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Quiz The Celtic Paradigm in Modern Irish Writing 1. Ireland was settled by Celtic tribes around: a. !! "C b. 1!!

! "C c. #!! "C d. $one o% the abo&e '. Celtic literature is di&ided into %our great cycles according to: a. the region where the &arious tales were com(osed b. the date when the &arious tales were com(osed c. the sub)ect*matter o% the &arious tales d. a mi+ture o% a, and c, -. Celtic is a term used to grou( together: a. (eo(les who share a common language b. (eo(les who dis(lay similar social institutions c. (eo(les who share a common culture d. all o% the abo&e .. Which o% the %ollowing attributes does not characterise Celtic society: a. Tribal b. Totemic c. /inshi( relations d. 0ierarchy . Which %orm o% social acti&ity was regarded as a su(erior one in the conte+t o% Celtic Ireland1 a. metal*wor2ing b. %arming c. cattle*raising d. coo2ing 3. Which are the Irish historical (ro&inces1 a. $orthern Ireland and 4outhern Ireland b. 5lster and the 6e(ublic o% Ireland c. 5lster7 Munster7 8eister7 Connacht and Meath d. none o% the abo&e 9. Which o% the %ollowing is not (art o% the Celtic religious %ramewor21 a. animal cults b. the :therworld c. ;alhalla d. $ature worshi( #. Which o% the %ollowing sets a(art Irish mythology %rom other Indo*<uro(ean myths1 a. Pantheism b. Metem(sychosis c. Polytheism d. 2inshi(*based (antheon =. The a. b. c. d. oral character o% Celtic literature is attested %or by: the collection o% the tales into cycles the lac2 o% a Celtic al(habet the druidic (rohibition against committing anything to writing the di&ision o% the tales according to their ty(e

Ioana Mohor*I&an

Quiz The Celtic Paradigm in Modern Irish Writing 1!. The main cycles o% Irish tales are: a. mythological7 >enian7 historical7 2ing b. in&asions7 mythological7 historical7 2ing c. mythological7 6ed "ranch7 5lster7 /ing d. mythological7 5lster7 >enian7 historical 11. Which o% the %ollowing Celtic %esti&als has sur&i&ed into Christian times to become 0alloween1 a. Imbolg b. "eltaine c. 8ughansadh d. 4amhain 1'. Which o% the %ollowing mythic settlers o% Ireland %orm the basis %or the Celtic (antheon1 a. the Partholanians b. the $emedians c. the >irbolgs d. the Tuatha 1-. Which o% the %ollowing were not (art o% the treasures that the Tuatha de ?anaan brought to Ireland1 a. 8ia >ail7 the 4tone o% ?estiny b. the shi( o% Manannan c. the s(ear o% 8ugh d. the cauldron o% ?agda 1.. Who are a demon*li2e race inhabiting the islands o%% the shores o% Ireland that become the traditional enemies o% the Tuatha ?e ?anaan1 a. the Milesians b. the >irbolgs c. the >omorians d. the $emedians 1 . Who is %ather to most o% the Irish gods and the (atron saint o% druidism1 a. Manannan Mac8ir b. 8ir c. the ?agda d. $uada 13. Which o% the %ollowing does not a((ly to Manannan Mac8ir7 the Irish god o% the oceans1 a. 0e li&es in Tir*na*og7 the 8and o% Immortal @outh. b. 0e is married to the beati%ul goddess >and. c. 0e is the %ather o% Aengus :g7 the god o% youth and lo&e. d. 0is daughter7 $iamh7 lures :isin to li&e with her and %orget Ireland. 19. What Irish god is considered to be the god o% all arts and cra%t and also an archety(e o% di&ine 2ingshi( %or ha&ing led his tribe to &ictory against the >omorians1 a. the ?agda b. Aengus :g c. 8ugh d. :gma

Ioana Mohor*I&an

Quiz The Celtic Paradigm in Modern Irish Writing 1#. What Irish goddess lends her name to the "oyne ri&er and is the mother o% the Irish god o% lo&e and youth1 a. Macha b. <ire c. "rigid d. "oann 1=. Which is the greatest o% the Irish goddesses identi%ied with war and battle madness1 a. "adb b. ?ea c. $emain d. Morrigan '!. The three*head goddess who re(resents the so&ranty and s(irit o% Ireland is im(ersonated by the triad: a. "rigid7 "oann7 "anba b. <ire7 "anba7 >otla c. <ire7 Morrigan7 Macha d. ?ea7 $emain7 >otla '1. Who are the last mythic in&aders o% Ireland that o&erthrow the (ower o% the Tuatha de ?anaan1 a. the Christians b. the Baels c. the >omorians d. the Milesians ''. According to Irish myth7 who decides that Ireland should be named a%ter <ire7 one o% the three sister goddesses who re(resent the so&ranty o% land1 a. Amargin7 the Milesian warrior and bard b. the ?agda7 the (atron saint o% druidism c. 8ugh7 the leader o% the Tuatha de ?anaan d. Patric27 the (atron saint o% Ireland '-. CThe ;ision o% AengusD ECAislinge :engusaD,7 which ins(ired @eats in writing his (oem CThe 4ong o% the Wandering AengusD7 is included in: a. the historical cycle b. the mythological cycle c. the %enian cycle d. the cycle o% 5lster '.. A%ter being de%eated by the Milesians7 the Irish gods a. are banished %rom Ireland Eaccording to the "oo2 o% In&asions, b. become s(irit (eo(le7 or %airies Eaccording to Irish %ol2lore, c. are 2illed by their conFuerors Eaccording to Christian mon2s, d. a, and b, ' . Which o% the %ollowing cannot be used as a synonym %or the world o% the 4idhe: a. s(iritual Ireland b. the :therworld c. the world o% the %airies d. the human world

Ioana Mohor*I&an

Quiz The Celtic Paradigm in Modern Irish Writing '3. Which o% the %ollowing does not corres(ond to the biogra(hy o% William "utler @eats1 a. 0e is considered the national (oet o% Ireland and he won the $obel (rize %or literature in 1='-. b. 0e was one o% the most im(ortant %igures in the Irish 8iterary 6e&i&al and he contributed to the %oundation o% the Abbey theatre. c. 0e s(urned his heritage and had no interest in Celtic tales. d. 0e was not only a (oet and a dramatist7 but also an im(ortant %igure in Irish (olitical li%e. '9. When is the Celtic in%luence most (erce(tible in the (oetry o% William "utler @eats1 a. In the %irst (art o% his writing career7 which corres(onds to the 8iterary 6e&i&al. b. In the second (art o% hs writing career7 when he is drawn towards Irish (olitics. c. In the last (art o% his writing career7 when he withdraws into his own obssessions. d. In all o% the abo&e. '#. Which o% the %ollowing series o% terms may re(resent (oints o% contact between the human world and the :therworld in accordance with the (oetic system created by @eats1 a. dreams7 &isions b. twilight7 dawn c. la2es7 islands d. night7 day '=. CThe 4tolen ChildD by W. ". @eats associates the world o% the %airies with images that re(resent: a. the island surrounded by the waters o% the la2e b. the dim light o% the moon c. the (er%ection o% the dance and the dancer d. the warmth o% the hearth and the earth -!. In a. b. c. d. his (oem CThe Man Who ?reamed o% >aerylandD @eats wants to render the dream that an ordinary man has the (redicament o% the artist caught between the real and the imaginary the beauty o% the %airies that dance the wanderings o% a dreamer

-1. In CThe 4ong o% the Wandering AengusD @eats symbolises the beauty o% imagination by means o% a. a hazel wand b. hilly lands c. golden a((les d. a mermaid -'. Which o% the %ollowing assertions are inaccurate in relation to the res(onse that <a&an "oland gi&es to @eats and his mermaid image in her CThe Woman Turns 0ersel% Into A >ishD1 a. The Irish literary tradition has turned women into constructs o% the male imagination. b. In her (oem the mermaid becomes the ma2er o% meaning. c. Women detest the cruelty o% men towards the natural world. d. The (ower o% tradition cannot be o&erloo2ed. Ioana Mohor*I&an

Quiz The Celtic Paradigm in Modern Irish Writing

--. In the (oem C4we(t AwayD $uala $i ?homhnaill em(loys the image o% the %airy in order to: a. write a %airy (oem %or children b. dis(lay her 2nowledge o% Irish %ol2lore c. sub&ert traditional constructions o% womanhood d. re&i&e Celtic mythology -.. The heroic tales included in the 5lster cycle mainly de(ict the warrior culture o% (re*Christian Irish Celts7 %ocusing on the combats between: a. the warriors o% 5lster and the warriors o% Connacht b. the warriors o% 5lster and the Christian missionaries c. the warriors o% 5lster and the warriors o% Munster d. the warriors o% 5lster and the Tuatha de ?anaan - . Which o% the %ollowing is untrue in relation to the world de(icted in the 5lster cycle: a. It re%lects the Iron Age culture o% the Celts. b. It (ortrays an aristocratic warrior society. c. It de(icts an essentially indi&idualistic society. d. ?ruids7 magic and (ro(hesy are not central to this society. -3. The greatest hero o% the 5lster cycle is: a. 2ing Conchobar b. Cuchulain c. >ergus d. $aoise -9. Which o% the %ollowing tales does not belong to the 5lster cycle1 a. CThe Cattle 6aid o% CooleyD b. CThe <+ile o% the 4ons o% 5snachD c. C:isin in the 8and o% @outhD d. CThe Pangs o% 5lsterD -#. CThe <+ile o% the 4ons o% 5snachD (resents the story o% two %amous Irish lo&ers7 namely: a. Cuchulain and <mer b. ?eirdre and $aoise c. $iamh and :isin d. Tristan and Isolde e. ?iarmuid and Brainne -=. Which o% the %ollowing assertions is %alse with regard to CTain "o CuailngeD ECThe Cattle 6aid o% CooleyD,1 a. It is the most %amous tale in the 5lster Cycle. b. Its (lot concerns the in&asion o% Connacht by the 5lster army. c. "ecause the men o% 5lster are unable to %ight due to a curse (laced on them7 the hero Cuchulain %ights alone against the warriors o% Connacht. d. The (rize o% the war is a bull7 but no (arty succeeds in getting it.

Ioana Mohor*I&an

Quiz The Celtic Paradigm in Modern Irish Writing .!. Cuchulain7 the hero o% the 5lster cycle is also %amous %or his lo&e a%%airs with both mortal and di&ine women. Which o% the %ollowing names (oint to one case in which the hero re)ects a lo&e o%%er and has thus his death (reordained1 a. <mer b. >and c. Morrigan d. Aoi%e .1. As all heroes7 Cuchulain claims a semi*di&ine origin7 being begotten u(on a mortal woman by the god a. Aengus b. Manannan c. 8ugh d. "ile .'. Cuchulain7 the hero o% the 5lster cycle7 becomes the central character in a number o% @eatsian (lays li2e: a. CThe Man Who ?reamed o% >aerylandD b. C:n "aileDs 4trandD c. CThe 4ong o% the Wandering AengusD d. CAt the 0aw2Ds WellD .-. Which o% the %ollowing assertions is inaccurate in relation to the (oem CCu Chulainn ID by $uala $i ?humhnaill1 a. The (oem demysti%ies the traditional image o% the hero. b. The &ision in the (oem is %eminist. c. The (oem reiterates (atriarchal assum(tions about gender roles. d. While em(owering the &arious %emale characters o% the cycle7 the heroic Fualities o% Cuchulain are (arodied and whittled down. ... The main heroes in the >enian cycle o% tales are: a. "ran and 4ceolang b. >ionn macCumhaill and :isin c. ?iarmuid and Brainne d. >innegas and :scar . . Which o% the %ollowing assertions is %alse with regard to >ionn7 the hero o% the >enian cycle o% tales1 a. "ecause his name means bright or %air7 he may be seen as being associated with the god 8ugh. b. >ionn is not only a warrior7 but also a (oet7 a di&iner and a sage. c. 0is most %amous romance is with Brainne7 by whom he begets his son :isin. d. Though mortally wounded7 >ionn %alls in a dee( slee( awaiting to return to li%e when the (eo(le o% Ireland summon his hel(. .3. Which o% the %ollowing te+ts does not rewor2 themes or characters %rom the >enian cycle o% tales1 a. CThe Wanderings o% :isinD by W. ". @eats b. C>ragments o% Ancient PoetryD by Games McPherson c. C4weeney AstrayD by 4eamus 0eaney d. C>innegans Wa2eD by Games Goyce

Ioana Mohor*I&an

Quiz The Celtic Paradigm in Modern Irish Writing .9. Which o% the %ollowing assertions is inaccurate in relation to the no&el >innegans Wa2e by Games Goyce1 a. Its title is ta2en %rom one o% the tales included in the >enian cycle. b. It is a modernist no&el which em(loys a dream language based on multilingual (uns. c. Its main themes relate to death and resurrection7 or the %all and the rise o% man as well as ci&ilisations. d. It dis(lays a cyclic structure in order to mirror a cyclic conce(tion o% human history. .#. Which o% the %ollowing is %alse in relation to the 0istorical cycle o% tales1 a. It o%ten deals with real historical %igures and e&ents in the modern history o% Ireland. b. The tales mainly de(ict dynastic con%licts7 battles between the &arious 2ings o% the Irish (ro&inces and clashes between Christianity and the old heroic conduct. c. Mythological characters no longer a((ear in the tales. d. CThe >renzy o% 4weeneyD is a re(resentati&e tale %or this cycle. .=. The story o% the mad 2ing 4weeney7 (reser&ed in the tale C"uile 4uibhneD7 has been rewor2ed by many subseFuent Irish writers due to the %act that: a. it blends the Celtic and the Christian traditions and ma2es use o% a symbolic clash between tradition and modernity7 nature and culture7 the indi&idual and society. b. one story*telling cluster centres u(on the &ision theme. c. it a%%irms the (ossibility %or human com%ort and the trust in the e%%ecti&eness o% human institutions. d. one o% its central themes is e+ile. !. 4eamus 0eaney turned his attention to C"uile 4uibhneD and translated it as C4weeney AstrayD because: a. 0e is interested in medie&al literature. b. 0e is one o% the best translators o% Irish Baelic. c. 0e identi%ied himsel% with the %ate o% the ancient 2ing 4weeney. d. 0e wanted to win the $obel (rize %or literature.

Ioana Mohor*I&an

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