Countable and Uncountable Nounmied

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Choose the correct answer. 1. We must drink _______________glasses of water a day to. to avoid dehydration. A. a few B. much C. a little

2. Linda has ___________________pets at home. he takes good care of them. A. a few B. a little C. any

!. "here were ________________children at the playground# yesterday. A. plenty B. a few C. a little

$. %ow ____________ money do you need for your trip to &uala Lumpur? A. much B. many C. a few

'. "here is ________________ sand on the floor.

A. a few

B. many

C. a lot of

(. "here aren)t _________________new maga*ines in the li+rary. A. any B. a few C. a little

,. "here isn)t _________________ water in the well. A. much B. many C. a few

-. "here are_____________________ stalls at the +usy night market. A. many B. a little C. much

.. / have a small _________________ of money in the +ank. A. amount 10. B. num+er C. much

he has __________________stamps to show me. B. a little C. some

A. much

11. Be cautious1 "here is _________________ water on the floor. A. some B. many C. much 2. a few

12. We have to hurry as we do not have _________________time left. A. a few B. several C. many 2. much

1!. 3rs. akti4 5lease add _________________ salt to the curry. halini A. any 4 Alright# mum. B. a little C. much 2. many

1$. "he cook prepared __________________ types of food for the reception. A. many B. much C. any 2. a lot of

1'. 2o not add too ____________________ pepper into your soup. A. a few B. some C. many 2. much

16. Are there __________________ snails in the garden ? A. any B. much C. a little

1,. "here is _______________ of dust on the cup+oard. A. a few B. many C. a lot of 2. several

1-. 3y grandmother had +een to /ndia _________________times. A. much B. a little C. many 2. a lot

19. %ow ______________ do you pay for your 6nglish tuition ? A. a few B. many C. any 2. much

20. __________________ of the spectators are clapping and cheering for their team. A. A few B. A little C. ome

21. 77777.deep8sea fishes have large mouth to help them swallow their prey. A. Any B. A little C. 3uch 2. 3any

22. / could see _______________ cows gra*ing in the field. A. a few B. much C. any

2!. / do not have ________________ homework today.

A. any

B. many

C. a little

2$. %e failed his e9am +ecause he spend too _______________ time on computer game. A. much B. a little C. many 2. a lot

2'. Can / have ______________________pieces of cakes: "hey are delicious. A. much B. a little C. a few 2. a lot

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