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18 theSun | TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 15 2009



Rollout of projects bolster

mills in the coming quarter.
Sdn Bhd continues to have high The research firm however re-
expectations of the rollout of projects mains hopeful of a better financial
under various stimulus packages, year 2010 as various governments
bolstering steel millers’ bottom-lines, pour in money via their respective
especially in the upcoming calendar stimulus packages.
year. The conclusion of 2009/10 iron ore

steel millers’ bottom-lines

In a research note yesterday, the pellets price at 48.3% drop is certainly
research firm said local steel mills cause for cheer for iron makers such
may continue to export billets to the as Lion Industries and Perwaja as
South East Asian market as China’s pellets form the main raw material
imposition of a 25% export tax had costs while selling prices continue
created a vacuum in supply. to escalate after scrap metal prices
It said an improvement in the pierced through US$350 (RM1,225)
economies of the Middle East said the market will be searching for prices have continued to stay firm, reporting losses for the second quar- per tonne recently.
countries, Australia, Pakistan and “recovery plays”, which would put with steel bars hovering at RM2,000 ter of calendar year 2009 with the ex- The settlement of new iron ore
Bangladesh would also be a boon to the steel counters in the limelight and wire rods at RM2,300 per tonne, ception of Ann Joo, the research firm benchmark prices for 2009/10 also
Malaysia’s billet exports. given that the stimulus packages we are keeping our fingers crossed is most certain that financial year marked a milestone for the steel
Despite the fact that steel prices worldwide will translate into physi- and maintain our key assumptions,” 2009 will be a washout year although industry as it gave steel prices a
and demand are expected to be vola- cal steel demand. OSK Research said. the surge in steel prices in May and clearer direction for the year ahead.
tile in the coming year, OSK Research “Given the fact that local steel As most of the steel mills are still June 2009 will be favourable for steel – Bernama

MK Land sees growth MAS offers best deals

for its hotels and resorts to celebrate Hari Raya
PETALING JAYA: MK Land Holdings Bhd sees According to Annuar, Bukit Merah Lake- KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia Airlines’ one-way and Dubai from RM768 while
growth for its hotels and resorts which include town Resort will focus on local tourists. (MAS) “Everyday Low Fares” offers are the popular ‘kangaroo’ routes were
Bukit Merah Laketown Resort, Taiping Golf However, the resort has also been able to back with the best deals for domestic going from RM618 to Perth and RM988
Resort and the Langkawi Lagoon Resort this attract foreign visitors from countries such as and international travel in conjunction to Melbourne,” it said.
year, despite the current economic situation. Italy and the United Kingdom. with Hari Raya celebrations. MAS said the travel period were
Senior general manager of MK Land Hotels He said the participation of foreign visitors As for the In a statement, MAS said the travel between Oct 14, 2009 and Aug 20,
and Resorts, Annuar Yang Ghazali, said the as well as locals has enabled the company to economic deals were offered from now until 2010 for all destinations on offer ex-
company was targeting total sales of RM52 sustain the room pick-up rates of its holiday situation, Sept 18, 2009. cept London which was between Jan
million for its financial year ending June 30, resorts. On an average, Bukit Merah Laketown we think it It said Turkey-bound travellers 19, 2010 and Aug 20, 2010.
2010 and RM56 million in 2011. has a 36% occupancy and the Langkawi La- could take advantage of its “Everyday Its senior general manager (network
“As for the economic situation, we think it is goon Resort, 60%. is already
Low Fares” and fly to Istanbul for as and revenue management), Dr Amin
already improving,” he told reporters after the Meanwhile, the signing of the MoU is to improving’ low as RM1,078 one-way. Khan, said the airline was delighted
signing of a memorandum of understanding promote the three resorts managed by MK For travel within Peninsular Ma- to extend its popular “Everyday Low
between MK Land, Kumpulan Emkay and the Land and the Belum Rain Forest Resort under – Annuar
laysia, the all-inclusive one-way fares Fares” to Istanbul in its September
Malaysian Armed Forces Social, Welfare and Kumpulan Emkay, among the members of the would start from as low as RM69, 2009 offers.
Sports Club here yesterday. armed forces club. – Bernama RM228 for Asean destinations, RM438 “Due to growing demand from cus-
to China and RM428 to the Indian sub- tomers, MAS will increase its flights
Malaysian firm to develop continent, it said.
“Guests can fly one-way from Kuala
from Kuala Lumpur to Istanbul effec-
tive Oct 25 this year,” MAS said.
Lumpur to Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Paris, The “Everyday Low Fares” promotions
special economic zone in Laos Rome, at fares starting from RM1,148 were launched last year. – Bernama

VIENTIANE: A Malaysian company, Universal Thailand funded the 197 million baht
Pacific Ltd, has been given a 50-year concession (RM21.67 million) 3.5km railway to its land-
by the Laos government to develop a special locked neighbour, linking the kingdom’s
economic zone near the newly-completed Laos- northeast city of Nong Khai and Dongphosy,
Thai railway line across the Mekong River. located about 25km from the capital. handsets. It will initially be owned
According to Malaysian and Laos officials
here, the company was expected to allocate
According to Vientiane Times daily, the
agreement was signed last Saturday by Vien-
briefs 66% by NEC, 17.34% by Casio and
16.66% by Hitachi.
US$50 million (RM175 million) to develop the tiane Department of Industry and Commerce They aim to merge the operations
53ha zone located in Dongphosy at the Laos- director Berlinh Phetchantharath and Univer- by April 2010 and pump extra capital
Thai Friendship Bridge. sal Pacific chairman Terence Lai. Pakistan, Malaysia to into the firm, boosting the stake of NEC
“This is an area with great potential as it is The company is expected to undertake a to 70.74% and that of Casio to 20%. Hi-
close to Thailand, has a railway line which is mixed development project over a period of
form business council tachi’s share will drop to 9.26%. – AFP
important for transportation of goods and more 10 years, comprising three-star hotels, a shop- KUALA LUMPUR: The Federation of Paki-
so, future plans to extend the track to Vietnam ping mall, hospital, bank, public park, duty free stan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sarkozy threatens G20
and China,” a Malaysian official said here. market, spa and sports facilities. – Bernama and the National Chamber of Commerce
and Industry of Malaysia (NCCIM) is ag- walkout if no bonus deal
gressively pursuing the formation of a joint PARIS: French President Nicolas Sarkozy
business council to bridge more private has threatened to walk out of the summit
businesses between the two countries. of Group of 20 leaders in Pittsburgh next
A Pakistan High Commission state- week if there is no agreement on bank
ment said the decision to set up the coun- bonuses, Le Figaro reported yesterday.
cil was made after a meeting between “If there is no concrete decision, I will
Pakistan High Commissioner Lt-Gen (Rtd) leave,” the daily quoted Sarkozy as saying.
Tahir Mahmud Qazi and NCCIM executive It did not describe the context in which
American director Syed Hussain Al Habshee. the remark was made but Sarkozy’s
Idol gets The business council will facilitate chief of staff Claude Gueant told RTL
DeGeneres the private sectors of both countries to radio that the president was “extremely
work closely to achieve free exchange of determined” to secure a deal.
as judge information on trade, economic coopera- “It should be taken seriously,” Gueant
pg 21 tion and services. said of the threat, which echoes similar
Initially, business councils would be French demands before previous inter-
established by both chambers which national crisis meetings.
would later pave the way for the forma- Sarkozy has led a push by European
tion of the joint business council, the leaders to limit bonuses paid to bank-
statement said. – Bernama ers and wants to persuade the G20 as
a whole to adopt a common front on the
NEC, Hitachi, Casio to issue. – Reuters
merge mobile operations
TOKYO: Japanese firms NEC Corp,
Oil prices fall
Hitachi Ltd and Casio Computer Co in Asian trade
said yesterday that they had agreed to SINGAPORE: Oil prices eased in Asian
merge their mobile phone businesses trade yesterday amid weakness in the
in a bid to improve profitability. global equities market, dealers said.
Together they would have the New York’s main contract, light
second biggest slice of Japan’s mobile sweet crude for October delivery
phone handset market, ahead of Pana- was down US$1.04 to US$68.25
sonic Corp but behind Sharp Corp. (RM238.88) a barrel.
The firms said that by pooling Brent North Sea crude for October
their technological know-how and delivery fell 86 cents to US$66.83.
resources, they aim to come up with “The fall is really related to some
appealing new products and boost weakness in equities markets,” said
their future growth. Victor Shum, senior principal at en-
The joint venture will develop, ergy consultancy Purvin and Gertz in
produce and sell mobile telephone Singapore. – AFP

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