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Elections in Delhi and what Stars Fortell

Query for the Elections in Delhi. Commencement of Lunar month margasira takes place on the 3rd Dec. 2013 05-54 hrs . Polls were underway in five states from November 11 to December 4, counting will start on Dec 8 2013 . The Election Commission is in their job conducting assembly polls in the five states Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Mizoram and Delhi .They may be seen as the semifinals before the General Elections in 2014. Delhites were all set to caste their precious votes on the 4th Dec. 2013. For which I have already written an article Solar ingress of Sagittarius and challenges ahead for India link For Query for the elections the chart of the natives at the time of filing the nominations are required, in the absence of the same , we can use the time at which the elections started. Elections in Delhi started on the 4th Dec. 2013 at 08-00 hrs New Delhi , Let us analyse the situations arising out of the Planetary positions at the time when the election started Panchang of the Day Day Lord is Mercury as the day is Wednesday a benefic Day, Tithi SP2 Nakshatra Moola It is a ferocious and a Bitter nak. and not good for the ruling Govt to Start the elections in this nak. more so since Day Wednesday and Moola nak. form a Mrityu Yoga. As Per Prashna Marg, if Tithi, Var, nakshatra are afflicted by such evil dosha then the Ruling Party will meet some immediate danger, hence is adverse for the Ruling Govt. in the present scenerio Karna Bala v

In the Query of Elections the Lagna is signified by the ruling party and the 11th house shows the victory and the opposition is the 7th House. Benefic Connection of Lagnesh and the 11th lord Karyesh shows victory and if 11th house is strong and connected to the 11th house ,and if 7th house is also a special dimension like ChaitraRashi in the chart and 7th house is stronger than the Lagna ,then opposition will

win. In the chart above theLagna is Sagitarius, having Moon in it . Sagitarius is a sign depicting ups and downs for the ruling party more so since it is a Prishtodayo rashi and Moon and Venus Posited in it. Lagna and Moon both closely degreewise aspected by a prishtodayo planet Mars, they are also aspected by Exh. Saturn and Retrograde Jupiter but degreewise Mars has very close aspect on the Lagna and is having almost a Poorna ithasla yoga with Moon , since they are in 4/10 axis it is a inimical Tajik aspect. Saturn is also influencing ,but look at the degrees of Saturn and Jupiter , the influence will be negligible since not in deeptamsha range . Lagna is also in Gandantha is not good for the ruling Party .The above is clearly pointing out some constraint and fall of the Ruling Govt. and the Opposition parties taking the power . Between Lagna Lord and the 7th lord who so ever is Retrograde is weak, here Lagna Lord becomes weak due to this parameter. There is also no question of the Oppositon parties and the Ruling parties joining hands in coilation since they are in 6/8 axis. I mean Jupiter and Mercury. Mercury the 7th and 10th lord has poorna ithasala with Mars who is digbali and placed in the 10th house a favourable ithasal ,

since 3/11 axis, Mars and Mercury are both very strong in the chart since there is exchange and Mars is Digbali in the 10th house and Mercury also digbali in Lagna and close to the Lagna. Lagna and Moon both aspected by Mars and Saturn Prishtodayo planets hence the Ruling Govt. will have a nasty fall Lagnesh and Karyesh have to be connected to attain success, 11th lord Venus is in Lagna but see the degrees of Venus 29.17 and Jupiter is 25.16 and retrograde, there is ishraaf yoga and a Planet about to change sign acquires a special dimension in the chart, 11th lord placed in the Lagna is clearly showing lot of concern of the query for the success of the parties, but since going in the 2nd house and making a connection with the 11th house since then there will be exchange of the 11th lord and the 2nd and 3rd lord Saturn is a very important parameter in this chart. Jupiter and Venus will then be in 6/8 axis , shows complete struggle for the ruling Party in Delhi . 7th Lord Mercury placed in the 12th house shows ill placement , but connection of the exchange of Mars and Mercury and a poorna ithasla and a benefic connection of 3/11 will lead to the victory of the opposition party. Planet Venus at 29.17 degrees about to leave the house attains special power to surface the results. hence the Ruling party cannot win the elections in Delhi. Loss of Political Power from the Chart by the Ruling party 1. The dispositor of the Lagna Lord posited in a malefic sign and in a malefic or trik house, here the dispositor of LL Jupiter is Mercury and placed in scorpio and in the 12thhouse . 2. Dispositor Mercury of the Lagna Lord is also connected to a malefic planet Mars by exchange, this will give obstruction in getting power for the ruling party. 3. Moon is in Kendra the Lagna and afflicted badly by both Mars and Saturn. 4. Between the Lagna lord and the 7th Lord who ever is retrograde is weaker, here the Lagna Lord Jupiter is Retrograde and weak, hence the opponents will gain strength on the ground . 5. Mars and Saturn are aspecting the Lagna is indicative of malefic intentions of the Ruling party . Venus is posited in Lagna and about to change sign is indicative of no compromise , between the ruling party and opposition parties. Venus 11th Lord and lagnesh as explained above have ishraaf yoga. 6. Saturn in the 10,11,or the th 12 house the ruling party will lose power . 7. Lagna is in Gandantha is indicative of some serious constraint for the ruling party

8. As explained above As per Prashna Marg the Panchang parameters are forming a Mrityu Yoga is indicative of Danger to the Ruling Party. Judgement. Mars is Karka for Authority, Placement of Mars in the 10th house gives Mars Digbal, Placement of Mars in the 10thhouse is indicative of a strong and a fair Judgement which is as per law, Mercury is also having a connection since having an exchange with Mars from the 12th house may give some unstability, but Mars aspect to the Lagna is closer than Mercury . Mercury and Mars are also having a favourable ithasal almost at degrees , Moon is having ithasla with Mars and Mars with Mercury will give strong good results to the opposition party The results indicative from the chart at the time of election is showing that the ruling party will have a nasty fall and the opposition party in Delhi will come with a thumping majority. The 11th house is Libra a sign of Peace , Tranquality and Balance, which is the 10th house of the Aam Admi party chart having the Lagna Lord Saturn and 10th lord Venus Placed in it forming a Rajyoga intheir natal chart. Moon in this chart is Placed in Aries and the Moon on the election day is in the 9th house , and from the Moon nak. bharini the nak. of Moon on the 4th Dec. is 18th, it is Atimitra Tara. For BJP the Moon on the 4th Dec. is in the 2nd from the natal Moon in Scorpio and is a Sampat Tara . For The Ruling Party Congress. Natal Moon is in Virgo and Sadesati is running and the Moon on the 4th Dec. is in Sagitarius, hence in the 4th house and is in Vadh Tara is malefic to give results . In the Chart above being discussed in the article will have a exchange of Saturn and Venus the very next day, shows that Aam admi party can have a major role in forming the Govt, since Saturn and Venus are forming a Rajyoga in their chart. BJP will also gain ground to form a Govt because of reasons explained above. In Delhi. In nut shell these two political parties will gain ground in the present scenario in the political field . Chaitra Rashi , Hidden things and the future is depicted by this Rashi. The UL and Al are Preistodayo rashi Sagitarius as explained above , hence the Present and Past both are bad for the Ruling Party. Chaitra Rashi is future and in the 7th house of opponents is strong is the 7th house and is in 1/7 axis with UdayLagna. ArudhaLagna and Moon and has Jupiter ,will give strong results of the future, specially when it becomes direct on the 7th March 2014 .. The sign is also shirshodayo sign is indicative of success for the opponent. Between the 7th house and the 7th Lord there are 2 planets and hence there will be 2 opponents , One is Mars and other is Saturn, Saturn is a slow moving planet and signifies an old opponent, where as Mars signifies a young and a New opponent , Saturn is BJP and Mars is Aam Admi Party, Mars is the planet in Kendra and at lowest degrees and influencing the Lagna and the Moon, will give bring results strong before it goes in Libra and joins hand with BJP after the 5th Feb 2014, but both are inimical to each other , both will be in the 11th house of gains, Navamsha D9 A movable sign Aries is

rising with Moon in it shows a change for the good. It is also the 11th house from the chaitra Rashi in the Prashna chart, In this chart the Lord Mars is placed in the 11th house and the 7th lord Mercury placed in the 5th house aspecting it . As per the Rashi Tula Navamsha Mercury is placed in the 9th house of the Prashna chart . Lagna Lord Jupiter is afflicted by both Mars and Saturn. From the above analysis it seems that the Aam Admi Party will be instrumental in the elections on the 4th Dec. 2013 and gain strong grounds along with BJP in Delhi. The results will be declared on the 8th Dec. 2013, as per the planetary positions Moon will be in Aquarius and most benefic for the Aam Admi party , since in the 11th house from natal Moon . I had written some more explanation of the above chart on the Face book on the 9th Dec. 2013, I am adding it here today the 11th Dec. 2013 10.30 AM for the readers . Elections in Delhi and what Stars Fortell link Read the above article See what I had predicted and what is actual. I analysed as Mars as Aam Admi Part and Saturn Exhalted as BJP and now see the strength of these 2 planets Saturn is exhalted and Mars will behave as if in Scorpio and see the results which are there BJP in Delhi get 33 seats and Aam Admi Party 28 and they are in 2/12 axis and also inimical, but the 7th Lord and the Lagna Lord are friends in Prashna and also Mars and Mercury, but Mars and Saturn are not friendly and Mars and Jupiter also not friendly,Hence neither Aam Admi will join congress or BJP . Saturn and Jupiter are friendly hence there may be so coilation of BJP with congress men to form the Govt. or a hung assembly since Saturn in the sign of Venus with Jupiter in Lagna of Navamsha and in the competition house as per Rashi Tula Navamsha , hence some 2-3 congress men may join BJP is one option. As per Bhav Bala Libra is 489 and Gemini is 530 clearly shows opposition will be stronger than ruling party and Mars will have the maximum role in the elections as Mars is Placed in the strongest rashi Virgo which is 544, Bhav Bala shows Mars is placed in strongest. Rashi,This may force the situations for re-elections which is also depicted by the Pieces New Moon chart of India where the 10th Lord Venus and 8th Lord Jupiter have exchange . Hence till the New Year Pieces New Moon chart of 31st March 2014 , there may be hung assembly and unstability in the political scenerio. . Now see the results declared Assembly election 2013: BJP tops Delhi, but Aam Aadmi Party is show-stopper Thanks ! God Bless . Now adding more analysis on the 23rd Dec. 2013 for the Readers who are Astrology Lovers . I had written in the above article that BJP andf Aam admi part y are Saturn and Mars and they are in 2/12 position and inimical to eachother hence there coilation Govt. can not form the Govt. in Delhi, now See Mars and Jupiter are in 4/10 axis in Prashna and Navamsha chart, clearly shows support from Congress to the Aam Admi Party . 23rd Dec. 2013 Mercury the 7th Lord Reaches the Lagna on Moon Degrees and the Result coming in favour of the Aam Admi Party.. Although there will be exchange of the Lagna Lord and 7th lord on the day of the Support from Congress from outside , Jupiter being Retrograde and

Meeting the Mercury degreewise and having exchange on the 3rd Jan 2014 is not good .. Further 6-7 Jan 2014 Venus will be fallen in Lagna., there may be some controversories with Aam Admi Party regarding some amendments brought by the New Govt.. 5th Feb. Mars will shift in Libra, will be the time when Aam Admi Party will bring changes , but conflict period starts. 25th March 2014 Mars is fallen and back in the 10th house of the Prashna chart , congress will again cut a sorry figure then, because of their intentions. Prashna Astrology is amazing . Aam Admi Party would soon form government in Delhi Aam Admi Party ready to form Government in Delhi Engineer Astrologer anil aggarwala 6th Dec. 2013

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