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Bryson Gonzalez 11/25/13 Period 2

Richard Henry Lee

Ill bet that you have never even heard of Richard Henry Lee, much less ever been told about his significance. Well Im here to tell you why he is one of our most important founding fathers and how he made the famous resolution for our independence. Having been a successful man who had a great plantation business and far more he had every right to write and project the resolution for freedom. He had the responsibility to make the famous motion. Today we can see the hand written document of this resolution in the national archives proving this historical event. This resolution changed America forever. What would we be without independence? It gave us hope in the war and showed what we wanted for America. Anyone anywhere can see the importance of our independence and how we act when someone wants to take it away. Saying this you should be able to tell why Richard Henry Lee is one of our most important founding fathers for making the resolution to declare independence from the British. The document of the resolution is a great historical piece of evidence that explains a lot about what Lee wanted to do with the resolution and how he was thinking at the time. First, I want to explain how he was well known for his oral presentations because this has much to do with the document that he wrote. He was said to have spoke like he was singing a song. This was a big deal considering many different people could have been chosen for the job. This document is kept in the national archives being studied by many historians. In the document you see that it is a very meaningful short resolution that explains what we need as a country in terms of freedom. Resolved, That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved
That it is expedient forthwith to take the most effectual measures for forming foreign

Alliances. That a plan of confederation be prepared and transmitted to the respective Colonies for their consideration and approbation, Richard Henry Lee.

As you see the man is serious about what he is saying. Lee seems to be quick and ready to take action with the country.

This resolution is a great example of his writing and speaking abilities. It shows us what he was thinking and what he needed for our country, freedom wise. As I said earlier, not anyone could have been chosen for the job. There must have been significant reasons why he was chosen. Throughout his life Richard Henry Lee gave us many contributions before he wrote and spoke the resolution. Many could have done the same, so why this man? Richard Henry Lee was born on a tobacco plantation known as Stratford Hall. At the age of sixteen Lee left on a privileged trip to a private school in England. Upon Returning his family was torn apart and over a long period he and his family worked until they were at the pinnacle of power in Virginia. Richard worked with large land companies like Ohio and Mississippi Land Companies. He eventually assumed a seat in the House of Burgesses and built a house on the Potomac River that he called Chantilly. He continued but found tobacco prices decline and he needed to look for new decisions. Richard Henry Lee grew hatred for the British and their policies. His life was being invaded. Lee had already formed the Comities of Correspondence and this group turned into the first Continental Congress. In this first session Richard Henry Lee made the motion declaring independence for the colonies. As this quote states Richard Henry Lee was ready and willing for independence, Why then sir, why do we longer delay? Why still deliberate? Let this happy day give birth to an American Republic. Let her arise not to devastate and to conquer but to reestablish the reign of peace and law. The eyes of Europe are fixed upon us. She demands of

us a living example of freedom that may exhibit a contrast in the felicity of the citizen to the ever-increasing tyranny which desolates her polluted shores. She invites us to prepare an asylum where the unhappy may find solace, and the persecuted repose. If we are not this day wanting in our duty, the names of the American legislators of 1776 will be placed by posterity at the side of all of those whose memory has been and ever will be dear to virtuous men and good citizens. After congress had done their job Richard Continued to defend his Home and Business. A while later, Lee realized his influence on the state government but had not held a seat in congress since his famous motion. Next he served a short period in the House of Delegates. Leaving his home sadly Richard Henry Lee decided to turn attention to the public. Lee left heading further north to take his position as President. After he served his duties Richard resided in his home on the Potomac. Lee later died of poor health leaving the great things he had contributed to our country. J. Kent McGaughy Being a member of the Continental Congress, a wealthy plantation owner, and a person who could later receive the position of President of the Continental Congress he had every thing to do with the resolution. Lee himself made a powerful decision to propose independence among the colonies. I hope this gives background information and helps you better understand why he lead congress in to independence that greatly changed America. Now you might think that many others had the same or greater importance in our independence and they did but The Lee Resolution changed America in many ways. First this resolution was the spark to the flame of freedom in the thirteen colonies. Where else would the grand idea of freedom come from? The declaration that Lee dreamed of became real because of the resolution. The document did not only spark the declaration but was a symbol to the people that the thirteen colonies would hold together no matter what happened, it gave hope to win the war. Freedom was only but a faint idea but the boldness of Lee and his convincing voice blasted the idea of freedom throughout the colonies. The

resolution ultimately created the Declaration of Independence and after the preamble it states that, We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This instantly says that every man is equal and that our creator gives us indestructible rights. These rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The first part of the declaration clearly states what Richard Henry Lee wanted from his resolution. Lee never wrote the declaration because he showed little interest and his wife was sick. No matter that his resolution still changed America for the better. Throughout this passage you probably have noticed hints and forms of rights and responsibilities. All across the board Richard Lee has given different examples of these rights and responsibilities. We must be aware of them and their importance. Let me expand on some of these events of rights and responsibilities. Again there are many examples of rights and responsibilities in Lees lifetime. First off, we see that he took many responsibilities through his plantation company in America. The land companies that he was apart of had a great influence in Virginias economy. He took the responsibility to be a hard workingman in his state. At the peak of his company he welded a large staff in the state of Virginia. Next Lee was always tuning his attention to the public. As a citizen of the U. S., he had the responsibility to be a learned many of the public and a man who would possibly take action in his country as he did in his political life. Third and final Richard Henry Lee makes the famous motion declaring independence from Great Britain. Well of course this is an example, he started the right to freedom in the thirteen colonies. That wraps up rights and responsibilities and I hope you better understand how this plays into the resolution. J. Kent McGaughy

All through his life Lee took on the responsibilities of a citizen in America and he gave the right of freedom to America. Not everyone could do what he did at the time. With many contributions to our country and interesting background information you can hopefully understand the importance of Richard Henry Lee and his motion declaring independence from the British. Everyone knows our founding fathers like George Washington or James Madison but Richard Henry lee had a great importance to our country.

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