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Islâm Modernity and Democracy

India is a democratic country governed by parliamentary

form of democracy as per the norm decided by the

Constitution. Indian Muslims, as we all know, are not part

of Main stream, though this is also true that few

communities in India, due to the special political, are not

part of Main stream. The nonparticipation or better to say

non-assimilation of Muslims in India in the mainstream is

due to decisive politics, played by their Quomi leaders

and to an extent supported by Islamic theological


The interrelationship between Islâm, modernity and

democracy is very important for the Indian Muslims. In

the era of globalization, where the expansion in

technology trade, commerce and meaninglessness of

territorial frontiers and the constant rubbing with the

modernity, influencing practically everything is redefining

the inter-se relationship. In such a scenario, Islâm,

modernity and democracy must co-relate with each other

and to promote harmony instead of conflicts and clashes.

Traditionally, Islâm and modernity, which is strictly (in the

meaning system of papal monarchy) related to West,

cannot be reconciled, and the democracy as a medium to

elect the government is not in alignment with the

traditional Islamic thought. Modernity and democracy are

liberal concept and the restrictive approach of Islâm

towards this irreversible phenomenon is not


The Indian Muslims must take initiative in this direction,

mostly Islâm and modernity confronts each other. In a

democratic system of governance With respect to every

faith, India is ideal country having ultimate social cultural

support to initiate this debate. There is need to bridge the

gap, in between Islâm, modernity and democracy. The

Muslim intellectuals must provide the solutions with

theoretical principle to define the inter-se relationship

between Islâm modernity and democracy. Democracy is

modern idea, modernity depends on democracy.

Modernity and democracy are facts of life. Therefore,

Muslims intellectuals must provide plausible explanations

of these crucial questions faced by India Muslims. This is

high time to provide plausible explanations; if we fail to

provide these explanations then the coming generations

of India will not forgive us as we don’t want to forget and

forgive our leaders for partition of our motherland. It may

be possible that we may not provide the answers but at

least, we must start an honest debate, so that the future

generations may decide what they want to do. In the

absence of such debate or plausible explanation, the

majority section of India Muslims will remain in flux. Such

situation is not healthy as it will definitely lead to

directionlessness, resentment, and accelerate

exploitation by anti India forces like Pakistan, China, and

Bangladesh and certain other nations for their vested


The modern historiography tells us that (this is

unfortunately true and whether you like it or not), as the

history says, you are always under the dominance of

some ideas. Some ideas, which you are not aware of, but

they exist and influence our way of thinking and

interpretation of the text that you have got in hand. Such

discourses with the participation of other communities

will surely, be in the interest of our country. There should

be increase in the mainstream political activism of the

India Muslims. In the absence of political activism the so-

called secular parties exploits, the India Muslims as bank

of vote. This bank of vote syndrome will not resolve the

problems of India Muslims, though it may provide

comfortable edge to those Muslims leaders, who are

exploiting the Muslim masses. Regrettably, Quranic

concept of Ummat is anti-democratic and perpetuates

ghettoization of Muslims and rejects unalienable right of

individual franchise to elect representative as per their


By accepting democracy and modernity as a way of life,

India Muslims will be in position to contribute in the

growth and development of our country. Modern

education, modern technique, and technology, modern

way of thinking empower and emancipate the Muslims

masses. Otherwise Modern education, modern technique,

and technology will be used by Muslims to create havoc

all over the world. Respecting the awareness of my

readers, I am dissuading myself to offer any illustration.

Muslims are “anti-modern” if not positively backward.

Strict adherence to Islamic Code of 8th century is

manifestation of this anti-modernism. The demonology is

long, and often pernicious, and there is not enough space

to examine all. One uses “pernicious” on the basis of

Islamic history and to justify a case which seems

eminently persuasive. Let us examine a central canard,

that Islam and democracy are incompatible. This is

absurd but true. Democracy is the outcome of a political

process, not a religious process however Islam strictly

regulate political process and use ‘State’ as an

instrument, tool to achieve its goal. We may glibly

suggest that “every” Muslim country is a dictatorship;

exception is turkey whereas in the largest Muslim

population of the world, Indonesia, and Bangladesh uses

democratic tools in restricted sense, to change

governments. Indian Muslims are at crossroads so they

used democratic mechanism to advance and promote

their cause. Politics of appeasement is result of successful

implementation of strategy of Muslims of India. This

success also proves failure of nationalist forces as India is

predominantly Hindu habitat who considers

Bharatbhoomi as their mother and sacred land whereas in

contrast for Muslims of India cities Mecca and Medina is

sacred land. We must not forget that the Bharatvarsh was

trifurcated on the foundation of very simple democratic

postulation that is, Muslim majority area to Muslims and

Hindu majority area to Hindus.

We must think together in what direction we are moving,

if we failed to interpret relationship in between Islam,

modernity and democracy, possibility of another partition

cannot be rule out and realizing the nature of Indian

leadership and activist like Arundhati Roy and Marxist

brigade and present constitutional mechanism (we must

not forget Berubari case).

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