MATH 242 Syllabus

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Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University MATH 242 Analysis 1, Course Outline - Fall 2011 Prerequisites: Formally

just MATH 141 (i.e. completion of dierential and integral Calculus). More realistically: MATH 141 plus: adeptness at mathematical reasoning and proofs. This usually cannot be learned in the space of a few weeks. Often, students who possess this prerequisite have obtained it from a longer history of practice in mathematics. Two Lecture styles: Although this was not indicated at the time of registration, this year you have the choice of attending either a regular or a slightly advanced version of the lectures, on the same core subject material, as follows: Lecture 001 (regular): Prof. I. Klemes, Lecture room: Burnside (basement) 1B45 Lecture 002 (advanced): Prof. N. Dimitrov, Lecture room: Burnside (basement) 1B39 You are free to attend either one, regardless of your ocial registration. Exams and assignments are the same for everyone. They will however contain some degree of choice from a list of questions, for the purpose of oering more challenging questions to those interested. (See for example the Assignment 1 already posted.) Tutorials: These are optional but recommended. Tutors will discuss practice problems and take up course material in further detail. Course Web page: Assignments will be posted on this site. WebCt, which will contain a link to the latter course web page, will be used mainly for posting of marks and of important course announcements. There will be no 2-way communication nor recorded lectures on WebCt. Required Text: Introduction to Real Analysis, by R. G. Bartle and D. R. Sherbert, (3rd edition) Wiley. The 2nd edition is equally acceptable: You should however keep in mind that any page numbers or other precise references made to the text during this course will be relative to the 3rd edition. SYLLABUS: Chapters 1 to 6 of the text (but omit 5.5 Gauges): An axiomatic presentation of the real numbers (construction may be discussed if time permits) - Algebraic properties, order properties, and the supremum (completeness) property. Sequences and Series - Properties of limits, Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem, Cauchy Criterion, Contractive sequences. Limits of functions on R. Continuity and uniform continuity Maximum and minimum Theorem, Intermediate value Theorem, Location of roots, Monotone and Inverse functions. Dierentiation on R - The derivative, Mean value Theorem, LHospitals rules, Taylors Theorem. The topics of Chapter 1 and Appendix A (Sets, Functions, Countability, Logic and Proofs) will be referred to as needed throughout. Optional material on metric spaces and topology may be discussed as well (Chapter 11). EVALUATION: A) Assignments: There will be approximately one assignment for each chapter topic, posted on the web page and to be submitted in class on the day announced. Assignments must be done individually. Late assignments will receive a penalty of 20% per day. B) Midterm Test: Closed book, no calculators. Scheduled for 25 October, 6:30pm - 9pm, in three dierent classrooms - please check Minerva for locations. Your classroom location will be announced beforehand on WebCt. There is no make-up test, in view of option M2 below. C) Final Exam. Formal 3-hour nal exam, closed book, no calculators. FINAL MARK: = maximum of M1, M2, M3, where M1 = 10% Assignments + 15% Midterm + 75% Exam, M2 = 10% Assignments + 90% Exam, and M3 = 100% Exam. There will not be an option of doing additional work to upgrade marks. The McGill Supplemental Exam counts for 100% of the supplemental mark. In accord with McGill Universitys Charter of Students Rights, students in this course have the right to submit in English or in French any written work that is to be graded. In the event of extraordinary circumstances beyond the Universitys control, the content and/or evaluation scheme in this course is subject to change. McGill University values academic integrity. Therefore, all students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic oenses under the Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures. For more information, see

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