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Eine Woche voller Samstage - Seite 136-147 & 154-9: Arbeitsblatt

Freitag: Das Sams finally tells Herr T. that it can fulfill wishes. He's dubious, and tries to think of something to wish for that can't be ex lained naturally if it comes true. !y the time he's con"inced, only # $unsch unkte are left%. Samstag: Herr T. tries to re&create a se'uence of weekdays like that at the start of the book, so das Sams can return% [Donnerstag: Very few of the blue spots are left; Herr T. still doesn't know they're Wunschpunkte. Das a!s persuades Herr T. to en"oy a day in bed. #t constructs an elaborate $%nackwurst&'ring&(nlage$ [%'() which you can see on p. **+,) which it uses to deli-er so!e %nackwurst to hi! without hi! ha-ing to get out of bed. Das a!s heads out and finds a playground) where it entertains so!e little kids .and annoys their !others/ by eating the sand&cakes they're $baking.$ Then it turns an encounter with a playground bully into an occasion to tell a tall tale about catching a killer shark with a s0uare fin in the 1acific 2cean and putting it in 3rau 4.'s bathtub. Das a!s encourages all the kids to co!e one by one to ask to see the shark) and to be sure to ring the doorbell a lot) since 3rau 4. really likes that., [*5*&6: Das a!s wakes Herr T. by playing $boat$ in a drawer. He co!plains that it's !aking enough noise to !ake a deaf person [7ein Tauber, fall out of bed backwards) which inspires das a!s to play with the idea that this would turn $ein Tauber$ into a $4ebuat$ .$Tauber$ spelled backwards/) a %akadu .a bird/ into an $8dakak)$ etc., 136a: als er dem Sams beim (ufr)umen zusah = when he watched das Sams clean/tidy up 136b: Dabei mchte ich wetten, dass er vorhin noch zu sehen war = nd yet !"d bet that one could still see it a minute a#o$ Du hast ihn doch #erade we##ew%nscht = &ut you 'ust wished it away( 136d: "erschwinden = to disappear 136e: )assun#slos %ber so viel Dummheit = incredulous at so much stupidity 13*a: es geht nicht so)ort in *rf+llung = it +the wish, won"t immediately be )ul)illed 13*e: Das war reiner ,ufall = -hat was pure chance 13.b: 3rau 4. says she didn't bring breakfast to the roo! for nothing [u!sonst,: she wanted to see if das a!s was still there. he tells Herr T. that he can pack his bags [%offer, unless das a!s is gone in the ne9t *: !inutes. 13.d: #ab er widerwilli# zu = he admitted #rud#in#ly 13.e: wie ich mit Sicherheit herausbe/omme = how ! can de)initively )ind out$ etwas #anz us#e)allenes = somethin# really odd$ 0twas, was es ei#entlich %berhaupt nicht #eben /ann = Somethin# that"s really absolutely impossible( 131a: bld = dumm$ strohbld = e2trem dumm 34dumb as straw45$ der 6antel = coat 131b: Die -ardinen bl7hten sich au) und das 8a))ee#eschirr /lirrte = -he curtains billowed and the co))ee dishes rattled( 131c: damp)ten helle temwol/en aus seinem 6und: his breath 3 tem5 is steamin# 3damp)te5 out o) his mouth( 131d: They take shelter under a blanket +ein 9nterstand = shelter$ sonst = otherwise$ die &ettdec/e = blan/et, 131e: die :ardinenstan#e = curtain rod$ zusammenbrechen = to collapse$ 0isblumen = )lowery patterns made by ice on a window$ drau.en = outside$ undeutlich = indistinctly 1;<a: =om Stuhl ra#te nur noch die >ehne aus dem ?ei@ = Anly the bac/ o) the chair protruded )rom the white( 1;<b: begraben, begrub, hat begraben = to bury$ die /awine = avalanche$ stie# hinterher = climbed a)ter it 1;<cBe: 3rau 4. decides to e-ict [kndigen, Herr T.) since ten !inutes ha-e passed and the $brat$ ['engel, is still in the house. (s she enters the roo!) a huge snowball engulfs her and rolls into the kitchen with her in the !iddle like the pit of a plu! [der %ern einer 1flau!e,. (ppalled [entset;t, by the !ess [Unordnung,) she i!!ediately tries to clean up. 1;1e: ein dump)es, #rollendes &rummen = a dull, resent)ul #rowlin#$ w%hlen = to burrow$ spitze C7hne = pointy teeth 1;Da: /lapperte vor n#st und 87lte mit den C7hnen = his teeth chatterin# )rom )ear and cold 1;Db: dass aus meinem Spazierstoc/ ein :ewehr wird = that my wal/in# stic/ becomes a #un 1;Dc: -auwetter = 4thaw weather,4 a thaw$ tauen = to thaw 1;Dd: kaum = hardly$ schmolz = melted$ tro fen = to drip$ wurde sichtbar = became visible 1;De: san)t und schau/elnd = #ently swayin# 1;3a: be#ann sichEim See lan#sam zu wie#en = be#an slowly roc/in# in the sea$ betrachtete mit bldem :esichtsausdruc/ = watched with a dumb e2pression$ au) und ab schau/eln = to swin# +here: )loat, up and down 1;3b: Fetzt soll mich G /ennen lernen = How !"m #oin# to show G$ Dieses Durcheinander wird er mir b%@en = !"ll ma/e him pay )or 3causin#5 this mess( 1;3c: die Ilutwelle = )lood wave <which wildly carries 3rau 4. back to the kitchen once again. 1;3e: nass = wet$ waten = to wade$ der >appen = 3cleanin#5 ra#$ etwas #e#en G unternehmen = to do somethin# about G 1;;a: troc/en = dry$ sofort = immediately 1;;b: G hat mir einen Streich #espielt = G has played a tric/ on me$ endg+ltig = de)initively, irreversibly 1;;c: riesig = hu#e$ schob sich hinaus = made its way out$ drinnen = inside$ /reischen = to shrie/$ der 6ietvertra# = lease$ der Jachen = 'aws, maw$ #7hnen = to yawn$ machte /ehrt = reversed her trac/s$ rasen = to race, to speed 1;;e: Das a!s is reattaching the curtain rod) and wondering that $old$ 3rau 4. [die olle 4otkohl, hasn't shown up. 1;Ka: ?enn manEein -auwetter mit Lberschwemmun# im ei#enen Cimmer erlebt hat = i) one has e2perienced a thaw

with a )lood in one"s own room( 1;Kb: Mauptsache = the main thin# is 1;KbBc: Das a!s offers to hang out the window by Herr T.'s belt [=>rtel, so that when 3rau 4. co!es he can truthfully tell her it's not in the roo!) so she won't e-ict hi!. Herr T. replies that soon [bald, she won't be able to do that anyway [sowieso,: after all [schlielich, he has ein a!s !it blauen 1unkten< 1;Kd: wenn sie mit mir schim fen will = when she wants to scold me$ das -egenteil = the opposite 1;KdBe: Irau J( hatte inzwischen ihren Schrec/ %berwunden = Irau J( had meanwhile overcome her )ri#ht( he carefully looks out) then wa-es the rag out the door on a broo!stick) and finally sees den ?isb@r outside in the pile of snow she sho-eled out of the kitchen earlier. he sneaks up [schlich, to the door) sla!s it shut and locks it. 1;6a: mit zornrotem :esicht = her )ace red with an#er$ stemmte die rme in die M%)ten = put her hands on her hips$ au@er#ewhnlich nett und lieb = e2traordinarily nice and /ind$ !ch /nnte mir /einen besseren 6ieter vorstellen = ! couldn"t ima#ine a better tenant( 1;6b: vernei#te sich dan/end = made a bow o) than/s$ Das haben Sie h%bsch #esa#t = Nou said that very nicely$ 0s macht mir %berhaupt nichts aus = ! don"t mind at all$ muss neu %berzo#en werden = needs to be reupholstered 1;6c: Sie /nnten auch wieder einmal neue =orh7n#e brauchen = Nou could also use some new curtains$ ein h7ssliches 6uster = an u#ly pattern$ #anz abscheulich, #eradezu #r7sslich = Ouite abominable, downri#ht horri)ic 1;6e: blinzelte dem Sams zu = win/ed at das Sams$ arti# = well behaved$ das ich 'e erlebt habe = that !"ve ever e2perienced$ das #emeinsame Ir%hst%c/ = 3havin#5 brea/)ast to#ether 1;*c: weni#er = less$ lauschte "erwirrt ihren ei#enen ?orten = listened to her own words in con)usion 1;*d: Das /ommt %berhaupt nicht in Ira#e = -hat"s out o) the Ouestion 3i(e( ! can"t accept that #enerous o))er5$ ich zahle meine 6iete weiter wie bisher = !"ll /eep payin# my rent 'ust as be)ore( 1;*e: h)lich = polite [*A+&*6A: Das a!s warns Herr T. to be careful with his re!aining wishes) and they disco-er that only two Wunschpunkte are left. He says he'd like to wait until to!orrow to think of a good wish) but das a!s e9plains that a!se always lea-e on aturday. Herr T. thinks a long ti!e) and finally asks for a Wunsch!aschine that can fulfill wishes. Das a!s heartily appro-es) and one is i!!ediately deli-ered. Herr T. asks how to turn it on [anstellen,) and das a!s responds $Bberhaupt nicht.$ #t e9plains that Wunsch!aschinen co!e with either a Drehgriff or a Druckknopf for turning the! on) and as it didn't know which type he wanted) it left the! off. Co proble!) Herr T. still has one wish) and asks for ein Druckknopf & but nothing happens. #t turns out that the D Wunschpunkte that were left had actually been one double Wunschpunkt for co!plicated wishes like a Wunsch!aschine) so both are gone) and it's al!ost !idnight) when das a!s has to lea-e. Herr T. is sad about the useless !achine) but das a!s e9plains that when there's another se0uence of days like at the start of the book) it can co!e back with new Wunschpunkte. Herr T. fetches so!e war! clothes to help it get through the cold nights; das a!s is -ery pleased and eats the!. #t tells hi! it really en"oyed its stay and is looking forward to co!ing back. With that) it cli!bs out the window) and Herr T. watches it ride off on the polar bear., 1K*a: der Schlafan0ug = py'amas$ der 0ilbrie) = e2press letter 1K*c: un#ewhnlich = unusual 1K*d: bemer/en = to notice$ st%rzte ins Maus zur%c/ = rushed bac/ into the house 1K*e: der &rie)/asten = mailbo2$ in der u)re#un# = in all the e2citement$ die &rie)mar/e = stamp$ /leben = to stic/ 1K.b: !ch )inde es vortre))lich, dass Sie aus meinem Maus einen -aubenschla# machen = ! thin/ it"s marvelous that you"re turnin# my house into a pi#eon coop +i(e( that he /eeps #oin# in and out li/e pi#eons in a pi#eon coop,$ Merr -( /%mmerte sich nicht um ihr :erede = Merr -( i#nored her tal/ 1K.c: der ?etterbericht = weather report 1K.e: 9nd Merr -( wird sich den )ehlenden Druc//nop) au) der ?unschmaschine w%nschen = nd Merr - will wish )or the missin# pushBbutton on the ?unschmaschine(

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;( ?em schreibt Merr -( am Samsta# einen &rie)Q PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP K( ?as will Merr -( sich "on der $unschmaschine w%nschenQ PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP( 6( ?elche spezi)ischen oder all#emeinen Ira#en haben SieQ

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