September 2009

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September 2009

“God’s Economy”
“And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all
things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in
every good work.” 2 Cor. 9:8
Our Living Link Support Goal has returned to 100%! Prayers answered!
In God’s economy God moves and works far more efficiently than any human system providing
what we need to accomplish his will. We are truly thankful to Him for showing us His faithfulness in
our ministry. We also thank God for YOU our faithful supporters. We believe, as it says in the verse
above, that God will supply all that you need so that the work at home and around the world will con-
tinue to be accomplished. We still need, however, more ONE TIME gifts. While the pledges have
reached 100% the giving lags behind our present budget needs and we are asking you to step up and
help us with this great concern!

Joyful Visits!
We have had wonderful visits with our Living Link supporters! THANK YOU for making us feel
so welcome and loved. May the Lord richly bless you for your generous manner in receiving us as
you did!

Your gifts enabled us to purchase: Objectives – Oct., Nov., Dec.

 Work Team – lay the
1. A new projector for teaching & supply bulbs
foundation and walls for a
2. A new laptop as the monitor on our old one cracked! new church building at
3. Payment for the production of my book “Equipping Kononfla, C.I.
the Saints for Difficult Times: A Study Guide from  Kay’s supervising 9 other
the Book of Revelation.” TEE classes.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY!  Sherman’s travel to
Kenya and Tanzania. To
A New Vehicle is needed! Kenya for KIST board meet-
After nine years and 115,000 miles of hard ing and to Tanzania for 50th
work our pickup has finally reached a point year celebration.
where it really needs to be replaced. In fact, on  Kay will be preparing
the way to the airport we blew a head gasket and the whole engine lessons for teaching in IBAO
in January 2010.
had to be repaired, not to mention the stress of being broken down
in the country, miles from a tow truck. Fortunately a passing mini- Prayer requests:
van towed us to a point just outside of town where we could call a 1. Wisdom & discernment
tow truck. We truly need your help! We will need at least $40,000 in leader selection for TEE
to purchase another vehicle. If you would partner with others in this 2. Wisdom & discernment
purchase, send your contributions to the Project Link number be- for our involvement in the
low marked “New auto for Critsers!” Thank you for your help new church plant in Burkina
and prayers in solving this problem! Faso

Contact Candy Power: 800-848-2464 ext. 2129

Sherman and Kay Critser – Regional Coordinator to Africa E-mail
Project Link #42.10045 Or Go to

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