Wage Type Creation and Posting

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Wage type creation and assigning to symbolic accounts

Here are the basic steps in creating a wage type (depending on the kind of wage type, not all steps may be necessary). 1. Look at Existing Wage Types Go to transaction SM31 (Table Maintenance) and type in "V_512W_D" and choose "Display". When asked, you should type in your country grouping and hit enter. Then select "edit everything" and hit enter again. You should now see the wage type table. All wage types are four characters long. Look for an existing wage type that is similar to the one you want to create, and then look for the next available number. Make a note of the number that you want to use for your new wage type, making sure that it is not already assigned. Also note the number of the wage type that you would like to copy while you're browsing this table. 2. Copy an Existing Wage Type Go into the IMG and follow this path: Payroll Payroll: USA Basic Settings Environment for Maintaining Wage Types Create Wage Type Catalog When you're asked to choose a method of maintenance, choose "copy" and hit enter. Under "wage type select the old wage type that you would like to copy. Now type in the number of your new wage type (which you determined in the previous section) in the next box and enter both a long description and a short description. The short description is limited to 8 characters and typically does not contain spaces. Make sure that you have checked the box marked "Test Run". Select your entry. Now click on the "Copy" button.
Note: If you try to copy to a wage type that already exists, you will get an error message.

You should now see a summary of your test run. First look at the red highlighted text at the top of the summary. This will tell you how many errors you have (which should be 0). Next to that in the yellow highlighted area is the number of objects you would have to manually maintain for the new wage type (again, this should be 0). Below that is a list of all of the tables that will be affected when you perform the copy. Click on the arrow on the left side of any line to see how that table would be changed. Once you have checked the results of your test run, go back to the previous page (using the green arrow) and uncheck the "Test Run" box. Now click on "Copy" to do the actual wage type copy. You will see the summary screen as before, but this time all of the tables have actually been modified. Again, make sure that you don't have any errors. Be sure to save your changes as you exit (you will be prompted to do so and to select a transport request to assign those changes to). 3. Maintain HR Payees and Creditors When you copied an existing wage type to create your new wage type, the new wage type was added under the HR creditor assigned to the old wage type. So we need to find out which creditor number is currently assigned to the new wage type. Go into transaction SM31 (Table Maintenance) and type in "V_T51RA". Click "Display", type in "10" for the country grouping, and hit enter. This

brings up a table of the HR creditor information for wage types. Now find the entry for the new wage type and make a note of the HR creditor number assigned to that wage type. Go into the IMG and follow this path: PayrollPayroll USAThird-Party RemittanceHR Payee maintenance Maintain HR Payees for other remittance This will bring up a screen that links HR Payees (creditors) to vendors. Select the payee that you found for the old wage type. Now double-click on "Wage types HR creditor grouping" in the window on the left. Hit enter when a window appears with country grouping, creditor type, and payee number settings. Now you will see a table of the entire wage types assigned to that creditor. Select the new wage type from the table and click on the delete button from the lower menu bar (it has a red box on it). Save your changes. Now you need to assign the new wage type to a creditor. If you are creating a new creditor, then select an existing one and click the copy button from the lower menu bar (try to pick one from the same state). Now enter the payee number for the new creditor. If you type in the number of an existing payee, you will get an error message. Type in a vendor number for the new payee. This should also be a unique number. You can get a list of existing numbers by clicking on the dropdown button at the right side of the vendor field, typing in "pay*" in the vendor box of the search window, and then hitting enter. Click on the vendor column header to sort by vendor number. Please note that when payroll requests a new wage type they will provide us with the payee number to use. Now hit enter and select "copy all" on the window that pops up. You will get an error when it tries to copy the "Wage Types HR Creditor" screen because wage types can only be assigned to one creditor. So at this screen change the wage type number to your new one and hit enter. You will have to check to see what creditor number ranges your company uses. Select your new creditor from the table and double-click on "HR creditor attribute" from the left-hand window. This will bring up a screen where you can select the type of remittance associated with your creditor. You can view the available remittance rules by clicking on the dropdown button on the right end of the "Rem.rule" field. Payroll will request the type of remittance they would like. If the payment requested has a G, then this means that a physical check is produced for the payment. If the payment requested has a V, then this means that an EFT payment is produced (electronic funds transfer). When in doubt, ask for clarification from payroll. Select the appropriate remittance rule and save your changes. 4. Select the Symbolic Account for Your Wage Type Now you need to find the correct symbolic account to link to the desired actual account. Go to the IMG and follow this path: Payroll Payroll: USAPosting to Financial Accounting Activities in the AC-System Account Assignment If your symbolic account is financial, choose "Assign financial accounts". If your symbolic account is an expense account, choose "Assign expense accounts". Choose "0010" for the chart of accounts that pops up and hit enter.

Find your symbolic account in the table. You can use the "Position" button to go directly to it. If the account number (on the right) for your symbolic account does not match the account requested by payroll, then you need to get the correct symbolic account number from payroll. There may be multiple symbolic accounts that go to the same actual account. The different symbolic account numbers allow tracking of expenses. Once you find the correct symbolic account number, you'll have to link it to your wage type. Go into the IMG and follow this path: PayrollPayroll: USA Posting to Financial Accounting Activities in the HR-System Wage Type Maintenance Define wage type posting attributes This brings up an overview of wage types. Again, you may find your wage type in the table by clicking on the "Position..." button and typing in your wage type number. Select your wage type and double-click on "Posting a Wage Type" in the left-hand window. This will show you which symbolic account the wage type is currently assigned to. This will originally be set to whichever account the old wage type (that you used when copying your new one) was assigned to. You can view a list of the symbolic accounts available by clicking on the dropdown button on the right end of the symbolic accounts field. Type in or select the request account number and hit enter. Make note of whether the account you've specified is a financial account ("F" under "AATyp") or an expense account ("C" under "AATyp"). Save your changes. 5. Test Your New Wage Type Now you need to test your new wage type to make sure that it shows up correctly. To test your wage type, you will need to set up a deduction using that wage type (by creating an entry in infotype 0014) and then running payroll for that person during the period for which your deduction is valid. For example, if you set up a one-time deduction for 01/14/2006 (as the start and end date of the infotype 0014 record), then you would need to run payroll for that person for pay 3 of 2006; the date of your deduction is the first day of that pay period. Once you've successfully run payroll and checked the form to be sure your wage type shows up, contact your payroll department so that they may do their own testing.

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