TheSun 2009-09-14 Page06 Daim Punish PKFZ Wrongdoers

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6 theSun | MONDAY SEPTEMBER 14 2009

news without borders

Daim: Punish
confidence in BN completely but enough, the PR-led state govern-
Press Digest BN must reform and do it im-
ments continue to play the roles
of the Opposition.
by Kong See Hoh
“The people want to see “Don’t waste time levelling ac-
changes, be it BN or Pakatan cusations at the BN, you (PR) are
Rakyat (PR), whoever becomes the governing coalition (in these
FORMER finance minister Tun the first to succeed in carrying out states), you should focus on how

PKFZ wrongdoers
Daim Zainuddin says the Port Klang reforms will win their support.” to fulfil your election promises”
Free Zone (PKFZ) fiasco provides he said.
the Barisan Nasional government the Majority of youth do not Daim said the people are
best opportunity to fulfil its promise of support BN beginning to see that even given
cracking down on corruption, abuse of Daim said as far as he under- the chance, the PR cannot do any
power and mismanagement. stood, 80% of the youth do not better than the BN.
He sees the government’s move to support the BN. This is the public’s greatest
make public the PKFZ audit report as “The government must punish all Changes in Barisan Nasional “This is because the govern- disappointment, he said.
a “good thing” as there is little need to those lawbreakers, only then can it Daim said although BN is changing, ment does not nurture the right
cover up. regain the public’s confidence. the changes taking place are too slow talent for market needs. Univer- MCA split affects BN’s
But he said what is more important “In the past, the public did not see to meet the people’s expectations. sities do not provide courses to reforms
is follow-up action i.e. punish the those who abused their power getting “Changes in BN are moving at a match industry requirements Daim believed a split in MCA
wrongdoers. punished, resulting in more abuses of slow pace. People hope to see faster and many graduates are jobless will affect efforts for closer coop-
Daim said this in an interview with power. As such, it (making the PKFZ and bigger changes.” as what they learnt does not meet eration and reforms in BN.
China Press which was published audit report public) is a good start.” He said it has been more than a the needs of the job market.” “As such, Umno should unite
yesterday. He believed that since the govern- year since the March 8, 2008 general He said these jobless gradu- and strengthen itself even more
“It is a good project but because of ment has taken the first step to address election and more than 100 days since ates, who are mainly Malays, so that other BN parties will listen
the lack of proper overseeing it has the fiasco, it would follow through to Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak became take up politics, and they join to its opinions and advice.
resulted in the current state of affairs. its conclusion. the prime minister, and although the PAS because they are angry with Any party which is split, be it
The government cannot leave the issue Daim, an Umno veteran, also economic situation has improved, a lot the government for being unem- MCA, Gerakan or even DAP, will
hanging, it cannot allow them (those touched on a number of subjects in the more needs to be done. ployed. not be united, and the people do
responsible) to do as they please.” interview: He believed the people have not lost “The government should listen not respect a disunited party.”
to the worries and expectations of
youth to win their support.” Teoh Beng Hock incident
He said not only are the youth Daim felt no matter what was
against the government, some the cause of political aide Teoh
one million of the three million Beng Hock’s death, the undeni-
Umno members do not vote for able truth is that a life was lost.
the party. As such, the government
He said BN cannot depend needs to take a serious view of
on Umno to win the general the case, he said.
election when the latter only has “A life is lost. The govern-
the support of two-thirds of its ment should look at the problem
members. seriously to avoid a repeat of the
“BN needs to win the support tragedy.”
of the people. If Umno is united,
strong and listen to the people, Najib and Muyhiddin the
the people will still support the perfect team
party.” Daim said Prime Minister
On Umno amending its con- Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak
stitution to put an end to money and his deputy Tan Sri Muhyid-
politics, Daim believed it would din Yassin make the perfect team
help the party win back the peo- given their experience in politics
ple’s support. and in the cabinet.
“If Umno and BN want to
PR not better than BN change, you cannot find a better
Daim said the public generally combination than the Najib-
hold high hopes for PR but sadly Muhyiddin team.”

Ecuador says it had

no role in bribery case
briefs QUITO: Ecuadorean President
Rafael Correa said on Saturday his
Peres leaves hospital government had no involvement in
an alleged bribery scheme linked to
after fainting scare a US$27 billion (RM87 billion) envi-
TEL AVIV: Israeli President Shimon ronmental damages lawsuit against
Peres yesterday left a Tel Aviv hos- US oil company Chevron Corp.
pital where he had spent the night The judge hearing the case, Juan
under observation after fainting at Nunez, recused himself days after
a conference, an AFP photographer Chevron handed Ecuadorean and
said. Peres’s convoy drove out from US authorities a secretly recorded
the Tel Hashomer hospital shortly video of the magistrate talking of
before 9am (2pm in Malaysia). ruling against Chevron later this
The 86-year-old Nobel laureate year.
had fainted for several moments at The company accuses the gov-
a conference late on Saturday, but ernment of meddling in the case.
regained consciousness and initial “They’ve come up with some
tests ruled out a heart attack, his videos, but we are not going to fall
spokeswoman had said. - AFP into the trap,” the president said
during a public address. “We are not
UK kids in hospital involved.” – Reuters
after E.coli outbreak
LONDON: Health officials said on
Taiwan’s Chen could
Saturday 12 children were being face more graft cases
treated in hospital after contract- TAIPEI: Taiwanese prosecutors
ing the E. coli bacteria on a visit are mulling more legal action
to a farm where visitors pet farm against the island’s former
animals. A total of 36 people had president and his wife, just days
suffered from gastrointestinal after the pair were jailed for life
illness in the outbreak which for corruption, it was reported
was traced to Godstone Farm yesterday.
in Surrey, the Health Protection Investigators are examining
Agency said. Chen Shui-bian’s alleged role in
Four of the infected children a further six cases, ranging from
are said to be seriously ill, ac- embezzlement of secret diplo-
cording to media reports. matic funds to taking bribes and
The farm, which allows chil- money laundering, the Taipei-
dren to see and touch a variety of based China Times said.
animals and attracts up to 2,000 Taipei District Court sentenced
visitors a day, has been closed Chen to life in jail on Friday
while a detailed investigation is after a corruption trial that he
carried out. said was a political vendetta by
“This is a large outbreak of this the China-friendly Kuomintang
infection,” said Dr Angela Iversen, government for his lifelong push
Director of the local Health Pro- to declare formal independence
tection Unit. – Reuters from China. – AFP

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