loads, the temperature variations and/or to a slight leaning. The survey was carried out on the outer surfaces by reaching the height of 60m thanks to a special crane. The crack pattern is certainly also influenced by differential movements due to temperature variation between one side and the other of the tower. The highest variations certainly occur between the north and the south side. The west side has a diffused fissuration with passing through cracks; the cracks are mostly vertical and start from approximately 20 m on. Important cracks appear also between 48 and 60 m from the ground level (Fig10a). The north side is cracked in the center between 27 and 40 m and at the north-east corner. The east side is cracked between 6 and 20 m from the ground level and between 35 and 60 m (Fig.10b). The south side has few cracks
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located between 14 and 27 m. The Ghirlandina shows the most important cracks, on the buttress and on the brick columns particularly on the south-west corner. Also the internal part of the tower, along the staircase and inside the rooms shows a diffused crack pattern with some passing through cracks. Three thresholds were established concerning the measure of the opening of the cracks: <3 mm, between 3 and 10 mm, >10 mm. The crack pattern survey allowed to understand and interpret roughly the mechanical damage and to locate the position of the monitoring system. Material characteristics and decay survey The inspection of the masonry surface and on the inside of the walls allows to make the following description: (i) the walls are made with solid bricks and no rubble was used for the inner part of the section; (ii) the bricks are regular with the varying dimensions: 24-28 x 10-12. x 5.5-7 cm, (iii) the external walls of the Ghirlandina are irregularly scaled and tooled, (iv) the colour of the bricks is variable read- dark red, yellow, orange etc., (iv) the mortar joints are regular with thickness variable from 1 to 3 cm, (v) different techniques of jointing and pointing can be found and often the vertical joints seem to be void or recessed, (vi) the masonry texture is also regular with header and stretcher alternatively positioned, (vii) an external leaf one brick thick with a weak collar joint is certainly present along the staircases, in the internal rooms and at the level of the Bertazzola and more research is needed to test the real extension of this leaf along the tower, (viii) in the staircase walls a row composed by 4 to 22 header is repeated at rather regular intervals as if it should represent a connection of the external leaf to the internal one., (ix) several scaffolding holes externally closed can be seen along the masonry walls, (x) numerous restorations by brick substitution can also be seen externally and internally. Some structural elements (columns in the Stanza delle Ore) and decorative elements (stones covering the base of the tower, the columns of the Bertazzola, some columns of the Ghirlandina, the pinnacles) are made with stone. Together with the geometric survey an accurate survey of the material decay was carried out. A map of the decay has been represented on plans and prospects by AUTOCAD 14. Spalling, scaling and powdering are the most diffused signs of deterioration for the bricks. These phenomena are localised at the external surfaces at a height of 57 m, on the walls of the staircases near the openings at 47.70 m. Diffused spalling can be found on the walls of the Ghirlandina which had been treated apparently with epoxy in 1967. The decay of the mortar joints is mostly sanding on the external surface of the walls, especially on the west facade at 64 m, some on the east side at 24 m height. Furthermore at the spring of the vault of the staircase and under the openings. The same deterioration appears at the level of the bell fry. Many vertical joints are missed or recessed inside Stanza dell'Orologio, Stanza del Laboratorio and also at the Ghirlandina). The stone elements are also interested by soiling and erosion, particularly the base of the tower, the columns of the belfry, the columns and pinnacles of the Ghirlandina. Concerning the reinforced concrete frame (85 m level) the columns between the north and north-east and the east and south-east side show washout of the binder, formation of carbonates near the stirrups with partial detachment of the 75 Ins.Res. reinforcement cover (no more than 1cm [%] 70 thick) and reinforcement corrosion. Sixteen samples of bricks and mortars 65 SiO2 were collected from the masonry: 5 60 from the facades, 4 inside from the 55 walls of the internal rooms, 4 along the staircase, 3 from the external and 50 internal walls of the Ghirlandina. The 45 maximum depth of sampling was 40 300mm. All sampling operations were documented graphically or photo35 graphically. 30 Laboratory tests were carried out on CaO 25 mortars and bricks. Chemical analyses LoI CO2 (Fig. 11) show that the mortar binder 20 was hydrated lime (probably lime putty) 15 and the aggregates were mainly Al2O3 10 siliceous. Two types of bricks were used which differ in colour (red and 5 F2O3 MgO Na2O K2O SO3 Sol.Sil brown), but also in properties. The red 0 bricks have high absorption (21-28.8%), Components of mortar 2 low strength 8-12.4 N/mm in Fig. 11 Chemical analysis of mortars from Cremona
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compression and in tension (0.1-1.6 N/mm ) and low modulus of elasticity (1000-2175 N/mm ); the 2 brown brick have lower absorption (18.5-21.7%), higher compressive strength (9.4-25.43 N/mm ) and 2 2 tensile strength (2.2-2.6 N/mm ) and modulus of elasticity (1725-4417 N/mm ). The two types of bricks are present everywhere in the tower, so an average between the two bricks can be considered as reference. The samples taken from the Ghirlandina (2 bricks from the north side at 70 m, 1 brick from the south side at 75 m) were chosen in order to detect the existence and type of the 1977 surface treatment. In order to detect the suspected existence of an external cladding in use during the Middle Age as a false curtain to hide the roughness of the real wall, bricks were sampled from the external wall of the Bertazzola at 6m level and from the walls of the "Stanza dei Contrappesi" at 13.6 m level. This external leaf was confirmed and its thickness is around 12 cm. The sampling allowed to find large areas where the leaf seems to be detached from the rest of the wall; following these results the application of NDT technique was required in order to map the detached areas which represent structurally a reduction of the wall section to be taken into account when modelling. All the areas were samples were taken were then repaired with similar bricks and mortars. Boroscopic observation were carried out inside the existing coring performed by MT. Saracino in 1977. The aim was to confirm the existence of the external leaf and whether it is diffused everywhere. The operation was done using a COMEG stiff modular boroscope with frontal and lateral view and a length of up to 83 cm. A Panasonic CP410 Camera with COMPUTAR optic (6 mm) was used to collect data. The results confirmed that the wall is regularly constructed in bricks with local detachments between the external 12 mm leaf and the rest of the wall. Flat-jack tests- Single and double flat-jack tests were carried out on the Torrazzo. The single flat-jack test was also used to study the behaviour of the external leaf of the wall. Different types and dimensions of flat-jacks were used: (i) 24 x 12 cm rectangular jacks where the detachment of the external leaf was suspected, (ii) 40 x 20 cm rectangular jacks and (iii) 35 x 24 cm semicircular jack were no detachment was supposed and for the double jack test. 21 tests were carried out of which 19 with single flat-jack and 2 with double flat-jack: 3 tests between 1 and 5 m from the ground, 7 at 7 m, 10 between 15 and 18 m, 1 at 22 m. The double flat-hjack tests were carried out at 7.2 and 19 m from the ground. The results of the single jack tests are reported in Fig. 12 and show clearly two situations: a state of 2 stress varying between 0.4 and 0.9 N/mm where the test found a detached leaf, a state of stress 2 varying from 1.01 and 1.81 N/mm where no detatchment was found. Also double flat-jack tests were performed and Fig 13a,b show the stress-strain plots. It was impossible to carry out tests at higher levels due to the lack of scaffolding and of appropriate means for carrying the jack equipment. In the future other tests will be carried out. 4 Comparison between the two Towers Since the bell-tower of Monza is considered a building with high risks of collapse, a comparison between the data collected on both towers seems to be useful to understand better the real situation of the Torrazzo. As said above the mortar compositions of the two bell-towers do not differ too much one from the other 3.50 (Figs 5 and 11) even if the masonry section 3.3 m Torrazzo mortar seems to be masonry section 1 m more consistent. The bricks of 15.2-16.5 m 3.00 the Monza Tower are presence of veneer generally weaker than those of inner walls (rooms) 2.50 the Torrazzo (Figs 14a and b) 16-17.8 m except for the brown type 16.6-17.8 m which is mainly used on the 2.00 7.2-7.7 m 7.2-7.4 m outside surface of the bearing walls and very seldom used in 1.50 the interior. On the contrary 1.7 m the brown and the red bricks are evenly distributed in the 1.00 Torrazzo walls. It is also interesting to 0.50 compare the results of single and double flat-jack tests 0.00 carried out on the two towers.
Fig. 12 Single flat-jack tests of Cremona
Stress [N/mm2]

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Stress [N/mm2]


Stress [N/mm2]





Local state of stress


Local state of stress






-3.00 -2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00

v 0.00 3.00

-3.00 -2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00


Strain [m/mm]

Strain [m/mm]

Fig. 13a Stress-strain plot at 7m height

34 32 30 28 26 24

Fig. 13b - Stress-strain plot at 19m height

26 24 22 20

red brick brown brick

Stress [N/mm2]

22 20

Stress [N/mm2]

18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -20
red brick brown brick

18 16 14 12 10 8 6

-16 -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16

4 2


-20 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16


Strain [m/mm] Fig. 14a Stress-strain plot for Monza Tower bricks

Strain [m/mm] Fig. 14b Stress-strain plot for Torrazzo bricks




Stress [N/mm2 ]

Stress [N/mm2]




Local state of stress




Local state of stress




-2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00

v 0.00 5.00

-2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00

v 5.00

Strain [m/mm]

Strain [m/mm]

Fig. 15a Monza Tower stress-strain plot at 5m higth

Fig. 15b Monza Tower stress-strain plot at 13m higth

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In the following the results of four tests, two for each tower are commented. In Fig 13a and b the maximum stress reached with the double flat-jack test and the single one respectively at 7 and 19m 2 height are considered, showing an elastic linear behaviour up to respectively 2.45 and 2.7 N/mm . The 2 maximum stress reached when cracks clearly appear is respectively 3.77 and 3.77 N/mm and the 2 state of stress measured is 1.5 and 1.5 N/mm . So in these two cases the safety coefficient at collapse is more than 3. In Fig. 15a and b two cases of tests carried out on the walls of the Monza tower are considered. If four double flat-jack tests are taken into account carried out approximately at the same height 5 and 13m on the Monza tower. Here the linear elastic behaviour stops at respectively 1.65 and 2 2 1.1 N/mm and the maximum stress reached before cracks propagated was 2.62 and 1.87 N/mm . 2 The measured local state of stress was respectively 1.67 and 0.98 N/mm . In these two cases the safety coefficient at failure is much lower than in the first one and less than 2. Furthermore in the case of the Torrazzo the modulus of elasticity is much higher and the Poisson ratio much lower than in the case of the Monza tower.

5. Conclusions The two experiences of investigation on tall towers allow some concluding remarks: - the on site and laboratory tests carried out following the methodology described in the first section allowed to detect situations of danger and to characterise the materials and calculate input parameters for the structural analysis; - the laboratory tests were able to show the difference of properties of the masonry in the two buildings and to see that where the weaker materials are used, there is the most difficult situation; - the flat-jack test is a powerful tool to calculate the actual state of stress in compression and to detect the mechanical behaviour of the masonry, so that two different situations (Torrazzo and Monza tower) can be compared; - the investigation allowed to state that the situation of the Monza tower is very difficult and that a quick intervention has to be done; - for the Torrazzo, even if the state of damage is not considered dangerous, a monitoring system has been set up, and the tower will be under control for 4 to 5 years at least in order to study its further evolution; in the meantime some repairs are being done for the external surfaces. FE Numerical models were used for the static and dynamic analysis of the two towers (Binda et al. 1998; Binda et al. 2000). The results of the experimental research were used to calibrate the FE models.

6 Aknowledgements The authors wish to thank the students: M. Dellavedova, P. DellOrao, A. Rinoldi, M.S. Rizzotto, P. Condoleo, and the laboratory technicians: M.Antico, M. Cucchi, M. Iscandri and P. Perolari for their help in laboratory and on-site. The investigation on the Monza tower was supported by Parish of St. Giovanni Battista - Duomo di Monza; the one on the Torrazzo was supported by Church Cattedrale di Cremona. Also partial support came from MURST-Cofin 98.

6. References Astori B., Bezoari G., Guzzetti F., 1992. Analogue and digital methods in architectural photogrammetry, Proc. XVII Int. Congress of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Commission V, Washing. Binda L., Anzani A., 1993. The time-dependent behaviour of masonry prisms: an interpretation, The Masonry Society Journal, vol.11, n.2, pp.17-34. Binda L., Anzani A., 1997. The safety of ancient masonry towers: A survey on the effects of heavy dead loads, Int. Conf. on Studies in Ancient Structures, Istanbul, Turkye, pp. 207-216. Binda L., Anzani A., Gioda G., 1991. An analysis of the time-dependent behaviour of masonry walls, th Proc. 9 Int. Brick/Block Masonry Conf., 2 pp.1058-1067. Binda L., Gatti G., Mangano G., Poggi C., Sacchi Landriani G., 1992. The collapse of the Civic Tower of Pavia: a survey of the materials and structure, Masonry International, vol. 6, n.1, pp.11-20. Binda L., Falco M., Poggi C., Zasso A., Mirabella Roberti G., Corradi R., Tongini Folli R., 2000. Static and Dynamic Studies on the Torrazzo in Cremona (Italy): the Highest Masonry Bell Tower in Europe,

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International Symp. On Bridging Large Spans (BLS) from Antiquity to the Present, Istanbul, Turkey, to appear. Binda L., Saisi A., Tiraboschi C., 1998. Procedimentos de Investigao para o Diagnstico de Alvenarias Histricas, Proc. Conf. on Prtica da Conservao e Restauro do Patrimnio Arquitectnico, G.E.Co.R.P.A., Lisbon, Portugal, pp.1-45. Binda L., Tiraboschi C., Tongini Folli R., 1998. On site and laboratory investigation on materials and nd structure of a Bell-Tower in Monza, 2 Int. Conf. RILEM on Rehabilitation of Structures, Highett, Australia, pp.542-556. Macchi G., Macchi S., Rocchi P., 1996. The Cathedral of Pavia. Static control end consolidation of two pillars. Preliminary project (only available in Italian), Fabbriceria della Chiesa Cattedrale monumentale di Santo Stefano Martire Pavia. Papa E., Binda L., Nappi A., 1994. A numerical approach for modelling the effect of persistent loads in masonry structures, Londra, Masonry (6), Proc. 3rd Int. Masonry Conf., pp.290-294. Scotti A., 1989. Let dei Borromei in Monza, in Il Duomo nella storia e nellarte, (Electa, Milano).

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