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news without borders

Disciplinary board
to address court on No plans to topple Ong at
Kayveas appeal
cates and Solicitors Disciplinary
Board has been allowed to ad-
dress the High Court on the legal
said Puravelan, who had earlier
informed the court of the board’s
intention to address the court.
He said since the matter was
EGM, claims Chai Ho
MCA central delegates extraor- deputy president Datuk
aspects in the appeal brought by
People’s Progressive Party (PPP)
before the court, it should be in
accordance to the amended LPA
dinary general meeting (EGM)
action committee chief Datuk Press Digest Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek, will
continue with the signature
president Datuk M. Kayveas and while counsel Rabindra Nathan, by Kong See Hoh
Seri Tan Chai Ho has denied campaign but declined to
his wife over the board’s decision appearing for the Bar Council, that it is conspiring to topple say how many signatures it
to penalise them for misconduct. said the existing form of appeal party president Datuk Seri Ong has collected so far.
Section 103 (E) (8) of the Legal should be preserved but the man- Tee Keat by obtaining the signa- EGM has exceeded the mini- Asked why the commit-
Profession Act (LPA)(Amendment) ner in which the proceedings is tures of two-thirds of the central mum 800 needed for the EGM. tee has not requested for an EGM
gives the board the right to appear conducted should be under the delegates. “But we are not targeting to if it has obtained enough signa-
in court and be heard pertain- new LPA. He said going by the party collect the signatures of two- tures, Tan said it was because
ing to matters arising from its The former deputy minister in constitution, any move to oust thirds of the total number of secretary-general Datuk Wong
decisions. Justice Lau Bee Lan the Prime Minister’s Department Obama the president could only be done central delegates,” Tan, who is Foon Meng had proposed a
adjourned the matter to tomor- and his wife, who are both law- at an EGM and with the consent a central committee (CC) mem- “two-in-one” EGM. This follows
row for submission of all parties yers, were ordered to pay RM5,000
urges of two-thirds of the delegates ber, told a press conference at Ong’s move to pre-empt Chua’s
on the interpretation of Section each by the board on March 17, kids to present, Sin Chew Daily reported Wisma MCA in Kuala Lumpur camp by calling for an EGM.
35 (1) of the Legal Profession 2005, for misconduct by breach- stay in yesterday. on Monday. There are a total of He said the action committee
(LPA)(Amendment) Act 9 2006 to ing the terms of entrustment as “What I can make public 2,402 central delegates. is agreeable to holding just one
determine on the application of stakeholders in a RM2 million
school and confirm is that the number He said the action committee, EGM, but want the resolutions
procedural methods in respect of property sale and purchase trans- pg 9 of central delegates who have which is moving to requisition of the EGM called by Ong to be
appeals. action between two companies. signed the requisition for the the EGM to reinstate expelled revealed first.
Counsel M. Puravelan, for Kay- They were asked to pay the
veas and his wife Datin Blanche sum to the discipline fund within
O’ Leary, informed the court that one month of the order, failing
the old LPA required an appel-
lant to file records of appeal and
which they would be suspended
from practice as advocates and
MCA risks deep split if infighting prolongs
notice of appeal. It also stated that solicitors until payment of the MCA vice-president Datuk Kong whether to support party presi- in a spot,” he said.
the proceedings would be heard penalty. In their appeal, they Cho Ha says the party risks a deep dent Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat or Speaking to Sin Chew Daily,
before a panel of three judges. claimed, among others, that the split if the infighting continues. back the sacked deputy, Datuk the vice-president, who was
He said under the amended board erred in law and in fact as it He said if there is no media- Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek. elected with the highest number
LPA, an appellant should initiate had decided on a wrong issue. tion and if the situation does not The battle lines are drawn of votes in the party election last
an appeal by way of originating The couple said the board did improve, the party will be split at between comrades who were year, also denied rumours he
summons and the proceedings not take into consideration their all levels – from the party central once soldiering shoulder-to- was planning to team up with
would be heard by one judge. reply to the submission of the to states, divisions, branches and shoulder, he said. “In fact, many another vice-president Datuk
“We have to have some complainant, the Bar Council. grassroots. He said the grassroots grassroots are torn between sup- Seri Liow Tiong Lai, to replace
clear rulings on this matter,” – Bernama busy themselves talking about porting Ong and Chua. They are Ong and Chua.

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