2011 NCAE Examiner S Handbook UPDATED

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National Career Assessment Examination


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education NATIONAL EDUCATION TESTING AND RESEARCH CENTER Pasig City, Philippines 2011

This Examiners Handbook is intended for those involved in the administration of an assessment examination for third year students. It outlines the activities to be undertaken at various stages in the activity. To ensure a standardized test administration, this Handbook is necessary. The Room Examiner !RE" #or$%&o'
Di *ri,-*ion Room Examina*ion Room Di *ri,-*ion Room !Re*rie.a& /ha e" Submits the ('aminers )andboo!0 sealed (TR( and each TB has to be counted b% the Chief ('aminer Retains the Replica of the "ame #rid and ('amination Stubs of the e'aminees in the #uidance ,ffice

Receives the TBs & ASs Counts the TBs from the sealed plastic bags Signs the Form 3

Prepares the board or! for time record and posts the Replica of the "ame #rid #ives the #eneral $irections $istributes the AS then the TBs Chec!s if "ame #rid and other information in the AS are properl% shaded Facilitates in accomplishing the Form & b% e'aminees Administers the Test using ('aminers )andboo! *eeps custod% of the e'cess TBs in original plastic bags hile the test is in progress and the test items are not read b% the R( + ith sanctions re $ep($ ,rder "o- ./0 s- 12223 Accomplishes Form 1 Retrieves the TBs Chec!s the contents of the (TR( (Used AS arranged consecutively by Examinee Number, Time Record, Forms 1 & , Examiner!s Narrative Re"ort# Seals the (TR( hile still in the ('amination Room


To *he Room Examiner+ An im ortant factor that affects erformance in a test is the sychological climate in the testing room. It is im ortant therefore that you be very leasant during the test. !a ort must be established "ith the examinees because they "ork better "hen they are relaxed and ro erly motivated.

The activities ertaining to the test have to do "ith# re$test, test ro er and ost$test. A checkbox is rovided before the number that indicates a ma%or activity and the boxed instructions are to be read aloud to the examinees. &ut a check mark '() inside the box after each activity*instruction has been done*given. +ollo" the succeeding instructions strictly to insure fair and standardized test administration.

(.1 /RE0TEST (.1.1 Boar1 #or$

,rite the arts of the test on the board or on a -anila a er including the time the test has started and the time it "ill be finished, as sho"n belo".

One Te * Boo$&e* !TB" %or a&& 2ar* o% *he *e *.

/ar* o% *he Te * I*em N-m,er Time Limi* Time A&&o3a*ion Time S*ar*e1 Time *o En1

/eneral 0irections and E01 $$

A 2$23 4 256 7 2 $ 89 2 5 =: 2 5 8: 2 5 3: 2 5 8: 2 5 3: 145

-orning .ession /ar* I 3: min. ;#:: 5 ;#3: /ar* II =: min. ;#32 $ >#9: 2: min. >#92 $ >#3: =: min. >#32 $ 2:#9: 2= min. 2:#92 $ 2:#3= 8: min. 2:#3@ $ 22#:= 3: min. 22#:@ $ 22#== 165 min. !( hr . 7 85 min." Afternoon .ession 3: min. 2#:: $ 2#3: 2= min. 2#32 $ 2#== 2= min. 2#=@ $ 8#2: 8: min. 8#22 $ 8#9: 165 min. !1 hr. 7 :5 min." < hr . 7 (5 min.

<<<<<<< <<<<<<< <<<<<<< <<<<<<< <<<<<<< <<<<<<<

!eading 7om rehension $$$$$$ 7lerical Ability $$$$$$ -athematical Ability $$$$$$ Sna3$ ?isual$-ani ulative .kills $$$$$$ ?erbal Ability $$$$$$ To*a& !*e * 2ro2er"

.cientific Ability Aogical !easoning Bon$verbal Ability Entre reneurial .kills To*a& !*e * 2ro2er"

$$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$

2 5 3: 2 5 2= 2 5 8: 2 5 8: 98

<<<<<<< <<<<<<<

O;ERALL TOTAL !*e * 2ro2er" (68

NOTE+ #ri*e a3*-a& *ime in *he ,&an$ 2a3e 2ro.i1e1 %or.

(.1.( En*ran3e an1 Sea*in= Arran=emen*

2. Ins ect the seating arrangement before instructing the examinees to enter the testing room. There should be six ro"s of armchairs. The seats should be s aced far enough from each other to discourage unnecessary talking among examinees. -ake sure that the first and the last ro"s are close to the "alls. 8. To facilitate control of assing in and out of the room, only one door should be ke t o en.

9. Instruct the examinees to line u outside the room in al habetical order of their surnames, male first, follo"ed by female. 3. Instruct them to enter the room also in al habetical order. Aet the first six examinees occu y the front line first, then the second, until the last line, as sho"n belo".

Cha&$,oar1 Examiner Ta,&e Aine 2 Aine 8 Aine 9 Aine 3 Aine = !o" 2 2 6 29 2> 8= !o" 8 8 ; 23 8: 8@ !o" 9 9 > 2= 82 86 !o" 3 3 2: 2@ 88 8; !o" = = 22 26 89 8> !o" @ @ 28 2; 83 9:

=. In no case shall there be more than 9: examinees in a room. @. 7heck the attendance by calling out the names of the examinees from the list in BET!7 +orm 2, Aist of Examinees, re ared by the .chool &rinci al*Testing 7oordinator. 6. Ins ect the chairs of the examinees to insure that only encils and blank sheets of a er for com utation ur oses are there. ;. Instruct them that all belongings are laced in front of the rooms underneath the blackboardC exce t the encils, shar ener and a clean sheet of a er.

(.1.: Orien*a*ion o% *he Examinee

After the examinees are seated and all chairs are cleared, say# Good morning everybody. I am '.tate your name) There are some points you should remember to follow while taking the test. I shall read each one. !ead the follo"ing slo"ly and clearly# 1. You will answer all nine subtests. 2. If possible, you are not allowed to leave the room once the test has started. . !o not open your test booklet until you are told to do so. ". If you have any problem such as missing pages or words that are not printed clearly, raise your hand so I can help you. #. $uestions on the directions or on any test item will not be entertained after the test has started. %. !o not write anything on the Test &ooklet. ' separate 'nswer (heet is provided for your answers. )hen answering the *athematical 'bility test, you may use a clean sheet of paper for your computation but submit this to me after the test

+. ,se lead pencil in answering the test.

$% Remember to &ee" your Ans'er S(eet clean and )ree )rom unnecessary mar&s% *+ N+T )old, crum"le, or crease any "ortion o) it, ot(er'ise it may be re,ected by t(e scanning mac(ine%
-. (elect your answer from the given choices, and blacken the circle that
corresponds to your answer in the appropriate item number on your 'nswer (heet. 1.. You may change your answer by erasing it neatly. 11. )ork /uietly and mind only your own work. !o not use books, dictionaries, slide rules, calculators, and cell phones inside the testing room. 12. 0efrain from cheating. If you are caught cheating and have been warned twice, but persist on cheating, you will not be allowed to take the test any further. 1 . The total time for the test will be " hours and 2. minutes. You will be given a 1#1minute break in the morning after the third subtest and one hour # minute lunch break after the fifth subtest. 1". )ork fast enough so you will finish the test within a given time. If you finish the test ahead of time review your answers. 1#. I will announce when the given time to finish the test is up. 1%. )hen I say (T23, put your pencils down. After you have read the guidelines, allo" examinees to go out, if necessary, before distributing the materials.

(.1.<. Di *ri,-*in= *he An 'er Shee* !AS" an1 Te * Boo$&e*

!TB "

7ut "ith a air of scissors or a blade one end of the lastic bags 'one containing the T4s and the other the A.). 7heck their Duantities and see to it that these are accurate and not tam ered. In a ack there are thirty '9:) T4s. Each examinee "ill have one T4 and one A.. In the distribution of the T4s and A. follo" the numbering of examinees sho"n on &age =. .tart "ith the examinee in Bumber 2, by giving him*her the T4*A. "ith the lo"est serial number and end "ith examinee in Bumber 9:, giving him*her the highest serial number.

(.1.8. Che3$in= *he Te * Boo$&e* an1 An 'er Shee*

After each Examinee has received a Test 4ooklet and an Ans"er .heet, say# 4verybody, put the 'nswer (heet on your chair5desk. ',ait until everybody has done this.) 6ook at your Test &ooklets. '&ause.) 7heck the pages one by one. If you notice any misprint or a missing page, raise your hand and I will change it. &ause. ,ait until everybody has done this. Then say# 4verybody, look at your 'nswer (heet. 8ind out if there are defects. In case there are, raise your hand and I will change it. &ause. Aook for raised hands. In case a Test 4ooklet or an Ans"er .heet is defective, the "hole set must be changed. /et this from the regular ack, if there are extrasC if none, reDuest the !oom .u ervisor to give you the exact number of co ies needed from

the buffer "hich is in the custody of the 7hief Examiner. This should be noted in the Examiners !e ort. ,hen all Test 4ooklets and Ans"er .heets have been checked, kee the unused T4 and A. in your custody "hile the test is in rogress, and these are to be acked "ith the others u on submission of re orts to the 7hief Examiner during the ost test.

(.1.>. )i&&in= in o% In%orma*ion in *he An 'er Shee*

The 'nswer (heet is composed of two 92: pages printed back to back broken down as follows; The front page 93age 1: contains the circles for the basic information about yourself and the 4<aminee=s !escriptive $uestionnaire 94!$: circles numbered '. 1 > 1", &. I7T data 11+ and 7. 112 2ccupational Interest. The back page, 3age 2, contains circles numbered 1 > #. for 0eading 7omprehension, 1 > 2. for 7lerical 'bility, 1 1 ". for *athematical 'bility, 1 > 2. for ?isual1*anipulative (kills, 1 > #. for ?erbal 'bility, 1 > ". for (cientific 'bility, 111# for 6ogical 0easoning 'bility, 1 > 2. for @on ?erbal 'bility, and 1 > 2. for 4ntrepreneurial (kill. In marking the circle, see to it that the whole space within the circle is fully shaded.

(.1.>.1. )i&&in= -2 *he Name

.ay# You shall now fill in the information called for on the front page of the 'nswer (heet '!e lica on age 8). 8irst of all, print your name inside the bo< provided for in the e<aminee stub found on the upper portion of the '(. Then print your name inside each bo< provided for in the name grid. &ause. /ive the Examinees enough time to "rite their names. Then say# 'ccomplish the name grid found on the upper part of the 'nswer (heet. The basic rules in filling up the name grid are as follows; 1. )rite only one letter in each bo<. &elow letter A are B and dash 91:. 2. 4nter your last name first. If you are a CD0C, CIIIC, CI?C, etc., write it immediately after the blank bo< following your surname. 2r, if your surname consists of two or more words such as de la 7ruE, de los (antos, (an Ignacio, etc., write your surname leaving blank bo<es in between. !2 @2T go beyond the bo<es provided for surname if they are not enough for your surname. The ne<t bo<es are for your first name9s:. If the bo<es for surname are more than enough, leave the bo<es blank. . 4nter your first name9s: starting from marked 8I0(T @'*4. If you have more names leaving blank bo<es in between. provided for first name if the bo<es are The last bo< is for your middle initial. the bo< divided by a vertical line than one first name, write your !2 @2T go beyond the bo<es not enough for your first name.

". 8inally, fill in your middle initial. If you have two middle names such as (an Duan, de ?ega, or de los 'ngeles, write only the first two letters of your middle names. There are two columns for the middle name.

&ause. Aet the Examinees follo" the instructions, then, say# If you have filled in your last name, first name and middle initial, blacken the circles corresponding to the letters written in the bo<es. /o around to see that this is done by the Examinees correctly.


)i&&in= -2 Bir*h Da*e


The &irth !ate is given in the form of month1day1year, specifically; 4<ample; Danuary %, 1--1 *onth 1 &lacken the circle corresponding to the month of birth which is Danuary. !ay 1 Two columns are allotted for the day although one circle in each column is blackened. The range is from .1 to 1. !ays ranging from 1 to - are entered as .1 to .-, so blacken . in the first column and % in the second column. Year 1 2nly the last two digits of the year of birth are entered. &lacken - in the first column and 1 in the second column.


)i&&in= -2 ?en1er
4<ample; If you are a

Indicate your gender by shading the corresponding circle. boy or man, shade male. If you are a girl or woman, shade female.


)i&&in= -2 A22&@in= %or TESDA S3ho&ar hi2


Indicate whether you are applying for T4(!' (cholarship or not. 4<ample; If you are applying for T4(!' (cholarship, blacken YES, if not, blacken NO.


)i&&in= -2 A22&@in= %or CHED S3ho&ar hi2 /ro=ram

Indicate whether you are 'pplying for 7F4! (cholarship 3rogram or not. 4<ample; If you are applying for 7F4! (cholarship 3rogram, blacken YES, if not, blacken NO.


)i&&in= -2 O-* o% S3hoo& Ao-*h

Indicate whether you are an 2ut of (chool Youth or not. 4<ample; If you are an 2ut of (chool youth, blacken YES, if not, blacken NO.


)i&&in= -2 ?AST/E S3ho&ar

Indicate whether you are a G'(T34 scholar. If yes, blacken bubbles for YES, and the bubble for NO if not. 4<ample; If yes, blacken 4?( 94ducation ?oucher (ystem: or 47( 94ducation 7ontracting (ervice:.


)i&&in= -2 S3hoo& S-,Be3* ?ra1e

.ay# &lacken the circles that correspond to your final second year ratings last year in the five subGect areas; *ath, 4nglish, (cience, 8ilipino, and T64. 4<ample; If your grade in *athematics is -. blacken - in the first column and . in the second column.


)i&&in= -2 N-m,er o% S*-1en* In a C&a are @o- in @o-r 3&a C e3*ionD"

CSe3*ion !Ho' man@

.ay# &lacken the circles that correspond to the number of students in your regular class5section. 4<ample; If you are si<ty1five 9%#: in your regular class5section, blacken % in the first column and # in the second column.

(.1.>.15. )i&&in= -2 S3hoo& ID

.ay# &lacken the circle corresponding to your %1digit (chool I!. It consists of si< numbers. 7heck your (chool I! against the (chool I! on the board. '/o around to check that the .chool I0 is "ritten correctly:.

(.1.>.11. )i&&in= -2 S3hoo& Lo3a*ion

.ay# &lacken the circle corresponding to the type of community your school is located. If your school is located in a rural area, blacken rural. If your school is located in an urban area, blacken urban.


)i&&in= -2 Re=ion an1 Di.i ion Co1e

.ay# &lacken the circle corresponding to your 0egion and !ivision 7ode. It consists of numbers and letters. 7heck your 0egion and !ivision 7ode against the 0egion and !ivision 7ode written on the board. '/o around to check if the !egion and 0ivision 7ode is "ritten correctly.)


)i&&in= -2 T@2e o% S3hoo&

&lacken the circle corresponding to your type of school. If your school is a public high school, choose from among the four types and shade the corresponding circle. If your school is a private high school, choose from among the four types and shade the corresponding circle.

(.1.>.1<. )i&&in= -2 Name an1 A11re


o% S3hoo&

)rite the name and address of your school on the space provided.

(.1.>.18 #ri*in= *he Si=na*-re an1 /rin*e1 Name



)rite your signature over your printed name on the space provided

/ive the Examinees enough time to do this. 7heck that each Examinee does this correctly. I* i im2era*i.e *ha* @o- 3he3$ an1 1o-,&e 3he3$ i% a&& Examinee ha.e ha1e1 *he 3orre3* 3ir3&e 2er*ainin= *o *he NAME ?RIDE 3hoo& ID an1 a&& *he ne3e ar@ in%orma*ion a,o-* *he Examinee. To 1o *hi E =o aro-n1 an1 in 2e3* ea3h Examinee An 'er Shee*. !THIS IS ;ERA IM/ORTANT .)



(.(.1. Rea1in= *he ?enera& Dire3*ion !: min-*e "

4verybody, open your test booklets. 0ead the general directions silently and with understanding. I will give you minutes to do this.


A1mini *erin= *he Examinee De 3ri2*i.e F-e *ionnaire !EDF"

After three minutes, say#

3art I, the 4<aminee=s !escriptive $uestionnaire 94!$: is not a test. It consists of thirty four 9 ": items on some information you are to give answers. 'fter each item on your 'nswer (heet, shade the circle5s of the letter that corresponds to your answer to that particular item. There are several circles for each item. (ome items re/uire you to shade many circles while some items re/uire you to mark only one circle corresponding to your answer. !o not leave any item unanswered. 3art I will last for ". minutes. 0ecord your answers for this part on the lower portion of the front page of the 'nswer (heet. 4verybody, open your test booklets to the 4!$. '.ho" them the E01 ortion), 0eady ................ &eginH

(.(.:. A33om2&i hin= *he Sea* /&anE NETRC )orm (

,hile the examinees are ans"ering the E01, let each Examinee "rite his Bame, Examinee Bumber, and the Test 4ooklet Bumber on the .eat &lan. +ill in the &ro%ect Title 'Bational 7areer Assessment Examination), !egion, 0ivision, .chool Bame and Address, 0ate of Examination and !oom Bumber.

(.(.<. A1mini *erin= *he S-,*e * in Rea1in= Com2rehen ionE C&eri3a& A,i&i*@E Ma*hema*i3a& A,i&i*@E ;i -a&0Mani2-&a*i.e S$i&& E an1 ;er,a& A,i&i*@ !( hr an1 %i%*@ min-*e "
After ten minutes, say#
're you now ready to start answering the testI The test proper this morning will last for three hours. The time limit for each subtest is as follows; 0eading 7omprehension, #. minsJ 7lerical ability, 1. minsJ *athematical 'bility, #. minsJ ?isual1*anipulative (kills, 2. minsJ and ?erbal 'bility ". mins. . You will have a 1#1minute snacks break after the third subtest. 0eady ..... &egin.


!ecord on the board the time started and the time to end for snacks break, and the time started and time to end for lunch break. After the fifth subtest, say# 3lace your T& and '( under your seats while you take your lunch.

(.(.8. Con*in-in= *he Te * A%*er L-n3h Brea$

)e are about to continue the test. The subtests for this afternoon are (cientific 'bility, ". minsJ 6ogical 0easoning, 1# minsJ @on ?erbal 'bility, 1# minsJ and 4ntrepreneurial (kills, 2. mins. The test proper will last for one hour and . minutes. The test will end at ' oint to the "ritten time to end on the board). /o around and see to it that the examinees are shading their ans"ers ro erly. !ecord on the board the time to end. The recorded time to end is from the time it started after the lunch break.

(.(.>. Co&&e3*in= *he An 'er Shee* an1 *he Te * Boo$&e*

After the recorded time to end, say # 4verybody, stop writing. 7lose your test booklets. '&ause and "ait till everybody has com lied.) I will now collect your Test &ooklets. '7ollect the test booklets.) You are given # minutes to inspect your 'nswer (heet. *ake sure your erasures, if any, are clean. (ee to it that the circle selected for each item is shaded properly. The circle should have uniform shading. &e sure that only one is shaded for each item.

?o aro-n1 *o ma$e -re *he Examinee ha.e ha1e1 *he NAME ?RID 2ro2er&@ an1 ha.e *orn *he examinee *-,. A%*er *he in 2e3*ion ha ,een 1oneE a@+
I will go around to collect your answer sheets and your scratch papers. 7ollect and count all used and unused test booklets and ans"er sheets and lace these in the original lastic bags. -ake sure that all materials have been retrieved. In case a test booklet is missing exhaust all means to find it. DISMISS EXAMINEES


(.(.6 Di mi in= *he Examinee After all materials are accounted for, say#
)e are through with the test. You may now go out /uietly in single file.

(.:. /OST TEST (.:.1 /re2arin= *he Re2or* &re are the follo"ing re orts# 2. ExaminerEs Barrative !e ort 8. 7o y of the !e ort on Time each test started and the time each test ended 'co ied from the blackboard) 9. Bumber of registrants and number of actual examinees "ritten on the ET!E


&lace the follo"ing inside the !oom Examiners Transmittal !e ort Envelo e 'ET!E)# 2. Bos. 2 and 8 stated in 8. Fsed .cannable Ans"er .heets arranged consecutively by Examinee Bumber 9. Gne 7o y of BET!7 +orms 2 and 8 'back to back).

(.:.( Sea&in= *he ETRE 'hi&e *i&& in i1e *he examina*ion room. The examiner seals the ET!E "ith the 0e $Ed BET!7 a er ta eC after "hich
she*he signs across and beyond the ta e as verified. roof that the contents have been

(.:.: T-rnin= O.er o% Ma*eria& *o *he Chie% Examiner

Turn over to the 7hief Examiner the follo"ing materials# .ealed ET!E "ith five contents# +orm 2 and 8, narrative re ort, used scannable ans"er sheets acked in the original lastic bags and co y of the re ort on time the test started and ended er sub%ect. Fsed Test 4ooklets arranged consecutively . The unused test booklets "ill be acked "ith the used ones in their original lastic bags ExaminerEs Handbook

(.:.< A33o-n*in= o% Ma*eria& ,@ *he Chie% Examiner

The 7hief Examiner does the follo"ing# 7ollects and accounts all ET!Es assisted by the .chool Testing 7oordinator*!oom .u ervisor. Arranges and bundles them accordingly seeing to it that the number of ET!Es tallies "ith the number of testing rooms. A re ort on the number of ET!Es should accom any the bundle. !eturns to their original lastic bags all used and unused Test 4ooklets "ith serial numbers arranged consecutively. These should be resealed by sta ling the o en end of the lastic bag. &laces inside the 7ET!E the follo"ing materials after accom lishing the 7hief ExaminerEs Transmittal !e ort# 2. Fnused Ans"er .heets 8. BET!7 +orm 9, Test -aterials Accounting +orm 9. 7hief ExaminerEs !e ort +orm, BET!7 +orm 3 on the conduct of the test. 3. .chool Header 8.9.3.= Accom lishes BET!7 +orms =, @, all to be submitted to the 0T7 follo"ing the instructions# 2. .e arate the t"o forms by cutting the erforated lines. 8. +ill out the needed data in both forms. 9. These forms should be submitted to the 0T7 and not laced inside the 7ET!E. 3. The 0T7 uts all +orm =s submitted to him*her by every 7hief Examiner in the +irst 4ox of the 0ivisions boxes for the Test 4ooklets. =. 0o the same "ith +orm @ but all of +orm @s "ill be laced in the +irst 4ox of the 0ivisions boxes for the Ans"er .heets.

(.:.8. /a3$in= o% Te * Ma*eria&


The follo"ing materials "ill be laced in boxes for submission to the 0ivision Gffice# 2. 4undles of ET!Es "ith the 7ET!E to be brought to 0ivision Gffice for ick u by the authorized for"arder. 8. 4undles of used and unused Test 4ooklets sealed in lastic bags to be brought to the 0ivision Gffice for ick u by the authorized for"arder. 9. ExaminerEs Handbook, counted and ke t in containers ready for future use, to be retained in the 0ivision Gffice, care of 0ivision Testing 7oordinator. 3. BET!7 +orm =, Test 4ooklet 1uantity and 7om leteness ?erification .heet, to be inserted in box no. 2 on to of the test booklets of the 0ivision "hile BET!7 +orm @, Ans"er .heet 1uantity and 7om leteness ?erification to be inserted in box no, 2 of the Ans"er .heet of the 0ivision. TG THE 0I?I.IGB EHA-IBATIGB 7G--ITTEE# This Examiners Handbook should be stored in the 0ivision Gffice after the test, for future use. Thank you very much for your coo eration



The Chie% Examiner !CE" #or$%&o'

/re0Te * A3*i.i*ie +
Keeps the confidentiality of the test materials 0e/uires every 0oom 4<aminer to count the T&=s while plastic bags are still sealed 8acilitates the signing of 8orm by 04

B. Te * /ro2er+
Accom lishes +orms 3, = and @ -onitors the testing staff activities

C. /o *0Te * A3*i.i*ie +
Accounting of -aterials 2. 7ollects and accounts all ET!Es assisted by the .chool Testing 7oordinator*!oom .u ervisor. 2. Arranges and bundles them accordingly seeing to it that the number of ET!Es tallies "ith the number of testing rooms. A re ort on the number of ET!Es should accom any the bundle. 9. !eturns to their original lastic bags all used and unused Test 4ooklets "ith serial numbers arranged consecutively. These should be resealed by sta ling the o en end of the lastic bag. 3. &laces inside the 7ET!E the follo"ing materials after accom lishing the 7hief Examiners Transmittal !e ort# 9,nused 'nswer (heets, @4T07 8orm , @4T07 8orm " and the (chool Feader: =. .ubmits to 0T7 +orms = and @ se arately. @. Accom lishes the BET!7 +orms =, @ all to be submitted to the 0T7 follo"ing the instructions#

The Di.i ion Te *in= Coor1ina*or !DTC" #or$%&o'

/rior *o Examina*ion Da@
1- Submits promptl% to "(TRC accurate enrolment data using the prescribed format in soft and hard copies&- Assists the S$S in the assignment of Testing Staff3- ,rients the School )eads or the School Testing Coordinators (only one "artici"ant "er sc(ool#% 4- Chec!s the pac!ing guide of the test materials received from the For arder- 5f the T6s are insufficient inform the "(TRC right a a%- #ets important information from the For arder (e%g% contact number# /- $istributes the test materials a da% before the e'amination da% to distant schools and earl% in the morning of e'amination da% for nearb% schools-

Re*rie.a& o% Te * Ma*eria&
1- Accounts the (TR(s per school and the Test Boo!lets per ('amination Room before placing the T6s in the original bo'es&- Places all Forms / in Bo' 7 1 of the $ivision for Test Boo!lets3- Places all Forms 8 in Bo' 7 1 of the $ivision for the (TR(s4- Retains 9stores the ('aminers )andboo!s in the $ivision ,ffice for future use/- Accomplishes the (valuation Sheet (see slide -./# on For arders Performance and send to "(TRC thru e:mail8- 5nforms "(TRC that the T6s are read% for pic!:up b% the For arder (see slide -.0#%



ALL RI?HTS RESER;ED No 2ar* o% *hi han1,oo$ ma@ ,e re2ro1-3e1 in an@ %orm. /re2are1 ,@+ Te * De.e&o2men* Di.i ion (511

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