Binomial Heaps

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SC B63 Lecture Summary for Week 2 Summer 2008 =========================================================================== -------------Binomial Heaps -------------A binomial tree is a tree defined

by the following recurrence: B_0 = a single node B_k = 2 copies of the binomial tree B_{k-1} linked by making one of the B_{k-1} trees the leftmost child of the root of the other B_0 X / X / X X / X Properties of a binomial tree B_k: a) height = k b) degree of root = k = max degree c) number of nodes = 2^k d) number of nodes at depth i = ( k ) = k "choose" i (the binomial coefficient) ( i ) (The length of a path from the root r to a node x is the _depth_ of x in T.) i.e. for B_3: depth # of nodes 0 1 1 3 2 3 3 1 e) subtrees of the root (from the left) are B_{k-1}, B_{k-2}, ..., B_0 By properties a, b and c: If the number of nodes in a binomial tree is n, the height and the maximum degree = log_2 n A _binomial_max-heap_ H is a collection of binomial trees satisfying the following properties: 1) each binomial tree in H obeys the max-heap property (i.e. the priority of the parent >= priority of the children) 2) for any height h, there is at most one binomial tree in H with height (or max degree) h Therefore: If H has n nodes, then H contains at most floor(lg n) + 1 binomial trees (by c and 2) X B_1 X B_2 X /\ X B_3 X /|\ X X X /\ | X X X / B_4 X / | X X /|\ /\ X X X X X /\ / / X X X X | \ X X / X

Example: -> 10 -> 30 -> 100 / \ / | \ 12 25 9 14 29 / /\ / 11 6 1 7 / 5

A binomial heap is stored as a linked list of binomial trees in (strictly) increasing order of size. Binomial heap operations: ------------------------maximum: find the maximum key ------algo: check each root for the maximum value worst-case running time is O(log n) OR algo: keep a pointer to the element with the maximum key then return the key in O(1) time. BINOMIAL-HEAP-UNION: uniting two binomial heaps into a single binomial heap ------------------union algorithm uses BINOMIAL-HEAP-MERGE(H1, H2) BINOMIAL-HEAP-MERGE(H1, H2): merges the linked lists of binomial trees in H1 and H2 into a single linked list H of binomial trees that is sorted by degree into increasing order. There may be as many as two roots (but no more) of each degree. and the union algorithm uses BINOMIAL-LINK(y, z) BINOMIAL-LINK(y, z): links the B_{k-1} tree rooted at node y to the B_{k-1} tree rooted at node z -it makes z the parent of y. -node z becomes the root of a B_k tree. Example ------BINOMIAL-HEAP-UNION(H_1,H_2): H_1 -> 6 -> / 12 / 2 Step 1: MERGE(H_1,H_2) H_new -> 6 -> 8 -> 20 / 12 -> / 12 50 \ 35 -> / 17 25 \ 19 50 \ 35 H_2 -> 8 -> 12 20 / -> / 17 / 10 25 \ 19

/ 2

/ 10

Step 2: Repeatedly use BINOMIAL-LINK to eliminate trees with the same degree: H'_new -> 8 -> / 6 20 / 12 -> / 12 / 2 -> \ 12 / 12 / 2 -> \ 12 50 \ 35 50 \ 35 -> / 17 / 10 25 \ 19 / 17 / 10 25 \ 19

H''_new -> / 8 / 6 H'''_new ->



50 / | \ 8 25 12 35 / / \ / 6 17 19 2 / 10 Let n_1 be the number of nodes in H_1, and let n_2 be the number of nodes in H_2. Let n = n_1 + n_2 be the number of nodes in the new list (H'''_new). / Step 1: MERGE(H_1,H_2) traverses the linked list of roots in H_1 and H_2. Thus, it traverses at most log n_1 + log n_2 + 2 <= 2 log n + 2 nodes. Thus, it takes O(log n) time in the worst case. Step 2: Repeated use of BINOMIAL-LINK links at most log n_1 + log n_2 + 1 nodes together. Each BINOMIAL-LINK takes a constant amount of time (to update pointers). Therefore, in the worst-case BINOMIAL-HEAP-UNION(H_1,H_2) takes O(log n) time. INSERT -----Create a new binomial heap H_2 containing a single node with the new key and data. Union H_2 with the binomial heap H. Running time: creating a new binomial heap with a single key reqires a constant amount of work. BINOMIAL-HEAP-UNION takes O(log n) time in the worst-case. Therefore, insert takes O(log n) time in the worst-case. EXTRACT_MAX ----------Assume we have a pointer to the maximum key (otherwise, we would have to find the maximum key first). This pointers points to the root of some tree, say T. Remove T from H, and let the new heap be H'.


Make a binomial heap H_2 by linking the children of the node with the maximum key in reverse order. Union H' and H_2 Return the maximum key Example: H: -> 15 -> 18 / 12 -> 18 / 12 -> 23 | max_ptr v -> 42 / \ 26 23 / 16 H_2: -> 23 -> 26 / 16 -> 18 / 12 -> 26 / 16




Union(H',H_2): H_new: -> 15

H'_new: -> 23 / 15 H''_new: -> 23 / 15


18 / 12

-> 26 / 16

-> 26 / \ 18 16 / 12

Running time: -Removing the maximum key takes constant time -Creating H_2 requires linking at most log n +1 nodes together (since the degree of the node with the maximum key cannot be more -Union takes O(log n) time in the worst-case Therefore the total worst-case running time is O(log n) Reading assignment: Chapter 19 - Binomial Min Heaps

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