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LICENSE AGREEMENT Please read the following license agreement. Convert to!"!

for #indows P$"ista$#indows Seven$#indows % Convert to!"! EN!&'SER LICENSE AGREEMENT IMP(RTANT&REA! CARE)'LL*+ This Convert to!"! End&'ser License Agreement ,-E'LA-. is a legal agreement /etween 0o1 ,either an individ1al or a single entit0. and "S( Software for the "S( Software Convert to!"! which incl1des com21ter software and ma0 incl1de -online- or electronic doc1mentation ,-S()T#ARE-.. 30 installing4 co20ing4 or otherwise 1sing the S()T#ARE4 0o1 agree to /e /o1nd /0 the terms of this E'LA. If 0o1 do not agree to the terms of this E'LA4 do not install4 co20 or 1se the S()T#ARE. 5. !E)INITI(NS The definition of terms set forth in this Section4 shall a22l0 when s1ch terms are 1sed in this Agreement4 and an0 amendments hereto+ IMPR("EMENTS+ shall mean correction of an0 fa1lts. These fa1lts are in fact ver0 com2le6 and ma0 /e im2ossi/le to correct within the c1rrent state of the art. It is not therefore 2ossi/le for "S( Software to 2romise an0 s0stematic corrections. "S( Software 1nderta7es to note all desira/le im2rovements and to 2rod1ce new versions im2roving when 2ossi/le e6traction fa1lts which have /een esta/lished. SPECI)ICATI(NS + shall mean the f1nctional 2erformance 2arameters of the Licensed Program effective on the date of this Agreement. 3'GS + shall mean all serio1s defects 2reventing the normal 1tilisation of the com21ter engine4 for instance4 writing a C! which will ca1se the s0stem to hang. Correction of a /1g leads to 12dating the Licensed Program.

8. S()T#ARE LICENSE. S1/9ect to the 2rovisions contained herein4 "S( Software grants 0o1 a non&e6cl1sive4 non transfera/le license to 1se the o/9ect code version of the Software free of charge4 incl1ding a watermar7 in the converted videos as a trial version. If 0o1 wish to 1se this software witho1t the watermar7 message in the converted videos4 a registration fee is re:1ired as descri/ed in the registration form. An activation 7e0 will /e 2rovided after registration to activate the f1ll registered version. This 7e0 is strictl0 2ersonal and 0o1 ma0 in no case transfer4 forward4 or otherwise 21/lici;e it. 'nregistered 1se of Convert to!"! after the eval1ation 2eriod or d12lication of the registration 7e0 is in violation of international co20right laws and 0o1 shall /e held res2onsi/le. "S( Software grants to 0o1 a non&e6cl1sive4 non&transfera/le4 revoca/le licence to+ ,a. install and e6ec1te the Software ,one 1ser onl04 ma0 /e installed on a la2to2 and a PC for 2ersonal 1se onl0.< ,/. ma7e one co20 of the Software for /ac712 21r2oses onl04 2rovided an0 co20 m1st contain all of the original Software=s 2ro2rietar0 notices.< and ,c. 1se the Software strictl0 in accordance with the 2rovisions of this Agreement. *o1 ac7nowledge that "S( Software ma0 offer to 12date the Software /1t it is not o/liged to do so 1nless 0o1 have 21rchased a s1/scri2tion that entitles 0o1 to 12dates for a s2ecified 2eriod. If no s1/scri2tion 2eriod is s2ecified at the time 0o1 21rchase a s1/scri2tion4 the s1/scri2tion 2eriod will /e one ,5. 0ear from the date 0o1 either first 21rchased or first installed the Software ,whichever occ1rred first.. Sho1ld 0o1 wish to receive information a/o1t 12dates 2lease view "S( Software we/site on a reg1lar /asis at www.vso& If 0o1 have 21rchased a s1/scri2tion that entitles 0o1 to 12dates4 0o1 ac7nowledge that after the s2ecified s1/scri2tion 2eriod or maintenance 2eriod has e62ired4 0o1 have no f1rther right to receive an0 12dates witho1t the 21rchase of a new licence. *o1 also ac7nowledge that "S( Software ma0 limit the f1nctionalit0 of the Software 12on the e62ir0 of an0 licence 2eriod 1nless 0o1 21rchase a new licence Licence )ee #here a licence fee is 2a0a/le /0 0o1 in res2ect of the Software4 0o1 are not entitled to 1se the Software 1ntil the

licence fee has /een 2aid. In the case of 2a0ment /0 credit card4 2a0ment will not /e deemed 2aid 1ntil the credit card 2a0ment has /een a1thorised /0 the /illing 2rovider. If 0o1 are downloading a free trial version of the Software4 0o1 ma0 1se it on one or more com21ters for an 1nlimited 2eriod of time ,s1/9ect to an0 time and$or f1nctionalit0 restrictions that ma0 /e incor2orated into the trial version.. >owever4 0o1 are not entitled to receive technical s122ort nor the f1ll f1nctionalit0 that comes with the Software 1ntil a licence fee has /een 2aid.

?. LIMITATI(NS. *o1 ma0 not ,5. 2ermit other individ1als to 1se the Software e6ce2t 1nder the terms listed a/ove< ,8. co20 the Software other than as s2ecified a/ove< ,?. 21/lish or 2rovide an0 res1lts of /enchmar7 tests r1n on the Software to a third 2art0 witho1t "S( Software=s 2rior written consent< ,@. rent4 lease4 grant a sec1rit0 interest in4 or otherwise transfer rights to the Software< or ,A. remove an0 co20right4 trademar74 2ro2rietar0 rights4 disclaimer or warning notice incl1ded on or em/edded in an0 2art of the Software< and ,B. sell4 license4 s1/license4 rent or otherwise transfer the Software. An0 2erson selling the software on a1ction we/sites or we/sites selling second hand goods li7e Ce/a0D ,www.e/ and its other sites worldwide. will /e s1/9ect to 2rosec1tion. @. TITLE. Title and ownershi2 of all 2ro2rietar0 rights in the Software4 incl1ding an0 co20right4 2atent4 trade secret4 trademar74 trade name or other intellect1al 2ro2ert0 right4 will at all times remain the 2ro2ert0 of "S( Software4 e6ce2t for certain 2arts that are e6cl1ded ,li7e ))m2eg 2arts. for which "S( is not the e6cl1sive co20right holder. *o1 agree not to remove or o/literate an0 co20right4 trademar7 or 2ro2rietar0 rights notices of "S( Software from the Software. Title and related rights in the content accessed thro1gh the Software is the 2ro2ert0 of the a22lica/le content owner and ma0 /e 2rotected /0 a22lica/le law. This license gives 0o1 no rights to s1ch content. A. LIMITE! #ARRANT* AN! LIA3ILIT* !1ring the trial 2eriod4 "S( Software shall not /e lia/le 1nder an0 theor0 or for an0 damages s1ffered /0 0o1 or an0 1ser. The entire ris7 as to the :1alit0 and 2erformance of the software is /orne /0 0o1. Sho1ld the software 2rove defective4 0o1 and not "S( Software ass1me the entire cost of an0 service and re2air. In addition4 the sec1rit0 mechanisms im2lemented /0 "S( Software have inherent limitations and 0o1 m1st determine that the software s1fficientl0 meets 0o1r re:1irements. This disclaimer of warrant0 constit1tes an essential 2art of this agreement. *o1 here/0 ac7nowledge that the Software ma0 not /e 1ninterr12ted and cannot /e g1aranteed error free and f1rther ac7nowledge that the e6istence of an0 s1ch errors shall not constit1te a /reach of this Agreement /0 "S( Software. 31t44 "S( Software shall ma7e its /est efforts to correct an0 /1gs revealed /0 licensee in a reasona/le time. If the Software is a /eta version4 0o1 ac7nowledge and agree that ,i. the Software ma0 contain errors and defects and ma0 not f1nction as intended or in accordance with its s2ecifications< and ,ii. 0o1 ass1me all ris7 in 1sing the Software and agree to ta7e d1e care in the installation4 e6ec1tion and testing of the Software on 0o1r com21ter s0stem. "S( Software acce2ts no res2onsi/ilit0 in case some files were not acce2ted /0 the software. "S( Software also cannot /e held res2onsi/le for the nat1re or so1rce of the files 1sed with the software. *o1 agree that 0o1 will not e6ec1te or install the Software on an0 o2erating s0stem other than a Com2ati/le o2erating s0stem. *o1 ac7nowledge and agree that the Software ma0 not e6ec1te correctl0 and ma0 interfere with other software if e6ec1ted on an o2erating s0stem which is not a Com2ati/le (S B. TERMINATI(N. This License will terminate a1tomaticall0 if 0o1 fail to com2l0 with the limitations descri/ed a/ove. (n termination4 0o1 m1st destro0 all co2ies of the software. The o/ligations of 0o1 and "S( Software 1nder Sections ? ,-Title-.4 @ ,-Limited #arrant0 and Lia/ilit0-.4 A ,-Termination-. and E,-General Provisions-. hereof will s1rvive

termination of this E'LA and will contin1e in f1ll force and effect thereafter. E. E P(RT C(NTR(L *o1 ma0 not download or otherwise e62ort or ree62ort the Software or an0 1nderl0ing information or technolog0 e6ce2t in f1ll com2liance with all 'nited States and other a22lica/le laws and reg1lations. In 2artic1lar4 /1t witho1t limitation4 none of the Software or 1nderl0ing ,Ff1ndamental. information or technolog0 ma0 /e downloaded or otherwise e62orted or ree62orted ,i. into ,or to a national or resident of. C1/a4 >aiti4 Ira:4 Li/0a4 *1goslavia4 North Gorea4 Iran4 S0ria or an0 other co1ntr0 to which the 'S has em/argoed goods< or ,ii. to an0one on the 'S Treas1r0 !e2artment=s list of S2eciall0 !esignated Nationals or the 'S Commerce !e2artment=s Ta/le of !enial (rders. 30 downloading the Software4 0o1 are agreeing to the foregoing and 0o1 are re2resenting and warranting that 0o1 are not located in4 1nder control of4 or a national or resident of an0 s1ch co1ntr0 or on an0 s1ch list. %. AMEN!ING T>ESE TERMS "S( Software ma0 amend an0 of the terms of this Agreement /0 ,a. 2roviding written notice to 0o1 of s1ch amendments< and$or ,/. dis2la0ing s1ch amendments or an amended co20 of this Agreement to 0o1 d1ring 0o1r installation and$or e6ec1tion of the Software. #itho1t limiting the methods /0 which 0o1 ma0 acce2t s1ch amended terms4 0o1 ac7nowledge and agree that 0o1r ongoing 1se of the Software after 0o1 are made aware of an0 amended terms to this Agreement will constit1te 0o1r acce2tance of s1ch amended terms. If 0o1 do not agree to an0 amendments made /0 "S( Software to the terms of this Agreement4 then 0o1 m1st 1ninstall the Software from 0o1r com21ter and cease an0 f1rther 1se of the Software. H. GENERAL PR("ISI(NS. This License is 2ersonal to 0o1 and 0o1 agree not to assign 0o1r rights in this agreement. This E'LA is governed /0 )rench laws. An0 dis21tes4 claims or controversies /etween the 2arties which arise in connection with this agreement shall /e finall0 settled /0 the )rench Co1rts. If an0 2rovision of this E'LA is held invalid or 1nenforcea/le for an0 reason4 the 2arties agree that s1ch invalidit0 will not affect the validit0 of the remaining 2rovisions of this E'LA4 and f1rther agree to s1/stit1te for the invalid 2rovision a valid 2rovision which most closel0 a22ro6imates the intent and economic effect of the invalid 2rovision. This E'LA constit1tes the entire agreement /etween 0o1 and "S( Software and s12ersedes an0 2rior agreement4 whether oral or written4 relating to the s1/9ect matter of this E'LA. 5I.'NINSTALL If 0o1 wish to 1ninstall the software4 clic7 on CR1nD C'ninstallD To erase an0 trace of the software4 incl1ding the log files4 2lease r1n the "S(Clean tool4 that can /e downloaded here htt2+$$download8.vso&$Clean"S(.e6e 55.PATENTS AN! R(*ALTIES This software is designed for 2ersonal 1se onl0. If 0o1 wish to 1se it for commercial 21r2oses4 0o1 ma0 /e re:1ired to 2a0 additional 2atent s1/scri2tion. )or more info4 2lease read the M2egLA reg1lations+ 58. (PEN S('RCE 'SAGE AN! !EPEN!ENCIES This 2rogram contains J li/avcodec ,avcodec.dll. J li/avformat ,avformat.dll. J li/av1til,av1til.dll. from ))m2eg ,htt2+$$ J "irt1al Tree"iew

from Soft&Gems ,htt2+$$www.soft&$.4 1nder the GN' Lesser General P1/lic License ,LGPL. version 8.5 ,htt2+$$$licenses$old&licenses$lg2l& 8.5.html. or later. This E'LA onl0 covers this 2rogram as a whole4 2arts avcodec.dll4 avformat.dll and av1til.dll and "irt1al Tree"iew are governed /0 the LGPL instead. ))m2eg so1rce code 1sed in this 2rogram is availa/le on htt2+$$svn.vso&$listing.2h2K re2nameFffm2egL2athFM8)tr1n7M8)NOtr1n7O "irt1al Tree"iew so1rce code 1sed in this 2rogram is availa/le on htt2+$$www.soft&$s122lement$download.2h2KI!F8% This 2rogram contains J Pedi Code Li/rar0 ,9cl. J Pedi "is1al Code Li/rar0 ,9vcl. from !el2hi&Pedi ,htt2+$$www.del2hi&$. 1nder the Mo;illa P1/lic Licence ,-MPL-. version 5.5 ,htt2+$$;$MPL$MPL&5.5.html. or later. Pcl and Pvcl so1rce code 1sed in this 2rogram is availa/le on htt2+$$9vcl.del2hi&$ 5?. PRI"AC* P(LIC* The 2rivac0 2olic0 is availa/le on+ htt2+$$www.vso&$legalOdisclaimer.2h2

Sho1ld 0o1 have an0 :1estions concerning this E'LA4 2lease write to infoQvso& 30 acce2ting this E'LA4 0o1 acce2t the terms and agreements of o1r ref1nd 2olic04 detailed here+ htt2+$$www.vso&$ref1ndO2olic0.2h2 !o 0o1 acce2t all of the terms of the 2receding License AgreementK If 0o1 choose No4 install will close. To install 0o1 m1st acce2t this agreement.

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