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The examples of car loan bank Bank Islam

Vehicle Financing Vehicle Financing- i is based on the Bai Bithaman Ajil (BBA) contract method of sale with deferred payment, to ease your burden while owning your dream car FEATURES Margin of financing

!p to "#$ for national and non-national models

Paymen perio!

!p to " years

Financing Ra e

Fi%ed and competiti&e

Sec"ri y !eposi


Eligibili y

(iti)en*non citi)en +, years and abo&e

#oc"men s re$"ire!

(opy of -dentity (ard .atest / months salary slip 0mployment confirmation letter B*0A Form .atest 01F 2tatement 3ri&ing license


2elling price - 4nown and easy to plan for the future 5pportunity to get a return of about 67$ per year8 on motor ta4aful 9o other*e%tra charges Fast appro&al

S&IM BA%'ATA&AFU( &E%#ERAA%)i *SB&+ 9ow you can apply or renew your motor ta4aful with 2:-; BA9(A<A:AF!. :0930=AA9 (2B:) at all our branches and Ban4 -slam Automobile Financing (entres nationwide, and enjoy the following benefits>

<a4aful protection to the personal &ehicle from any accident damage or loss and third party liability ;udharabah (1rofit 2haring) on the ta4aful contributions paid if no claims are incurred within period of co&er 9o (laim 3iscount (9(3) gi&en upon renewal, if there ha&e been no claims during the pre&ious policy year

AUT,M,BI(E FI%A%'I%- TA&AFU( P(A% The AUTOMOBILE FINANCING TAKAFUL PLAN is also available at Bank Islam to cover the in ivi !al"s #inancin$ amo!nt %ith the bank& In the event o# total 'ermanent isabilit( )TP*+ or eath, the balance #inancin$ o!tstan in$ %ill be settle %ith the bank&

.ong (eong Bank

.ong (eong 'ar (oan
'hen it comes to buying a car, ?ong .eong Ban4 will put you straight in the dri&er@s seat with our hassle-free car financing 'e offer (ar .oans for the following segments>

1assenger (ars, ;1Vs A B%B &ehicles Vans B % B (ommercial 1ic4-ups 5ther (ommercial &ehicles

Passenger Cars, MPVs & 4x4 vehicles

Age of Vehicle 9ew Vehicles !p to 7 years old !sed Vehicles C to +# years old ++ to +6 years old (oan Margin !p to "#$ !p to "#$ !p to ,7$ !p to D7$ Maxim"m (oan #"ra ion !p to +#, months !p to +#, months !p to ,B months !p to ,B months


Eoods carrying &ans with EV' * B3; up to 67B#4g 1assenger carrying A 1ri&ate registered &ans (oan

Age of Vehicle 9ew Vans !sed Vans !p to 7 years old C to , years old

Maxim"m (oan #"ra ion Margin !p to "#$ !p to +#, months !p to ,#$ !p to ,B months !p to D7$ !p to D6 months

4x4 Commercial Pick-ups

Age of Vehicle (oan Maxim"m (oan #"ra ion

9ew Vans !sed Vans

!p to 7 years old C to , years old

Margin !p to "#$ !p to +#, months !p to ,#$ !p to ,B months !p to D7$ !p to D6 months

Other Commercial Vehicles

Eoods carrying &ans abo&e 67B#4g and up to 7###4g 1ic4-ups and lorries of up to 7###4g

Age of Vehicle (oan Margin Maxim"m (oan #"ra ion 9ew Vehicles !p to ,#$ !p to C# months !sed Vehicles !p to / years old !p to D#$ !p to /C months For (oan erms of o her /ehicles, 4indly refer to our nearest branch, or contact ?ong .eong (all (entre at +-,##-/,-,,,,

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