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Leon Trotsky

Hue and Cry Over Kronstadt

(January 1938)
Written: January 15, 1938. First Published: The New International, Vol.4 No.4, April 1938, pp.103-106. Translated: y The New International. Transcription/HTML Markup: !a"i# $alter%. Copyleft: &eon Trot%'y Internet Ar(hi"e )www.*ar+i%t%.or,- .003. /er*i%%ion i% ,rante# to (opy
an#0or #i%tri1ute thi% #o(u*ent un#er the ter*% o2 the 3N4 5ree !o(u*entation &i(en%e.

A People s Front! of "enouncers The (a*pai,n aroun# 6ron%ta#t i% 1ein, (arrie# on with un#i*ini%he# "i,or in (ertain (ir(le%. 7ne woul# thin' that the 6ron%ta#t re"olt o((urre# not %e"enteen year% a,o, 1ut only ye%ter#ay. /arti(ipatin, in the (a*pai,n with e8ual 9eal an# un#er one an# the %a*e %lo,an are Anar(hi%t%, :u%%ian ;en%he"i'%, le2t <o(ial !e*o(rat% o2 the &on#on ureau, in#i"i#ual 1lun#erer%, ;iliu'o"=% paper, an#, on o((a%ion, the 1i, (apitali%t pre%%. A >/eople=% 5ront? o2 it% own 'in#@ 7nly ye%ter#ay I happene# a(ro%% the 2ollowin, line% in a ;e+i(an wee'ly whi(h i% 1oth rea(tionary Aatholi( an# >#e*o(rati(?B >Trot%'y or#ere# the %hootin, o2 1,500 )C- 6ron%ta#t %ailor%, the%e pure%t o2 the pure. Di% poli(y when in power #i22ere# in no way 2ro* the pre%ent poli(y o2 <talin.? A% i% 'nown, the le2t Anar(hi%t% #raw the %a*e (on(lu%ion. $hen 2or the 2ir%t ti*e in the pre%% I 1rie2ly an%were# the 8ue%tion% o2 $en#elin Tho*a%, *e*1er o2 the New Eor' Ao**i%%ion o2 In8uiry, the :u%%ian ;en%he"i'%= paper i**e#iately (a*e to the #e2en%e o2 the 6ron%ta#t %ailor% an# ... o2 $en#elin Tho*a%. ;iliu'o"=% paper (a*e 2orwar# in the %a*e %pirit. The Anar(hi%t% atta('e# *e with %till ,reater "i,or. All the%e authoritie% (lai* that *y an%wer wa% (o*pletely worthle%%. Thi% unani*ity i% all the *ore re*ar'a1le %in(e the Anar(hi%t% #e2en#, in the %y*1ol o2 6ron%ta#t, ,enuine anti-%tate

(o**uni%*F the ;en%he"i'%, at the ti*e o2 the 6ron%ta#t upri%in,, %too# openly 2or the re%toration o2 (apitali%*F an# ;iliu'o" %tan#% 2or (apitali%* e"en now. Dow (an the 6ron%ta#t upri%in, (au%e %u(h heart1urn to Anar(hi%t%, ;en%he"i'%, an# >li1eral? (ounter-re"olutioni%t%, all at the %a*e ti*eC The an%wer i% %i*pleB all the%e ,roupin,% are intere%te# in (o*pro*i%in, the only ,enuinely re"olutionary (urrent, whi(h ha% ne"er repu#iate# it% 1anner, ha% not (o*pro*i%e# with it% ene*ie%, an# alone repre%ent% the 2uture. It i% 1e(au%e o2 thi% that a*on, the 1elate# #enoun(er% o2 *y 6ron%ta#t >(ri*e? there are %o *any 2or*er re"olutioni%t% or %e*i-re"olutioni%t%, people who ha"e lo%t their pro,ra* an# their prin(iple% an# who 2in# it ne(e%%ary to #i"ert attention 2ro* the #e,ra#ation o2 the <e(on# International or the per2i#y o2 the <pani%h Anar(hi%t%. A% yet, the <talini%t% (annot openly Goin thi% (a*pai,n aroun# 6ron%ta#t 1ut e"en they, o2 (our%e, ru1 their han#% with plea%ureF 2or the 1low% are #ire(te# a,ain%t >Trot%'yi%*,? a,ain%t re"olutionary ;ar+i%*, a,ain%t the 5ourth International@ $hy in parti(ular ha% thi% "arie,ate# 2raternity %ei9e# pre(i%ely upon 6ron%ta#tC !urin, the year% o2 the re"olution we (la%he# not a 2ew ti*e% with the Ao%%a('%, the pea%ant%, e"en with (ertain layer% o2 wor'er% )(ertain ,roup% o2 wor'er% 2ro* the 4ral% or,ani9e# a "olunteer re,i*ent in the ar*y o2 6ol(ha'@-. The anta,oni%* 1etween the wor'er% a% (on%u*er% an# the pea%ant% a% pro#u(er% an# %eller% o2 1rea# lay, in the *ain, at the root o2 the%e (on2li(t%. 4n#er the pre%%ure o2 nee# an# #epri"ation, the wor'er% the*%el"e% were epi%o#i(ally #i"i#e# into ho%tile (a*p%, #epen#in, upon %tron,er or wea'er tie% with the "illa,e. The :e# Ar*y al%o 2oun# it%el2 un#er the in2luen(e o2 the (ountry%i#e. !urin, the year% o2 the (i"il war it wa% ne(e%%ary *ore than on(e to #i%ar* #i%(ontente# re,i*ent%. The intro#u(tion o2 the >New H(ono*i( /oli(y? )NH/- attenuate# the 2ri(tion 1ut 2ar 2ro* eli*inate# it. 7n the (ontrary, it pa"e# the way 2or the re1irth o2 'ula'% Iwealthy pea%ant%J an# le#, at the 1e,innin, o2 thi% #e(a#e, to the renewal o2 (i"il war in the "illa,e. The 6ron%ta#t upri%in, wa% only an epi%o#e in the hi%tory o2 the relation% 1etween the proletarian (ity an# the petty-1our,eoi% "illa,e. It i% po%%i1le to un#er%tan# thi% epi%o#e only in (onne(tion with the ,eneral (our%e o2 the #e"elop*ent o2 the (la%% %tru,,le #urin, the re"olution. 6ron%ta#t #i22ere# 2ro* a lon, %erie% o2 other petty-1our,eoi% *o"e*ent% an# upri%in,% only 1y it% ,reater e+ternal e22e(t. The

pro1le* here in"ol"e# a *ariti*e 2ortre%% un#er /etro,ra# it%el2. !urin, the upri%in, pro(la*ation% were i%%ue# an# ra#io 1roa#(a%t% were *a#e. The <o(ial :e"olutionarie% an# the Anar(hi%t%, hurryin, 2ro* /etro,ra#, a#orne# the upri%in, with >no1le? phra%e% an# ,e%ture%. All thi% le2t tra(e% in print. $ith the ai# o2 the%e >#o(u*entary? *aterial% )i.e., 2al%e la1el%-, it i% not har# to (on%tru(t a le,en# a1out 6ron%ta#t, all the *ore e+alte# %in(e in 191K the na*e 6ron%ta#t wa% %urroun#e# 1y a re"olutionary halo. Not i#ly #oe% the ;e+i(an *a,a9ine 8uote# a1o"e ironi(ally (all the 6ron%ta#t %ailor% the >pure%t o2 the pure.? The play upon the re"olutionary authority o2 6ron%ta#t i% one o2 the #i%tin,ui%hin, 2eature% o2 thi% truly (harlatan (a*pai,n. Anar(hi%t%, ;en%he"i'%, li1eral%, rea(tionarie% try to pre%ent the *atter a% i2 at the 1e,innin, o2 19.1 the ol%he"i'% turne# their, weapon% on tho%e "ery 6ron%ta#t %ailor% who ,uarantee# the "i(tory o2 the 7(to1er in%urre(tion. Dere i% the point o2 #eparture 2or all the %u1%e8uent 2al%ehoo#%. $hoe"er wi%he% to unra"el the%e lie% %houl# 2ir%t o2 all rea# the arti(le 1y Ao*ra#e J.3. $ri,ht in the New International )5e1ruary 1938-. ;y pro1le* i% another oneB I wi%h to #e%(ri1e the (hara(ter o2 the 6ron%ta#t upri%in, 2ro* a *ore ,eneral point o2 "iew.

#ocial and Political $roupin%s in &ronstadt A re"olution i% >*a#e? #ire(tly 1y a *inority. The %u((e%% o2 a re"olution i% po%%i1le, howe"er, only where thi% *inority 2in#% *ore or le%% %upport, or at lea%t 2rien#ly neutrality, on the part o2 the *aGority. The %hi2t in #i22erent %ta,e% o2 the re"olution, li'e the tran%ition 2ro* re"olution to (ounterre"olution, i% #ire(tly #eter*ine# 1y (han,in, politi(al relation% 1etween the *inority an# the *aGority, 1etween the "an,uar# an# the (la%%. A*on, the 6ron%ta#t %ailor% there were three politi(al layer%B the proletarian re"olutioni%t%, %o*e with a %eriou% pa%t an# trainin,F the inter*e#iate *aGority, *ainly pea%ant in ori,inF an# 2inally, the rea(tionarie%, %on% o2 'ula'%, %hop'eeper%, an# prie%t%. In (9ari%t ti*e%, or#er on 1attle%hip% an# in the 2ortre%% (oul# 1e *aintaine# only %o lon, a% the o22i(er%, a(tin, throu,h the rea(tionary %e(tion% o2 the petty o22i(er% an# %ailor%, %u1Ge(te# the 1roa# inter*e#iate layer to their in2luen(e or terror, thu% i%olatin, the re"olutioni%t%, *ainly the

*a(hini%t%, the ,unner%, an# the ele(tri(ian%, i.e., pre#o*inantly the (ity wor'er%. The (our%e o2 the upri%in, on the 1attle%hip /ote*'in in 1905 wa% 1a%e# entirely on the relation% a*on, the%e three layer%, i.e., on the %tru,,le 1etween proletarian an# petty-1our,eoi% rea(tionary e+tre*e% 2or in2luen(e upon the *ore nu*erou% *i##le pea%ant layer. $hoe"er ha% not un#er%too# thi% pro1le*, whi(h run% throu,h the whole re"olutionary *o"e*ent in the 2leet, ha# 1e%t 1e %ilent a1out the pro1le*% o2 the :u%%ian re"olution in ,eneral. 5or it wa% entirely, an# to a ,reat #e,ree %till i%, a %tru,,le 1etween the proletariat an# the 1our,eoi%ie 2or in2luen(e upon the pea%antry. !urin, the <o"iet perio# the 1our,eoi%ie ha% appeare# prin(ipally in the ,ui%e o2 'ula'% )i.e., the top %tratu* o2 the petty 1our,eoi%ie-, the >%o(iali%t? intelli,ent%ia, an# now in the 2or* o2 the >Ao**uni%t? 1ureau(ra(y. <u(h i% the 1a%i( *e(hani%* o2 the re"olution in all it% %ta,e%. In the 2leet it a%%u*e# a *ore (entrali9e#, an# there2ore *ore #ra*ati( e+pre%%ion. The politi(al (o*po%ition o2 the 6ron%ta#t <o"iet re2le(te# the (o*po%ition o2 the ,arri%on an# the (rew%. The lea#er%hip o2 the %o"iet% a% early a% the %u**er o2 191K 1elon,e# to the ol%he"i' /arty, whi(h re%te# on the 1etter %e(tion% o2 the %ailor% an# in(lu#e# in it% ran'% *any re"olutioni%t% 2ro* the un#er,roun# *o"e*ent who ha# 1een li1erate# 2ro* the har#-la1or pri%on%. ut I %ee* to re(all that e"en in the #ay% o2 the 7(to1er in%urre(tion the ol%he"i'% (on%titute# le%% than one-hal2 o2 the 6ron%ta#t <o"iet. The *aGority (on%i%te# o2 <:% an# Anar(hi%t%. There were no ;en%he"i'% at all in 6ron%ta#t. The ;en%he"i' /arty hate# 6ron%ta#t. The o22i(ial <:%, in(i#entally, ha# no 1etter attitu#e towar# it. The 6ron%ta#t <:% 8ui('ly went o"er into oppo%ition to 6eren%'y an# 2or*e# one o2 the %ho(' 1ri,a#e% o2 the %o-(alle# >le2t? <:%. They 1a%e# the*%el"e% on the pea%ant part o2 the 2leet an# o2 the %hore ,arri%on. A% 2or the Anar(hi%t%, they were the *o%t *otley ,roup. A*on, the* were real re"olutioni%t%, li'e Lhu' an# Lhele9nia'o", 1ut the%e were the ele*ent% *o%t (lo%ely lin'e# to the ol%he"i'%. ;o%t o2 the 6ron%ta#t >Anar(hi%t%? repre%ente# the (ity petty 1our,eoi%ie an# %too# upon a lower re"olutionary le"el than the <:%. The pre%i#ent o2 the %o"iet wa% a non-party *an, >%y*patheti( to the Anar(hi%t%,? an# in e%%en(e a pea(e2ul petty (ler' who ha# 1een 2or*erly %u1%er"ient to the (9ari%t authoritie% an# wa% now %u1%er"ient ... to the re"olution. The (o*plete a1%en(e o2 ;en%he"i'%, the >le2t? (hara(ter o2 the <:%, an# the

Anar(hi%t hue o2 the petty 1our,eoi% were #ue to the %harpne%% o2 the re"olutionary %tru,,le in the 2leet an# the #o*inatin, in2luen(e o2 the proletarian %e(tion% o2 the %ailor%.

Chan%es "urin% the 'ears of Ci(il War Thi% %o(ial an# politi(al (hara(teri9ation o2 6ron%ta#t whi(h, i2 #e%ire#, (oul# 1e %u1%tantiate# an# illu%trate# 1y *any 2a(t% an# #o(u*ent%, i% alrea#y %u22i(ient to illu*inate the uphea"al% whi(h o((urre# in 6ron%ta#t #urin, the year% o2 the (i"il war an# a% a re%ult o2 whi(h it% phy%io,no*y (han,e# 1eyon# re(o,nition. /re(i%ely a1out thi% i*portant a%pe(t o2 the 8ue%tion, the 1elate# a((u%er% %ay not one wor#, partly out o2 i,noran(e, partly out o2 *ale"olen(e. Ee%, 6ron%ta#t wrote a heroi( pa,e in the hi%tory o2 the re"olution. ut the (i"il war 1e,an a %y%te*ati( #epopulation o2 6ron%ta#t an# o2 the whole alti( 2leet. A% early a% the #ay% o2 the 7(to1er upri%in,, #eta(h*ent% o2 6ron%ta#t %ailor% were 1ein, %ent to help ;o%(ow. 7ther #eta(h*ent% were then %ent to the !on, to the 4'raine, to re8ui%ition 1rea# an# or,ani9e the lo(al power. It %ee*e# at 2ir%t a% i2 6ron%ta#t were ine+hau%ti1le. 5ro* #i22erent 2ront% I %ent #o9en% o2 tele,ra*% a1out the *o1ili9ation o2 new >relia1le? #eta(h*ent% 2ro* a*on, the /eter%1ur, wor'er% an# the alti( %ailor%. ut 1e,innin, a% early a% 1918, an# in any (a%e not later than 1919, the 2ront% 1e,an to (o*plain that the new (ontin,ent% o2 >6ron%ta#ter%? were un%ati%2a(tory, e+a(tin,, un#i%(ipline#, unrelia1le in 1attle, an# #oin, *ore har* than ,oo#. A2ter the li8ui#ation o2 Eu#eni(h )in the winter o2 1919-, the alti( 2leet an# the 6ron%ta#t ,arri%on were #enu#e# o2 all re"olutionary 2or(e%. All the ele*ent% a*on, the* that were o2 any u%e at all were thrown a,ain%t !eni'in in the %outh. I2 in 191K-18 the 6ron%ta#t %ailor %too# (on%i#era1ly hi,her than the a"era,e le"el o2 the :e# Ar*y an# 2or*e# the 2ra*ewor' o2 it% 2ir%t #eta(h*ent% a% well a% the 2ra*ewor' o2 the <o"iet re,i*e in *any #i%tri(t%, tho%e %ailor% who re*aine# in >pea(e2ul? 6ron%ta#t until the 1e,innin, o2 19.1, not 2ittin, in on any o2 the 2ront% o2 the (i"il war, %too# 1y thi% ti*e on a le"el (on%i#era1ly lower, in ,eneral, than the a"era,e le"el o2 the :e# Ar*y, an# in(lu#e# a ,reat per(enta,e o2 (o*pletely #e*orali9e# ele*ent%, wearin, %howy 1ell-1otto* pant% an# %porty hair(ut%. !e*orali9ation 1a%e# on hun,er an# %pe(ulation ha# in ,eneral ,reatly in(rea%e# 1y the en# o2 the (i"il war. The %o-(alle# >%a('-

(arrier%? )petty %pe(ulator%- ha# 1e(o*e a %o(ial 1li,ht, threatenin, to %ti2le the re"olution. /re(i%ely in 6ron%ta#t where the ,arri%on #i# nothin, an# ha# e"erythin, it nee#e#, the #e*orali9ation a%%u*e# parti(ularly ,reat #i*en%ion%. $hen (on#ition% 1e(a*e "ery (riti(al in hun,ry /etro,ra# the /oliti(al ureau *ore than on(e #i%(u%%e# the po%%i1ility o2 %e(urin, an >internal loan? 2ro* 6ron%ta#t, where a 8uantity o2 ol# pro"i%ion% %till re*aine#. ut #ele,ate% o2 the /etro,ra# wor'er% an%were#B >Eou will ,et nothin, 2ro* the* 1y 'in#ne%%. They %pe(ulate in (loth, (oal, an# 1rea#. At pre%ent in 6ron%ta#t e"ery 'in# o2 ri22ra22 ha% rai%e# it% hea#.? That wa% the real %ituation. It wa% not li'e the %u,ar-%weet i#eali9ation% a2ter the e"ent. It *u%t 2urther 1e a##e# that 2or*er %ailor% 2ro* &at"ia an# H%tonia who 2eare# they woul# 1e %ent to the 2ront an# were preparin, to (ro%% into their new 1our,eoi% 2atherlan#%, &at"ia an# H%tonia, ha# Goine# the alti( 2leet a% >"olunteer%.? The%e ele*ent% were in e%%en(e ho%tile to the <o"iet authority an# #i%playe# thi% ho%tility 2ully in the #ay% o2 the 6ron%ta#t upri%in, ... e%i#e% the%e there were *any thou%an#% o2 &at"ian wor'er%, *ainly 2or*er 2ar* la1orer%, who %howe# une+a*ple# heroi%* on all 2ront% o2 the (i"il war. $e *u%t not, there2ore, tar the &at"ian wor'er% an# the >6ron%ta#ter%? with the %a*e 1ru%h. $e *u%t re(o,ni9e %o(ial an# politi(al #i22eren(e%.

The #ocial )oots of the *prisin% The pro1le* o2 a %eriou% %tu#ent (on%i%t% in #e2inin,, on the 1a%i% o2 the o1Ge(ti"e (ir(u*%tan(e%, the %o(ial an# politi(al (hara(ter o2 the 6ron%ta#t *utiny an# it% pla(e in the #e"elop*ent o2 the re"olution. $ithout thi%, >(riti(i%*? i% re#u(e# to %enti*ental la*entation o2 the pa(i2i%t 'in# in the %pirit o2 Ale+an#er er'*an, H**a 3ol#*an, an# their late%t i*itator%. The%e ,entle2ol' #o not ha"e the %li,hte%t un#er%tan#in, o2 the (riteria an# *etho#% o2 %(ienti2i( re%ear(h. They 8uote the pro(la*ation% o2 the in%ur,ent% li'e piou% prea(her% 8uotin, Doly <(ripture%. They (o*plain, *oreo"er, that I #o not ta'e into (on%i#eration the >#o(u*ent%,? i.e., the ,o%pel o2 ;a'hno an# the other apo%tle%. To ta'e #o(u*ent% >into (on%i#eration? #oe% not *ean to ta'e the* at their 2a(e "alue. ;ar+ ha% %ai# that it i% i*po%%i1le to Gu#,e either partie% or people% 1y what they %ay a1out the*%el"e%. The (hara(teri%ti(% o2 a party are #eter*ine# (on%i#era1ly *ore 1y it% %o(ial (o*po%ition, it% pa%t, it% relation to #i22erent (la%%e% an# %trata, than 1y it% oral an# written #e(laration%, e%pe(ially #urin, a (riti(al

*o*ent o2 (i"il war. I2, 2or e+a*ple, we 1e,an to ta'e a% pure ,ol# the innu*era1le pro(la*ation% o2 Ne,rin, Ao*pany%, 3ar(ia 7li"er, an# Ao*pany, we woul# ha"e to re(o,ni9e the%e ,entle*en a% 2er"ent 2rien#% o2 %o(iali%*. ut in reality they are it% per2i#iou% ene*ie%. In 191K-18 the re"olutionary wor'er% le# the pea%ant *a%%e%, not only o2 the 2leet 1ut o2 the entire (ountry. The pea%ant% %ei9e# an# #i"i#e# the lan# *o%t o2ten un#er the lea#er%hip o2 the %ol#ier% an# %ailor% arri"in, in their ho*e #i%tri(t%. :e8ui%ition% o2 1rea# ha# only 1e,un an# were *ainly 2ro* the lan#lor#% an# 'ula'% at that. The pea%ant% re(on(ile# the*%el"e% to re8ui%ition% a% a te*porary e"il. ut the (i"il war #ra,,e# on 2or three year%. The (ity ,a"e pra(ti(ally nothin, to the "illa,e an# too' al*o%t e"erythin, 2ro* it, (hie2ly 2or the nee#% o2 war. The pea%ant% appro"e# o2 the > ol%he"i'%? 1ut 1e(a*e in(rea%in,ly ho%tile to the >Ao**uni%t%.? I2 in the pre(e#in, perio# the wor'er% ha# le# the pea%ant% 2orwar#, the pea%ant% now #ra,,e# the wor'er% 1a('. 7nly 1e(au%e o2 thi% (han,e in *oo# (oul# the $hite% partially attra(t the pea%ant%, an# e"en the hal2-pea%ant%-hal2-wor'er%, o2 the 4ral% to their %i#e. Thi% *oo#, i.e., ho%tility to the (ity, nouri%he# the *o"e*ent o2 ;a'hno, who %ei9e# an# loote# train% *ar'e# 2or the 2a(torie%, the plant%, an# the :e# Ar*y, tore up railroa# tra('%, %hot Ao**uni%t%, et(. 72 (our%e, ;a'hno (alle# thi% the Anar(hi%t %tru,,le with the >%tate.? In reality, thi% wa% a %tru,,le o2 the in2uriate# petty property owner a,ain%t the proletarian #i(tator%hip. A %i*ilar *o"e*ent aro%e in a nu*1er o2 other #i%tri(t%, e%pe(ially in Ta*1o"%'y, un#er the 1anner o2 ><o(ial :e"olutionarie%.? 5inally, in #i22erent part% o2 the (ountry %o-(alle# >3reen? pea%ant #eta(h*ent% were a(ti"e. They #i# not want to re(o,ni9e either the :e#% or the $hite% an# %hunne# the (ity partie%. The >3reen%? %o*eti*e% *et the $hite% an# re(ei"e# %e"ere 1low% 2ro* the*, 1ut they #i# not, o2 (our%e, ,et any *er(y 2ro* the :e#%. Ju%t a% the petty 1our,eoi%ie i% ,roun# e(ono*i(ally 1etween the *ill%tone% o2 1i, (apital an# the proletariat, %o the pea%ant parti%an #eta(h*ent% were pul"eri9e# 1etween the :e# Ar*y an# the $hite. 7nly an entirely %uper2i(ial per%on (an %ee in ;a'hno=% 1an#% or in the 6ron%ta#t re"olt a %tru,,le 1etween the a1%tra(t prin(iple% o2 Anar(hi%* an# >%tate %o(iali%*.? A(tually the%e *o"e*ent% were (on"ul%ion% o2 the pea%ant petty 1our,eoi%ie whi(h #e%ire#, o2 (our%e, to li1erate it%el2 2ro* (apital 1ut whi(h at the %a*e ti*e #i# not (on%ent to %u1or#inate it%el2 to the #i(tator%hip o2 the proletariat. The petty 1our,eoi%ie #oe% not 'now (on(retely what it want%, an# 1y

"irtue o2 it% po%ition (annot 'now. That i% why it %o rea#ily (o"ere# the (on2u%ion o2 it% #e*an#% an# hope%, now with the Anar(hi%t 1anner, now with the populi%t, now %i*ply with the >3reen.? Aounterpo%in, it%el2 to the proletariat, it trie#, 2lyin, all the%e 1anner%, to turn the wheel o2 the re"olution 1a('war#%.

The Counter+re(olutionary Character of the &ronstadt Mutiny There were, o2 (our%e, no i*pa%%a1le 1ul'hea#% #i"i#in, the #i22erent %o(ial an# politi(al layer% o2 6ron%ta#t. There were %till at 6ron%ta#t a (ertain nu*1er o2 8uali2ie# wor'er% an# te(hni(ian% to ta'e (are o2 the *a(hinery. ut e"en they were i#enti2ie# 1y a *etho# o2 ne,ati"e %ele(tion a% politi(ally unrelia1le an# o2 little u%e 2or the (i"il war. <o*e >lea#er%? o2 the upri%in, (a*e 2ro* a*on, the%e ele*ent%. Dowe"er, thi% (o*pletely natural an# ine"ita1le (ir(u*%tan(e, to whi(h %o*e a((u%er% triu*phantly point, #oe% not (han,e 1y one iota the anti-proletarian (hara(ter o2 the re"olt. 4nle%% we are to #e(ei"e our%el"e% with pretentiou% %lo,an%, 2al%e la1el%, et(., we %hall %ee that the 6ron%ta#t upri%in, wa% nothin, 1ut an ar*e# rea(tion o2 the petty 1our,eoi%ie a,ain%t the har#%hip% o2 %o(ial re"olution an# the %e"erity o2 the proletarian #i(tator%hip. That wa% e+a(tly the %i,ni2i(an(e o2 the 6ron%ta#t %lo,an, ><o"iet% without Ao**uni%t%,? whi(h wa% i**e#iately %ei9e# upon, not only 1y the <:% 1ut 1y the 1our,eoi% li1eral% a% well. A% a rather 2ar-%i,hte# repre%entati"e o2 (apital, /ro2e%%or ;iliu'o" un#er%too# that to 2ree the %o"iet% 2ro* the lea#er%hip o2 the ol%he"i'% woul# ha"e *eant within a %hort ti*e to #e*oli%h the %o"iet% the*%el"e%. The e+perien(e o2 the :u%%ian %o"iet% #urin, the perio# o2 ;en%he"i' an# <: #o*ination an#, e"en *ore (learly, the e+perien(e o2 the 3er*an an# Au%trian %o"iet% un#er the #o*ination o2 the <o(ial !e*o(rat%, pro"e# thi%. <o(ial :e"olutionary-Anar(hi%t %o"iet% (oul# %er"e only a% a 1ri#,e 2ro* the proletarian #i(tator%hip to (apitali%t re%toration. They (oul# play no other role, re,ar#le%% o2 the >i#ea%? o2 their parti(ipant%. The 6ron%ta#t upri%in, thu% ha# a (ounter-re"olutionary (hara(ter. 5ro* the (la%% point o2 "iew, whi(h M without o22en%e to the honora1le e(le(ti(% M re*ain% the 1a%i( (riterion not only 2or politi(% 1ut 2or hi%tory, it i% e+tre*ely i*portant to (ontra%t the 1eha"ior o2 6ron%ta#t to that o2 /etro,ra# in tho%e (riti(al #ay%. The whole lea#in, %tratu* o2 the wor'er% ha# al%o 1een #rawn out o2 /etro,ra#. Dun,er an# (ol# rei,ne# in the #e%erte# (apital, perhap% e"en *ore 2ier(ely than in

;o%(ow. A heroi( an# tra,i( perio#@ All were hun,ry an# irrita1le. All were #i%%ati%2ie#. In the 2a(torie% there wa% #ull #i%(ontent. 4n#er,roun# or,ani9er% %ent 1y the <:% an# the $hite o22i(er% trie# to lin' the *ilitary upri%in, with the *o"e*ent o2 the #i%(ontente# wor'er%. The 6ron%ta#t paper wrote a1out 1arri(a#e% in /etro,ra#, a1out thou%an#% 1ein, 'ille#. The pre%% o2 the whole worl# pro(lai*e# the %a*e thin,. A(tually the pre(i%e oppo%ite o((urre#. The 6ron%ta#t upri%in, #i# not attra(t the /etro,ra# wor'er%. It repelle# the*. The %trati2i(ation pro(ee#e# alon, (la%% line%. The wor'er% i**e#iately 2elt that the 6ron%ta#t *utineer% %too# on the oppo%ite %i#e o2 the 1arri(a#e% M an# they %upporte# the <o"iet power. The politi(al i%olation o2 6ron%ta#t wa% the (au%e o2 it% internal un(ertainty an# it% *ilitary #e2eat.

The ,-P and the &ronstadt *prisin% Vi(tor <er,e, who, it woul# %ee*, i% tryin, to *anu2a(ture a %ort o2 %ynthe%i% o2 anar(hi%*, /74;i%*, an# ;ar+i%*, ha% inter"ene# "ery un2ortunately in the pole*i( a1out 6ron%ta#t. In hi% opinion, the intro#u(tion o2 the NH/ one year earlier (oul# ha"e a"erte# the 6ron%ta#t upri%in,. &et u% a#*it that. ut a#"i(e li'e thi% i% "ery ea%y to ,i"e a2ter the e"ent. It i% true, a% Vi(tor <er,e re*e*1er%, that I ha# propo%e# the tran%ition to the NH/ a% early a% 19.0. ut I wa% not at all %ure in a#"an(e o2 it% %u((e%%. It wa% no %e(ret to *e that the re*e#y (oul# pro"e to 1e *ore #an,erou% than the *ala#y it%el2. $hen I *et oppo%ition 2ro* the lea#er% o2 the party, I #i# not appeal to the ran'%, in or#er to a"oi# *o1ili9in, the petty 1our,eoi%ie a,ain%t the wor'er%. The e+perien(e o2 the en%uin, twel"e *onth% wa% re8uire# to (on"in(e the party o2 the nee# 2or the new (our%e. ut the re*ar'a1le thin, i% that it wa% pre(i%ely the Anar(hi%t% all o"er the worl# who loo'e# upon the NH/ a% ... a 1etrayal o2 (o**uni%*. ut now the a#"o(ate% o2 the Anar(hi%t% #enoun(e u% 2or not ha"in, intro#u(e# the NH/ a year earlier. In 19.1 &enin *ore than on(e openly a('nowle#,e# that the party=% o1%tinate #e2en%e o2 the *etho#% o2 ;ilitary Ao**uni%* ha# 1e(o*e a ,reat *i%ta'e. ut #oe% thi% (han,e *atter%C $hate"er the i**e#iate or re*ote (au%e% o2 the 6ron%ta#t re1ellion, it wa% in it% "ery e%%en(e a *ortal #an,er to the #i(tator%hip o2 the proletariat.

<i*ply 1e(au%e it ha# 1een ,uilty o2 a politi(al error, %houl# the proletarian re"olution really ha"e (o**itte# %ui(i#e to puni%h it%el2C 7r perhap% it woul# ha"e 1een %u22i(ient to in2or* the 6ron%ta#t %ailor% o2 the NH/ #e(ree% to pa(i2y the*C Illu%ion@ The in%ur,ent% #i# not ha"e a (on%(iou% pro,ra* an# they (oul# not ha"e ha# one 1e(au%e o2 the "ery nature o2 the petty 1our,eoi%ie. They the*%el"e% #i# not (learly un#er%tan# that what their 2ather% an# 1rother% nee#e# 2ir%t o2 all wa% 2ree tra#e. They were #i%(ontente# an# (on2u%e# 1ut they %aw no way out. The *ore (on%(iou%, i.e., the ri,hti%t ele*ent%, a(tin, 1ehin# the %(ene%, wante# the re%toration o2 the 1our,eoi% re,i*e. ut they #i# not %ay %o out lou#. The >le2t? win, wante# the li8ui#ation o2 #i%(ipline, >2ree %o"iet%,? an# 1etter ration%. The re,i*e o2 the NH/ (oul# only ,ra#ually pa(i2y the pea%ant, an#, a2ter hi*, the #i%(ontente# %e(tion% o2 the ar*y an# the 2leet. ut 2or thi% ti*e an# e+perien(e were nee#e#. ;o%t puerile o2 all i% the ar,u*ent that there wa% no upri%in,, that the %ailor% ha# *a#e no threat%, that they >only? %ei9e# the 2ortre%% an# the 1attle%hip%. It woul# %ee* that the ol%he"i'% *ar(he# with 1are# (he%t% a(ro%% the i(e a,ain%t the 2ortre%% only 1e(au%e o2 their e"il (hara(ter%, their in(lination to pro"o'e (on2li(t% arti2i(ially, their hatre# o2 the 6ron%ta#t %ailor%, or their hatre# o2 the Anar(hi%t #o(trine )a1out whi(h a1%olutely no one, we *ay %ay in pa%%in,, 1othere# in tho%e #ay%-. I% thi% not (hil#i%h prattleC oun# neither to ti*e nor pla(e, the #ilettante (riti(% try )%e"enteen year% later@- to %u,,e%t that e"erythin, woul# ha"e en#e# in ,eneral %ati%2a(tion i2 only the re"olution ha# le2t the in%ur,ent %ailor% alone. 4n2ortunately, the worl# (ounterre"olution woul# in no (a%e ha"e le2t the* alone. The lo,i( o2 the %tru,,le woul# ha"e ,i"en pre#o*inan(e in the 2ortre%% to the e+tre*i%t%, that i%, to the *o%t (ounterre"olutionary ele*ent%. The nee# 2or %upplie% woul# ha"e *a#e the 2ortre%% #ire(tly #epen#ent upon the 2orei,n 1our,eoi%ie an# their a,ent%, the $hite e*i,re%. All the ne(e%%ary preparation% towar# thi% en# were alrea#y 1ein, *a#e. 4n#er %i*ilar (ir(u*%tan(e% only people li'e the <pani%h Anar(hi%t% or /74;i%t% woul# ha"e waite# pa%%i"ely, hopin, 2or a happy out(o*e. The ol%he"i'%, 2ortunately, 1elon,e# to a #i22erent %(hool. They (on%i#ere# it their #uty to e+tin,ui%h the 2ire a% %oon a% it %tarte#, there1y re#u(in, to a *ini*u* the nu*1er o2 "i(ti*%.

The &ronstadters! .ithout a Fortress In e%%en(e, the "enera1le (riti(% are opponent% o2 the #i(tator%hip o2 the proletariat an# 1y that to'en are opponent% o2 the re"olution. In thi% lie% the whole %e(ret. It i% true that %o*e o2 the* re(o,ni9e the re"olution an# the #i(tator%hip M in wor#%. ut thi% #oe% not help *atter%. They wi%h 2or a re"olution whi(h will not lea# to #i(tator%hip or 2or a #i(tator%hip whi(h will ,et alon, without the u%e o2 2or(e. 72 (our%e, thi% woul# 1e a "ery >plea%ant? #i(tator%hip. It re8uire%, howe"er, a 2ew tri2le%B an e8ual an#, *oreo"er, an e+tre*ely hi,h, #e"elop*ent o2 the toilin, *a%%e%. ut in %u(h (on#ition% the #i(tator%hip woul# in ,eneral 1e unne(e%%ary. <o*e Anar(hi%t%, who are really li1eral pe#a,o,ue%, hope that in a hun#re# or a thou%an# year% the toiler% will ha"e attaine# %o hi,h a le"el o2 #e"elop*ent that (oer(ion will pro"e unne(e%%ary. Naturally, i2 (apitali%* (oul# lea# to %u(h a #e"elop*ent, there woul# 1e no rea%on 2or o"erthrowin, (apitali%*. There woul# 1e no nee# either 2or "iolent re"olution or 2or the #i(tator%hip whi(h i% an ine"ita1le (on%e8uen(e o2 re"olutionary "i(tory. Dowe"er, the #e(ayin, (apitali%* o2 our #ay lea"e% little roo* 2or hu*anitarian-pa(i2i%t illu%ion%. The wor'in, (la%%, not to %pea' o2 the %e*iproletarian *a%%e%, i% not ho*o,eneou%, either %o(ially or politi(ally. The (la%% %tru,,le pro#u(e% a "an,uar# that a1%or1% the 1e%t ele*ent% o2 the (la%%. A re"olution i% po%%i1le when the "an,uar# i% a1le to lea# the *aGority o2 the proletariat. ut thi% #oe% not at all *ean that the internal (ontra#i(tion% a*on, the toiler% #i%appear. At the *o*ent o2 the hi,he%t pea' o2 the re"olution they are o2 (our%e attenuate#, 1ut only to appear later at a new %ta,e in all their %harpne%%. <u(h i% the (our%e o2 the re"olution a% a whole. <u(h wa% the (our%e o2 6ron%ta#t. $hen parlor pin'% try to *ar' out a #i22erent route 2or the 7(to1er :e"olution, a2ter the e"ent, we (an only re%pe(t2ully a%' the* to %how u% e+a(tly where an# when their ,reat prin(iple% were (on2ir*e# in pra(ti(e, at lea%t partially, at lea%t in ten#en(yC $here are the %i,n% that lea# u% to e+pe(t the triu*ph o2 the%e prin(iple% in the 2utureC $e %hall o2 (our%e ne"er ,et an an%wer. A re"olution ha% it% own law%. &on, a,o we 2or*ulate# tho%e >le%%on% o2 7(to1er? whi(h ha"e not only a :u%%ian 1ut an international %i,ni2i(an(e. No one el%e ha% e"en trie# to %u,,e%t any other >le%%on%.? The <pani%h re"olution i% ne,ati"e (on2ir*ation o2 the >le%%on% o2 7(to1er.? An# the %e"ere (riti(% are %ilent or e8ui"o(al. The <pani%h ,o"ern*ent o2 the >/eople=% 5ront? %ti2le% the %o(iali%t

re"olution an# %hoot% re"olutioni%t%. The Anar(hi%t% parti(ipate in thi% ,o"ern*ent, or, when they are #ri"en out, (ontinue to %upport the e+e(utioner%. An# their 2orei,n allie% an# lawyer% o((upy the*%el"e% *eanwhile with a #e2en%e ... o2 the 6ron%ta#t *utiny a,ain%t the har%h ol%he"i'%. A %ha*e2ul tra"e%ty@ The pre%ent #i%pute% aroun# 6ron%ta#t re"ol"e aroun# the %a*e (la%% a+i% a% the 6ron%ta#t upri%in, it%el2, in whi(h the rea(tionary %e(tion% o2 the %ailor% trie# to o"erthrow the proletarian #i(tator%hip. Aon%(iou% o2 their i*poten(e on the arena o2 pre%ent-#ay re"olutionary politi(%, the petty-1our,eoi% 1lun#erer% an# e(le(ti(% try to u%e the ol# 6ron%ta#t epi%o#e 2or the %tru,,le a,ain%t the 5ourth International, that i%, a,ain%t the party o2 the proletarian re"olution. The%e latter-#ay >6ron%ta#ter%? will al%o 1e (ru%he# M true, without the u%e o2 ar*% %in(e, 2ortunately, they #o not ha"e a 2ortre%%. January 15, 1938

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