TheSun 2009-09-15 Page06 Measures To Curb h1n1 Spread During Raya Season

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6 theSun | TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 15 2009

news without borders

‘Critical to manage communication in diverse workforce’

by Meena L. Ramadas. 65; have different communication or days off and training opportunities. include: from a different generation. methods and preferred rewards. The survey also found that 50% of » Gen X respondents believe they un- Kelly Services vice president and
The survey indicated that Gen Y Malaysian respondents feel the dif- derstand the generational differences country general manager Melissa
PETALING JAYA: Employers have to employees increasingly use instant ferences between Gen Y, Gen X and better as compared to Gen Y or baby Norman said: “When the differences
handle the differences in communi- messaging to communicate with col- baby boomers make the workplace boomers, between the age groups are har-
cation style and attitudes towards leagues and co-workers as they have more productive. However, 33% of the » Baby boomers are the most pessi- nessed effectively, they can provide
rewards to cater to the needs of the been exposed to technology and the respondents feel that the differences mistic about the productivity benefits a powerful stimulus to creativity and
Malaysian workforce. digital world from an early age. How- interfere with productivity while 9% flowing from diverse age groups in the productivity.”
According to a survey by global ever, all groups prefer face-to-face feel it does not make a difference. workplace, She added that it is crucial that
workforce solutions leader Kelly communication at the workplace. A total of 100,000 people in 34 » 52% say they have experienced employers gauge and manage the dif-
Services released on Thursday, the Meanwhile, 70% of the respond- countries including almost 2,000 in intergenerational conflicts in their ferences properly because when the
workforce’s three main generations: ents prefer monetary rewards such as Malaysia were surveyed in the Kelly workplace, and; first wave of baby boomers retire, their
Gen Y, aged 18 to 29; Gen X, aged 30 bonuses and promotions rather than Global Workforce Index. » 80% say they adapt their communi- positions will be filled by generations
to 47 and baby boomers, aged 48 to non-traditional rewards such as time Other key findings of the survey cation style in dealing with colleagues X and Y.

UPM invents
Measures to curb H1N1 spread
detection kit
KUALA LUMPUR: University Putra Malay-
sia (UPM) has come out with a “rapid detec-
during Raya season
tion kit for life-threatening fungal infections” by Karen Arukesamy towns and it is very important for operators should try, as much as possi-
which takes only five hours instead of three them to travel with a H1N1 kit for per- ble, to segregate the passengers and shift
to seven days to get results. sonal safety and hygiene,” Liow told a those with ILI symptoms further from
Assoc Prof Dr Chong Pei Pei of UPM’s KUALA LUMPUR: With the festive sea- press conference yesterday after launch- those who are healthy or do not show
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences son upon us and millions of Malaysians ing the ‘Celebrate Hari Raya without symptoms,” he said.
said the method she and her team devised preparing to “balik kampung,” the Health H1N1’ campaign. He said all individuals with flu symp-
could provide rapid detection and was highly Ministry has laid out four phases that The minister also distributed H1N1 toms, if possible, should use their own
sensitive and specific, thus reducing the time need to be implemented to prevent the kits – comprising free face masks, hand vehicles and refrain from taking public
of diagnosis. spread of the Influenza A(H1N1) virus in sanitisers and pamphlets on H1N1 pre- transport to reduce the spread of ILI in
“Usually, it will take three to seven days to the country. vention steps – to bus operators at the the community. However, if they have
detect the type of fungus infecting the patient Minister Datuk Seri Dr Liow Tiong Jalan Duta Bus Terminal to ensure that no choice, they should use face masks
and the test is not accurate. But by using this Liow Lai said the four phases covered steps passengers travelling to their hometowns at all times.
kit the time is cut to a mere five hours and encourages to prevent infection before returning to are adequately protected. Liow also advised against people with
the specific fungus can be determined,” she a bus hometowns and villages; during the jour- Liow said transport companies must flu symptoms attending open houses and
said here yesterday. passenger ney; while in hometowns and villages provide hand sanitisers to all passengers functions during the festive season as the
She said the early detection would greatly to wear a and after returning. and face masks for passengers with influ- virus spreads faster in crowded places.
reduce the mortality rate of patients who are mask at the “As Hari Raya Aidilfitri is just enza-like-illness (ILI) symptoms. “They should also avoid being in close
at risk since the right drug could be prescribed Jalan Duta around the corner, many would “The bus contact with those in the high risk group
on time for effective treatment, based on the bus terminal leave the city for their home- and avoid hugging them as this would
results obtained from the detection kit. yesterday. increase risk of being infected,” he said.
Chong said the kit was able to detect the Explaining that the ministry did not
‘candida’ species which causes life-threaten- intend for the celebrations to be disrupted
ing infections in humans. by unwarranted events, Liow said he is
“The candida infections commonly occur confident that if the Health Ministry’s
in individuals with weak immune systems preventive steps are followed, “we can
such as cancer patients, patients with blood reduce and control the spread of Influ-
disorders, post-surgery patients, HIV-positive enza A(H1N1)”.
and AIDS patients, premature newborns and Liow also announced that there were
elderly patients,” she added. no deaths registered due to H1N1 as of
She said the fungus could cause infection 9am yesterday. A total of 48 new ILI cases
in skin, nails, oral area, vagina and also were admitted into hospitals nationwide
cause nappy rash in babies. while 126 patients have been discharged,
“The worst infection is the one that in- he added. Nine-hundred and seventy
volves internal organs and the bloodstream. patients are currently being treated in 102
In patients with weak immune system, the hospitals including 14 private hospitals
candida species has the potential to invade nationwide, of which only 193 patients are
all host organs,” Chong said, adding that the positive cases. From the 193 confirmed
research started three years ago. cases, 41 are being treated in intensive
“A Malaysian patent has been filed and care units (ICU) with 33 of them from the
this invention has won the bronze award in high risk group,” he said.
the UPM R&D Expo. We are now looking for They comprise 13 patients with
an investor to market the kit which I believe chronic diseases, four with chronic respi-
can be applied in hospitals and private medi- ratory illness, eight obese patients, seven
cal laboratories, not just in Malaysia but also children below five and one pregnant
worldwide,” she said. – Bernama woman.

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