Chap 3

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Chap 3

V. Chan, MS, RD

The Bodys Cell

Smallest units of an independent life that can exist All living things are made of single cells Need energy and oxygen (O2) Needs water to maintain the environment they live in Need essential nutrients Replenish every 10- 120 days, some replenish every few years Not all cells replenish
(Ex) some brain cells

The Bodys Cell

Extracellular Fluid- fluid that is outside of a cell
Transport materials to and from cells

Intracellular Fluid- fluid that is inside the cell

Intracellular fluid is drawn from extracellular fluid Helps cells hold its shape Allows for cell reactions to take place

In the nucleus, determine what is the cells function and nature of work in the body Affect the way the body will process nutrients
Absorb Metabolize Excrete

Inborn Metabolic Disease

Gene variation gone wrong, causing a lifelong disease/ harm to the body PKU (phenylketonuria)
Limit phenylalanine intake (found in artificial sweeteners) Supplement tyrosine

Cells, Tissues, Organs, Systems

Tissues are made up of cells that work together to do specific tasks
Form muscle tissue Form blood tissue

Organs are made up of tissues to do a specific task


Body system is a group of organs working together to do a specific function

Respiratory system

Body Fluids & the Cardiovascular System

Body fluids supply tissues with energy, O2, water, nutrients Body fluids circulate to provide supplies and remove waste throughout the body
Cells are getting O2 from the fluid and releasing CO2 & other waste products

Body fluids are made up of blood and lymph

Blood is made of water, red & white blood cells, plasma

Body Fluids & the Cardiovascular System

Blood travel within arteries (away from the heart), veins (to the heart), capillaries, heart chambers Lymph travel in its own vessels and goes back into the blood stream All blood circulates to the lungs
Lungs pick up O2 & release CO2 Blood returns to the heart Blood goes back out to the body tissues to deliver O2 and other materials and removes waste

Body Fluids & the Cardiovascular System

When blood passes through the digestive & intestine system, it delivers O2 to the cells and picks up nutrients (EXCEPT fat) Lymphatic vessels pick up most fats Blood leaving the digestive system passes through the liver Blood will eventually pass through the kidneys
Blood is cleaned of wastes

Main Point
So what is the main point of the last few slides?
Blood & Lymph deliver nutrients & O2 (blood) to the cells in the body and carry away waste The cardiovascular system makes sure that fluids circulate properly among all the organs

How To Maintain The Cardiovascular System

Hydrate yourself!
For effective fluid circulation to the body cells, enough fluid intake is essential Replace water lost each day

Cardiovascular fitness Eat a healthy diet

Fe is essential for healthy red blood cells Avoid being malnourished/ dietary deficiencies, imbalances

Hormone & Nervous System

Blood also carries hormones (chemical messengers) from 1 system of cells to another
Hormones can communicate if any changes have occurred in the body to get a response from the body organs Hormones help to regulate body processes

Hormones are secreted by glands

Hormone & Nervous System

(Ex) Pancreas (gland) senses high concentration of glucose, will release insulin (hormone) into the blood stream Insulin will stimulate the muscles to store the excess glucose
Liver also stores some glucose

Hormone & Nervous System

(Ex) Pancreas (gland) senses a low glucose concentration, glucagon (hormone) is released into the blood Glucagon stimulates the muscles and liver to release glucose into the blood stream

Hormone & Nervous System

Nutrition affects the hormone system The hormone system can also affect nutrition
Hormones regulate hunger & appetite

Hormones regulate menstrual cycles & pregnancy Hormones regulate the bodys reaction to stress
Hunger is often suppressed Digestion & absorption of nutrients are also suppressed

How Does the Nervous System Interact With Nutrition?

Nervous system is another major communication system in the body Received information from the brain & spinal cord, along with sensory receptors all over the body Its role in hunger regulations is coordinated by the brain
Hypothalamus regulates hunger and appetite

Nervous System
Fight- or- flight reaction (stress response)
Bodys response in a perceived dangerous situation Neurotransmitters & glands release epinephrine & norepinephrine Muscles tense for maximum strength Breathing quickens & deepens for more O2 Heart rate increases dramatically to deliver O2
Liver releases glucose & fat cells release fat for energy Digestion shuts down

The Immune System

Main job is to maintain defense against infections The skin acts as a physical barrier The bodys cavities (lungs, mouth, digestive tract, etc) are lined with membranes Immune system rushes in to defend the body from Antigens (foreign invaders)

Immune Defense
White blood cells
1st to defend the body tissue against invaders Ingest and destroy antigens

T- cells- attack antigens, stores in the thymus gland
Killer T cells Helper T cells (AIDS destroy Helper T cells)

B- cells- produce antibodies to destroy antigens

Occurs when tissues become injured or irritated A normal healthy response to injury So what happens when the body has inflammation?
White blood cell count increases Redness Heat Pain Swelling Sometimes even loss of function

Chronic inflammation may be an indicator of disease development

Some dietary factors can inhibit or promote inflammation

The Digestive System: Whos Involved?

Referred to the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) Includes:
The mouth Pharynx Esophagus Stomach Small intestine Large intestine Several major glands including:
Salivary glands Pancreas The liver

The Digestive System

Begins in the mouth
5 types of taste (pg 78) Preference for certain foods may be inborn
May lead to picky eaters May lead to overconsumption of certain foods

Manufactures use sugar, salt & fat liberally in their foods

Mechanical Digestion
Physical break down of solid foods Mouth: teeth tears up solid food pieces
Food is moistened with salvia (help soften rough/ sharp foods)

Chemical Digestion
Once food is physically broken down, digestive chemicals break food down into smaller molecules In the mouth, enzymes in saliva (amylase) begins breaking down CHO Once food is ready to be swallowed, it becomes a bolus
Bolus goes down the pharynx

Chemical Digestion
Bolus passed down the esophagus
By way of peristalsis

Bolus passes through the sphincter (circular muscle at the base of the esophagus) and through the stomach Bolus in the stomach mixes with digestive juices to form chyme
Hydrochloric acid (HCL) Pepsin

Chemical Digestion
Stomach acid (HCL) will activate pepsin and digest protein Chyme moves into small intestine, to continue digestion
Pancreas releases enzymes (carbohydrase, lipase, protease) to break down CHO, protein, fat Pancreas also releases bicarbonate

Bile is released, produced by the liver and held in the gallbladder, emptied into the small intestine
Where most of the nutrients are absorbed MOST important organ in the digestive system Bile dissolved fat

Chemical Digestion
Bile (digestive fluid)
Made & released by the liver Stored in the gallbladder Breaks down fat into fatty acids Mostly contains cholesterol, bile acid (bile salts) & bilirubin (by product of breaking down red blood cells)

Chemical Digestion
Chyme continue to the large intestine
Remaining water is absorbed, vitamins & minerals also absorbed By the time chyme reaches here, it has been broken down to the most simple element and will be distributed back into the body where needed
Villi (projections on intestinal wall) absorb nutrients Blood & lymph vessels transport nutrients to body cells

Chemical Digestion
Undigested material is eventually expelled through the rectum
Fiber, water, cellulose, etc

Common Digestive Problems

Hiccups- spasms of the vocal cords and diaphragm, causing periodic, audible, short, inhaled coughs
May be caused by irritation of the diaphragm or indigestion

Heartburn- burning sensation in the chest due to backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus
Often caused by eating/ drinking too much

Common Digestive Problems

Food becomes lodged in the trachea. The larnyx cannot make sounds. The Heimlich maneuver may need to be used.

Acid Reducers
Acid reducers- reduces acid production by the stomach
Treats severe and persistent forms of heartburn, but not for neutralizing acid already present May reduce the bodys defense against infections May make digesting food more difficult

Common Digestive Problems

Ulcer- painful sores in the lining of the stomach or in the 1st part of the small intestine (duodenum) Occurs due to an imbalance between digestive fluids in the stomach & duodenum
Primary cause is H. pylori (Helicobacter pylori)

Hernia- sac formed by the lining of the abdominal cavity (peritoneum)

Sac protrudes outwardly of the abdominal wall

Common Digestive Problems

GERD- Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Severe & chronic splashing of stomach acid into the esophagus, throat, mouth or airway If left untreated, may cause esophageal cancer

Constipation- infrequent, difficult bowel movements

Often caused by diet, inactivity, dehydration or medication

Common Digestive Problems

Diarrhea- frequent, watery bowel movements
Usually caused by diet, stress or irritation of the colon Chronic diarrhea can lead to dehydration and possible mineral deficiencies

Hemorrhoids- swollen, hardened veins in the rectum

Usually caused by pressure resulting from constipation

Chronic Diseases
IBS- Irritable bowel syndrome, intermittent disturbances of bowel function (altering between diarrhea and constipation, often with bloating or cramping)
Affects the colon Can be managed with diet, physical activity, some medication (stool softeners) Doesnt cause harm to the intestine, nor will lead to severe diseases

Excretory System
Responsible for eliminating bodily waste Several body parts are involved:
Sweat glands Lungs --Liver --Kidney system

The kidneys filter the blood

Pulls out waste products and leaves in material that can be recirculated back into the body

The waste becomes concentrated as urine

Held in the bladder, which is emptied periodically throughout the day

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