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By: Ani keen

Page 3

. Habitats! !
Page 5 . Adaptation !


! ! !

. Predator & prey! . My discoveries! . Glossary Page 10 ! !

Page . Index11 ! Page 8

Page 6

Page 12

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. Intorduce! !Page 13 . Thank you


Rafflesia are mostly found in the tropical some live in the southern philippines, peninsular malaysia,southern thailand, sumatra and java.

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Rafflesia can be seen in the deep forests. Most people can't find it, like excperts.


The rafflesia is the biggest flower in the world. Scientist say that it's one meter wide.when a rafflesia is hungry it makes a bad smell that smells like rotting flesh. This is what the rotting flesh is made from, nectar. This necat attracks it's prey, which are insects.

Predator & prey

Rafflesia's predator is a tree shrew. But tree shrews can't eat the flower it only eats the fruit Of the flower.

Tree shrews get eaten by weasles, foxes and owls, and mostly big birds like a hawk and a red tail hawk.

My discover
Why does a rafflesia stink? A rafflesia attracts flies and carrion beetles. Flies pollianate reproduce.

How does a rafflesia live? It lives off another plants. It lives by sucking water from other plants around it. It lives by having no roots and no leaves.


Drougt a threat to the rafflesia is a drought because the rafflesia needs water, It sucks water from other plants. If the plant doesn't get enough water it will die.


Pollinate- pollination is the way "pollen" from the male part of the flower gets to the egg in the female part of a flower to form a seed. Expert- an expert is a very smart person, like a scientist. Reproduce- it means to have a baby. Rotting flesh- rotting flesh smell is a smell like a dead body, and a animals dead body.


Page 3- habitats


Page 4- adaptation Page 5- predator & prey Page 6- my discover Page 7- glossary Page 8- index Page 9- introduce

My name is Ani.! I am 8 years old.! I love writting books.! When I grow up I would like to be a book writer.

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