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Lesson Plan 2

LESSON PLAN AUTHOR: Kristen Reeves GRADE/CLASS: 1st Grade LESSON TOPIC: Poetry & The Senses SUBJECT AREA: Language Arts DAY: N/A

Desired learnin o!"#o$e%s&: Read 1st grade level poetry. Review the senses. !denti"y words that appeal to the senses. Essen"ial '!es"ion%s& (ro$ learnin o)*e#"i+e: #ow $an words appeal to our senses% Co$$on Core S"andards assessed: Reading Standards "or Literature 1st Grade &. !denti"y words and phrases in stories and poe's that suggest "eelings or appeal to the senses. 1(. )ith pro'pting and support* read prose and poetry o" appropriate $o'ple+ity "or grade 1. Learner ,rior -no.led e/ learner )a#- ro!nd e/,erien#es: ,+perien$e with a variety o" te+ts. An understanding o" the senses. The a-ility to te+t independently and analy/e $ontent. A wor0ing vo$a-ulary and su-se1uent 0nowledge o" ad2e$tives. 0a"erials and reso!r#es needed: !ndividual $opies o" the poe'* A Matter of Taste written -y ,ve 3erria' 4"i$tion5 (Lets Learn About) The 5 Senses -y Nuria Ro$a 4non."i$tion5 A pre.printed #and 3ap wor0sheet #ighlighters Pen$ils Tea#1in s"ra"e ies Di((eren"ia"ion s"ra"e ies s1o!ld )e in(!sed "1ro! 1o!"2 Di((eren"ia"e (or #on"en"3 ,rod!#"3 and ,ro#ess2 An"i#i,a"or4 s"ra"e ies %)a#- ro!nd -no.led e&: A 'outh* ears* eyes* nose and hands will -e drawn on the -oard -e"orehand. The $lass as a whole will raise hands to $reate a 4$orre$t5 list the senses to -e written ne+t to the $orresponding drawing. Sele$tions "ro' The 5 Senses will -e read to review the senses

-rie"ly and 'a0e use o" non."i$tion te+t -e"ore introdu$ing the poe'* A Matter of Taste. Ins"r!#"ion: The poe' will -e read aloud* students will provide a thu'-s up* down or sideways to indi$ate their level o" understanding. Those who do not have their thu'-s up will -e allowed to as0 1uestions or $alled upon and as0ed what isn6t -eing understood. The poe' will -e read aloud again -e"ore -eing passed out to ea$h student. Students will have the option to wor0 allow or in pairs 4whi$h 'ay i'prove understanding7 peer share5 to highlight words in the poe' whi$h appeal to the senses. Those words* a"ter -eing highlighted* will -e written on the #and 3ap 4one word per "inger5. Con#l!sion: )e will go around the roo' and ea$h student will either share 1 word they $hose or -e as0ed to share 8what word did you pla$e on the ring "inger%9 et$. As the students share the $lass will -e as0ed i" the word does or does not appeal to our senses7 i" a student $hoose a word whi$h does not ne$essarily 'eet the re1uire'ents* we will wor0 as a $lass* -y raising our hands* to o""er suggestions and 8$orre$t9 the shared answer.

Assess$en" %!"ili5e a )lend o( "radi"ional and ,er(or$an#e assess$en"s&: The assess'ent used was e+plained in the 8!nstru$tion9 portion a-ove: students will provide a thu'-s up* down or sideways to indi$ate their level o" understanding. Those who do not have their thu'-s up will -e allowed to as0 1uestions or $alled upon and as0ed what isn6t -eing understood. This will show an understanding and sin$e it is "or'ative assess'ent allow "or tea$her guidan$e or even 'odi"i$ation in whi$h poetry and/or the senses $an -e taught again in a di""erent 'anner. EC a##o$$oda"ions/$odi(i#a"ions "o s"ra"e ies or assess$en"s %re(er "o IEP6s or 789 ,lans&: :ra,;!, and re(le#"ion )4 "1e s"!den"s: The sharing o" words whi$h appealed to the senses on the #and 3ap will serve as the wrap.up and re"le$tion "or the students. Re(le#"ion )4 "1e "ea#1er: N/A Reso!r#es !sed: Ro$a* N. 4;((<5. Lets learn about the 5 senses. #auppauge* N=: >arron6s ,du$ational Series. 3erria'* ,. 4;(1;5. First & second grade oetr! selection" A #atter of taste. Retrieved "ro' http://www.-$sas$"do$s/?irst and Se$ond Grade.pd" Pu-li$ S$hools o" North @arolina. 4;(1;5. Acre" Accountabilit and curriculu# refort effort. Retrieved "ro' http://www.n$pu-li$s$$re/standards/$o''on.$ore/

Te$hnology* !n$. 4;(1;5. Teachnolog!" $ra hic organi%er &or'sheets. Retrieved "ro' http://www.protea$her.$o'/redire$t.php%gotoA;;1&

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