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At the beck and call of politicians

IF YOU want to hear tales from
the unknown, says a journalist,
our civil servants operate. They
supposedly have to remain apo-
admission of Kuala Selangor Land
Office clerk Norafzati Jantera
bak, Klang and Kuala Selangor paid
out most of the state’s allocation
you must sit-in at the hearings of litical and independent but the that she and her colleagues did a for the constituencies in the final
the Selangor Select Committee on hearings paint a different picture. gotong-royong to finish processing days leading to the state assembly
Competency, Transparency and Ac- Their confessions and admissions payments for the assemblymen. dissolution on Feb 13 last year. It
countability (Selcat). “This is where show that some of them did not One day before the dissolution of is crystal clear that the actions of
you get to see and hear how our civil care about rules and regulations as the state assembly, she and another some of the officers were wrong.
servants have politicised themselves long as they pleased their political clerk, Nordiana Mokhtar proc- Instead of thoroughly checking
and even confessed to being cronies masters. essed 85 payments amounting to each application and verifying their
of their political masters.” Sepang assistant district of- RM449,500. That must be a record authenticity, they chose to take
The committee’s hearings are in ficer (ADO) Tahir Bujang, who of sorts, and deserves honourable instructions from politicians. The
progress and if one dwells on past had worked in a similar capacity in mention in that book of records. rule books went out the window
hearings, the journalist’s description Gombak last year, summed up how
CitizenNades District Officer Mohd Misri Idris, and a set of laws promulgated by
can only be described as accurate. the administration of these offices by R. Nadeswaran who joined the Kuala Selangor Land themselves was being enforced.
The Selcat inquiry gave Malaysians had operated in the past. He admit- Office in April 2008, had earlier said What is going to happen next?
a peek into the lifestyles of the rich ted that it took him just one minute the rubber stamp and the customary that his office “normally” processed Will these officers who had admit-
and famous, their expensive tastes to clear a mountain of applications “Saya yang menurut perintah”, he 25-30 applications for allocations ted breaching procedures be hauled
and their fetish for everything for funds from assemblymen which never moved a finger to ensure ac- each day and this means the two up like so many other civil servants
Disney. Not that they paid for these landed on his table before the dis- countability and transparency. Did clerks did three times the volume for dereliction of duty or are they go-
with their hard-earned money, but solution of Parliament on Feb 13, he ensure that cheques are made in one day. It just goes to prove that ing to be given a tap on the knuckle
from our money – yours and mine. 2008. out in the name of the contractor where there’s a will there’s a way, and be quietly congratulated for
State-owned companies dished These included: and not individuals? Did he ensure only IF there’s a politician lurk- supporting the politicians?
out the goodies which included » 90 applications for RM496,509 that the projects were carried out? ing in the background asking for The chief secretary to the govern-
first-class travel, five-star comfort from the Batu Caves assembly- The minutes of the proceedings money. No guesses as to whether ment has always maintained that
and chauffeur-driven limousines. man of Selcat should certainly be of their bosses had recommended civil servants must stand up and
Everything was made to ensure that » 103 applications for RM393,342 interest to the police because the them for a double promotion for say “no” to politicians when they
the lawatan sambil belajar met the from the Gombak Setia assem- money meant for the rakyat was their extraordinary feat. are directed to breach procedures.
high standards of the rombongan. blyman diverted to political activities. When But what was frightening was In these cases, they just kau-taued
Even an advance party was sent to » 225 applications for RM500,700 Gombak District Officer Huzaini the statement by the Kuala Selan- to their political masters. If he does
make all ground arrangements to from the Hulu Kelang assembly- Samsi was asked why state funds gor ADO Izahar Rashidi who said not act against these officers, what
ensure there was a separate itiner- man were used to pay for political party- payments for projects promised by message does the chief secretary
ary for the Datins and the ordinary » 149 applications for RM496,500 organised activities and for rental of assemblymen to their constituents intend to convey to the civil serv-
Puans. from the Kuang assemblyman a service centre run by politicians, were made after the assembly was ants?
Yet again, the hearings have » 86 applications for RM500,000 he admitted this should not have dissolved and for a good measure,
highlighted the might and power of from the Taman Templer as- happened. But Tahir had an inde- he brought in the Almighty to
some ordinary state assemblymen semblyman and fensible defence: The guidelines do support his cause. He’s reasoning R. Nadeswaran expects more juicy
who seek office on the premise of » 235 applications for RM603,198 not prohibit state lawmakers from gives the impression that he’s got details as the Selcat hearings proceed
serving the rakyat. They can order from the Rawang assembly- channelling state funds to political another role – the political aide but asks what’s the purpose of this
the civil servants around with im- man. parties. Really? So, instead of using to the assemblyman. Who’s he to exercise if no one is punished for their
punity and their demands are met It means that he closed his eyes funds to build a bridge, the funds decide on promises made during misdeeds? He is editor (special and
by a subservient civil service. and approved everything that was can be used to buy a commercial the campaign for votes? investigative reporting) at theSun.
Last week, Malaysians were put on his table and was not aware building for a political party! It has now been established that He can be reached at: citizen-nades@
given a first-hand lesson on how of what he approved. But beyond But more astonishing was the four land offices — Petaling, Gom-

letters transport, rather than the logging companies.
To engage with the Penans may be difficult for
the police. If the level of mistrust is so entrenched,

Tedious detective work crucial to rape probe why can’t the services of the various missionaries
in the area be called upon?
Problems faced by these isolated communities
ONE word best describes the recent headlines about recently and the news makes grim reading. from ours, does not make them less deserving of should not be an excuse for us to drag them into
the Penans. Disgust. I can understand the need for a special report our compassion. urban dwellings, or what we term civilisation. The
About a year ago, when the story was first reported to be commissioned to record statements, wit- The special report commissioned by the minis- modern world and all its inherent deleterious ef-
in the national dailies, I wrote to stress the importance of ness accounts and other necessary information. ter has been made available to the public. Names fects are already destroying their way of life. They
discretion and sensitivity in solving the allegation of rape However, it is despicable that the police have of the logging companies involved have been have already indicated that they will modernise
in the Penan community. The nation must be shaking claimed that they are unable to make any arrests noted. Further follow-up investigations should but that they will accept development at their rate.
its head in disbelief to discover that the matter remains because they need detailed information from the begin immediately by the police. And we should respect their wishes. However, as
unresolved. The follow-up investigation was reported Women, Family and Community Development Logging companies have designated crews Malaysians they deserve the same rights as any
Ministry. living in encampments in the jungle where the log- other urban Malaysians.
Is it not bad enough that these children (for ging is carried out. The lorries they use are expen- The list of workers in the logging companies
that is what some of them still are), and the young sive (I know because I had friends who managed during the alleged time of rape is available. The
women, have suffered? And now it is suggested logging operations in the Baram district). Lorry male workers should be treated as potential sus-
that the police are unable to act “for lack of in- drivers go out on shifts and wherever the activity pects, their DNAs collected and checked against
formation”? These young girls have been trau- is carried out, there is always a list of personnel the children and girls who were raped.
matised through a violent act. Some may never on site or on duty. The children who were the result of the rape
recover from their ordeal. All will have horrific A little detective work is crucial. It would be are as much victims as their mothers. However, the
memories of the rape. A few will have to live with long and tedious but it is possible to investigate mothers, the true victims in this tragedy, should be
the consequences of an unwanted child. Possibly by backtracking, using all the available informa- provided with appropriate counselling, as well as
even disease. tion that the ministry has painstakingly gathered. financial and other appropriate help.
The cost of bringing up a child, both emotionally Moreover, there is always someone who will brag It is hoped that there will be recommendations
and financially are thrust on their little shoulders. or boast or who knows something and has a guilty from this specially commissioned report that would
For those who had dreams and aspirations of conscience, and will eventually talk. include victim care and counselling, an increase in
furthering their education or of helping their com- The question of mistrust is understandable, but funding for the police, a special and dedicated
munity, these will have to be set aside. Added to should not be a factor to hinder further investiga- team trained to monitor and investigate rape or
this will be the shame, the guilt and the feelings of tion. The Penans have tried to highlight their plight sexual crimes, measures to address cultures and
anger and sadness. All of them will be emotionally but several obstacles seem to stop them from myths surrounding rape, that rape investigations
scarred. All of these sentiments extend to their getting justice. and victim care should have clear leadership.
families and communities. If helicopters and boats can be mobilised for The Penan communities are isolated and
The Penans live in isolated communities. If they an election so why can’t they be done for this small and they fear retributions and reprisals. It
had easy access to medical facilities, it might have investigation? is crucial that confidentiality and protection for
been possible to arrange a termination. However, When the police asked the logging companies the complainant(s) and their communities be
we cannot assume that they would have accepted to provide transport, because they ostensibly provided.
this procedure because their culture may view the lacked funds, the Penans probably wondered if
life of an unborn child differently. there was any complicity between the two. The Mariam Mokhtar
So, just because their way of life is different army or rangers could have assisted in providing Ipoh

Help redress campus water woes

I REFER to “Students can do their lieve we have fantastic lecturers playing their part in taking care of ideas on how to resolve this mat-
part” (Letters, Sept 11). I’m glad and good courses equivalent to the facilities, I must mention that ter. Perhaps the ideas will provide
to know that my sister’s “water overseas or even private colleges/ they hardly use the taps because University Malaysia Sabah and the
woes” have not fallen on deaf universities in Malaysia. In the nothing comes out from it. So I relevant parties insights on how
ears. area of academics and research don’t think that they can “spoil to promptly rectify this problem.
I did not mean to condemn our Malaysia’s public universities are anything” or “take care” of facili-
education system. I myself am a constantly improving. ties which they do not use. Janine Hong
product of a public university. I be- Speaking of the students I hope readers will share their Petaling Jaya

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