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Re-issued 2009/ 0/0

NL Master Specification Guide for Public Funded Buildings Section 23 05 17 Pipe Welding

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P!R" $ .1 .2 .3 $2 .1

G#N#R!L R#L!"#% S#&"'(NS Section 01 74 21 Construction/De olition Waste !anage ent and Disposal Section 23 05 05 " #nstallation of Pipe$or%. Section 23 21 13.02 " &'dronic S'ste s( Steel R#F#R#N&#S ) erican *ational Standards #nstitute/) erican Societ' of !ec+anical ,ngineers. -)*S#/)S!,. .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 )*S#/)S!, /31.10 Po$er Piping. )*S#/)S!, /31.30 Process Piping. )*S#/)S!, /31.5 1efrigeration Piping and &eat 2ransfer Co ponents. )*S#/)S!, /31.3 /uilding Ser4ices. )*S#/)S!, /oiler and Pressure 5essel Code .1 Section #( Po$er /oilers. .2 Section 5( *ondestructi4e ,6a ination. .3 Section #7( Welding and /ra8ing 9ualifications.


) erican *ational Standards #nstitute/) erican Water Wor%s )ssociation -)*S#/)WW). .1 )*S#/)WW) C20:0 ;ield Welding of Steel Water Pipe. )WS C1.10 1eco ended Practices for 1esistance Welding. )WS <43.10 Safet' Welding0 Cutting and )llied Process. )WS W10 Welding #nspection &and=oo%. C)*/C>S/"4?.20 Spot 1adiograp+' of Welded /utt @oints in ;errous !aterials. CS) W47.20 Certification of Co panies for ;usion Welding of )lu inu . CS) W4? series"0 ;iller !etals and )llied !aterials for !etal )rc Welding. CS) /510 /oiler0 Pressure 5essel and Pressure Piping Code. CS) /52 !ec+anical 1efrigeration Code. CS) W117.20 Safet' in Welding0 Cutting and )llied Processes. CS) W17?.10 Certification of Welding #nspection Argani8ations. CS) W17?.20 Certification of Welding #nspectors. ) erican Welding Societ' -)WS. .1 .2 .3


.4 .5

Canadian >eneral Standards /oard .1 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .: .7 Canadian Standards )ssociation -CS) #nternational.


Pro4incial regulations( /oiler0 Pressure 5essel and Co pressed >as 1egulations.

NL Master Specification Guide for Public Funded Buildings Re-issued 2009/ 0/0 Section 23 05 17 Pipe Welding $) *+!L'F'&!"'(NS .1 Welders .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .2

Page 2 of 4

Welding Bualifications in accordance $it+ CS) /51 Cse Bualified and licensed $elders possessing certificate for eac+ procedure perfor ed fro aut+orit' +a4ing Durisdiction. ;urnis+ $elderEs Bualifications to A$nerFs 1epresentati4e. ,ac+ $elder to possess identification s' =ol issued =' aut+orit' +a4ing Durisdiction. Certification of co panies for fusion $elding of alu inu in accordance $it+ CS) W47.2. #nspectors Bualified to CS) W17?.2.

#nspectors .1

$, .1 .2 .3 $. .1 .2 .3

*+!L'"- !SS+R!N&# 1egistration of $elding procedures in accordance $it+ CS) /510 CS) /52 and pro4incial regulations. Cop' of $elding procedures a4aila=le for inspection. Safet' in $elding0 cutting and allied processes in accordance $it+ CS)"W117.2. /!S"# M!N!G#M#N" !N% %'SP(S!L Separate and rec'cle $aste aterials in accordance $it+ Section 01 74 21 Construction / De olition Waste !anage ent and Disposal0 and $it+ t+e Waste 1eduction Wor%plan. 1e o4e fro site and dispose of all pac%aging aterials at appropriate rec'cling facilities. Collect and separate for disposal0 paper0 plastic0 pol'st'rene0 corrugated card=oard pac%aging aterial in appropriate on"site =ins for rec'cling in accordance $it+ Waste !anage ent Plan. Di4ert unused etal aterials fro landfill to etal rec'cling facilit' as appro4ed =' A$nerFs 1epresentati4e.


P!R" 2 2$ .1

PR(%+&"S #L#&"R(%#S ,lectrodes( in accordance $it+ CS) W4? Series.

Re-issued 2009/ 0/0

NL Master Specification Guide for Public Funded Buildings Section 23 05 17 Pipe Welding

Page 3 of 4

P!R" ) )$ .1

#0#&+"'(N /(R1M!NS2'P Welding( in accordance $it+ )*S#/)S!, /31.1 /31.30 / 31.50 /31.30 )*S#/)S!, /oiler and Pressure 5essel Code0 Sections # and #7 and )*S#/)WW) C20:0 using procedures confor ing to )WS C1.10 and special procedures specified else$+ere in !ec+anical Di4ision and applica=le reBuire ents of pro4incial aut+orit' +a4ing Durisdiction. 'NS"!LL!"'(N R#*+'R#M#N"S

)$ 2 .1 .2

#dentif' eac+ $eld $it+ $elderEs identification s' =ol. /ac%ing rings( .1 .2 W+ere used0 fit to ini i8e gaps =et$een ring and pipe =ore. Do not install at orifice flanges. *PS 2 and s aller( install $elding t'pe soc%ets. /ranc+ connections( install $elding tees or forged =ranc+ outlet fittings.


;ittings( .1 .2

)$ ) .1 .2 .3 .4

'NSP#&"'(N !N% "#S"S - G#N#R!L R#*+'R#M#N"S 1e4ie$ $eld Bualit' reBuire ents and defect li its of applica=le codes and standards $it+ A$nerFs 1epresentati4e =efore $or% is started. ;or ulate G#nspection and 2est PlanG in co"operation $it+ A$nerFs 1epresentati4e. Do not conceal $elds until t+e' +a4e =een inspected0 tested and appro4ed =' inspector. Pro4ide for inspector to 4isuall' inspect $elds during earl' stages of $elding procedures in accordance $it+ Welding #nspection &and=oo%. 1epair or replace defects as reBuired =' codes and as specified. SP#&'!L'S" #0!M'N!"'(NS !N% "#S"S .1 >eneral .1 Perfor e6a inations and tests =' specialist engaged =' contractor0 Bualified in accordance $it+ CS) W17?.1 and CS) W17?.2 and appro4ed =' A$nerFs 1epresentati4e. 2o )*S#/)S!, /oiler and Pressure 5essels Code0 Section 50 CS) /51 and reBuire ents of aut+orit' +a4ing Durisdiction. #nspect and test $elds in accordance $it+ G#nspection and 2est PlanG =' non" destructi4e 4isual e6a ination and agnetic particle -+ereinafter referred to as GparticleG. tests and/or spot or full ga a ra' radiograp+ic -+ereinafter referred to as Gradiograp+'G. tests. )s per applica=le reference standard or as specified.

)$ ,

.2 .3


&'drostaticall' test $elds to reBuire ents of )*S#/)S!, /31.1.

NL Master Specification Guide for Public Funded Buildings Re-issued 2009/ 0/0 Section 23 05 17 Pipe Welding Page 4 of 4 .3 5isual e6a inations( include entire circu ference of $eld e6ternall' and $+ere4er possi=le internall'. .4 ;ailure of 4isual e6a inations( .1 Cpon failure of $elds =' 4isual e6a ination0 perfor additional testing as directed =' A$nerFs 1epresentati4e of total of up to 10 H of $elds0 selected at rando =' A$nerFs 1epresentati4e =' radiograp+ic tests. Spot radiograp+' to C)*/C>S/"4?.2. .1 Conduct spot radiograp+ic tests of up to 10H of $elds0 selected at rando =' A$nerFs 1epresentati4e fro $elds $+ic+ $ould =e ost difficult to repair in e4ent of failure after s'ste is operational. 1adiograp+ic fil ( .1 #dentif' eac+ radiograp+ic fil $it+ date0 location0 na e of $elder0 and su= it to A$nerFs 1epresentati4e. 1eplace fil if reDected =ecause of poor Bualit'. #nterpretation of radiograp+ic fil s( .1 /' Bualified radiograp+er. ;ailure of radiograp+ic tests( .1 ,6tend tests to $elds =' $elder responsi=le $+en t+ose $elds fail tests.


;ull radiograp+ic tests for piping s'ste s. .1


.3 .4 .: )$ . .1 .2

!agnetic particle tests for piping s'ste s as indicated. %#F#&"S &!+S'NG R#3#&"'(N )s descri=ed in )*S#/)S!, /31.1 and )*S#/)S!, /oiler and Pressure 5essels Code. #n addition0 c+illed $ater s'ste s =elo$ 1000 %Pa( .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .: Cndercutting greater t+an 0.? adDacent to co4er =ead on outside of pipe. Cndercutting greater t+an 0.? adDacent to root =ead on inside of pipe. Cndercutting greater t+an 0.? at co =ination of internal surface and e6ternal surface. #nco plete penetration and inco plete fusion greater t+an total lengt+ of 3? in 1500 lengt+ of $eld dept+ of suc+ defects =eing greater t+an 0.? . 1epair crac%s and defects in e6cess of 0.? in dept+. 1epair defects $+ose dept+ cannot =e deter ined accuratel' on =asis of 4isual e6a ination or radiograp+ic particle tests.

)$ 4 .1

R#P!'R (F /#L%S /2'&2 F!'L#% "#S"S 1e"inspect and re"test repaired or re"$or%ed $elds at ContractorEs e6pense.

#N% (F S#&"'(N

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