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January/February 2000 Volume 10/Number 1


Behold, A Pale Horse





Cent ur y of Deat h
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Many have stated that it is impossible to know whether or
not we are living in the last days before the second coming
of Jesus Christ. However, below you will find dramatic
proof that this is the last times. All of the proofs below
taken together defy coincidence.
Revelation 16:12, the Bible predicts that the Euphrates
River will be dried up to prepare the way for the kings of
the east to invade Israel. This will happen at the time of the
battle of Armageddon according to verse 16 of the same
chapter. The battle of Armageddon will be the final battle at
which time Jesus Christ will return and fight on the side of
the nation of Israel. Immediately thereafter He will estab-
lish His kingdom and usher in His 1000-year reign of
On January 13th, 1990, the
Indianapolis Star carried the head-
line Turkey will cut off flow
of Euphrates for 1 month.
The article stated that a
huge reservoir had been
built by Turkey. While
filling up the reservoir,
the flow of the
Euphrates would be
stopped for one month
and a concrete plug for a
diversion channel built.
These things have now
been done. With this newly
built dam, Turkey has the abil-
ity to stop the Euphrates River at
will. The conditions for fulfilling this
1900 year old prophecy are now in place!
2. CHINA GOES TO WAR: In Revelation 9:15-
16, the Bible prophesies that an army of 200 million
soldiers will launch a war which will kill the third part of
men. Never in the history of the world, until our present
generation, has there been a power on earth that could field
200 million soldiers. However, the late ruler of China, Mao
Tsetung boasted in his diary that he could field an army of
200 million. We see that this prophecy pertaining to the
very last times could not ever have been fulfilled until now.
DICTED: In Revelation chapter 13, the Bible prophesies
that a world dictator will soon rule over a world govern-
ment. He will cause all people on the earth to receive a
number without which they will be unable to buy or sell.
We are seeing this prophecy fulfilled before our eyes in a
most astonishing way. Nearly every human being in the
world now has been assigned a number. In America it is our
social security number. In the last few years we have seen
this number extended to small children. A child without a
social security number cannot be declared as a dependent on
an income tax return. We have seen the emergence of elec-
tronic money, shopping with credit cards, and many people
are urging the abolishment of cash. All of these things could
not possibly have been fulfilled until this present time. Only
after the invention of the computer could such a worldwide
numbering system be administered.
ORDER: Revelation 13:7 and Daniel 7:23 prophesy the
establishment of a world government. We recently have
seen the term new world order being used
by the leading political people of our
world. Mikhail Gorbachev has
made the term famous, and
Pope John Paul II has re-
ferred to it repeatedly.
Finally our former
President, George
Bush, in the Chicago
Tribune, September
12, 1990, said Iraq is
the first test for the
new world order. He
stated emphatically that
the Iraq War
is Saddam Hussein against
the world. The United
Nations troops are continually re-
ferred to as the multi-national forces.
The decision has been made to establish an in-
terdependent community of nations that will rule the world
under United Nations authority. The Bible says that this
will lead us into a great world government. We can see this
happening right before our eyes.
Euphrates River can be dried up, the necessary 200 million
man army is available, a worldwide numbering system is
possible because of the computer, and now the new world
order is appearing.
Is it coincidental that all of these major prophecies pertain-
ing to the last times are being fulfilled simultaneously?
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from a biblical perspective
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Page 8
Page 10
Page 20
Cover: by Dan Barkley
8 Behold, A Pale Horse
The pale horse rider of the book of Revelation has been relegated to
future apocalyptic events. However, the 20
Century has been the
bloodiest century in the entire history of mankind. There are
compelling reasons to believe that the pale horse rider named death
has already been unleashed upon the earth.
10 Historicism vs. Futurism
Have the prophecies of the Bible already been fulfilled or are they yet
future? This debate has raged among prophecy students for centuries
now. Is there a possibility that some prophecies have, in fact, been
fulfilled, while others are yet to come?
20 A Prophetic Look Back1999
During the first coming of Jesus, people experienced incredible
prophetic fulfillment. But most of them never realized it. Did we
experience any fulfillment of the Bibles prophecies in 1999?
25 What to Expect in 2000
It is quite probable that the year 2000 will be the most important
year prophetically since the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
27 U.S. Senator James Inhofe
This interview presents an insiders opinion concerning the
possibility of war between China and the United States in the
near future.
30 World Review & Prophecy Shorts
It is amazing how many major world developments are presently
afoot which are directly related to the fulfillment of specific
biblical prophecies.
4 Editorial
6 Letters
17 Whetstone
Note: Due to lack of space, the Crossword Puzzle and the Seek & Find
were omitted from this issue. They will reappear next issue.
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4 endtime JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000
elcome to the new
millennium! Does
crossing the 2000
rubicon really mean
anything? We have
looked forward to the dawning of this
millennium with anticipation and with
no small amount of intrepidation. But is
anything out of the ordinary really hap-
pening here?
It is undeniable that we live in mo-
mentous times. The dawn of the age of
the computer and the Internet guaran-
tees that things will never again be quite
the same. World structures are undergo-
ing radical transformation. We all know
that we have, in fact, entered a New
World Orderwhether that be for the
better or the worse. The emergence of
the World Community and the increas-
ing interdependence of nations holds a
certain excitement and limitless poten-
tial. The world has shrunk. We are all
global citizens.
But what does all this meanif any-
thing at all? Where will this lead us?
Should our hearts be frozen by fear, or
should we be energized by the incredible
possibilities that we sense are just ahead?
How do we respond to this new age?
It all depends on whether you intend
to win or lose. If you see possible loss of
possessions and even life resulting from
prophetic fulfillments, which are obvi-
ously just ahead, then a bunker mentality
will be your natural response. If your first
response to the emerging world govern-
ment structures is how to protect your
home and family, then very tough times
are undoubtedly just ahead.
But if somehow we tap into the words
of Jesus Whosoever will save his life
shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his
life for my sake and the gospels, the same
shall save it, suddenly the dynamic
times just ahead become pregnant with
limitless possibilities. We suddenly see
ourselves as that generation upon whom
the ends of the world have come. We re-
alize that we are actually the people of
whom the Prophet Daniel spoke, but
the people that do know their God shall
be strong, and do exploits. And they that
understand among the people shall in-
struct many. (Daniel 11:32-33)
Suddenly the urgent question of what
we should be doing at this unprece-
dented juncture in human history
becomes crystal clear. We should be
doing what our captain and leader Jesus
Christ commanded usGo, preach the
gospel of the kingdom. Work while it is
day, for the night comes when no man
can work.
New millenniumhere we come!

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What is Endtime Magazine?
In 1968, Irvin Baxter Jr. discovered the United States and other modern nations in the Bible. He also
found the Berlin Wall in the Bible and that one day it was to be torn down, reuniting Germany, and that
event would be the catalyst to spark an international movement called the "New World Order." These
things have now come to pass.
Irvin Baxter Jr., a Pentecostal minister, began Endtime Ministries in 1986 when he wrote A Message
For The President, a book explaining the major prophecies of the Bible which he had been teaching
since 1968.
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, prophetic fulfillment accelerated rapidly. The decision was made to
launch Endtime. The purpose of the magazine is to explain the prophecies of the Bible and to show
that they are now being fulfilled in intricate detail.
Articles focus on the soon return of Jesus Christ, the truth of the Bible, and the need for salvation.
Endtime does not deal with doctrinal controversies, as valid as they may be. This will be left to other
STATEMENT OF FAITH: We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, that Jesus Christ is
the Savior of the world, and that He will come again to establish a kingdom that shall never be de-
stroyed (Daniel 2:44).Those who are born again (John 3:3-5) will have eternal life and rule as kings and
priests with Christ forever.
Irvin Baxter Jr., Endtime Editor
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Lesson 1
United States &
Other Modern
Nations in the
Lesson 2
New World Order
is World
Lesson 3
Mideast Peace
Prelude to
Lesson 4
The Four
Lesson 5
Holy Roman
Empire Revived
Lesson 6
Antichrist & False
Lesson 7
Mark of the Beast
Lesson 8
The Coming One-
World Religion
Lesson 9
How to Enter the
Kingdom of God
Lesson 10
The Rapture
Lesson 1
United States &
Other Modern
Nations in the
Lesson 2
New World Order
is World
Lesson 3
Mideast Peace
Prelude to
Lesson 4
The Four
Lesson 5
Holy Roman
Empire Revived
Lesson 6
Antichrist & False
Lesson 7
Mark of the Beast
Lesson 8
The Coming One-
World Religion
Lesson 9
How to Enter the
Kingdom of God
Lesson 10
The Rapture
the Endtime
Level One
the Endtime
Level One
Video Series: $99.97
Study Manual: TBA
Cassette Series: $39.97
Transparencies: TBA
Video Series: $99.97
Study Manual: TBA
Cassette Series: $39.97
Transparencies: TBA
Three Ways to Learn
Video Series: $129.97
Cassette Series: $59.97
Study Manual: $14.97
Four Ways to Teach
Flip Chart: $59.97
Transparencies: $150
Slides: $59.97
Video Series: $129.97
Three Ways to Learn
Video Series: $129.97
Cassette Series: $59.97
Study Manual: $14.97
Four Ways to Teach
Flip Chart: $59.97
Transparencies: $150
Slides: $59.97
Video Series: $129.97
Endtime Magazine
PO Box 2066
Richmond, IN 47375-2066
Endtime Magazine
PO Box 2066
Richmond, IN 47375-2066
the Endtime
Level Two
Lesson 11: 11:59 P.M.
Lesson 12: The 7 Trumpets
Lesson 13: Where Are We in Prophecy
Right Now
Lesson 14: Will the UN Invade Israel Next
Lesson 15: Is the Antichrist Among Us
the Endtime
Level Three
Revelation Revealed
The Sequence of
Endtime Events
Lesson 1: The Secret of Understanding
Lesson 2: Seals, Trumpets & Vials
Lesson 3: The Wrath of Satan
Lesson 4: The Wrath of God
Lesson 5: The Second Coming of Jesus
Lesson 6: Timeline of the End
the Endtime
Level Two
Lesson 11: 11:59 P.M.
Lesson 12: The 7 Trumpets
Lesson 13: Where Are We in Prophecy
Right Now
Lesson 14: Will the UN Invade Israel Next
Lesson 15: Is the Antichrist Among Us
the Endtime
Level Three
Revelation Revealed
The Sequence of
Endtime Events
Lesson 1: The Secret of Understanding
Lesson 2: Seals, Trumpets & Vials
Lesson 3: The Wrath of Satan
Lesson 4: The Wrath of God
Lesson 5: The Second Coming of Jesus
Lesson 6: Timeline of the End
Video Series: $80.00
Any 3 videos: $50.00
Cassette Series (6 tapes): $39.97
Video Series: $80.00
Any 3 videos: $50.00
Cassette Series (6 tapes): $39.97
j/f 00 mag 1/24/01 4:40 PM Page 5
6 endtime JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000
A mans heart was given to the eagle
Hi. I listen to your broadcast all the time and have your
Bible study. However, one conflict has arisen that I have been
unable to address. Perhaps you could help me with it.
Daniel 7:4 of the King James Version of the Bible says, The
first was like a lion, and had eagles wings: I beheld till the
wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth
and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a mans heart was
given to it.
Your position on this verse is that the lion is Great Britain
and that the eagles wings are the U.S.A. I agree. However, I
believe the giving of a mans heart to Uncle Sam needs to be
re-thought. The mans heart was given to the lion, not to the
wings. It, the lion, was lifted up, not the wings. And a mans
heart was given to it, not to them.
Thank you,
M. Wright
Reply: The unclear wording of this passage leaves the door open
for your question. The issue isdoes it refer to the lion (Great
Britain) or the eagle (the U.S.)?
We know that the United States does use the symbol of Uncle
Sam (a man) as well as the symbol of the eagle. Also, the U.S. has
dealt with her enemies in a very humane way. The United States
has defeated them in war. Then, instead of plundering them, she has
helped them build their countries back up.
These are the reasons I believe that the it refers to the U.S.
However, I certainly would not claim infallibility on this point. It
is fortunate this particular question doesnt have a great deal of
impact on the overall meaning of this very important prophecy.
Business as usual
I have heard by a number of Bible teachers that, before the
Second Coming of Christ and the 1,000-year reign of peace,
there will be transference of wealth from the unbelievers to
the believers. The verse used is The wealth of the wicked is
stored up for the righteous. (Proverbs 13:22) I do not see how
this fits into the endtime events. Please comment.
In Christ,
J. Stanko
Campbellsburg, KY
Reply: I dont see the Bible specifically prophesying a massive
shift of wealth from non-Christians to Christians prior to the Second
Coming. However, I do believe that God will make financial re-
sources available to those who are fulfilling the Great Commission.
If we are to preach the gospel of Christ into all the world, it will re-
quire considerable financial resources.
Any teaching that non-believers will suffer massive financial
losses before the Second Coming of Christ is probably not scrip-
tural. The Bible tells us that men will be eating and drinking,
marrying and giving in marriage until the day that the Lord
comes. It sounds like business as usual to me.
Mystery Babylon is Rome
Ive heard it taught that New York City is possibly the new
Babylon? Could this be true, seeing that New York is a world
trade city, and it is sometimes called Babylon?
The Martis
Reply: It is being taught widely by some that Mystery Babylon
of Revelation 17 & 18 is America with New York City as the trade
center. According to the Bible, this is not true.
The woman named Mystery Babylon in Revelation 17 is identi-
fied with several unmistakable clues:
Verse 18 tells us that the woman is a city.
Verse 15 teaches that she is also an international system.
Verse 9 explains that the woman (the city) sits on seven hills.
Verse 4 says that the woman is arrayed in purple and red.
According to verse 6, the woman was to be a great persecutor of
There is a very powerful force on this earth that fulfills every one
of these prophecies to the letter.
Rome is a city. It is known as the city of seven hills.
Rome is the headquarters for the Roman Catholic Church, which
claims one billion members from all over the world.
There are two ruling bodies in the Catholic Churchthe
Cardinals who wear red, and the Bishops and Archbishops who
wear purple.
History tells us that the Vatican and the papacy have been re-
sponsible for the deaths of at least 50 million Christians over the last
1,700 years.
The Vatican fulfills this prophecy so accurately it is astonish-
ing! Rome is Mystery Babylon. It is not America, and it is not
New York City.
The Two Harvests
Jesus in Matthew 13 and John in Revelation 14 speak about
the two harvests of people at the end of the tribulation. What
people will remain on the earth after the two harvests of peo-
Houston, TX
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Letters to Endtime
j/f 00 mag 1/24/01 4:40 PM Page 6
7 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000endtime
Reply: The clearest picture is given in Revelation 14. The first
harvest is the rapture of the church. The second harvest refers to the
armies of the one-world government of the Antichrist being cast into
the winepress of Gods wrath at Armageddon.
Not every human being left on earth after the rapture will fight at
the Battle of Armageddon. Daniel 7:12 explains that the nations
(the beasts) on earth at the time of the Second Coming will have
their dominion (their power) taken away, but their lives will be pro-
longed for a season and a time.
The Bible is not explicitly clear concerning who will be allowed to
live on earth as mortals into the 1,000-year reign of Jesus Christ
and His church. We know that the Israelites, who were twenty
years of age and below, were not held responsible for the unbelief of
their parents when Israel refused to possess the Promise Land. They
were allowed to enter the Promise Land after their parents died in
the wilderness.
The same may well hold true into the millennium. Whether
God will use the same age factor or not will be decided by God
They will be poured out during the Seventh Trumpet
Let me begin by thanking you for your good work.
The first four bowls (vials) in Revelation 16:1-9 are the
same as the proclamations of the two witnesses in Revelation
11:6These men have power to shut up the sky so that it
will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they
have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the
earth with every kind of plague as often as they want.
Revelation 11:5 states, If anyone tries to harm them, fire
comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. This is
how anyone who wants to harm them must die.
The fifth and sixth bowls may also be proclamations of the
two witnesses. The seventh bowl is poured out, and the
church is raptured along with the two witnesses at the begin-
ning of this bowl. Why do you not connect the two witnesses
and the bowls together?
Thank you for your time, and have a nice day.
G. Pacheco
Dallas, TX
Reply: You bring up a very interesting question. Does God ac-
tually unleash some of the vials through the ministry of the two
witnesses, or are the things that are done by these two prophets
merely similar to the vials?
We dont believe its possible for the vials to be poured out during
the ministry of the two witnesses because we can prove that the vials
are poured out during the sounding of the seventh trumpet. Since the
sounding of the seventh trumpet signals the end of the ministry of the
two witnesses, it is obvious that the vials are poured out after their
ministries have concluded.
How do we know that the vials are poured out during the sound-
ing of the seventh trumpet?
One of the things that occurs when the seventh trumpet sounds is
that the temple in heaven is opened (Revelation 11:19). This is im-
portant because Revelation 15:5-6 tells us that, when the temple in
heaven is opened, the seven angels having the seven plagues come
out. They then pour out their vials.
Another thing that happens under the seventh trumpet is the ar-
rival of the time of Gods wrath (Revelation 11:18). Revelation
15:1 teaches us that the seven last plagues contain the wrath of
From these things we can see that all seven vials will occur dur-
ing the seventh trumpet era.
The utimate outcome of the Israeli-Syrian
God bless you and your ministry. I listen to your radio pro-
gram, Politics & Religion, on WHRI. I have questions.
1. What will be the outcome of the negotiations con-
cerning the Golan Heights and Syria?
2. Have the Jews started building their Third Temple yet?
3. How would you recommend that I follow and learn
about prophetic events?
Please, help me get started.
May God richly bless you,
J. Teshome
Debre Tabor, Ethiopia
Reply: I am so happy you are able to listen to Politics &
Religion in Ethiopia.
1.It was understood when the Israeli-Syrian negotiations
began that any peace with Syria would entail the total return
of the Golan Heights. It appears that Israeli Prime Minister
Barak has decided to pay that price.
From the prophecies of the Bible, we know this will result
in disaster. Scripture is clear that the armies of the World
Community will invade Israel at the time of Armageddon by
crossing the dried up Euphrates River. This path will then
lead through the Golan Heights and into Israel. So Israel is
getting ready to assist her enemies future invasion.
2.Israel has begun preparations for the building of the Third
Temple, but actual construction has not yet begun.
3.There are three things you should do to understand prophetic
events: Go through our Understanding the Endtime
prophecy course, subscribe to Endtime magazine, and lis-
ten to Politics & Religion.
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Endtime thanks you for your
letters. The letters we use in
Endtime do not necessarily reflect
the views of Endtime and/or its staff.
Endtime reserves the right to edit
letters according to space and edito-
rial style.
j/f 00 mag 1/24/01 4:40 PM Page 7
8 endtime JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000
And I looked, and behold a pale
horse: and his name that sat on him
was Death, and Hell followed with him.
And power was given unto them over
the fourth part of the earth, to kill with
sword, and with hunger, and with
death, and with the beasts of the earth.
Revelation 6:8
hat are the possibili-
ties that Death, the
pale horse rider of
Revelation 6, has
been loose upon the
earth during the 20th Century? Before
you totally reject this idea, take a mo-
ment to consider the following facts.
The bloodiest century
The 20th Century was the bloodiest
century in the entire history of the
human race. Before the 20th Century, a
war had never claimed 1 million lives.
Then came World War I with its 8 mil-
lion deaths. Twenty short years later,
World War II resulted in 52 million fa-
talities. These two wars alone qualify the
20th Century to be labeled the century
of death. But there is much, much more.
The Economist magazine, September
11, 1999, reports that the governments
of the Soviet Union, China, Germany
and Japan combined have killed, during
this century, 170 million in political
purges. When we add to that the 8 mil-
lion killed in World War I and the 52
million in World War II, the level of in-
flicted deaths becomes absolutely
As distasteful as it is, we are obligated
Behold, A
Pale Horse
His name that sat
on him was DEATH
by Irvin Baxter Jr.
These human skulls are a testimony to the fact that you and I have the dubious honor of living in
the bloodiest century in the history of mankind.


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j/f 00 mag 1/24/01 4:40 PM Page 8
9 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000endtime
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to also mention the unprecedented
slaughter of life in the 20th Century by
way of abortion. Between 1975 and the
year 2000, approximately 1.14 billion ba-
bies have been killed by abortion.
Add to this total of deathvictims of
earthquakes, famine, AIDS, cancer and
many other death-dealing diseases. The
total claimed by the pale horse rider be-
comes mind-boggling. With just those
causes that we have been able to list
here, we can calculate a total of at least
one-billion three-hundred eighty million
inflicted deaths during the last one hun-
dred years!
When we realize that the total popula-
tion of the earth to begin the 20th
Century was 1.6 billion, 1.38 billion vio-
lent deaths during the 20th Century
become all the more astounding!
Is this idea scriptural?
If the fourth seal and its pale horse
rider has been loose during the 20th
Century, then it is obvious that the first,
second, and third seals must have been
loosed before this. Could this be true?
The identity of the white horse rider,
the red horse and the black horse is ex-
plained in A Message for the President,
chapter 3, and in Understanding the
Endtime, Lesson 4. Lets take a moment
to briefly review the identity of these
three horses and their riders.
The white horse rider symbolizes
Roman Catholicism. White is the offi-
cial color of the pope and the Vatican.
The pope dresses in white, his helicopter
is white, his popemobile is white and his
jet airplane is white. If he had a horse, it
would certainly be white as well.
The red horse rider is Communism.
Red is the official color of Communism
or Socialism. Thats the reason that so-
cialist countries are known as Red
China, Red Russia, et cetera. When God
wanted to prophesy about Communism,
he used the symbol of the red horse.
But what about the black horse? Most
people are not aware of it, but black is
the official color of Capitalism and
Democracy. The balances in the hand of
the black horse rider symbolize trade, the
central message of Capitalism.
Once we understand the identities of
the white horse, the red horse and the
black horse, it is easy to see that they
have been loosed on earth for quite some
time. Catholicism dates, at least, back to
325 AD. The Communist Manifesto was
written in 1848. We also know that
Capitalism has been a force for at least
100 years now.
Since it can be shown that the first
three seals were all loosed prior to 1900,
then it makes perfect sense that the 4th
seal, Death, would be unleashed upon
the earth during the 20th Century. The
1.38 billion deaths that have occurred
during mankinds bloodiest century ever
certainly support this belief!
Experiencing prophecy without
realizing it
Throughout the history of Gods deal-
ing with man, most human beings have
been unaware of the prophetic times in
which they lived. At the first coming of
Jesus, many incredible prophecies were
fulfilled to the letter. Yet most people
missed His First Coming.
The same thing is occurring right now.
We are experiencing far more prophetic
fulfillment than occurred at the first
coming of Jesus. Yet most people again
are blissfully unaware of the prophetic
times in which we presently live.
We are still in the pale horse era
Even though the bloodiest century of
mankind is now over, that does not mean
that the era of the pale horse rider,
Death, is over. We know that Revelation
9:13-16 prophesies a war that will kill
one-third part of men. If this literally
means what it says, two billion human
beings will be wiped out in this coming
war. It would appear that this catastrophe
will also be included under the era of the
pale horse riderDeath. If we add this
two billion that are prophesied to die to
the 1.38 billion deaths we have already
documented, this would bring the toll of
death over the last one hundred years to
an incredible 3.38 billion human beings.
Can anyone doubt that Death has been
riding through the earth during the 20th
After the pale horse riderthen-
The pale horse rider was loosed upon
the earth when the fourth seal was un-
leashed. A description of events under
the fifth seal is given in Revelation 6:9-
And when he had opened the
fifth seal, I saw under the altar the
souls of them that were slain for the
word of God, and for the testimony
which they held: And they cried
with a loud voice, saying, How long,
O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not
judge and avenge our blood on them
that dwell on the earth? And white
robes were given unto every one of
them; and it was said unto them,
that they should rest yet for a little
season, until their fellowservants
also and their brethren, that should
be killed as they were, should be ful-
It is obvious that the events of the fifth
seal occur during the time of the Great
Tribulation, since the fifth seal speaks of
the martyrdom of the saints. Notice that
those souls under the altar are told to
wait just a little season until the persecu-
tion of their fellowservants and their
brethren was fulfilled.
From all of these things, we under-
stand that we are approaching the end of
the fourth seal era and nearing the be-
ginning of the time of the Great
Tribulation. Negotiations on the final
status of Jerusalem and the return of areas
of Judea to Arab control indicate that
conditions are presently shaping up to
fulfill the prophecies concerning the
Great Tribulation period. The Great
Tribulation will last for three and one-
half years.
Immediately after the Great
Tribulation, the kingdoms of this world
will become the kingdoms of our Lord
and of his Christ, and He shall reign for-
ever and ever. Even so, come Lord Jesus!

after the Great
Tribulation, the
kingdoms of this
world will become
the kingdoms of
our Lord and of his
Christ...Even so,
come Lord Jesus!
j/f 00 mag 1/24/01 4:40 PM Page 9
10 endtime JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000
here are two major positions
when it comes to interpret-
ing the prophecies of the
Bible. One belief holds that
the prophecies of the Bible
largely pertain to the endtimes, and are
either being fulfilled now or are yet to
come. This position is known as the
Futurist belief.
The other position is called Preterist or
Historicist. Those holding this position
contend that the prophecies of the Bible
are largely, if not entirely, fulfilled and
The Futurist position has been the
view held by the majority of Christians
for at least the last century. However, the
Historicist position seems to be reassert-
ing itself of late.
Our purpose today is not to cast reflec-
tion on those who may sincerely hold
either of these views. We do want to ex-
amine both positions in light of scripture
to see which of these is biblical.
Defining Historicism
One of the most well known of the his-
toricist writings is a book by Ralph
Woodrow entitled Great Prophecies of the
Bible. We will use his teachings to pre-
sent the Historicist position as fairly and
accurately as possible.
Major prophetic doctrines of
Historicism are as follows:
1. The prophecy of Daniels 70 Weeks
has already been fulfilled in its en-
2. The Antichrist is not one particular
man, but has been fulfilled by the pa-
pacy of the Roman Catholic Church.
We should not be expecting an
Antichrist to appear in the future.
3. The prophesied ten-horn kingdom ex-
isted at the time of the dissolution of
the Roman Empire, and the papacy
rose up among these ten kings.
4. The Great Tribulation lasted 1,260
years and is now past. There will not
be a time of great tribulation at the
Second Coming. (Woodward does be-
lieve in a Second Coming of Jesus.
Apparently, some Historicists do not.)
5. The events of Jesus prophecy in
Matthew 24 have already been ful-
filled and do not pertain to our times
The Futurist position
1. There is a gap between the 69th and
70th week of Daniels 70 Weeks
prophecy. The first 69 weeks have
been fulfilled. The 70th week, a seven-
year period, is yet to come to pass.
2. Though there have been many an-
Fulfilled or Yet To Come?
By Irvin Baxter Jr.
Some say the rapture will soon take place. What does the Bible say?

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j/f 00 mag 1/24/01 4:40 PM Page 10
11 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000endtime
tichrists throughout the years, the
Bible prophesies one Antichrist who
will rule a one-world government for
three and one-half years immediately
before the coming of Jesus Christ at
3. The prophesied ten-horn kingdom is
yet to appear on earth, and the
Antichrist will arise among these ten
4. The Great Tribulation is yet future and
will last for three and one-half years.
(Some Futurists believe it will last for
seven years.) It will occur during the
last half of Daniels 70th week, and will
be terminated when the Antichrist is
destroyed by Jesus Christ at
5. Most of Jesus prophecies in Matthew
24 deal with events of the endtime and
have yet to be fulfilled.
Step by step
Has the prophecy of Daniels 70
Weeks already been fulfilled in its
There are several aspects of the
Historicist interpretation of Daniels 70
Weeks prophecy that we want to exam-
ine. Lets look at the prophecy found in
Daniel 9:24-27.
24 Seventy weeks are determined
upon thy people and upon thy holy
city, to finish the transgression, and
to make an end of sins, and to make
reconciliation for iniquity, and to
bring in everlasting righteousness,
and to seal up the vision and
prophecy, and to anoint the most
25 Know therefore and understand,
that from the going forth of the
commandment to restore and to
build Jerusalem unto the Messiah
the Prince shall be seven weeks, and
threescore and two weeks: the street
shall be built again, and the wall,
even in troublous times.
26 And after threescore and two
weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but
not for himself: and the people of
the prince that shall come shall de-
stroy the city and the sanctuary; and
the end thereof shall be with a flood,
and unto the end of the war desola-
tions are determined.
27 And he shall confirm the
covenant with many for one week:
and in the midst of the week he shall
cause the sacrifice and the oblation
to cease, and for the overspreading
of abominations he shall make it
desolate, even until the consumma-
tion, and that determined shall be
poured upon the desolate.
Who is the he that will confirm
the covenant for seven years?
Historicists believe the Messiah is the
one who was prophesied to confirm the
covenant. Futurists teach that it will be
the prince that shall comethe
Antichrist. This question is very easy to
Notice that the same he that is to
confirm the covenant is also to take away
the daily sacrifice and place the
Abomination of Desolation (verse 27).
Daniel 11:30-31 tells us in no uncertain
terms that it is the Antichrist (the king
of the north) and his followers who take
away the daily sacrifice and place the
Abomination of Desolation.
30 For the ships of Chittim shall
come against him: therefore he shall
be grieved, and return, and have in-
dignation against the holy
covenant: so shall he do; he shall
even return, and have intelligence
with them that forsake the holy
31 And arms shall stand on his part,
and they shall pollute the sanctuary
of strength, and shall take away the
daily sacrifice, and they shall place
the abomination that maketh deso-
This passage is obviously not referring
to the Messiah. Would the Messiah ever
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12 endtime JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000
have indignation against the holy
covenant? Would He ever pollute the
sanctuary of strength? Obviously not!
The entirety of Daniel 11:21-45 is dis-
cussing the actions of the king of the
norththe Antichrist.
So we can see clearly that it is the
Antichrist, not the Messiah, who takes
away the daily sacrifice and places the
Abomination of Desolation.
Remember that the one who takes
away the daily sacrifice also is the one
who confirms the covenant according to
Daniel 9:27. So we know for certain
that it is the Antichrist, not the
Messiah, who will confirm the
covenant for seven years. Daniel
11:22 strengthens this proof when it
calls the king of the north (the
Antichrist) the prince of the
This one proof totally destroys the
foundation of the Historicist posi-
tion. However, there are several
other aspects of this question that
we want to examine.
Confirming the covenant for
seven years
Daniel 9:27 says that he will
confirm the covenant for one week
(seven years). Historicists say that
Jesus confirmed the covenant of the
New Testament during his three and
one-half years of ministry. He was
then crucified in the midst of the
week (after 3 1/2 years), and then
was caught up into heaven 43 days
later. Herein lies the problem.
How did Jesus confirm the
covenant for the last three and one-
half years of the 70th week since he was
gone from the earth? The only escape
from this dilemma is to say that God
continued to deal with the Jews through
His church for three and one-half years
after His ascension. However, there is no
historical or biblical proof that God
turned from Jew to Gentile exactly three
and one-half years after the crucifixion.
In Great Prophecies of the Bible,
Woodward says that the confirming of
the covenant with the Jews during the
last 3 1/2 years of Daniels 70th week was
finished 3 1/2 years after Jesus ascension.
He claims this was when God sent Peter
to preach to a Gentile, Cornelius in Acts
10. However, there is no scriptural or his-
torical proof for this assertion. This claim
has to be made in order for the doctrine
that Jesus is the one that confirmed the
covenant to fit. Of course, we have al-
ready proven that this is not true anyway.
The 70th Weekpast or future
The Historicists contend that there is
no gap between the 69th week and the
70th week in Daniels prophecy, even
though they are spoken of separately in
Daniels account. How can we know
whether the 70th week is already fulfilled
or yet to happen?
Daniel 9:27 tells us that the taking
away of the daily sacrifice and the
Abomination of Desolation happens in
the midst of the 70th week. If we can
prove when the Abomination of
Desolation takes place, then we can
know when the 70th week occurs.
Historicists say that the daily sacrifice
was taken away by the crucifixion of
Jesus Christ. But we have already proven
by Daniel 11:30-31 that this is not true.
This passage plainly says that the taking
away of the daily sacrifice and the plac-
ing of the Abomination of Desolation
will be done by the Antichrist and those
that forsake the holy covenant. So what
is the Abomination of Desolation, and
when does it take place?
When will the Abomination of
Desolation occur?
Jesus referred to the Abomination of
Desolation in Matthew 24:15. He plainly
said that the Abomination of Desolation
would be the event that launched the
Great Tribulation.
15 When ye therefore shall see the
abomination of desolation, spoken
of by Daniel the prophet, stand in
the holy place, (whoso readeth, let
him understand:)
16 Then let them which be in
Judaea flee into the moun-
21 For then shall be great tribu-
lation, such as was not since the
beginning of the world to this
time, no, nor ever shall be.
Matthew 24:15-16, 21
The Great Tribulation will last
for three and one-half years. We
know this because Daniel 7:25 says
the little horn, the Antichrist, will
wear out the saints of the most
High for a time, times and the di-
viding of time. A time is one year,
times is two years, and the dividing
of time is one-half year, for a total
of three and one-half years.
How do we know that time,
times and the dividing of time is
three and one-half years? We can
determine this because another de-
scription of this time of Great
Tribulation is given in Revelation
13:5-8. It states that the beast, the
Antichrist, will make war against
the saints for 42 months. Of course,
three and one-half years and 42 months
is the exact same amount of time.
Revelation 12:5-14 also teaches that
the Great Tribulation lasts for three and
one-half years. It says that the woman
(Israel) will flee from the persecution of
the dragon (Satan) for 1,260 days. One-
thousand two-hundred threescore days
also equals three and one-half years.
As we can see, every single reference
to the Great Tribulation in the Bible
states that it will last for three and one-
half years.
Jesus said that the Abomination of
Desolation would begin the Great
Tribulation. Since we know that the
Great Tribulation lasts for three and one-
half years, we know that the
pr o ph ec yf ul f i l l ed o r yet t o c o me
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The Great
Tribulation will last for
three and one-half
years. We know this
because Daniel 7:25
says the little horn, the
Antichrist, will wear
out the saints of the
most High for a time,
times and the dividing
of time.
j/f 00 mag 1/24/01 4:40 PM Page 12
Prophecy Tour 2000
Israel Greece Patmos
Three-day Greek Islands Cruise
Prophecy Tour 2000
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Irvin Baxter Jr. Tour Host



j/f 00 mag 1/24/01 4:40 PM Page 13
14 endtime JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000
Abomination of Desolation occurs three
and one-half years before the Battle of
Armageddon. Daniel 9:27 says that the
Abomination of Desolation takes place
in the middle of the seven years known
as Daniels 70th Week. This proves that
the Great Tribulation fills the last half of
this seven-year period.
Abomination of Desolation
happens three and one-half years
before the Second Coming
Matthew 24:29 tells us that, immedi-
ately after the Great Tribulation, the sun
will be darkened, the moon will not give
her light, the stars will fall from heaven,
and the powers of the heavens shall be
shaken. If the Great Tribulation has al-
ready happened, as the Historicist
viewpoint contends, when did all these
things come to pass? Obviously, they
Verse 30-31 continues right on to tell
usAnd then shall appear the sign of
the Son of man in heaven: and then shall
all the tribes of the earth mourn, and
they shall see the Son of man coming in
the clouds of heaven with power and
great glory. And he shall send his angels
with a great sound of a trumpet, and they
shall gather together his elect from the
four winds, from one end of heaven to
the other.
This passage clearly states that, imme-
diately after the tribulation, the sun will
be darkened, the moon will not give her
light, and the stars will fall from heaven.
It continues on to say that, right after
that, Jesus will come in the clouds, the
people of the earth will see Him, and he
will send his angels with a sound of a
great trumpet to gather His elect.
Are we to believe that Jesus has al-
ready come back? Has He in some
mysterious way secretly gathered His
elect? Of course not!
The conclusion is simply unavoidable.
The Historicist view that all these things
have already happened is simply not true.
What is the Abomination of
Some Historicists teach that the
Abomination of Desolation was fulfilled
in 167 BC when Antiochus Epiphanes
offered a pig on the altar in the Jews
Second Temple. We know that this
could not possibly be the Abomination
of Desolation because in Matthew 24:15
Jesus taught that the Abomination of
Desolation was an event that was yet fu-
ture. The actions of Antiochus
Epiphanes occurred at least 200 years be-
fore Jesus said this.
In Great Prophecies of the Bible,
Woodward teaches that the
Abomination of Desolation was when
the Roman armies were encamped round
about Jerusalem before its destruction in
70 AD. We know this cant possibly be
true because a covenant was supposed to
have been confirmed 3 1/2 years prior to
the Abomination of Desolation.
Nothing like that happened.
Immediately after the 3 1/2 year tribu-
lation triggered by the Abomination of
Desolation, the sun was to be darkened,
the moon was to not give her light, and
the stars were to fall from heaven. If the
Abomination of Desolation occurred
prior to 70 AD, when did these things
Matthew 24:30-31 teaches us that,
right after the sun is darkened and the
stars fall from heaven, the Lord will send
His angels to gather His elect and the in-
habitants of the earth will see Him. If the
Abomination of Desolation had hap-
pened around 70 AD, the
Lord would have
gathered His elect
at that time. Did
anything like that
happen? Of course
not! The surrounding
of Jerusalem by the
Romans was not the
Abomination of
What then is this
event called the
Abomination of
Desolation? Matthew
24:15 tells us that the
Abomination of
Desolation will stand
in the holy place.
Where was the holy
place?in the Jewish
temple, of course.
The Apostle Paul
describes the
Abomination of
Desolation in II
Thessalonians 2:3-4.
3 Let no man de-
ceive you by any
means: for that day shall not come,
except there come a falling away
first, and that man of sin be re-
vealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth him-
self above all that is called God, or
that is worshipped; so that he as
God sitteth in the temple of God,
shewing himself that he is God.
Paul says here that the man of sin, the
Antichrist, will sit in the temple of
God. Where did Jesus say that the
Abomination of Desolation would take
place in Matthew 24:15?in the holy
place which was in the temple. Paul went
on to say that the Antichrist would sit in
the temple of God claiming to be God.
This is the event known as the
Abomination of Desolation. It is placed
by the Antichrist, not by Jesus Christ.
So what have we learned about
Daniels 70 Weeks prophecy?
1. It is the Antichrist, not the Messiah,
who will confirm the covenant for
seven years.
2. It is the Antichrist that takes away the
daily sacrifice and places the
Pr o ph ec yf ul f i l l ed o r yet t o c o me
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Here are some things to look for:
1. The Jewish Temple will be rebuilt after almost 2,000 years.
2. The nation of Israel will resume animal sacrifices.
3. Nationhood as we know it will be obsolete. All states will recognize a
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4. Economic sanctions will be enforced against any nation or individual who
does not adhere to U.N. decisions.
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Using scriptures found in the Bible, Endtime predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall, the signing of
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j/f 00 mag 1/24/01 4:40 PM Page 14
15 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000endtime
Abomination of Desolation.
3. The Abomination of Desolation sig-
nals the beginning of the Great
4. The Great Tribulation lasts for three
and one-half yearsthe last three and
one-half years of Daniels 70th week.
5. Immediately after the Great
Tribulation, Jesus appears, sending his
angels to gather His elect. At this time
those dwelling on earth shall see him.
Once we understand these things, it
becomes obvious that Daniels 70th week
is a future event, not something past.
Another prominent view of the
Historicists is that there will not
be a future Antichrist.
Historicists say that the prophecies
about the Antichrist have been fulfilled
by the papacy of the Roman Catholic
Church. They teach that the ten-horn
beast of Daniel 7 symbolized the Roman
Empire. They claim that the Roman
Empire was divided into ten Gothic
tribes and that the Roman papacy and
the Roman Catholic Church arose from
among these tribes. Since so much perse-
cution has been perpetrated against
Christians by the papacy, Historicists be-
lieve this has fulfilled the prophecies
concerning the Great Tribulation.
We have to acknowledge that tremen-
dous persecution has been carried out
against Christians by the papacy over the
last 1,700 years. It is estimated that over
50 million Christians have died in these
persecutions because they would not pro-
fess belief in the doctrines of Roman
Catholicism. There is no doubt that the
harlot on the back of the beast in
Revelation 17 is the Roman Catholic
Church. But does this mean that the pa-
pacy fulfilled the prophecies about the
In order to answer this question, we
need to understand that several different
names are used in scripture to refer to the
Antichrist. He is called the man of sin,
the son of perdition, the little horn, that
wicked one and the beast. Most com-
monly today he is simply referred to as
the Antichrist.
The Bible teaches us that there will be
two evil personages on earth at the time
of the Second Coming of Christthe
Antichrist and the False Prophet. This is
taught in Revelation 19:19-20.
19 And I saw the beast, and the
kings of the earth, and their armies,
gathered together to make war
against him that sat on the horse,
and against his army.
20 And the beast was taken, and
with him the false prophet that
wrought miracles before him, with
which he deceived them that had
received the mark of the beast, and
them that worshipped his image.
These both were cast alive into a
lake of fire burning with brimstone.
Notice that both the beast (the
Antichrist) and the False Prophet will be
cast alive into the lake of fire when Jesus
comes to earth at the time of the Battle
of Armageddon. This means they will
both be alive on earth at that time. If we
say that the coming of the Antichrist is
not future, we also must say that the
Second Coming and the Battle of
Armageddon are not future events ei-
ther. Even the Historicists admit that the
Second Coming of Jesus is a future event.
The teaching that ten Gothic tribes
growing out of the old Roman Empire
fulfilled the ten-horn kingdom cannot be
true. We know this because these ten
tribes no longer are identifiable on earth.
Yet the Bible explicitly prophesies in sev-
eral places that the ten kings will be in
power at the time of the Second Coming
of Jesus.
In the prophecy of Nebuchadnezzars
image in Daniel 2, the ten toes on the
image represent the same thing as the
ten horns on the beast in Daniel 7 and in
Revelation 17.
It states in Daniel 2:44
And in the days of these kings shall
the God of heaven set up a king-
dom, which shall never be
destroyed: and the kingdom shall
not be left to other people, but it
shall break in pieces and consume
all these kingdoms, and it shall stand
for ever.
Notice that this passage clearly says
that God will establish his kingdom in
the days of these kings. What
kings?the prophesied ten-nation
union that will be the power base of the
Revelation 17:12 teaches the same
And the ten horns which thou
sawest are ten kings, which have re-
ceived no kingdom as yet; but
receive power as kings one hour
with the beast.
These ten kings receive power for a
very short period of time with the beast,
the Antichrist.
The Bible also says that this ten-na-
tion union will fight against Jesus Christ
when He returns to earth with His saints.
We know this from verse 14.
These shall make war with the
Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome
them: for he is Lord of lords, and
King of kings: and they that are with
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him are called, and chosen, and
The prophesied ten kings will be on
earth with the Antichrist at the time of
the Second Coming of Jesus to earth.
These ten kings will actually fight against
Jesus Christ Himself.
All of these things prove conclusively
that the Antichrist is yet to appear on
earth. We also know that the ten kings
were not to appear 1,600 years ago. The
fact istheir appearance on the world
scene lies just ahead of us now!
Will the pope be the Antichrist as
Historicists claim?
Bible prophecy teaches us that the
Antichrist will come out of a revived
Holy Roman Empire. There have always
been two leaders in the Holy Roman
Empirea political leader and a spiritual
leader. The Holy Roman Empire was
originally established in 800 AD when
Pope Leo III placed the crown on the
head of Charlemagne. He declared, I
now crown you emperor of the Holy
Roman Empire.
The Holy Roman Empire has ruled off
and on since that time. Each time it has
reared its head, it has always featured a
political leader and a spiritual leader
working together to establish a world
dominating empire.
It will be the same arrangement under
the endtime world government of the
Antichrist. The political leader will be
the Antichrist, and the spiritual leader
will be the False Prophet. So we can see
clearly that the pope will not be the
Antichrist. However, it is also obvious
that whoever is pope at the time of the
Antichrist will be the False Prophet.
The Great Tribulationpast or
In Great Prophecies of the Bible, pages
69-70, Ralph Woodrow teaches that the
Great Tribulation began at the Roman
invasion of Jerusalem in 70 AD. On page
172, he states that the 1,260 days of
Great Tribulation really speak of 1,260
years of Great Tribulationbelieving
that each day represents a year. If this
were true, the Great Tribulation should
have been completed somewhere around
1330 AD. But does this harmonize at all
with what the Bible says about the Great
Daniel 7:21-22 plainly teaches that
the Antichrist will make war against the
saints until the coming of Jesus Christ to
establish His kingdom.
I beheld, and the same horn made
war with the saints, and prevailed
against them; Until the Ancient of
days came, and judgment was given
to the saints of the most High; and
the time came that the saints pos-
sessed the kingdom.
Matthew 24:29-31 affirms the exact
same thing.
29 Immediately after the tribula-
tion of those days shall the sun be
darkened, and the moon shall not
give her light, and the stars shall fall
from heaven, and the powers of the
heavens shall be shaken:
30 And then shall appear the sign
of the Son of man in heaven: and
then shall all the tribes of the earth
mourn, and they shall see the Son of
man coming in the clouds of heaven
with power and great glory.
31 And he shall send his angels
with a great sound of a trumpet, and
they shall gather together his elect
from the four winds, from one end of
heaven to the other.
Notice that this passage states that,
immediately after the tribulation of those
days, the coming of the Son of man will
take place.
On every major point of prophetic un-
derstanding, the Historicist view
inevitably ends up in conflict with scrip-
ture. As we have seen, the evidence is
absolutely overwhelming that this view
is simply not what the Bible teaches.
However, it should be noted that some
prophetic fulfillment is now history. For
example, the rebirth of the nation of
Israel, prophesied in Ezekiel 37, came to
pass in 1948. In my book, A Message for
the President, it was taught from the
prophecies of the Bible that the Berlin
Wall would come down and the New
World Order would result. These
prophetic fulfillments are now history.
I believe it can be proven that the first
three seals of Revelation 6 have now
been opened (see Lesson 4 of
Understanding the Endtime). The far-
ther we move into the endtime, the more
of the prophecies will be fulfilled and be-
come history rather than futuristic.
What is important?
The Historicist vs. Futurist discussion
is not a salvation issue and should not be
allowed to become divisive in the church
at a time when our attention should be
focused on reaching the lost. However,
proper understanding concerning
prophetic fulfillment is vital if we are to
accomplish Gods will for these end-
Daniel 11:32-33 reveals what Gods
people should be doing right now:
the people that do know their God shall
be strong, and do exploits. And they that
understand among the people shall in-
struct many If we dont understand,
how can we help someone else?
Authors note: Endtime Ministries
now has three prophecy series available
to assist those who want to understand
the prophecies of the Bible.
Understanding the Endtime Level 1
is where a person should begin.
Understanding the Endtime Level 2
takes up where Level 1 leaves off.
Our brand new series, Level 3, is enti-
tled Sequence of Endtime Events. This
series is for the person who wants to un-
derstand what is going to happen when.
Sequence of Endtime Events gives care-
ful scriptural proofs, complete with
charts and timelines.
All three of these series are now avail-
able on video or audiocassettes. A study
manual is available for Level 1, and will
soon be available for Levels 2 & 3.
Call 1-800-Endtime.
pr o ph ec yf ul f i l l ed o r yet t o c o me
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The farther
we move into the
endtime, the more
of the prophecies
will be fulfilled
and become
history rather
than futuristic.
j/f 00 mag 1/24/01 4:41 PM Page 16
17 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000endtime
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Radio Log
1. How often did the high priest enter the Holy of
A. Weekly B. Monthly C. Once a year
2. Cain went out and dwelt in the land of ___.
A. Nob B. Nod C. Noph
3. Jesus told the disciples to cast the ___ on the right
side of the ship.
A. Poles B. Anchor C. Net
4. The foolish man built his house upon what base?
A. Sand B. Rock C. Timber
5. To whom shall every knee bow?
A. The President B. The Lord C. The Governor
6. And now abideth faith, ___, charity, these three
A. Hope B. Peace C. Joy
7. It is your Fathers good ___ to give you the kingdom.
A. Fortune B. Opportunity C. Pleasure
8. Why do the heathen ___?
A. Rage B. Rejoice C. Dance
9. The commander of Sauls army.
A. Naaman B. Abner C. Uriah
10. ___ Father, the Prince of Peace.
A. Heavenly B. Crucified C. Everlasting
11. John took the little book and ___ it up.
A. Tore B. Ate C. Burned
12. A time to be born, and a time to ___.
A. Laugh B. Die C. Sow
13. And the ___, because he cheweth the cud.
A. Fox B. Lion C. Hare
14. As swift as the ___ flieth.
A. Eagle B. Ostrich C. Pelican
15. I the Lord search the ___.
A. Eyes B. Nose C. Heart
16. The white of an ___.
A. Egg B. Eye C. Onion
17. He was a fellow labourer with Paul.
A. Stephen B. Cleopas C. Demas
18. I would not write with paper and ___.
A. Pen B. Ink C. Pencil
19. Come, let us go up to the ___ of the Lord.
A. Mountain B. Tabernacle C. House
20. We are ___ and fatherless.
A. Lonely B. Orphans C. Joyful
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j/f 00 mag 1/24/01 4:41 PM Page 19
20 endtime JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000
he year of 1999 was not a
year for the faint-hearted.
We all had to sort through
the warnings of the Y2K
alarmists. Should we buy an
electric generator? Should we store dried
food? Perhaps the installation of a wood
stove would be good idea. And dare we
leave our money in the bank over
January 1, 2000? And Oh yes! Perhaps
we should purchase a few rifles just in
case our starving neighbors find out that
we were prudent enough to lay up some
extra food in our basement.
By the time you read this article, you
will know the answer to the Y2K riddle.
Did it turn out to be the end of the
world as we know it or merely a bump in
the road?
Our guess is that the real Y2K story
will not turn out to be whether or not the
power grid went down. It wont be trucks
and railroad cars full of rotting food sit-
ting beside highways and in railroad
yards because of a Y2K glitch. We think
the real Y2K issue is its role in bringing
the computer systems of the world up to
speed with the cutting edge of computer
technology. Businesses around the globe
have spent billions of dollars upgrading
computer systems just to be sure that
everything was Y2K compliant.
So now we have a world that is tech-
nologically prepared for a cashless
society. Whenever the Antichrist ap-
pears with his diabolical plans to give
every one a Personal Identification
Number (PIN) to be used for buying and
selling, thanks to Y2K, we are ready!
The eurothe cashless currency
Oh, by the waywhile we were all
mesmerized by the specter of our world
being thrown back into the dark ages by
this two-digit computer glitch, eleven of
the fifteen nations in the European
Union made the historic leap into the
adoption of a common currency. That
dramatic development occurred on
January 1, 1999. If that doesnt do any-
thing for you, take one more look at it.
This currency, just adopted by the
major powers of Europe, has no money. It
is completely electronic! You can make
multi-million dollar purchases in euros,
you can buy a new suit and pay in euros,
A Prophetic Look Back
by Irvin Baxter Jr.
Since the euro's market premiere on January 4, the rookie European currency has been just a
hazy idea for many Europeans and tourists, since Euro coins and banknotes won't be introduced
until July 2002.


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j/f 00 mag 1/24/01 4:41 PM Page 20
21 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000endtime
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but you cant touch a euro, see a euro, or
put one in your pocket. The thing simply
does not existexcept on the hard dri-
ves of your banks computer!
Now theyre promising to produce
some actual money you can put in your
pocket by July 2002that is if everybody
hasnt gotten so used to operating cash-
less by then that there really wont be
any reason to bother.
We who read the Bible know a cash-
less society is coming. The only question
remaining isCould the euro be the big
break in the dike that ushers it in? Well
soon see!
Are we still moving toward
I guess the Battle of Armageddon is
still going to happen. The Bible says it is.
Things became very tense as we
moved toward May 4, 1999. You see, the
Oslo Accords, signed by Arafat, Rabin,
and Clinton way back in September 13,
1993, promised that the final status of
Jerusalem would be negotiated and im-
plemented by May 4, 1999. However,
when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu was asked if he would negoti-
ate the status of Jerusalem, he simply
said, What is there to negotiate? Its our
eternal capital. We dont intend to re-di-
vide it or share it.
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat
warned that he would unilaterally de-
clare an independent Palestinian state
on May 4, 1999, if the promise concern-
ing Jerusalem were not kept. Netanyahu
countered that, if Arafat declared
Palestinian independence, Israel would
unilaterally draw the borders of separa-
tion between Israel and the new entity.
Everyone knew that an explosion of
mega-proportions was brewing. Just in
time, hard-liners in Netanyahus coali-
tion decided to withdraw their support
because Netanyahu was proceeding with
previously agreed upon withdrawals from
portions of the West Bank territories.
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Foreign Minister Shimon Peres signs the Mideast peace agreement, Monday Sept.ember 13,
1993. From left, the late Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, President Clinton and Palestinian
Leader, Yasser Arafat look on from behind.



j/f 00 mag 1/24/01 4:41 PM Page 21
22 endtime JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000 E-mail:, Website:
The move brought Netanyahus
government crashing down and
mandated new Israeli elections.
With new elections pending,
the European Union and the
United States prevailed on Arafat
to postpone his declaration of
statehood for one year. They feared
that Arafats threat would throw
the election toward Netanyahu.
Arafat agreed.
Labor candidate Ehud Barak ran
his campaign on the promise of
trading land for peace while still
safeguarding Israels security. Barak
promised to revive the peace
dreams of Israels assassinated
leader Yitzhak Rabin, who hap-
pened to be Baraks personal
The Israeli people desperately
want to live in peace. They have
known nothing but war and the
threat of war since the modern
State of Israel was born in 1948.
They voted to trade land for peace,
electing Ehud Barak by a large ma-
Why was this so
prophetically important?
Jesus, in Matthew 24:15-21,
prophesied specifically about the
area of Judea, which is the area
that Barak intends to trade back to
the Palestinians in exchange for
peace. Jesus said of those Jews who
will live in this area a few years
from nowWhen ye therefore
shall see the abomination of deso-
lation, spoken of by Daniel the
prophet, stand in the holy place,
(whoso readeth, let him under-
stand:) Then let them which be
in Judaea flee into the moun-
tainsFor then shall be great
tribulation, such as was not since
the beginning of the world to this
time, no, nor ever shall be.
The critical thing to understand
is that the election of Ehud Barak
is having a direct bearing on
events that will soon fulfill the prophe-
cies of Jesus Himself. Thats the reason
the election of Barak has had such a di-
rect bearing on important prophetic
On November 8, 1999, talks were
opened on the final status of Jerusalem.
The Bible is crystal clear that dispute
over Jerusalem will be the issue that will
ultimately trigger the Battle of Armaged-
don. When we realize that negotiations
on the final status of Jerusalem were
begun in 1999, it makes us know that
1999 has been a year of huge prophetic
Tony Blair: We are all
internationalists now,
whether we like it or not.
When the U.S. government
began to whip up public support
for the military campaign against
Kosovo, most of us were sent
scrambling to our world maps to
see where our young sons might
just be called on to die. We were
told that genocide was taking
place and that world peace hinged
on bringing Mr. Slobodan
Milosevic under obedience to the
World Community.
America didnt have much stom-
ach for going to war in Kosovo,
but both World War I and World
War II had started in that part of
the globe. President Clinton said
that this military action on the
part of NATO was absolutely nec-
essary to save us from World War
III. And, of course, President
Clinton had never lied to us
yethad he?
Great Britains Prime Minister
Tony Blair added his voice to
those advocating the absolute ne-
cessity of breaking the will of
Yugoslavian President Milosevic.
In his speech, Doctrine of the
International Community, Blair
said, We are all internationalists
now, whether we like it or not. We
cannot refuse to participate in
global markets if we want to pros-
per, we cannot ignore new
political ideas in other countries if
we want to innovate, and we can-
not turn our backs on conflicts
and the violation of human rights
within other countries if we want
still to be secure. Blair hinted at a
new role for NATO, turning it
into the military arm of a new
world order rather than a purely
defensive alliance. He said: If we
can establish and spread the val-
ues of liberty, the rule of law,
human rights and an open society,
then that is in our national inter-
est too.
Dont forget East Timor
Coming quickly on the heels of the
conflict in Kosovo, was the need for ac-
tion by the World Community in East
Timor. This venture of the international-
A pr o ph et ic Lo o k bac k 1999
j/f 00 mag 1/24/01 4:41 PM Page 22
23 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000endtime
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The China Threat
S1012 Interview with U.S. Sen. James Inhofe on China
S1111 Israel Sells China Missile Radar System
S1130 ChinaThe Greatest Threat to the World
Global Religion
R518 Understanding World Religion Prophecies
R519 Live with Bishop Swing from United Religions
R520 Critical Analysis of Bishop Swing Interview
S818 Dalai Lama & One-World Religion of the Endtime
S819 Matthew 24: False Prophets of the Endtime
S1025 The Ecumenical Movement Foretold in Prophecy, I
S1101 The Ecumenical Movement Foretold in Prophecy, II
S1102 Gary Kah Interview: Gorbachev, Pope & Global Religion
S1104 Hans Kung Interview: Author of the Global Ethic
S1207 Implications of the Global Ethic
The Vatican in Prophecy
S308 Identifying the Whore of Revelation 17, Part I
S310 Identifying the Whore of Revelation 17, Part II
S315 Marriage of Catholicism & Communism
S329 Mother of Harlots: Who Are Her Daughters?
R707 Is Pope John Paul II a Socialist?
R1116 The False Prophet: Absolute Identification
NEWEndtime Parables of Jesus
S916 Parable: The Fig Tree
S923 Parable: Harvesting the Wheat and the Tares
S930 Parable: The Wicked Husbandmen
Mark of the Beast
S303 Privacy? What Privacy?
R515 Future of Money
R1117 Live with Ron Paul (R-Texas): National I.D. Cards
S1011 Invention of Computer & the Mark of the Beast
Proofs of the Endtime
R521 Proofs of the Endtime I
R522 Proofs of the Endtime II
R609 Will Jesus Return in Your Lifetime?
Israel, 3rd Temple, Armageddon
S804 Live with Gershon Salomon, Temple Mt. Faithful
R601 Jerusalem Problem City of the World
S309 Red Heifer Project: Interview with Clyde Lott
S1115 Prophetic History Series: 6-Day WarIsraels Redemption
S1122 Prophetic History Series: Israels Yom Kippur War
S1206 Prophetic History Series: Oslo Peace AccordsThen & Now
S1209 Israel, Syria Resume Peace Talks
S1110 Confirming of the CovenantSeptember 2000?
World Government
R706 Greatest Deception of the 20th Century
R924 Global Taxes: Ready or Not
S922 Annan, Clinton Call for World Government
S928 Strobe TalbottClintons Globalist Guru
S908 The New World Army
S1027 EndtimersA Threat to the FBI?
S1108 Fall of the Berlin Wall: 10th Anniversary
S1202 Prophetic History Series: Birth of the New World Order
S1109 Did Communism Really Die When Berlin Wall Fell?
Will Gorbachev Be the Antichrist?
R511 Live with Globalism Expert, Gary Kah
S1020 GorbachevWorld Savior or Antichrist?
SPECIAL 1988 Lecture by Irvin Baxter Jr. on Gorbachev
Highly RecommendedNew
SPECIALMystery of Iniquity Doth Already Work
SPECIALThe Second Temple Revival, I (S1117)
SPECIALThe Second Temple Revival, II (S1118)
SPECIALWhat Is the Kingdom of God?
Prophetic Future of United States
S223 Alger Hiss: U.S. Communist Spy, Father of the UN
R630 Surrendering U.S. Sovereignty
R1229 U.S. Schools Become Church of Secular Humanism
S717 Hate Crime Legislation & Prophecy
S722 Executive Orders: Government By Decree
Understanding the Book of
R603 Chernobyl The 3rd Trumpet of Revelation
R604 Understanding the 6th Seal, 7th Trumpet, 7th Vial
R1217 5th Trumpet Saddam Hussein in the Bible
Tapes in red indicate either New or Highly Recommended
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24 endtime JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000
ists came off much smoother than in
Kosovo. The Australians took most of
the responsibility for this endeavor, and
it basically has gone off without a hitch.
I think were starting to get the hang of
policing the world through the
International Community. And you
know, its sort of nice for the United
States to not have to police the world all
by herself. I think I could get used to this!
One thing sort of bothers me though.
This World Community thing looks an
awful lot like the world government
prophesied in the Bible over which the
Antichrist will have power. Youre scar-
ing me now. Lets change the subject!
Progress toward global
If Y2K, the Middle East, the cashless
euro, and the increased acceptance of the
World Community were not enough, the
globalists have been very busy during
1999 on another very important front.
The Bible prophesies a global religious
system that will work hand in hand with
the coming one-world government.
The Dallas Thanksgiving Square
Conference was held mid-March, 1999.
This was a large interfaith gathering de-
signed to cultivate dialog among the
different faiths of the world. Cardinal
Arinze, President of the Vatican Council
for Inter-religious Dialogue, was a prime
mover at this meeting. Episcopalian
Bishop Swing, the head of the United
Religions Initiative was also there.
Then in June, the United Religions
Initiative met to finalize the writing of its
charter. Religions from all over the world
were in attendance. Apparently, the URI
accomplished its mission. The constitu-
tion signing for the United Religions
Initiative is all set next year.
The largest interfaith meeting of 1999
was the Council for the Parliament of
the Worlds Religions held in Cape
Town, South Africa, December 1-8. At
the previous Parliament of the Worlds
Religions meeting held in Chicago in
1993, a document called the Global
Ethic was adopted and published. The
reports are not yet in on what was done
at the Cape Town meeting.
The goal of all these interfaith meet-
ings is to arrive at a global belief system
so broad that all major religions can as-
cribe to it. Ultimately, allegiance to this
global belief system will be required for
participation in the business of the New
World Order.
Then there is China
China is that 800-pound gorilla that
has planted itself squarely in the middle
of the worlds living room. It simply can-
not be ignored! The 200 million man
army spoken of in Revelation 9:13-16
will almost certainly come from China.
The flashpoint for the prophesied war
that will kill 2 billion human beings is
most likely the Taiwan dispute.
Taiwanese President Lee threw gaso-
line on the fire on July 9, 1999, when he
said that China should deal with Taiwan
on a state-to-state basis. China regarded
this as tantamount to a declaration of in-
dependence. China has said repeatedly
that a declaration of independence by
Taiwan would be grounds for invasion by
Mainland China. Since President Lees
state-to-state remark, China has estab-
lished two missile launching sites
opposite from Taiwan. She has issued vo-
ciferous threats of impending invasion of
the island, which she regards as a rene-
gade province.
Add to this mix the stealing of top
U.S. military secrets by Chinese opera-
tives. Throw in the accidental
bombing of the Chinese Embassy in
Yugoslavia, and you have a formula for
impending disaster.
Top developments of 1999
When we assess the prophetic high-
lights of 1999, we have to admit that the
role of the World Community was
greatly enhanced by the operations in
Kosovo. It appears that NATO is moving
toward becoming the army of the United
Nations as a result of developments in
The election of Ehud Barak as Prime
Minister of Israel has already resulted in
the rejuvenation of the Palestinian peace
process and the reopening of peace nego-
tiations with Syria.
The de facto declaration of indepen-
dence by Taiwanese President Lee may
have already lit the fuse on the greatest
global disaster in the history of mankind.
Finally, if you think 1999 was exciting,
just wait till you experience the world-
changing events of the year 2000!
A pr o ph et ic Lo o k bac k 1999
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The flashpoint
for the prophesied
war that will kill
2 billion human
beings is most
likely the Taiwan
Tibetan exiled spiritual leader, The Dalai Lama, greets unidentified members of the Parliament of
the World's Religions in Cape Town, South Africa, December 8, 1999.


j/f 00 mag 1/24/01 4:41 PM Page 24
25 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000 endtime
asten your safety belts. The year
2000 could very well be the
most important year propheti-
cally since the crucifixion of
Jesus Christ.
Two major prophetic fulfillments are
likely to occur this year. The Bible
prophesies a war that will kill the third
part of men, and it speaks of the con-
firming of a covenant that will trigger the
final seven years to Armageddon.
Though we cannot say for certain that
these two huge events will come to pass
in this year of 2000, the probability is
very high.
One-third of worlds population to
be destroyed
China has threatened repeatedly to in-
vade Taiwan if the island does not unite
with the mainland peacefully. Taiwan
has made it clear that she will consider
unification with the mainland once
China becomes a democracy. With
Chinas total aversion to democracy in
any form, Taiwans position virtually as-
sures that it will be a very long time
before any movement takes place toward
If China is to carry out her threat to in-
vade Taiwan, she has a very limited
window of opportunity in which to ac-
complish it. The United States plans to
begin deployment of anti-missile defense
systems by late spring or early summer of
2000. Once these systems become opera-
tive, China will lose her ability to
blackmail the United States with her in-
tercontinental nuclear capabilities.
Consequently, the most likely time for
the invasion of Taiwan is during the first
six months of the year 2000. (See the
Seven Trumpets video for a more com-
plete explanation of this prophecy.)
The confirming of the covenant
The September 4, 1999, Sharm-el-
Sheikh peace agreement signed by Ehud
Barak calls for a comprehensive agree-
What to Expect
by Irvin Baxter Jr.
A Chinese Air Force officer walks past some surface-to-air missles on display at the Beijing
Aviation Festival in Beijing on Thursday, November 11, 1999, the 50th Anniversary of the Chinese
Air Force .


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j/f 00 mag 1/24/01 4:41 PM Page 25
26 endtime JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000
ment, by September 13, 2000, on all out-
standing issues between the Palestinians
and the Israelis. These issues include
defining of final borders and determining
the final status of Jerusalem.
If some agreement on the final status
of Jerusalem is achieved, it will have to
deal with the status of the center of the
Jerusalem issue, the Temple Mount. If
this agreement in some way facilitates
the building of Israels Third Temple,
then this accord will probably be the
prophesied confirming of the covenant
(Daniel 9:27). It is the confirming of the
covenant that launches the final seven-
year period and culminates at the Battle
of Armageddon and the Second Coming
of Jesus to earth.
The possible developments already
mentioned are so huge in their impor-
tance that other pending events could
possibly be ignored. However, there are
some other prophecy fulfilling develop-
ments on slate that should not be
Religious United Nations to be
A meeting to explore the possibility of
forming a sister organization to the
United Nations was held in 1996. Those
involved were concerned about the reli-
gious conflicts that continue to threaten
peace on earth. While the political lead-
ers of the world meet daily, and now have
achieved enough harmony to settle the
worlds problems through the venue of
the World Community, most religious
leaders still dont even speak to each
other. The decision was made to form an
organization that could do for religious
harmony on earth what the United
Nations has achieved amongst the na-
tions of the world.
Many interfaith conferences have
been held between 1996 and the present
time. The year 2000 will celebrate the
successful conclusion of these endeavors.
On June 26, 2000, a constitution signing
ceremony will be held for the United
Religions Organization. The signing will
be held on June 26, because that was the
date for the signing of the constitution of
the United Nations in 1945. The cere-
mony for the United Religions will not
only be held on the same date as the UN
signing, it will also be conducted in the
same citySan Francisco, in the same
room of the same Fairmont Hotel. Talk
about symbolism!
The key role that the global religion
and its leader the False Prophet will play
in the emerging New World Order make
the birth of the United Religions
Organization an event of extraordinary
Ratification of the International
Criminal Court
On July 17, 1998, the nations of the
world voted acceptance of the Rome
Statute of the International Criminal
Court. This International Criminal
Court Statute had been a goal of the in-
ternationalists for many years. However,
the International Criminal Court cannot
begin to function until it is ratified by the
Congresses of at least 60 nations. A cam-
paign to obtain this required ratification
can be expected this coming year. The
biggest obstacle in the way is opposition
from the worlds most powerful nation
the United States.
If ratification is somehow achieved,
the world will never be the same. Every
time you cross an international border
you will become subject to possible arrest
and trial before this new international
tribunal. Believe it or not, this is not an
We are presently watching the estab-
lishment of the world court system that
will be used to enforce the edicts of the
Antichrist and his one-world govern-
The bottom line
Never has it been more important to
be prophetically aware than at this time.
As we enter the new millennium, we can
only say that these are indeed momen-
tous times.
The Apostle Paul put it this way in
Romans 13:11, And that, knowing the
time, that now it is high time to awake
out of sleep: for now is our salvation
nearer than when we believed.
To this we can only say, AMEN!
Wh at t o Expec t 2000
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U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan applaudes as Italian Foreign Minister Lamberto Dini, right,
shows the book of the treaty, which created the world's first international war crimes tribunal, dur-
ing the signing ceremony inside the Orazi and Curiazi Hall at Rome's Capitol Hill Saturday, July
18, 1998. The International Criminal Court won approval after nearly five weeks of talks and years
of preliminary negotiations.


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27 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000 endtime
.S. Senator James Inhofe
from Oklahoma is as con-
cerned about China as we
are here at Endtime. His
research and tenacity
helped to expose the Chinese Spy
Scandal in the Clinton Administration.
He revealed last March that the Chinese
have stolen many of the United States
top military secrets and nuclear weapons
manufacturing capabilities.
Recently, he led the Congressional ef-
fort to reject the Comprehensive
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, understanding
that in the wake of the spy scandal and
constant threats over Taiwan, the U.S.
needs all the nuclear deterrent it can get.
We spoke with Sen. Inhofe on
Politics & Religion the day before the
Treaty was rejected by the U.S. Senate.
Baxter: Senator, thank you very much
for being a guest on Politics &
Inhofe: Thank you, Irvin. It is nice to
be with you, and also it is nice to be with
someone who is trying to keep this thing
alive. The idea that this President has
given away virtually everything in our ar-
senal to China is something that people
have forgotten about. They have been
distracted by Kosovo. Now they are
being distracted by the Comprehensive
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. But we need to
keep talking about what is happening
with China.
Baxter: Senator, China has repeatedly
said she would invade Taiwan if Taiwan
refuses to be reunited with the Mainland
through diplomatic talks. In your opin-
ion, from where you sit, is it likely that
China would, in fact, invade Taiwan in
the near future?
Inhofe: I think that the likelihood is
very good. Lets remember the threats
that happened three years ago. The
Chinese were trying to influence the
U.S. Senator
James Inhofe
Prospects of U.S.-China War
Senator James Inhofe has spoken out sharply, condemning recent allegations of Chinese







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28 endtime JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000
election of President Lee in Taiwan, and
they were firing their missiles into the
Taiwan Straits. The second-highest
ranking Chinese military official was
asked the question, Arent you con-
cerned about the United States coming
to the aid of Taiwan? His response was
No, they are not willing to trade Los
Angeles for Taipei. You cant put any in-
terpretation on that, other than a
growing arrogance. They have reached
the point of knowing that our President,
Bill Clinton, has stopped us from being
able to deploy a national missile defense
system. Consequently, we find ourselves
helpless before Chinas nuclear black-
mail. So this kind of a threat is very real.
My answer to your question is yes.
Baxter: That threat was actually pub-
lished in the New York Times. China has
recently been holding military maneu-
vers opposite Taiwan. They say that they
will move militarily against Taiwan, if
Taiwan does not reunite with the
Mainland and forsake their claim of in-
dependence. If China invades Taiwan,
will the United States defend her?
Inhofe: The answer is that we should
be involved. However, with this
President and his affection for the
Chinese and all that he has done for
them, I cannot imagine that he would do
anything. Now this is really a personal
opinion because I know Bill Clinton. I
know the way he lies with such convic-
tion. The Chinese have been his allies.
This is where he has been able to finance
his elections. He has sold, given away or
covered up the theft of every weapon in
our nuclear arsenal to the Chinese. It has
reached the point that the CIA said we
thought we were somewhere between
ten and twenty years ahead of the
Chinese militarily. Instead, we find our-
selves in a dead heat with them because
of this President. So would he then go
against China? I just cant conceive it.
Sax: Senator Inhofe, are the Chinese
bluffing? They say they will use force to
reunite Taiwan with the Mainland. Are
they bluffing?
Inhofe: I dont think so. You stop and
think how methodically the Chinese
have been doing things. With Doug
Hunter in the House and me in the
Senate, we stopped the transfer of land in
California to Coscothe Chinese
Ocean shipping company, which is
owned ultimately by the Red Chinese
military. This is the same Cosco
Shipping Company that was caught
shipping in 2,000 AK 47s to be used in
street gangs in Los Angeles. This is the
same consortium that now has control of
ports on both ends of the Panama Canal.
These people havent been asleep. They
have been very carefully manipulating
and buying up land, and putting up in-
stallations in strategic places around the
world. Its something we should be con-
cerned about. Do they have the power?
Yes! Lets stop and realize that the
Chinese, the Russians and now the
North Koreans have missiles that will
reach anywhere in the United States.
We have no defense against those mis-
siles because, since 1993, President
Clinton has been able to stop us from
deploying a national missile defense sys-
Baxter: China can hit the United
States with nuclear weapons right now?
We know that for sure, is that correct?
Inhofe: Yes.
Baxter: Lets say they could take out
50 million of us, or lets even drop it
down to 20 or 30 million. Would those
figures be reasonable? Do they have that
Inhofe: Well, yes. If they use our W-88
warhead technology, of which they have
the information, yes, it could be that
devastating. A lot of your listeners will
remember in 1962, when all of a sudden
we found out that they had missiles in
Cuba. They were actually targeting 40
American cities. Do you remember how
panic hit the streets? Well, I look at
todays situation as being more serious
than that. At least then they were all
concentrated on one island, Cuba.
Exc l usi ve i n t er vi ew Sen at o r James i n h o f e
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Lets stop and
realize that the
Chinese, the
Russians and now
the North Koreans
have missiles that
will reach any-
where in the
United States.
The idea that this President has given away virtually everything in our (nuclear) arsenal to China
is something that people have forgotten about U.S. Senator James Inhofe on U.S. President Bill
Clinton, shown here with Chinese President Jiang Zemin.


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29 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000endtime
Baxter: So the Chinese right now can
hit us with a powerful nuclear strike, and
at this time, we have no deterrent?
Inhofe: We have zero defenses.
Baxter: The only defense that we have
is the threat that we will blow them away
in retaliation?
Inhofe: Yes.
Sax: Senator, what do you think is
going to happen? How do you see this
playing out?
Inhofe: I think we are in a position
now where we have enough votes in
Congress to override a veto. If Clinton
tried to stop the deployment of a
national missile de-
fense system, I
think we could
override it. The
current debate, as
we speak, down on
the floor right now
is on the
Compr ehens i ve
Test Ban Treaty.
Im going down
there as soon as I
hang up. If we cant
defend ourselves
with a national
missile defense sys-
tem, which would
kill a missile on its way over to America,
lets at least keep a nuclear arsenal and
test it periodically. We would be able to
know that it works, and the whole world
would know that as well. That way, if
something should happen, we would be
able to retaliate immediately.
Baxter: How long will it take to de-
ploy an anti-missile defense system? Two
Inhofe: If we were to start today, we
could do it in about two and one-half
years. However, President Clinton is
stonewalling it. It depends on when we
get started. An educated guess would be
three and one-half years.
Baxter: The uncomfortable thing
from where I am sitting is thisthe
Taiwan issue is boiling now. From
Chinas perspective, the best time to act
is before this anti-missile system is in
Inhofe: Yes, I agree with that. And
there is another dimension to this sce-
nario. Lets say that Saddam Hussein and
North Korea got together and recognized
that America, under this President, is
one-half the force and strength she was
during the Persian Gulf War. If they
should get together and decide to do
something, we couldnt handle the
ground logistics to support the type of a
conventional war necessary to defend
America. So the threat is beyond just the
missile threat.
Baxter: Last question, Senator. Since
you have really charged President
Clinton with high treason in your
speeches, what
has been the re-
sponse? And why
is President
Clinton doing
this? What is the
Inhofe: Well, first
of all, his ego and
his ambition. He
has used his
Chinese connec-
tions effectively
to get to where he
is and to be re-
elected. You know
the source of his illegal campaign contri-
butions. He is able to lie with such
incredible conviction. He will look right
into that camera and say he is for cam-
paign finance reform right when he is
disobeying all of the current laws that are
on the books and accepting illegal con-
tributions himself.
Since the title of your program is
Politics & Religion, let me throw one
other thing in here. Sandy Berger, Joe
Lockhart and everyone else is lying just
as much as President Clinton is. If you
read Proverbs 29:12, it says.if a ruler
lies, his administration has to lie too.
That is what we are going up against
right now. It is not just him. It is his en-
tire administration.
Baxter: So this whole thing is built on
a set of falsehoods?
Inhofe: Its all built on lies.
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Cal l 1- 800- ENDTI ME
t o schedul e your
Pentecostal of Pearl
Pastor Randall Boyd
January 10-12
(601) 939-3400
Speaker: Dan Barkley
Abundant Life Tabernacle
Pastor David Keller
January 14
(219) 432-0014
Speaker: Irvin Baxter Jr.
UPC of South Bend
Pastor Kenneth Mendenhall
January 21
(219) 291-3060
Speaker: Irvin Baxter Jr.
Apostolic Outreach Center
Pastor John Cupit
January 28
(504) 925-2704
Speaker: Irvin Baxter Jr.
Apostolic Truth Tabernacle
Pastor Thomas Cobb
February 6-8
(410) 235-7170
Speaker: Dan Barkley
Bethlehem United Church
of Jesus Christ Apostolic
Pastor Alan Todd
February 18-20
(416) 286-4173
Speaker: Dan Barkley
Schedul e
Sandy Berger,
Joe Lockhart and
everyone else is
lying just as much
as President
Clinton is.
j/f 00 mag 1/24/01 4:41 PM Page 29
30 endtime JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000
Are Americans Willing to Go to
Forty-three Americans were killed in
Somalia, 383 in the Gulf War, 54,000 in
Korea, 58,000 in Vietnam and about
400,000 in World War II.
Enough already! Americans are not
willing to go through any of this again.
In fact, most everyone within the for-
eign policy community believes that the
American public will only give its bless-
ing to military intervention abroad on
one condition: The action must be casu-
alty-free. It was therefore a good thing
that there were no American combat fa-
talities suffered in Kosovo.
But is this true? Are Americans un-
willing to engage in a war in which they
know there will be heavy casualties?
Survey says... Untrue! Americans are not
North Carolinas Triangle Institute for
Security Studies polled 623 elite military
officers, 683 elite civilian leaders, and
1,001 from the mass public. The question
asked was, What would be the highest
number of American military deaths that
would be acceptable in order to defend
Taiwan against invasion by China?
Each group came in with acceptable
death tolls of between 17,000 and 20,000
to achieve this goal.
The mass public would be willing to
lose up to 30,000 men to prevent
Saddam Hussein from obtaining
weapons of mass destruction.
Buying Down World Population
On the coattails of Ted Turners $1
billion gift to the population control-ob-
sessed United Nations, Bill Gates
recently donated $8 billion to his philan-
thropic organization. Much of it was
earmarked specifically for population and
health programs.
Not to be outdone, nearly all of
Warren Buffetts $15 billion fortune has
been willed to population control pro-
grams upon his death.
The Big Kahuna
Hundreds of kohanim, Jewish priests
from the tribe of Levi, met in Jerusalem
in October to learn how to serve in a fu-
ture Third Temple.
The Jewish Week newspaper reported
that this event, sponsored by The
Movement for the Rebuilding of the
Temple, was attended by mainstream
rabbis not usually identified with the
zealous Temple Mount movements. This
in itself indicates a major trend change
within the religious Jewish community.
Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, religion colum-
nist for the Jerusalem Post and resident of
the Jewish settlement of Efrat, attended,
but carefully distanced himself with the
statement, I was in no way, shape, or
form, a co-sponsor.
The event featured seminars about the
role of the priests. A guard of Kohens
and Levites will be placed at the gates of
the Temple Mount in special dress to in-
struct those entering the Mount on the
special religious rules governing visits to
the site, read a statement from organiz-
ers. The tradition of honoring the
Temple Mount will be renewed.
The gathering was also held to make
public that the Jewish people are pre-
pared, ready and eager for the
communion between the people and
their God.
This modern-day revival of the
kahuna, or priestly class is yet another
evidence that the Third Temple will be a
soon reality.
Yeltsin: Back Off! We Still Have
Ten years and one month after the
Cold War ended with the fall of the
Berlin Wall, Russian President Boris
Yeltsin issued a stern warning to the U.S.
not to meddle in the Chechen conflict.
Clinton must have forgotten for a mo-
ment what Russia is, warned Yeltsin. It
has a full arsenal of nuclear weapons.
Yeltsin made these remarks while on a
trip to Beijing in which he rallied support
from Chinese President Jiang Zemin.
Jiang greeted Yeltsin in the Russian lan-
guage, calling him an old friend.
The Chinese, who continuously state
that Taiwan is an internal Chinese mat-
ter, are now supporting Russia with the
same phraseology. The Chechen con-
flict, Jiang warns the West, is an
internal matter of Russias.
Yeltsin and Jiang denounce the United
States over what they perceive to be an
attempt at global domination.
Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov
said, Jiang Zemin completely under-
stands and fully supports Russias actions
in combating terrorism and extremism in
While most Western leaders loudly
condemn Russias military campaign in
Chechnya, talk of sending in UN
Peacekeepers has been conspicuously
Yet both Russia and China still ac-
knowledge that they depend upon U.S.
support for their economies.
China Builds 2nd Missile Base
Is China really preparing to take
Taiwan by force or is it all talk?
According to U.S. Defense
Intelligence Agency reports, China has
just completed the construction of a sec-
ond short-range missile base, this one
being only 135 miles from Taiwan. By
the time this magazine goes to press, the
base will already be stocked with missiles.
When asked at a news conference
about Americas ability to defend
Taiwan, President Clinton completely
avoided the question. The only substan-
tive comment he offered was to say that
he feels the tension between the two
sides is unnecessary and counterproduc-
tive, and he hopes neither side will do
anything rash.
The Defense report says that the two
new missile bases allow China to target
all of Taiwans major military bases.
A high-ranking U.S. military official,
who requested anonymity, recently told
Endtime his assessment of the situation in
China. Im sorry, he wrote. I cant
comment more than to say that we are
sleeping with the enemy.
Meanwhile, Taiwan is negotiating to
buy upgraded Patriot missiles and battle
systems from the United States in order
to build a low-altitude, anti-missile de-
fense umbrella around the island.
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W o r l d R
by Eddie Sax
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31 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000endtime
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U.S. Welcomes Mr. Nuke L.A.
The man famous for his 1996 threat to
incinerate Los Angeles with nuclear de-
struction if the U.S. should come to the
aid of Taiwan had plans to visit
Washington in December to discuss mil-
itary-to-military relations between the
two countries.
Washington would be the first to ac-
knowledge that Gen. Xiong Guangkai is
a man of many talents and responsibili-
ties. As the head over all intelligence
operations for China, Xiong can be
hailed in Washington as the man respon-
sible for the successful effort to funnel
illegal contributions to the 1996
Clinton-Gore campaign through Johnny
Chung. Another recent accomplishment
was masterminding the theft of all of
Americas nuclear weapons secrets from
the National Labs in Los Alamos.
The globetrotting Gen. Xiong was re-
cently in North Korea where he
solidified joint ventures between those
two countries to sell weapons of mass de-
struction to rogue nations in the Middle
Xiong was also a very integral player in
the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.
Congressman Bashes
U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.)
has written a letter calling on the
Southern Baptist Convention to end
their aggressive campaign to convert
He wrote, Your pamphlet has demon-
strated a lack of understanding... of the
right of every individual to pursue their
religious beliefs... We would respectfully
request that you end your conversion
campaign directed to members of the
Hindu faith.
In a related matter, the Council of
Religious Leaders of Metropolitan
Chicago sent a letter in November to the
Southern Baptist Convention requesting
that they reconsider a plan to bring thou-
sands of missionaries to Chicago next
summer. Members of this interdenomi-
national coalition fear that the mere
presence of missionaries could spark vio-
lence against Jews, Hindus and Muslims,
whom the Southern Baptists have tar-
geted for conversion to Christianity.
While we are confident that your vol-
unteers would come with entirely
peaceful intentions, wrote the Council, a
campaign of the nature and scope you
envision could contribute to a climate
conducive to hate crimes.
The prophesied day is fast coming
when religious exclusiveness and prosely-
tizing will be hate crimes. Tolerance and
compromise under a Global Ethic will be
the law of the land. Biblical Christianity
will not.
Is the EU Working?
Many British conservatives are moan-
ing that Britain is no longer a sovereign
nation. Are they justified? You be the
The European Union controls all
trade. During Britains mad cow scare,
South Africa wanted to buy British beef,
but the EU would not allow it.
Britain can no longer sign trade-re-
lated treaties. In 1999, the European
Court of Human Rights ordered the
British military to admit homosexuals.
The European Commission, an un-
elected body wielding more power than
the European Parliament, has set regula-
tions on everything from the size of the
bananas that can be sold in Europe to
what types of cheese may be made with
unpasteurized milk.
Rodney Atkinson, a member of the
pro-sovereignty UK Independence, pre-
dicts that Germany will dominate the
EU. He states that within 20 years,
Britain will become an alienated, mar-
ginalized province of a German empire.
Prophecy Shorts
The Court of Appeals of the Armed
Forces has agreed to review the court-
martial of Michael New, the Army medic
who refused to obey an order to wear a
UN uniform. His new trial is expected in
the spring...
Israeli authorities have been deporting
Christian end-timers who they fear will
carry out violent acts to hasten the apoc-
The U.S. government has charged
McDonnell Douglas with illegally selling
sophisticated aircraft-related equipment
to China. It has also asked Israel to can-
cel the shipment of a sophisticated $250
million radar system which they sold to
Pope John Paul IIs visit to Hong Kong
was canceled by Beijing on the grounds
that the Vatican maintains diplomatic
ties with Taiwan...
The 1999 Nobel Prize for economics
was awarded to Columbia professor
Robert Mundell for the pioneering work
he did 30 years ago on the Euro, which is
now the cashless currency of the
European Union...
R e v i e w
1. C., Once a year, Hebrews 9:7
2. B., Nod, Genesis 4:16
3. C., Net, John 21:6
4. A., Sand, Matthew 7:26
5. B., The Lord, Romans 14:11
6. A., Hope, I Corinthians 13:13
7. C., Pleasure, Luke 12:32
8. A., Rage, Psalms 2:1
9. B., Abner, I Samuel 17:55
10. C., Everlasting, Isaiah 9:6
11. B., Ate, Revelation 10:10
12. B., Die, Ecclesiastes 3:2
13. C., Hare, Leviticus 11:6
14. A., Eagle, Deuteronomy 28:49
15. C., Heart, Jeremiah 17:10
16. A., Egg, Job 6:6
17. C., Demas, Philemon 24
18. B., Ink, II John 12
19. A., Mountain, Micah 4:2
20. B., Orphans, Lamantations 5:3
Whet st one
By John L. Bryant
j/f 00 mag 1/24/01 4:41 PM Page 31
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